Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Aug 1908, p. 5

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D on't buy , ft£!S.T$t€!8 ms$m SSS WMW P zS y Furniture until you have inspected my stock. Do not think that you can do better in Chicago. Compare city prices with prices I will quote and, if quality is considered, you will give me your order. You can find here everything that is needed to beautify the home. The latest designs in Tables, Couches, Chairs, Stands, Iron ancf Wood Beds, Com­ plete Parlor and Chamber Suits, Sideboards, Picture Frames, Etc. See my line of Carpets and Rugs. Jacob Justen WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. We have inaugurated a special sale for the displacement from our shelves of all summer goods. We mean to clean out our entire stock. Scarcity of room to store them thru the winter forces us to do this. Come while the selections are good and avail yourself of this opportuni­ ty to secure some extra special bargains in all lines of summer merchandise. :: Yours truly, M.J . WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363 Groceries Always a Fresh and Complete Line on hand. West Mc- Henry, III. JOHN ST0FFEL. NEIGHBORING NEIVS AS CHRONICLED B Y & OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS HI UUtiMGLll. Mrs I E. Mason went to Cary Thnrs day. Mrs. Fred Reed was a I'arpentersville caller Friday. Mr*. Tegt.ineir «pent a few days with friends in Chicago* A. Stephenson spent Snndnv with relatives nt'Kinuwood. Mrs. Hose (ioddard called <111 Wood "took friends Tuesday Mrs. Lynch and Mrs. Bennett were in Woodstock Tuesday. Elmer Jarohitz called on Ridirctield friends Friday forenoon. I K. Mason *hipi>ed a car lo-nl of cattle to the city Monday. Mr. and Mr-. .1. White drove to Crystal Lake Tuesday evening. Mrs Olive lialdwin and little grand daughter were in town Saturday'. Milton Jaynes and ^istnr. Andrie. were Crystal Lake visitors Monday. Kdith and Harry Anderson are spend ing a few d*ys with Chicago friends. Gene Ctix and family of Burton Bridge took dinner at. R L. DnfieldV Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Waterman of Wood stock spent Sundav willi Fath.i; Reed Mr Bnllock anil Mr, Ski»n<-r made a tmainess trip to <"rystal T^ake Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinnet ftnd son, Wesley, were Crystal Lake callers Tubs (lay Mr and Mrs Frank Thayer attended Buffalo Bill's show al Elgin la-t S.itur-' day. Mrs. (ieo. Baker entertained company from the city Wednesday and Thnrs day. Mrs Allen and daughter, Evelyn were Crystal Lake shopper-* Friday and Monday. Dan Kline and nephew. Melvin Kline, of Chicago were Algomjuiu visitoi> Monday. Mrs W. H Monroe visited her daugh­ ter, Mr# M .larkuian, at Woodstock Thursday Mrs ,1 B Lynch and daiixhtcr Mi>. Lolo Bennett, were Crystal Lake callel> Monday afternoon. Miss Ester Zenk and Mi-s (.lenys Jacob* went to Elgin for a few days visit villi relatives Chaa. Keeler of Elgin spent a couple of days visiting his mother.- Mrs S Wakefield, recently. Mr and Mrs Gibson are visiting the latter s brother, Aaron Kline, and fam ily in Chicago for a few days (J. B. Collins received (>v express laet week Wednesday from Beaver Dam, Wis., a valuable Scotch collie Mrs. Rose Williams and two children, Hazel and Thomas, of Chicago visited P. Hanghawout and family over Sun day Geo. Doolittle, who is doing carpenter work for Mr Ginder near Bull Valley, visited with his family in the city Sun day. Little Mias Dorothy Bullock, who has been spending several weeks with friends at Wheaton, returned home Fri­ day. • Mr. Hanson, wife and two children, Thomas and Earl, spent part of Satur day and Sunday with Fred Anderson at Woodstock. Mrs. W. Weiland and two children, Emma and Willie, also Mrs Weiland s two sisters, Marthaand Emma Hocpner, of Chicago took in the hill climb at Al­ gonquin Friday. Mrs Clemens and Miss Davidson of Crystal Lake made a fashionable call at the W. E. Dike farm Friday. The ladies came on the milk train and re turned on the fi:01. Mrs. Henry Reed and daughter, Mrs. Grace Ford, of Crystal Lake are visit ing the former's son, Frank Red, and family of Chicago for a few days. They also expect to visit n consin in Elgin be-, fore returning home. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--fl.75 for one year's subscription to bolli TKKKA ( OTTA. W. E. Hurke of Chicago is visiting at M. Kunx's. Miss Emma Conway is visiting rela­ tives in Chicago. Jay Burke of McHenrv visited rela­ tives here recently. John Powers of Holconibville called in this vicinity Thursday.' John and Walter Conway•-•pent Satnr- d iv and Sunday in Elfin Mrs. B. F. Feck ol Holconibville spent Monda\ at H. McMillan a. Miss Mary Burke of McHenrv visited relatives here last Thursday. Mr. ami Mrs Frank McMillan were Holcomi>vilie visitors Sunday. Mr and Mrs M. Knox and family spent Sunday at Holcouibville Otiarlie Bty of Mashalltown, la called at S B. Leisner's recently. Mrs. E. Kuox and daughter. Margne- rite , sjieut Thursday with relatives here Mrs. J. Gibbsand Mrs. P. Walsh of Emerald Park visited friends here Mon day. Misses Eleanor and Edna Phalin and Evelyn Carey called on friends here Monday. Mr. and Mrs Henry McMillan spent Sunday with Mrs. B. F. Peck at Hol- cotnbville. Mrs. S. Knox and Mise Ellen Doherty of McHenry spent last Thursday with relatives here. Mieses Lucy Sutton and Alice Mc Manatutku of Emerald Park were gnests of friends here Monday. Mr. and Mrs.' Frank McMillan and Mr. and Mrs Henry McMillan and son attended a funeral at Spring Grove Tuesday. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted locally, but The Weekly Iuter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By onr special ar­ rangement von can secure both papers for one fall year for the very low rate 11.75. fteftd The PUindtota. KINO WOOD. J. D. Smith was h recent Chicago vis­ itor. A. G. Bishop was a county seat visit­ or Monday. £ Miss Agnes Carey entertained friends from Chicago Sunday. C. E H. Tul tie was a bnsiness visitor in Chicago Wednesday. W. A. Dodge aud daughter, Agnes, were McHenry callers Saturday. Rev. W111 Nickle of Morelaud visited with Mr. and Mrs. 1. Harsh Monday. Charles Coates and lady friend of Greenwood were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Mead antes Julia Bishop and W. A. Dodge were Richmond callers one day last week. M iss Anna Carey and brother, Ger­ ald, are visitiug with relatives at Wil- niot, Wis.. f Mr. Ruhr of Mc.Henfy has been em­ ployed to repaper and decorate the M. E • church. Mr. and Mrs E. Herbert and son, Edwin, were Richmond visitors Friday i f terUOoll . W. M. I1 oss aud Wm Coates were business callers in the windy city last Wednesday. • Miss Lillian McAnliffe of Chicago is visiting with Miss Florence Carey at this writing. Mr. and Mrs II. M. Stephenson and ii'aiuilv spent the laHt. of the week with Ielatives in Elgin. Mrs. Ed Whiting and children are vis­ iting her sister. Mrs T. P. Walsh, at Grayslake this week Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hall departed Monday morning for a two weeks' visit with relatives in Missouri. Mrs Ed Gannon and children of Chi cago visited with relatives in this vicin­ ity the fore part of the week. Walter and Edward Harrison, Karl Bradley and F Hawley attended Buffa­ lo Bill's show in Elgiu Saturday. M rs. Mason and daughter, Miss Lanra, o( Richmond were visitors at the home of P. H. Flanders Monday. Mrs Ray Barthott returned to her home in Richmond Sunday, after a week's visit with her parents here. Mrs. Eil Gannon and Mrs. Jacob Ad­ ams visited with their sister, Mrs. Nel­ lie Peacock, at Woodstock Tuesday. John Watson, W111. McCannou, Win. Beck and Ed Whiting are looking over the Dakotas, with prospects of buying. Mr. aud Mrs. A. G. Bishop, W. E Smith, Karl Bradley and Frank Hawley attended the auto climb at Phillips hill Friday. Several from here witnessed the hill climbing contest at Algonquin Friday and on Saturday attended Buffalo Bill's show iu Elgin. The Ringwood school will begin Mon day. Aug 31, with W. B. Johounott as principal and Miss Maybelle Alexander as primary teacher. Messrs Will McCannon, W. Beck, A. Beck, Win. Loughridge aud Harry Mc- Kenty boarded the train Tuesday morn­ ing for South Dakota. ('. H. Cristy and sister. Miss Mae, of Wan|taca. Wis., are visiting at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Harsh, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peet of Wood­ stock aud Mr. an 1 Mrs. Frank Peet of Keystone were Sunday visitors here with their brother, Chas. Peet. Mrs. J. D. Smith and children spent Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wright at Wilinot, Wis., and also attended the Wooduian picnic while there Mr. and Mrs. G. L Bacon and daugh­ ter, Georgia, returned to their home in Chicago Wednesday morning, after a week's visit with relatives here. They were accompanied home by Leon Dodge. JOHNSBIjBGU. John Tonyou of Fox Lake was a caller here Sunday. Dance at the Columbia park pavilion next Wednesday evening, August 26. Mrs. Wm. Thurwell, Jr., of McHenry visited relatives and friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Kline of Inglesida visited with Mr. ami Mrs. John Schaefer Monday Mrs. Joseph Schaefer spent a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. Skifano, in Chicago. Mr. aud Mrs. William Krift of Bur­ lington, Wis., visited home folks Satur­ day la*t Mrs John Williams of Chicago visit­ ed Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin W.Uliams Mr and Mrs Theodore Winkels and Mr and Mrs John Glossen of McHenry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Miller Thursday. The two daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers of Kenosha, Wis., are vis­ iting this week with their grandmother, Mrs John Schaefer VOL.O. Jake Sextou of Elgin was iu Volo re­ cently. M iss Helen Henkle has gone to Elgin for a few weeks' visit. John Hironimus of Wankegan is visit­ ing relatives here this week. Miss Catherine Do well of West Fre> uiont was in Volo Saturday. M essrs. Will and Arthnr Frost were Grayslake callers Thursday. M iss Lucy Dnnnill visited relatives and friends in Elgin last week. Mesdames August and Lawrence Mul- ler spent one day last week with fri&nds at Pistakee. M isses Edith and Helen Carpenter of Elgin are spending this week at A. J, Raymond's Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Price and chil­ dren of McHenry drove thru Volo one day last week. Mrs. Hiram Lusk of Libertyville and and Mrs. L. V. Lusk of West Fremont spent Thursday afternoon at A. J. Ray­ mond's. AND FRUITS! If quality and price are inducements this store should be your trading place when it comes to buying Groceries and Fruits. Our line is al­ ways PURE, PALA­ TABLE and FRESH. Let us supply you. Wm . Simes 'PHONE 694 Helmer Block, - flctlenry Bank of McHenry This Bank receives, deposits, buys and sells Foreign and Domestic Exchange, and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. We endeavor to do all bnsiness intrusted to onr care in a manner and upon terms entirely satisfact­ ory to onr customers and respect­ fully solicit the public patronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. Special attention given to collections INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Yours Respectfully Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. HORSE GOODS! of every description is what we deal in. Every­ thing that goes to make up a first-class Harness Establishment may be had here. When you get ready lor that new work or driv­ ing harness, if you appre­ ciate quality and good workmanship we will be pleased to give you our p r i c e s . : : : : : : M. A. Thelen "The Flaming Arrow." When Edmund Carnotte, the cele brated sculptor, was commissioned by the Uiiited States treasury department to make the new nineteen hundred penny, he selected a famous Indian as his model, as having the truest Indian features he was able to find. Lincoln J. Carter, the noted producer and play­ wright, has wiitten a thrilling and in­ teresting play cleverly depicting frontier life, showing the American aborignee as he lives in his wigwam, his habits, mode of living, his character and tem­ perament. The name of this plav, which will be seen at the Ceutral opera house, McHenry, on Sunday evening, August 28, is "The Flaming Arrow." A com­ pany of sterling worth, including six­ teen full blooded Indians, together with cowboys, scouts and ex-United States soldiers. An Indian band with the at­ traction will play before the theater before each performance. G. A. K. Kates Toledo,**., Au*. 3V-Se|>l. fl, 1HOS. via The North Western l . lue. Round trip tickets on sale daily, An gust 28-80, at e^j^rsion fates via Chica­ go & North Western Ry. with liberal return limits. Full information on application to any ticket agent The North Western Line. And Beauty Promoting may be Accomplishes by One and the Same flethod. A P P L Y PETESCH'5 COLD CREAH every night on retiring and the skin will not only be nourished, whitened and beautified, but protection against injury from sun and wind will be afforded. You can enjoy your out-of- door sports without fear of skin injury. This is a delightful, refreshing, cooling cream that you'll enjoy using. Price, 25 cents. N. H. PETESCH Druggist. McHenry. 'Phone 274 -- ̂ GIVEN AWAY Free! Free! Free! A beautiful 16x20 enamel water color pastel in a 16x20 two-inch gold portrait frame at CHAS. G. FRETT'S New Grocery and Meat Market Thi s is positively the very latest thing out in this line of high class art pictures bearing such a close resemblance as it does to an oil painting that experts have often mistaken them for the genuine paintings. This extraordinary offer is made for the purpose of introducing into the homes of this community the peerless QUAKER BAKING POWDER, guaran­ teed under the Pure Food and Drug Act. We give away absolutely free with every can sold one of these beautiful pictures, framed ready to hang up. Call while the pictures last. All kinds of fruit pictures for the dining room and copies of the world's famous paintings to select from. :: :: :: (r YOU WILL SEE in the noted Jewelry Store of Rovelstad Bros. the very same things that are being shown in the larger Jewely Stores of Chicago and New York. You will find Our Collection very complete and Our Quality thoroughly reliable. :: :: :: ...YOU CAN GET... such Jewelry, Silverware, Cut Glass, and Clocks cheaper from us than else­ where, because our expenses are less than the large city stores and because we sell at the lowest prices at which goods oCOur Quality can be sold. :: ...SHOPPING HERE... assures your getting the newest in last­ ing quality at Economical Prices. :: Rovelstad Bros. Jewelers. 162 Chicago St., Elgin, III. feed Grindlug. Until fnrther notice we will grind feed mornings only, commencing at 10 O'CLCOK daily. WM. BONSLETT. j | PROBATE NEWS [ 1 Furnished by McHenry County Abstrac Company. Woodstock. I l l inois.) ^ KKAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Christ Nickels, 49.. Algonquin Mrs. Minnie Zangie, 37 Claude A Stevenson, 27 Capron Bessie White, 26 William Buttrey, 8fl Marengo Pearl Andrews, 29 Robert E. Howe. 21 Chicago Kate Lorie Pleas, 18 Place Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- oftice in the country ci rcular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaiudealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in %st-class manner. Get your "Fly Shy ' of the Wilbur Lumber Co. A New Qemiidl Discovered Tint Will Not Bun off A! i RN Itot stive You can put it on the top of yoar cook stove and it will blacken those lids a dead black and they will stay black for months. Yon don't have to polish STOVINK; just paint it on. You can't rub it off, nor will it born off; one application lasts from one to two months. STOVINK is not explosive and will not iu anv way injure your stove. Mc. JOHN J. VYCITAL. Want Column. All advt>rU£>era«iit* inserted uuder tfils head fcttfe* following rat«*« Five llut*s or !<**«, *6 cefit* {or Ant insertion. 15 cvtitu far e&eh sutasiuexit UiMrlUA. Mor* thau live 5 crnU a hue for ttr*t mwrtKm, anil Scent* a iloe for aUaiWoa* uutertion*. WK SALE--Dakota and Colorado Ituds. 1 Homesteads located, fur further infor­ mation apply to or address E. W. Hum, Mc- 111. lT-tf Heury. tj>OR SALE: A number of tiira«-mr oM A ht-ifers witli calm by their sides and nearby springers. Ha sly Bkos.. Weet Mc­ Henry. 111. "TtTANTED--Girl to do general houseworkj " * Catbolic preferred Address D H.. 106 S. Ayer St.. Harvard , Ell . J?

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