* D on't buy v\ m&sm Furniture until you have inspected my stock. Do not think that you can do bettor in Chicago. Ofcmpate city prices with prices I will quote and. if quality is considered, you will give me your order. You can find here everything: that is needed to beautify the home. The latest designs in Tables, Couches, Chairs, Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Com plete Parlor and Chamber^ Suits, Sideboards, Picture Frames, Etc. See my line of Carpets and Rugs. Jacob Justen 5\ WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. ./ S> OUR NEW FALL SAMPLES OF THE are now ready. The line consists of all the latest styles in Domestic and. Imported.Cloths. Style, Fit and Quality at the lowest possible prices. Call and see them. :: Yours trulv, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. Groceries Always a Fresh and Complete Line on hand. West Mc«* Henry, 111. . JOHN STOFFEL. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS innil(l||iluinil '"Ml «»i Peach's for drous. Try Keeg's bakery goods at Gilbert's. Miss Kate Rosing, wfaa a Grayslake caller Thursday. For sick healache nse Masqnelel's heada.he powders. Misses Maude and Elsie Walton spent Sunday in Liberty ville. Alabastine. all colors, paint:-, o i ls . etc., at Mas^nelet's dint: store Miss Kate Frost visited relatives;at ^Grayslake last Thursday. Frank Murray of Wanconda was in Volo Friday and Saturday. Miss. Anna Rossdeuts«h»r of Wan conda visited her-parents hen- W 'hies- day. ' Miss Mary Ranght. of Lilartyville spent Sunday at the Uaught farm near Volo. Mrfv Scott Snell and daughter. Edith, were McHenry callers Thursday after noon, " Mrs. C. Dillon of WaukegHii is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dillon this week. > Mr»: John Richardson bus been enter' ttining relatives from Def-Plaines re cently. Mrs. C. Sabel was one of a parity that spent several days of last Week at Holy Hill, Wis. Mrs. ('has.- Parker entertained her sister. Miss Rena Decker, of Chicago last week. Miss Mande Walton of Liberty ville is sending a few weeks' vacation with her parents here. Miss Fram es Rosing has retnrned to Goshen, lnd., after a few w. < ks' vaca tion with relatives here. Alfred Nieholls and lady friend re tnrned to Chicago Tuesday, after a visit at the Harry Nicbolls home. Mr. and Mrs. Dnnnill and daughter, Lucy, attended the McHenry comity fair at Woodstock last. Thursday. Mr. aud Mrs. James Kirw*a iixve beeu entertaining their aunt, Mrs. Searles, of Chicago for i, few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. lien' Ossiii.ui and daughter, Mtirl, of Itonnd Lake visited with relatives in Volo Snuday after noon. Mrs. Konse and daughter, Clara, of Winnetka were Sunday guests at the home of the former's sister. Mrs John Rosing. Paul Avery of Lake Villa and Miss Georgia Kapple of Grayslake were Sun day visitors of the former's mother, Mrs. Lola Avery. School started here last Tuesday morning with Miss Edith Ritter as teacher. She was very successful with her former school and her many friends hope for her success in her present posi tion. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Oceau so that our patrons can se cure that sterling paper, together with oar own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for oue year, This is a rare op portunity and should b<« taken advant age of. St Peter's Catholic school in Volo opened with good attendance. Miss Lizzie Modartz, graduate of Notre Dame Normal school, former teacher ot city schools and music teacher at the Scheriuerville convent, is here teacher aud organist. Miss Modartzis willing to give private music lesions on the following instruments: Pintm, orgau. violin, zither, bow zither or viola and mandolin. Also siugiug ami 'hurmouy lessons. OSXKND. Phil Ay 1 ward has returned from his trip to Dakota. W. E. Smith is the owner of a new Bnick automobile. Mrs. Isabella Ricbardsou is staying with her son, Robert Mrs. Wilbur Bttssett transacted busi ness in Woodstock Tuesday. Miss Sadie Hobart began her duties as school teacher in Bull \ alley Mon day. C. E. Gaylord returned from Wiscon sin Tuesday evening with a carload of cattle. E. P. Flanders exhibited a fine lot of horses at the fair carrying off some of the premiums. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weber attended the funeral of a friend in Spring (trove last Thursday. * Warren Thomas, Jr., is laid up with an abcess on his neck, which is causing him a great deal of pain. Mrs, May Jack and son, Arthnr, re turned to her home in Madis >n, Wis., after and extended visit with her moth er The W. C. T. U. meets with Mrs. Loveina Thomas next Saturday. Aug. 19. Topic, "Nature Study For . the Child." Everyone is cordially invited Nothing like knowing what's going ou. We keep yon posted locally, bnt The Weekly Inter-Oceau gives the new* of all the world. By our special ar rangeinent von can secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate 11.75. Place Yuar Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in ever£ posi- office in the conntry ci rcular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on hit- envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if anv mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first class manner. They Take The Kinks Out. "I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, with increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks out of stomach, liver and bowels, without fnss or friction," says N. H. Brown, of Pittsfield, Vt. Guaranteed satisfact >ry atN. H. Peteech'e drugstore. 25c, JOHNSBIRGH. Petesch's for drugs. Henry Schaefer Chicagoed Friday. Everything in groceries at Gilberts'. Mrs. Jacob MVvers spent Tuesday at Anton Meyers. Johp O ittiug visited relatives at Lib erty ville Saturday. W . Schmitt boarded the train for Chi cago Monday morning. Miss M. M. Adams transacted busi ness in Chicago Wednesday. Mr and Mrs Henry Heimer of Mc Henry were seen here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. John Ranen of Spring Grove drove thru here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Math Frennd of Mc- Henry were visitors here Tuesday. Miss Lizzie May and Henry Schaefer were Chicago shoppers last Friday. Nick Rose and Stephen Neis of Spring Grove drove thru here Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. .1 C Debrecbt were Chicago passengers last week Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Frennd visited Snuday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Meyers. JMr. and v rs Joe Michels, JLr , visited :?>niid«'y with Mr and Mrs S. Michels. Misses Lena Michels. Lena Sch mitt and John Niest-n spent Monday in the city. ' ' A complete line of school books, tab lets, pencils etc.. at Masqnelet's drug store. Mr and Mrs. W. Klein of Ingleside spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Klein. Mr. and Mrs Henry Degen spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob R. Miller Mrs. Jos. W. Frennd and children visited at the home of Frank Schmitt Tuesday. Mrs. Peter Frennd entertained a few of her friend^ at quilting Wednesday afternoon. Mrs John M. Schmitt and children spent Monday at the former's mother," Mrs John Thelen. Mrs. John S. Frennd and little Lillian and Bennie visited gr aud in a Michels Tn-sday afternoon: Now is the time to look at your win dows. All sizes window glass at Mas qnelet's drug store, Mr. and Mrs. Mat Steffes spent Satur day and Snuday with the latter's sister, Josaphine, in Libertyville. Mr anil Mrs, John Heimer and daugh ter, May ui a, spent Friday afternoon with Mr and Mrs Christ Blake. Mrs. Frank Schuftiacher and Mrs. J. Schumacher from Spring Grove were callers here last week Saturday Miss Rose and Nick Hnetnann of M Henry aud Alex Frennd of Chicago spent Sunday afternoon at the home of C. M A Adams, Mrs. John F. Frennd, Miss Martha Niesen and Mrs. Jacob Schumacher wpent a few days of last week with rela lives and friends in Milwaukee, Wis. On« dollar a year for The Weekly In ter Ocean ; $ 1.50 a vear for The Plain dealer. Or both by onr recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. A Paying Investment. Mr. John White, of 88 Highland Ave., Hon!ton, Maine, says: "Have been troubled with a cough every winter and spring. Last winter I tried many ad vertised remedies, but the cough contin ued until 1 bought »50c. bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery; before that was half | gone, the cough 1 was all gone. Iphis winter the same happy results has fotfowed; a few doses once more banish ed the annual cough. I am now con vinced that Dr. King's New Discovery is the best of all cough and lung reme dies." Sold under guarantee at N. H. Petesch's drug store. 50c. and •1.00. Trial bottle free. TERRA COTTA. P. Foerster and family are woving to Evanston this week. R. J. Wingate of Crystal Lake called Miss Freya Foerster visited friends in McHenry last week. Miss Ruby Peck of Chicago is visiting at Henry McMillan's. on friends here Friday. M HS Alice Kuox was a Crystal Lake caller Tuesday evening. H. E. Price of West McHenry was a business caller here Monday. Miss Florence Leisner spent Snnday at the home of her parents here. Philip Huffman and Frank Sprood *pent Tuesday with relatives here. Mrs. P. H. Conway and son, Edwin, spent Sunday with rilatives in McHenry. Miss Mary Walsh of McHenry visited relatives here from Friday till Monday. Mr. aud Mrs. James Powers of Hol- combville called an friends here Sunday. Misses Cecelia aud Theresa Conway of McHenry visited at J. Boss one day last week. M rs. Starr and Mrs. Granger of Bel- videre visited at A. T. McMillan's last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. Buss and daughters spent Sunday with relatives at Mc Henry. Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughter, Gleuys, were Crystal Lake visitors Tuesday. C. P.'Barnes and Geo. Echert of Woodstock were business callers here Saturday. Mrs. Hongh aud children spent sever al (Jays with relatives in Chicago the past week. Our prescription department is com plete with fresh and pure drngs. Have yonr prescriptions filled with as. Mas- quelet s drug store. If yon have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. It Are You Eating Our AND FRUITS? If not, begin today. It is to your interest to do so. We handle nothing but the best and sell at prices that are right. Wm. Simes 'PHONE 694 Heimer Block, - flcHenry (MID DISEASE PUZZLING DOCTORS Acute Paralysis Affecting Children Near Streator - Cure Made In Elgin. The sight of an apparently healthy child of four being carried in the arms of her father thru the main streets of Elgin attracted the attention of passers- by a conple of weeks ago. The little girl was Mildred Colravy, and while seemingly healthy, was in intense pain. She was brought to Elgin from, her home at Long Point, near Streator, this state, for treatment, suffering from what the home physician diagnosed as acute paralysis of children. This is a new form of disease aud was unheard of up to a few mouths ago. Its origin is a mystery with physicians in that part of the state, where, at the present, time, there are a dozen children suffering with it in its severest form. At first a slight illness is noticed, and in every instance acute paralysis develops. School Days At the beginning of the term there are 80 many items needed by scholars that it's next to impossible to start out on the first day of school fully equipped--each day seems to demand something new. :: :: :: W e are carrying a stock of school supplies in such variety that we can supply your needs at all times and our prices are the lowest. :: :: :: :: :: :: You will find here all the school books that are used in our public schools as well as such necessary articles as PHNC1LS PENS ERASERS INKS Composition Papers TABLETS RULERS PASTE PEN HOLDERS CRAYONS Drawing Pipers flUCILAUE, Etc N. H.PETESCH Druggist. McHenry. 'Phone 274. ----- -- jy « LITTLE niLDRED COLRAVY. The spine of the Colravy child was first affected, the stiffness holding the head in a backward position, where it remained for several days. Gradually the disease left the spine and head and entered the limbs, causing a complete numbness. The pain was very intense, and it was impossible for the child to use the limbs at all. She couldn't stand, conld lie only on her back in bed, and slept with the greatest difficulty. The toes turned inward and remained in that manner. The family physician gave up the case as hopeless, and as a last resort the father, Edward Colravy, decided to bring Mildred to Elgin for consnlation with Prof. Leach. The physician held out little hope, and made the remark that in the meantime he would order braces to be adjusted to the child's limbs upon return of the family to Long Point. The parents came to El gin with Mildred Aug. 25. Prof. Leach gave a hurried decision, saying he would have her walking in two weeks, and the remarkable part of it all is he *kept his word. In exactly two weeks she was walking, and is gaining in strength every honr. The family left for home last Saturday, and it is safe to say there is not a happier father, mother and child in all the world. The little girl is still weak from the effects of the terrible ill ness, but color is fast coming back to her cheeks, and Prof. Leach says she will be entirely well in a week or so. In all fifteen treatments were given, and the fee $20. If it had been possible for any prominent specialist to make a cure of this nature the charge would be sev eral hundred dollars at least. Many El gin people became acquainted with the family during their stay in Elgin aud will be interested in knowiqg the success of the treatments. Their address is Long Point, 111., R. F. D. No, 1. Notice to Hunter*. Owning to the fact that I have on my premises a number of tame decoy ducks, I hereby give notice that after this date no bunting or trespassing will be al lowed upon said premises. The law will positively be strictly applied on ail persons not heeding this warning. MARTIN J . WAGXER. Dated August 27-08 Did it ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can bny the £Jpnk envelopes at the •tore! GIVEN AWAY Free! Free! Free! A beautiful 16x20 enamel water color pastel in a 16x20 two-inch gold portrait frame at CHAS. Q. FRETT'S New Grocery and Meat Market This is positively the very latest thing out in this line of high class, art pictures bearing such a close resemblance as it does to an oil painting that experts have often mistaken them'for the genuine paintings. This extraordinary offer is made for the purpose of introducing info the homes of this community the peerless QUAKER BAKING POWDER, guaran teed under the Pure Food and Drug Act. We give a-way absolutely free with every can sold one of these beautiful pictures, framed ready to hang up. Call while the pictures last. All kinds of fruit pictures for the dining room and copies of the world's famous paintings to select from. :: :: - :: :: SIMPLE THINGS MEAN A LOT Here are a few things that are observed 111 the Jewelry Store of ROVELSTAD'S IN ELGIN *>/ Courteous attention to everyone visit ing our store, whether they come to purchase- see the new things--or to wait to meet friends. : : : When waiting upon customers to bear their interests in mind as well as the profit to be made in selling. : : To please everyone that they will al ways be glad they bought of Rovelstad Bros. ! To sell only the right things in Style and Quality; .' ! .' ! ' To ask only a fair and just price. Do we deserve your patronage? : I ROVELSTAD BROS. ELGIN, ILLINOIS. N'otloe. The McHenry Canning company is now ready to receive all corn ready for canning on their contract and corn not contracted. We expect and must have all corn so grown. MCHENRY CANNING COMPAN Y. Sept. 9, 1908. \Vttriiing to Hunter*. Notice is hereby given that ou an«t after this date hunting and trapping on my premises at McCollnui slake is strict ly forbidden. The law will be applied whenever ueccessary. Mus. POUR. Dated Sept. S. 190s. Get yonr "Fly Shy" of the Wilbur Lumber Co. STOVINK Trn.<t« M*rtc. IS NOT A STOVE POLISH Stain Hi-lean red or gray stove, cover with SToVlNK. As the cover becomes hot it . - l u tng t ' s f r om b rown t o ye l lowi sh , and WIMB very hot becomes black aud stays black tlii it wears off. it can never burn off. !t Ml ue too thick smooth it with a cloth after it be comes black. Any polish may be used over STOVINK after it (ia» ouce bttu heated hot. It take* an ele?aut polish, saves labor, and bell* make stoves ltxjk ueat. JOHN J. VYCITAU F. O. Gane the auctioneer. Be gwtt* inteee estieieetioe.