Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Jan 1909, p. 5

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«k%f l&i.a ' $ !» Jfe*" •• •>.* R N I T U STl^i m im v-> : y*.y *r^i- ' i", i, * -Jf * * - > " ' * ~ * l^mething that wiU last a lifetime mud always be appreciated. Never before were we so well prepared to show the most fastidious, the most Up-to-date line of Morris, Chairs, Rockers, library Tables, Couches, Music Cabinets, Buffets, China Closets, Combination Book-Cases, aind, in fact, everything carried in -TOTDATB FURNITURE; 1&- !1 • is#j ••'lit 'k , "* :, &?• > * » * s»v **<#<< * a# *> i { , ti ^ V 1' i, k '•34.' • „ *X- ' •' " "-'-'"Vv ricHENRY, ILtlNOIS. f WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK Of McOmber's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. - Respectfully Yours, . L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. . . . I F I T ' S SHOES that you are looking for call in and let us show you something pretty nobby. Our line of Men's, Boys', Ladies', Misses'and Children's Shoes was never larger nor more complete. Also have a fine lhie of cold weather, Merchandise^ I«et jis fit you out. M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE M>i. " " - - - Groceries that are pure and health­ ful are the kind that we sell. If you appreciate such goods t we will appreciate your pa? tronage. We are here td \ s^rve the public "and are striving to do it in a way that will he satisfactory to the trade«and a«! bonor to us "30HNST0PFEL. s=Jf NEIGHBORING JtfE WS.AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS IWIIIIIIlli . B I* Kimball wa# a McHenry visitor recently. • ;!;*•" Ralph Thayer went to Crystal Lake recently. ^ ;; James Whyte irSa in "Cryatal Lake Thursday. Herman Wille was in Crystal Lake on hnaineas Thursday. Mrs. E. L. Kimball waft a.- Crystal Lake,caller last Friday. Emma Wei land was a caller at Crys­ tal Lake one day last week. / ^ , Mr. Wbyte and wife spenk Snndnv wi$h relatives at Crystal Lake Miss Isabel .Johnson of Woodstock was a Ridgefield caller Thnrsday. J. F. Whyte and family ate dinner with relatives in Genoa New Year's day. P. Wille and wlf« ate New Year's dinner at the home of their danfchter in Woodatock. Miss Mildred Whyte, spent Nt-w Year's day with bw annt, Wil­ son, in Hebron. • .,/ s - t Ethel and Lckrae Row* of 'Crystal Lake visited with .Terete* and Helm Whyte last week. Mrs. F. fit. iiwikuian of Woodstock visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H Monroe, Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mre.-JE W. Merchant and children, Rnssell and Eva, spent Sun­ day at Station Agent Lytieh. A. Stephenson and wife Entertained their brother, Wra Stephenson, and wife of Alberta. Canada, recently. Miss Anna Monte of Charleston spent a couple of d-iys with her brother. Floyd. Miss Morse returned SuihImv moruing ^ Mrs. A. Dtdrey" littl^mnfjliter. Edith, returned the first of the week from a few days' visit with her mother. Mrs Frankle. The yon tig people gave A K«W YnarV dance in the Woodman hall. .yrs R Skinner «erve*l an oyster sapper to a many as 20 conpleft. '+ The ladies will meet at the Maine to "^organize the missionary society Jan 7, Mrs Smiley of Woodstpck has kind­ ly offered to afwist the ladies in the work. Mr. Berget and Mr CorbHi of Crystal Lake are boarding at Ridgefield on acconut, of scarlet fever. Mr. Bers^t and Mr. Corbin are employed at the Bor den's factory. ' Mr and Mrs. S. Merchant, Mr. and Mrs. Waterman and Arthnr and Mabel Skinner attended the 'reception Riven Mr. and Mr.*. EwhkofF at Woodstock S*tnrday evening. "Fred French has exchanged his gro­ cery stock with Dan Kline for real estate. Mr. French expects to bnild in the near fntnre. Lew (-libson is clerk­ ing for Mr. Kline. Mr. and Mrs. Sayler ,of Elgin were entertained New Year's day at lv L. Kimball's. Mrs. Kimball, their daugh­ ter, returned vyith them. She al*o vis­ ited a consin at May fair on her return home Snnday forenoon. Srt KX JL. NOTRS, -xThe 6th grade will sooo de»:i- mala. The 2nd grade is learning the time tables. The 1st grade has finished the Sim- Iwmnet Babies and will start a new hook this week. The 4th grade starts primary history next week. Madalene Lynch is ont of school on account of sickness. The 7th and 8th grades have he^nn "The Tempest" and the 5th grade lias begun new readers. Leaders in spelling <*mtest. 1V< Grade 5, Emma Weiland; grade t>, Helen Whyte; grade 7, Olive Hesselgrave; grade 8, Madalene Lynch and Harold Lucas. iOHNSBUBOH. Petesch s for drugs. .lohn Lacher of Adams, Minn., is a visitor here. Miss Susie Thelen spent Christinas with home folks? Mr. and Mrs. Skifano. of (Chicago spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Thelen. Mr. and Mrs. Mathieu of Chicago spent Christmas with Mr. . and Mrs. Theodore Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Will Krift of Burling­ ton, Wis., spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Hetiermaun. Mr. and Mrs. B. Meyers of Rosin, Wis., spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Meyers. Messrs. Henry Stilling, Ben Stilling and Mike Jnsten and lady friends spent Snnday evening with Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Miller Did it ever oconr to yon that you can buy envelopes with yonr return address printed on them just as cheap as yon can buy the blank envelops at the store? Wednesday last Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers entertained Messrs. and Me* dames Jacob R. Jnsten, Jacob Miller, Stephen H. Smith and Hnbert Freund; Messrs. Stephen Justen and John Oef- -tling. Dinner and snpper were served, games were played, and . refreshments paused at a late hour. AH present re port a most enjoyable and hap^l day. W. F. Mann, the producer of "The Fighting Parson," from the pen of John A. Preston, offers something out of the usual rnn of melodrama. The play deals with the tnrbnlentrstrife of a yonng minister trying to better the con ditions of the foreign element in the slnm districts of our large cities. The ignorance, poverty and prejudices he encounters would discourage a leu* de­ termined man and compel him to hnnt pastures less strenuous, bnt opposition seems only to arouse this yonng minister to greater efforts. John A. Preston has been secured to create and vplay the role of "The Fighting Parson." to be seen here at the Central Opera house on Friday, Jan, |IL. JWH - >f J" •'* - ^i|»- PARK. : PeteBch's for drugs. ^ ^ - »tas. Haxton of Chicago Spent Snnday at the Park. Richard Aylward of Elgin visited at E. Knox's Snnday. Miss Elleu WalfA visited with Miss Benlah Larkin Sunday. Miss Hattie Welch of Woodstock is spending this week at her home. R. M. Fleming of North.Crystal Lake visited at K. J. Sutton's Snnday. Salvator Romano of Chicago spent Friday last with friends in this vicinity, Misses Edith and Isabel Geary of Wanconda called in this vicinity Satur­ day. Mina Alice Sutton is spending this week with relatives aud friends in Chi- cago. John Gibbs and R. E. Sntton of Chi­ cago spent New Year's day at their homes. > Ray H. Corr of Woodstock open*; sev­ eral days the past week with friends and relatives in this vicinity, Miss Mary Pender'Walsh of McHenry is spending the week with her grand­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Walsh. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby, Anna McGee, Messrs. Phil Aylward andThoe| Bolger called at R J. Sutton's Sunday. Miss Margaret Sutton aud niece, Ben- lali Larkiu, retnrned to Elgin Monday, after spending the Holidays at R. J. Sut­ ton's. KINO WOOD. The Hni versa list chnreh services will be held at J, S, Browu's Sunday, Jan. Miss Leone Kelly retnrned Monday evening from a VJ«»t with L»k« Geneva relatives Miss Viola Wtiods of Lake Geneva spent several days last week with friends here Mrs, E on i^trrison aud children were quests of Mr and Mrs. S. W. Brown New Year's day and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shales and son, Duane, s(»ent New Year's day withTMr, and Mrs. John Westlake in Chicago. S. W, Smith returned recently from a trip thru the Red *River valley, Tex., and a visit with relatives in Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cristy returned to their home in Waupaca, Wis., after several weeks' visit with Mrs. I. Harsh. Mrs. Emma French returned Tues day after a week's visit with her son, Fred, and daughter, Mrs. Libbie Ste­ phenson, at Ridgefield. The W. C. T. JLT. will ineet with Mrs. Rilla Foss, Satnrday, Jan. 9 Topic, "Scientific Temperance Instruction," Leader. Mrs. Libbie Allen. An inter­ esting program iB being prepared and a cordial invitation is extended to all. VOlAA. . Mrs. Charity Ranght is visiting rela­ tives in Libertyville for a few weeks. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago spent Thursday and Friday With her parents here. Miss Mande Walfon Is visiting rela­ tives and friends in Hebron for a few day*- v Misses Kate Frost and Genevieve Efiinger were in Wanconda Snnday afternoon. A card party was given by M*. and Mrs. John Rosing at their home Satur­ day evening. Miss Maude Walton was the gnest of friends at Grayslake last Tuesday and Wednesday. Miss Mary Hook of Rollins spent Tuesday here aa the gneat of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lusk. Joe Rosing, who holds a position with Marshall Field & Co. ill Chicago, was at his home here New Year's. Mr. aud Mrs. Sylvester Wagner and Mrs. C b > *d gave a progressive enchre party at the Sabel home New Year's. Misses Katie aud Bertha Hironimns of Fremont Center ate dinnef New Year's day with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hironimus. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted locally, bnt The Weekly Inter-Ooean gives the news of all the world. By onr special ar­ rangement von can secure both papers for one fnll year for the very low rate *1.75. OST£ND. Gny Harrison was a Woodstock caller last Satnrday. Miss Hazel Thomas visited in Wood­ stock last Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Ida King was a guest at the home of F. £. Martin the first of the week. Mrs. Alma Thomas and danghter, Ella, were Woodsfotfk visitors the first of the week. Mrs. C. W. Thompson and Miss Snsie Thompson were calling on friends in this vicinity last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Gaylord ate New Year's dinner with the former's sister, Mrs. Will Nogle, in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Arthnr Diatnon and danghter, DoriB, are -vipiting relatives and friends in this vicinity this week. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas and son spent Sunday with Mrs. Thomas' par­ ents, Mr. and Mre. W, Mann, in Wood­ stock. Henry Gaylord and daughter left last Saturclay for their home in Cylindar, Iowa, after a week's visit with hie brother and other relatives. One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter Ocean; f 1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by onr recent special arrangement, f 1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. At the 0*tend Sunday school Sunday morning the following officers were elected: Superintendent, Mts. Loveina Thomas; assistant supt., C. E. Gaylord; secretary, Susie Thompson; treasurer, Sadie Hobart; librarian, Hazel Thomas; organist, Maud Abbott; snpt. of home department, Mrs. D. Hobart: snpt. of cradle roll dept , Mrs. C. W. Thompson. Rpad The Plaindealer "wanf'ad*. Start it £the new year by be­ coming one of our many customers. We want to make this year the best in our experience. If selling .the best Groceries and Fi uits procurable and dealing honestly with our patrons will do it, our success is pre- ..assured. It's up to you Anton Schneider --The Water Street *irocer--| 'Phone 282. « - McHenry, III j WWi •»*v -yfi. 4 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT -- NORTHWESTERN -- Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com- mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 f)0 per daw IHEO.SCHIESSLE, Prop. WEST McHENRY. AIR MOTOR . PUflP Guaranteed to operate any pomp. Best of satisfaction always. We sell on trial. Why pay $125 when you can bay pump complete for $37*SO Wrrv. Bacon, MoHCNRY, ILLINOIS. . . . .EAST/SIDE' . . ' . . Heat flarket This market carries at all times a complete line of Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Also home-made Sausages, Poultry and* every­ thing that thai goes to make up a first- class market. :: :: J. J. BUCH, PROP. Tel. 841 . / Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 7.00 am... 9.00 a m.. J.W p m.. • 8. *5 p m... 5.12 p m 8.4B am.. 9.10 a m . 2.00 p m. • • Leave McHenry. 7.15 a pi..,. 7.15a m... 8.29 a. m. 4.23 p in... 4.23 p m .. 7.15am... 5.00 p in.. r>.00 p m.. • Effective Nov. 15, 190S. WKBK DAV TRAINS. NORTHBOUND Via Elgin .. ..Via lies Plalnea Via IJes I'taluai.... Via Elgin-- . . Via Des Piainai.... SDN DAT TRA IN®. Via Elgin . .. Via De« Plaines Via Elgin WKBK DAT TRA IMS. SOUTHBOUND. . . Via Des Plaines Via Elgin........ ..... VSa Des Plai Via Des Plaines.. . ....'....Via Elgin SUNDAY TRAINS. Via Elgin ...... Via Des Plainef,*.., ..ViaElgin...^-.... Arrive Mr Henry. ...10.17 a in ...10.17 a ni ... 5.00 p in ....8.40p in . .. 6.40 p 111 ...11.14a m ..11.14 a n) ... 4.55 pro Arrive Chicago. -- 9.08 a ro ....9.5ft a nj r.- .9.55 a u. .. .6.25 p ui ... .7.10 p ni .. .9.56 a to ... .ff.30 p :m .. 7.50 pm This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--f 1.75 for onq year's anbacription (o both. . m » . , & .. .. / C :. ;• . |. S V ' 'Vii , l %-i , \ ^ •' ̂ •>' 'x* • h JT, visft 'fi: j • ts " ' v ft j 1^4- H" Record-Herald Inter Ocean will be forwarded to any address for one whole year for ONLY $3.50 ».,'4. *•.> *• \ * x-,i,i;.;"" * V. ,V • and any one of the fol lowing rietropo»^., % litan Daily Papers, H s • . ; .> fltk .f**; 4 1, * }tv- " 4 *Kfr J-:* 4 ^ * ""H. * • I \$:r ' t RPWll'w • ' ' " ' ' mm %M* "**r C- .-"V' i" *' I • ^ . V.W.i ISA.-J.-i. J , J . M* ... Va . v \ * ' { " * • > ^ ^ 5, 1 * i <.VA -ft i'--' -3.'

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