628 Corset cover, fancy . 1 00 629 Corset cover, embroidered 1 00 630 Lady's suit, 3 pieces, machine made......... 1 00 631 Lady's suit, 3 pieces, hand made 2 00 632 Night robe, machine made 1 00 633 White skirt, machine made 1 00 634 Child's white dress, hand made 1 00 635 Pair towels, white embroidered i 1 00 636 Child's fancy dacque .... ... 1 00 Lot 53--Crocheting. 637 Infant's hood ...; $1 0ft .638 Child's sacq'ue 1 00 639 Slippers ..... 1 00 640 Set table mats 1 00 641 Bed spread 1 00 642 Carriage afghan or slumber robe 1 00 643 Collar and yoke of Irish crochet 1 00 644 Shawl, fancy 1 00 645 Cape, fancy 1 00 646 Skirt from wool yarn 1 00 647 Sweater 1 00 Lot 54--Knitting. 648 Leggins $1 00 649 Skirt from yarn 1 00 650 Bed Spread 1 00 651 Afghan 1 00 652 Sweater 1 00 653 Head wrap 1 00 654 Slippers 1 00 50 50 50 00 50 50 50 50 50 $0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 $0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Class K, Section 2--Ornamental Needle Work. Mbs. F. C. Weias, Superintendent. Harvard, 111. Entries close Monday, Sept. 7th. All articles must be in place not later than 8 A. M. day. Lot 55--Embroidery. 655 Table cover in Kensington $1 00 656 Lunch cloth in Kensington 1 00 657 Center piece and 2 doilies in Kensington.... 1 00 658 Sideboard or dresser cover, Kensington 1 00 659 Doilies, six, in Kensington 1 00 660 Center piece. Mount Mollie embroidery 1 00 661 Dresser or sideboard scarf, French end eyelet 1 00 662 Center piece, French and eyelet 1 00 663 Lady's shirt waist, French and eyelet 1 00 664 Baby bonnet, French and eyelet 1 00 665 Lady's suit, white embroidery 2 00 666 Article in coronation braid 1 00 667 Article in Wallachian embroidery 1 00 668 Hardanger curtains 2 00 669 Hardanger table cover 2 00 670 Hardanger piano cover 2 00 671 Hardanger center piece 1 00 672 Article in Bidermaier embroidery 1 00 Lot 56--Drawn Work and Hemstitching. 673 Lunch cloth $1 00 674 Dresser or sideboard scarf 1 00 675 Center piece and 2 doilies *. l 00 676 Tray cloth 1 00 677 Handkerchief, drawn work 1 00 678 Handkerchiefs, 3, hemstitched 1 00 Lot 57--Tatting and Netting. 679 Tatted handkerchief $2 00 680 Tatted collar . 1 00 681 Center piece, netted border 1 00 682 Carafe and 6 tumbler doilies, netted border. 1 00 Lot 58--Imported Lace Barred. 683 Point lace handkerchief $2 00 684 Point lace collar or tie ends 1 00 685 Point lace barbe 1 00 686 Honiton lace handkerchiefs 1 00 687 Honiton lace collar or barbo 1 00 688 Honiton lace dress garniture 2 00 Lot 59--Battenberg Lace. 689 Pair curtains, Battenberg lace $2 00 690 Dining table cover, Battenberg lace 2 00 651 Lunch cloth, Battenberg lace 2 00 692 Sideboard cover, Battenberg lace 2 00 693 Center piece, Battenberg lace 1 00 Lot 60--Fancy Work. 694 Work basket $1 00 695 Scrap basket 1 oo 696 Collection of 4 fancy handkerchiefs 1 00 697 Infants' wardrobe, 7 pieces 2 00 698 Infants' basket, furnished complete ........ 1 00 699 Best and most desirable piece of new fancy work 2 00 700 Pin cushion 1 oo 701 Glove case 1 oo 702 Hat pin holder 1 00 703 Work bag, silk ' i oo 704 Laundry bag [" i oo 705 Opera bag 1 00 706 Soiled handkerchief bag 1 00 Lot 61--Sofa Pillows. 707 Bulgarian embroidery |1 oo 708 Shadow embroidery 1 00 709 Ribosene embroidery 1 00 710 Kensington embroidery 1 00 711 White embroidery 1 00 712 Fancy, any style 1 oo Tues- $0 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 1 00 50 50 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 50 $0 50 50 50 50 50 50 *1 $1 00 50 50 50 50 1 00 $0 50 50 50 1 00 50 1 00 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 $0 50 50 50 50 50 . 50 Class K, Section 3--Youths' Department. Mas. G. R. Lannisto; Superintendent, Harvard,- III.. , Entries close Monday, Sept. TtEr Exhibits must be in place not later than 8 A. M. Tuesday. Work done within the last two years by boys or girls under fifteen years, of age. Must be residents of McHenry County. ' Lot 62. 713 Specimens of wood carving ...$1 00 $0 50 714 Collection of coins 1 00 50 715 Collection of postal cards 1 00 50 716 Stamp album 1 00 50 717 Botany book .'. 1 00 50 718 Case of insects 1 .00 60 719 Collection of butterflies 1 00 50 720 Pen and ink drawing 1 00 50 721 Water colors, landscape 1 00 50 722 Water colors, animal or figure 1 00 50 723 Water colors, flowers . .. 1 00 50 724 Water colors, fruit 1 00 50 725 Water colors, still life 1 00 50 726 Pencil drawing 1 00 50 727 Crayon or pastel drawing 1 00 50 72S Set of six doilies, white 1 00 50 729 Center piece, embroidery 1 00 50 730 Fancy handkerchief 1 00 50 731 Fancy pin cushion 1 00 50 732 Fancy handkerchief case 1 00 50 733 Work basket 1 00 50 734 Scrap basket 1 00 50 735 Handsomest article of raffia or reed work... 1 00 50 736 Twelve mounted kodak pictures 1 00 50 737 Handsomest whisk broom holder Jgjjjf 738 Handsomest calendar • 00 5Qkt. 739 Hemstitching '•*- 00 ' s &&' 740 Drawn work i. •, • Ofy y- M 741 Handsomest and best dressed dbll... ..?%1 ^ * ? Sw\ 742 Tatting edge or insertion \ ^ , 743 Handsorhest collar, turnover .t <, •' *466 / 744 Battenberg lace .... . »G 745 Toilet set jftwH >*10 746 Laundry bag 1 00' & 747 Fancy Apron .5.,' 1 00 V ^/ 50" 748 Kitchen apron 1 00^ 749 Slippers, knit or crocheted 1 00^ 60 750 Infant's sacque* 1 0d' 50 751 Infant's shoes ;... i 00 50 752 Sofa pillow • 1 00 60 753 Handsomest bead chain, fob or belt 1 00 50 754 Best made cotton dress . 1 00 50 755 Shoe bag : 1 00 60 Lot 63--Culinary. 756 Wheat bread, hop yeast $1 00 $0 50 757 Graham bread 1 00 50 758 Rolls 1 00 50 759 Sugar Cookies 1 00 60 760 Ginger snaps 1 00 50 761 Angel food cake 1 00 50 762 Fruit cake 1 00 50 763 Chocolate cake 1 00 60 764 One lb. home made candies 1 00 60 765 Oatmeal cookies 1 00 60 Class K, Section 4--Old Lady's Department. Mrs. T. II. Bkown. Superintendent. Woodstock, III. Entries close Monday, Sept. 7th. All exhibits must be in place not later than 8 o'clock A. M. Tuesday. Work done by ladies 65 years of age or over. Must be residents of McHenry County. Lot 64. 766 Apron, fancy, hand made $1 00 $0 50 767 Apron, kitchen, hand made 1 00 50 768 Buttonholes, six or more 011 different fabrics 1 00 50 769 Battenberg lace 1 00 60 770 Crocheted shawl or cape 1 00 60 771 Collection four fancy handkerchiefs 1 00 50 772 Collection tidies or mats, any kind 1 00 50 773 Fancy .towels .v 1 00 50 774 Center piece white embroidery 1 00 50 775 Pillow cases, hemstitche^-^-r/f 1 00 60 776 Pillow cases, fancy 1 00 50 777 Dresser scarf 1 00 50 778 Fancy collar 1 00 60 779 Article in Wallachian embroidery 1 00 50 780 Center piece silk embroidery 1 00 60 781 Drawn work ; 1 00 60 782 Edging, knit or crocheted, two yards 1 00 50 783 Faicy shawl or cape 1 00 50 784 Fancy tidy and material 1 00 60 785 Hemstitching 1 00 50 786 Handkerchief, fancy 1 00 50 787 Hand made child's dress 1 00 50 788 Knit woman's silk mittens 1 00 60 789 Knit woman's wool mittens 1 00 50 790 Slippers, knit or crocheted 1 00 50 791 Laundry bag 1 00 50 792 Neatest darning on cloth 1 00 50 793 Machine made night dress.. 1 00 50 794 Machine made man's shirt 1 00 50 795 Machine made white shirt 1 00 60 796 Pillow sham, outline 1 00 50 797 Quilt, silk embroidered 2 00 1 00 798 Quilt, patchwork, silk or worsted 1 00 50 799 Quilt, patchwork, cotton 100 50