•PpwgPW r v - **:> " 'T3 v ' t .'•- T*W r; T; j Summer Suits! We have a fine line of Men's and Boys' Suits on hand and if in need of a^ Suit, We can save you $5-00 on a Suit and give you a Suit equal to any tailor make. - JOS. W. FREUND, WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. 2ja 4 Willllll] ei n fl i|i ii |i gfc m | gi n |im j p f iiji i|i m a tr fi n miir ~n' 1845. 1908.' THE nUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEWARK, N. J. Paid Pol icy-Holders Since organization in 1845 $250,476,338.60 MUTUAL BEN EPIT Life and Endowment Poli cies contain spe cial and peculiar advantages which are not combined in the policies of any other Co. C. W. Stenger, - Local Agent, AT WEST McHENRY STATE BANK. IMNM /f Economy is only Economy when a value is received for a certain sum spent. Attractive Prices should only attract you when they will secure for you a Value that IS a Value emphatically claim that when you purchase here yon sincerely practice economy because you will, in every instance, secure a value that will remain per- manently as represented at a price that is the lowest " 1 r^t price at which such values can possibly be honestly sold. :: :: :: •• :: These are plain facts plainly put and we only ask that you shop here and prove each one of these facts for yourself It is to your personal interest to do so. Sincerely, Rovelstad Bros. Jewelers. 162 Chicago St., Elgin, 111. HERE'S ONE jrun put <>u 1 lie ut it htovt and will not burn or rub off. You can get your •tove red hot every day for one month and STOVINK will keep it black. It la the only preparation known that will ttnj on red hot iron. CHve your store one coat of STOVINK, no Ablniog necessary, and it will stay black uud in a fine condition for from ;*o to 60 days Xfcere is absolutely nothing like it. and we guarantee every bottle. Twenty-five cents JOHN J. VYCITAL. B OU8E FOR KENT. PAUL FOBRSTKH. 5-2t* Terra Cotta. 111. Bm4 Tfe» Plaiadeeler "want"***. ;jp TWfT'r \ ' " ' ' ' - Want Column. COUNCIL :EED!NGS. MlBBtN of hit Ke*ular and SpMtal Meetings--the Well QaMtton. . v Ooancil Room, July 9,19G& The board of truste«e met in regular meeting, President Frennd presiding. Trustees present: Block, Herbes, Meyers, Simes and Weber. Absent: Stoffel. Tbe minutes of last regular and special meetings were read and approv ed. » The following bills were read and ap proved by finance committee and ordered paid: MoHeury Flee Serv Co. lighting streets..**) Ofr P Krvunu, gravol and stone 5 13 VV l>ltz, labor on water w 1 SO Mi-Henry Plaiiidoalor Co, printing 58 40 >1 Kiijjoln & Son, labor and supplies W 10 M Si N'olseu, police service oOOO John Walsli, polIce service 5000 P M N'eiss. labor aud paint 16 80 Geo Meyers, .Jr. labor on streets :« 70 Valvol lne Oil Ort , gasol ine. . . . . . 34 00 ,1 P Weber, labor 17 75 .1 It Clow Sons, valves 4 10 Nept une Meter Co. meters 50 40 liarry Neiseu, labor 1 00 There being no farther business, on motion by Meyers, seconded by Simes, the meeting adjourned. P. J. FREUND, PreB. H.. E. PRICK, Clerk. j- Council Room, July 30, 1908. ' 'the board of trustees met in special meeting for the purpose of letting con tract to drill new well for village, Pres ident Freund presiding. i Present: Trustees Block, Herbes, ] Meyers, Simes and Weber. Absent: Stoffel. Oh motion by Meyers, seconded by Herbes, the contract was let to Wm. Bacon for three ($8 00) dollars per foot, well to be complete. Village to furnish all material. There being no farther business, on motion by Simes, seconded by Weber, the meeting adjourned. P. J. FREUND, Pres. H. E PRICE, Clerk. Meutch'a Method*. The following from the Woodstock Republican of July 17 shows the kind of campaign methods used by L. E. Mentch in his canvass for state senator: "Every body bad hoped that the various candi dates for the several offices to be filled the coming fall would be content to so licit votes on their own merits as men, bnt it has remained for Luna E. Mentch to begin a campaign of mudslinging and misrepresentation against his oppo nent, Albert J. Olson, for senator, the local mails having been flooded with his efforts in this line on Tuesday last. Mr. Olson is too well known and too highly esteemed in this vicinity for such rot to effect his supporters or the voters gen erally. Abuse heaped upon such a man only adds to his popularity, as Mr. Mentch will discover when tbe ballots are counted on the 8th of August. He will discover tjiat Mr. Olson has been here plenty long enongh to be nominat ed for the senate and to do the people good service there." Fourth Anniversary Dance. On Wednesday evening, Jaly 29, Smith's hall at Johnsbargh will cele brate its fourth anniversary with a big dance! It is four years ago this month that this popular dancing resort first came into existence and to properly cel ebrate the event the above mentioned dance has been arranged for. Wood's Ring wood orchestra, which is fast gain ing wide popularity, will famish the music. The floor managers, as selected by the' management, for this special occasion, are as follows: Johnsbargh,v Will Hergott; Pistakee Bay, Jacob Steffens; Fox Lake, Peter Bowers; Ingle- side, John Rose; Roand Lake, Martin Thelen; Volo, Peter Stadtfeld; Dighton, Henry Stilling; McHetiry, Will Heimer; Crystal Lake, Joe8choweer; Merchant's Lake, Peter Freund; Ring wood, John Freand; Spring Grove, Martin Smith. Dance tickets only 50 vcents. All are in vited. The Mew Colorado Special Electric Lighted. Leaves Chieago daily 10:00 a. in., for Denver, thra without change. Only one night enroate; Pullman drawing room sleeping cars, free reclining chairs cars and observation parlor cars. All meals in dining cars a la carte. $30.00 for round trip, Chicago to Den ver, Colorada Springs and Pueblo, dally until September 30th, via Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Line Correspondingly low rates from all points. Two trains daily. For full particulars, apply to any agent The North Western Line. July 80. The Remedy That Does. " Dr. King's New Discovery is the remedy that does the healing; others promise but fail to preform, "-days Mrs. E. R. Pierson, of Aubnrn Centre, Pa. "It is caring me of throat and long trouble of long standing, that other treatments relieved only temporarily -New Discovery Is doing me so "inch <wvwl I that I feel confident its continued use for a reasonable length of time will restore me to perfect health." This renowned cough and cold remedy and throat and lung healer is sold at N. H. Petesch's drugstore. 50c. and fl.00. Trial bottle free. QUARTER OF A CENTURY. ttnu OUp»*<I from Tho PUtladwdvr of Jaly «8, 1883. Died--In this village, on Wednesday evening, Jaly 18, 1888, Sheldon Colyer, aged 57 years. Quite a quantity of wool was deliver ed in this village on Saturday last, par- chased, we believe, by P. D. Smith, Prices are low and consequently wool is not moving as fast as in former years. The steamer "Mary Oris wold," Capt. Hill, made her first Sunday ex cursion of the season on Sunday last, and aboat fifty from this village took advantage of the occasion to make a trip to the lakes. The board of directors have engaged the following teachers for the McHenry pnblio school for the coming year: J A. Sheldon, principal, Miss Etta Tor rance, teacher of intermediate depart ment, and Miss Belle Stoddard, primary department. The teacher for the Gage- town division has not yet been engaged. Tbe thief who stole the horse and buggy from H. E. Wightman about two weeks ago, was caught on Sunday last at Libertyville, by Constable Lake of that town, and on Monday morning was brought to this place, and, $fter being examined before Esqnire Perry, was taken to the Woodstock jail. He says he drove the horse and buggy to Chicago and from there to Joliet, where he left him in a livery stable and took the cars" for Milwaukee, and from there returned to Libertyville after his trank, which he had left there. Mr. Wight- man has received a dispatch from the party whom he sent to Joliet, informing him that he found the horse there all right and is now on the way home with him. LARGER PENSIONS FAIL TO COME Many Veteran*' Widows Disappointed at Failure to Receive 8a Soldiers' widows, whose pensions are being paid this month, are not receiving tbe increase of $4 a month they expected would be the case under the new law and there are many disappointed over the failure of vouchers to contain the increased sam. This omission is explained by the fact that the number of persons on the rolls is so great that it was impossible to make the changes necessary and send tbe increased amount at this time. It seems probable, in the opinion of an official, without instructions on the matter, that the next payment, which comes early in October, will contain au additional voucher for the amount miss ing this time, and also the increased pension for the three months. The new form of voncher was nsed this month for the first time. It is much simpler than those formerly nsed and requires signature at only two places on the part of the pensioner, in stead of several places as before. The new law provides that widows of soldiers in the civil war are to receive |12 a month pension, instead of $8 as formerly, the increase to take effect im mediately, the date being early in April, and to go into effect automatically, without farther application. It Can't Be Beat. The beet of all teachers is experience. C. M. Harden, of Silver City, North Carolina, says: "I find Electric Bitters does all that's claimed for it. . For Stom ach, Liver and Kidney troubles it can't be beat. I have tried it and find it a most excellent medicine." Mr. Harden is right; it's tbe best of all medicines also for weakness, lame back, and all run down conditions. Best too for chills and malaria. Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drag store. 50c, Low Rates Eaat via The North Western Lino. Low round-trip rates will be made from points on the North Western Line for the Prohibition National Conven tion, Colambus, Ohfo, Jaly 9 to 13; B. Y. P. U., Cleveland, Ohio, Jaly 6 to 8; G. A. R. Encampment, Toledo, Ohio, August 27 to 30, and Knights of Pyth ias Conclave, Boston, Msss,, Jnly 31 to August 3. For full particulars apply to agents, Chicago & North Western Ry .July 30. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at onr "special deal" price of fl. 75 for the two OHh The Kidneys An Weakened by Over-Wuk. Unhealthy Kidneys Make Impure Blood. It used to be considered that only Urinary ami bladder troubles were to be traced to the kidneys, but now modern science proves that nearly all . diseases have their beginning in the disorder of these most important organs. / The kidneys filter and purify the blood-- that is their work. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, you can understand how quickly your entire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail-to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, because as soon as your kidneys are well they will help all the other organs to health. A trial will convince anyone. If you are sick you can make no mis take by first doctoring your kidneys. The mild and the extraordinarj- effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases, and is sold on its merits by all druggists in fifty-cent pnd one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle Home of ewamp-Eoot. by mail free, also a pamphlet"telling you how to find out if you have kidney or bladder trouble. Mention this paper when writing to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on everybottle. 6*» ttM Of Special Interest To Women. It is doubtful if any other newspaper in the United States offers so much that is of interest to women and of value in the home as does The Chicago Record- Herald. In the daily issues are to be found a dally pattern suitable for home dressmaking, the daily bill of fare, chat ty society news and Mme. Qui Vive's daily feature of answers upon beauty topics. On Monday appears "Martha's Management," devoted to household and culinary topics, while short light readidg for the whole family is always found on the editorial page. On Friday appears Dr. Withrow's comment on the Sunday school lesson, and thrn the week will be found crisp reviews of the new books. In the Sunday issue a complete section is devoted to women, containing Mme. Qui Vive's beanty page, "Hints for the Home Dressmaker" by Jeanuet te Hope, Marion Harland's page. Dame Curtsey's "Novelties in Entertainment," society news and many special articles of interest to women. The Sunday Magazine of The Record-Herald is full of good stories, interesting articles on timely topics, clever verse, wit, humor and miscellany, with many beautiful illustrations. It has the real magazine flavor. Government Land Opening. Tripp County, S. O. The Goverment opening of. Tripp Co. lands will probably occur about October 1st, when a million acres will be thrown open to settlement, including some of the finest agricultural lands in the West. The Rosebud extension of the Chicago & North Western Ry. is the only railway line to these lands See that your tick ets read to Dallas, the terminus of the North Western, a half-mile from the reservation border. United States Land office will probably be located here. Send for free descriptive pamphlets giv ing all details about the land and how to seenre a quarter section of it; free on application to any C. &. N. W. ticket agent. July 23 Best the World Affords. "It gives me unbounded pleasure to recommend Bncklen's Arnica Salve," says J. W. Jenkins, of Chapel Hill, N. C. "I am convinced it's the best salve the world affords. It cured a felon on my thumb, and it never fails to heal ev ery sore, burn or wound to which it is applied." 25c. at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar rangement von can seenre both papers for one fall year for the very low rate •1.75. Peed Grinding. Until further notice we will grind feed mornings only, commencing at 10 o'clock daily. WM> BONSLETT. 4% • a Opening Sale OF- Spring and Summer Goods OUR LINE IN DRESS GOODS IS NOW COM- PLETE: SUITINGS, GINGHAMS, PERCALES, WAISTINGS, ETC., ETC. Fresh Groceries, Fruits and the following brands of flour: CERESOTA, PILLSBURY BEJST AND SPENCER'S. F. A. BOHLANDER. WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. West Mcllenry M Bank OF WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Capital Stock, $25,000. =OFFICERS:i EDWIN L. WAGNER, President. PARKER -S. WEBSTER, Vice-President. SIMON STOFPEL, Vice-President. CARL W. STENGER, Cashier. CHECKING ACCOUNTS. SAVINdS AC COUNTS, CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT, DOHESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE. COLLECTIONS, NOTARY PUBLIC: : : 3 percent paid on Savings Accounts and Time Cer. tificates of Deposit. Cbe Carpenter smiles when he sees our wagon back up with A LOAD OF LUMBER for he knows he can do a good job and do it quickly. A good Carpenter is as much pleased with such a job as you would be. It means reputation for him, money saved for you. The moral, of course, is to buy your L#umber here and get the BEST. YOURS TRULY, Ulilbur Cumber Co All »dverlicementu iiwerted under thin head at the following ratei: >1ve linen or leiw, tg cent# for flrnt Lnaertlun; 16 cent* for eavh aubtwqucnt Insertion, •ore than live llne», & cento a line for llrat Insertion and 8 cento a line for addition* lnaerttona. ' "CVJtt SALE--Dakota and Colorado lauds. Homesteads located. For further Infor mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mr- Henry, III. 17 tf 'T^KNTH: To rent or sell. Inquire of E. H BKAL, at the Methodist parsonage. De posit required of strangers. t-tt •pMJK HALE--A square piano, cheap. MAHQDBI.ET-8 DBITO HTOBK. a-tf tjMJU rtALE ClIEAP-A horse, buggy and har ness. -Will be sold at a bargain if taken ai once. Inquire of CHAS. HEIMKU, Mcllenry. AN TED--Good girl for general house- McHeor£ mApPiy 10 ^ ̂ W" Pavilion Bop. Yourself and friends are cordially in vited to attend a pavilion hop at Colum bia Park, east of Jobnsbnrgh, on Wed nesday evening, Jaly 22. Floor com mittee: Johnsbargh, Will Smith; Mc- Henry, Will and Joe iieimer; Ringwood, Ben Frennd; Volo, Will Frost; Spring Grove, Joe Miller; Fox Lake, Peter Bower; Long Lake, Tom Graham; Roand Lake, Martin Thelen; lngleside, Will Kline; Griewold Lake, Peter Freand; Lily Lake, John Wagner; Crys tal Lake, James Lincoln. Music by the Johnsbargh orchestra. Tickets 60c. Gravel and Sanil. We are now prepared to deliver gravel and sand in any quantity or will sell same by the load to those wishing to hanl it, bat none to be taken from my pits without first notifying u>» either by calling at my office or by telephone. Aug 37 WM. tkwSLSTT. THIS STORE IS OPEN EVERY EVE NING EXCEPTING TUESDAY AND T H M D S D A Y BLOCK & BETHKE •TELEPHONE, NUMBER 541, Best Quality Here at Lowest Prices Muslin Underwear! Ladies' Gowns, made of a good quality muslin, em broidery trimmed and tucked yoke, choice of all sizes, each 49o Better quality and handsomely trimmed gowns at 98c and $1.39 Misses' Skirts and Gowns at prices that sell' them. All embroidery and lace trimmed at 39c, 49o, 69c, 98c and $1.39 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Muslin Drawers, neat ly tucked and embroidery and lace trimmed, at 15c. 25c, 49c and 98c Ladies' Muslin Skirts, all new patterns, at 87c.98c and $1.39 Heatherbloom Petticoats in brown and blue striped, 14-inch flounce, the latest creation, at... $1.98 Shoes and Slippers! Ladies', Misses' and Children's White Canvas Oxfords .. 85c, 98c, $1.10, $1.19, $1.25, $1 35 LADIES' OXFORDS! We are offering Ladies' Oxfords in tan, patent colt and kid, in all the new shapes, at $1.35, $1.98; $2.25. *2.49 and $3.00 Shoes and Slippers for Men, Women and Children at prices that make it a pleasure to show them. Will you be shown? Dofc't forget our Grocery Department. It Offers some big values all the time. vff