Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1909, p. 5

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WW mrnmm * • , $k-f &&"*> rn* f-r '.>i; £' ;- •.- •*" Never Grows Old r, rnir • w * ,"*" " • v' • ^ One of the ways of con­ veying the story is to send valentines. We have ki nds and the ne w kinds of old kinds. Card Mounts, Boxed De­ signs, Floral Effects, Post Card Valentines,<»Ete. Make out your Jifct >©f those to whom you wish to send valentines and select fitting ones before the rash begins. N. H. Petesch Druggist - -.Tel* 374 F U R N I T U R Something that will last a lifetime and always be appreciated. Never before were we so well prepared to show the most fastidious, the most up-to-date line of Morris Chairs, Rockers, Library Tables, Couches, Music Cabinets, Buffets, China Closets," Combination Book Cases, and, in fact, everything carried in UP-TO-DATE FURNITURE. : Jacob Justen, ftcHENRY, ILLINOIS. ' WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmfcer's Hardware Store THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware Groceries that afte pure and health­ ful are the kind that we sell. If you appreciate such goods we will appreciate your pa­ tronage. We are here to serve the public and are striving to do it in a way. that -will be satisfactory to the trade and an honor to us • JOHNSTOFFEL. .NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLE£> BY OUR ABZ.M CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS Riuuutimu F. S. Morse went to the city Monday. Scott Thayer was a caller %£ Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. Will Jay not wm a Crystal Lake caller Thursday. . Mrs. H. Wille trap a Crystal Lake shopper Tdesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thayer went to Elgin Wednesday. The Missionary society met with Mrs. E. B. Smith Thursday. * Rev. A. Dickey was a Crystal Lake caller Tnesday afternoon. D. L. Gibson and W. H. Monroe were Crystal Lake calinrs Friday. A. Stephenson and F. W. Hartiuan took a trip to Woodstock Feb. 1. Mrs. Clarance Thayer called on her, parents in Crystal Lake Monday. J. F. Whyte, wife and daughter, Lois, were Crystal Lake* shoppers Monday. Mrs. A. Hanson and two Tbotnas and Earl, were Woodstock < tillers Tn«%*, day. Jauies Whyte and dniiKhter, Mildred, were callers at Crystal Lake Wednes day. Mlssefi Mabel Skinuev Mini Mnlwl Pet arson Shndayed with VV >.v<Lst<K-K rela- tivea. Sidney Reed au<l Chaa. Bullock were bnsiness callers at Crystal Lake one day recently. Mrs. H Fanning i<* visiting tier grand­ daughter, Mrs. Mabelle Merchant, in Crystal Lake. Misses Mildred and Jessie Whyte spent Sunday and Monday with rela tives near Elgin. Rev J. <4 Woozen«iraft of Texas filled the pulpit here Sunday, Rev. A Dickey going to Harvard. Mr Merchant and family of Crystal Lake took dinner with Station Agent Lynch and family Sunday. Mrs. .T B Lynch and daughter, Mrs. Lolo Bennett, and son, .lame*, visited with Mrs Harry Broughtnn of Chicago Wednesday. ' The free lectnre and otereoptiron en tertainmeut of the Bible, given by Mr. Johnson of Lake Geneva, was enjoyed by the few who attended. SCHOOL NOTES. The npper grades are doing good work in drawing. Many are absent on account of sick ness, mostly meaeiee. The following were leaders in the spelling contest Jan Grade 5, Ag nes Risley; grade ft, liachel French grade 7, Olive Heeselgr-ive; grade 8, Harold Lucas aud Madalene Lvncb, vuux Petesch's for drugs. Mrs. Harry Nicholln was a McHenry caller Mouday. Jim Cahill of Chicago was in Volo Monday forenoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Yasey of McHenry were in town last Tuesday. C. G. Hnson of Liberty ville made bnsiness trip to Volo one day last week. Sarah, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pasntield, is quite sick at piesent. Miss Mande Waltou hats gone to Wau kegan, where she has a position for the winter. Messrs. Stone and I'otter of Wancoo- da were guests at the ('has. Potter hoiue recently. Mrs. C. Habel is entertaining her feis ter-in law, Mrs. Christy Weber, of Mil wankee this week. Tax Collector Harvey Gardinier baa received bis books aud will commence collecting this week. Miss Kate Boeing, who has a position in Chicago, was the guest of her par­ ents here over Sunday. Miss Anna Rossdentscher of Wan conda visited friends and relatives in town a few days last week. * •JOHNSBUKGH. Petesch's for drugs. Bert Bell of Ringwood was in town Sunday. Kick Weber of M. Henry waa seen here Tnesday. Mr aud Mrs. John Huff were Spring Grove visitors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Klein are the happy parents of a baby girl. John Huemann of Iowa is visiting with relatives and friends here. Math. Rothermel and Wm. Weber of McHenry were callers here Tuesday. Math. Rauen of Spring Grove visited a few days with home folks this week. Wm. Smith, son of Mrs. Elizabeth Smith of McHenry, was a visitor here Tnesday. Wm Meyers returned home Friday, after a few days visit with friends in Racine, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Nritz and mother visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs Math. Bauer at Vol.. KIMdWOOD. Mrs S. Robinson culled iu McHenry Monday. Charles Shales and E Herbert were Richmond callers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McCannon were McHenry visitors Monday. Miss Lora Waulkington was a Mc­ Henry caller Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. E Cropley of Solon were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs J. F. McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fossand daugh ter, Doricus, visited the electric show in Chicago one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Francisco and son, Hugh, of Richmond .were guests at the home of W. A Dodge i#st Wednes day. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this [taper delivered for one year at onr "special deal" price of |1.75 for the two The Ladies' Birthday club held its tirst meeting in honor of the birthday of Mrs. C. W. Randall at her home Feb vi. Having thoroly enjoyed themselves the guests departed, wishing their host- see many happy returns of the day. ^ MKRALB PA UK. Mrs. E. Knox visited friends in Mc­ Henry Tuesday. Mrs. P. Walsh is visiting relatives in Chicago this week r John Gibbs, Jr., visited friends in Barreville Tuesday. - „ H, Felmeten is spending this week with friends in Chicago. Mrs E. Comisky and scs, Joe, visited at J. Gibbs' Friday last. Mr. and Mra. Martin Wagner visited friends in McHenry Sunday/ Mrs. E. Comisky went|to Chicago Monday to spend a few days. Miss Lacy Sutton visited Miss Irene Frisby in McHenry Wednesday. Miss Knox's school of Barreville vis­ ited Miss Ward's school Tuesday. R. Sohns retnrned home Tuesday, after spending several days in the city. Messrs. John and Joe Sutton visited with Gilbert McOmber in McHenry Tuesday evening. Mrs Jno. Gibbs weftt to Chicago Wednesday to spend sevfjrfcl days with relatives at that place. Mesdames E. Kiiox, M Knox and J. Si. Phalia of Terra Cotta visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Martin Wednesday. Cora Felmeten, Mamie and Josie Smith, Margaret Henry and Cassie Mc- Cabe were perfect in attendance for the fohrth school month, ending Feb. 1. R M. Fleming of North Crystal Lake, •F. Gibbs of Chicago, Misses Anna Mc- Gee and Anua and Irene Frisby of Mc­ Henry visited at R. J. Sutton's Wednes­ day evening. One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter Ocean; fl.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. TERRA COTTA. A. H.tJraey spent Mouday in Chica Ro. Eugene Leisner waa a recent visitor in Chicago. Mrs. T. R. Anderson was a Crystal Lake visitor Tuesday. I E Mason of Cherry Valley was a bnsiness caller here Tuesday. T. L. Flanders of Holcombville called on friends here Tuesday morning. Miss Alice Smith' of Prairie Grove visited at the home of M. Knox Sunday Thos. Phalin and Eddie Knox visited relatives iu McHenry the first of the week. \ Mesdames Henry and Frank McMil­ lan were Crystal Lake visitors last Thursday. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep yon posted locally, bat The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special- ar­ rangement von oan secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate fl.75. AUCTION* OEO. VOCJEL, AUCTIONEER. j PRO PROBATE NEWS [l<'urnisht*(t by McHuury County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office In Ar­ nold Block, east, side public square. Ab­ stracts of tit,ie aud conveyaaclng. Money to loan on real estate tu sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments' to suit borrower, i'houes 034, U03 auu iill.] PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Mary A. Searles. Proof of death made. M. H. Fitssimigons ap­ pointed administrator. Bond $5000. Heirship established. Estateof William Hutson. Inventory and appraisement bill filed and ap­ proved. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Otto Suffner, 28 Allenton, Wis Anna Peter, 2ft •* " Lewis E. Sweet, SB .Richmond Ella J. Richardson, 2$... .8priijg Grove Claude De Grant. 88.. Chicago Rachael M Bovd 86. " LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY A3 SEEN BY THE FLAINOEALER REPORTER8. Itenifi of Intervnt Pinked Up About Oar Runy l.lttle Hurg That HIT Concern Von or Yonr Krlenda. Read Th» PI«Mo»w "w»nt" adi, The local ice houses are nearly all tilled. F. O. Gans the auctioneer He guar an tees satisfaction. Have your prescriptions filled at Petecsh's drug store. Did it ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at the store ? - The masquerade at the McHenry Honse ball last night was quite well at­ tended and a tine time enjoyed by all present. The gents' prize was captured by George Scbreiner, while Miss Katie Buss of Terra Cotta was awarded the ladies'. __ Watch the label upon yonr paper, as yonr name may be next to be taken from our list. We positively canuot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from onr lists since the new postoffice ruling went Into effect April I. If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, bad a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. By the Mudlavia, a pamphlet issued at Kramer, Iud., the home of the world famous mnd baths, we note that R. ^nderson of McHenry was a recent patient The paper in speaking of Mr. Anderson says: "Mr. R. Anderson of McHenry, 111., stayed too brief a time to secure more than slight improve­ ment la bia arthritis." GOOD FREE LUNCH AT NOON1 Terms of Sale: Atl sums of $10 and under, cash; over that arnonnt a credit of one year's time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at 7 per cent per an­ num. No property to be removed until settled for. FRANK H. WATTLES. ' Simon Stoffel, ( p. . W. D. Wentworth, \ Uerka- AUCTION! OEO. VOQEL, - AUCTIONEER The undersigned haviug rented his farm will sell at public auction on the premises, situated one and one half miles northeast of Ringwood, on the McHenry-Richmond road, on Thursday, Feb. n commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., the following described property, towit: 15 Head Cattle and Horses consisting of 5 milk cows, some close springers; 5 heifers; gray horse 8 years old, wt. 1200 pounds; bay mare with foal, 8 years old, wt. 1200 pounds; bay mare 11 years old, wt. 1000 pounds; bay colt: suckling colt; 75 chickens. FARM MACHINERY, ETC. 20 tons mixed . hay; 400 bushels oats; quantity seed corn. Osborn grain binder; McCormick corn binder; Osborn mower; broadcast seeder; Emerson pul­ verizer; Emerson riding plow; Emerson corn planter with check rower; Deere bay loader; spring tooth cultivator; 4- shovel cultivator; 6-sbovel cultivator; tanning mill; 8-section drag; 2 walking plows; set bob sleighs; hay rack; hay rake; hog rack; lumber wagon; truck wagon; milk wagon; buggy pole; 2 sets double harness; set heavy breeching harness nearly new; 0 milk cms; wheel­ barrow; set dump boards; 800-pound scales; 25 grain bags; manure box; shoveling board; harpoon fork; 60 feet Manila rope; fi.0 feet trip rope and pulleys; set bolster springs; canvas oover 10x18 feet; horse clipper and many other articles too numerous to mention OOOD FREE LUNCH AT NOON! Terms of Sale: All sums of $10 and under, cash: over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at 7 per cent. No property to be removed until settled for. FRED MEYER. Frank Schumacher, Clerk. AiiKHig the Sick. Mathias Engeln is cn the gain, bnt is still quite weak. Mrs. Fred Block is under the doctor's care at her home on Water street, The many friends of Mrs. G. W. Bes- ley will be pleased to learn that she is convalescing from her long illness. Mr. and Mrs. Starr Brink are con­ fined to their home by iricknesa. Their friends hope for a speedy recovery. E. S. Wheeler is still among the in­ disposed. His illness is causing him more than a little depression and worry. An absolute recovery is wished for by the community at large. Valentine day is another time to re­ mind your friends that you remember them. We have post card varieties for this pnrpoae. N. H. Peteioh. The undersigned, having rented hid farm for a term of years, will sell atl public auction on his farm situated two and one-half miles west of McHenry and seven miles east of Woodstock, near Shermanschool, on Saturday, Feb. 6, commencing at nine o'clock a. m., the following described property, including his entire stock, to-wit: 80 Head Cattle and Horses consisting of 44 new milkers and sprin­ gers, mostly Holstein-11 heifers, 1 i years old, mostly Holsteins; 8 bulls, I 1-2 years old, 2 Holsteins, 1 Durham; span black geldings, 9 years old, wt. 2500 pounds: span black mares, 10 years old, wt 2400 pounds; span gray mares, 6 and 9 years old, wt. 2200 pounds; span bay geldings, 8 years old, wt. 2200 pounds; gray pac­ ing mare, *> years old, wt. 1050 ponnds; bay pacing mare, 6 years old, wt. 1200 pounds: bay gelding, 12 years old, wt. 1200 pounds: gray mare with foal to Belgian, wt. 1100 pounds; spotted pony, 8 years old, wt. 800 pounds; black mare, 8 years old, wt 1000 pounds; bay piare, Marion Dixon, by The Pepper-Lady Dixon, 5 years old, wt. 1050 pounds; bay mare, Lucy Hogan, by Trentola-Sadie K., 5 years old, wt. 1100 pounds; bay mare, Mary Taylor, by Boy Orator- Woodlight, 5 years old, Wt 1000 pounds: bay horse, Jackson Park, by Trentola- Sadie K., 4 years old, wt. 1000 pounds; span bay Belgian fillies, 2 years old, wt 2000 pounds; black Belgian colt, 1 year old; Robert Wilkes colt, 1 year old. FARH MACHINERY, ETC. A quantity of ear corn. About 30 bushels of June clover seed. Quantity of seed and pop corn. Deer ing grain binder, Deering corn harvester, Deere hay loader, Piano mower, 7-ft. cut-; McCormick mower, Deere corn planter, 16-disc 4 horse pul­ verizer, Deere gang plow, X-ray gang plow, Flying Dutchman plow, 2 walk­ ing plows, 8 section drag, Prairie City seeder, hay rake. Thompson hay tedder, manure spreader, surrey, road cart, 2 hay racks, cutaway pulverizer, 2 six- shovel cultivators, 2 spring tooth culti­ vators, set bobs, 2 truck wagons, fan­ ning mill, corn sh.eller, 6 sets double harness, milk cart, saddle, grind stone, 75 grain bags, set dump boards, 2 log chains, forks, shovels, baskets and other articles too numerous to mention. VOUR DRUG STORE * We assume that if you were in our place you would feel it a doty to protect and promote our inter- ests 111 ever yway. ^ ^ Therefore we toy to dtmdnct a store in which you will have u perfect protection in every way as we should expect were we trading at your drug store. ? * We want your trade and we ask for it on the basis of good goods, good service and reasonable prices, N. H. Petesch Druggist. Telephone McHenry. *7 4- "I've found the FLOUR That makes the BREAD That comes on TIME},M The good wife said. If you would know her secret, here it is: ..Early Riser.. This is the Flour You Want m a d e b y John Spencer McHenry Mills Ask your grocer for It. Winter Goods must go! We will make Special Prices on all Win- ^ ter Goods to close them out quickly. We need the cash. • Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts 8$c Men's Heavy Mitts, 1.00 quality 85c Men's Heavy Coats, 3.00 quality... .2.35 Men's Heavy Coats, 2.50 quality 2*00 Men's Heavy Coats, 2.00 quality 1.65 15 per cent discount on all Dress Goods for the next tea days. :: :: :: , Underwear, Overshoes, Felt Boots and German Socks at reduced prices. :: Our new line of Clothing Samples is now ready for your inspection. A big dis­ count is offered on last season's line. Call and see them. :: :: :: M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363, PICKLES 75c PER BUSHEL for vat run PICKLES, ONE TO FOUR INCHES, delivered to our FACTORIES AT McHENRY AND CRYSTAL LAKE NATIONAL PKKLE & GHK (0. P H I L I P - J A E G E R OENERAL COflMlSSlON MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP il, Poultry, Drcttld Beef, flutton. Hogs, V Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest hons® on the street Tags and price lists application. famished 00 Stall 1 A 3, Fultoa St. WbolMMl* Market. COLO STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. • '-Mi'- Pk

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