• s , * r ? '^ft ̂ ry:~ T,^^v r ^ - » / s J .•• *?;> - :->• *vr^-; TfsT ^.&*y*vi"%ir*w,j: *' " ' " 1 " " 11111 "" h ""'""" 'ri" CH" TI fn ] I 11 III. Hi. II, i Mt I • !•• - '*•' - " • ' ' » . « ?*v* J> vm^mmmM V.^. , • < ; • * , •'•?l ' ~a> v*- !'v» .-!• *"" .*., DEALER IN Use DRUM #SCW£s jErtiCA' tftfUNe AtfTIClf SKSOKEFUL s-xiSK^J? We have an elegant line of masks of all kinds and are selling them at rea- If you are going to attend the masquer- flasks! sou able iigures. ude dances around this vicinity this year Jet us fix vou * w.'V ^-TVI 4- mv&i FEBRUARY 24, 25, 26 and 27 1 " "S?" All Wool Dress Goods, all Flannelette Goods, all Red Table Ck?th, all Fleece Lined Goods, One Bolt Feather Ticking, Nazareth Waists for chil dren, some Light Ginghams, Bleached Muslin, and an immense lot of other articles which have to go at this sale AT AND BELOW COST. Don't fail to call. Read the many bargains offered below and then make out yottr list. We will handle a complete stock of AUTOMOBILE and BOAT SUPPLIES CRAWFORD CARS 25 H. P. ROADSTER 4-CYLINDER $1250 UP In stock March 1 in show room. RIVER BRIDGE GARAGE HOWELL BROS. - - McHenry. 111. The McHenry Plaindcaler PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY P. Q. SCHRE1NER. once In Bank Building. Telephone, No. Jit TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One year W-5® 81* months, 75 its. Three months. 40 ott. A DAIRYMAN'S STAND Thursday, February 18, 1909* FOB TA X COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself as a Re publican candidate for the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, sub ject to the action of the town caucus. Thanking the voters for their support during the past two years and assuring them that it has been and a continuance of the same will be appreciated, I am, Very truly yours, JP TR JOHN NIESEN. fOB JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, t hereby announce myself as a candi date for the office of justice of the peace, subject toi the dicision of the Mc Henry township primary, and will be thankful for the support of the voters. 35 tf E. C. HAWLEY. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the Republican primaries, and will be thankful for the support of the voters. 84 JACOB R. JUSTEN. FOR CONSTABLE. I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of constable for the town of McHenry, and will appreciate the support of the legal voters at th$ coming primaries. 35 tf C.H.STEPHENSON. GITM the Pure Milk Proniotor S<*uiethlH£ to Think Oter. 11 FOB SUPERVISOR » At the urgent request of my. friends, Thereby announce myself a candidate for the office of supervisor. • 15 tf S. H. FRECND. IOK ASHKSHOft. I hereby announoe myself a candi date for the office of assessor, subject to the primary law. 34 JOHN W. KIMBAIJL. FOB TOWN CLEKK. I hereby announce uiyself a candi date for the office of town clerk, sub ject to the primary law. 84 PETER M. JUSTEN FACTS FOB VOTERS. Town election, April 0, 1909. City primary, March 9, 1909. CMty election, April 20, 1909. School election, April 24, 1909. Judical primary, April 13, 1909. judicial election, June 7, 1909. Don't Kill Your Owu Town. * Any man who deliberately buys his •goods from a mail order firm sends away money which should be used in his own town. What he does lessens the prosperity of his neighbors, and is a direct injury to himself. In BO doing he restricts his credit at the local store which he may need some time to ttde over a temporary hard spell 0/ a dull season. H. H. Warren, a dairyman at Wasco, near St. Charles, 111., has written and sfent to the Chicago Tribune a letter in which he sets forth his and other con scientious dairymen's attitude toward the city's effort to secure pnre milk, in cidentally commenting on other sani tary conditions that he personally h» observed in the city. He says; "The dairymen want to supply Chi cago with pure milk of good quality. Their cows are largely of breeds which have been bred for centnries in Europe for large yields and high quality of milk, and when the city consumer and board of health insist that the milk shall be from healthy cows and handled by healthy persons, neat in their habits; that it shall be properly cared for, and delivered at the station in good condi tion, we are in full accord with them. "A dairyman cannot afford to keep a cow not perfectly healthy. If he had no principle in the matter he could not afford to. They would not pay their keeping. "Then, a dairyman's cows are his pride. Many of them he raised. At one time, with my dairy of fifty cows, I had raised all but one, and they would walk up to me when passing to be petted. I love them. They are of far more value to me than their market value. Now what grounds are there for the claim or suspicion that the milk furnished Chicago 16 a bearer of disease germs and cause the death of thousands of infants? Probably nowhere is more milk used than in dairymen's families. Their children eat bread and milk and drink milk and grow strong and rugged. In city homes, under sanitary condi tions, the same results are reached, ex cept as more out of door exercise and exposure to sun and air give the coun try child an advantage. "In this connection a business exper ience comes to mind. The writer was building in the country, and for a por tion of the work needed men from Chi cago. He was told where he could find them, but advised to go in the evening when they had ret urned from work and had eaten their suppers. He was ushered into a room, not a large one, where were four men, all smoking, two women and three children, all under 5 years, one a baby. There w»s a regi ment of smells. Beer, tobacco smoke and vitiated air struggled for supremacy. My business was quickly finished and I left. "Now, Mr. Health Commissioner, while milk from my dairy makes strong, rugged children where sanitary condi tions are favorable, are you going to ac cuse my gentle, mild eyed cows of mur der, because some children under such conditions as I have described cannot be saved by it? "We won't quarrel. We won't dis agree, because we are both striving for the same object, but look upon the question from different standpoints. What a change takes place when a tired, almost worn out mother from ihe All Wool Tan Cloth Dress Goods, - price $1.00, now * . - * All Wool Red Cloth Dress Goods, price $1.00, now - - . All Wool G reen Cloth Dress Goods, price $1.00, now - All Wool Serge, Green, price $1.00, now • - - • - • All Wool Serge, Navy Blue, price $1.15, now - - - All Wool Serge, Black, price $1.15, now - - - - All Wool Serge, Black, price $1.00, now - - * - :" ' - All Wool Black Clay Cloth Dre^s Goods, price $1.00, now All Wool Brown Clay Cloth Dress Goods, price $1.25, now All 10c quality flannelette, now Red Table Cloth, 35c quality, JIOW - Red Table Cloth, 40c quality, now - All Fleece Lined Goods, 12c quality, now 25c Nazereth Waists for children, now One 20c bolt of Feather Ticking goes now at - - - - - 25c Dress Goods for school children, now at - - Men's 25c Neckties now Men's 50c Neckties now - S.)C' 85c 85c 85c 85c 85c 85c 85c 9 5 c 8c 25c 30c 8c 10c 15c 18c 15c 35c Bleached Toweling worth 13c now - 9c pleached Toweling worth 12c now &c Bleached MusUp worth 8c now Gc Only 5 yards to one fami^. Men's 5c Handkerchiefs now. - - 3c Only 5 to one family, Lace Cui tains' worth $2.75 per pair, now , - • - - - '»vv $2.20 Lace Curtains worth $2.50p^r pair, now - . ^ - ,f - • 2.05 Lace Curtains ; Vorth $1.65 per paiiy now - - - 1.15 Lace Curtains worth $1.45 per pair, now - - - - 1.05 Sold in pairs only. Lace Bed Spreads worth $1.^0, now • 1.15 Lace Bed Spreads worth $1.10, now - 95c Lace Pillow Shams worth 65c per pair,, now -» - - - 45c 1 White Woolen Blanket worth $5.00, now - - - - - 4.00 2 Gray Cotton Blankets worth ,$2.25, now . - - - - 1,75 Ladies' Shawls, 50c quality, now - Soc Meat Trays, llxlG, each - - 15c All Dishes left of the rod hot assort ment go at, each - - 5c All Shelf Paper, per sheet - 3c All Paper Napkins, 5 for - - lc ALL GOODS ON SALE HUST BE PAID FOR BEFORE LEAVING STORK J. C. Debrecht, Johnsburgh, Illinois. ton crowded quarters of our large cities with two or three little pale faced chil dren, has a month's outing in the coun try in the summer. They romp and play and drink milk and g*in flesh and color. "The dairy farmers have much to con tend with. First, the trade unions teased their best help away, saying come to the city and join a union and get from #2 to $0 a day and shorter hours. If a mau wants to -get rich quick he needs to join a trade union or be president of a life insurance com pany. ' If dairymen could send niilk to Chi cago that would make strong, healthy children in dark, damp, ill ventilated homes, they would be glad to do it. Will yon please take the beaul out of your own eye V' N 11 (It« TowiiHhip Tuxes. " I will be at the following places for the collection of taxed for the township of Nunda; At West McHenry State Bank on Mondays; at store of Ben Throop in North Crystal Lake onTues days and Hatilrdays. 33-tf T. L. F LANDERS, Collector. FARMERS SUFFER LOSSES. PigH and Sheep Being Killed by Pack of lilooil Hungry Wolves. Horses at Auction --THIRD ANNUAL SPRING SALE SATURDAY, HARCH 6 Commencing at 1:30 p. m. and closing at 3:30 so as to make Ma; train>for 4-liic'iiKO. We will sell 40 horses and mures, weighing from KMX) to 1500 lbs., two teams weighing M200 I lis., at Col. F. J. Berry's Mountain Meadow Stock Farm and Hor.se flarket, one and one- half miles north Of Waucoiuia, Luke county. This is a choice lot oT young, sound, geuUo, wvll brokt-n horses. General purpose and heavy draft, matched teams and single horses. Six months' time will he given at ti per eout by making arrangements with the hank of Wauconda ou clay of sale. COL. F. J. BERRY CAN I> 11)ATKS I1Y PKTITION We hereby announce ourselves as candidates for the village board of the village of McHenry by petition, as Fol lows: For President., SIMON STOFFEL. For Trustees, DR. R. G. CIIAMBERLIN, JOS W. FREUND, FRED NICHOLS. PROBA TE NEWS AntiochNews: Lake county 'a hungry pack of wolves, or coyotes, as they seem to have been interbped with dogs, is in full cry and hungry after blood to such an extent that farmers near Liberty- ville are preparing to orgauize a hunt after them. There are four in the pack and they were last seen two days ago near the Bradley farm on the electric road in plain view of passing cars. The members of the pack are becom ing more daring every day and the fol lowing farmers have suffered thus far from their depredations: Farmer Curttle- Lost several pri*e sheep which the wolves killed, stripping the flesh from their bones. Arthur Meeker- Lost several pigs in same manner recently. A third farmer lost sheep. There were originally five in the pack, but one was shot recently after a long hunt. Its body was never recovered until a few days ago when it was found near Libertyville. The body shows in terbreeding with dogs and indicates that the wolves are of the smallest and most cowardly type, the coyotes. Farmers are unable to get over their surprise that there should be wolves in this vicinity. Few have seen them, but many have felt their power in the loss of r,heep, pigs and chickens. MIMMI IHMH< HMHH MM tMIH»»MI«MM M(MM< L burnished by Me Henry Count y Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Otfire in Ar nold Mock, east side public square. Ab- stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums qf five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to stilt borrower.' Phones 034, <103 and ill I.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Aldena Smith to Nlckalaus .Justen, pt Its blk 3, Wast McHenry $1200.(*i Anton Engeln vv to John .J. liuch, It 4, blk 1". McHenry $ KO0.OO Lucy Buch Sc hijs to Joseph Krwtt, It"2, blk IS, McHenry li>00.0ti MAKR1AUE LICENSES. Daniel Bonner, 31 .... Chicago Marie Jensen, 2) " Fred Eppel, 26 Woodstock Eva Silliman, 2."5. " Peter M. Wagner, 213.. McHenry Gertrude Althoff. 22 Johnsburgh Win, A. Parrish, 23 Milford, la Augusta Ohlrich, 18.; Woodstock Ernest F. Goodnecht, 29 Harvard MiUlredS. Barrows, 26 " George Minshall, 27..Genoa Junct., Wis Genieve Fav, 21 Harvard John LaBundy, 25 Sharon Olive Hutchinson, IS) .: .Chemung Twp John Young, 24 Union Esther Fehd, 18 Woodstock Peter Hansen, 24 Woodstock Isaliell Johnson, 19. Woodstock Malto Prussing, 27 Harvard Ida Mietke, 26 " William John, 26 Marengo Minnie Meinke, 21 ..Union For tank heaters, corn shellers. etc., etc go to Wm. Stoffel's, AVER'S HAIR VIGOR Stops Fal l ing Hair! Ayer s Hair Vigor is composed of sulphur, glycerin, quinin, sodium cntond, capsicum, sage, alcohol, water, and perfume. Not a single injurious ingredient in this list. Ask your doctor if this is not so Follow,, hi* advice. A hair food, a hair tonic, a hair dressing! promptly checks falling hair. Completely destroys all dandruff. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR Does not Color the Hair J- 0. Aran liuwm. Lov^n. m-T* •%-••• P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT . * u 1 SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO T11E SALE OP Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal,' Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street. Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAtIK FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Stall 1 * s, Pultoa St. Wholesale Market. KlVtKRAl.l> PARK. T). W. Hill spent Sunday at the Park. Mr. an4 .Mrs. Chas. Gibbs visited rela tives in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Mary Gibbs of River Forest spent Thursday at her home. Elmer Walsh of Chicago is visiting with relatives here this week. Miss Margaret Aylward of Elgin vis ited at E. Knox's Wednesday. Miss Alice Sutton visited friends in McHenry Thursday and Friday. Wm. Sutton of Elgin , visited at his home from Thursday until Sunday. Mrs. P. Costello of Elgin spent several days the past week with relatives here. Messrs Clarence and Raymond Whit ing of Ringwood visited at E. Knox's Sunday. Misses Anna Frisby and Anna Mc Gee of McHenry were callers here Wednesday. Messrs John Gibbs, Jr., and Edwa-id Sutton called on Mr. and Mr». L. E. Walmsley Wednesday. Misses Mary Sutton of Chicago, Mar garet Sutton and J. R. Powers of Elgin visited at R. J. Sutton's WednegdAy. Wa"tch the label upon your paper, as your name may be next to be taken from our list. . We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from our lists t»ince the new postoffice ruling went into effect April 1. AIR MOTOR PUflP Guaranteed to operate any p®u»p Best of satisfaction always We sell on trial. Why pay *125 when yon can Viuy pu'uip complete for $37*50 Wm. Be^corv, McHENRY. ILLINOIS* 'V -< - I* - eft Bank of • McHenry V ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on tis&b depcs= its, extends all courtesies consist ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat ronage. \ Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class seenrity. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on us. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. J Professional, Society V and B\jsii\esss Cards km DAVID O. WELLS, U. D. : .P| PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCULIB#/ " Office and residence corner Elix> and ̂ „ *-j Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311, ' i ; '; FEGERS & FEGKB8 *' r ,JH pfflfilOIANB AND SURGEONS, k&Bmn&h 111. Office at Residence, corner OourtMUf* F.lu streets -T»lephoBe-833. - . -..--i../* _ 1^.- 1 D. T. SMILEY A TTOHNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois AU business intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. I>R. R. a. CHAMBER LIN DENTIST. Office and Residence over IT i. Walsh's Stew* Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. WHST MCHsiirt, lit. Telephone No. 6 Office In SpauMlag BMg, --THE BEST-- fiarness! AT THE Lowest Prices DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST" McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL 1 Insurance Agent for all elaseas of property in the best Companies. West McHenry, Illinois John J. Vyoital DEALER IN Genera.1 Ha. rdwa.ro Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 548 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. HARNESS oiled here at 756 per double set. M. A. Theien McHENRY, ILLINOIS. FRESHFISH This market will on all Fridays and Fast Days be in a position to fur nish to fchti public the finest line of JPresh Pish ever brought into the town. Send or telephone your orders and let us fill them for you in a manner that will please. :: £. F. Matthews, \ West McHenry, III. TELEPHONE - - 302 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT - NORTHWESTERN -- Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli cited. All homecooking. liates $1 50 per day. IHEO. SdllfSSLE, Pll|. WEST MCIHCNHY. H . C . M E A D JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AND INSURANCE AGENT. -A;., p.t^ared* . •"-<=> •>" kinds of prop erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc. Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III. HELLO! Going to Chlcifi today? YEP! All right, I will meet you at the Lambert Q. Sffet BUFFET 9a Filth Ave. Photo Studio McHenry, Illinois. PORTRAITS, OUTDOOR WORK, ENLARGEMENTS, P^RAMES, POSTALS. 'Phone 493. ....NEW.... HAVING opened a Harness and Repair Shop in the old Schiessle Build ing in West McHenry, where we may be found at all times, we hereby solicit a share of your patronage. Our aim shall at all times be to please our customers, giving them full value for money receiv ed a-nd" executing the work left in our care with prompt ness and dispatch. : : : R. Patzke & (0. West McHenry. r K I L L t h . C O U C H AND CURE THE LUNC8 WITH Dr. King's New Discovery FOR C8t!gf8 JSk. AND ALL THROAT AND LUNO TROUBLES. GUARANTEED 8ATI8FA0T0&Y OS MONEY KEFUMDSD. We strive 0 please the ever in- ci'cabiQg v-wiL^iid for something better than the ordinary. To please the most exacting, a trial order will result favorably. It's aston ishing how much mon ey we call save you. Wm. Simes •PHONE 694 Meimer Block, - rictlenry ... ̂ Sic*-.. llilf M •.iSM&Ji'&i