Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Oct 1908, p. 5

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;SW • v . ' - ^ u n t i l y o u h a v e i n s p e c t e c l |»y sto&fc.-r Do not think that y^ ; •• ' • •.. ' ••/ - '- do better in Chicago. Compare city prices with prices I will quote and, if quality is considered, you will give me your order. You cati find here everything that is needed . to beautify the home. The latest designs in Tables, Couches, Chairs, Stands, Iron and Wood Beds, Com­ plete Parlor and Chamber Suits, Sideboards, Picture Frames, Etc. See my line of Carpets and Rugs. f -«• -->' •33- * WHEN you THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF • ITi Am S Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND-GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. „ ' . --I OUR NEW FALL SAMPLES OF THE (0. are now ready. The line consists of all the latest stales in Donatio and Imported Cloths. Style, Fit and Quality at the lowest possible prices. Call and see them. Yours truly, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. THE Cash Grocery Offers for this week some special bargains. We are Belling K. C. Baking Powder, 25oz can, 15c: ISozcan loc Quaker Wheat Berries, while they last, 3 pkgs..l(>c Lipton's Tea, ilb pkg... 24c Salada Tea,«greew or black, 41b package 24c Quaker Oats, family aire, while they last, pkg 24c Salmon, Crest brand, lib flat cans, per can 15c Defiance or Celluloid Starch 4 packages, 25c; each.... 7c Our Pie, per package.. ..5c Sauer Kraut, 3 large cans 25c Navy Beans, 6 lbs 25c Crown Baking Powder, lb cart, 13c; |lb can 7c Piccalilli, sweet, pint jar, 15c Milk Rice, while they last, per package. 3c West Mc­ henry, III. JOHN STOFFEL. _ NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RlUuisiviEU). Mrs. Whyte aua Mr. Itfunroe are on the SICK list. Mrs. J. G. Harttuau was a Woodstock visitor Saturday. Fred Wille was in Wooden ck on business Tuesday. Mrs. Rn<i<i ot Woodstock ppentThnrs d*y in tbe Walk up district. Mr. aud Mrs. W. Dike entertained friend* from Crystal Lakt* Wednesday. Mrs. Aland Garrisou and daughter, Hazel, were Harvard callers Saturday. J. H. Parks of Crystal Lake was a pleasant caller aun>ug bin friends Tues­ day. ' .urs. Qora Cooper visited her sister, Vlrs. Sophia Senue, of Woodstock Mon­ day. Mrs. Audrew Hanson and two boys were calling on Woodstock relatives .Saturday. . Tbe Misses Emma and Clara Eicbkoft of Woodstock were calling on Ridge field friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Burner of Eldo­ rado, Kan . visited with Fred French and family Thursday. Miss Qlbnys Jacobs is helping Mr. J. Whvte in the store forenoons. ^5he commenced her duties Monday Miss Josephenson, wbo nas spent the summer months with her parents here, returned' to her city houie Sunday after- unou. Mrs. Corbin of Crystal Lake and her mother, Mrs. Underwood, of Elgin and Mrs. Underwood St sister and baby were here Saturday. Mrs. Westerinan and daughter. Hazel, of Greenwood visited with their daugh­ ter aud sister, Mrs. Maud Garrison, aud family last. week. Mrs. J. B. Lynch spent a week with Portage, Wis , relatives Her mother, Mrs H Fanning, returned with her and will spend the wiuter months. Mrs Will Jay lies was taken to the Woodstock hospital Sunday It is re- p »rted that she stood the operation for appendicitis nicely and her many rela tives and friends hope she will soon be among ns as well as ever. SCHOOL NOTKS. Our enrollment nuiutfers forty-nine. Miss Hazel Westeruiau visited school last week. Gertrude Hau<hwont ranked first in third grade. Mr. Caruiichael of the American Book company called Saturday. Tbe sixth grade is studying about the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. Carl Mnnson and Miible Kline ranked first in second grade Edward Lucas sec­ ond. Elsie Anderson and Rosie Peterson ranked first and Mildred Jaynes second in fourth grade for the psst two weeks VOIAK Peteseh s for drugs. Mrs. George Hnson spent Monday in Rook ford. 111. Miss Hellen Raymond was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Miss Ella Moore spent part of last week at Wauconda. Mr. and Mrs. Snell and children were Wauconda callers recently. Messrs. Eminett and Will Geary of Wauconda were in Volo Sunday. Miss Maude Eatinger is attending the state fair at Springfield this week. Mesdames Cossuian and Jnnge of Round Lake were iu Volo Thursday. C. G. Husou aud daughter, Marion, of Libertyville spent Saturday in Volo. A complete line of school books, tab­ lets, pencils etc., at Masquelet's drng store. Mrs. Sarah A. Howard of Hainesville visited frieuda in Volo last Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Bessie Dnnnill returned to her home here Wednesday, after a visit in Propbetstown, 111. Miss Fanny Sexton of Wanconda spe^it Saturday night and Sunday with Miss Lucy Dunnill. Little Charley Stone is sick at pres ent Dr. C H. Fegers of McHenry was called to attend him. Miss Kate Frost has gone to Des- Moines, la., where she will visit her sister, Mrs. W. M. Huson. Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Znelsdorf and children of McHenry were gnests at the Harry Nicholls home Sunday. Math. Baur bad the misfortune to have his hand badly crushed while handliug ice one day last week. Mr. and Mrs Theo. Winkle of Mc Henry and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Snyder of Fox Lake were gnests of Mrs. C. Sabel one day last week. TERRA COTTA. Mrs B W Starritt visited at A. T. McMillan's Friday. A. H. Dilley of Crystal Lake called on friends here Sunday. Mrs. B. F. Peck spent the first of the week in this vicinity. A. T. McMillan and Thos. Thompson spent Sunday at Solon. The Terra Cotta school now has an enrollment of twenty pupils. A complete line of school books, tab­ lets, pencils etc., at Masquelet's drng store. / Mrs. Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Paul- man of Palatine visited relatives here recently. Missea Theresa and Annie Bum at­ tended a party at McHenry Monday evening. Mrs. R. Anderson of Richmond visit ed at the home of her son, T. R. Ander­ son, Sunday. Miss Delia Conway of Elgin and Miss Mary Keefe of Chicago visited relatives here last week. Misses Annie Buss and Frances Knox visited relativess in McHenry from Fri­ day till Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan and chil dren and Mrs. B. F. Peck spent Sunday at Spring Grove. KINOWOOU. Omd At ptatodMlK. There are some places that I love, Which to my heart are dear; No matter wnere my footsteps rove. Their memory brings me cheer. I think of frieuds.of other days, I iu those places met; Long as 1 live those dear old friends 1 never can forget. One place is a little village In northern Illinois. For many years uiy home was there, A home of peace aud joy. ' Yes, Ringwood I shall always love, Although my home no more; It comes before me here today, Just as it did of yore. That old brick schoolhouse, mauy days I spent within its walls, ' And many bright young boys and girls My memory recalls. The old school house is there no more, The pupils' heads are gray; Bpt they honor both their town and school, Where'er they are today. That old white church, I love it still, I always shall, I know.' " That place was very dear to me In the days of long ago. Such a noble baud of Christians I've not seen since the day *" Those rneu and women gathered there To witness, sing aud pray. Where are they now, that noble band, Who often met me there? Why, scarcely one of them is left To lift his voice iu prayer. But in a bright and blessed houie, A place of light and joy, They're living with tbe Master now. His praise their tongues employ.. There's nnother place in Ringwood, Of which I think today. Most of my family are there. From earth they've passed a Way. The partner of my pilgrimage Thru forty-five long years, Aud darling Rose, they're sleeping there. I write mid falling tears. Yes, Ringwood, I will love thee still, No matter wtae#e I go; For thee my heart shall thrill with joy, For thee my tears ahall flow. A few more days or years at most, And on bright Canaan's shore, The writer hopes to meet again The dear friends gone liefore, Wm. Nickle Charles Shales has sbld bis farm to Edward Feet. L. Todd of Dundee is visiting at J. Ladd's this week. Joe May was a business caller in Woodstock Friday. Leon Dodge was a McHenry caller Friday afternoon. Mrs. N. L. Stevens and Utile. Roger were recent Elgin visitors. S. W. Smith was on jnry at Wood- stock the first of the week. Jake Frennd of Spring Grove was a business caller here Tuesday. Ole Wolkos transacted bnsiness in the windy city Thursday last. Misses Agues and Eleanor Dodge were Spring Grove callers Saturday. Mr and Mrs. Herbert Allen were on the streets of McHenry Thursday last. Wood's orchestra furnished tbe music fot* a dance at Greenwood Friday even­ ing last. Everett Elliott of Spring Grove is as­ sisting C. Shales with bis farm work this week. Grandma Wiedrich is spending the week with her son, Peter Wiedrich, at Sharon, Wis. Now is the time to look at yonr win­ dows All sizes window glass at Mas- qnelet's drug store. Miss .Leona Kelley and Kirk and Arlene Harrison of Harvard spent Sun­ day with the former's parents. Ernest Ingalls and daughter, Miss Edith, are packing their household goods previous to moving to Elgin. Karl Bradley and Frank Hawley re turned to Elgin, after spending Satur­ day and Sunday with their pareuts here. Bert Bell and James Conway took a load of household furniture to Kenosha, Wis., for Dan Nellis of McHenry last Saturday. O113 dollar a year for The Weekly In ter-Ocean; f 1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. OSTEND. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas spent Suuday at Jos. Draper's. M iss Daisy Gay lord visited at T. A. Abbott's last Thursday afternoon. A number of tbe young people at­ tended tbe theater in Woodstock Mon­ day night. Now is the time to look at your win­ dows. All sizes window glass at Mas- qnelet's drug store. Mrs. Richard Thompson visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Whiting, last Sunday. Mrs E. C. Gaylord and daughters, Daisy and Mildred, spent Saturday aft­ ernoon at Jos. Draper's. Mrs. Herbert Thompson and daugh­ ter, Susie, were calling on friends in this vicinity Saturday evening. Ray and Ella Thomas attended the wedding of their cousin. Miss Leda Dwelly, to Dr E. A. Foley, near Wood­ stock, last Saturday, Sept. 26, 1908. Mrs. Frank Martin and Mrs. David Powers atiended a surprise party on Mrs. Wm. Gilbert, it being the latter's birthday anniversary. A general good time is reported. Mrs. Bell Richardson is quite sick at the home of her sou, R. H. Richardson. Dr. Hepbnrn of Ringwood is in at­ tendance. Her mauy friends hope for a speedy recovery.0 For stoves and hardware call on J. J. Vjcital. ! THE Gray (o, Offers this week money saving values in food stuffs and groceries, as follows: Extra Fancy Fine Brick Cheese, per pound ..\2%C California Hams, Smoked, p e r p o u n d . . . . . . . . . . . I J ^ c Breakfast"BacOn, smoked, in strips, per pound.*l3^C Toasted Corn Flakes, per package 7*^c Fancy Mustard Sardines, per can 5c Gal pail pure Syrup. ..35c Fels Naphtha Soap, 10 bars 39c Good Rio Coffee, lb.. li^C Gilbert Grocery Co. CENTERVILLE Telephone 691. Are You Eating Our AND FRUITS? If not, begin today. It is to your in'terest to do so. We handle nothing but the best and sell at prices that are right. Wm. Simes 'PHONE 694 HelmerBlotk, - flcHenry AIR MOTOR PUflP I Guaranteed to operate any pump. Best of satisfaction always. We sell on trial. Why pay $125 when yon can buy pump complete for $37.50 Wm. Ba.con, MoHENKY, ILLINOIS. Had a Close Call. Mrs. Ada L. Croom, the widely known proprietor of the Croom Hot#l, Vaughn, Miss., says: "For several months I suf­ fered with a severe cough, and con­ sumption seemed to have its grip on me, when a friend recommended Dr. King's New Discovery. I began taking it, and three bottles effected a complete core." The fame of this saving cough and cold remedy, and lung and throat healer is world wide. Sold at N. H. Petesch's drug store. 80c. and $1.00. Trial bottle free, Aids for the Sick When a member of your family is sick he deserves the benefit of every aid that science or invention have provided for help of the invalid. We have many such tilings; your physician knows about them and when he suggests some sick-room requisite, you may know that it can always be found here. Ice Bags, Hot Water Bottles, Medi­ cine Glasses, Air Cushions, Lints, Ban­ dages, Gauzes and a score of other sick­ room requisites always in stock. f Mclienry. Phone 27 Druggist. GIVEN AWAY H ^ 1 Free! Free! Free A beautiful 16x20 enamel water color pastel in a 16x20-two-inch gold portrait frame at CHAS. Q. FRETT'S New Grocery and Aieat Market This is positively the very latest thing out in this line of high class art pictures bearing such a close resemblance as it does to an oil painting*that experts have often mistaken them for the genuine paintings. This extraordinary offer is made for the purpose of introducing into the homes of this community the peerless QUAKER BAKING POWDER, guaran­ teed under the Pure Food and Drug Act. We give away absolutely free with every can sold one of these beautiful pictures, framed ready to hang up. Call while the pictures last. . All kinds of fruit pictures for the dining room and copies of the world's famous paintings to select from. :: :: :,>'i Once in a Lifetime You Buy a Watch That's one reason why you should be very careful where you buy it. : : Besides--a watch to be good at all, must be very good. : : : : It should be first tested and regulated by an expert watchmaker before be* ginning to carry it. : : : : OUR WATCHES are known to be dependable. We thoro- ly test every watch and our expert does not pass upon it until it goes right. OUR PRICES on our watches, as on everything else in our establishment, are decidedly rea­ sonable and you will find it to your interests to do your purchasing with RO VELSTAD BROS. JUWLLLRS ELGIN, ILLINOIS. & 4 R«diiM»< ColoniMt R»t«a. One way tickets at special low rates on sale daily thruont September, and October, from all points ou the North Western line to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland and Puget Sound points. Daily and personally conducted tours in tourist sleeping cars via the Chicago Union Pacific & North Western line. Double berth only #7.00, thru from Chi­ cago. For full particulars writs S. A. Hutchinson,.. Manager, Tourist Dept., 212 Clark St., Chicago, 111., or address nearest ticket agent the North Western line. Oct. 14. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all tbe world. By our special ar­ rangement von can secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate #1.75. ' , "Fly Bhy"at Wilbur Lumber Co, Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayette, N. Y., • veteran of the civil war, who lost a foot at Gettysburg, says: "The good Elec­ tric Bitters have done is worth more than five hundred dollars to me. I spent much money doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bitters, and they cured me. I now take them as a tonic, and they keep me strong and well." 50c. at N. H. Petesch's drug store. Our prescription department la eoi plete with fresh and pure drags. Haves your prescriptions filled with as. Mi quelet's drug store. % lames ftlinshall, general anottawr. ; • Farm sales a specialty. Satisfaotioa guaranteed. Genoa Junction, Wia. A beautiful new line of fall M winter millinery may be foaad at Ml E. \V. Howe s. Prices right. • r-'i"

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