Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 24 Sep 1908, p. 4

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PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract ^™P*ny, Woodstock 1H'no(5»- Office in Ar- Bi)iQ Block, 6H.$t side public square. Ab- •tracts of tttle and conveyancing. Money to U>an on real estate in sums of five hundred to LBIIL-iousti-tid dollars. Tinje and payments to salt borrower. Phones 634, 903 and Oil.] MARRIAGE LICENSES. Henry Roan, 26 ,,, Hebron Mrs. Ida Borek, 24... .Wheatland, Wig John A. Marshall. 21 Crystal Lake Emma Alice Cox, 19 •• Martin W. Siuionaon, 25 Huntley Anna Dorothy Frank, 18 JSdward D. Fnller, 26. Horsington, Kas Oera A. Carpenter, 23 Harvard, 111 John J . Fitzgerald, 30 Chicago Kttii6fiD6 O Neil), Harvard If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, uiet with an accident, have sickness or death to the fa&iily, entertained at a party, kad a marriage in. the family or any Other bit of news that may be of general toterest, hand or mail it to this office lor publication. All items will be thankfully received. Notice to HanUri. Owning to the fact that I have on my premises a number of tame decoy ducks, I hereby give notice that after this date ..9a bunting or trespassing will be al­ lowed upon said premises. The law Will positively be strictly applied on all persons not heeding this warning. MARTIN J. WAGNER. Dated August 27 08. .> i" i Vh# jPlstedhMlfv "Tfiiwt" aiiw Tie Ndleiry PliiHeiler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY %, F. a. sen REINER. fp:^«ee in Bank Building. Telephone, Mo. I H'-'- - TSIIM* OP SUBSCRIPTION! ® 5\, Hi moatlte, W els. Three months. 40o " Thursday, September 34, 1908. BEPDBLICAN TICKET. President WILLIAM H. TAFT Vioe President JAMES S. SHERMAN United States Senator ALBERT J. HOPKINS Governor CHARLES S. DENEEN Lieutenant Governor JOHN G. OGLESBY Secretary of State JAMES A. ROSE Auditor JAMES S. McCULLOUGH State Treasurer ANDREW RUSSEL Attorney General WILLIAM H. STEAD Clerk of Supreme Court J. McCAN DAVIS Congressman HOWARD M. SNAPP Board of Equalization HERBERTS. WILLIAMS State Senator ALBERT J. OLSON Repreeentatives EDWARD D. SBURTLEFF A. K. STEARNS Clerk Appellate Court CHRISTOPHER C. DUFFY State Central Committeeman WILLIAM GROTE Senatorial Committeeman DAVID T. SMILEY Circuit Clerk THEODORE HAMER State's Attorney D. R. JOSLYN Coroner JOSEPH S. MAXON Surveyor LESTER BARBER THE SENATORSHIP. The Tribune supported the movement tor primary reform. It contributed what influence it possesses to the enact­ ment of the act under which the recent primary was held. The Tribune believee in the principle of direct primaries, and it is confident that thru their means political organi­ sations will become more genuinely re- H»onsive to the will of the people than Jjjiey hare yet been in our history. • - But reform thru direct primaries de- ^ ' pends upon obedience to the lawful re­ sult of the primaries, and The Tribune fesiree at this time to call attention to tbe truth that, no matter how good its , : Intention may be, any attempt to evade or disobey the decision reached lawfully thru a direct primary is self-stultified. Enemies of the direct primary system Slight do it as open rebels. No friend .Of the reform may. The application of these remarks i* At a direct primary held thru mt the state Albert J. Hopkins received tbe indorsement for re-election to the Senate of a plurality of Republican votes OMt. It is true by tbe terms of the primary law this vote as to senator is Bflvisory and not mandatory. But morally it is mandatory, especially up­ on everyone who advocates the direct primary principle, and as it happens tbe chief supporters of the candidacy ot Senator Hopkins' opponents were, and presumably still are, among theee advo­ cates The Tribnne, as its readers are aware, holds no brief for Senator Hopkins. It dees hold a brief for the principle of the direct primary, which it believes is more important than the election of any man to any office. There is but one thing honorably and politically possible in this matter of tbe Mnatorship--to accept the lawful, reg­ istered result of the late primary. The advisory expression upon tbe senator- ship should be mandatory. To assure that unwritten but effectual amendment M the law tbe partisans of the direct primary reform, of whom Tbe Tribune is one, should be first to acquiesce in the choice of a senator compliant to the vote on Aug. 8. .4? v;« ?r- > Housefurnishings i; Furniture Carpets, Rugs Portieres Couch Covers Dinner Sets Toilet Sets Silverware Lamps, Clocks Sewing Machines Washing Machines Baby Carriages Go-Carts Refrigerators Ice Boxes Lace Curtains Linoleum, etc. Stoves and Ranges Beckmann Pianos Columbia Graphophones We control for this town ami vu inity the whole enormous line of the Spiegel, May, Stern Co. of Chicago, the largest concern of its kind in existence. This concern has a combined capital of $7,000,000. It oper­ ates 25 great retail stores in the principal cities. Their line I comprises more than 3,000 articles. Now every article in their whole line can be bought at this store on exactly their terms. It is just the same as though this great Chicago store was next door to you. Our prices are their prices-- exactly. That means a saving of 15 to 50% on account oi their enormous purchasing power. We give you 30 days' free trial, just as they give to their customers. And we sell you <>n credit, exactly as they sell. You pay a trifle-down and the balance a little each month. Have Whatever You Want Here are 3,000 articles -think what that means. All the variety of the largest stores in the world. Almost everything that anyone wants for the home. All sold at prices which no local store can compete with. And all sold on credit. \\> need to wait for the money. Make your home cuzv and comfortr.hle now--have it a home to be proud of. Use and enjoy the articles while you are paying-- only a little each month. That is how thousands of homes' in the largest cities are furnished. Now we bring I t y >u here the same great variety-- the same liberal terms--iiie ame prices. Choose whatever you want, and buy on open account. No Interest--No Publicity We charge vou no interest, and there is no need for pub­ licity. Nobodv need know, save you and us, the terms on which you buy. There is nothing undignified about buying on credit. Most of the world's business is done in that way. One should be proud to be trusted. But no one need know about Ihe arrange­ ment, unless you desire to tell, ' Save 15 to 50 Per Cent The Spiegel, May, Stern Co. controls its factories, and cre­ ates its own designs. They manufacture and buy in such enormous quantities that no smaller concern can compete with it. They have built their enormous business by underselling all competition. This saving runs from 15 to 50% under the best local prices^ Now we bring to you the whole benefit of this purchasing power. > 30 Days' Free Trial . mmmmmJmmmm MSHMMM mmssxsasama You take no risk whatever in buying from this line, for the maker's guarantee is back of leach article. In addition, we will place any article in your home* dn 30 days' free trial. If you are not satisfied, at the end of a month, you may return the goods and .we will return your money. You have 30 days to decide if our prices are lowest. To decide if the articles come up to our claiins. To decide if you like our method of dealing with you. If you are not satisfied, after this trial, you are under no obligation. Simply return the article and we will return what you've paid. You have a month's use of anything"^ this line before even deciding to buy. Small Monthly Payments The first payment will average less than 15 cents on each dollar. The balance remains on open account, and you have from 10 to 24 months to pay it. In the meantime, the articles are in your home. They are yours to use and enjoy. Please think what that means. Your choice of 3,000 articles for the home, at less than any price elsewhere. All sold on credit--all on 30 days' free trial. Why pay local prices, and why pay cash, when we offer terms like these? 3,000 Things Like These On Credit We show you bel> prices and terms. tuple bargains, to illustrate our Remember that three thoii< md other articles are sold at similar prices, and sold in a similar way. Pleasefcome and see them all. Lome and compare our prices with others on anything that you want. If you\are satisfied, let us supply you on credit. Pay a little each month, without any interest, instead of paying aH at once. You will gladly come back when you want something else. You will also tell your friends about us. Furniture and Household Goods We show the whole Spiev^rl, May, Stern Co. line--the most complete line in existence. Not a new design is missing. No matter what your taste--no matter what price y>u seek--you can please yourself here better than anywhere else. The rocker shown below is a sample bargain. Hundreds of othtr pieces are sold equally low. Any of them will be placed in your home on 30 days' free trial. Whatever you pay down will be returned if the trial is unsatisfactory. Handsome Morris Rocker No. F 5555, Price $4.95 fSc Cuh with Order 50c Monthly Until Paid Our Empire Line of Stoves and Ranges We show a full line of these fa­ mous stoves, made in one of the greatest stove foundries. Every ex­ pert on stoves knows this line to be ihe standard line in America. And back of every stove--every fange-- is the maker's guarantee. You can't <.-ven guess how good they are till you see them. One great feature is their econ­ omy. Any Empire stove or range will save you enough in fuel, inside of six months, to pay the whole investment. IfliCl i The Celebrated Beckmann Pianos We will place oae of these great pianos in your home on 30 days' free trial. Pay us nothing whatever until you use it a month--until you prove that we save you at least $100 under any .other equal piano. Compare its tone, its action, its finish, with all the pianos you know. Then, if you are satisfied, pay us $8 per month for 22 months. Do you suppose we could offer such terms as these if any other piano anywhere could compare with it ? Empire Steel Range No. S 2490, Price $19.95 $3.00 Cash with Order $1.25 Monthly Until Paid Celebrated Beckmann Style 14, Price $175 $8 Monthly After 30 Days' Free Trial Columbia Graphophones Greatest Talking Machine* in the World Select anyColumbiaGraphophone that yon want and the records you want. We will put the whole outfit in your home for 10<lays' free trial Let it sing you its songs and enter tain you in all of its many ways. For this is the world's supreme entertainer. If you are delighted with it, after ten days, pay us a little each month. But pay us noth­ ing at all until you are satisfied. Columbia Royal Type BV, Price $15.95 With Twelve Columbia Records $3.25 Cash After 10 Day«' Frea Trial $1.50 Monthly Un|)l Paid F. A. Bohlander, West McHenry, 111 OF A PERSONAL NATURE PEOPLE THAT YOU KNOW AND WHERE THEY GO. A Grist of Pergonal News Gathered Dp by the Wayside by The Flalndealer Kf.pre- •entatl ves N. J. Jnsten was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. Mrs. John Niesen spent Wednenday in Chicago. Mrs. S. S. Torrance was a Chicago visitor Wednesday F. H. Wattles attended to business in Chicago Wednesday. W. F. Holtz boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. Miss Alice Siines has returned from her visit to relatives in the Dakota*. Misses May and Josephine Engeln were windy city visitors Wednesday. Joe Peterson of Esterville, la , is a gnest at the home of Fred Schneider. W. J. Kittle of May wood, 111., was a business visitor in town the first of the week. James Colby of Plainville, Kan., was a guest at the home of E. W. Howe the first of the week. Alderman James J. McCoriuick and wife of Chicago were guests of Frank Masquelet Saturday and Sunday. Dr. N. J. Nye of Johnsburgh was among the Chicago passengers from this station Wednesday morning. Chas. Stoffel and George Schreiner went to Chicago this (Thursday), morn­ ing for a few days' visit among friends. Dr. and Mrs. F, C. Ross and sou, Clayton, of North Crystal Lake were guests at the home of E. Lawless Sun­ day. Mrs. Glen Barker of Woodstock was a fftaeet at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund, the first of thu wee'i. Mrs Perriet, Mrs. George Merray and Mrs. Peter Schank of Chicago were guest* at the home of T. W. Winkel last week. Miss Dora Stoffel returned home last Thursday from a month's sojonrn thro out the West. Dora enjoyed her trip immensely. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bohr, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Bncb Rnd Mrs. Jacob Justen left for Lorain, Ohio, Wednesday to attend the fuueral of Mrs. Kate Brand, a relative. IVliHNeH Mary Yager and Lizzie Weber, Mathiis Kothermel and Will Krause took in the Elkhorn fair last Thursday. The trip was made in C. L. Page's auto with <J. L. as chauffeur. Flare Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country ci rcular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business naan, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thns injuring their retnrn to the sender if any mistake is made in tbe address. Call at The Platndealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be pnt np in first-class manner. They Take The Kinks Out. J,I have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for many years, ywith increasing satisfaction. They take the kinks ont of stomach, liver and bowels, without fnss or friction," says "N. H. BroWn, of Pittsfield. Vt. Guaranteed satisfactory at N H. Peteseh's drugstore. 25c. Feed Grinding. ' Until further notice we will grind feed'mornings only, commencing at 10 o'clock daily. WM. BONBLETT. , LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS 8EEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. MILDRED (OIRAVY Items of Interest Picked Up About Ot Busy Little Bur( That May Concern V or Your Friends. "Fly Shy"at Wilbnr Lumber Co. Now is the time to use Herdrich Bitters and Tonic. F. O. Gane tbe auctioneer. He |gni. an tees satisfaction. Alabastine, all colors, paints, oils, et< , at Masquelet's drugstore. Watch the label upon your paper, ,i: your name may be next to be taken from our list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for with M one year. Nearly one hnndred naro> have been taken from odr lists since thn new postoffice ruling went into effcel April 1. The troubles of a newspaper man are aptly described in the following item, clipped from an exchange: "If you know of an item or a piece of news, tell us about it. That's what we want But a newspaper man sometimes exper­ iences more difficulty in gathering news than one would imagine. This was the case with tbe reporter in a neighboring town who a few days ago was to write np a fire in a residence. Going to the door, he inquired for the lady of the house. The maid said shtf was out. "Are any of the family at home?" in­ quired the scribe. "No, they are all out," was tbe reply. "Well, wasn't there a fire here last eyening?" '-'Yes," said tbe girl, "but that's out, too." * Have yonr save troughs fixed before tbe rash at J. J. Vycttal's. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - NORTHWESTERN -- Steam Heat, 11-ot ..and Cold Water, Electric Ligrits. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. -Rates $1.50 per day. IllfO. Still! WEST McHENRY. EAST SIDE A COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt MEATS of every description. Have you tried our Home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. J. J. NKH, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenry, Illinois. ...NEW.... HAVING opened a Har­ness and Repair Shop in the old Sc-hiessle Build­ ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv­ ed and executing the work left in our care with prompt­ ness and dispatch. : : R. Pitzke & (0. West McHenry. Chicago & North-Western. Effective May 17, 19D8. WBKK DAY TRAINS. Ohfcago. iiOKTH BOUND McHenry. 7.00 am Via Kltfin 10.T7 a in 8.4:i a ui Via lies IMaiues ilO.l" a, ni 9.00 a lu Via l>es IMUiues 10.17 am 12.30 p m.. Via Elfflu 8.40 p. in *1.00 p ID Via I)es Plaines 2.!!9 p. m 3.45 pm Via L>es Plalues 4.45 pm 3.45 p m Via Elxln 6.45 p m 5.12 pm Via l)es Plaines. 6.45 pm SUNDAY TRAINS. 8.00 am Via Des Plaines. 9.87 a m 8.45am. ... Via Kltfhi 11.14am 9.10am Via Des Plaines 11.14 am 3.00 p m Via Elgin 4.55 pm WCXK DAY TRAINS.. Leave onnTHBnmm Arrive McHenry. SOUTHBOUND. Chicago. +6.59 am Via Res Plaines 8.26 a in 7.15 am Via Des Plaines >U.12am 7.15 am Via Elgin 9.55 a in 8.32a m ;..,.Vla Ties Plaines 9.35 a m 4.14 p m Via l>es Plaines 6.20 in 4.14 p m Via Elgin .7.10 p m 6.27 p m Via Des Plaines.. 8.00 p m SUNDAY TRAINS. 7.15am: Via Elgin 9.55 a in 7.08 p m Via Des Plaines...' 8.85 p m 7.4" u in V ia Lies Plaiuus 9.25 p m 7.4* pin Via Elgin... 10.20 pm 'Saturday only. + Mon<layonly. Want Column. All advertisements Inserted muler this head at the followingr&tea: Five linen or lexu, 26 i-entu for first tiiHi rtion; 16 cents for each autineijuant insertion. More than Ave lines, 5 cents a line (or ltr«t Insertion, ami XventHa line for addition* Inaei tiona. l^MJK SALE . Dakota and Colorado lauds. Homesteads located. "For further In for inatloit apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry. 111. 17 ,tf pOB HALE: A oomlier of t,l»ree-ye 1 heifers with calves by their sides aud nearby springers. LIAN&Y BROS., West Mc­ Henry, 111. • 8-tf L>OR SALE CHEAP: -Lyon & Healy Piano. 1 New iast November. Inqnire at this iHice. * L"M)K SALE--Abont forty choice small 1 shoals. ForfurtUer particulars inquire of-.I. ,1. KI.I'SKY. West, McHenry. . t i Teat mU:ri_.:L uas created lliruout Northern Illinois by notice of this case. The child was in a helpless condition, »nlTering froni acute paralysis. Prof. F. A. Leach, of Elgin, made a complete cure in fifteen treatments, and since the announcement was given the papers be has been in receipt/of letters daily from ailing persons. • " -- ----J?!... We have arranged with Th«- Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with onr own, at the exceedingly low rate of |1.?5 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and shoold be taken advant- a g § o f . ' T^OttQUICK CASH OBTKADB: Automo- r bile, 4-cyliuder Premeir light tonring car, seating live people. Detachable tonneau. Thoroly overhauled. Air cool: will not freeze In winter. Makes good car for farmer. Simple to operate. Will sell for 1500 cash or traae for cottage or vacant lot fi-outing Pis- takee Bay or Fox river near McHenry. Call for demonstration. CHAS. A. SCHOBSSOW. Ill Canal port Ave.. Cliktago. SALESMEN WANTED:--To-.look after our interests in McHeiuy aud adjacent, coun­ ties. Salary or commission. Address, THE VICTOR OH. COMPANY. Cleveland, O. LOST:-Last, Sunday, somewhere on road between McHeury aud Emerald Park, a ladles' tau jacket. Reward if returned to WM. SPKNCBH. West McHenry, III. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted locally, bnt Tbe Weekly Inter-Ocean gives tbe news of all the world. By our special ar­ rangement von can secure both papers for one loll year for tbe very low rate 11,7*. „ Professional, Society and Bvisinesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. pHYSlClAN,8UKGKON AND UOULlItT A and residence corner Elm aadSi#X Oreehntreets, McHenry. Telephone No 8U EEGERS& FEGER8 PHXPI9I&NB AND SURGEON8, ilcHmt t i V' ! HesiUence, corner Court »n£ B*ln\ str^s - ~HT 5 D. T. SMILEY ATTOKNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, lUlaolt Ail business intrusted to his care will be properly aud promptly attended to. DR. R. Q. CH AMBERLIN DENTIST. Office and! Re«Mcoc* over fl. J. WtU'i Start, Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. W BST MOHINKY. ILL, Telephone N«. 993 SIMON STOFFEL# Insurance Agent for all clas&os of property in the beet Companiee. M Mc^tnrylyH«Mli. John d . Vyo i t s l DEALER IN Genera.] Hardware Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. 1*bOM7N. WM. BACON Dealer In Windmills, Pipes, Puipps, Fittings Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, • . ILLINOIS. M . C . M E A D JUSTICE OP THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AdENT. I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line ot Insurance on Lire Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, - 111. John D. l_odtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES McHENRY, - ILLINOIS KILL the COUGH AND CURE THE LUNC8 WITH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C8t!gsH4 AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG THOUBLEt. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONET REFUNDlfe Tel. Mala 1714. W H Y do people of Mc­ Henry, Lake and other counties irop in at Lambert Q. Seng's Vt Fifth Are. CHICAOOF Because it Is so bom* like. PHOTO STUDIO Portraits All shapes mirt sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. Eecli dos- t'D finished in different styles. Price, y nd upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds ot outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen hand-* Howe Photon and a lfi-20 enlargHUient tiuibhed neatly and artistically in nat­ ural colors. :: Waukegan St., near the Staadplpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. Telephone, 413 WEST 51DE t Fresh, Rich, Juicy Meats Fowls, Vegetables and Canned Goods. E. F. Matthews, WeatMcrtc4«r> ; ill. J rS/Siii

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