Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 4 Mar 1909, p. 5

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. • - . • » ... NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B V CORPS OP CORRESPONDENTS Begin When "The Cough Begins RING WOOD. FEBRUARY 18. McCafmon his parents at Greenwood. Mrs. Charles Olson had done in McHenry last Friday Geo. Herbert of Woodstock is visiting relatives here at Mrs. H. M. Stephenson and ami, Paul, Chicago passengers last Friday W. A. Dodge and son, Leon, returned Monday from a visit with Chicago rein- LINOLEUM the air passages is qnickly. marked by the warning congh. That is the time to begin curing, so that the later and more stubborn y be avoided. The edy tonaeisoor M White Pine and Tar Mentholated THE HOME OF F R E S H , P U R E MEATS, SAUSA­ GES, ETC. It goes directly to tbe seat of trouble and removes the inflam­ mation. It stops the cough in the beginning if used in time and cures in the shortest possible time in any case b McHenry. »74- At no time have we offered any­ thing like the assortment of beau­ tiful Floor Coverings whiqli qom- prises our present display* We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we have placed thereon. Call and McHENRY, ILLINOIS. -- WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES OR PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber's Hardware Store • - * * THEN CALL AND SEE WHAT YOU FIND IN THESE LINES AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, * % F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. F nter Goods must £ol SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSmSSSSSSSSSSSSSSmSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS- V- We will make Special Prices on all Win­ ter Goods to close them out quickly. We need the cash. Men's Heavy Flannel Shirts ..85c Men's Heavy Mitts, 1.00 quality 85c Men's Heavy Coats, 3.00 quality 2.35 Men's Heavy Coats, 2.50 quality... .2.00 Men's Heavy Coats, 2.00 quality 1.65 15 per cent discount on all Dress Goods for the next ten days. :: :: :: Underwear, Overshoes, Felt Boots and German Socks at reduced prices. :: :: Our new line of Clothing Samples i$ now ready for your inspection. A big dis­ count is offered on last season's line. Call and see them. :: :: :: M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. NONE SUCH 1 PURE FOOD PRODUCTS For None Such wife to please None Such husband and to feed the None Such children. None Such Com, fanciest Maine pack, No. 2 can..... ••S None Such Yellow Crawford Peaches in heavy syrnp 35 None Such Hominy. No. 8 can 10 None Such Salmon can. >5 None Such Sauer Kraut, can. .<5 None Such Baby Beets, oan--io None Such Pnmpkin, can None Such Self Rising Pancake Flour, per package «© None Such Oatmeal, pkg . io None Such Farina, pkgV,..... i© None Such Catanp, pint bottle ag JOHN West McHenry, *; * Strawberries, in syrnp, oan ao Red Cherries, oan 15 Sweet Potatoes,1 No. 3 can* .... 10 Yellow Free Peaches, can......» Egg Plnms, No. 2J can.. .. 15 Cove Oysters, No. Sean Silver Silk Saner Kraut, can.. .10 Apricots, No. 21 can ... .3© Special! 4 pounds 15c Coffee 50C. ^ It isn't poor Coffee, either. Pure Horseradish, bottle. 10 Telephone 301 vs Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Saturday from a visit with relatives at Marengo and Elgin. John Ortoby of Oakes, N, D., was a visitor with Mr. and Mrs. William Johonnott Tuesday evening. Mrs. Elizabeth Simpson returned Sat­ urday evening from a week's visit witn Mr. and Mrs. Fred Munshaw. Mrs. W. E Smith returned home last Saturday evening from a visit with ber uister, Mrs. South wick, at Williams Bay. Mrs. Mary Bell sustained a dislocated collar bone and a general shaking op from a fall she received last Friday while out feeding the cat. She is get­ ting along nicely and a speedy recovery is hoped for by all her friends. Last Tuesday evening the Mystic Workers gave a party at the home of Irving Herbert. There were about thirty couples present aud a good time was pronounced by all. Mr. Herbert and family will move to a farm near Keystone Friday and their many friends regret to see them go.' FEBRUARY 25 George Harrison was a Chicago vis­ itor Tuesday. Miss Bigelow spent Monday with Mc Henry friends. Gns Adams of Greenwood was on our streets last Friday. George Coates of Redfield, S. D , is visiting relatives here. Charles Shales was a business caller in Richmond Tuesday. Mrs. Carrie Mansfield of Greenwood was a caller here Saturday. Fred Weidrich and Elijah Coates were Richmond callers Monday. Miss Eleanor Hawley is visiting friends at Barringtou and Elgin. Geo. Pringle of Greenwood spent Sun­ day with Sam Robinson and family. Mrs. Eld. Hopper of Greenwood vis ited her sister, Mrs. Fred Weidrich, Monday. Mrs. Mary Bell has recovered from the fall she received recently and is able to sit up. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Lawrence were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jos. Wagner at Lily Lake Sunday. Miss Rose Coates returned Tuesday evening from quite an extensive visit with relatives in Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. John Gonld of Hebron spent the first of the week with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carr and sons, Elmer and Clyde, returned Monday from a visit with Mrs. Carr's mother, Mrs. Roberts, in Genoa, III. Mr. and Mrs. W. Aylward entertained their friends at a farewell party Tnss day evening. .Owing to the bad weather there were not many out, but a royal, good time was had by those present. MARCH 4. s. W. Smith was a Chicago passenger Monday. H. W. Allen was a McHenry caller Saturday. J. is. Brown was a county seat visitor Wednesday. W. A. Dodge was a business ealler in McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Minnie Coates was a Woodstock caller Wednesday. 8. Beatty moved in the bouse known as the Grimoldby place. Carol Cristy and Mrs. I. Harsh were at the county seat Monday. , Mr. and Mrs Joe Selig are the happy parents of a baby boy, born Feb. 30. Wade Sanborn of Spring Grove has moved onto the G. A Stevens place. H. W. Allen and Jauies Conway were business callers in Elgin Tuesday. Mesdames James Ladd and W. E. Smith were Richmond visitors Monday. Miss Ellen Hall attended Grandma Cotting'e funeral at Richmond Tuesday Delbert Bacon left Tnesday morning f >r Elgin, where he has been employed as conductor on electric street car. Mr. and Mrs. C. D Bacon returned Sunday evening from a visit with their son, G. L. Bacon, and family in Chi­ cago. Charles Shales moved his household goods to the farm recently purchased by him neer Belden. Ed. Peet has moved on the farm vacated by Mr. Shales. The bazaar and basket social held by the ladies of the Willing Workers soci­ ety was a success, both socially and financially. The sum of $125 was the net proceeds; When returning from the dinner at the M. W. A hall last Thursday, W B. Johonnott stepped on a rusty spike in the road, on account of which school was clossd for the remainder of the week. Near Death In Big Pond. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs. Ida Super to face death. "For years a severe lung trouble gave me intense suffering," she writes, 4 'and several times nearly csneed my death. All remedies failed and doctors said I was incurable. Then Dr. King's New Dis­ covery brought quick relief and a cure so permanent that I have not been troubled in twelve years." Mrs. So per lives in Big Pond, Pa. It works won ders in Coughs and Colds, Sore Lungs, LaGrippe, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Hemorrhages, Croup and all Bronchial affections. 50c and $ 1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by N- H. Petescb. F. MssqneJst nad ethers, Willie Harwoodof town Sunday. J. J. Freund the city Wednesday Rev. J. F Bly Wednesday Geo. Westlake of Solon ealler in town Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn callers at Wiimot Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Westlake Richmond callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. S Smith of were callers in town Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sweet of mond were callers in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Jackson of Rich­ mond were callers in town Wednesday. Mrs. Clara Johonnott of Antioch is visiting her Sister, Mrs. J. B. Richard- n. Chas. Halderman of Solon Mills was visiting'fet J. M. Westlake's Wednes­ day. Mrs. John F. Freund of Ringwood is spending a few days with her daugh­ ter, Mrs. Anton Schaefer. A shower was given foi Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sweet Friday evening at the home of J. B. Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. John Jasten of Mc­ Henry were visiting their daughter, Mrs. John Bower, Wednesday. Mrs. E A. Reed of Lime Center, Wis., has been spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Freund. Attorney J. I. Lang and wife and Ira Richardaon of Richmond were callers at the home of Mrs. Robert Esh Satur­ day. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Price of Bris­ tol, Wis., were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Howard Westiake, Saturday slA Sunday. Mrs. Cora Johnson Mid two little sons and Chris Good wick of Harvard spent Monday and Tuesday at the home of J. M. Westlske. About sixty friends of Mr. and Mn< James Westlake gave them a surprise Monday evening. Cinch was enjoyed by all until a late hour, after which re­ freshments were served. Mrs. Jos. James entertained a oom- pany of about twenty-five of her friends Friday evening. Progressive cinch was eujoyed by all nntil a late hour, alter which dainty refreshments were aerved. Kills Would-Be Slayer. A merciless murderer is Appendicitis with many victims. But Dr. King's New Life Pills kill it by prevention. They gently stimulate stomach, liver and bowels, preventing that clogging that invites appendicitis, curing Consti­ pation, Biliousness, Chills, Malaria, Headache and Indigestion. 26c at N. H. Petescb's, F. Masquelet's and oth­ ers. KMBRAID PASS. See Bloek & Bethke's ad on an >ther page. Miss Irene Frisby visited with Miss Katie Knox Sunday. John Pnrceil of McHenry was a recent caller in this vicinity. Miss Alice Sutton visited Mrs. H. J. Schaffer in McHenry Thursday. Mies Anna Frisby of West McHenry visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. Mrs. E. Walsh and son, Walter, spent Monday with relatives in Woodstock. Messrs. Martin Knox and Thomas Bolger were oallera in McHenry Sunday evening, Mary Pender and Earl Walsh of West McHenry apent Monday at Grandma Walsh's Messrs. C. D. Whiting and R. H. Corr of Woodstock were Sunday visitors at the home of Ed Knox. M. Heuise and family of Barreville are now oocupying the place recently vacated by C. Pierson. Miss Viola Martiu of Wauoonda vis­ ited her sister, Mrs. L. E. Waltnsley, Saturday and Sunday. Messrs. D. W. Hill and L. Huck re­ turned to Chicago Sunday evening, after a visit to their respective summer homes. Cora Felmeten, Helen, Mamie and Josie Smith were perfect in attendance for the fifth school month, ending March 1. Misses Anna McGee and Irene' Frit by of Mctienry, Walter Walsh and fed Sutton were callers in this vicinity Fri­ day evening. TERRA COTTA. Mrs. S. B. Leisner is visiting in Chi­ cago. Merton Gracy spent Friday in Spring Grove. F. Palmer of Crystal Lake was a call­ er here Monday. The Peterson Bros, have moved to the J. M. Phalin farm. Mrs. T. R. Anderson spent Saturday in Genoa Junction. M. Doherty of Rock ford visited at the home of M. Knox Monday. Miss Ruth Anderson of Richmond spent Thursday and Friday here. Mr. and Mrs. E. Knox of Emerald Park called on relatives here Monday. G. W. W his ton and son, Ear!, of Hol- combville were recent business visitors here. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Andenson and children spent Friday night in Rich­ mond. Mrs. A. T. McMillan and Mrs. Chas. Buck visited Mrs. Hatch well at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. L. Lockwood and children of Barreville called on friends here the first of the week. Miss Theresa Boas visited ber sister, Mrs. Martin Conway, ha McHenry a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson and family from near Barton's Bridge have moved to the Musgrove fariu recently vacated by p, Nelson. T'M Tel. 841 Druggist. Telephone REOPENING OF Riverside Livery Having reopened the Riverside livej*y in Mc­ Henry, I am now ready to ̂ erve the public. My intentions are to keep my carriages, buses and horses in the best possi­ ble condition and do your work at a reason­ able cost. Soliciting a part of McHenry's busi­ ness and assuring all a faithful and prompt ser­ vice, l am, > Respectfully yours, R_. I. Overton McHENRY. ILL. •- - PHONE 522 AimMt! Having opened a new Har­ ness arid Repair Shop in the Bonslett building, I am now ready to serve the public. Will have on hand at all times a complete line o f Harness and Horse Goods, which are placed on sale at th€ lowest figures. Soliciting a share of the business, I am, Respectfully yours, G. A. Barker Bonslett Block - McHenry, 111.' « m pighest market prices paid for furs of every de­ scription. Bring them to us. ° Tel­ ephone No, 222. CS.IM&S011 McHENRY, ILLINOIS. J PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by Mt'Heury County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of titie aud conveyancing. Money to loan ou real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634, W0!{ and #11.] PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estste of William Carey. Final re­ port stricken from the docket with l^sve to re-instate. Estate of Peter Walsh. Proof oi death made. Ellen Walsh appointed administratrix. Bond $3000. Apprais­ ers appointed. Heirship established. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Arbtae V. Gates, 28.... Walworth, Ww 'fcpdte Minnie Peters, SO CENTERVILLE and Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats* Phone, 542. :: :: :: - 1 . *;v" * $ CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- , McHENRV, - - - - ILLINOIS. WE GUARANTEE OUR r $l&50 Slllts to equal any Garment manufac«Cr; > tured at the price* What morfJ';^ft^ can one expect? if you have never' worn tailor-made Garments, start Jf in at once. You'll never regret it. There is that fit and style that is obtainable here only. •7*. • • IS J. D. LODTZ McHENRY, ILLINOIS f • -,"^1 :^v. \ > « F PICKLES 75C PER BUSHEL for vat run PICKLES, ONE TO FOUR 1 f* t -?i 4 - V- \(>° '-<? t i ~ ^ "4 M INCHES, delivered to our FACTORIES^ AT McHENRY AND CRYSTAL# LAKE'^ - • "V* ^ * * - IT f? "fij ::::::NATIONAL**-:'.:??* PKKLE & CANNING (0. VW.i i.f"m ^ J > w-.

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