Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1909, p. 4

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- ; Hi mi ^ :>*/ . •- > %*• M 4 « t p v K"L4^ ŝ RISE/? MWfiV MM/LV FlOUfi i J . S T E N O E R ^ x J: M»HCNHY IttlS.3^ Graham Flour Buckwheat Flour RISER THAT'S THE NAHE ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT --Why be withoirt- the best family flour Breakfast Food Corn fleal Rye Flour Pumpernickel Flour feed grinding every day. Satisfactory work-Prompt service West WEST McHENIO , J1.LIMII5. JOHN SPENCER. Prop. AUTOMOBILE «*nd BOAT SUPPLIES CRAWFORD CARS 25 H. P. ROADSTER 4-CYLINDER $1250 Car now on display. McHenry. WELL BROS. FOR JLSIICE OP THE PEACE. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of justice of the peace," subject to the decision of the Republi­ can town canons, and will be grateful for the support of the voters of the towo. Sincerely ycurs, , , *7 ' H. CL.M»AFEH / * ,%IAACUi ELKCTION. Notice is hereby given that on Tues day, the 20th day of April, at the city hall in the village of McHenry, in the county of McHenry and state of Illi­ nois, an election will be held for the following village offices, viz: One vil­ lage president, three village trustees and one police magistrate. Polls will be open at 7 o'clock in the morning and will continue open until 5 o'clock of the same day. Given nnder my hind at McHenry, Illinois, 1MB lTthday of March, A. D. 1909. H. E. PRICK, Village Clerk. KMKKA1.D PARK. Miss May me KnoA was an Algonquin visitor Saturday. "Miss Alice Sntton called o» friends in West McHenry Friday. John Gibbs, Jr., went to Chicago Sat­ urday to spend a few days: Mrs. E. Comisky is spending this week with friends in the city. Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin was the guest of relatives here Sunday. Miss Margaret Walsh and Walter J. Walsh spent Friday in Woodstock. Robt. Matthews of Montana was call­ ing on friends in this vicinity Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Smith visited rela­ tives in McHenry and vicinity Thurs­ day. John Sutton weut to Elgin Wednes­ day to celebrate St. Patrick's day at that place. Misses Anna Frisby, Anna McGee and Alice Sutton visited with Mrs. L. E. Walmsley Thursday. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby, Anna McGee and Walter Walsh were callers in this vicinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns and son, Kenneth, of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the Park. Miss Florence Welch of Griswold Lake is visiting with her* sister, Mrs. Clarence Martin, this week. Jbe Mctleory Plainiledier PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY P. a. SCH REINER. Ofl)C« In Bank Building. Telephone, No.S7S. TIRMt OF SUBSCRIPTIONS One yew *1'60 Six months, 7Se*S- Three months. 40ctt. Thursday, March i8, 1909. AUDITOR'S MEETING Notice is hereby given that the board of auditors of the town of McHenry, county if McHenry, and Btate of Illi­ nois, will meet on Tuesday, March 80, 1909, in the town clerk's office, McHenry, 111., at 2 o'clock p. m., to audit any and all bills against said town and to trans­ act such business as may come before the meeting. Billa against said town of McHenry may be left with the supervisor or with the undersigned. Dated a| McHenry this 25th day of February, 1909. N. H PETESCH, Town Clerk. FOR CONSTABLE. I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of constable for the town of McHenry, and will appreciate the support of the legal voters at the coming primaries. 35 tf C. H. STEPHENSON. FOR JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. I hereby announce myself as a candi­ date for the office of justice of the peace, subject to the dicision of the Mc­ Henry township primary, and will be thankful for the support of the voters. 35 tf E C. HAWLEY. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the Republican primaries, and will be thankful for the support of the voters. 34 JACOB R. JUSTEN. , FOR SUPERVISOR. To the voters of McHenry township: Thanking you for your |oyal support in the past, I again ask of yon the nomina­ tion and re election to the office of supervisor, subject to the action of the Republican primaries. - J. C. LADD. 36-4t* FOR TAX COLLECTOR. / ̂The"chndlTkeVay in whichTur j«ir] 1 hereb* announce myself a candidate elers leave $3,000 worth of diamonds for the office of tax collector for the where a man armed with a brick oar| town of McHenry, subject to the de get at them by breaking the plate glasi cision of the Republican town primaries goes to show that there is faith It and will be grateful for the support of the world which human experienei the legal voter8 ot town would hardly justify. HENRY F. SCHAEFER. Tennessee has joined the ranks the prohibition states. After July it will be illegal to sell liquor withiK four miles of a schoolhouse. Now at that is necessary is for the people U see that schoolhouses are not morf than eight miles apart t Orleans uoiicema FACTB FOR VOTERa, Town election, April 6, 1909. City primary, March 9, 1909. City election, April 20, 1909. School election, April 24, 1909. Judical primary, April 13, 1909 JFnfticial election, Jnne 7, 1909. FOR TOWN CLERK. 1 hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of town clerk for the town of McHenry, subject to the Republican primaries, anu will be thankful for and appreciate the support of the voters. Respectfully yours, 36-tf CHAS. B. HARMSEN, F? ;• 4 CANDIDATES BY PETITION We hereby annonnce ourselves as ^candidates for the village board of the MF.Htmrv by petition, as fol­ low*: nJ For President, ^' fclMON STOFFEL. t - For Trustees, DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN, JOS. w. FREUND, 85 FRED NICHOLS. l oIt ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office nf •unsimr. subject to the primary law. 84 J°HN W. KIMBALL. rOR TOWN CLERK, I hereby announce myself a candi­ date for the office of town clerk, sub­ ject to the primary law. ' F§ PKTER M. JUSTGW. * , FOR 8UmvT»((K At the urgent reqneBt of ujy •friends I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of supervisor. 86 tf S. H. FREUNO. FOR HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of highway commissioner for the town of McHenry, subject to the decision of the Republican township caucus. The support of the voters of the town will be appreciated. Respectfully, 36-tf JOHN H. FREUND. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself as a Re­ publican candidate for the office of tax collector for the town of McHenry, sub­ ject to the action of the town caucus, Thanking the voters for their snpport during the past two years and assuring them that it has been and a continuance of the same will be appreciated, I am, Very truly yours, 82 tf JOHN NIESEN. RING WOOD- W. M. Foss was a Chicago passenger Wednesday morning. J. V. Buckland and Joseph Miller were Twin Lake callers Tuesday. • Miss Agnes Carey spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in McHenry. C. C. Harrison and C. D. Hall drove to Lake Geneva on business Tuesday. John Kattner of Spring Grove was a pleasant caller in Ringwood Saturday last. Bertha Bertchey and Lester Biggers are new pupils in the lower room of our school. Miss Agnes Dodge and brother, Ray, attendedTa party in Spring Grove last Thursday evening. , Mrs. Noonan and daughter, Miss Mae, were the guests of Chicago relatives Monday and Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Thompson are en­ tertaining a gentleman friend from Columbus, O., at this writing., Joseph Justen contemplates building a large house and barn on his farm this summer, the situation of the place be­ ing just south of where he now resides. VOUfc Dr. Joseph Dawson of Wauconds was in town Thursday. Miss Vinnie Bacon of Roseville was in town one day last week. Miss Genevieve Effinger spent Satur day with friends in Wauconda. C. G. Huson of Libertyville made a business trip to Volo Thursday. Mrs. Frank Hironimus of West Fre­ mont was a Volo caller Saturday. John Cappeller is in Volo again, after several weeks' visit in New Orleans. Mr. and Mrs: Lawrence Miller will move into the Theo. Wortz house soon. Miss Mary Underwood of Springfield Mass., is a guest at the Raymond home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Vanderboom of Fort Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Eid. Lusk Sunday. Wm. Ealinger has returned to his work here after a vacation spent with relatives at Dundee. Mesdames Sabel and Wagner enter tained several ladies Friday afternoon Those present were: Mesdames John Stadtfield, Fred Dunnill, Ben Rosing and A J. Raymond. 'iv& « s -HON.- ..OF WAUKEOAN.. CANDIDATE JUDGE OF THIS JUDICIAL DIS­ TRICT. - --PRIMARIES-^- Tuesday, April 13,1909. CONDITIONS NOMINATE WHITNEY Justness of Lake County's Claims are Admitted--* Voters will see that Right Prevails. In order that'the readers of The Plaindealer may know the actual conditions that exist ill' each one of tlje four counties in fetation to cades, population and the Republican vote, we give the following: Counties Circuit Court Casek - : - Taft Vote Lake ' 383 r; V, 34594 6392 Winnebago 318 * ! ' ' 47845 8919 McHenry « 216 29759 o • 5331 Boone 101 - / . ' 15791 ^ 2805 With Lake county first in law business and second in population, not one reason can be given why every Republican voter in McHenry county should not on primary day give one of his three votes for circuit judges to Hon. Charles Whitney of Waukegan. This leaves each voter with two votes to give to such of the other candidates as the voter thinks ought also to be nominated. * 1 ' ' Lake county has always treated tliis<joaaty fair politically, and it s^bul4n<|tjN forgotten that x>nly last August that county gave Senator Olson s majority of her primary vote as against George Quentin, her own candidate, because it was this county's turn to have a senator, and Speaker Shurtleff and hi« friends are also renomination. " : .7 7 _ Under the existing circumstances it would be highly unjust to the people of Lake comity to allow politicians to tra'de the vote of this county away from Mr. Whitney. Forty-six out of forty-nine lawyers of that county signed a petition asking Mr. Whitney to become Lake county's candidate, and said: That the circuit court docket of that county was the largest and most important of any in the district; that litigation was on the increase; that they ought to have a resident judge who would give more of his time to the holding of their court; that Hon. Charles Whitney 9f Waukegan was eminently worthy and well qualified to fill the position of circuit judge. - ' ' The voters of the district can be trusted to see to it that justice is done Lake county by the nomination of Hon. Charles Whitney of Waukegan for circuit judge. jam Professional,, Society Otnd B\is?nesss Cards DAVID G. WELLS, M. D. PHYSICIAN, SUBGEON AND OCULIBT1 r Office and residence corner Elin and!; ,.,.,. Green streets. McHenry. Telephone No. all 5 % : FEGrjliSS & FSSSBS pHTaiOIAMB AND BU&OEOM8. He "1- Office at-Besideace, corner OonrtM^ MO ItrMt* ^lanhnno 9M D. T. 811ILEY ATT?,K,?i5,y AT LAW, Woodstock, IlUnoia Sne88 frosted to his care will properly and promptly attended to. " piii DR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST ©Sflc® ui RtildMei (wfl. J. Walsh's Mm', Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. Was* MoHnnor. Itt, v Tei*plwa»No. 6 DR. ARNOLD MUELLER, ' • Physician and WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. , Tetspk«M No. SIMON STOFFEL, Insurance Agent for all classesof< property in the best Companies. West McHsary. Illlnala J o h n J . V y c i t a f * DEALER IN Genera.! Hardware Stores, Paints and Oils. Tin and ma­ chine repairing of all kinds. 'Phone 543 McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS. H.C. MEAD JUSTICE OF THE PEACE . ANF» IMMIRANCE AGENT. 1 am now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop- erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against deatb from any cause. West McHenry, -* III. HELLOI . aoia* to Chlcsc* ' today? s YEP! Allrlght, wiN meet you st the Lambert Q. Seal BUFFET 9A Fifth Ave. FOB CONSTABLE I hereby annonnce myself as a candi- date for the office of constable for the town of McHenry, eubject to the de cision of the Republican town primaries, and will appreciate the support of the legal voters of the town. Assuring all those who have tendered me their sap port in the past that a continuance of same will be received with thanks, 1 am Respectfully yonrs, 36-tf JOHN WALSH. F. O. Gann the auctioneer, antees satisfaction. He guar Why Take Alcohol? Are you thin, pale, easily tired, lack your usual vigor and strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative. You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse these statements, or we would not make them Ask him and find out. Follow his advice. W --Jowwcnt of your doctor will certainly greatly increase M • (amity Ux*tive ijvapiil*. All r . » - * - » A . • ' • ' ' * * » » your confidence in Ayer'a ALK >our doctor about them. OST£ND. Mrs. C. E. Gay lord visited with Mrs. George Hutson last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Will McCannon were gnests of Mr. and Mrs. Lon Bishop last Sunday. Clarence Draper visited his mother, who is in aJhoepital in Chicago, last Sunday. Mrs. Fred Thompson and little daugh­ ter went to Chicago Friday morning to visit with friends. Miss Merle Hollarbnsh of Woodstock spent the first of the week with her sister, Mrs, Warren Thomas. Miss Warren Thomas and two chtt dren and Miss Merle Hollarbnsh were Sunday callers at the home of ESdgar Thomas near Greenwood. Misses Susie and Jessie Ben well of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Benwell of Volo attended the fnneral of Mrs. R. H. Richardson last Friday. The Lurid Glow of Doom was seen in the red face, hands and body of the little son of H. M. Adams, of Henrietta, Pa. His awfnl plight from eczema had, for five years, defied all remedies and baffled the best doctors, wbo said the poisoned blood had affect­ ed his lungs and nothing could save him. "But," writes his mother, "seve$ bottles of Electric Bitters completely cured him." For Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheam, Sores and all Blood Disor­ ders and Rheumatism Electric Bitters is supreme. Only 50c. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelst and oth #rs. &r»4 Tb» FWndsalsr Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat­ ronage., Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on ns. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. THL PACKA8E J Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else feils. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. It Saved His Leg. "All thought I'd lose my leg," Writes ,1. A. Swenson, Watertown, Wis., "Ten years of eczema, that 15 doctors could hot cure, had at last laid me np. - Then Bocklen's Arnica Salve cured it sound and well." Infallible for Skin Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Boils, Fever Sores, Burns, Scalds, Cuts and Piles. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masqnelet'i and others v || WCn!d be too bed to deco- your home In the ordl" nary way* simply because of not knowing you could do It better for less money with Alabastlne. Better find out oil about AlabasflM first, anyway. CUI at our store and M* tbs ) Alabaatine Portfolio """ «| Prize Designs It to worth looking at ev«a If you have no immediate lnt»- , tion of decorating. JVfOW is Jthe time A ^ to think about spring painting and decorating. We car­ ry a full line of Sun Proof paints and varnishes. AlNso brushes in all sizes and prices. Our stock is larger than ever before. Gall and look over our line before buying. We guarantee to Sive you money. IpENTERVILLE ARDWARE H o r s e s F o r S a l e ! Col. P. J. Berry'* Mountain MMSOW Stack Ptm, 1 i«a Miles north •! Waucon4a, Lake Co., III., can hi-seen a stock of first-class farm and generaT purpose horses and mares suitable for the road and all [arm work. weiRhlng 1100 to 1400lbs. Also several pairs of drafts, 3000 to 3200 lbs. Prices $85 to SSOO. No plugs- All the best ages and n serviceably sound lot. All horses guaranteed as represented at time of delivery. Come and see them, and Joseph Peter­ son, superintendent, will take pleasure in showing stock and sell everything at lowest market pricw. Kresb consignment from Iowa and Minnesota re­ ceived and sold weekly at the farm. COL. F\ J. BERRY |,nw ColonNl to Count Dally Thruout March ami April. These special low rate tickets are available on our daily and personally conducted tonrs in tourist sleeping cars thru to the coast, via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Line. For full particulars writeS A. Hutch­ ison, Manager, Tourist Dept., 312 Clark St., Chicago, 111., or address nearest ticket agent. I8*4t Miss Mary Eumpbrecht of North Crystal Lake visited Mr. and MXM. F Kamhote a few days last week.' Mr. and Mrs. F. E. 8tewart of Mara moud, Ind., were guests at the home of R. N. Patchen Snnday, the former :>• turning that evening while the latter remained for a few days' longer ̂ visit. Photo Studio McHenry, Illinois. PORTRAITS, OUTDOOR WORK, * ENtARGEMENTS, FRAMES, POSTALS. 'Phone 493. 7 WHEN you get ready for that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you the good points in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on a first-class job. We guar­ antee all of Our WQfk. :: " ' M R. Putzke i (0. West McHenry. dr We strive r ^ * to please the ever in­ creasing demand for Something better than To please ^the most exacting, a '.;;-jnal orcler will result favorably. It's aston­ ish h?g how much mon­ ey we can save you. Wm. Simes 'PHONE O94 Heimer Block, . /IcHenry & y ' Z i

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