Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1908, p. 10

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r" ' y . ' ! ' : - i OPENED WITH VICTORY M'HENRY BLUES DEFEAT HAR VARD IN DECISIVE MANNER Mri-'-re. s&3fr* I:. fl We have a fine line of Men|§ and Boys' Suits on hand ani if in need of a* Suit, We can save you $5.00 on a 5ui| and srive von » s-jit cqu»i any tailor make. • - - ifr JOS. W. FREUND, WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. ShCM Our Treat! Locate Show UpiWell In Openiu* Game of SWMD and Give Pro in of Potting Up Some Exeollcat Exhibitions. The baseball season was opened ID McHenry last Sunday afternoon with a decisive victory for the locals, the op­ posing team, the Harvard White Sox, proving a very timid foe. While the exhibition given was far from what could be called a first-class contest, the local fans were given a fair demonstration of the capabilities of the home players. The outfield of the Bines worked in splendid style, the five chances being sr _ . oieuicaoie manner The infield, however, did not work as smoothly, bnt with a little more prac tice and real experience shonld ronnd op into good form. For the opening contest, it, can truth- folly be said that the batting of the Bines was a trifle short from marvelous, seventeen large, juicy hits being amass ed off the shoots and benders disheo up by the trio of visiting twirlers, and only five of the local batsmen going to their death via air punching. Inasmuch as the contest was a long one, coupled with the fact that space will not permit, we will this week omit » detailed account of the proceedings, bnt below give the tabulated score which tells the story in its entirety: M.-HENKY BLUS8. Schretuer, 3rd b We want you to accept our in­ vitation to come to our store and join us in celebrating. No, it's not our birthday anniver­ sary or any event like that. We have just received from Geo, M. Clark & Go., Dir., a ship­ ment of JEWEL Evaporator Gaso­ line Ranges Talk about beauties! Say, they're so good that they won't last long because there are several newly married couples "off the gas-line" who won't be happy though married, unless they own one of these Ranges. The JEWEL EVAPORATOR RANGES are the very finest in the way of Qas oline stoves that have ever been offered to the public--they are the acme of per­ fection in stove construction -have so many good points that they've got to be fa to be appreciated. Will you come in and look! £ it 3 lteintz, s s 4 Beuding, p .. .8 Kossmau, r t 2 Helmer, 1st b * 8 Peterson, e. 2 Zuelsdorf. 2nd b t Krause, c f 1 Knox, If 1 Waite, 3rd b 0 PO 0 1 2 1 0 8 1 2 2 J E Total .....21 1? 27 10 S HARVARD WHITE SOX R H PO A E FUNN f* A Phali'n, 1st and i f.'.'.".'.'.'.'.*.'.'." 0 Strain, c f. ... 1 Condon, 3rd b 0 Sullivan, s s and p 1 Hubble, and b... 0 Goodara, p and r t...... f 1 Conn, 1 f and 1st b.... I Markle, ss and p 1 Soottull, rt 0 Total 24 3 5 > , x ' J. J. Vycital MWt tke market affords for tbeir money will derive tfreat pleasure and positive s*tutaction m ckoosing wluie tke spleiulul line is complete;--distinctive WiUBEL vous ipraoms FOR SALE BY Left oni bases--McHenry, 5; Harvard, 8; Struck out--by Bending, 6; by Sullivan, 1; by Markle. *. Ba»esOii balls--uff Bending, 7; off Markle, 3; off Goddard. 4. Two base hits, Ri^intz, Peterson, Zueisdorf. Hit by pitcher, ileimer, Pchreiner, C'onu. Time of game, 2 h, 15 min. Umpire, Spur ling. SCORE BV INNING8. Harvard 0 10 0 1 0 0 3 0--5 McHenry 2 7 3 1 2 3 0 9 x--21 SHORT NOTES FOR FANS. •The crowd last Sunday was rather small and did not pay expenses. Dean's catch of Bending's high fly in^ the eighth ronnd is worthy of epecia mention. Bending pitched a good game and as nsnal had a bit of fun with the oppos­ ing batsmen. The Hebron Tigers who will appear here next Sunday shut out the Aldens last Sunday by a score of 0 to 0. Rossmaik's running catch of Hubble's long fly in the ninth was a dandy. By the way, that man RoBsman is a handy man and if we are not badly mistaken the fans will hear from him before the season closes. HEBRON NEXT SUNDAY. The Hebron Tigers will be here next Sunday to battle for honors with the Bines. The Hebroris, we have been reliably informed, are stronger this year than ever before, and will, no doubt, give a good account of them- selyes. These two teams have always been little enemies on the baseball diamond, the contests between them having been most viciously fought in the past. The attendance next Sunday mnst be a paying one or it will be necessary to schedule games away from home in the future. The big show opens at 2:45. Usual admission. Jos. W. WEST McHENRY, Freund, ILLINOIS. 184$. MUTUAL BEN­ EFIT Life and Endowment Poli­ cies contain spe­ cial and peculiar advantages which are not combined in the policies of any other Co. _ s 908. THE riUTUAL BENEFIT INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, N. J. Paid Pol icy-Holder* Since organization in 1845 $250,476,338.60 Q W. Stenger, Local Agent, K j AT WEST McHENRY STATE BANK. " TTIll'lBllimmn Wjiiii Land and Corn Will be High. In a decade the population of the cities has increased over 60 per cent, while that of the rural sections has increased only 14 per cent, This means that every man and woman who leaves the farm and goes to the city becomes a consumer instead of a producer, and this increases the opportunities for the farmer. This means better prices for the same crops. The farmer above all other men who work for a living fixes his own hours of labor and of leisure. Don't get fright­ ened because land is high. We have found all the corn land there is in the whole round earth, and there is not enough of it to go around. It will never be worth any less money than it is to­ day, but in my judgment it will increase in value far beyond the highest con­ ception of most of us. The population is sure to increase; we are constantly finding new uses for corn, and the de­ mand for it will be increased. Yon will never see any more cheap corn in my judgment.--JUDGE J. OTIS HUM­ PHREY, of Springfield. Valued Same as Qold. B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar View, Miga., says: "I tell my customers when they buy a box of Dr. King's New Life Pills they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipation, malaria or biliousness." Sold under guarantee at N. H. Peteseh's drugstore. 25c. TOWNSHIP EXERCISES...... Dates and Chtinncn of the Various AA* nnal Township FierelM*. The annual Township Exercises will be1 held the coming year in the usual manner. The central theme will be the "Home." Teachers are encouraged to get all the local talent that they are able to secure in the construction of<he pro­ gram. Get some of your directors to talk to the meeting on some important school questions of the day. The dates of the various meetings ae given below may be changed, providing they are not satisfactory or confliot with some other public meeting in the com­ munity. However, most of the dates have been selected with the consent and advice of the chairmen. Th# rv»nnft> Superintendent is planning to attend all the exercises and for this reason the ex­ ercises have been so arranged that meet­ ings will not conflict. The regular ad­ mission price of ten cents will prevail. Following are the places and dates of the exercises and the names of the chair- mei" RUe; P t\ Mar <in£o Dunham .... Riley Center..... j ; Mrs. Sarah Freeman ;<r Poyer School.. Miss Myrtle Vouri« > * ...Carma. k School^*, .June 9 June 15 Miss Helena Sweene/r W. Chemung --,. .Chemung ..I...June 10 Miss Rachel Mcltotaeri#' K, Chemung Big Foot...... ...June 8 Miss Catherine O'Connor -- . Frankliavllte .....iMar28 Miss Laura Carroll -- .. Union Miss Gertrude Marsh Hartland Senec*. ... N. Coral. S. Coral .. draftpo .. Dorr*.. Greenwood Hebron Richmond Harmony Miw Leila Marsh -- iHuntley. .... Miss Jessie York Ridgefield. Miss Ella Baker Greenwood Miss Ella Thompson Hebron Miss Myrtle Nichols Richmond ... Miss Mabelle Anderson McHenry Ringwood Principal Wm. Johonnait Nunda .Terra Cotta. Algonquin. Burtoa...... Miss Alice Knox ...May 21 ..May 89 .. May 39 . JudeS ...May 87 ..May 38 ...June 1 -May 28 „ , „ Not arranged •• • Sprlnij Grove June4 Mrs. H. E. Westlake i nmuini '%:;AND QET WISE TO ALL THE NEWS ALL THE TIME. Going Fishing? Some of the best fishing in the world can be enjoyed in the summer resort region of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Northern Michigan, most conveniently reached by direct and superior train ser­ vice of the North Western Line. Fre­ quent fast through trains leave daily for this lake region, which for variety of in­ terest, excels all others. Numerous good hotels, boarding houses and camps afford excellent accomodations. For descrip­ tive booklets and full particulars, apply to your nearest ticket agent. June 11 One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. The Future Farmer. The mining process of working the land for the purpose of extracting what­ ever of value there may be in it, without reference to its fntnre condition, has re­ sulted disastrously to every country on the globe. On the proper education of the farm boy depends our ability to check the devastation that has been going on so long. The boy who knows most about the farm, the soil, its re­ quirements and treatment, and how to grow maximum crops this year, next year and fifty years from now, without depreciation or exhaustion of the soil will be the beet farmer. He must have koowl* edge that can be brought home and ap* plied directly to the problems of the farm, and if one has not such knowl­ edge he is not a farmer bnt a common every day bungler who is just making a pretense of farming. Why were not the elements ot such an edu­ cation taught in the district school long ago?--A. P. GROUT, Winchester, IIL It Reached the Spot, Mr. E. Humphrey, Who owns a iarge general store at Omega, O., and is pres­ ident of the Adams County Telephone Co., as well as of the Home Telephone Co.,of Pike County,O., says of Dr.King's New Discovery: "It saved my life once. At least I think it did. It seemed to reach the spot--the sieat of my cough,--when everything else failed." Dr.King's New Discovery not only reaches the cough spot; it heals the sore spots and the weak spots in throat, lungs and chest. Bold under gn^fantee at N. H. Peteseh's drug store. 60c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free Low Rates to Pacific Coast Via Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Line. Very low rates for the round trip, in effect to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle and North Pacific Coast points, daily, June 1st to September 15th. Liberal return limits, variable routes, favorable stop-over arrangements. Apply to any ticket agent, The North Western Line, for full particulars^ jane n. A Californiao'a Luck. "The luckiest day of my life was when I bought a box of Bucklen's Ar­ nica Salve;" writes Charles F. Budahn, of Tracy, California. Two 85c. boxes cured me of an annoying case of itching piles, which had troubled me for years and that yielded to ho other treatment." Sold under guarantee at N. H. Peteseh's drug store. Bead The Plalndealer. DO YOU GET UP WITH A XAX8 BACK? KMMJ Troctk Hakes Ton Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news­ papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures made by Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, the great kid­ ney, liver and blad­ der remedy. It is the great med­ ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after years of scientific research by Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bladder and Bright's Disease, which is the worst un m oi kidney iron Die. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Rootis not rec­ ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been tested in so many ways, in hospital work and in private practice, and has proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell­ ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trou­ ble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kihner & Co., Braghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent .and one- dollar si?,e bottles ere H«a»e sold by all good druggists. DonX snake any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Bingkamtou, N, Y., on every bottle. Spring and Summer Goods, OUR LINE IN GOODS IS NOW COM- PJUETE: SUITINGS, GINGHAMS, PERCALES, WAISTINGS, ETC., ETC. Fresh Groceries, Fruits anj\i the following brands of flour: ' CERESOTA, PILLSBURY -J BEST AND *SPENdER 'S. F. A. BOHLANDER. • ; . WEST McHENRY, ILLSNOIS, ' ' QUARTER OF A CENTURY. Item* Clipped from The Plalndealer ot May 30, 1803. Bed horis have commenced running, quits a number having been taken ont the past few days. L. E. Bennett, our photographer, vis' ited the scene of the cyclone north of Richmond, last week, and took several pictures of the ruins. J. Sherman has invented an improv ment on a farm gate which we think is a little ahead of anything we ever saw. It is simple, cheap and durable, and we believe no farmer can afford to do with out one for every gate on his farm. "Jim," Lew Holmes' favorite whtfe dog, came to an untimely end on Satur day last, by being run oyer by the River- aide "bnss." For years he had played his pranks in front of the team, often escaping being canght by a scratch, bnt this time he made a miscalculation. "Lew" refuses to be comforted, and daily sheds tears over his remains. The McHenry Brick company is now burning a small kiln of one hundred and fifty thousand. They were obliged to hurry this ahead of their big kiln in order to get brick to supply the demand. They are receiving orders almost every day, and have been shipping to Elgin, Chicago, Marengo^ Woodstock, Geneva Lake and other places. Their bricks are giving universal satisfaction. The World's Best Climate is not entirely free from disease,* on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overcome climate affections, lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; tbe antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and in­ somnia. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Peteseh's drug store. Price 50c. Place Tour Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation shonld have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thns insuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plalndealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be pnt np in first-class manner. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at onr "special deal" price off 1.75 for the two. The Plalndealer wants a correspond­ ent at Ostend and Spring Grove Who will help us out in this respect? OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. •OFFICERS:- EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFFEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS, SAVINGS AC­ COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOHESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC. : : 3 percent paid on Savings Ac* counts and Time Cer. tificates of Deposit, p win m (o HEADQUARTERS FOR, Lumber, Lime, Cement, Brick, Sewer Pipe, Coal, F;our and Feed. We have a complete stock of all kinds of Building Material and mason's supplies and can fill esti­ mates promptly. 13?"Let us figure on your estimates. :: :: :: :: Wilbur Lumber Co ricHenry, III. 'Phoae 439. P. O. West McHeary. Ladies' Waist Offerings SPECIALS! We are showing many new goods in Dress Materials, Linens, Swisses, Poplins, French Ginghams, Percale and Lawn at prifi^ that will make you buy. :: :: :: Calico, per yard 6tfcc Apron Ginghams, yd 7c Nemo Corset $8.00 W. B. Corsets at 98c, $1.89, $2.00 Ladies' tan and black Hose, per pr 15c, 25c, 49c We have had many good things to offer yoji ill the Waist Line, but never before have we shown such big values as we are displaying this,season. Ladies' Waists, made of good quality Lawn with eyelet embroidery fronts neatly tucked and stitched, many different patterns at............... 98c White Waists made of a fine sheer mercerized Mull, front worked with mercerized thread in many different designs, a ha^dsomjg Waist, worth 25 per cent, more than we are asking, on sale a|... is.,, .j ....... $1.25 Black Lawn Waist with embroidered and tucked fronts at. .980, $1.39 Black Sateen Waists, glaitftd§lso black and white check, at j p . • • • • # • • • . • « . . . . . . . . . . . . » . • • • • * 0 8 O ) $ 1 . 1 5 £ t u d $ 1 , 2 5 All over embroidered Waist, at. .. Sfeg.98 Many other Waists at.. $1.29, $1.39, $1.75, £>2.25 BLOCK & BETHKE, McHENRY. •TELEPHONE, NUMBER S4«-' kw '. / SS • • • • • •-< y "'Tip m

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