VOLUME XXXIV. McHENRY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JANUARY 28, ipog. NUMBER af OF A PERSONAL NATURE .jji$6l*UE THAT YOU KNOW * ̂ WHERE THEY GO. rsonal News U»tb«i-e<l Up hJ ijb* Wahids by Tfa* f*laiud«»ler Kepre- •jpatative. Mrs. C. C. McLain spent Saturday in Chicago. v ./ y ;:: |lra. Chan. Gh fratt^pent Friday last 'loCbicago. " lira. J. B, Buss sjpent Monday in the tpfcdy city, _ ^ ^' Irs John .T. Bach was a Chicago vis- last Friday. 1 Arthur Biokler of Elgin apent Snnday Ai iiis home here. ; •. / ' W, Howe wag * hnnseww visitor i» igo Monday..'-' \ Jf. J. Justeu attended to business in Qhicago MalUjflSy. €3barles Schiessle spent HoUday in tbe m e t r o p o l i t a n c i t y . " ' • ^ / Miss Zne Gallaher was a recent guest . ^otfrienda in Elgin. Cliai les L. Page attended to business iQ Chicago Monday. *f?m. Bouslett was a business visitor in Chicago Monday. ' c • , ,,, ^ -Mies Florence How» Waa aCbiicago visitor last Saturday. ; ; B. C. Joslyu of Woodstock was a re- cent McHenry visitor, ; - Mr. and Mrs. W. F: Haltz spec 113a t- urday last in Chicago. • Simon Stoffel wa«abu«iness visitor in Chicago last Friday. * H. E. Price was a business visitor in Chicago last Saturday. J. G. Cordingly spent Saturday and Sunday in tne windy city. E. C. Joslyn of Woodstock spei}t Sun1 day with McHenry friends. ^ Dr. D. G. Wells was a profewioilal visitor in Chicago Monday. - Peter and Miss Gertrude'Neiaa spent Sunday with Elgin relatives. , \ August Kamholz of Marengo was the guest of relatives here last week. Mrs. Ella Lamphere of Elgin was a guest of relatives here last week. Dr. C. H. Fegers, Sr.," was a profess •ional visitor in Chicago Monday. B S. Hanly was among the Chioago passengers last Saturday morning. »'• Alford Pouse of Chicago spent Sun day at the home of his parents hero, < Arthur Fitzgerald of Chicago passed , Sunday with friends at Pistakee Bay. if. H. Parks of North Crystal Lake , was a McHenry caller one day last week. Glenn Thomas of Woodstock visited at the home of W. F. Gallaher Sunday. Hoy Colby of Woodstock spent Sun day, with his wife and other relatives hare. John Evanson of LeRoy, III., spent Snnday at the heme of his son, 3V. C , here. * jfos. J. Frett and son, Peter, of Chica go spent Sunday with McHenry rela tives, Mrs. Frank Cleveland of Liberty ville was a recent guest at the home of Geo. Yager. ffAr. and Mr®. WillSehneidfcrofWood- stock spent Sunday at the home of L. F. Block. Mrs. Peter J. Freund and sons, Arthur and Walter, were Chicago visitors last Friday. Miss Marguerite Friedley of Chicago visited at the home of ffm. Stoffel last Sunday. Miss Kate F. Howe of River Forest visited at the home of her parents here Snnday. - ' ' t ' Miss Dora Stoffel of Chicago was a guest at the -home of her parents here Sunday. Hugo Hoch of Chicago w*s * guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bohr last week. Joe Wheeler of (Chicago passed Satur day and Sunday at the home of his par ent* here. Everett Sherman and Lester Griffin of WoodskKjk spent Sunday with Me- . Henry friends. Mn. Hetty Fuller was the gueet o| her sister, Mrs. C. IS. Lamphere, a few days last week. Misses Anna and Martha Wolff of Elgin spent Sunday aft the hojne of t h e i r m o t h e r h e r e . V s ; . r Miss Frances Strang of Burliugton, Wis., was. the guest of McHenry rela tives several days this week. t Mr. and Mrs. Herman Maiman -of Wauconda were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Scbaffer Sunday. < John J. Owens was out from Chicago Snnday to assist in the work of install ing the newly elected Knights of Colum bus officers. Mr. and Mrs. Starr Brink were guests at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brink, at West Chi cago Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Barker of Wood stock spent Snnday at the home of the latler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund, here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blbck of Dun dee were guests at the home ot the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Block, Sunday. " Miss Carrie Price of Genoa Junction, who has been a guest at the home of H, E Price for the past few weeks, »- tnrned home last week. Elgin Advocate; HaroM Howard !©ft yesterday (Jan. 14) for Cauton, Ohio, where he will make his future home. Mr. Howard has been employed in Chi cago as a lithographer and made Elgin his home. His wife, Mrs. Roea Howard, remained in Elgin, but will join him within a few weeks. IN THE SOClAt WORLD- , nctors Numerous Socta*' Event* /•».; , iug tb« W On Snnday afternoon and evening Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkels entertained a company, of relatives and friends at a tarewell party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bohr of Chicago, who are noon to leave for their new home in Spokane, Washington. N The afternoon and ersning were pleas antly spent in conversation and the usual fiintsvities that accompany such an event, and all present eftjoyed a splen did time. Those present from » dis tance Were: Mrs. Christina Adanss of Stacyviile, Iowa; Mrs, John Sabel of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Schneider of Fox Lak«- Mrs. C. Sabel of Volo. Lolwl people present, were: Mr. and Mri*.. John A. Smith, Mr. and Mrs John R. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Nickj Bohr, - Mrs. Jos. jB, Justet>; : Messrst , Jacob Ahrens, Clir>» Smith - and Niok Winkels. * ; BIG DAY FOR ST. CLARA'S COUBT. Last Thursday was H big day for the members of St. Clara's Court of Lady Foresters No. 659 as it was this particu lar day that bad been set aside for the initiation of three new members-ami the installing of the newly elected of ficers, followed by a banquet. The day's program was opened by initiating the new members, Mrs. A. Efcteu, Mr J. Wort* and Mrs. Paris. Next in order was the installing of the newly elected officers.' The installation was very creditably performed by the district deputy, Miss Barbara Wiedemann, of Elgin. The officers installed are a* follows: * , 4 Mrs. J. Heimer. .. .Chief Ranger Mrs. H. Heimer...,. .Vice Chief Ranger Mrs. C. IJefes .. BiBeordhig Secretary Mrs. J. Olson....... Financial Secretary Mrs. E. Miller... ^,.Treasurer Mrs. E. Barbian . 1 Mrs. E Schneider > V„I}. ii.., .Trustees Mrs." K. Meyers »|t •••• :• u ' ' ^ Mrs. K. Worts t Mrs. T. Heimer fef? Mrs. G. Niesen i , ^ Mrs. E. Niesen ^ - - - Sentinels Drs^egers i . Examiners Rev. A. Roy^r. ... ......... Chaplain At the coiMjlusion <if t}m installation work the con|ft presented Rev. Av Rover a to keif of remembrance, after which several well rendered addresses were listened to» The several,committees were next ap 1 xiinfeed as follows: Good of the order, Mesdanies K. Schneider, E. Barbian and G. Miller; auditing^ committee, Mesdames K. C. Schneider, K. L. Ftennd, Miss Anna Miller; sick com mittee; McHenry Mesdtunes M. Jus* tin, E. Lauers am| K Stoffel; Johns- bnrgh--Mesdames B. 4King and E. Thelett; Volo--Mesd%mes B. Hiller an4s K. Moiidor, The ftay's program was onncluded with a banquet, which was heartily en joyed by alt, ^ T SURPRISE!*,' Q|f ^NtV»R- A company of friends tendered Mrs. W. D. Wentworth a very pleasant sur prise at her home last Tuesday evening, the event being given in honor of her 33rd birthday anniversary. The guests, who were made up mostly of Modern Woodmen an^ Royal Neighbors, were loyally entertained by the hostess thru out the entire Evening, pregressive ciucb furnishing the chief form of entertain ment. Mrs. Wentworth was presented with a beautiful cracker bow! by hejr guests as a token of remembrance of the occasion. At an Hff^iropriate hour re freshments were partaken of and all de parted wishing the genial hostess many happy returns of the day. Those pres ent were: Messrs^ and Mesdames F. H. Wattles, R. G. Chamberlin, J. C. Holly, E. E. Baseett, Jamep Perkins; Mesdames Nina N. Sherman, <Cbarles L. Page, Mnytne Overton; Misses Evangeline Johns, Kathrvn Burks; A. D. Looniis. SURPRISKO AT WOODMAN HALL Modern Woodmen m1, Royal Neigh bors to the number of about twenty perpetrated a pretty surprise on Mrs. Charles L. Pa«e at the Wootlman hall last Monday evening, the eveut. be ing given in honor of the victim's birth day. Mrs. Phge was asked over to the hall on that evening and before she could realize what h«4 happened the surprise had been exeented. Progressive cinch was played and a pleasant time enjoyed by all present. As a memento of the occasion the hostess was present ed with a beautiful leather hand bag- Refreshments followed the, card g«.m«a Hot water bottles and fountain syring es--the good kind at right price* at Petesch'8 drug store. , IS NOW UP TO ELGIN 1*) GRANT LAKE GENEVA LINE A • 50 YEAR FRANCHISE. If Elgin (irants the New Koa«| PnuMhlne Asked IF or. Car* Wilt R« Kaaat«* lutu Klgin bjr AoKnst t. At next Monday evening's meeting of the Elgin city conncll an ordinance will be introduced asking for a fifty-y«»ar. franchise allowing the Elgin, Wood stock & Lake Geneva Railroad Co. to enter the watch city over two routes-- one for passenger traffic £nd the other for freight iraffid, If the ordinance is granted cars will be running into Elgin by August 1, according t«T» F. R. Spear, president of the cor^vration promoting the Una. :.V,; / . ' • '• Mr. Spear, aoc^mipaaied by B>' JB Beaton, head engi3»eer for tie George i WEGENER-LAWRENC^ Vol* tiithnlic Chnrrh th« 8MM , < rnUf jMmrjr Weddln*. presence of a large gathering of relatives and friends at the Volo Catholic church, at ten o'clock last Wednesday morning, Jan. 80, occurred the marriage of Miss Eva Mae Law rence of Eingwood to Mr. Joseph G. Wegener of Lily Lake. The ring ceremony wa»v effectively nsed. The bride and groom were at tended by Mis* Mamie Lawrence of Chicago and Mi*s Mae Wegener, cousin and sister to the bride and groom, respec tively, and Messrs. Joseph Lawrence and George Wegner, brothers of the bride and groom respectively. The bride was handsomely attired iu a gown of uoessaline and insertion over white China silk. Her veil was held in {dace with whitfe rose* ami ferns and EXCHANGE GLEANINGS. HAPPENINGS IN M'HENRY ADJACENT COUNTIES* AMD A •ImlianMnn Auortuieat' of Km It«ma In Condensed Furiu For Cauv*B> ieHCe of Bmr P»op1«. . A collection taken in Mary's church, Woodstock, for the' benefit of the Italian quake sufferers, amounted to fll5. At a Kane oonnty farmers' institute the prise for the Ijest job of stocking dartmig was won by a boy over hip girl SOME GREAT IMPROVEMENTS Bring; Made »t the C.oral llont Factnrjr 4 'i. ' For feMni,,r • ||V great ihiprovemehts-'sy^'liiil^' made for the coming season at the local boat factory. New machinery of the very latest type has been installed in the wood-working plant which will re duce labor cost on its product. One great addition to the plant will be the opening of a new upholstering department, where the manufacturing of cushions, draperies for cabin boats, boat canvas, ^vagon covers, awnings and automobile tops will take place. OUR WEEKLY PICK-UPS ITEMS PICKED UP ABOUT TOWN DURING THE WEEK. competitors. An oak tree was cut down over near I ^his department will be in charge of an Burlington the other day which rneas | expelrt and nothing but the very beet of ured 40 feet in'circumference and con- wor^ *c this line will be allowed to Wfcmi mm Dotaar IB Onr Hw; Clty--New» ns ficon bf Thc p,'-tT-itirrtnr Rea>rMeatstires. , . flatter . v A sensational drop of three cents IB the price of butter enlivened the week-$ ly' meeting of the Elgin board of tja|te Monday. The quotation committee de clared the price to be S8 centa. 4 year <\>raes on tained seven squirrels UM! coons. nest of w^s recently iiley fan c. West Alden TAX BOOKS HAVE BfiBN DELIVERED. ; T^s various colbn;tors of taxes of McHenry connty have received their books from the county oierk. Below will be found a complete statement of the amounts to be collected in the. several towns and the purpose for which collected; - Keep II Up, fliliy! Four friends, Messrs. L, Seng, W. Riley, Joe Panesi of Chicago and W. Holtz of McHenry, were shooting on Sunday at the Chicago Gun club ground* and Holt* was high man. .Shotflj|: Broke Holt*..... *Senf..t...-.*-f*$; Rii«y Pauesi... .•nig*'*-*. •Not counting ground. To Whom It May Concern, On and after this date, January 88. 1909, 1 will not be responsible for anv debts made by my wife, lMarie La Moitt Nerger, she having left tny tied and board. RALPH A. NERGER. Riley ... Martfigo.. Imnbirrri.. Otii'in«ns...v.' A'hl«-n ItartlaiKfc'. Coral..'.,.,. ... Ururton.'. Ikirr^..,,, (i rri'nwootj.. t. Kicluiioiul. .. Hun on. f., Mcil«»nry.. .i.'^ Nutuiu ... ... A1koim)IUU . . ; Hallmad..... J TeleKi'Hph ..J Telephone Grand Tot,f Vshtatioii rmrt a».i •ilOtMft :il4lT6 4iK5*»2 47t#Hrt cut-a ((ttvuw i»S4*l2 H17072I iVslti Suite Ta* $ |51tJ 02 acti vi| 15W 13 iG07 14?« 7K \bCA 0.1 K.7I (£! tKi.") « sen as Urn 3SM T. aa "iu «;*> 'x, :tot a, XKSi 74 3440 $2 4«ISTB IK «n m* 2H 1H:< 73 975K)7n f 4AM0 S3 County ! :«usi»r t:»«t « .am m i*e 41 t;*s8 43 i:«ce so 1816 a:» 2ltP< OH -4641 I4»l 4a 90M «< (7H5 5U() 08 3WII X>7I 7» at S50H1 101 4«« 01 85 SI 101 *IV>WI» 72S 44 MEi Iti '.ce 34 W7 ',U * \ H.i •24N i<t;t 85 at."> rut 4lCi «.'i Zi till) 7S2 V*5 ;K4 Hit »• IN00 «:tr 45 S2» 10 14SI7 00 «8« 43 <( :c tW tCi < 40807 341 KkV» 42 R. ft B. SK51 051 OU5 81 :«t« H7 7117 Sit sm i» S4S5 4:t 3141 7« 3SS4 fl» 4irt« 24 & . Ski 1M04 m :tm i« sm m tsawjo 5»W 74 0873 «M Toean as* MSI 5« 4« 07 ao4 to Oorp. «757 5!4 " »ij aB iso«4 m S3" If 572 05 50 4I<«« 70 ) 3fti:t 24 . S ST . 105 « .. Thistlte 10 00 & 00 6 00 21 00 | 7W450 ?» » 43724 13 I 21 OS * 133008 79 School now % 11.">40 91 l(i.V) 37 I.H800 01 :i717 i f « x m ;tsw as 4105 at r>74«; ee a>s» sa mi si ouio 4» 4070 «5 m 04 76140 40 104^6 M i;tl(« 46 130615 04 laser sa « 18 4M3 04 nistHct 380 01 3H0 Hl | 234 67 m 68 . w ' Ittt -t: 1I.» m ii-. • is • ' a w SM3 Total" I 0610 10 31855 83 878«i Xi 40'X« SM »CB 14 ;tfir> (tHiil U.iei 31 Kitvfi K{ 01218 S4 UW41 0» l«P621 15 r„»4)W 19 3140 54 aS IBH 33 -»:««! SW 30«M4 83 0» 37.I2K 04 !»• 0M 1300 f363178t8^ E. Painter construction coui(>any, which will bnild the line, were in Elgin Mon day looking over the chosen ronteB there. The president of the company stated that .Mr. ^Painter has just re turned from the East where lie has been placing the greater proportion of the $2,000,000 bouds required for the conntrnction w ork and accordipg to Mr. Spear he has been quite successful in this, " ~ "• The preliminary survey fwr the toad was completed la^f w^ek, but this route is nnbject to change as soon as the construction is started, as in some places several routes have been mapped out. J nst as soon as the road is granted its franchise from Elgin the site- of the power house will be decided npou and construction will be started from that point towards Elgin and also from the Elgin terminal. Gasoline propelled cars wlU ba Seed on the road at all times so as to prevent any delay ^occasioned by the IOHS of power as is usually experienced on electric roads. (tlazier Jubilee Hingers at the Cen tral opera .botwe tbia (Thursday even ing. • _ REPORTS ARE FALSta she carried a itouquet of bridal rosea and ferns. The bridesmaids were gpwned in white silk mull and wore white carnations in their hair. A reception at the home of the groom's parents followed the church ceremony, the reception being attended only by the nearest relatives of the young couple. The happy pair were the recipients of many beautiful and useful preseuts thruont the day. The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence of Ringwond and is a popular favorite among her friends. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wegener who reside near Lily Lake and is an honest, upright and industrious young man. idr. and Mrs. Wegener have already gone to housekeeping in a cottage near Lily Lake recently erected by the groom's orother. Congratulations. Glacier Jubilee Singers at the Cen 'Worlc ou Klgin, I Woixlitoek {ft Lak* G«- jmra Kailroad Not AbwidoMNlf Firm denial of a report that work has been abandoued on the proposed Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva line is made in a letter issued last Satnrda.v "by F. R. Spear, president of the projected line. The communication is issued from the Chicago offices of the president, who claima work >s progressing as rapidly as conditions will permit. This tetter issued by the head official of the company is self explanatory. It is sent to individuals in every town thru which the new road is to jpaBS. It is signed by President Spear, who makes the follbwing statement: 'My Dear Sir:--We are advised that there is a floating report in your town to the effect that the Elgin, Woodstock & Lake Geneva R. R Co. has aban doned work on its line--this is entirely false; we Sre pushing this work as rap idly as conditions will permit and will connider it a favor if you will take the trouble to assist in denying this erro neous rejtort in every particular. *1 wish further to advise yon that no one has the right to make an anthora- tive statement as to the contemplations of this line but the undersigned and Mr. Geo' M. Painter." Glazier Jubilee Singers at the Cen tral opera bouse this (Thursday) even ing. • • . TUMI TUN! Tasm! Having received my tax books I am now prepared to receive taxes for the town of McHenry and will be at the following places for that purpose: Mon days at J. C. Debrecht's store at Johns- burg; Tuesdays at Bradley & Foes' Btore at Ringwood; Thursdays at the store of M. J. Walsh West McHenry; Saturdays at the drug store of N. H. Petesch at McHenry. 33 tf JOHN NIESEN, Collector. For, tank heaters, corn etc., go to Wm. Stoffel's, ft M •« " Final Satle%;.*. >. V /;|| Forms for the new Chicago telephone directory will close on February 1. No names will be listed after that date. Order now and get your name in tbe *l>ook. Another vill not be issued for months „ CHICATTO TELEPHONE COMPANY. - - This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--§1.75 for one year'* subscription tra! opera bouse this (Thursday) even- ; > fritx Muqnurwi*, A pttzte misqnerade dance WITI TiTKe place at the McHenry House hull on Wednesday evening, Feb. 8. The pro prietor of the ball is putting forth extra efforts to make this the one big dancing •vent of the season. A prixe will be given to the most comically dressed gent and to the best attired lady. Floor committee: McHenry, Casper Bickler; Qenterville, Ben Schoewer; West McHenry, George Wegener; Crys tal Lake, Robert Spsngler; Ringwood, James Conway: Johnsburgh, Joueph Michels; Griswold Lake, Peter Weber; Volo, George Dryer; Round Lake, Chas. Mason; Wgnconda, Norman Ladd. A costnmer will be at the hall to fnrnish those desiring «auie with costumes. Horses and baggage will be cared for free of charge. Dance tickets, 50c. spectators, 25 cents. A oordial invito* tion is extended to all, Glazier Jubilee Singers at the Cen tra! opera bouse this (Thursday) even- Change la Kaskforxl UioceM; v Roekford! 111., Jan. 35.--Witbhi the next month there are to be a number of changes in tbe Rockford Roman Cath- olic diocese, some of the pastors return ing to <tbe Chicago archdiocese, while some Chicago; priests will be appointed to charges under Bishop Mnldoon. Rev. Michael C-otter, pastor at Pecatonica for ten years, has resigned owing to ill health, and his charge and missions are to be divided into two parishes. Father Ryan of St. Charles, Father Gil martin of Woodstock, Father Maurice Doruey of Morrison and Fattier P. J. McGuire, assistant at St. Mary's, Rockford, are to return to the Chic igo archdiocese. Bishop Muldoon has adopted twenty- two seminary students for the Rockford diocese, all of whom will be ordained within five years. These students are now preparing for the priesthood, sad one will be ordained this summer,: A new assortment of elegant 10-cent goods at Vycital's hardware store. Which Arts Voa? Two kinds of people refnae to order telephones. One class don't think they can afford it; the other class don't think. No family too poor to get a.telephone, tor we have low rental ratef. Chicago Telephone Company. slelghe Chicago, to city parties for|HI>,000. The farm is located near the Nolan gas well, and this is said to have been the cause of the high price paid. A young captain who was drilling tired Joseph ttptheriuel and EmTlPeterson* Oscillating anti-tip Win. Stoffel's. hob at Nolle* 1 To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in tbe office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to t%it Read The PUlndfaler. awkward squad commanded thus: "Now, tny men, listen to me! When I say 'Halt!* put tW foot that's on the ground beside the one that's in the air and remain motionlesn!" The name Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company and thp initials C. M. & St. P. are to be removed from probably all rolling stock, property, printed matter, etc., and the name Chi cago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Rail way company will appear. Rev. C. H. Bente, pastor of the Con gregational church at Woodstock, has resigned, the resignation to go in effect Feb. 1. He expects to go to Joliet, where he hopes to organic a strong Congregational society^!rosja a email nucleus there It is said that a school teactier has evolved a rule that when any of the girls miss a word in spelling, one of the boys can kiss her, provided he spells the word right. She ha* a room full of poor girl spellers and the boys are^f- coming more proficient every day. Win. Harder, one of the four'men charged with robbing, maltreating and burning the Forn brothers, two old bachelors living in Algonquin, was fonnd guilty of bnrglary and larceny, the jury being out oue hour. The sen tence will be an indefinite one, under the parole law of this state. i Cary correspondent to Crystal Lake Herald: A terrible accident befell tbe little 5-year-old son of Robert Trimble, of Cuba, Wednesday afternoon, when, unbeknown to* his father, who was oper ating a corn shredder, he climbed up in front and thrust his hand into the roll ers. The hand was taken off complete ly- - • By a bill reported favorably to the senate by the commerce committee, all motor boats upon waterH under the jurisdiction of the Uuited States will have to be equipped with life preserv ers. Heretofore the law has applied only to boats that carried passengers for hire. The preservers must be ap proved by the supervising-inspector. What is'said to be the largest fee ever paid to the city of Chicago build ing department was paid by the North western road for its hew west side pas senger station. The fee was ip2,859, and the building will exceed in cubic space any ever erected in the city, ex ceedingT>y thousands of feet, it is said, the great new warehouse of Montgom ery Ward & Co. on the north side. Richmond Gazette: Mrs. Sam Reed, a daughter-in-law of Wm. Reed, Sr., of this village, died very suddenly at b^r home between Greenwood and Wood stock Tuesday night. The wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Reed's daughter, Estella, was held iu the Reed home just a few hours previous and it is said that the grief shown by the mother in parting with her daughter was so great as to have caused her death. Harvard Herald: H. S. Bell of Walworth has sold HO acres of his fartn a mile west of the village of Walworth for $11,006, which represents f 137.50 an acre. This is the highest price paid for land in that vicinity that we know of, but it is excellent land and the pur chaser, John Martiu, heretofore a ten ant farmer, has made A snuotwe of farming. He has also bought the per gonal property of the Bell fartn and will take possession at once. For Rent:--A six-room cottage in West McHenry. For terms and.further information write or apply ti| -Fred Schnorr, Wast McHenry, Ul.: leave the factory. Three new sewing machines haye already been installed in this department, The company is this season also mak ing a specialty on two size® of boats, namely, eighteen and twenty footer?, which are already making a great hit among prospective boat buyers, as special features are shown never before attempted in boat construction. It will pay anyone to take a trip over td the plant aud see the elegant line of boats of all sizes now in stock. At the pres ent time the company has over seventy boats ready for delivery and by the opening of spring hopes to have doubled this amount. The sales of the coming season are at this time very good and, in fact, are far ahead of those at this time last year. In short the season promises to be one of the best if not the best in the history of the factory. While some of onr readers B«K^ not be acquainted witti ffe great good that this factory has done for our village, we will venture at this time to'say tjiat the wages paid out 'last year by the con cern amounted to over llO.Oap. ' Several new bands have been taken on of late, among the local people being Chas. Brown of Sycamore is -also a lafe arrival. All in all, the prospects for a record* breaking season for the factory are most encouraging, and every public spirited citizen who has the welfare of McHenry at heart, should begin at once and assist in boosting tKa McHenry boats. Glazier Jubilee Singers at the Cen tral opera house this (Thursday) even ing. HOUSE BREAKER 13 CAOGHf , At Phtekw After nreHMng lota ihe Wt- . rtak Coirt**** A stranger, giving his name as Fred Maet, was captured at Pistakee Bay last Monday morning after an manhunt. Philip Scbaefer, who during the win ter months is engaged by cottage owners at the Bay as watchman, last Snnday morning discovered that the Patrick cottage had been broken into. The watchman at once proceeded to make a search of the house and premises but the intruder was not to be found any where. * The following morning Mr. Schaefer's wife went over to, the Patrick cottage to clean up and to her great snrprise and horror found an ugly looking character occupying a bed room iu the up stair part of the house. The woman, greatly frightened by the unexpected discovery, ran from the house and the alarm was soon spread tbruout the entire vicinity. The stranger, seeing that he had been discovered, broke the window and shut ter iu the room that he was occupying, jumped to the gronud below and made a lively exit to the woods. A posse of men, consisting of Philip Sehaefer, Ren Stilling, Capt. M. J. Pit- aen, Fred Justen, John Pifzen and sons, Peter J. Freund and crew (who were working «t the Bay at the time), was made up in a lively manner and a man hunt started. After a long chat*} and search the stranger was finally landed in a shed near the mouth of the river. The man was taken to Selling's hotel and later brought to McHenry and lodged in jail by Marshal Walsh. On Wednesday morning before Justice Mead he gave his name as above stAted, and u}K>n examination was found guilty on the charge of house-breaking aud im mediately bound over to the grand jury aud is now confined in the connty jail at Woodstock, This is the third cottage that has been btokeo into this fall and winter. Easter thie April 1L Have your prescriptions Peteosh's drug store. F. O. Gang the auctioneer, antees satisfaction. ta ill® filled Glazier Jubilee Singers at the Ce$- , tral opera house this (Thursday) eiMfr, ing- The Willing Workers will meat Mrs. Frank McOmber on Thursday afternoon, Feb. 4. ' ' . " ' • 'nil li I' The Knights of Columbne entertain* their families at Stoffel's hall this (Thursday ) evening. *• For Sale--Thirty shoatS; weight abofet 100 pounds each. Inquire of or addrertt " William J. Welch, McHenry. Route 2. \v Lost--SflShewhere in McHenry, a dies' gold watch. Finder will pi return to N, A. Huemann's jewelry store and receive reward. ^ ' John M. Phalin, having rented his farm, will hold an suction on hie prein- ises on Tuesday, Feb, 16. Watch tl^f (taper for further particulars. Woodstock has a curiosity in shape of a tall girl--she is so tall that if she gets her feet wet in July she doean1^ i take cold in her head until December, The smoke stack on the old electric light plant was rased on Wednesday afternoon. A pulley, rope and MTerfti strong ( ?) arms did the wrong. • -- The heavy rains and thaws of bul l week all bnt cleared the river from i|»' coat of ice and that stream now bears a very much epring-like appearance. Since the joint installation held bf< *4 the M. W. A. aud the R. N, A. at Stof- f e l ' s h a l l m a n y a p p l i c a t i o n s f o r m e m - ' , ' \ bership have been received by camps. Emil Frffer is now occupying U|fr< - :i v, Henry Wegener farm near Lily Lak^ *• haying vacated the Moagrove farptt^ Which he had been working for the pa4#: ten yeaiy, last Saturday. Here's a in your inemo: Hy hesrt so yo new year rise, mind/yi lies, pay ynar A public sm St. Mary's Ca by the Germ ety at Webei^i ing, Feb. fl. , -i *•$4* * to put dow* k and learn iuxiii|£ tin .-i. v { and early to • ; aud tell an t*. i ' * vertise.'*' tbe benefiti b will be give Woman's aod* turday even®; rticularo r •: MS appear in these columns next week. The ~ t' Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean given the news of all the world. By our special ar rangement vou cau secure both papers for one fnll year for the very low rate f 1 75. . : :., Tf • -.#j. •, » u FOB TAX COLLKCTtUt,' • I Mr«by announce myself ail' k Re- publican candidate for tbe office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, sub-' ject to the tuition of the town caucus. Thanking the voters for their support during the |iast two years and assuring thetu that it has been and a coutinnane* of the same will lie appreciated, 1 am, v- \ <: Very truly yours, • JOHN NIESEN. Did it ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with your return addn** printed on them just aa cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at tbe store? factory building at ChicajiiS # Highlands, 1J miles west of Barriugton. * has been sold to a Chicago concern anjf it is said will be used for the mauufa<li» tare of asbestos paper. Empioymenli will be given to from 300 to 500 men if the present plans are successfftl. Oue^f the heaviest mid-winter calm '>*'i that hasVHoted this section in years fell ^ ̂ during last Friday night. The rain wai" accompanied by a severe thunder an4 lightning storm. An electrical storm in January, especially one like that of Fri- •I «' ! day night, is a rarity in these parte. r ^ William McRobarts passed away at «^| his Chicago home on Friday, January 15. Mr. McRoberts and his estimable . , family have for some years past H[>eut - the Hammers at Pistakee Bay, whera> they own a cottage. His many frienda, iu McHenry and vicinity willba pains# to learn of his death. •i'lv t'j <• • : * -7\ near 1,1 W.s' ' • t % ^ 1 h * 4 - i f ' ^ ^ ^ m i l ^ J * % v \ ^ ^ Don't forget to wear a red carnation on January 29th, "Carnation Day." th% birthday of the late President McKiuleyur * ' V % The Carnation league of America ask a. % '* everyone to wear his favorite flower, \ tbei'ed carnation, on that day in com- T memoration of the martyred preeident't "v services for his country. *• . 4 Woodstock Sentinel: J. C, Ladd of T Ringwmxl purchased the "Patrick Mc- Garrv farm of 110 acres at Master's salft , -x * last Saturday. The price paid was $73 per acre. The farm is located - * - Ringwood and about a dozen were over from there to witneae the and participate in the bidding. The chicken pie dinner served by th«| Ladies' Aid society of the M, El churi li at Stoffel's dining ball last Thursday uoon won an excellent patronage, all who partook of the same were loud - in their praises for the excellent meai Jf served. Tbe ladies also feel highly'V§ elated over the marked snccestt andv' assure all those who were present tha%'? their patronage was duly appreciated. ' 4"' It fe REPORT*^ that A vmy 'MMUIOUS, newly married lady of. Crystal Laka kneads bread with her gloves on. ^TbUj is a very peculiar instance, bnt then there are others. The editor «i thia5"""- 1- i >»: paper mwl?. bread with his p.<ints ouj • aud uuletw aoine of the delinquent sal,T - 1 scribers ol The Plaiudealer pot«v ni beiore lon«, he will need teead without^ on, - i - , > • r Y- .