Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Dec 1908, p. 7

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, WHAT IS MORE APPROPRIATE FOR A CHRISTHAS GIFT THAN A PIECE OF F U R N I T U R E Something that will last a lifetime and always be appreciated, {lever before were we so well prepared to show the most fastidious, the most up-to-date line of Morris Chairs, Rockers, Library Tables, Couches, Music Cabinets, Buffets, China Closets, Combination Book Cases, and, in fact, everything carried in UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE. : Jacob flcHENRY, ILLINOIS. J) WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES / AND QET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. Holiday Goods! I We have a fine line of Staple and Fancy Goods suitable for Christmas Gifts. Toilet Sets, Collar and Cuff Bags, Albums, Combs, Brushes, Smoking Sets, Mirrors, Etc. A special line of Linens, Doi­ lies, Tray Cloths, Scarfs, Lunch Cloths and Table Lin­ ens. Our line of Handker­ chiefs, Neckties, Mufflers and Fine Gloves is the finest we have ever shown. :: :: M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. -if Mm' a mmi My stock of Crockery and Glassware is more com­ plete than ever. You are cordially invited to in­ spect my Holiday Line ol Dresden Oiioaware Consisting of Salads, Cake Plates, Celery Trays, Olive Dishes, Spoon Trays, Sugar and Cream Sets, Plates, Plaques, Nut Bowls, Jugs, Cracker Jars, Etc. Hand painted under glaze in a large variety i of pleasing colors and patterns. :: :: :: filne Piece Presscut Berry Sets--the set consisting igjlf one large berry dish, six nappies, one each sugar Ml:,v%id creamer; two patterns, per set 90c and 99c Handsomely Decorated Rockingham Tea Pots, in t î jjiree sizes ... ̂ 45C..50C..60C Shop early and get the best selection. :: :: West Me- Henry, III. JOHN STOFFEL. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B.Y OUR ABLE 'CORPS' OF CORRESPONDENTS JOHNSBURGH. Military seta at Petesch'a. Wm. Althoff Bpent Monday Ul the city. Toilet -article# and manicure sets at Besley's. Joe Freund was a Rlngwood caller Monday. Peter Frennd of McHenry was in town recently. Nick Klein of Spring Grove was seen in town Sunday. J. C. Debrecht was a Chicago passen­ ger last Monday. Loo Althoff of Gary spent Snnday with home folks. Joe Miller and wife were McHenry shoppers Monday. Misses Eva and Lizzie Miller drove to McHenry Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Brits visited Sun day wjtta Mrs. Nell. Peter Hnff of Spring Grove was a caller here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Blake were Mc­ Henry callers Tuesday. Misses Mary and Lena P.tzen of Volo were seen here Snnday. Mrs. Win. Meyers visited Tuesday with Mrs. Tbeo. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Freand were Mc­ Henry shoppers Tuesday. •*, Mr. and Mrs Martin $. Frennd were McHenry callers Monday. Mfsa Eva Stoffel of McHenry spent Sunday with Katie Althoff. Mrs. Math. Bowers of Volo visited her mother, Mrs. Britz, Monday. Mrs. Wm Oeffling and daughter, Anna, drove to McHenry Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williams of Spring Grove were callers Tuesday. Nick Freund and son, Petey, are visit ing relatives and friends in Stacyville, la. Mr. and Mrs. Johu Klein entertained Mr. and Mrs, Math. Blake of McHenry Snndny. Mrs. S. Scbmitt and children speut Sunday afternoon at Mrs. Barbara Schmitt's. Mrs. Math. Freand and daughter, Katie, spent Tuesday with relatives in McHenry. Peter L Frennd of Hope, N D , is visiting with relatives and friends here for a few weeks. Miss Helen Adams and Mrs. J. E Freund boarded the Chicago train Wednesday morning. John Klein and family of Spring Grove Sundayed at the home of Mr. and Mra. Math. N. Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Meyers of Spring Grove visited Tuesday with the former's mother, Mrs. Anton Meyers. The funeral of little Laura Jonnlca, daughter of Mrs. Katherine Jonnica, who resides near Pistakee Bay, took place here Tuesday morning. Death resulted after a short illness of only two days. Jacob May has moved quite a little this week to his newly rented farm, which had been formerly occupied by Joseph Klein. Mr. May and family will not take possession of the farm till after New Years. Mrs. Susan Frennd entertained Messrs. and Mesdames John S. Freund, Peter Frennd, and Mat Freund. Messrs and Mesdames Jos. Michels, Jos. P. Miller, and Peter F. Freund, Mrs. J. May spent Sunday with Mrs. Frank Miller. VOliU Choice perfumes at Petesch's. John Walton was a Waukegan visitor Monday. The old reliable drags at Besley's, West McHenry. Messrs. Alfred and Frank Nlcholls of Chicago spent Saturday night and Sun­ day with their parents hfere. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoeing of Round Lake atteuded church here Sunday. Miss Emma Hanson of Libertyville visited her parents here Sunday. Mrs. John Brown of Wanconda was the guest of friends in Volo one day last week. Mrs. L. V. Lusk and son, Edward, and Miss Catherine Dowell of West Fremont were in town Sunday. Miss Maude Walton has given op her position at Libertyville and will be in Volo during the winter. Mrs. Wm. Hironitnus and Miss Lncy Dunnill were in Wanconda last Monday and Tuesday. Mrs Laura Cook and daughter. Ruby, of Wauconda were guests at A. J. Raymond's Thursday. The funeral of Luke Doan, son of Mr. and Mrs Ray Doan, of Independence, la., was held at the home of his grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hanson, last Thnrsday afternoon. Btlrial in the Volo cemetery. TERRA COTTA. Petesch s for drugs. The old reliable drugs at Besley's, West McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson spent Friday in Chicago. Mrs. Lee Lock wood was catling on friends here Sunday. Mr and Mrs Henry McMillan spent Monday in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Monday in McHenry. Mrs. T. R. Anderson spent Thursday with Richmond relatives. W. J. Wingate of BarreviUe was a aller at M. Knox's Sunday. A. C. Matthews of McHenry was a business caller here Tuesday. Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago spent Sunday with home folks. \ I E. Mason of Cherry Valley was a I business visitor here last Friday. Tho.v Thompson of Barreyiile was a caller at A. T. McMillan's Friday. George Vinton of Richmond spent Friday in the depot during Mr. Ander­ son's absence in Chicago! Misses Glenys and Sylvia Anderson spent a few days last week with their grandparents in Richmond. RlDufcCTBLU. Arthur Skinner visited relatives in JClgin Sunday. Mrs. Benson was a McHenry caller one day last week. Mr. and Mrs Josephenson drov^ to Greenwood recently. Mre (Minuted of Woodstock visited relatives here Friday, J.C. Button was a pleasant Wood­ stock caller Saturday. Mrs. A. Levey was a Crystal Lake business caller Thursday. Mrs. W. H Monroe took the train for the city Tuesday morning. Mrs. Benson visited with Mrs. Carl­ son of Woodstock Tuesday. Mra. Dutield and Mrs. Kline were Woodstock callers Thursday. Mr. Corbin was called to Elgin to attend a funeral Tuesday morning. Mrs. Mabel Merchant of Crystal Lake was a Ridgefield caller Sunday. The Ladies' Aid baza *r was a success, financially. The ladies cleared about 70$. Mr. and Mrs. Houghawout visited relatives and friends in the. city last week. Mr. Smalley of Fon du Lac, Wis., spent Sunday with I. E. Mason and family. Mrs. Josephenson calle 1 on her son, Mr. Wilson, and family of Woodstock Saturday. Monday morning the milk train struck and killed Mr. Houghawout's dog, Shep. Mrs. Hunt of Crystal Lake returned home Friday after a week spent at Mrs. E. B Smith's. Mrs. F. Beardsley of Crystal Lake called on her brother, J. Whyte, and family Monday. Mrs. W. .Taynes and little daughter, Audr e. were Crystal Lake shoppers Tu< sday afterm 011. Mrs E L. Kimball visited her pat­ ents, Mr. and Mrs Sayler, in Elgin last Friday and Saturday Mrs. B. Throop of Crystal Lake called on her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hartman. Tuesday. Mr. Thompson and daughter called on Mr. Button and sister, Mrs. Hodg- kinson,' day last week. F. M. Risley and family are occnyinft Mrs. Grace Yanke place. Mr. and Mrs. Yanke have gone West tor the winter. Ernefct Merchant of Crystal Lake, aft­ er a week's lay off on account of scar­ let fever, resumed his work at the Bor­ den's factory. Mr. Thompson and son, Roy, and also daughter, Mrs. Clow, of Lake City, la., are visiting relatives here. Mrs. E. B. Smith is a sister-in law of Mr. Thomp­ son. Jacob Bartz moved his family to the city last week. Mr Bartz occupied the A. F. Davis farm for a number of yearsj Mr. Hesslegraye has moved on th farm. A. F. Davis of Chicago called at his summer residence from 3:30 untill 5;15. Mr. Davis' father in-law, J. C. Button, and aunt, Mrs. P. Hodgkinson, occupy it during the winter. Mr. and Mrs. N J. Garrison and daughter, Hazel, of Woodstock attended the Ladies' Aid bazaar Friday afternoon snd evening. They remained with friends over night, returning home Sat­ urday. KMKRALII PARK. Petesch's for holiday goods. Christmas caudies at Gilberts'. H. Berkircher is a Chicago visitor this week. Toys of all description at Block & Bethke's. Milk Rice, the new breakfast food, 3c at Gilberts'. The old reliable drugs at Besley's, West McHenry. M. A. Sutton spent Sunday with BarreviUe friends. Frank Walsh of Harvard visited hi* parents here Tuesday. Robert Ayfward of Elgin visited at R. J. Sutton's Monday. Miss Margaret Sutton of Elgin spent Sunday with home folks. Have your eave troughs fixed before the rush at J. J. Vycital's. E. J. Farrell of Chicago visited rela­ tives in this vicinity Sunday, Miss Alice Smith went to BarreviUe Wednesday to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Walmsley spent Sunday with relatives in Wanconda. Miss Katie Nichols of Wauconda vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Walmsley Saturday. Miss Mae Sutton of Sionx Falls, S. D., visited relatives and friends here the past week. Miss Anna Frisby and Mrs. Henry Scbaffer spent Wednesday afternoon at j R. J. Sutton's. Miss Margaret Aylward of Elgin spent several days last week with her aunt, Mrs. Ed. Knox. Miss Alice Smith returned home Sun­ day after a few weeks' visit with rela­ tives and friends in Chicago. EVERYBODY IS INVITED To call at our store and make a guess on the num­ ber of beans in a pot. The prize, a Puss in Boots, which will be awarded on Thursday, Dec. 24, will go to the person guessing the correct, or nearest correct, number of beans that the pot contains. Every 25c casli purchase entitles one to a guess. We have a choice line of box candies at 10c, 20c and 35c. Also fresh Fruits, Vegetables and Nuts. Our line of fan cy China Ware is complete.. Gall and get one of our pretty calendars. :: ;; Anton Schneider Street Grocer-- McHenry, III. --The Water 'Phone 282. - U N D E R N K W M A N A G E M E N T -- NORTHWESTERN -- Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 50 per daw Tim SCIIIf SUE, Prop. WEST McHKNRY. AIR MOTOR purip Guaranteed to operate any pump. Best of satisfaction always. We sell on trial. Why pay $125 when you can buy pump complete for $37*50 Wm. Ba.coi\, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. PIUITRY! For the holidays. Also an excellent line of fresh and salt meats of every descrip­ tion. Our home-made sau­ sage is still bringing us new customers. :: :: . EAST SIDE .... fleat flarket J. J. BUCll, PROP. Tel. 841 Chicago & North-Western. 'Mew Year Uitnre. The Knights of Columbus of Mc­ Henry will hold a New Year dance at Stoffel's hall on Friday evening, Janu­ ary 1. No pains nor expense will be spared to make the event a happy one for all who attend. The floor com­ mittee will consist of the following named gentlemen: McHenry, Martin Stoffel; West McHenry, Starr Brink; Emerald Park, Robert Sutton; Ring- wood, Clarence Whiting; Wauconda, Alvin Kimball; ^ftodstock, Ray Winke; Nnnda, Robert ' Spangler. Metzger's orchestra of Woodstock will fnrnish the music. Supper will be served in the basement dining hall by the ladies' so- i sloo pSi ciety of St. Mary's church at thirty five, cents per plate. Dance tickets f 1.00. Effective Nov. 15, 1H0.V WtEK DAT TRAINS. OhSo. WORTH BOUND 7.00 am Via KltMi a m. Via Dos i'hiines . . 3.:if> p m Via Des Plalnes-- 3.4-i p m Via Eltfin 5.12 p m Via Des Plalnes -- BUND AT TRAINS. Via Elpin ..Via Des Haines Via Elgin WEEK DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Via Des PltilDes-- Via Elgin-- -- .. .Via Des Plalnes-- ...Via Des Plalnes.. . Via Elgin SUNDAY IKAINB. Via Elgin ..Via Des Plalnes .Via Elgin 8.45 am. ... 9.10 a m a.oo p m Leave McHenry. 7.15 am 7.15 am m 4.2H p m 4.23 p m 7.15 am Arrive McHenry. ...10.17a m . 10.17 a rn ,... S.iiO p nr. . ti.40 p m .6.40 p m ...11.14 a m .11.14 a m . . 4.5fi p ED Arrive Chicago. .. a m ... y.rt'i a m .. . 9.A5 a m 6.25 p m . ...7.10p m 9.55 k iu 6.30 p m .. . 7.50 p m Peed Grind in*, further notice we will This paper aud The Weekly Inter1 Until further notice we will grind Ocean--$1.75 for one year's subscription ' feed mornings only, commencing at 10 to both. ' o'clock daily. WM. BONSLETT. ; fioliday Goods Petescb's Complete your (lirta Puuto This Week .At Elgin's Host Popular Gift Shop... Our out of town patrons who have delayed making their Christmas selections will find it to their advantage to do so at once. This splen­ did opportunity for choosing from a complete line of High Grade Standard and Novelty Jew­ elry should not be overlooked. Begin at onfce! (lifts for Ladies Stick Pins Brooches Watch Chains Hat Pins Veil Pins Buckle Pins Back Combs Secret Lockets Set and Signet Rings Manicure Sets Bracelets Toilet Sets Watches Gifts for Men Scarf Pins Cuff Links • Vest Chains Fob Chains j ̂ Signet Rings Gillette's Safety Razors Waterman Fount'n Pen Shaving Sets Smoking Sets Studs and Buttons Charms and Lockets Diamond Rings Watches ROVELSTAD BROS. JEWELERS ELGIN, - - , ILLINOIS. -CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 542. :: :: CHAS. G. F-RHTT, --PROPRIETOR-- McHENRY, - - - ILLINOIS. • V,1 J (JtilversalUt Cliurelf. Rev. Arthur Roberts, pastor. The Snnday school is makiuK special prep­ aration for an entertainment to be given on Christmis eve. A good time is promised for all. Yon cannot afford to miss it Regular services next Sunday. Preaching at 10:30 a. in. Subject, "Solomon and the Temple." Snnday school at 11:45 a. m. Everybody cor­ dially invited. One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter Ocean, #1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our* recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. Jicky, Jicky. Jicky, Jicky at Besley's. Watch the label upon your paper, your name may be next to be taken froup onr list. We positively cannot forwar<%, < papers unless they are paid for withiifc 1 one year. Nearly one hundred name# have been taken from our lists since th* new postolBce ruling went into effect April 1. MN»cht Wafer** Yon break a limb, or miss at tndn, And cannot reach your home; ^ <{ Remember your best uie*xenger~~ - ' i 4 Loug Distance Telephone. / Buy nie some peanuts and cracker* M jack at Gilberts'. Postcard albums. 25c, jttp, TBo «4 •100 at Block & Bethke'a. ^ ^ •feiif 0\ •V

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