Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jan 1909, p. 5

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$ ' * , ilV "'** * - |j ' ̂ p ", -^/r W , fc/*Vr\ ^ r'N 'ill ' Mi n i I M N I n ij|ti|^i|iiT ^ j^ii' '"111 MHHii^ iriiiiimi 'I It I ' I jff̂ B î̂ SSSŜ SSSSiSSSSSSSSSSSSŜ SlSŜ iSStSSm^̂ ŜltSSStSiBSSSŜ SSSSSSSSSSSE FURNITUR 0^-rJl r-S&jk.^-h , f I / *f 7V'Ha' * * •'<&/ -n '-A..*. ^;; * 'V®' that will last a lifetime1 ^* **'*-? ">fe| v a*/ * ^ *'»4 *: - and always be appreciated. Never ». > 4 ore were we so well prepared to .*•*' < ;^|show the most fastidious, the most <? * " « ^ up-to-date line of Morris Chairs, * Roc kers, Li brary Tables, Couches, v*V- . • ' •. »••: «Music .Cabinets, Buffets, China * ^ * -K; 5 osets, Combination Book Cases, ^c f ^T nd, in fact, everything carried ^ tpP-TO-PATElFU^mTURB. : "• •'. • • •A-'viMS •l}Mk ?&.w. ' • rich EN RY, ILLINOIS. WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF M rOmhAr'R THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES' ,J^P. QET QUR PRICES. i.wr >>-«{.,9s • • • Respectfully Youfl% ^ • . ':'r"V!.v' •' • Ll McOMBER; West Side Hardware. 53lr $&s ?## dUi. * \'v ^r-v^ 'A IF IT'S. if' SHOES that you are looking for call in and let show you something pretty nobby. Our line of Mcq's, Boys', Ladies*, Misses' and Children's Shoes was never larger nor more complete. 4-lso have a fine line of cold weather Merchandise. Let us fit you out. J. WALSH, ' PROMPT DELIVERY. - PHONE *6*. Groceries i>Wr .kt - <- Z»*t\ - ."'X V v. t -4b; *?&«** / ̂ .. '• ^; #'.#* wT " ; that are pu^ aod health- fal are the kind that we sell. If you appreciate such goods Are will appreciate your pa- tytottsigg We are hen! t^J serve the public and are,, striving to do it in a Wi» " ̂ • '»! , w a ^ - ! be satisfactory 'i: trade aud ah honor to u^ 1^?? ^ v "V- >IOHNSTOFFEL. :fte * v "• f. • ' '•* J f - ̂ JV Ti-'jf' "* j NEIGHBORING NE WS AS QHRONICLHD Ii¥ I OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS miimiwMllM in t, ' z f?i4- ! .. • *rf> f * * A?*^ * - ;c^ •M- KIUUKBtSXJtt.' •• l, C. Baiton wan in Woodstoak Tans* J. F£ ^ln Cvfutel Lake 8»t- nrdfty. Ja«. R»ni» inm .in Woodstock W®d- n^diiy. _ ".. I, .. Mrs. E. B. Smith wn in Crystal Lake Wednesday. Mra. French of Ringwood ia viaiting relativeH here. •" . Mrs. W. Jay nee was a Crystal Lake visitor Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Reed were Chloago visitors Monday. > F. M. Ltndsley Cbieago on hnniness Tneaday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Yanke were Chica­ go visitors recently. \ . Mra A. Hhiihou and sons were ia Wm«d»tock Monilay. Mish Etta Levey was a Crystal Lake shopper Wednesday. . MIHH Jennie Haaselgrave was a Wllod- 8t<>ck caller Thnreday. ^ ; Mrs. S. Wakefield of Elgin friends here Saturday. Nels Peterson and H. Cooper WtHVdstock Wetltteiday. • ' Mrs. R. L. Dnfiehl visited Cr|Mital Lake relatives Thnrwlay. Andrew Hanson umdc a bnsihesS trip to Crystal Lake We»h»Hsday. Miss Pearl Tloughawont spent Thnrs- day with WooilsUn^k rriend# .Mrs. Leray Skinner was in Crystal Lake Thursday and Monday. Mrs. V. Beurdsley uf Crystal Lake was a shopper here Saturday. Chas. Bullock *8 family are reteoverthff from a light form of measles. Mihs Florence Simmons is VISITING relatives in Chicago this week. Mrs. Clarence Thayer vinited her par ents at Crystal Lake Saturday. Chas. Kiltz of Cary took dinuer with R L. Dnfield and family Sunday. Mrs. F. Wille and won of Crystal Lake visited at Father Miller's Thursday Mrs. A .loHephson visited her sons and families at Woodstock Thnrs«lay. Mrs. D. A Dickey and Mrs. A. Levey were Woodstock shoppers Wednesday. Mrs. F. W. Bartman and Miss Agnes Dnfield were Woodstock visitors Tnes day. Mrs P. Banghawont and infant son were guests of Chicago relatives last week. The officers of the R. N. A. held a special meeting at Mrs. Kline's ^Wed­ nesday. Mrs. Lindsley and daughter, Jeanne, visited relatives in Chicago a few <Jays last. week. Mr. and Mrs. M. Waterman of Wood stock spent Saturday and Snnday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. E. L: Kimball spent part of Friday and Saturday with rela tives in McBenry. The Borden company finished filling their ice house Monday, Fifty cars just filled it nicely. Mrs. Wagner entertained her consin, Mrs, O ay lord, and son last week. They returned home Monday. Mrs. J. B. Lynch and daughter, Mrs Lolo Bennett, and son were in Wood­ stock on business Thursday. S. R. Smith and wife of Chicago Mpent Saturday and Sunday with the latter'B father, J. C. Button. Mr. and Mrs. E L. Kimball enter­ tained their cousin. Miss Ethel Skemp, of May wood from Tuesday till Friday. Mrs. Hoeppner and danghters, Emma and Martha, of Chicago visited with Mrs. W. Weiland Saturday and Sun day. The school faculty were entertained at supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lindsley last Wednesday evening. They whiled away the hours nntil near aleven o'clock with fnn and njualo. SCHOOL NOTBS. The sixth grade began history Mon­ day. Lois White is absent on aQconnt sickness. ^ Mrs Lindsley visited school Monday morning, Eighth grade final examination in physiology Feb. 15. ' Mrs. Lynch and Mrs Bennett and eon were visitors at school Tuesday. Mies Ethel Skemp and Mra. B L Kimball visited school Thursday. Dorothy Bullock IB altsent on account •f her baby brother having measles. The fourth grade are taking primary iiistory now. They have also begun .'actoring. •Leaders in spelling Jan. 22: Hrade 5, Euiuia Weiland; grade 6. Helen Whyte. srade 7, Olive Hesselgrave; grafe 8, Madalene Lynch, Ethel Thayer and Harold Lucas of Want Column. All atlveriiiffiiit-nt* iiwerted nniii i thin head •'nie oliowinjrratoa: Kive lines or lews, *6 rent* for Br« nwitum: IS <«nt^ Tor en'h «uljw<|u«-nt lnaertlon. <toi>* tiuui live 5 cents a line for rtnt IniwrUon, tnd S rent* a line for a*ldiUon»l innrrtions. li>OK KK.NT Two liouses with laud to suit " t enters. lti<|tiireof EDMUND K NOX, due :iu 'uilesnuth uf Mr Henry Feb. 15. CVJK SALE: L m |7*OK SALE: Between 4 ami S tons k<*h1 dry P corn in tile crib, t all or address M. JOHNSON. R. F. D. NO. 1, West McHeury. 25-tf Property kot»wa «s Kjngwood mill. EverylliliiK lu )fo<td coudilloti ttnd Is a first, class business. Call on or address ("HAS. PRIST, Kluj(»o»)d. III. -«-tf. CV>KSAI.E: Thirty shoats. Weight about " 100 pounds each. Inquire of or iiddrws WII.I.IAM J. WELCH. Mclleury, III., K. F.O- No. 2. .. ®"tf i^OK HALE:--About twenty-five II fH _ acres of fHrmfsti'lWitted In Johnsburgh. For furt.iier information apply to Mas. EVA MEYEMP, McDenry. SALE: An excellent farm of «4H I H«'r«'s of far!!:i!>g si4*"' !iou»«* ^sni lmiidlii>;s. located two miles north of Mc­ Heury. Also a house and ten aeres of laud at Johnsburgh, and good well on prem­ ises. Rasy tertiw given to purchaser or pur- chiisers. Forfurtuer particulars inquire at this office. 32-tt Seventy BarrtHi Utx-k cock- " ' ' -train, bied from winners at Elgin au'd Lake Geueva. 1M07. Can furnish males and females of either mating. My price* can't be beaten, quality considered. W. B- JOBONSOTT, Ringwopd^ IU. rpOK SALE: r erels and pullets. Kinglet : tfOHNSBOSOl^ ' '% , ' . Peteeoh 'a for dm gs. • f j/ : • -• ± Tbeo. Meyers drove to Metlenry "Tues­ day. Jacob SteiEI«f if on the sif k list at th^s writing. , . Wm. Brits of Volo wfs a caller here Saturday. > Miss Anna Miller «f IfoHentyv iraa seen here Sunday. >:'• Steve May of Sprit^ Grove WM R caller here Snnday. , " John Miller of McHenry called on friends here Tuesday. John Miller of Solon and lady friend were seen here Suuday. Miss Mary Althoff is spending a few weeks with hbtne folks. ; " Mrs. Robert Schaefer %|p ^n tovvu one day last week. . Miss Margret Tonion of thro here last Wednesday. ' Mr. and Mrs. Win. T«»i;ton are happy over the arrival of a baby boy. Mrs. Wm. Hay of Spriug Grove was a visitor here one day last week. Mrs. Wm. Oeffiin# and son, Peter, drove to McBenry last Taenday. 1 John M Schaefer and wife spent Tnesday at Stephen M. Schuiitt's. O. K. Sc.hnite of Chicago, a calendar agent, was in town last Thnrsday. Mrs. Henry lleiuieraud daughter of McHeui}* drove thru here Tuesday., Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lay were Mc­ Henry callers Hist week Wednesday. Mrs. Peter Heiiner and daughter of McHenry were seen in town Tuesday Jos. M. Schaefer and family spent Monday at the home of Mrs. S. Frennd. Dr. Nye and sister. Miss Jennie, were McHenry callers last week Wednesday. Joe Miller and Nick Kleiu of Spring Grove made their usual trip here Suu­ day. Mr. and lira. Jacob May Snndayed with the fOMtterV mot tor* Mra. Kate May. Don't uiiss the moving picture' show to be held at Smith's hail Saturday evening- Miss Lizzie May returned home Sat­ urday, aftef* spending a few days In Chicago. Mr. aud Mrs. Win. Meyers Were guests at the home of 'John King last Thursday. Miss Maynie Stilling visited Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. Petef Miller, near Ringwood. Miss Anna Young and gentleman friend of Spring Grove attended church here Sunday. Mrs. Margret Frennd spent the latter part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Klein, at Ingleside. Mr. and Mrs. Wuij Etten of Spring Grove spent Tuesday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Math. Steffes. ' Mrs. Wm. Tonion of Solon Visited one day last week with her daughter, Mrs. Stephen Smith, here. The funeral of StefTen Klapperieh, son of Henry Klapperieh, was well At­ tended here Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Michels and Mr. Sfttid Mrs. Frank Miller spent Snnday with Mr. aud Mrs. Jos MichelB. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Debrecht returned home Tuesday evening, after $ week's visit with relative* and frtMpI* at O'Fallon, Mo. ' .Miss Lena Michels invited the follow- ihg ladies at quilting Tuesday after* noon: Mesdanies Barbara Scbutitt, Jos. Michels, Hubert Karls, Peter Wirfs, Anna Buguer, John King, Geo. Wirfs, Wm. Althoff, G. M. Adams and Ste­ phen H. Smith. KMKKALU PARK. W. Bolger spent Friday la*t frith Chicago relatives. D. W. Iiill of Chicago spant Snnday at bis summer resort. Wm. Sntton of Elgin spent Saturday and Sunday at. his home. Robert Sohns went to Chicago Wed­ nesday to spend a few days. R. H. Corr of Woodstock visited friends in this vicinity Snnday. Miss Nancy Frisby spent Thncsday last with Elgin relatives and friends. John Gibbs, Jr., of Chicago is spend­ ing a short vacation with his parents. M. A. Sutton spent Snnday and Mon­ day with friends in Rockfordand Elgin. Miss Margaret Ward and P. J. Ayl- ward were Sunday callers in this vicin­ ity. Messrs. Thomas Bolger and Ray Con­ way were callers at Wm. Wtich'a Tues­ day evening. Chas. Berkircher returned home Fri­ day. after a several weeks' visit with Ohio relatives. Mtss Mary Gibbs went tp Chicago Thnrsday, after spending a few days with her parents. » « Miss Margaret Walsh returned home Friday evening, after spending a few days with Elgin relatives. • - .v.,- - : Petesch's-fnr drugs Miss Isabel Geary of Waucooda spent Snnday in Volo. Miss Maude Walton Is visiting rela tives at Waukegan. ' Math. Bauer made a business trip to Chicago last Friday. Miss Maude Eatinger was a recent North Crystal Lake visitor. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago was in Volo a day or two recently. Ray Paddock attended t«r business In Chicago the last of the week. Miss Anna Compton returned to Volo after a visit with relatives at Elgin. Mrs. A. J. Raymond spent last week with Mrs. L, V. Lusk of West Freuiont. Miss Emma Hanson of Libertyville spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents here. Mesdanies (X Sabel and Sylvester Wagner were guests of relatives at Mil­ waukee a few days last, week. The Weakly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at onr "special/deal" peka off!.78 for the two • 'j"1* " -V*-, • AUCTION! QW. VOUEL, AUCTIONEER. * V. . "v • Vv.". •y'iZ ' %" V - .,yV f 1? r> J'xJ v; •htf The undersigned, having rented his farm for a term of years, wi^ sell at public auction on his farm situated two and one-half miles west of McHenry and seven miles east of Woodstock, near Sherman's school, on Saturday, Feb. 6, commencing at nine o'clock a. m., the following described property, inclnding his entire stock, to-wit: 8o Head Cattle and Horses consisting of 44 new milkers and sprin gers, mostly Holstein-ll heiferjs. 1^ years old, mostly Holsteine; 3 bulls, 1 1-2 years old, 2 Holsieins, 1 Durham; span black geldings, 9 years old. wt. 2500 pounds; span black mares, 10 years old, wt. 2400 pounds; span gray mares, 6 and 8 years old, wt. 2200 pounds; span bay geldings, 8 years old, wt. 3200 pounds; gray pac­ ing mare, 6 years old, wt. 1050 pounds: bay pacing mare, 6 years old, wt. 1200 pounds; bay gelding, 12 years old, wt. 1200 pounds; gray mate with foal to Belgian, wt. 1100 pounds; spotted pony, 8 years old, wt. 1300 pounds; black snare, 3 years old, wt. 1000 pounds; bay mare, Marion Dixon, by The Pepper-Lady Dixon, 5 years old, wt 105$ pounds- bay mare, Lucy Hogan, by Trentola-Sadie K,, 5 years old, wt. 1100 pounds; bay mare, Mary Taylor, by Boy Orator Woodlight, 5 years old, wt. 1000 pounds; t»ay horse, Jackson Park, by Trentola Sadie K., 4 years old, wt. 1000 pounds; span bay Belgian iillies, 2 years old, wt. 2000 pounds; black Belgian colt, 1 year old; Robert Wilkes colt, 1 year old. FARH MACHINERY, ETC. A quantity of ear corn. Abont 20 bushels of Jnhe clover seed. Quantity of seed aud pop corn. Deer ing grain binder, Deering corn harvester, Deere hay loader, Piano mower, 7-ft. cut; McCormick mower, Deere corn planter, 16-dine 4 horse pul­ veriser, Deere gang plow, X ray gang plow, Flying Dutchman plow, 3 walk­ ing plows, 3 section drag. Prairie City seeder, hay rake, Thompson bay tedder, manure spreader, surrey, road cart, 2 hay racks, cutaway pulverizer, 2 six shovel cnltivatom, 2 spriug tooth culti­ vators, set bobs, 2 truck wagons, fan­ ning mill, corn shelter, 6 sets double harness, milk cart, saddle, grind stone, 75 grain bags, set dump boards, 2 log chains, forks, shovels, baskets and other articles too numerous to mention. ~CiOOI> FREE LtlNCH AT NOOTjl Terms of Sale: All sntns of #10 and nnder, cash; over that amount a credit of oue year 's time will be given on good bankable uotes drawing interest at 7 per cent per an­ num. ' No property to be removed until settled for. FRANK H. WATTLES.,- Simon Stoffel, I Pl . '-A, W. I>. Wentworth, f wer** i w AUCTION! GEO. VOOEL, - AUCTIONEER The undersigned having rented his farm will sell at public auction on the premises, sitnated one and one half miles northeast of Ringwood, on the McHenry-ttichmond road, on Thursday, Feb. i commencing at 10 o'clock a. in., the following described property, towit*. 15 Head Cattle and Horses consisting of 5 milk cows, some close springers; 5 heifers; gray horse 8 years old, wt. 1200 ponnds; bay mare with foal, 8 years old, wt. 1200 pounds; bay mare 11 years old, wt. 1000 pounds; bay oolt: suckling colt; 75 chickens. FARM MACHINERY, ETC. 30 tons mixed hay; 400 bushels oats; quantity seed corn. Osborn grain binder; McCormick corn binder; Osborn mower; broadcast seeder; Emerson pul­ verizer; Emerson riding plow; Emerson corn planter with check rower; Deere hay loader; spring tooth cnltivator; 4- shovel cnltivator; 6-shovel cultivator; fanning mill; 3-section drag; 2 walking plows; set bob sleighs; hay rack; hay rake; hog rack; lumber wagon; truck wagon; milk wagon; buggy pole; 2 sets donble harness; set heavy breeching harness nearly nepr; 5. milk cans; wheel­ barrow; set dump boards; 800-pound- scales; 25 grain bags; manure box; shoveling board; harpoon fork;'60 feet Manila rope; 60 feet trip rope and pnlleys; set bolster springs; canvas cover 16x18 feet; horse clipper and many other articles too numerous to mention. OOOD FREE LUNCH AT NOON I Terms of Salt: All sums of f 10 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of one year's tiipe will be given on good bankable notes drawing interest at 7 per cent. No property to be removed until settled for. FRED MEYBft. Frank Schumacher, Clerk. OSTKNIJ. Mrs. Ida Gaylord aud son, Mason. is visiting with C. E. Gaylord and fam­ ily this week. C. EL Gaylord and wife visited with friends in Piano, III., from Friday nn- till Monday evening. Miss Alice Richardson spent Satnrday and Snnday with her parents,' Mr. Hud Mrs. R. H. Richardson. A yonng man called at the home of C. E. Draper last Wednesday morning, and asked for board. As he was a bright little fellow. They concluded to keep him. Weight, nine ponnds. Id spite of the rain last Friday a few of the neighbors helped Mrs. F. E. Mar­ tin celebrate her birthday anniversary. After partaking of a bountiful dinner the afternoon was spent in having a general good tims. t , ; iM&-J mr-*r<Kiyftu> tefiuyf:A -1 . , ., . _ •r>mp •'V* , V In rubber goods we pro­ vide a rar% assortment and goods of worthy quality. You will always find here just what you want at the most moderate price. In syringes we have Foun­ tain, Combination, Bulb, Hard Rubber, Patent Vari­ eties, Ear, Ulcer, and also Veterinary Springes in metal and rubber* H. Druggist.! McHenry. rVVi-t* .4, .3 /p if." .•"£ ffhat's the Name 1 • > •* > Your Grocer V*' Be WithouirV'? ..THE BEST.. (iraham Flour Breakfast Food Corn {leal v %uckwheat Flour / l^e Flour Pumpernickel Flour WEST McHENRY, ILL JOHN SPENCER, Proprietor. * * &4 "j • -j '*,1-4 ' "v ' ̂ -.'j "•A ' * 4 • • . ̂ 1 ~ V j } .Im PICKI ' lv*I /mm M /•» PER BUSHEL / O*" PICKLES, ONE I INCHES, delivered to our FACTORIES '> AT McHENRY AND CRYSTAL LAKE • • • <• • '• AT 10 NA! •"*" ̂• & •• mm KKlf&dUO -•-•.A:':,?? •ri ' ~ i'1: MJ'i A-JTi. 5 ' ' ' .! Wm '.'VI ». K -lis PHI LIP-® JAEGER GENERAL COriiniSSION MERCHANT • . :ii-' ,: »• • ' . SPECIAL AftKNTION GIVKK TO TH* SAlUByM|'. - •' • " , ' Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs 1 This is the oldest honse on the straet. Tags and price ttrts farniahad on application. ^ *r-4SWUD STORAGE FREI: JJSWWaSS*.""^ CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. I k ±-~Ci ' tx: TERRA COTTA. Rev. Father Bourke of McHenry call­ ed on friends here Monday. * Mrs. B. F. Peck of Holcombville vis­ ited relatives here last week. Mrs. Frank McMillan spent Sunday with relatives at Holcombville. M iss Frances Welch of McBenry spent Suuday at J. M. Phalin's. Frank and Henry McMillan and Thos. Ames spent Friday in Richmond. Jas. Courtney of Wauconda was a hnsiness caller here Wednesday last. Mrs. M. Knox visited Mrs. Fred Powers of Holcombville last Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Welch and daugh­ ter, Helen, of Griswold Lake spent Snn­ day at Clarence Martins. Mr. aud Mrs. Thos. Powers of Mc­ Henry spent Sunday with their grand­ daughter, Mrs. C. Martin., Miss Ruth Anderson lit Richmond spent Satnrday and Snnday at the home of her brother, T. B. Anderson. I <&. Brave Fire Laddies i often receive severe burns, putting oul fires, then use Bucklen's Arnica Salve and forget them. .It soon drives ou| pain. For Bnrns, Scalds, Wounds, Cota and Braises it's earth's greatest healer, " .• Quickly enree Skin. Eruptions, Sores, Boils, Ulcers, Felons: beet Pile" t - cure made. Relief is instant. 35c al N. H. Petesch'a. . ' 4- > One dollar a year for The Weekly In- i > i ?*4 ter-Ocean; #1.50 a year for The Plain* d^lar. Or both by our recent special. " ^ y % arrangement, fl.75 for fifty-two we^m of genuine news from far and near. \ k ',•> v Don't Clet a Divorce. - A western judge granted adivo^^^^^jsaj^lpl accontft of ill-temper and bad breath,/ Dr. King's New Life Pills wonU! bav* *. prevented it. They cure Constipation* " j* ^ causing bad breath and Uver Trouble* ,>;V•"* '•; the ill-temper, dispel ool^», iMmibH^f # headaches, eoaqaar ekdda. SSeat N. W ^ Peteach a. J > - * • , A.;.

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