Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jul 1908, p. 4

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»r 5. *•: •:•*' ,5 r^^pi * ^ rl^r ̂ vf'v".f/ " v . Y ' « * > w p . ' ' - ' *> ^ "3 *ii s ;5 -</> *%•* ' "» " * * 't\. )*> t> »•• < » I **\ j vp , r -:U >• >• • . . / > • h ' „ J <4 ' % * - .* ; \ ^ : lie Mdleory PUindealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. jC*" Otto* Is Bank Building. Telephone, No. *7*. K :" p * ra ; j * ' TlRMt OP-»UM6ftlPTIONi Que year Mit moatka, Jlrt*. Three month*. 400t« H«r«fa)r, July i6, 1906. fO TIB RBPCKMOAN VOTKR8 OF M'HKNRV GOl'NTY. I hereby announce my candidacy for Ike office of Coroner of McHenry coun­ ty, subjed to the action of the Republi­ can voters »t the primaries to be held an Aug. 8, 1908, and solicit the support of the voters at said primaries. JOSEPH S. MAXON. Harvard, 111.. Jnne 24, 1908. ANNOtXCKMEXT. I hereby announce myself as candi­ date for the nomination and election to the office of Coionerof McHenry coun­ ty subject to the decision of the Repub­ lican primaries to be held August H 1908. Soliciting your support. Reepectfully, BR.H. W. RICHARDSON. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican voters of McHenry oounty; Thereby announce myself as • candidate for the nomination and election to the office of Circuit Clerk, subject to your decision at *:he primaries to be held Atigust 8, 1908. I earnestly •olkrit your support. THRO. HAMER. ZNNOUNCKMKNT. To the Republican voters of McHenry oounty: I hereby announce my candi­ dacy for the office of state's attorney of McHenry county, subject, however, to the approval of the Republican voters of said county, at the primaries, on the 8th day of August, A. D 190S, and ear­ nestly request the support of iny Repub­ lican friends thruout said county. V. S. LfMLFY. Woodstock, 111., March 10, 1908. TO THE REPUBLICAN VOTERS OF THK 11TH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT. I desire to announce that 1 am a can­ didate for Member of the State Board of Equalisation, subject to the Republi­ can primaries to be held on the 8th day «ff August, 1908, and I respectfully re- quest the support of all Republicans in the district for that office. Thanking yon for your support id the past, I am, Very truly, GEORGE W. ELDREDGF.. STATE'S ATTORNEY. To the Republican voters of McHenry Co.: I hereby announce ,my candidacy lor the office of State's Attorney of Mc­ Henry county, subject to the decision of tlie Republican voters at the primaries to be held on Aug. 8, 1908. I respect­ fully solicit the support of my friends and the Repnblican voters at said pri­ maries! and if elected, I will enforce the local option law as well as the general law of the state, and continue the cus­ tom established by Ira R. Curtiss, A. W. Young and L. D. Lowell of turuiDg over to the school fund all of the money tliat reaches my hands and that should go towards the maintenance of the echools. DAVID R. JOSLYN. TO THE REPUBLICANS OF THE 8TH SENATORIAL DISTRICT: I desire to announce that I shall be a candidate for the Lower House of Rep­ resentatives of the General Assembly, from the 8th Senatorial District, subject to the Republican Primaries to be held August 8, 1908. In the 44th General Assembly, 1905, and the 45th General Assembly, 1907, in •Bbstantially four sessions, the 8th Sena­ torial District and McHenry county have h*d the honor and the influence of filling the Speakership of the Lower House. How fairly or bow poorly I have filled that position I can only leave to the judgment of others, upon the record, aad to the opinion of those who have Wrved in the House. That there is a very good opportunity for the 8th Senatorial District and Mc­ Henry County to fill the position of Speaker iD the Lower House for a third Mccessive term, and that it is the re­ quest of many of the present memlters Who are candidates for re-election, are the causes of my candidacy at the pres­ ent time. If elected, I shall vote upon the question of the United States Senator ship as instructed by the Republicans of this District, in the primaries of August 8th. Very respectfully, EDWARD D. SHITRTLEFF. ANNOUNCEMENT. FOR SURVEYOR. I desire to announce my candidacy for the office of county surveyor and reepectfully solicit the support of the Republican voters at the primaries on Saturday, Aug. 8, 1908. F. H. OPPERGELT. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. To the Republican voters of Mcilehry county: I hereby announce myself as a candidate for the nomination and elec­ tion to the office of County Surveyor, *aud I respectfully ask your support at the primaries to be held Aug. 8, 1908. LF.STF.U BAKHRR. STANDS ON HIS RECORD HOWARD M. SNAPP ASKS RENOM- INATION BECAUSE OF FAITHFUL SERVICE. HOWARD M. SNAPP Republican Candidate for Nomination for Represents*! i ve in Congress. OF A PERSONAL NATURE PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW AND WHERE THEY GO. THE PEOPLE'S CANDIDATE > • . For Congress, Hon. Adam S. Clow of WheatlaiKl, Will County, Will Make He Race in the interest of tiie Common Peopl* , . -Vf IS NOT BACKED BY JUf. POIIUOU NACIflNf Mr. Clow is a Man of the "Plain People,*' and Asks the Support of the Rank and File of the Republican Party of this District at the Primaries, Saturday, August 8. He Believes That a Public Office is a Public Trust For the Whole People and Not a Machine Office For the Few FPOM UM Harvard Independent (Republican) of Joty & 1908. I hereby announce myself a Demo cratie candidate for Representative of ; (the Eighth Senatorial District, subject to the decision of the primaries of jAugust 8, and will be very thankful for the support of my %-iends. Very respectfully, THOMAS F. BURNS. \ Grist of Personal News Gathered Up by the Wayside by The Piaindealer Repre­ sentatives Mrs. Theo Schiessle was a Chicago visitor yesterday. Henry Miller was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. Ci. W. Beeley was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Lulu Simpson is the guest of Chicago friends this week. Mrs. S. S. Torrance attended to busi­ ness in Chicago Wednesday. Miss Carrie Simes boarded tne Chi­ cago train Wednesday morning. Miss Lillian Congreve, Miss Ford and Elsie Nemitt are stopping at the home of Samuel McDonald, Mrs. W. P. Sherman of Harvard vis­ ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Johh Kimball, here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander and son, Roy, and John P. Schreiner drove to Elgin in the former's auto last Sun­ day. Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Thomas of Chica­ go have been the guests of their aunt, Mrs. E M. Owen, for several days the past week. Agnes and Werner Darling returned to their home in Chicago Monday even­ ing after a pleasant two weeks' visit at the home of J. F. Claxton. Miss Kathryn Burks, of the Plain- dealer staff, spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday with Chicago and King­ ston relatives and friends, Jesse Grimes of Birmingham, Ala., spent Thursday and Friday of last week with his little daughter, Lncile, who is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Geo BUBS, and family. Mrs. J. M. Preston is here to spend the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. MeOmber. Mr. Preston ex- I>ects to be here every Sunday during the summer. Dr. and Mrs. Edward Alford drove out from Chicago in their machine and spent Sunday at the home of H. M. Me­ Omber. The doctor is one of the prom­ inent surgeons at the Wesley hospital in Chicago. Surprised on 4t7h Birthday. A company of about twenty-five of his friends tendered D. G. Nellie a gen­ uine surprise at hiB home just southwest of town last Friday, the event having been planned just as a reminder to the victim of his 47th birthday anniversary. Early in the evening D. G had an occa­ sion to drive to town and on his return found the invaders awaiting his retnrn and everything prepared for the evening amusement. Progressive cinch proved the chief source for enjoyment, and after passing a few very social hours in this way, refreshments, consisting of ice cream anil cake, were partaken tff. All present pronounced it one of the best times ever. The company pre­ sented Mr. Nellis with a handsome rocker to serve an a memento of the occasion. Haviltou IJou. Yourself and friends are cordially in­ vited to attend a pavilion hop at Colum­ bia Park, east of Johnsburgh, on Wed­ nesday evening, July 22. Floor com­ mittee: Johnsburgh, Will Hqiith; Mc Henry, Will and Joe Beimer; Ringwood, Ben Freund; Volo, Will Frost; Spring Grove, Joe Miller; Fox Lake, Peter Bower; Long Lake. Tom Graham; RoUnd Lake, Martin Thelen; Ingleside, Will Kline, Griswold Lake, Peter Freund; Lily Lake, John Wagner;Crys­ tal Lake, Jain^s Lincoln. Music by the 'Johnsburghorchestra. Ticket 50c. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar­ rangement von can secure both papers for one full year for the v«ryf low rate $1.75. HON. ADAM S. CLOW. Hon. Adam S. Clow of Wheatland, Will county, is a candidate for congress from this district, comprising the coun­ ties of McHenry, Kane, DuPage and Will. Mr. Clow is little known to the people of McHenry county, but wherever he has met voters of McHenry county he is held in much greater respect and es­ teem than Howard Snapp, the machine politician who has represented this con­ gressional district at Washington for several years. Mr. Clow is a resident of the town­ ship of Wheatland, in Will county, and Snapp resides in the city of Joliet, where he and Senator Hopkins own and control a political machine, similar to the one that has existed in this county for years, and likewise that has deprived the voters of the Republican party of the God given right to have even a voice in saying who the nominee of their party shonld be.. One of his home county papers, the Joliet Evening Herald, of July 2, in speaking of Mr. Clow's candidacy said: "Adam S. CloW, Republican candi­ date for congress, in this district, is one of the 'plain people.' His record can be easily reached. "Besides the possession of a few desir­ able qualities--such as an unblemished reputation, sterling honesty, personal integrity never yet assailed and the strongest kind of loyalty to his country, exhibited on many occasions--Mr. Clow's particular asset for the position he aspires is a large and available fund of what is popularly known as 'horse sense.' • "His early training was not among the moldering tomes of Blackstone or in the trickery of petty politicians, such as has been enjoyed by his political opponent. "Mr. Clow is not seeking the nomina­ tion thro the medium of a machine con­ structed for the purpose of defeating the people's wishes; he is appealing directly to the people, who are tired of machine politics and who agree with the Herald in saying: ' "Snapp has been in long enough.' " Two years ago Mr. Clow also sought the Republican nomination against Mr. Snapp, the present incumbent, and altho he entered the race at the eleventh hour he carried Kane and DuPage conn- ties, and also carried Will county, out­ side of Joliet. At that time Mr. Clow neither visited McHenry county nor had anyone working for him in this county, bnt received nearly twenty-five per cent of the Republican vote at .the primaries. Two yearfc ago the primary law was a delegate system, but this year a majority of one vote will nom­ inate a candidate and it is up to the voters to make every nomination for the Republican ticket in November. If the voters of McHenry county think a change in our congressman is desirable, let them rally to the standard of Adam S. Clow, and they can do so with the absolute satisfaction of know­ ing that he is a man who possesses the ability to fill the place creditably and with honor to the district. The Joliet Sunday Herald of July 5, from Snapp'8 home city, in speaking of the candidacy of Mr. Clow, said as fol­ lows; "Two weeks have elapsed since the campaign for the Republican nomina­ tion opened and any doubt that Adam Clow would sweep the district has been dissipated. All that is necessary is for the people to stand firm and vote at the primaries August 8. "With a firm determination by the people to nominate a true representa­ tive instead of the machine candidate there is no doubt that Snapp and his horde of professional office holders will be retired to private life. "It is np to the people this time. Under the new law the votes at the primary settle the question of the nom inee. The new law gives the people a fair Bhow and they have only to take advantage of it and name the men they want for congress and other offices. "The ballot is a matter over which the voters alone have control. Snapp has never represented the people. Mr. Clow is a man of the people and has no machine to keep together. "Snapp has been in long enough. "Reports hav« been received from all over the district which indicate great gains for Mr. Clow. Two years ago he carried Kane and DuPage counties and lost Will county by about 650 votes. In McHenry county he made no effort. He was comparatively unknown at that time. The Snapp faction had all the federal office holders and most of the county and municipal tax eaters. The vote in McHenry county was very light, but there was practically no opposition to Snapp, and he secured th4 delegates. These "and the delegates from Will county gave him control of the conven­ tion. " ThtPUindealer will be sent to any address 011 trial three months for t wenty- flve cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other Trrli . , This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--11.75 for one year's subscription to both. 8eed buckwheat for sale at Spencer's mill, West McHenry. 49-tf EMICRALU PARK. L. Huck spent a day in Chicago recently. Mrs. Rebt. Sohns spent a recent day in Chicago. C E. Whiting of Ringwood visited at E. Knox's Tuesday. Mrs. F. Romano spent Sunday and Monday in the city. Jas. Armstrong of May wood is spend­ ing a week at his cottage. Rev. Father Bonrke called on friends in this vicinity Wednesday. R. E Sutton of Chicago is spending a week's vacation at nis home. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Walsh and family called on friends here Sunday. R H. Corr of Woodstock was sight­ seeing in this vicinity Sunday. Earl Merritt of Griswold Lake was a caller at J. R. Smith's Tuesday. Mrs. E. Knox spent Wednesday and Thursday with friends in Chicago. Messrs. Jno. Aylward and Ed. Horn of Elgin visited at E. Knox's Sunday. W. K. Burns, son, Will, and daugh­ ter, Grace, spent Sunday at the Park. Misses Marguerite and Genevieve Knox visited relatives in Terra Cotta Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Blum came out from Chicago Friday and are occupyma their cottage. ™ Mrs. B. Felmeten la entertaining her mother, Mrs. Kellar, and a niece, Miss Gilliepi, of Chicago. Mrs. H. Schaffer of McHenry and Miss Edith Geary of Wauconda visited at E. Knox's Mondav. Miss Ella Kelter and brother, J. B., of Chicago are spending the week at their Lake Defiance resort. Mr. and Mrs. Robert' Walsh and fam­ ily of Chicago are spending a few weeks at the home of J. R. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill and daugh­ ter, Lanra, returned to Chicago Snnday, after spending two weeks at the Park. Mrs. Keenan of Chicago, who has been viniting with her sister, Mrs. Ed. Comisky^ the past week, returned home Tuesday. Mrs. M. Walsh and daughter returned to their home in Minneapolis, Minn., Monday, after spending several weeks with relativee in this vicinity and Wau­ conda. E. Larkin of'Elgin spent a few days at the home of R. J. Sutton. He was accompanied home Tnesday by his wife and family, who have been visiting in this vicinity. Feed Grinding. Until further notice we will grind feed mornings ouly, commencing at 10 o'clock daily. WM. BONSLETT. Deering binder twine at Wm. Bon- •lett'a, Weet Me Henry. & • f# &5.' THE WORLD'S GREATEST PARK •hrerview--Chicago's Dazzling Fairyland of Amusement Devices. To see Chicago at play one must go te Jtiv®rr),ow. Great cities? are attractive in a ay inooda and "the metropolis on the Bike" is never merrier than when disport­ ing itself in this wonderful park. The Roman hippodrome cannot be com- /ared with this great park, either in magnitude, fabulous investment or at­ tendance. Frequently 250,000 men, women and Children are within the enclosure of the "Vast and beautiful resort. Instantly after one enters the white masonry of the gates and till he emerges, he is mys­ tified, bewildered, entranced. Broad vis­ tas lead everywhere to turreted pavil- lions, circuses, theaters,/ballets, "Streets -«f Cairo," ball parks, casinos, water ehutes, cascades, electric launches, minia­ ture railways, "Wild West Shows," aerial Coasters, menageries, Japanese pagodas §nd open air concerts by the world's fin­ est bands. Rlvervlew is a festival city, with Its Cfhimes of bells, peals of orpai »-, roar of trains, cooling swish ot waters, dashing of foaming lakes, boat whistles, stringed instruments, "tom-toms," euphonies of bagpipes, chanting of Indians, hymnals in sacred plays, yells of cowboys, reports of rifles and crash of artillery, roaring of lions, vocalizations of a million birds and animals, jubilee singing, shouts and l&ugliter, and sounding above all, the majestic strains of l3ohumlr Kryl's great band. Its Chutes cascades, 500 feet in mid­ air, spray crystal waters in continuous rainbows. Gay gondolas descend in clouds of mist, dashing downward until they skirfl the surface of the lake, lash­ ing its transparent waters into foam. Laughter and shouts of delighted pas­ sengers accompany the musical murmur of the falling cascades. In a thrilling "Wild West," cowboys and Indians exhibit feats of broncho rid­ ing. The biblical story of Babylon is en­ acted by 1,000 young men and women in the classical costumes. In Big Ottd's Animal Jungle, "Miss Dixie," young, pretty and fearless, en­ ters a den of lions, jaguars, panthers aisi w i l d c a t s . S h e s e i z e s t h e j a w s o f ^ f t N u ­ bian lion, forces them open and tnrinf-^ her head between great teeth that gleam dangerously against her white throat. A na^'al battle between the Monitor and Merrimac; the "Kyfhausen," the mountainous retreat of Emperor Bar- barossa, and Paul Revere's ride are his­ torical. Camels and elephants bear laughing children; in a Flea Circus tiny insects perform incredible feats: a pony hippo­ drome. living pictures, Turkish dancers, circle and giant swings, motor and sub­ marine boats, deep sea divers, live whales, skating rinks, velvet and aerial coasters, mechanical minstrels, "Thou­ sand Islands" waterways, Japanese tea gardens, Chinese pavillions, double whirls, and endless delight-imparting de­ vises form streets, pikes, plaisances, jewirts and waterways. Xlverrlaw, an emerald forest under an opalescent sky, glistens with a silvery river and scintillant diamond lakes. At •lght this veritable fairyland has ray*i« ads of lights that whirl an* flash and shimmer a rainbow haze on gay throngs. A more beautiful fairy spectacle was MT«r conceived. A MARVELOUS FEAT Chicago's New Amusement Park FOREST PARK Breaks all Records for Speed in Erecting and Operating. Never in the history of park creation has a summer park of the size of the great modern fun places recently built in the larger cities of the country been conceived, financed and finished with the speed and completeness of Forest Wrk, the new west side resort in Chicago. Conceived during the winter months of this year, actual work was not begun until the middle of February, when the largest force of laborers and mechanics ever gathered in one enterprise began a work of hnstle that allowed a week ago the opening of the prettiest park within the Chicago park zone. In it are a great number of novel rides that are new to park patrons. The great­ est coaster in the world, and a pneumat­ ic tube over 3,000 feet in length which carries passengers by compressed air and will revolutionize travel eventually, are but a lew of the new things in rides, while shows of all sorts which go to make the complexion of a summer park make Forest Park uniqne even among the big parks of the world. The park boasts the finest band shell in the country both in beanty and in acoustic qualities and from it during the summer the largest and best bands in the country will hold forth. Kyrl, the Bohemian band master, opened the park and the coming week will be fol­ lowed by "Pat" Conway, the Ithaca leader whose band has taken a high plaoe with the music loving people of the country. Weber, Ellery and others will com­ plete a musical summer program hard to better. Scenicallv the park is the j»rettieat the western country. With plenty of shade trees it has been so artistically laid out both from a horticultural and architectural point that it appeals to the seeker for amusements and sylvan surroundings. The style ia art Novean and the park stands as the best example of the art ever built. CURES NEAR HONE A few cures made by Prof. F. A. Leach, magnetic healer, Elgin 111., are here given: Eczema, Mrs. Elelia Krug, Ottawa. 111.; stomach, spinal and nervous trouble. Miss Bertha Grivey, Lostant, 111.; paralysis, J. Yenerich, Ottawa, 111.; deformity caused by rheumatism, E. W. Beaman, Cornell, III.; heart trouble, Miss Ellen Heaa, Sheridan, 111.; asthma and bronchitis, Geo. Newell, Grand Ridge, 111 ; voice restored, Miss Carrie Hendrickson, Danway, III ; rheumatism and nervous trouble, Mrs. Joshua Moore, Marseilles, lit ; sciatic rheumatism, A. Huneke, Spring Valley, 111.; nervous prostration. Belle Northrop, Marseilles, III. Further particulars of above cures can be had by writing to any of the persons named, or to Prof. F. A. Loach, room 9, Sparling bulging, Elgin, IB* To anyone giving us » 0^* tract for Electric Lighting in the Village of McHenry for one year we, will install the necessary interior wiring at our cost. This .offer is good for 90 days from date. We' respectfully ask the people to co-operate with us in making this Electric Service second to none. :: * :: :: :: Eltttric Serviced Geo. K. Paige, flgr. UNDER NICW MANAGEMENT - NORTHWESTERN -- Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1.50 per day. THEO. SOIIESSLE, Prep, WKST McHENRY. EAST SIDE ... I l l A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt MEATS of every description. have yot^ tried our home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. J. J. BIJfli, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois. NEW.... HAVING opened a Har­ness and Repair Shop in the old Schiessle Build­ ing in West McHenry, where we may be'f ound at all times, we hereby solicit a share, of your patronage. Our aim shall atall times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. : : R. MM & Co. West McHenry. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 7.00 am... 8.4/i am... 9.00 a in. . IS.iiO p in.. *1.00 p in1 . Ulpm... 3.45 pm... S.12 p m... 8.00 am... am. .. 9.10a m. .. 8.00 p m.. Leave McHenry. •#.58 am. 7.15 a m-- 7.1*>a m . .. 8.32 am -- 4. U p m . .. 4.14 p m.... 6.27 pro... 7.15 a m. 7.0S p m. 7.4* p m. 7.4» p*u. Effective May 17.1908. VIKK DAT TBAINS. NORTHBODND ..Via Elgin .. Via Hots I'lalnes.. .. .....Via Dos Plaint's ... .Via Elgin . ..Via IH's Plalncs..... Via l>es Piaines.... Via Elgin ....Via I)«s Piaines SUNDAY TBAIN8. Via I>es Pluiut'S Vht Elgin . ..Via 1'es Piaines ... .Via Elgin Will DAT TRAINS. SOOTH BOUND. .. ,.V1H »H!S Piaines.... ... Via he* Piaines.... Via Elgin Via Des Piaines Via TVs Piaines.. . VI* Elgin ...Via Des Piaines SUNDAT TRAINS. Via Elgin .... Via Des Pl&lnes -- Via Des Piaines Via Elgin Arrive McHenry. ...10.17 a ra ...10.17 :t ra ...10.17 a m . p. ni .. p. m ....4.4ft p m 6.45 p m . ..0.40pm .. .H.37 a m .11.14 a m .11.14 a m . 4.55 pm Arrive Chicago. . .h .'J'i a m ..!».I2 a m . .11.55 a m am ..6.20 p rn ..7.10 p in .. 8.00 p m . .9.55 a m ..K25 p m .^».25 p m 10.20 pm Professional, Society V* , a.nd Busirvesss Cards . . J , . in,. DAVID O. WELLS. M. I». pttySiOIAN.BUlUiEOX ANI» tH'CLlfl Office and residence corner Elir> and Green streets, McHenry- Telephone No. St» FEGER8 & FEUEK8 pnXS^IANH AND SURGEONS, ttcHemy cwii 4 c<Lat Residence, corner Court arti Mm streets Telephone 333. D.'T.tMILElT aT kAW, Woodstock, Illinois nmn«i.i.« Jneas Intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. BR. R. A. CHAMBKRLIN DENTIST. Office sad Residence over n. J. Wetsh's Store, flours: 8:oo to 5:30. WSST MOHSNST, III. Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL, Insurance Agent for all classes of property in th« best Companies. West McHenry, lllinoit. John J. Vyoit38 DEALER IN General Hardware Stoves, Paints and Oils.. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 543 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. • 791. WM. BACON Do ler In Windmills, Pipes. Pumps, Fittings, Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. H . C. M E A D JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. I am now prepared to insure alt kinds of prop­ erty against Fire. Lightning. Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Llvd Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III . J o h n D . L o d t z MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS K I L L THE COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr* King's New Discovery PRICE I Ull ^^OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OR MONET REFUNDED. Tel. Mela 1714. W H Y do people of Mc­ Henry, Lake atid other :lrop In at Lambert Q. Seng's 92 Fifth Ave. CHICAOOP Because it Is HO home like. PHOTO STUQ1Q. Portraits All shapes aud sizes. .Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Kadi doz­ en finished In different styles. Price, $2.00 v.nd upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus (or all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen hand Home PhotoH and a enlargement finiHhed neatly and i W artistically in nat-Lnral colors. Waukegan Ht., near the Standpipe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Telephone. 493 aagsa i •< < aasasag--KgataaawBrne WEST SIDE Fresh,' Rich, Juicy Meats Fowls, Vegetables and Canned Goods. £. F. Matthews, Wert McHenry, III.

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