Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 31 Dec 1908, p. 5

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F U R N I T U R E Something that will last a lifetime and "al ways be appreciated. Never before were we so well prepared to show the most fastidious, the most up-to-date line of Morris Chairs, Rockers, Library Tables, Couches, Music Cabinets, Buffets, China Closets, Combination Book Cases, and, in fact, everything carried in UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE. : Jacob flcHENRY, ILLINOIS WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, P. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. Dec. 26,1908 * Orange colored check No. 349 takes the dinner set if presented before Jan. 10, 1909. After that date the holder of No. 5 will be awarded the set. :: :: :: :: A Happy New Year to eJl! M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. \ Appreciation We extend to our patrons our ap­ preciation of their liberal patron­ age during the year just closed. It is our sincere wish that the New Year will see the fulfillment of many cherished hopes. :: JOHN STOFFEL --THE WEST SIDE GROCER-- • ifes 3? NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS RINGWOOD. Richard L*wmon of Elgin *Kr ft Ring- wood caller Monday. Mm. Anjfunt Walters returned from New York one day last, week. Mr. and Mrs. fi. W. Allen spent Christmas with Nnnda relatives. Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson has returned to Elgin, where she will remain a short time. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Smith entertain ed abont twenty-five of thieir relatives Christina*. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Matthew* of Mo- Henry spent Snnrtav with Bert Me Cannon and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hendrickson and son, Roy, visited with S. W. Beatty and family Wednesday. Nearly thirty relatives leathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wnj. MeOan- non to npend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Dodge and fam­ ily visited at the home of Jas. Westlake in Spring Grove Sands y. Miss Hattie Weetlake of Solon Mills spent several days at t,h« home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon. The Universalist church services will be held at the home of E. A. Smith at the usual honr Sunday, Jan. 8 190ft. Mrs. A. Holmes and eon. Clyde, of Woodstock spent. Christmas eve with the former's sister, Mrs W E Bradley. Mr. and Mrs. Wood and daughter. Anna, have returned from a few weeks' yisit with relatives in Pontine Kuri Rock- ford. Mr. and Mrs Chas. Shales and son, Dnane, s|H>nt Friday and Saturday with the former's father, David Shales, in Wilmol. Mi*s Mae Cristy of Waupaca, Wis., was the guest of her grandmother, Mrs. I Harsh, returning to her houie on Monday. Rhh Dodge and Misses Ada Westlake and Agnes Dodge took Christina* dinner with Mr. and Mrs. li-eo L. Bacon in Chicago. Mr and Mrs $ W. Beatty and fam­ ily and Mr. and Mrs. Irvinir Herbert and family were entertained Christina* by Mr. and Mrs. Bock in Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. N. D Stevens enter tained Mr. and Mrs.. Edwin Jnhnmiott and son, Sheldon, of Terre Hante. Ind., George Stsvens and family of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn of. Spring (3 rove Christmas. The Christmas tree and program given by the Ringwood band in the M. W. A. hall on Christmas eve was a suc­ cess, the memlters of the band having spared neither time nor money to please both o'd and yonng. Santa Clans also played his part in a most befitting manner. The tree was pronounced to beoneaf the most beautiful ever seen in Ringwood. Kl»M*J&riKL.llw F. Thayer and wife went to Rockford Thursday. Mrs. C. H Dufield was a Woodstock visitor Thursday Mrs Rose Goddard visited Woodstock friends Thursday and Friday J. F. Hartman entertained his sister Mrs. Wayne, Christmas day. Miss Sadie Ormsby of Muskegon Mich., is home for the holidays. Henry and Angnst Wille were Wood­ stock visitors one day last week. Lew Gibson and wife are visiting with their parents for a few days. Miss Nettie Shelt is spending the holidays with her parents at Bessemer, Mich. Misses Mildred Whyte and Arline Stephenson were Crystal Lake callers Tuesday. Miss Mabel Skinner spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. Lindsuott, in Woodstock. Mrs. A. Peterson and Mrs. F. W. Hartman were Woodstock callers one day last week. Sherman Irish of Harvard Bpent Sat­ urday and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irisl^. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Reed, Mrs. F. Reed and Mrs. Clarence Thayer were Crystal Lake shoppers last Tuesday. Mrs. D.- L. Gibson is at Woodstock caring for her mother, Mrs. Kline, who is qnite sick. The report is that she is some better. F. French and children attended the funeral of Mr. Hutson in McHenry Wednesday. Mr. Hutson is Mrs. Freuch 'h father. M rs French was un able to attend on account of sickness. ,-:.V OSTKND. C. E. Jecks was a Chicago visitor last Thursday. EbGaylord was a Woodstock caller last Saturday. Mrs. Lncy Thomas is visiting her sons, Edgar Hnd Warren Thomas. Mesdames William and Warren Thorn a5* spent Wednesday afternoon at T. A. Abbott's. Henry Gaylord and daughter of Iowa are visiting his brother, C. F. Gaylord, and family. Mrs. Jessie Harrison - and children spent Tuesday with Mrs. Orlando Gar ison at Greenwood. Emit aud Hasel Thomas spent Wed nesday evening at the home of C W. Thompson and wif* Miss Alice Richardson came from Chicago last Sunday to spend her vaca­ tion with home folks. T. P. Jecks and daughter of Wood­ stock visited bis sister, Mrs. R. H. Richardson, last Suuday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nogle spent Sat urday and Sunday at the home of the tatter's brother, C. E. Gaylord. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas and children visited at Spring Grove from Thursday until Sunday with Mrs. Thomas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hoi larbnsh. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Martin of Wood' stock attended the (Christmas exercises at the school bouse Thursday evening, aud ate Christinas dinner with Mr. aud tfv* 0. KNKKAUl PARK, Petesch's for drugs. t Joe Sutton visited relatives in Chicago this week. ! . Mr. and Mrs. W. Bolger spent Tues­ day in Woodstock. . Chris Smith of Grayslake visited his brother here Sunday. Miss Alice Smith of B&rreville spent Christmas at home here. John Gibbs of Chicago spent the last of the week at, bis home here. Mrs. E. Pfeffer and daughter, Julia, visited at, Ed. Knox's Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Gibbs of Chicago spent Christmas with their parents here. Mr. aud Mrs. Ed. Larkin and family of Elgin spent Christmas at R. J. Sut­ ton's. Mrs. Margaret Gilles of McHenry spent a few days at Ed. Knox's thin week. Mrs. H. Felmeteu and daughter, Cora, are spending this week with relatives in Chicago. Miss Mayme AylvVard of Elgin is speuding a week with relatives in this vicinity. Miss Edith Whitiug and Clarence Whiting of Ringwood visited the Misses Knox Sunday. Walter J. Walsh, who is attending the state university, is spending a week's vacation at home. Missos Lncy Sutton, Mayine Aylward and Benlah Larkin visited at .lohn Gibbs' and Ed. Knox's Tuesday. Messrs. Thos. Bolger, John Gibb* and Roht. Sntton attended the dance at Wanconda Christmas night. Misses Mary aud Margaret, Sutton an<l Messrs. Robert and Will Sutton spent the holidays at their home here. Mioses Anna McGee and Anna Frisby aud Messrs R M Fleming and E. R. Sntton visited st R J Sutton's Sunday evening. lOLUi Miss Ell* Moore was a recant War oonda visitor Mr. aud Mrs Frank Zuelsdorf of Mc­ Henry were visitors in Yolo last week. Mr. ami Mrs. Chas Ranght ate Christ­ inas dinner with relatives in Wankegan. Miss Emma tiHnson, who is employed at Libertyville, was in Yolo a tew days recently. Mis* Annie Rossdentscher of Wan­ conda spent Christmas eve with her parents here Mrs. E<1. Snyder and son, Harold, of Fox Lake were guests at the Sabel home one day last week. Mra Jennie Coasman jjnd daughter, Muriel, of Round Lake spent Christmas day at the Kirwan home. Mr. and Mrs Wm. Dillon enter tained the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Dillon, of Wankegan this week, Mrs. A. J, Raymond, Miss Maude Walton and Miss Hellen Raymond were in Wanconda one after noon lastwtek Mrs. Cotalie Simons of Elgin visited her mother, Mrs. Richard Compton. and sister, Mrs. Jas. Kirwan, over Christmas. Miss Frances Rosing of Goshen, Ind , and Miss Kate Rosing of Chicago are spending this week at the home of their parents here. Misses Edna §loan and Elma White of Round Lake were guests of Misses Frances and Kate Rosing Satnrday night and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson enter­ tained Mr. and Mrs. George Kuebler and baby of Palatine from Thursday to Snnday of last week. Guests at the John Rosing home Christmas day were: Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hiller of Big Hollow; Miss Lillie Hiller of McHenry; Messrs. Ben and Joe Rosing and Sara Tarrant ofJ'Chi cago; Miss Kate Rosing of Chicago and Miss Frances Rosing of Goshen, Ind. TJKRKA COTTAJ Petesch s for drugs. frank McMillan was a Chicago vis­ itor Satnrday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan visited Holcombville relatives Friday. Thomas Phalin is spending his vaca tion with cousins at Griswold Lake. Mark and Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove visited relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Hunt of Holcomb­ ville called on Mrs. H. Magoon Sunday. Miss Florence Leisner of Chicago was the guest of her parents here Christmas. Miss Ruth Anderson of Richmond visited her brother and family Monday. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and Mrs. W. J. Welch were Holcombville callers Snn­ day. Mr. and Mrs, T. R. Anderson and children were Richmond visitors Fri­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McMillan and children spent Christmas day in Hol­ combville. ! Mrs. W. J. Welch of Griswold Lake • ;jent Sunday with her daughter and sister here. Carl Bergman of Chicago is spending this week with his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B Leisner. Mrs M Kuox and sons, Edward and Harold, visited at the home of J, Dohei- ty in Holcombville Snnday. Miss Florence Welch of Griswold Lake spent the latter part of last week with her sister, Mrs. C. E Martin. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and fam­ ily and Mr and Mrs. C. E. Martin ate ChriBtmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. T. Powers in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bergman and son, Carl, and F. Bergman and daughter, Clara, of Chicago were guests at the home of S. B Leisner Christmas. A Dangerous Operation is the removal of the appendix by a snr* geon. No one who takes Dr. King's New Life Pills is ever subjected to this frightfnl ordeal. They work so quietly yon don't feel them. They care consti­ pation, headache, biliousness and mala- ^ .We wish in. this ftianner to thank our many friends and customers for the patronage ae- » corded us during the past year and ask for a share of the same for the coming 'year. A happy and pros­ perous New Year to all is the wish of , > Yours truly, Anton Schneider --The Water Street (irocer 'Phone 282. - - McHenry,'.lli. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - NORTHWESTERN -- siness was very the past year Now I want you all to make My Drug Store your Drug Store and help break the rec­ ord next year. Wishing you all a happy and prosperous New Year, I am, Yours very truly* N. H. PETE5CH LDruggist. ===== McHenry. Phone 274. Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homeeooking. Rates #1 50 per daw THfO. SCHIESSLf, Prop. WEST McIIKXRY. AIR MOTOR PUHP Guaranteed to operate any pump. Best of satisfaction always. We sell on trial. Why pay $125 when you can buy pump complete for $37.5© Wm. Bacon, McHENRY, ILLINOIS. POULTRY! For the holidays. Also an excellent line of fresh and salt meats of every descrip­ tion. Our liome made sau­ sage is still bringing us new customers. :: :: . . . E A S T S I D E . . Heat riarket J. J. BUGI, PROP. Tel. 841 jr Is never fully appreciated until it is often too late to remedy the trouble. That the seriousness of defective vision is being fully recognized by our leading educators is prov­ en by the tests applied to the pupils in most of our public schQols. Crippled eyes are as bad a handicap as crippled hands or feet, and backward children are frequently found to have poor eyesight without their parents knowing of it. Do not take any chances with your own eyes or those of your children. If at all in doubt consult our opticians FREE of charge and learn something to your advantage. :: :: sty ROVEJLSTAD BROS. JEWELBRS ELGIN, - - ILLINOIS. CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com- plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 542. :: • ' * CHAS. G. FRETT, PROPRIETOR- McHENRY, ILLINOIS. & Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chiraito. 7.00 itm ... VMtO ii «n. .. 3.:i"> p ni -- 3.4;> p m -- 5.12 p m 8.4T> am. 9.10 i* m -- 8.00 p m -- Leave McHenry. 7.11 t ni... 7.15 am -- 8.24) am... A.Zi p m... 4.23 pm.... 7.15 am.... 5.00 p m. - • 5.0fl p m.... Effective Nov. IV 190' WEEK PAT TBAINS. NORTHBOUND Viii Kljoo .. ..Via Des Platnes Via I >«-s I 'laloes.. Via Fl»rlii Via Des Pl&lnes... SCUD AY TRAINS. Viii F.lftin . .. Via l)es h'lalnes. ... Via Eltfin WEEK DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. ... Via Dcs I'laines... Via Elsin Via Det. I'laines. , Via De* I'liiines.. Via Elfcin. 8DNCAY TRAINS. Via Elgin Via Pes I'laines... Via Elffln... Arrive McHenry. . 10.17 a m .. 10.17 a m ... 5.00 p ni . IS.40 p m . 6 .40 p no _.11.14 a m ....11.14 am 4.55 p m Arrive Chlcairo. W.n.i a ni .9.1W a in 0.55 a n, .. .6.30 p tii .50 p m Weak Throat--Weak Lungs Cold after cold; cough after cough! Troubled with this taking-cold habit? Better break it up. We have great confidence in Ayer's Cherry Pectoral for this work. No medicine like it for weak throats and weak lungs. Ask your doctor for his opinion. He knows all about it, His approval is valuable. Follow his advice at all times. No alcohol in this cough medicine. /. c. Ayer Co.,Lowell,Ma^Z Always keep a good laxative in the house. Takeadosewhen youi cold first comeson. What is the best laxative for this? Ayer's Pilis. Ask your doctor his opinion. Let him decide. Read The Plaindealer and keep posted on dLjtt Mi: •' | One dollar a year for The Weekly In* ; ter-Oeeaii; |1 50 a \ ear for The Plain- i dealer. Ur both by onr recent special arrangement. $1.75 for fifty-two weeks ri*. Sfoai W. IL Fetaacb'a drag atom.' at genuine new* from far «ad nav. rr:

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