, . ' ' '•* a ' ' r IN THE: is tBe time when the mo^el housewife replaces her worn-out Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums, Window Shades, Etc., with bright new ones. We wish to call the attention of such housewives to the fact I that we have placed a line of such goods into our store this spring that we are indeed proud 01. We know our lines are such that will please you all. Call in and «ee w^hat we have to otter. - - Undertaking and Embalming is also a part of our business and all calls of this nature are promptly attended io under our person al supervision.* We take complete charge, fur nish hearse, and care for bodies when so wished. lacoblusten f • * . / -- ̂ lWHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF MeOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. « Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. « -JJ f Dress doods Snlsine Silks in Black and Colors, 27-inch, per yard 47$d Hahntai Silks, tP and Cream, 27-inch, per yard 60c Habatai Silk, White, 36 inch, per yard 85c Taffeta, Guaranteed Silu, Black, 8tt inch, per yard $1.00 Better Qualities per yard $1.10 to $1.40 Printed Foulards, nice patterns, 27 inch 25c Printed Batiste, with borders, 32 inch 20c ChaUis, Dimities ajid Lawns in plain and fancy, colore .6c to 35c Oar line of Wool Suitings in very complete in the new weaves and shades, per yard ...... 25c to $1.25 Summer Corsets in P. N. and American Lady.. Our Shoes and Oxfords are the right Style. In Tan, <l^|>wn and Black. Call and see them. \ Men's Hats in the proper shapes and colors for the dressy young mau ' .$1.00 to $3.00 Underwear, light and cool for the lyt days 10c to $1.00 Qro eries of the beet qnality always in stocks. Try oar 25c Coffee, 4i lbs. for $1.00 B<fet qnality Oatmeal, per pound 5c A complete line of Pickles in balk aud bottles--Sweet, Soar, Dill, Mustard £,nd Relish i 5c to 25c % Yours tlnly, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. X X X X imi& ̂ We have tills celebrated brand of Flour in stock ;»1 the lowest price for ia-ii in 49 and 244 lib. sacks. • Pre-lnventory Cash Bargains... Comet Catsup, 3 bottles 35c Mince Meat, 3 packages 25c Crown Baking Powder, H»..... 15c Evaporated Apricots, lb 19c Evaportated Peaches, lb .... *3C Celluloid Starch, 4 pkgs...... 35c Layer Baislns, 4b .15c Lighthouse Soap, 6 bars.. . 35c Tomatoes, can ,oc Anchor Oats, family sise >5C Cal. Crawford Peaches, can. ?5C Free Peaches, can *9C Cal. Apricots, can «9C Oreen Beans Scans *5C Stone Jars, nearly all sizes, at per gallon. 7c VERY SPECIAL--Colombia Baked Beans, high grade goods, special price, 2 cans 1. 35c West Mc Henry, 111. JOHN STOFFEL. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RllMMSFIKUh C. A Dufield was in Nanda Saturday. Mr. Josephenson was in Nanda re cently. Mrs. W.DikliM a Woodstock visitor Saturday. D. L. Gibson was a Nun da caller one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper called on friends 'at Nunda Friday. ' Miss Nettie Shelt of Lo^ansport is visiting friends here. . / . Herman Wille and wife visited in Woodstock Saturday. x" T '• man wiw Wood stock callers Satnrdny. V Mrs. Allen and little daughter were Nnnda callers Saturday. W. H. Monroe and wife were Wood4 stock visitors Saturday. Roland Enmions of Chicago spent Sunday with his parents. * Mrs. R. L. Dnfield called at Geo. Skin ner's in Nnuda Saturday. » Pearl and Lillie Hanghwaat were Crystal Lake callers Saturday. E L Kimball was an Elgin visitor from Friday until Sunday evening. Mrs. Dora Cooper visited her sister, Mrs. S. Senne, in Woodstock Saturday. Miss Mabel Skinner was a business caller at Woodstock last week Wednes day. Mrs. W. H. Monroe and daughter, Mrs. F. Jackman, were Nnnda callers Friday. Mrs. Jaynes and children spent Satur day with her sister, Mrs V. Shales, at Nnnda. Mrs. F. Jackman of Woodstock visit ed her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Monroe. Friday. Miss Edith Trankle of the city visited] her sister, Mrs. Dickey, and family Fri day and Saturday. Mrs W. Jaynes made"a business and pleasure trip to Colorado, returning Monday of last week. ' Mrs. R. Goddard returned Friday afte«- a few weeks spent with relatives in northern Wisconsin. Mrs. J. B, Lynch returned from a week's visit with relatives at Ripon and Green Lake, Wis., last week Tuesday. Conductor Reed and wife, with their two sons, Marvin and Russell, were guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reed, recently. A. F. Davis and G. Doolittle of Chi • cago were Ridgefield callers Tuesday of last week. Mr. Doolittle walked oat to the Sheraun farm. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gorhara, a six pound son. The little fellow ar rived Monday, May 24, and by appear ances be has come to stay. The little son of E Merchant, while playing near the coal sheds last Wed nesday, picked up a torpedo, used in signaling trains, and placed it on a piece of iron, as he had seen older boys do, striking it with a rock. His hand was badly torn and he was thrown to the ground by the force of the explosion. SCHOOL NOTES. Annual report next week. Township exercises Friday evening. - Please notice oar new lightning rods. Mrs* E. W. Merchant visited^ the school recently. Mrs. Garison and Miss R. Dnfield vis ited school recently. Onr Hnal examinations are nearly over. All have passed. There will be high school next year for all who wish to attend it. Mildred Jaynes and Mildred French ranked first in third grade for the past two weeks. Oar eighth grade graduates are: Walter Reed, Cora Lock wood. Pearl Zenk, Genevieve Goddard and Elizabeth Euiuions. Class motto: "Ever On ward." Class colors: Dark red and green. Low Round Trip Kttton to I>env«r, Colo rad<> Springs and Pueblo Via Chi cago, Union Pacific & North West ern Linn. On sale daily Jane 1st to September 30th. Return limit October 31st. Two fast through trains to Colorado daily. The famous Colorado Special, only one night to Denver. For booklets, and full information, apply to any ticket agent of the North Western Line. June 11. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted locally, bat The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of aj.1 the world. By .our special ar rangement van can secure both papers for one fall year for the very low rate $1.75. Want Column. All •<1v <*rtiBementn m>w-rte<i under Til If lira-t at the roll«*liiymUia Jive line* or u.»g, 26 cent* for Irat inot-rU'.n, 16 cento for each 8ubt)«qn»nt insertion. Mmv than five llnw, 6 cent* • line for ttrat InaerMon, and 3 <-vnt» a lint* for addition* inoertiona. XpOK S A LK--Dakota and Colorado lands. A Homesteads located. For further Infor mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Me- Hfiiry, 17 tf The Moler Barber College. Chicago. 111., certainly offers a splendid chance for men to learn that trade quickly. There is little ex panse and positions are numerous. Their Illustrated catalogue explains fully, write them. I jVJK SALE:--Two barber chairs, cup case, ^ marble-top wash stand and chairs. Call at home of Ouo. Fhkuno, Mellenry, 111. 50-3t TX7ANTEJ):--About forty head of stock to " pasture. Excellent past ure and tfood running water. For further information ad dress or apply to N. F. Colby. West Mellenry, 111. 50-2* Telephone company, McHenry, I EVJli SALE:--H room house. 4 lots, fruit and A shade trees, fl.000rash, balance on time Apply at Anton Schneider's store. 50-3t UVJUNI):--On my premises, eastof McHeury, a ten gauge shotgun. Owner can have same by proving property aud paying for >tlc this notice. J- H. S tii.mn«, Mellenry, 111 TjV)H SALE CHEAP--A good narrow-tired r heavy farm wagon. Inquire of A. Hurdo. Mellenry, III. 45-tf 'iSwb* RENT--Klght room house in good re- "J^^pair. With above house Is a good well, cistern and garden. Inquire of W*. Bons- I.KTT. 4#~2t F°" „ SALE. -1H ft. launch, new. comljerniised - sf»ra. Brooks design; with or without engine. Will carry twelve persons. Bee Mr. Buhuhmgksb, Jwterald Park, McBenry, 111. mini * KNKBAtD PARK. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith wereVolo visitors xin Tuesday. Miss Margaret Walsh* spent a few days in Chicago recently. Whk Robinson spent Saturday and Snnday with Berkiruher Bros. Miss Nancy Frisby is visiting Elgin relatives a few days thiB week. Mrs. Jack Walsh and children visited last Thursday at R. J. Sutton's. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong spent a few days at the Park recently. Mrs. Chas. Gibbs is visiting vritL L». parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh, here. Mrs. Ed. Knox and Miss Mamie Knox called on friends in the vicinity Tues day. M». and Mrs. D. W. Hill and Miss Laura Hill spent Sunday at their cot tage. F. Romano -and Mr. La Rocco are spending a few days at Oak Villa this week.- •' V^ • Mr. and Mrs. L. Hnck and little grandson are now occupying their sum mer cottage. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cohan and daugh ter, Holen, spent Decoration day and Sunday at their cottage. Mr. and * Mrs. Wm. Heaney and Mr. and Mrs. Viele and son are spending the week at Rivera cottage. . Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and family and Mr. and Mrs. D. Strong spent Sat urday and Snnday at the Park. Messrs. James, Harry and Will Hax- ton and Geo. Frazer spent Saturday and Sunday at the Haxton cottage. A Grand Family rtedicine. "It gives me pleasure to speak a good word for Electrie Bitters," writes Mr. Frank Conlan of No. 436 Honston St., New York. "It's a grand family medi cine for dyspepsia and liver complica tions; while-'for lame back and weak kidneys it cannot be too highly recom mended." Electric Bitters regulate the digestive functions, purify the blood, and impart renewed vigor and vitality to the weak and debilitated of both sexes. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drag store. 60c. VOlXk Miss Emily Dowell of Waakbgan was in Volo Saturday, • Arthur J. Frost of Chjpago was in Volo Saturday and Sunday. Will Hironimns was a Chicago visitor last Tuesday and Wednesday. Alfred Nicholls of Chicago was a visi tor at his parents' home here Spnday Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Ranght were Wauconda callers Tuesday forenoon Misses Kate Rosing and Edna Sloan of Roand Lake spent Thursday in town. Misses Mary Hook and Hellen Ray mond were at Wauconda Tuesday even ing. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and aim, Edward, of West Fremont were in town one even ing last week. Miss Catherine Dowell of West Fre mont was the guest of friends here Sat urday and Sunday. Paul Avery of Lake Villa and Miss Georgia Kapple of Grays Lake were guests of Mrs. Avery Sunday. An ice cream social will take place at the Volo M. E. church on Friday even ing, Jane 12. All are invited. Mrs. Frank Zaelsdorf and children of McHenry were guests at the former's parent*, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholls, from Thursday to Sunday of last week. At 7:30 o'clock Saturday evening. May 30 th at his home on the Hogan farm, occurred the death of Chris Sabel, one of Volo's oldest and most respected resi dents. He had beei^ill for some time, but his family and friends hoped for his recovery. He was well known thruont the couutry and his family have the sin cere sympathy of every one. Funeral services were held at the St. Mary's Catholic chnrch Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. Think It Saved His Life. Lester M. Nelson, of Naples, Maine, says in a recent letter: "I ha versed Dr. King's New Discovery many years, for coughs and colds, and I think it saved my life. I have found it a reliable rem edy for throat and lung complaints, and would no more be without a bottle than I would be without food." For nearly forty years New Discovery has stood at the head of throtot and lutig remedies. As a preventives of pneumonia, and heal er of weak lungs it has no equal. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drug store 50o. a»d $ 1.00. Trial bottle free. TERRA COTTA. Carl Bergma* was a Nanda visitor Tuesday. Miss Irene Couway is visiting rela tives in Elgin. Miss Alice Leisner Was a Nanda caller recently. Geo. Bryant of Nanda visited in this vicinity Monday. Mrs. Frank McMillan was a Holoomb ville caller Snnday. | George Conway of Chicago spent Sun day at M. A. Conway's. A. J. Thompson of Nanda was a caller here last Wednesday. Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin was the guest of relatives here Sunday. Misses Florence Knox and Lillian Riley visited Nunda friends Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Pbalin and daughter, Eleanor, were McHenry callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. E Knox of Emerald Park visited at M- Kpox's Sunday after noon. Mrs. Henry McMillan and children called on Mrs. B. F. Peck at Holcomb- ville recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. Anderson and fhildren were guests of Richmond rela tives Tnesday. A. P. Peck and *ife and Mrs. B. F. Peck of Holoombville called on relatives here Saturday. A. T. McMillan returned from Iowa Tuesday after spending a week with nfaitiTM Ultra. . To anyone giving ua a con tract for Electric lighting in the Village of McHenry lor one year we will install the necessary interior wiring at our cost. THis offer is erood ror 90 days from date. We respectfully ask the people to co-operate with us in making this Electric Service second to none. :: :: :: MtHcory EMcSmce(0. Geo. K. paige, Hgr. Age, 5 Years Weight, 1400 Pounds Color, Iron Gray Will make the season at the barn of Jos. Justen, % mile south of Ladd's Corners, near Ringwood. Terms given on applica tion. :: :: :: :: :: :: Considered one of the finest young Stallions in either Mchenry or Lake Counties. Terms, $10.00. JOS. JUSTEN, Ow HORSE GOODS! of every description is wtiat we deal in. Kvery- thing that goes to make Up a fir^t-class Harness t/stablishment may be had here. When you get ready for that new work or driv ing harness, if you appre ciate quality and good workmanship we will be pleased to give you our p r i c e s . : : : : : : M. A. Thelen EAST SIDE A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt M EATS of every description. J. J. BUGI, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois. There is no good variety of syringe . 1 that we do not carry and the quality of all lo as reliable as the assortment is complete. We have various grades--the poorest being of excellent qual ity and all are sold for just the Q U A L I T Y T H E Y A R B . Fountain Syringes, Bulb and Combination Syringes, Ear, Ulcer and Veterinarian Syrin ges, Etc. Prices low because our buying is large H. H. PETESCH, Druggist. 'Phone 274. McH^NiO', iU.. FOR MEATS AND : CHARLES G. FRETT, 'Phone 54a. Monte d'or Ossague BELGIAN STALLION Color--Dark Bay; Height--1H Hands; Weight--2UUU lbs/; Age--6 years. Will make the season of 1908 at the follow ing places: Mondays, at Nunda; Tuesdays, at Algonquin; Wednesdays, at farm of Chas. Knaack; balance of week in McHenry and vicinity. All mares parted with before the usual time of foaling will be considered in foal. For further information as to terms, etc., address :: :: :: :: McHenry Belgian Horse Co. McHenry, * - Illinois. If yon are contemplating an anction sale this spring F. O. Gana is ftoe right man to cry your sale. Orders may be left with either M. J. Walsh or J. W. Frennd at West McHenry, where they will receive prompt attention. Mr. Gana may also be reached at Woodstock by Utter, 'phone or telegraph. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SAU£ OP 4 Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price ' lata tarnished application. COLD STORAGE FREE st.u . ft a. F..to. St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Orchard Beach Sanatoriu McHenry. Illinois ^ For t h»» treatment of curable Chroulc of th«< stomach, aiut liver. rti«*uniMtism. obesity, catarrh am-fiiN, (M)ility. t»u\> Oaly Natural Methods Arc Eaptoytd. Dr. (arl Stml Prop. 100 Stale Street, Suite CHICAGO, ILL '•wi / . ' \ & * . k .v.-'.J* ,.kZ. .y&'x,: /