Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 May 1908, p. 4

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When the Hair Falls Then 2t*s time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi­ ment f You want to save your hair, and save It quickly, too! So make up your mind this very minute that if your hair vVvt wvuit-S wiil YOU Will u&w Ayer*s Hair Vigor. It mikes the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any­ thing else. It's nature's way. The bett kind of atestimonial-- "Sold for ever sixty years." OF A PERSONAL NATURE!LOCAL NEWS OF M'l WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. ANO) - . Jjowell, «»«» C. Ayer Co S.48S&PA8ILU. PI (AS CHERRY PECTC1AL The Mcleary Pliitfealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY W F. G- SCHREINE8& 0«C« in Bank Building. Telephone, No.WI. iW TBRMtt OF SUMORIPTIONi Oe«ysar..... te months, 75 cU. Three months. 40 oU. Thursday, May a8,1908. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican voters of McHenry eeanty: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination and •taction to the office of Circuit Clerk, •abject to your decision at the primaries to be held Antjnst 8, 1908. I earnestly solicit your support. Theo. Hamer, ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican voters of McHenry county: I hereby annonnce my candi­ dacy for the office of state's attorney oi McHenry county, subject, however, to the approval of the Republican voters of said county, at the primaries, on the 8th day of August, A. D. 1908, and ear­ nestly request the support of my Repab itnan friends thruout said county. V. S. LUMLSY. Woodstock, IU., March 10, 1908. Ths spectacle presented by the Demo- iiAtic minority of the house of repre­ sentatives can hardly be edifying or Mtasfactory to Democrats generally. The sole aim of the minority seems to be obstruction. It has no settled policy for the promotion of legislation. It of­ fers nothing to take the place of the program of the Republican majority, bat it appears to be determined to pre- rssti, if possible, that progress from bring carried out. A more unfortunate situation could not be conceived. It demonstrates that the Democratic party is practically annihilated. So far as representation in congress is concerned, it is confined almost exclusively to south­ ern states and the history of the past ten years has disclosed that sonthern statesmen are not progressive states­ men. It is not conceivable that a party nonaiiUuied as the Democratic party is constituted today, can win a victory thru the votes of the American^people. Take a look at the condition of the party in the state of Illinois. Who is its can- for governor T Jim Ham Lewis NeBrarr Entertains « but* Ontpwy «f Visitors During the Week-- Whom W« Entertain. Angnst Larson was a windy city visit­ or Wednesday. Miss Eleanor McGee was* Chicago visitor Monday. Miss Allie Sims* waaa recant gueet of Solon relatives. Jacob .1 asten was a business visitor In Chicago Wednesday. ^ Miss Tillie Stewart called on friends at Nnnda last Sunday. John F. Miller was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Louiae Ehrke of Nnnda was a McHenry visitor Sunday. Mrs. Ed Long of Woodstock was a McHenry visitor recently. Miss Puss Lincoln of Nunda was a McHenry caller last Sunday. Dick Wray of Richmond was * caller in towc last Sunday evening. ! Miss Lain Simpson called on relatives and friends in Volo Saturday. Dr. C. H. Fegere. Sr., was a profes­ sional visitor in Chicago Monday. Miss Bertha Feltz spent Sunday and Monday visiting Woodstock friends. Dr. C. H. Fegers, Sr., end the Misses MeOJee Were recent county seat visitors. | Mrs. James Lee and Lean Gteske were calling on friends at Terra Cotta San day. J. E. Monohan of Chicago spent Sat­ urday and Sanday at the home of Simon Stoffdl. Dr. N. J. Nye of Johnsbnrgh boarded the Chicago train at this station Wed nesday morning. Dr. and Mrs A. M. Buettner of Chi cago spent Sunday at their summer home on the river. Mrs. Elisabeth Knoll of Chicago spent several days last week with relatives in and around McHenry. Mrs. James Lee and Lillie Geske took in the entertainment at the Terra Cotta school Monday evening. Mrs. F. G. Spurling, Mrs. Will C. Feltz and Miss Lora Krause were Chi­ cago visitors last Friday. Wm. Laughlin of Chicago was a guest at the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Laughlin, the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hollarbush of English Prairte were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hollarbush west of town. Charles E. Brownell of Johnstown, N. Y., visited at the home of his aunt, Mrs. S. N. Gardinier, near Volo Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Wilson, who lived just east of town, have gone to make their home wiili KiugwuCu relatives. Mrs. Nina Sherman and daughter spent a recent day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. (5. Andrnss at Algonquin. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Howard and chil­ dren of Elgin spent Sanday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Matthews here, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Chapman, Mr. uid Mrs. C. O. Apgar of Chicago spent Sanday at the home of Mrs. Nina N. Sherman. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Hanly of Woodstock sprat Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. fi. J. Hanly, here. Henry Heimer, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Matbias Heimer, lies seriously ill at the home of his parents, suffering from lung fever. Mrs. Alice Simpson and son, Willie, spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of the (former's |mother|iMrB. S. «N. A8 SEEM BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. ^ If you are contemplating an taction sale this spring F. O. Gans is the right man to cry your sale? Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or J. W. Frennd at West McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention. Mr. Gans may also be reached at Woodstock by letter, 'phone or telegraph. One of the cheapest and most econom­ ical engines that has yet been pat upon the market is a little pamping engine for farm use. Wm. Bacon has the local agency for the handy little contrivance and is retailing them at $87.50. See Mr. Bacon before purchasing an engine or this order. 48 tf If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may besof general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. Gardinier, in Volo. Mrs. M. E. Johnson and daughter, Mrs. M. E. Morse, of Los Angeles, Cal., are guests of Mrs. Wm.|Walsh at the Park hotel. Mrs. Johnson is a Bister of Mrs. Walsh. appears to be the one candidate thus far who has had the courage to announce his purpose of running for the office. Jim Hatu is an adventurer. He spent a few years on the Pacific Coast and was sent to congress on the wave of Populist enthusiasm in the early nineties. In­ stead of returning to Washington, he came east and wandered around big cities for a few years, looking for an opportunity to locate. He liked Chicago better than NewYork, Boston or Phila­ delphia, and so he settled down in Chi­ cago; at least he appeared to settle down. If he is nominated for governor by the Democrats, he will doubtless continue to call Chicago his home. If he is not nominated, the chanoes are about equal that he will migrate to New York or some other town because Jim Ham is a bird of passage and cannot bear to spend too Htnch time in one spot. The poor old Democratic party is in a bad way. It is not to be wondered at that thinking voters, not only of Illinois, but the rest of the country, are looking to the Re­ publican party to restore prosperity and keep the ship of state on an even keel. Supper Tonight. The members of the Ladies' Aid soci­ ety of the M. E« Church will serve one of their popular suppers at the home of Mrs. Rollin Waite this (Thursday) even­ ing. The ladies extend everyone an in­ vitation to be on hand and partake of the splendid spread. Twenty cents will foot the bill. Don't forget, it's tonight. •• XiBaa* IhTptalnfiaalfr. -- . -- umm - • The World's Best Climate is not entirely free from disease, on the high elevations fevers prevail, while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less extent, according to altitude. To overcome climate affections, lassitude, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, fever and ague, and general debility, the most effective remedy is Electric Bitters, the great alterative and blood purifier; the antidote for every form of bodily weakness, nervousness, and in­ somnia. Sold under guarantee at N. EL Petesch's drag store. Price 50c. Place Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country a circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed oh his envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and H will be put np in first-class Valued Same as Gold. B. G. Stewart, a merchant of Cedar View, Miss., says; "I tell my customers when they buy a box of Dr. King's New Life PillB they get the worth of that much gold in weight, if afflicted with constipation, malaria or biliousness. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drugstore. 25c. ItMM »f Interest Picked Up AlwBt Oar Bnsy Little Bargr That Mat Ooneera Yon or Tour Friends. Herdrich's Bitters and Tonic tone np the system. This paper and The Weekly later Ocean--#1.75 for one year's subscription to both. . » Do not fail to attend the dance at the Lily Lake dancing pavilion on Saturday evening, May MU. The Ladies' Cemetery society will meet with Mrs. James B. Perry Tuesday, Jnne 2, at 2:80 p. m. Bring or send your news items to this office. We will be only too pleased to publish them for you. Think of what it means! $1.75 for The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper for one year. It's a special deal. Men's negligee shirts from fl.00 to $3.00 in plain and fancy colors. Fine line of neckwear from 25c to 50c. M. J. Walsh, -fMdlfr'.War occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as yon can buy the blank envelopes at the store* ' Marshall Field & Co. of Chicago have forced a cut in the price of cotton fabrics and women's apparel in this line is now 85 per cent cheaper than last October. • Sammy Zlmmermann, whoJgraduated from the McHenry public school with the class of '03, will next week finish a course in civil engineering at the Ar monr Institute in Chicago. J. H. Miller has jast completed the erection of a fine monument for Rev. Wm. Nickle's and W. J. Kittle's fam­ ilies. The monument iB of the best quality of Quincy, Mass., granite, and one of the finest in the cemetery. Science A •*, lofjHealth •>|r • !».' ' " A* To Love, To Comfort v, rjyQ Heal--Therein is 'i f I*ife Divim, df Prof. r. A. It is a pleasure to know Prof, Fred­ erick A. Leach of Elgin , admitted to be the most noted magnetic healer in the country. Magnetic healer is the term used, because it comes nearest to ex­ pressing the wonderful healing powers of the man. His work, however, is worthy a greater title. Prof. Leach was born withes gift to heal, first discovered by his aunt when he was two years of age. Not until he was seventeen years old did he fully realize that he possessed the power to cure diseases of ail kind. Since then ho has devoted his life to the work laid out before him. His science of health is to love, to comfort and to heal--therein is life divine. By merely touching the hand Prof. Leach can toll where every pain in your body is, the parts diseased, when the disease first started, and the canse. His cures have been of diseases of the child as well as adult. Requests for his testimonial booklet are received from all parts of the United States. Many of these requests come from persons in perfect health, who desire to learn more of his wonderful powers. He mails it free. An opinion of your case may be had by writing him, for which there is no charge, nor is there any charge made for diagnosis at his office, room 2, Sparling building, Elgin, Illinois. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOB PROBATE OF WILL. ^ STATE OF ILLINOIS. Ur MOHBNBY COUNTY, f To Adelia P. Pbinney, Mrs. Vina Cannon. Theodore Cannon, Maiden O. Waite. Irvine K. Waite, Harry E. Waite, Mrs. Maude L. Han- uum, Mrs. Blanche Kornder, The Public Library, Minneapolis, Minnesota, The Trus­ tees of Wood lawn cemetery, McHenry, Illi­ nois, D. Holeomb, Edward L. Holcomb, Mrs. Eva Harris, Lee M. Waite, Evelyn Waite, LetaE. Waite, Ora V. Waite, Georgle J. Waite, Henry W. Hannum, Ruby H. Haimum. Martha B. Hannum. George H. Waite, Ray Waite, Colon W. Kornder, Wilbur F. Kornder and Onlta L. Kornder, heirs at law and legatees, so far as known, of Louisa C. Gates deceased, late of McHenry County, Illinois. You are hereby notified that application has been made to the County Court of Mc­ Henry County, Illinois, for the probate of the will of Louisa C. Gates, deceased, and that the hearing of the proof of said will has been set by said Court for the fifteenth day of .Tune, A. 1). 1908, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore­ noon, at the Court House in Woodstock, in Id County, when and where you can appear, you see fit. and show cause, If any you iave, why said will should not be admitted to 6oIb* Fisbiag r Some of the best fishing in the world can be enjoyed in the summer resort region of Wisconsin, Minnesota and Northern Michigan, most conveniently reached by direct and superior train ser­ vice of the North Western Line. Fre­ quent fast throagh trains leave daily for this lake region, which for variety of in­ terest, excels all others. Numerous good hotels, boarding houses and camps afford excellent accomodations. For descrip­ tive booklets and fall particulars, apply to your nearest ticket agent. June 11 One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks new* from Us and aaar*"'^ Eighteen cases of smallpox have been discovered in Elgin by Health Officer Geor«e E. Allen and the physicians who are attending the victims of the disease. The first case was learned of Thursday afternoon and since then additional ones 1 ave been reported with alarming rap- idily. The victims are confined in hous­ es in different parts of the city, al­ though most of them are on the west side of the river in the vicinity of High­ land avenae and High street.--Elgin Press There are some people today who take considerable stock in the alternation of a series of seven wet and seven dry years, as finds illustration in the seven fat and the seven lean years cited in Joseph's interpretation of Pharaoh's dream. In the opinion of the folk referred to, last year was the last of the series of seven in which there was abundant moisture, while the present is the first of a series of seven dry years. It will be interest­ ing to keep track of things the coming season and to note whether this prophesy comes true. From the present outlook, it seems as though the first of a series of seven wet years had just commenced. Mothers who are borrowing trouble because their boys come home from school or play accompanied by a linger­ ing odor of cigarette smoke, may dis­ cover a useful hint in the statement that peppermint candy is one of the most effective antidotes to the tobacco habit yet discovered. Tobacco will not blend kindly with the taste of sweet pepper­ mint. Socially the cure may seem worse than the disease, but from a medical viewpoint the sucking of peppermints is far less hurtful. A common pepper­ mint will prevent tmoking fojr about an hour so the amount of candy used need not be great. Every farmer who now receives his mail through the rural free delivery will in the course of a few weeks be able to make collections by the same medium. Cash on money orders will be paid into his hands, and all that he will be called to do is to sign a receipt. The money will be brought to his own door. This feature is the latest exem­ plification of the perfection of the rural mail delivery. Under the rales the rural mail carriers have always taken applications for money orders, but the new system provides for their payment also, and soon payment will be made to farmers, up to $100. This is regarded as the higheet development of the rural free delivery system, and its benefits will be duly appreciated. Notice. Having gone into business for myself I wish to announce that I am now pre­ pared to do all kinds of teaming, ex­ cavating and grading. All business en­ trusted to me will receive prompt at­ tention. ^ Geo. Meyers, Jr. F. O. Gans the " fle itseY* aatoes saitsfactbm. probate. G. F. Rcshton, County Clerk May 21,190*. PROBA TE NEWS tt-8t [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Charles Robert Leidig, 89... Woodstock Frances Adell Cole, '80.. .. " Nelson M. HulbertjJ^..... .Woodstock Pearl M. Roberts, 2% . Indianapolis, Ind Notice I To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. E. Lawlus, tailor, has sent 84 ladies' garments to the Grand dyehcuse. Any­ thing from a kid shoe to an ostrich feafther dyed. Satisfaction guaranteed. The Plaindealer wants a correspond ent at Ostend and Spring Grove. Who will help us out in this respect? Want Column. AH advertisement# inserted under thin head at the following rates: Five Unenor le»B, S5 eenU for drat Insertion; 15 rente* for each Hubuequent insertion. More than live llnoa, 6 venta a line for ttrst insertion, and 3 cents a line for additlona insertions. F°S SALE--Dakota and Colorado lands. Homesteads located. Fot further infor mation a^ply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry, 17-tf "p^OR SALE--Double store building in West McHenry, 111. For Information apply to sHeury, i-tf Mas. Gertrude L. Miller, West Mc 111. 38- pOR _ ~ SALE VERY CHEAP-lncobator, 250- egg capacity, and Brooder. Both Cyph- i' make ann irnnd ar nn« Viunai.w ers' make ana good as new. House, Pistakee Bay, 111. Kinqslet 39-tf XpARM HAND WANTED--Will pay for \ month of May and 120 per mouth there- Address or call at farm McHenry, 45-t * after to good man. erf Geo. J. Bayer, Pistakee Bay, TDVJR SALE CHEAP--A good narrow-tired J- heavy farm wagon. Inquire of A. Burdo. McHenry, 111. 45-tf "C>OR RENT---Eight room house Iq good re- pair. With above bouse Is a goal well, Wu. ~~ cistern and garden. LETT. Inquire of Bons-4»-2t pV3R SALE:--One two-horse and one 4-horse -1- power. Will be sold cheap. Inquire of Peter Schobwsh at blacksmith shop, Mc­ Henry. pOR SALE.--lH ft. launch, new, combernilsed *- stein. Brooks design; with or without engine. Will carry twelve persons. See Mr. Eai«ra,iu Pjm-U, -McHenry, 11!. 4®-2t Chicago'& North-Western. Effective May 17,1906. ^ WOEK DAT TRAINS. OhfcVgo. northbound McHeJry. 7.00 »m..j.,1(L.yr.Via Elgin... v ..5..10.17 a m am Via l>es Ptalm;sJ, 10.17 a ni 9 00 a m.. Via Des Plalne*.^.;,^10.17 a m 12.510 p m *. . Via Elgin ..j2.4<i p. in *1.00 p m .Via Des I'laiuefii...^ , 2.2» p. m 3.4Ap m ..(Via Des .......4.45 p m 3.48 B m Via Elgin..., ;,...,.6.4fl p m 3.12 p m Via DeaPlalnei..... . 8.46 p m f NDAT TRAINS, la Des PlaliieS..i«;ii.».37 k m 8-46am. via Elgin. . ..,.^*11.14am 9.10am..... .»Via Des Plainer........11.14 an 8.00pm ... ViaElgin.4.6Spu • - WSKK DAT TRAIMSt .>*/- McHenry. ; Bouthbodkd. D +6.50 am. ...;..Tla Des Plain.;!........8.20 a in 7.15 a m Via Des Pluim-t 4..9.12 a m 7.15 a m.........i Via Elgin. 9.55 a m 8.82 a m. ..'.....^ia Des Plaint*...... .0.35 a m 4.14 p m... .....Via Des Plalne«.. p m 4.14 p m Via Elgin .,.7.10 p m 6.27 pro...,. ...Via Des l>laiuet|....,.,,.8.00 p m SUMDAT TRAINS, Via Elgin. .9.56 a m ....Via Den Ptainen. k25 p m ...Via Des i'lalne*.....*,, .9.25 p in 7.15 a 111 t.O* p ru.. 7.48 P UI 7.4b p m.. spends largely upon tlie selection of your Groceries and Table Delicacies. Impure and unclean groceries are often the unsuspected causes of many minor diseases. Be sure to pse goodp u regrocer ies at all times and if you -will permit us to be your guide we will help you choose gro­ ceries which wiH be just right in everyway We have a nice, clean stock of good pure gro­ ceries at Right Prices Call and be Convinced m. SI roes 'PHONE 694 I1e?mer Block, - Hcllenry - 1. III. 1 I ~mmJJ I IHIIIUIIIIMIIIMMI III IS--. IS I!• I ----III SI • * , .EAST SIDE.. Fresh and Salt ' &i every description. J. J. BUtfl, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois. ...NEW., HAVING opened a Har­ness and Repair Shop in the old Schiessle Build­ ing in West McHenry,where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim sball at sfll times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. : : R. Patzke & (o. West McHenry. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -- NORTHWESTERN -- t STEAM HEAT, HOT AND COLD WATER. Commercial ahd Fam­ ily trade solicited* All home cooking. :: MIES,' JUI Kt DAT MO. StHltSSlf, Mgr. WEST McIIENRY. A New (tiemical Discovered Tint Will Not Burn off of a Red Hot Stove You call put it ou the top of your cook stove and it will blacken those lids a dead black and they will stay black for months. You don't bars to polish STOVINK; joet paint it on, , You can't rub it off nor will^ it born off; one application lasts from one to two months. STOVINK is not explosive and will not in auy way injure your stove. 25q, JOHN J. VYCITAL. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that oar patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This ie a rare op- ass ot» • v * ' Bank of McHen This Bimk xeceivls, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domsstic Exchange, and does a 6EMUL BA1IKIK BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all business intrusted to our care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to our customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections-- INSURANCE i:m£: . in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Pefrv & Owen Notary Public. ^- Bankers iPo anyone gtying u$ * Con­ tract; for Eleetric fighting in the Village of McHenry for one year we will install the necessary interior wiring at our cost. This offer is good for 90 days from date. We respectfully ask the people to co-operate with us in makitog this ElectHc Service second to none. :: . :: :: ElectrkServkeCo. Geo. K. Paige, flgr. CLOSING OUT SALE Men's RocWordSocks, 60, fancy.. 13c Men 'b red, white and bine handker- . chiefs. 6c, 8c, lOo Men's Suspenders 50cquality.. .".35c Men's and Boys' Collars 5c, 7c, 8c, 12c Shoe Laces, brown and black .1, 2, 8c Ladles', Boys' and Children's Hose.. . .'...7c, 8c, 10c, 15c Linen Threat), black and white 8. Ilk- Overcoat, Vest or Pants Buttons, per dozen. 4c, 5c, 8c, 13c Mending Tissue, per package 5c 4-oz. bottle Horse Radish .9c 4 oz. bar glycerine Soap 4c, 5c 5 oz. package Lily White Starch.. .4c Cinnamon, Allspice, Pepper, caxtr .7c Lots of others at 's your own price. E. Lawless, Near Riverside House, McHenry. Age, 5 Vears Weight, 1400 Pounds Color, Iron Gray Will make the season at the barn of Jos, Justen, yi mile south of Ladd'&a Corners, near Ringwood. Terms gi^en ofi applica­ tion. :: :: :: :: :: :: Considered owe of the finest young Stallions in either McHenry or Lake Counties. Terms* $10.00. JOS. JUSTEN, €>wner. KSSSS? m: r-ri : IS 5' it Professional, Society a.nd Businesss Cards David g. wells, m. d. -CIAN, BURGEON AND OODLUT ««dce and residence corner El in UK wreen streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311 FEGERS & FEGEES PHYSrciANH AND SURGEONS, McHeavy Elffl lit D.'T. SMILfiY - x,' "• ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois 3^*,•*' iness trusted to biscare will be K&: p r o p e r l y a n d p r o m p t l y a t t e n d e d l a ' 1 ; W BR. E, Q, CHAMBERLEST J>KPTTIgW. 0ffta|«a4 RtsMtnc* over n. J. Wikdi'i Hours: 8:oo to 5:30* WKST MOIIKNITT. -- 1 - r i A i . * . . TdtpliMM Nb> ftS SIMON STOFFEi/'l-T't;': |csuranc« Agent for all classes of- ^ property in the best Coxp&ciee,. West McHenry, Illti*»a. J0hn J. VyoitaJ . . DEALER IN 3/,.' Geneml Ha^rdw&reA Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. full Well-drilling a Specialty. ; 'PboneTSl. WM. BACON Pettier In Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, FltttofS, r, r- Well Buppllps. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ' - . ILLINOIS. H. C, MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AOENT. now prepared to Insure all kinds of mOp» erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock Insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry *, »- *111. John D. L.odtz ^ - MERCHANT TAlLOfc. ^ FIRST-CLASS WORE ONLT AT - ^ MODKKATE PRICES. ' - * { ' " McHENRY,; ^ ILLINOIS K I L L t h e C O U C H AND CURE THS LUNG8 wmDr. King's New Discovery FOR C82S418 AND ALL THROAT AND LUN6 TROUBLES. GXJABANTEEO SATISFAOTOBT OB. MONET REFUNDED. Bead The Plaladealar 4*wiei"a4k V ( ( ^ • -i - • V • Tel. Msla 1714. WHY dp people of Mc­ Henry, Lake and other counties drop in at Lambert > Q. Seag*a m Fifth Are. CHICAOOr Because It Is ao home like. ' PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits All shapes anrt sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Each doe- en finished in different styles. Price, IS .00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen hand­ some Photos and a 16-20 enlargement finished neatly and tV/V artistically in nat­ ural colore. :: :: Waukc^an St., near the Stau WEST McHEN BY, ILI#- > " ' TelepKone, 415 , "i . WEST SIDE Meats Fowls, Vegetables and 1 ' Canned Goods. E. F. Matthew*, West M«Mettry, III. ijS % + i it*'/.

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