Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1909, p. 10

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Suits! #W-i iftyle*. colors. Ready made order $10 to W) Come, inspect the line, see why we CAN SAVE YOU Poftsniotith ON A SUIT AND GIVE YOU BET TER. THAN TAI LOR. MADE, y SINCERITY CLOTHES Copyright &• ' a[X 'li? "P, QUARTER OF A CENTURY mf^ENINGS IN M'HENRY TWEN- TY-FIVE YEARS AGO. I \ JOSEPH W. FREUND. Early Savings Pile up Interest quickly, so the younger you sart to save and deposit your money at Our Sav­ ings Department the better off you become! For instance, if at the age of 18 years you deposit $2.00 weekly, in 10 years you would have deposited $1040.00. The in­ terest compounded at 3 per cent would amount to $177.42, and at the age of 28 you would have $1,172.42 for your bank account. * Why not try Early Savings? WEST MCHENRY STATE BANK PLOWS See that little girl lift her father with one foot? He weighs 196 lbs., aad she is only 6 yean old--yet ahff can lift Mm - with only one foot. WHY--and what does the "WHY" mean to you? Simply this--it that the Emerson Foot Lift Plows are theeasff- ,est handled in the !m!d of any plow made,--FOOT-CONTROL AL­ WAYS--in or out of the hardest soil. Manage the Plow with your Feet--your Horses with your Hands. The name EMERSON means easi est to handle--lightest draft--and most durable. Every EMERSON Gang Plow is equip­ ped with 2000-mile magazine box and •>xle. When you buy an EMERSON you uy for a lifetime, not for a few years, ecause an EMERSON will last as long .3 you live. IK PLOWS THIS IS IT. YOUR MOST CRITICAL INSPEC­ TION SOLICITED. THIRD VICTIM RECOVERED. Bonkey" Mundt, Chicago Man Drowned ID FOX Lake Last Fall, la Found. "Husikey" Mandt, the third victim of the trio who were drowned last fall at Fox Lake, was recovered Wednesday morning, -March 24, at 8 o'clock, the find being made by I^els Nelson, near Crabapple Island. It was 300 yards from shore and was partially exposed to view when the man found it aqd, secur­ ing a boat, rowed to the spot and dragged it to shore. It was taken to the Lakeside hotel, where Deputy Coroner Conrad held an inqaest. The body was surprisingly preserved for the time it had been in the water. The other two bodies were recovered shortly after the drowning, bnt no trace was ever secured of Mnndt. 'The other victims were Fox Lake men, Joe John­ son and Sam Russell. The three had gone into the lake early in the morning and the only knowledge the resorters had that they had drowned was when the boat was fonnd upset. This was the first triple drowning to occnr at the lake in many years. One of AuiericaVT4}reateat Noyela. The announcement that a new dram­ atization of the "Hidden Hand" will be presented at the Central opera house on Sunday evening, April 4, recalls that this story made Robert Bonner, owner of the New York Ledger, a millionaire. He had just bought the newspaper when he was lucky enough to get Mrs. South- worth's story, the "Hidden Hand," as a serial. The circulation of The Ledger went up by leaps and bonnds and soon the brave, bright, innocent, lovable Capitola was known in almost every home in the land. Everybody was talk­ ing about the story and its madcap heroine, its terrible black Donald, and its irresistible fanny darky characters, such as Wool and Patapat. All these characters have been included in the cast of this new dramatization and the play has been btiilt up by the exper­ ienced 'hand of an actor of the best standing, Eugene Moore. Usual Central prices will prevail. EMERSON FOOT LIFT GANG EMERSON^MANUTACTURING CO. Farm Implement Builders Since 1852 ROCKTORD. ILLINOIS WM. Sales Agent, 5T0FFEL, Centerville, McHenry, Illinois Words to Freeze the Soul. "Your son has Consumption. His case is hopeless." These appalling words were spoken to Geo. E. Bleyens, a lead­ ing merchant of Springfield, N. C., by two expert doctors one a lung special ist. Then was shown the wonderful power of Dr. King's New Discovery After three weeks' Use," writes Mr Bltvens, "be was as well as ever, would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy." In­ fallible for Coughs and Colds, it's the safest, surest cure of desperate Lnng diseases on earth. 50c and f 1.00 N. H. Petesch, F. Masqnelet and others guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free. Items Clipped From Tlie PUlnd*sl«rP«b- llnhert April 58, 1883--Particularly I»»- tamtini; to Old K«n*id«ntH. Henry Wachenfeld of»Wankegan has leased the north end of J. J. (lilies' buildiug, and will open a bakery this week. _ ' 1 It is nearly time for you to go about the premises, gather up the winter's ac­ cumulation of tin cans, old boots, etc., aud quietly heave them over into your neighbor's back yard. L D Lincoln ha4 moved his family into the rooms in the second story of the Lansing block, nea* the depot. About the 1st of May he will open his restan rant in the same block. ., The steamer "Mary OrisWold" will make her first trip of the season to the lakes today, Wednesday, and will for the present make- regular trips every Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, leav­ ing McHenry at 5:15 p. m. There is no trouble these uinddy times to make a young man stick to a farm. All yon will have"to do is to g«t the yotrog man to try and walk aprosn a ten acre lot that wa« plowed last fait. He'll either carry the lot around on his boots or stick right where he is. "Stan" Wright wan severely injured at Fox Lake on Friday last He was painting on Sayles' hotel, when the staging gave way and he was precipi­ tated about twenty feet int6 a cellar- way, bruising him quite badly, but fortunately no bones were broken. He will probably be around again in a few days. The town meeting in McHenry on Tuesday passed off in a very quiet man­ ner, altho a good deal of earnest work was done. The weather was not favor­ able for a large vote, and consequently but 888 votes were polled, a little over half a vote. There were two tickets in the held, the union ticket, headed by Richard Bishop, and one headed by James Ladd for supervisor. The result was the election of the entire union ticket, and the question asked at the head of a little circular (very wisely kept in somebody's pocket) "Voters of McHenry, do you approve the course of Supervisor Bishop on the poor house question?" was answered,by giving him two hundred and thirty seven votes out of 388. and a majority of eighty nine. We think that was loud enough for uiost anyone to hear. Below is the vote in full: SUPERVISOR. Richard Bishop 237 James Ladd 148 Bishop's majority, 89. TOWN CLERK. F. G. Mayes 277 C. H. Morey .109 Mayes' majority, 188. ASSESSOR. John Hnemann 274 John B Bell Ill Hnemann's majority, 168. COLLECTOR. Geo. Rothermel.... .309 Jacob Bonslett 69 Rothermel's majority, 240. COMMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS. Castor Adams 263 J. H. Frennd 124 Adams' majority, 139. On the toad labor question there were 320 votes cast for paying in labor and 3 votes against. -- r ••I'd Rather Die, Doctor, than h&ve luy cu^ off," said M. L Bingham, of Princeville, 111. "But you'll die from gangrene (which had eaten away eight toes) if you don't," said all doctors. Instead, be used Buck len's Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures of Eczema, Fever Sores, Boils, Burns and Piles astound the world. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masquelet's and others. Have you seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J. J. Vycital. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Joseph I. Lang, Attorney. Estate of Edward liugg, deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Administrat or of the Estat e of Edward Rugg, (li'ce'iscd. !a,te of ! ht- Comity of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby given notice that be will appear before the Comity Court of Mc­ Henry'County, at the Court House in Wood stock, at the June term, on the first, Monday in June next, at which time all persons hav­ ing claims against said Estate are notified atid requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons iu < dehted to said Estate are. requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated tills day of March. A. IV 1U09. iiS-iit J.S. BROWN, Administrator. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENKRAL COnMlSSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE 84JJE OP ' ?#/ Dressed Beef, rtutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest honse on the Btreet. Tags and price Hate furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE Mall i * 3, Pattoa St. Wholesale M< trket. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Low Colon lot Itaten lo I'aeliic 4'OI«HI Itaily Tliriiout Mur<h mid April. These special low rate tickets are available on onr daily and personally conducted tour# in tourist. sleeping car* thru to the coast, via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Line For full particulars write S. A Hutch ison, Maneger. Tourist Dept., 212 Clark St., Chicago, III., or address nearesi ticket agent. 38 4t Swept Over Niagara. This terrible calamity ol't^u -happem because a earelesH boatman "ignores tIn river's warnings--growing-Ripples and faster current---Nature's warnings are kind. That dnll pain or ache in the back'warns yon the Kidneys need at­ tention if yon would escape fatal mala­ dies-Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's dis ease. Take Electric Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all yiyir best feelings return. "After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me," writes J. R. Blankenship, of Belk, Tenn. Onl> 50c at N. H. Petesch's, F; M-asqnelet's ^and others. * Dq You Get Up %iih a Lame Back? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and n ,| --. bladder remedy, be- *• --' i cause of its remark- 1 able health restoring I properties. Swamp-; f Root fulfills almost every wish in- over­ coming rheumatism, pain in the back,, kid­ neys, liver, bladder and ever}' part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to liold water and scalding pain in passing it or bad effects followinguseof liquor, of beer, and overcomes that niij.leu necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the r-.-jnedy you need. It has been thor­ oughly tested in private practice, aud has proved r.o successful -that a special ar­ rangement has been made by wliieli all readers of this paper, who have not al­ ready tried it, may have a sample bottle s^nt free by mail, also a book telling! more about Swamp-Root, and how to find out if you have kid­ ney or bladder trouble When writlugmentioii treading this generous offer in this paper a Jul send your address M Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghainton, N. Y. Hie regular £fLy-v.ent' aud one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any'mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root,. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad­ dress, Biughamton, N. Y„on every bottle. li-U.UUWB.Ku,;] ntttttuiMuatMiia One dollar a year for The Weekly In ter-Ocean; $1.50 a yqar for The Plain dealt r. Or both by oniv recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weekn of genuine news from far and near. Want Column. All advertl«emeiit8 ilitterteri under thin JW'Rfl at tile follovtfinKrates: Klvr line* or letw, 2f> cent* for Ural inner!Ion; 15 cents I'or each *ubst»qtient insertion. More than Hv« Unen, 6 oenta a linn .for ttr»t inHertioa, and Scents* Hue for additional insertion*. T7U)R SALE:- Ten acres land with house and. *- barn at Johnsburgh, 111., at very low" price McHenry.' Call on I'KRRV &OwKN, at Bank of HT-tf TJH)R RENT--A small cottage suitable for small family, located west, side, of rail­ road tracks, office. For information apply at this JK-tf rrvoK SALE The household goods of Mfs. ^ Emma Giveus in STORAGE at Mrs. JOIMI Miller's OB the West Side. Open for inspec­ tion at any time. FOK HALE- North and South Dakota land #15 to $25 per acre. Also farms in Minne­ sota. For further information applv or write E. W. Howie. McHenry, 111. 40-if and clover For further 4l-3t FOR SALE - Quantity of timothy seed, free from all foul seed. ] uarticulars inquire of W. E. McHenry. LOST--In vicinity of McHenry on Sunday March 28, a swastika watch fob with sig­ net bearing the letters C. L. H. Finder will please return to this office and receive re­ ward. 41-lt* pVJR SALE Wishing to ness, the wel| Ufiown TjV>R SALE:- Fotir summer cottages on the •P river frout, at very low price. Also farm lands, residences, village property aud lots on the river front.. 1'KKRY & OWKN, at Hank of McHenry. 34-tf retire from' html Ren Stilling sum­ mer resort, located .10 miles from Chicago,' at. I'lstakee Hay. Ill . is hereby offered for sale. House capacity. 150; good railroad accommo dations. For further information address BKN 8TU.I.iNti, McHenry. Ill, :iH-4t* T7H>R SAEt£: - A seven-room cottage, togeth- " er with a frontage of HUO Teet.. divided In. to Ave .separate lots, (lortd cistern, cess-pool aud oiit-d(X>r buildings on premises. Cood reasons for selling. Will he sold at very low figures tf taken at once. Inquire at this office .33-tf flf £ v is larger than ever before. CalJ lo°k over out line- before buying* SILKS, WAITINGS, DRESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, PERCALES. WAISTS, ALL STYLES, FROM,:. 75c to $4.00 WML PAPmX* closing out v all our odds and ends from last year's" stock at 50 per cent off.. We also? have a large line of new Wall iir, ... P. A. BOH LANDER* AI«neNRY;-ILLINOIS., fe k ! f - i • •'i-,- f- Do It Now! BUY your next winter's Coal at SUMMER PRICES. We are making contracts for any quantity HARD COAL for April Delivery. Special low prices on any kind of SOFT COAL in car-load lots. SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES. :: :: WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS TRADE IARH TS* nUi Co* kii Lad iodeco® rate home In the ordi­ nary way, simply because, of yo« could do 11 li-,wwoDe> wlUl Ai»brtsti»e. Better find out all about Alabasllfi* Slr»t, anyway. Oil at our store and see th« Al-b»fctinc Porflolio ~ of P me Tf :p Inolcht'tr at even if you have no immediate inten­ tion 0fdec0Atttt"i,r. 1VTOW is the time ^ to think about spring painting and decorating. We car­ ry a full line of Sun Proof paints and v a r n i s h e s . A l s o brushes in all sizes and prices. Our stock is larger than ever before. Call and look over our line before buying. We guarantee to you money. • J • CRNTERVILLB HARDWARE Vt; I* All For the benefit of those Vfrtod do not already know, it may be stated that Swedish, German, French, Greek, Eng lish and even the RuMian language can be transmitted clearly and distinctly over onr residence telephone, oosting only five cents per day rental. Chicago Telephone Company. Up Befofe the Bar. N. H. Brown, an attorney, of PittiB field, Vt, writes: "We have nsed Dr King's New Life Pills for years and find them each a good family medicine we wouldn't .be without them." For Chills, Constipation, Biliousness or Sick Headache they work wonders. 26c at N. H. Pettath 'a, F. Maa^u^iet'A «od others. " ~ -1 We have jnst received s fine fine of fine gasoline and kerosene stoves. Call and «et our prices. J. 3. Vycital. Your dollar will go farther if you trade at this store. Block &Bethk McHenry, III. - Telephone No. 54 ;e I. Investigate and you will find this is the place to do >our trading. El m ID r o i d e ry See the large assortment We are showing tit 6c per yard. A large line at 10, 18, 20, 25, 29 and 39c. Ginghams The largest and prettiest line of patterns we have ever shown, in brown, red, blue, pink and fancy. P«>r yard.., ..12k; $2. OO Value Here it is, either in a dress or work shoe. The biggest value ever shown in Men's line or heavy Shoes, choice $2.00 Now $2 Buy See what we are, offering for the next week in a La­ dies' Shoe. Fine Kid Shoe special price white they last $2.00 White Goods Pine barred plaids and fan­ cies in Swiss and Muslin at 10, 12, 15, 20, 25c. Worth your while. Waists Net Waists, ecru and white Lawn Waists, all over Em­ broidery Waists at 49c, 98e, $1.15, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $8.00 to $5.00. feeo them. 1.98 Cut We have cut the pri<« of all our Ladies' $4.0^ and $5.00 Dress Skirts to move Ihem quickly. Choice. . ;. • 1.98 Pine Shoes Fpr men we are showing all the latest lasts and shades. Tan, ox blood, gun metal. Fine kids, oxfm*ds and reg ular at $3.50, 4.00 and $5.00 Waists 89c Ladies' Fine Lawn Waists, neatly trimmed and tailor ed, a regular beauty, choice 89C Krioo Rants Boys' lvuee Pants in regu­ lar and knickerbocker. A large assortment .at 50, 75 and $1.00, Shoes Men's heavy Work Shoe iB black or tan. One that will stand the wear. Large line at $2.25, 2.W mA Pine Shoes and Oxfords for Ladies in tun, ox, blood, gun metal. Kid, button or lace, fine value, at- $2,25, 2.50, 3.00 A... : z A#-. • W~

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