* * RUGS •AND « LINOLEUM At no time have we offered any thing like the assortment of beau tiful Floor Coverings which com prises our present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to lie equal to the best manufactured EJvery piece is worth more than the special marking we have placed thereon*; Call and see. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. -- ̂ WHEN YOU THINK OF HARDWARE, STOVES QS PAINTS, THINK OF McOmber'g i •" ' Hardware Store' ~ • * " THEN CALL AND SEE WHAt VOU FIND IN THESE LINES' 1 AND GET OUR PRICES. Respectfully Yours, - • P. L,:i McOMBHR, t W t̂ 5ide Hardware. -rrl i§r- Now is the time to order your EASTIGR SUIT. Our new Spring Sample Line contains only strictly All Wool goods-- hot a thread of cotton in them. Our prices range from $12.50 to $45.00 per suit, made* to your measure, guaran teed to fit and wear. Come atjd look them over. We make Fancy Vests, Sin gle Coats or Trousers. >A11 the latest styles to select from. Made* by the fam ous International Tailoring company. - All the new Shades in Hats. The dressy kind at $1.50, $2.50, $3.00. :: Shoes and Oxfords in the popular shapes in Patent:Leather;-Oxblood aad Tao. :: Yours truly, ' M. J. WALSH, pftOMRT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. Grocery Boyt'i Corn Flakes. tbre»OI^ packairea LJi pavlugn. Beat Domeattc Macaroni, 3 Q£s packagea . i, ; t""1 Silverailk Saosr Krant, foar c a n a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Basket Fired Japan Tea, 3 35c 25( pounds, $1.00; per ponud.... ta23( Pork and Bean*, Colombia brand, SPECIAL 2 cans.. Standard Tomatoes, can. jjj^ Hominy, 2Sc; per can jQ^ New Holland Herring, ini- ported, regalar $1.00 keK CJl Sweet Potatoes, Jfo. 8 ran... ^ Regular 50c Onnpowder Tea ^Q/ this week, per ponnd J7I Crockery Glassware Spring Line of Garden Seeds Jardiniers FlowerPots Wert McHenry. Telephone 301 8PK1NO 6IUWK. ' P. F. Stpgiar was a c-.alletat Grass Lake Sunday. Geo. CoateH of Greenwood wfts a call er iu town Friday. Elmer Vincent of Wilmot was a call er iu town Monday. Dr. W. H. Strang wan * Richmond caller Snnday evening. Arthur Merrill of Solon Mills was a cfcller in town Monday. John Lawson of Park Ridge attended to business here Monday* * Joseph Merdith of Roand Lake1 wad a caller in town Monday. R. G. Scott'of Richmond wasa pleas ant caller in town Friday. W. C. Moss of Liberty viHe wa* call iug on friends here Monday. Mrc. Martha Campbell was calling on friends at Solon Mills Friday. H. M. Hasting of Richmond was a pleasant caller iu town Saturday Geo. Wieland was in Chit-ago Satur day to attend a milkmen'* meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Frances James of Eta> broa were visiting relatives here Snn day. Joseph Richardson and Ada of Rich mond called on Mrs. Roh«*t &ti Fri day. ^ ;; M'n. J. E. Fonlk and sister, Miss Price, were shopping in Chicago Hntni day. Mr. Marlfn of Chicago was visiting at the home of Geo. Weiland and family Monday. fcfrs. Louts Sweet of Richmond was calling on tier aunt. Mrs Robert. Esh, Tuesday. Joe Lawrence and Miss Edith Tuttle of Ringwood called oh Miss Ada West- lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Smith of Johns- burgh called on their daughter, Mrs. Math. Lay, Monday. Miss Ena Richardson spent several days last week'^visiting her sister, Mrs. ljonis Sweet, at Richmond. ill iss Regina Hnff of Richmond iipeat Saturday and Snnday with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Andrew Huff. Earl Westlakeand sister. Ada, spont Saturday and Sunday with their " sister. Mrs. Cera Johnson, at Harvard. Mrs. Fiank Sanders and little son, accompanied by Miss Ina Jsiues, return ed to Wilton, Wis., Friday morning. Mrs Sara Wilson and sisterH Miss Hnnter, are visiting their brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hnnter,: at Richmond. The farmers of tyis community held a meeting in the town hall Friday, for the purpose of raising funds to start np the old creamery. Several have signed, the' amount raised being abont. two hundred dollars. / Dr. Streng was called Tuesday to the Hatch farm at Fox Lake to set a badly crttsbed leg for Mr; Spry, the occupant of the farm. The young man, who moved to the farm from Ohio, was caught under a tree be had just chopped down, his leg being crashed and broken. - VOlAh Math Baur transacted business in Waukegan last Tuesday. Mrs Lewis Lusk and sons of Fremont were in Volo Wednesday.-- Mrs. Math. Baur was a McHenry caller Thursday afternoon. Harvey Gardinier made a bnkiness trip to Waukegan Monday. Miss Catherine Dowell of West Fre mont ^whs a recent visitor here. Mrs. Nicboils and daughter, Lydia, were McHenry visitors Thursday. Miss Bessie Donuill of Chicago visited her parents here a few days last week. Mrs. W111. Huson and Miss Kate Frost were in McHenry Thursday afternoon. Misses Bessie and Sarah Howard of Grant were in town Saturday After, noon. Nick Froet and son of Kenosha are visiting at the Frost home here for a few days. Mr. Burnett, of Wanconda visited his daughter, Mrs. George Huson, one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkle of Mc Henry weft visitors at the Sabel home Thursday. Little Mildred Znelsdorf of McHenry is spending this week at the Harry Nicholls home. Mrs. Grace Kir wan left here Tuesday for a few weeks' visit with relatives in Elgin and Chicago. The funeral of the iufantson of Mr. and Mrs Robert Vogi, of Stoffel's Lake was held here Thursday forenoon. Mrs. Jennie Cossiuan and daughter, Mori, of Round Lake were guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Richard Coinp- ton, Saturday uight and Snuday. Died--At the county farm at Liberty ville, last Thursday afternoon, March 18. James Doyle, a well known resident of Volo. He had been ailing for sOm* time and was taken to Libertyville Tuesday. On Wednesday he had a hemoi rhage froui the lungs, but that was checked. Thursday afternoon an other severe hemorrhage came on, but no ' relief oonld be given Liberty ville. Burial at TERRA COTTA. Mrs T. R. Anderson spent Saturday *t Carpentersville. A. Johnson of Holcombville was a oaller here Friday. J. Meir of Crystal Lake was a bnsi ness caller here Wednesday. Mrs J. H. Gracy is entertaining her brother, W. Earle, of Wisconsin. Miss Annie Buss visited her sister at McHenry Friday and Saturday. Mrs. B. F. Peck of Holcombville i» visiting at the home of Henry McMillan Mrs H. McMillan baa been quit sick with the grip bnt is better at this writ ing. Several from here attended the funer al of A. J. Thompson at Crystal Lake Nionday. Mrs. W. J. Welch and daughter, flelen. of Griswold Lake spent the lirst • if the week with relatives here. Mrs. R Anderson of Richmond visit ed at the home of her son. T R. Ander- *... -v.. . • RiimKFjrKLu . ; went to Woodstock Tuesday. Wilbur-Levey went to the city Tues day. . Andrfew Johnson spent Tuesday in Chicago. v J. C. Button was a Woodstock caller Saturday. v - F. W Hartman- waa i« Woodstock Sat u i day. ' New blackboards have been placed in t he school. , ' Rev A. Dickey and famity are Chica go visitors. ^ W. H. Monroe was a Woodstock call- eV Tuesday. Mrs. L. A. Walkup was a Sharon caller Tuesday. Walter Cobb was a Woodstock caller one day last, week. * Frank Beardsley iww to RidgeReld Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Joaephenson were in Woodstock Saturday. * , Mr. and Mrs Keeee were callers at iVvstal Lake recency. Mr. and Mrs Davidson were Wood stock callers Saturday. Mrs. R L Dufleld went to Crystal Lai e last week Thursday, Geo. Wheeler and wifo were in Wood stock last, week Wednesday. F, M. Lindsley returns 1 from ^ bnsi- nnw trip to t.h« city Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Cooper are rejoicing over the arrival of a little son. Mrs. E. Merchant and children visited her parents FHday aud Saturday , j Mrs. Peterson and daughter, Mdbel, were Woodstock visitors recen tly. Mrs. E<1. Senne of Woodstock spent a few days last week at Father Wilie's. Albert Jacobs and wife speut Satur day and Sunday with Wanconda rela tives. M rs. Lolo Bennett was- a business caller lit Woodstock Wednesday of last week. Mrs. 8. Simmons aud son, Walter, twk the train for Chicagcr Monday morning. Minor Lockwood and wife of Wood stock were v^sKing at J. u. Button's Saturday. ' * Mr. and Mrs. p. U Smith of Chicago visited Saturday and Snnday with Fa ther Buttou. Mrs. Viyill Robinson of Woodstock visited her sister, Mrs. Collins, and family Thursday. Albert Jacobs and family attended the funeral of Mr. Thompson at Crys tal Lake Monday. Mrs. Nymanti and daughter, Annie, of Woodstock visited with Mr. Matson and family Saturday. Roy Skinner, Andrew Banaon *nd Charles Bullock were business catljsra at Crystal Lake Saturday. Mrs. Robert Kimball and three chil dren of Poplar Grove ars visiting rela tives here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. E L. Kimball enter tained Mrs. Kimball's fritter, Miss Say- ler, and a gentleman1 friend of Elgin Sunday. Mrs. Kimball returned with them. . A basket social and entertainment was held in the church parlors last Fri day evening. Those on the program were: Mr. E. L. Kimball, instrninen- tal solo; Misses Ethel Reed, Mrs. Laura Gorham and Allie Brown, recitations; dialogue. "A Business Meeting," by ten yonug ladies; solo, "Baby Bunting of the Rocking Horse Brigade," Ethel Thayer. KIMGWOOil. O. Tabor was a recent Spring Qrove caller. Martin May transacted business at the county seat Tuesday. Critically perfect for critical bnyars-- our buggies. Win. Stoflfsl. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Merchant were over at the county seat Saturday. Ringwood was well represented at the town caucus in McHenry last Saturday. Mrs. Warren Fuss and Miss Do«-a Coates were shopping in Chicago Mon day. Chaa. Carr and Ed. Thompson were passengers for the windy city Monday morning. Calvin Williamson of Pauls Valley, Okla.. is visiting with friends in Ring- wood this week. A bright little girl came Jo. make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Prank Weid- rick last Friday evening. Have you seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J. J. Vycital. The Modern Woodman of Ringwood initiated several new members into that organization last Thursday evening, after which a fine banquet was given, and judging from what we beard the next day all bad a good time. At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Carr, of Fiftieth avenue, Chicago, on Wednesday even ing, March 10, occurred the marriage of their daughter, Lela, to John Ken uett, also of Chicago. Their many friends here extend congratulations. KNKKAI.II PARK. Mrs. L. E: Walmsley is spending this week in Chicago. P. J. Aylward visited relatives" in this vicinity Sunday. W. J. Walsh was a Monday evening caller in Augustburg. Miss Katie Knox visited witl* friends in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Ed. Comisky returned home Sun day, after spending a week in Chicago. D. W. Hill, Jas. Haxton, Sr., and W. Haxton were Sunday visitors at the Park. ' Mr. and Mrs. 3 . Areas and children spent Snnday with J. H. Smith and family. M. Boherty of Rookford visited* old acquaintances and relatives t« Mils vi cinity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.. John Smith,' Sr , and Mr. and Mrs. C. Colby visited at j. R HOME OF F R E S H , P U R E MEATS, SAUSA GES, ETC. ALSO AN "ELEGANT LINE OYSTERS. Drugs S| i 1 0rnnytbing that druggists sell is Wanted, please remember That H lt'» to be M it U Tel. 841 RiverskW Livery here. • ; That If at t* her* It is tb« beat to tie Ti«4. That whatever tlM price Is it Is reasonable. That It It to not richt In •very way we make It right. Onr assortment, quality and service is of highest character. We have practically every lead ing patent medicine, no matter whether advertised a? here or not. ^ N. H. Petesch * $"• 1 St. Wc Henry. - a*?'" ' • " \ ' First class rtg» furnished on sltort notice. Buses meet all trains for all nearby points. FL. I. Overton McHEIfftY. ILL. . . PHONE 521 A STABLE BUSINESS Is our business. Made it so at the start l).V selling uuiy worthy good*. Never han dled the trashy things. Nover want to. Kight I tirough our stock of Harness, Morse Ooods and Stable Necessities runs that K<Mtd ((uallty which would make t htmi de sirable even It the prices were a half more th:tn they are. The leather is excellent, no is the workmtiuship. Ia'ss than these prices will not buy anything that you ought to buy. 0. A. Barker Honslett Block McHenry, III. Harriet II Howe ...HEIMBR BLOCK... yy o MILLINERY - DRESSMAKING Shirt Waists, Blouses •and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi- , dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. 7 . 6 0 a m . . Mam... 3.H5pm.. H.4A p m... Effective Nov. 15, lflW. wnt DAT VBAIMS/ HORTHBOCND Hilary. Via Elgin .10.17 u 10 Des Plulnes .10.17 a. tu Des PlaSup m Via Elgin .,6.40p m ..fl.40 pm .rfe 3.13pm.*. Via Des Plainest. • ' fCNDAT THAINS,^-. , . ' Via Elgin. . .......11.14 a m ..Yla I>es Plaines,..,....11.14 am ...... Via Elgin........... 4.65 p m WiKS DAT TKAIN^ 8.4s a m 9.10 a m f.OOp m Leave McHenry 7.15 am... 15 a m. .A . • " -K ' - •OCTHBOUHD. '* • Via Des Pta1neH..i^,.,.9.0>i a m Via Elgin .........9.55 a na 8.JS)a m..; Tia Des Plainen.,. 8..V»a m 4.2H psj. . .....Via Des Plalues.. 6.25 pm 4.Spm. Via Elgin s,...,...7.10 p ui aVMUAT THilNti 7.15am Via Elgin a n &.00p m........Via 1 p n . . ^ . . . . . j . M p D : -CENTEft VILLE- and flarket Always a fresh ' plete line of the choicest f of Groceries and Meats.? Phone, 542. -- ^ * V CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIHrOR-- s MCHENRY, - - - - ILLINOIS. - * « WE GUARANTEE OUR Men who pay attention to what is going on in the world of fashion and who wear appropriate and becoming attire on all occasions are no longer disposed to argue thfc ques tion as to whether ready-made garments can be had that will fit as well, look as well and hold their shape as long as garments that are cut and made to individual measure. The simple fact that nearly all of them now depend upon a Custom Tailor of their own choosing, usually one in their home town, is sufficient evidence to prove that they ktiow from experience how to buy clothes to best advan tage. The best advice that can be given to those who doubt their own ability to choose wisely, is this: Patron ize the best Custom Tailor you know and order from him the best grade of cloth and workmanship thatjgg afford, leaving all details to him. ^ ' ' • ' - J. D. LODTZ McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS ••'h' «v 0s PICKLES PER BUSHEL for / PICKL1SS, ONE T0 P0UR^V'; INCHES, delivered to our FACTO! AT McHENRY AND CRYSTAL LAI NATIONAL 'v PK (AIM (0. Advertise In * ifw 2. 'M «- ^ 3 AI < . -