Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Oct 1908, p. 4

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Thursday, October 8, REPUBIJCAN TICKET. President WILLIAM 0. TAFT Vice President JAMBS S. SHERMAN United States Senator ALBERT J. HOPKINS Governor CHARLES S. DENEEN Lieutenant Governor JOHN ii. OULESBY Secretary of State JAMES A. ROSE Auditor JAMES 3 McCULLOUGH State Treasurer ANDREW RUSSEL Attorney General WILLIAM H. STEAD Cl«rk of Supreme Court J. McCAN DAVIS Congressman HOWARD M. SNAP? Board of Equalisation HERBERT S. WILLIAMS State Senator ALBERT J. OLSON Representatives EDWARD D SHURTLEFF A. K. STEARNS Clerk Appellate Court CHRISTOPHER C. DUFFY State Central Committeeman WILLIAM GROTE Senatorial Committeeman DAVID T. SMILEY Circuit Clerk THEODORE HAMER State's Attorney D. R. JOSLYN Coroner JOSEPH S. MAXON Surveyor LESTER BARBER EMERALD PARK. L. flock spent Tuesday in Chicago. P. J. Aylward visited relatives bere Sunday. B. Felmeten was a Chicago visitor Tawrt ay. Mr. Mid Mrs. D. W. Hill Sundayed at the Park. A few from this vicinity attended a dattoe at Solon Saturday. Martin Knox returned from hie weet era trip Tuesday evening. Alice Sutton is spending a few i with Elgin relatives. Mrs. John Gibbs and Mrs. P. Walsh visited Mrs. Ed. Comisky Monday. Walter J. Walsh Bpent the past week , with Chicago relatives and friends. Win. Mahoney of Chicago is spending a oouple of weeks with his family here. I Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and son, Kenneth, are spending a week at their cottage. Means. Art. Daily and Albert Kim- ball of Wanconda were callers at E. Knox's Sunday. Jas. Armstrong of May wood and Paul Armstrong and Hons of River Forest are spending a few days at the Park. Misses Theresa Barbian and Lillian Poose and Raymond Whiting of Mc Henry visited Marguerite Knox Sunday evening. Wo. Robinson of Chicago spent San day with Messrs. Berkircher. He was accompanied home by hie wife, who tus bean spending a few weeks at the Park. JOHNSBIKGH. C. M. Adams Chicagoed Tuesday. Miss Mary Pitzen of Yolo was a caller here Tuesday. Mssdames Peter and Frank Miller Chicagoed Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Klein were Mc Henry callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Freund are the happy parents of a baby girl. Mrs. Jos. Etten and son, Nick, of Spring Grove were seen here Monday. Mrs. Frank Schumacher and Mrs. John Schumacher were visitors bere Monday. Miss Lena Klein is spending a few days this week with Mr. ami Mm. Wm Klein at Ingleside. Mrs. J.C. Debrecht and Mrs. Joseph Smith vi^ted Friday afternoon with Mrs. Frank Schumacher in Spring Grove. Sabastine Bngner and daughter, Mary, Mrs. John S, Freuud, Misses Rena and Susie Michels spent Wednes­ day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Michels, Jr. Mick Klein, who has been working for Jos. Huemann for the past two years, has purchased the blacksmith shop of Nick Etten at Spring Grove, and started to work at his new position Thursday, Oct. 1. Social Duce. John E. Freund extends a cordial in­ vitation to the general public to attend a social dance to take place at Smith's hall, Johnsburgb, III., Wednesday even ing, October 14. This dauce promises to be one of the grandest social events ever held in this hall and nothing ie be­ ing left undone to make it snch. Don't forget the place and date and "get in" on this big social treat. Sherman's big orchestra of six pieces, one of the lead­ ing orchestras in northern Illinois, has been selected to furnish the music and you all know what that means. Tickets, 60 cents. Uaving sold my millinery business to • I -- t h e i r k i n d a s s i s t a n c e w h i c h h a s b e e n my sister, Hellen, I wish to thank my numeroas friends and patrons responsible for my excellent success. My sister, who now takes up the new responsibilities, has assisted me lor a number of years and is in every way qualified to carry business. She will at all times line of millinery snoods and do all in her power to win the ladies of Johnsbur^h and vicinity. Hoping that the same that has been accorded me during my eleven years in the business will tendered my sister, and again thanking the public, I am, carry a complete confidence of the cordial treatment be Very respectfully yours, miss 111* IU fldams, Johnsburgb, - • Steam Ifoat. fin! and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1.50 per day. TJIIO. SflllESSlE, Proi. WEST McHKNKY. MAY BUILD FOX LAKE ROAD. Robert D. Wynii Hits Interested Capital­ ists Who May Butlii. Wankegan Gazette, Monday, Octolier 5: Robert £>. Wynn, for some time "out" on electric railroad matters as the result of departure into another line of work, Silurian water management, is looming to the fore in a project for rail­ road building to the lake region aud he feels that the time is here when his long-cherished hopes may lie realized There are prospects of the old Fox Lake railroad-(on Washington street) being returned to the management of Mr. Wvnu and others he may interest in it aud developed in accordance with his original plans. In fact, matters have progressed to the extent that he has already taken up with A . C. Frost and the electric road receivers the matter of getting the local line back into his control, and he states it may be done. Furthermore, be has already interested financiers who have built seventeen railroads, and they have promised him they will build the road if he raises one fourth of the money needed. So far as getting the local HUB back, he states it is quite possible. The road is not owned by the (J. & M. railroad. It is iu the hands of the receivers of the road only thru their acting as receivers for A. C Frost's private affairs. Of course, if Mr. Frost's private affairs reached the state where the receivers had to confiscate the Fox Lake line, it couldn't be done, but this is not pr<»b able. Mr. Frost has told Mr. Wynn that he would do all he could to help promote the plan which Mr. Wynn has now taken up. The plan now conceived will cost $1,500,000 to execute aud the men he has interested state if he will raise $300,000, they will raise the rent and build the road west into the lake region The proposed route, to be selected finally b\ the promoters, will take the road west from Waukegan toUurnee, Grays lake, Fox Lake, McHenry, Marengo, Woodstock and possibly Lake Geneva The plan seems feasible to the pro moters because the road will be able to connect with the Elgin-Aurora Belvi- dere-Marengo lines and they feel the roads would feed to this lake shore line because of the great attractions in this section, including the naval training station, Fort Sheridan, Ziou City, etc. Mr. Wynn has taken hold of the plan with a zeal and states he will feel out the people and see if they still wish the road built west as they have iu past years for there has always l>een a de­ mand and request that the line he ex­ tended. The territory is such that it is lie. lieved the road would pay great in pas senger and freight service and if the people along the route will take pre ferred stock which will lie tendered them it is felt the road will be built and the long talked of connections with the lake region made. I'nder the terms by which Mr. Wynn sold to Frost, the latter was to build the Fox Lake line west when he had completed the main line into Milwau­ kee. That is now done, but the exten­ sion west doesn't look possible under the receivership condition, hence the plan to take up the new project as ont lined. Mr. Wynn would like to hear ex presslons of people along the route as to what they think of it and letters to the Gazette expressing their belief's would be received gladly by the Gazette. | PROBATE NEWS j •••••••• •••• M»SSIS MMMM I.Furnished l»y McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois, office in Ar­ nold Block, east side pulilic square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan OK real estate In suuis of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Tltue and payments to suit borrower. Phones t»4, H03 and 911 | MARRIAUK IJ CENSES. Anton Zemla, 23 Algonquin Mary Kvidera, 18 " A Healthy Family. family has enjoyed good re began using Dr. King s Now Ufe Pills, three years ago," says L. A. Bartlet, of Rural Route 1, Guil­ ford, Maine. They cleanse and tone the system is a gentle way that does you good. 95o, at N. H. Petesch's drug Charles Long, 26 ... Martha Fritz, 18... . H- .. . Woodstock .... Richmond HEAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. William A Harris & w to Charles E Reasner, Its 40 & 50, Orchard B e a c h | 750.00 'jertrude L Miller to Joseph \V Freund, e 44H ft It a, blk 4. W McHenry.. ... 2400.QU Onr prescription department is com plete with fresh and pure drugs. Have ! your prescriptions filled with us. Mas I quelet's drug store. * Aiiction Sale. The undersigned will sell at auction sale on her farm, three miles north of Johusburgh and 1 mile south of Spring Grove, on Tuesday, iug at 10 o'clock a. described property, bull, 2 years old; 4 Holstein calves. 6 Oct. 27', commenc in , the following to-wit: Holstein Holstein heifers, 3 months old; 9 milk cows, mostly Holsteins, close springers; gray team, 3 and 4 years old, weight 2200 pounds; bay horse, 12 years old, weight 1200 pounds; black horse, 6 years old, weight 1200 pounds; brood mare, 10 years old, weight 1100 pounds; suckling colt, 22 spring pigs, r> sows with pigs, 125 chickens, shepherd dog, 30 acres coru iu shocks, 12 tons clover hay in barn, 25 tons of timothy hay in barn, 100 bn. barley, fiOO bu. oats, Champion grain binder, MfCortnick corn har­ vester, Emerson corn planter, Emerson sulky plow, nearly new; walking plow, Champion hay rake, 2 section drag, Os- boru mower, spriug tooth cultivator, 4 shovel cultivator, 6 shovel cultivator, nearly new; grain seeder, pulverizer, hay rack, corn cutter, fauning mill, 6 cwt lb. scales, lumber wagon, truck wagon, milk wagon, set bob sleighs, surrey, nearly new; top buggy, one Bet dump boards, buggy pole, grind stone, 2 ladders, 2 sets double harness, single harness, set light harness, 3 forks and shovels, swill barrels, 15 grain sacks, pile of good wood, 5 milk cans, 2 milk pails and strainer, heating stove, high chair, cradle, baby carriage, and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms of sale; All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good baukable notes drawing iuterest at 6 per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. Free lunch at noon. Geo. Vogel, auctioneer; Frank Schumacher, clerk. MRS NICK SMITH. A net IUII Sale. The undersigned will sell at pnblic auction on the farm located U miles north of Johnsburgb, ou the Math. N. Freund farm, on Wednesday, Oct. 28, beginning at 10 o'clock a. m., the fol­ lowing described property, to-wit; Eleveu cows, 4 Holstein heifers, 2 Hol­ stein bulls 2 years old, 1 Holstein bull $ year old, all nicely spotted ana good Holsteins; 17 sboats, black mare 7 years old, weight 1000 pounds; chestnut mare 13 years old, weight 950 pounds; 2 gray horses, about 15 years old, weight about 1350 pounds each; 2 sets double harness, about 9 tons timothy hay, 7 tons slough hay, about 15 acres corn in shock, 175 bn. oats, Inmber wagon, milk wagon, graiu binder, corn binder, mower, set dump boards, hay rake, hay rack, drill seeder almost new, harrow, corn planter, 2 plows, pair bob sleds, used oue year, 2 sulky cultivators al­ most new, beating stove, shovels, forks,* aud other articles too numerous to men­ tion. Terms of sale; All sums of $10 and uuder, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given ou good bankable-notes and a good sign­ er drawing interest at six per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for. Geo. Vogel, auction­ eer. JOSEPH KLEIN, Proprietor. Reduced ColonlM Rates. One way tickets at special low rates on sale daily thruont September, and October, from all points on the North Western line to San Francisco, Loe Angeles, Portland and Pnget Sound points. Daily and personally conducted tours in tourist sleeping cars via the Chicago Union Pacific & North Western line. Double berth only $7.00, thru from Chi­ cago. For full particulars write S. A. Hutchiuson, Manager, Tourist Dept , 212 Clark St., Chicago, 111., or address nearest ticket agent the North Western line Oct. 14 Our prescription department is com­ plete with fresh and pure drugs. Have your prescriptions tilled with us. Mns- quelet'sdrng store. James Minshall, general aaationeer. Farm sales a specialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Geuoa Junction, Wis. A beautiful new iine of fall and winter millinery may be found at Mrs E. W. Howe's. Prices right. This paper aud The Weekly Inter Ocean - $1.75 for one year's subscription to both. "Fly Shy "at Wilbv Lnmbsr Co, THE: Return Engagement! Central Opera House -ONE NIGHT ONLY- sday, Oct. 14,8 P.M. Entire Change of Program! EXTRA JTIRAOIOII: "(OHM (BUMS" ADHISSION, 15c and 25c LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. Iteim of Interest. Picked Up About Onr Bony Little Burg That M«v Concern You or YourgPrleudH. For stoves and hardware call on J. «T. Vycital. Get your "Fly Shy " of the Wllbnr Lumber Co. For sick headache headache powders. use Masquelet's F. O. Ganp the auctioneer, an tees satisfaction. He gnar Alabastine, all colors, paints, oils, etc., at Masquelet's drng store. Have your eave troughs fixed before the rush at J. J. Vycital's. A new assortment of elegant 10-cent goods at Vycital's hardware store. Now is the time to look at yonr win­ dows. All sizes window glass at Mas­ quelet's drug store. New millinery goods are received every week during the entire season at Mrs. E. W. Howe's millinery parlors, McHenry. REMEMBER in ordering your gar­ ments thru Miss Hillebrand from Chas. A. Stevens & Bros, she will tuake every alteration necessary free of charge. Pictures that please, frames that de­ light, prices that suit. See our new sepias just ont for tile fall seaHon. Hille's photo studio. Phone 493. Did it ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with yonr return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at the store 7 in our recent mention of the West McHenry State bank's stockholders' meeting we failed to mention Geo. H. Hanly as one of those interested iti the iustitutiou. Mr. Hanly, since the bank's foundation, has been one of its most active members. hast week Monday at Droeea Lake, George IJairstow shot a large eagle which measured six feet from tip to tip Later in the day its mate, even much larger, appeared near the lake but Mr. Bairstow had run out of shells, hence he could not bring down the second one. Eagles are scarce in this locality and it has been some time aiuce one haB been shot. Five ex saloon men of Harvard were indicted by the grand jury at Wood­ stock last week, for selling fermented liquors contrary to law. There were two bills in each instance, selling liquor without a license and maintaining a nuisance. The Law aud Order league employed a private detective, who, dis guised as a laborer, by a little smooth work was able to gat the evidence against the partite, To the ladies of McHenry and vicinity T wish to announce that my new Pall and Winter stock of millinery is now com­ plete and ready for your in­ spection. The display, we are proud to inform you, con­ sists of the latest and newest Fall creations, and we invite your inspection. :: :: :: : Miss L. Hiller, West McHenry, III . The Triumph or a New Idea. It has beeu a subject, of comment that the usual features of the Sunday news­ papers showed to little variety. A re­ cent departure in Sunday journalism has met with popular recoguitirn and approval. The great illustrated week­ lies and monthlies no longer have a monopoly of the periodical field. Conan Doyle received $2?*,000 for the American serial rights of his last story, the highest price ever paid for similar rights. Anthony Hope. Jack Londou, Sewell Ford and many other popular novelists contribute to the publication which set the pace by paying this Record price. Celebrated men and women write constantly for it on all subjects of timely interest. Clever verse, wit, hu­ mor and interesting miscellany com plete a most interesting table of cou- teuts. It iB profusely illustrated by the leadiug artists. In fact the Snuday Magazine of The Record-Herald main­ tains the hiuhest standard of periodical literature thruont. It gets the test at tirhateyer cost 1* EAST SIDE COMPLETE LINE OF Fresh and Salt M E AT S of every description. Have you tried our Home-made Sausage? Everybody eats it. J. J. Bll(tl, PROP. Tel. 841 McHenr)r, Illinois. ...NEW. HAVING- opened a Har 11 ess and Repair Shop in the old Schiessle Build ing in West McHenry,where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall atall tirnes be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv ed and executing the wort left in our care with prompt ness and dispatch. : : : R. PatzKe & (0. West McHenry. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Ohlciti/o. 7.00 a in.. N.45 :I in .. tt.00 a in.. 12.HO p 111. 3.45 p ID . . 3.45 p m.. 3.12pm.. F.IVecti ve May 17. 1VMIK. YVKBK DAY TKAIN8. NORTHBOUND Y ia Kltriii V Ia I Piainea.. . . .. ..\~-fa I>os I'laines .... Via Kigiii Via Des PI allies Via Elgin Via I)es Plalnes 8.00 a ui.. 8.45 a m.. . 9.10a ni... 2.00 p m... Leave McHenry. 15 'i hi.. .. 7.15 a m... B..C! a in... 4.14 p in ... 4.14 p tn... 0.27 p 111.. 7.15 AM... 7.0N p rn.. 7 .4M p UI . . 7.4s p 111 SDNDAY TRAINS. " Via Des I'laines ..Via Elgin. . . .. Via Des i'laines Via Kigiii WEEK DAT TRAINS. SOUTH BOIJ ND. Via I It 's I'laines Viu Elgin Via lies I'laines Via lies I'laines.. .. Via Elgin ,. Via l>es I'laines S U N D A Y T R A I N S . Via Elgin Via Des Plalnes Yia l>es I'laines Via Elgin Arrive McHenry. ...10.17 a m .. 10.17 a nt ... 10.17 a ui . .2.4<i p. 111 .. .4.45 p m 0.45 p m ..0.40p m . .11.37 a ni .11.14 a m .11.14 a ID . 4.55 p m Arrive Chicago. it. 12 a 111 . .0.55 a m . U.ilft a in . .6.20 )> 111 ..7.10 p 111 .. H.flO p m . .9.55 a ni .. H.J55 p III . .0.25 p m 10.20 p 111 Want Column. All ttdverlitirnientH Innerti'il uiitlcr tllia licail *t ttie rolliiwiiiK rat«-8 Five linos or lt'HN, «6 rentri for t1r»t •itlon; 1!> fciitH for Huli*equ»iit insertion. More than tlvr lined, ft ct-ntH a line fur flrHt iinttji lion, and 3 cent.H a llnr fur ailititiuiia Mint-i tlonH. "CV)li SALE Dakota and Colorado lands. A Homesteads located. Kor further infor­ mation apply to or address E. W. Howe, Mc­ Henry. 111. 17 tf "CMIR KENT: --The farm known as the John A. Schaefer farm, situated 3 utiles north­ west of McHeury. Eor further information apply to MRS. NJCK BOHR 1(1-tf six-room cottage on West lde. Write or ••all ou FRED SCHNORR, West McHeury. "C>i)K HALE: A number of three-year old heifeijfij with ralves by their sides (m<i JPOR KENT. -A rei|» ' uearOv springers. Henry. III. HANI.Y HHOS. dti /,C takes hundsone Lyon & Healy Piano, £ t<w last Novemtier. inquire at this Where Bullets Flew. David Parker, of Fayetfe, N. Y., a. veteran of tho civil war, wbo lost a foot at Gettysburg says: "Th« icootl Elec­ tric Bitters have done is worth more than live hundred dollars to me. I spent much uioney doctoring for a bad case of stomach trouble, to little purpose. I then tried Electric Bitters, and they cured me. I now take them as a tonic, aud they keep me strong and well." 50c. at N. H. Petesch's drus: store. Nothing lite knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar ranuement von can secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate ft 7b. IjVjR MALE A IK ml forty <0ioice small shoals For further particulars Inquire of ,1. .1. FM'SKY. West McHenry. liVlKyl'H-K t'AjSH OK TKADE: Automo- * bile, 4-oyliiider I'remelr light touring car. seating five people. Detachable toiineaii. Tlioroly overhauled. Air cool; will not freeze In winter. Makes good car for farmer. Simple to operate. Will for $f.n0 cash or t.ratie for cottage or vacant lot front ing Pis- take^ Bay or Fox river near McHenry. Call for demonstration. ('HAS. A. STHOKSSOW, 111 Canal port Ave., Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED: - To Itiok after our ^ Interests in McHenry and adjacent coun­ ties. Salary or commission. Address, THE VICTOR On. COMPANY. Cleveland. O. LOPT: Last Sunday, somewhere on road between McHenry and Emerald Park, a ladies' tan jacket. Reward If returned to WM. SJFKNCEH. West McHenry. 111. excellent bargain. Will trade for real estate summer home, motor boat, automobile, or HOPKINS & Co., l«7 Dear-what have you? bora at., Cfalcago, lit. PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS. McHenrj III. Office at Residence,corner Court Elm streets Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois All business intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. DR. R. G. CflAMBERLIN ORNTI8T, Offtpc and Rcstdenc* over n. J. Walsh's Store, flours: 8:oo to 5:30. W EST MOHBNKY. IU„ Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all classes of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, illtael*. John J. Vycital DEALER IN GeneraJ Hardware Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - . ILLINOIS. Well-drilling a Specialty. 'Phone 791. WM. BACON Dealer In Windmills, Pipes, Pumps, Fittings Well Supplies. First-class Work guaranteed at all Times. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACS AND INSURANCE AUBNT. I am now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire. Lightning Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III. John D. Lodtz MERCHANT TAILOR. FIRST CLASS WORK ONLY AT MODERATE PRICES McHENRY, - ILLINOIS KILL ^ COUCH AND CURE THE LUNGS WITH Dr. King's New Discovery PRICE FORCSPgt18 • ail ^^OLDS Trial Bottle Free AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY OB MONEY BEEONDEB. Tel. Mela 1714. WHY do people of Mc­ Henry, Lake aud other counties 3rop in at Lambert Q. Seng's 92 Fifth Ave. CHICAGO? is so PHOTO STUDIO. Portraits All shapes au'i sizes. Sev­ eral proofs to select from. K;ii*h doz­ en finished in different styles. Price, 13.00 and upward. Outdoor Work We have extensive apparatus for all kinds of outdoor work, such as group pictures, views of buildings, cattle, machinery, etc. for a dozen haud some Photon aud a 16-20 enlargement finished neatly and artistically in nat­ ural colore. :: Waukegan Bt., near the Stamlplpe. WEST McHENRY, ILL. TolopKono, 4IS WEST SIDE Meat Market Fresh, Rich, Juicy Meats Fowls, Vegetables and Canned Goods. £. F. Matthews, Weil McHeury, III. J •rv m:.

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