Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Apr 1909, p. 7

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••• gSj':"'"'! T '•:? ? ./•i L RUGS «t AND « LINOLEUM * '• *,k ^4" «. • At no tinjeJiave we offered any­ thing like the assortment of beau­ tiful Floor Coverings ^hich com­ prises our present display. We bundle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we have placed thereon. Cull and see, Jacob Justen, McHENRY-;. ILLINOIS. /F S! THINGS YOU NEED AND CAN FIND At McOMBER'S American Field Fence, six heights American Poultry Fence, four heights Chicken Netting, eight heights Barbed and Plain Wire Fencing House Paints, "Crown Cottage Colors" Barn and Implement Paints - Buggy and Decorative Paints Varnishes and Brushes Alabastine, Japalac and Permalac L<awn and Garden Tools N A big stock of General Hardware, House Furnishing .Goods, Sporting Goods, Etc. F. L. McOMBER, West Side Hardware. EASTERSUITS Now Is the time to order your -EASIER SUIT. Qur new Spring Sample Line contains only strictly All Wool goods-- not a thread of cotton in them. Our prices range $12.50. to $45.00 per suit, made to your measure, guaran­ teed to fit and wear. Come and loolfr them over. We make Fancy Vests, Siti*. gle Coats or Trousers. All the latest styles to select from. Made by the fam­ ous International Tailoring company. :: All the new Shades in Hats. The dressy kind at $1.50, $2.50, $3.00. " :: Slices and Oxfords in the popular shapes in Patent Leather, Oxblood and Tan. Yours truly, M. J. WALSH, PROMPT DELIVERY. PHONE 363. fir Grocery 25t !! yt'fl Corn Flakes, three packages % ik-st Domestic Macaroni, 3 OC/ packages ... • • : iivt>railk Saner Krant, foor ,'T25( Basket Find Japan Tea, U ^ pnands, fl.OO; per ponnd.... 3J\. Pork and Beans, Colombia brtttMl, SPiXJlAU « '!"23( Standard Tomatoes, can..... ^ Pominy, 8 bans 25c; per can New Holland Herring, iru- ported, regular ft.00 keg ( Jl Sweet Potatoes, No. 3 can... Begnlar 50c Gunpowder Tea this Crockery " . Glassware Spring* Line of Garden Seeds Jardiniers Flower Pots JOHN STOFFEL, West McHenry. - - - Telephone 301 NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED BY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS «»•» »«•»»•»« HMWHll IIHWMI •. "Biouisfitui. Mrs. A." Dickey ki numbered among the sick ' RHJ Lynch was a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. E. L. Kimball was a Crystal Lake caller Friday. Arthur Skinner was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. W. H. Monroe was in Woodstock on business Tuesday. ' Miss Rhoda KnilaM was a Elgin chopper Saturday. Mr. Olmstead was a business caller in Woodstock Saturday. E. Cadwallnder of TerraCotta visittd With his mother Snnday. R. L. D11 field spent Snnday with,C. Keltz and family at Cary. The infant son of Mr.i and MV#f JC. Bollock is on the sick list. Rachel French visited NfuHenry rela­ tives Friday and Saturday. Mrs. Benson spent Saturday witii Mrs. Carlson at WoodsUx k. Mrs. R. L Dnfield spent Saturday and Sunday with Elgin relatives. H. Smith of Genoa visited with "Ms sister, Mrs. J, F, Whyte, Tnehday. Volney Jacobs of Elgin visited his brother, Albert, aud family Friday. Rev. A. Dickey was a business caller at Crystal Lake Tuesday afternoon,. Mrs. W_ Jaynes HU<1 three children visited Mr. .Tnyues attlie hospital Son- day. Miss Mabel Skinner visited with her sister, Mrs Linu«*ott., at Woodstock Sat nrday. Miss Annie Morse of Charlestown is visiting with hei brother. Floyd, fhr a few day a QMr. aud Mrs. F W. Harttnau and Miss Mattel Peterson went to Wood­ stock Tuesday. Ben Hutsou aud family of McHenry Hpent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. French, hnd family. The MiHsionnrv *<wiety has sixteen iftemb<>rs and will meet with Mrs. Mon­ roe souie time thin month. Mrs. E L. Kimball returned from s few days' visit with her parents, Mr: and Mrs Sayler, at Elgin Thursday. Mrs. L. (i Gibsou returned home Thursday from the city where she spent two weeks with relatives and friends. W. .Taynes went to the Woodstock hospital where he successfully under­ went a slight operation. This is the second and hit* many frieuds hope it will be the last. SCHOOL NOTES. Our basket ball suits will soon be ready for use. Have yon auy second hand text books? We will be glad to get tbein. No school this week. Our teachers are attending institute at Harvard. The eighth grade will soon give a musical to buy a clock for the school. Failures are generally caused by absence Is your child absent unneces­ sarily ? The graduating class have cboaeb pink and white as I heir class colors, and Excelsior as tlicrir motto. • Leaders in spelliug, March 2«: Grade H, Madalene Lynch, Harold Lucas and Ethel Thayer; grade 7, Olive Hessel grave; grade A, Rachul French and Hel* en Whyte; grade 5, Heleu Carlson. TERRACOTTA. Mrs. M. Knox was au Elgin caller Monday. C. E. Martin was a Chicgo visitor Thursday. S. B. Leisner was a Crystal Lake caller Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chas Buck were In Mc­ Henry Monday. Miss Emma Conway called in Mc­ Henry Wednesday. Mrs. M. A Conway visited relatives in Elgin Saturday. W. F. Burke of Chicago spent Satur­ day evening at M. Knox 's. W. A. Hatdwell of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Monday. Miss Harriet Welch of Woodstock spent. Snnday with relatives here. Mesduuies Heury aud Frank McMillan were Crystal Lake callers Monday. Mirts Mary Burke and brother, James, of McHenry visited relatives here Sat­ urday. Miss Annie Bass visited at. the home of M. (Conway in McHenry Saturday and Snnday. Miss Florence Welch of Griswold Lake visited at the home of her sister, Mrs C E Martin, Inst week. v Miss Etta Powers of Holcombville boarded the morning train for Harvard at this statiou Monday morning. Mrs. Earl Wilcox and sister, Alice Riley, of Woodstock are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs John R^ey, this week. The pupils of this district are enjoy­ ing a week's vacation, as t^e teacher, Miss Knox, is attending the institute at Harvard. _____ OSTEND. Miss Maude Abbott was shopping in Woodstock Tuesday. C. E Gaylord transacted business at Williams Bay last Friday and Saturday. Miss Sadie Hobart is attending the teachers'institute at Harvard this week. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas and daughter, Hazel, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas last Sunday. Sogene Harrison of Genoa Janetioo visited Saturday and Sunday with bis uncles, Win. and Warren Thomas Grandpa Gaylord returned to his home in Woodstock last Saturday, after a week's visit with his son, C. E. Gay- lord, and wife. . Last Wednesday Mr. ana Mrs. War­ ren Thomas, Jr., attended the funeral of Mrs. Thomas'father, J. Hollarbush, whose death occurred Sunday evening, March 28, at Spring Grove. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our special deal" price of|l.7fr for the two HPKINO GKOVK. John Wagner was a business caller In Woodstock Monday. George Wieland attended to business in Chicago Tuesday. George Westlake of Solon Mill* was a caller 111 town Moudav. F. L. Match had the frame ^bis large barn raised Saturday last. V Silas Pierce spent a few days last week with relatives in Hebron. Charles Wieland of Chicago wan il business caller iu town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Colby and BOB, Zella, were in Chicago Wednesday. f Mr. ami Mrs. James Jackson of Solon Mills were pleasant callers in town Mon­ day. A SQU arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meekenberg Saturday, the 30th; /; .' . y- Mr* Math. Lay spent; jEtanday and Monday with , her parents in Johofi- bvirgh. Chas > West wont and daughter, Anna, of Solon Mills were callers in town Sat­ u r d a y . - ; • . . • ' " ' •Jacob nollarbnsh died at the home of Rev, J. W. Bly Sunday evening from a surgical shock. John Clark and family have moved to town into one of Itfrs Isabella Neish's tenant bouses. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sweet of Rich­ mond were guests of Mr and Mrs. J. B. Richardson Sunday. > Mi Alva Hollarbush of, Woodstock has been the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. Willard Colby the past week. Mrs Joseph James left Monday morn­ ing for Muskegon, Mich , where she will make that place her futnre home. Rev. J. W. Bly returned Tuesday evening from the evangelical conference which lie has been attending the past week. Jacob Wastieske's little three year old boy was badly burned about the chest and arms. Dr. Nye of Johnsburgh is in attendance. Walter Winn, teacher at the Creek school, and his sister, Miss Louise Winn, teacher at English Prairie, have had to close their schools the past two- weeks on account of both having the mumps. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar­ rangement von can secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate $1*75 Joseph Merditfe of Round Lake ar­ rived here Tuesday to take charge of the Spring Grove telephone lines Mr. Merdith was formerly a resident of this place, and it is with pleasure that his old friends welcome him and his family back again. They wilt live in James Neish's tenant house VWIA Miss Gdith Nicholls la quite rick at present.. , M rs. Everett SUxte of Wanoonda WAS in town Tuesday. ' M rs C. Sabel is tihe guest of friends in Elgin this week. ' Henry Stadtfield made a business trip to Chicago iast week George Harrison of liingwood was a Volo caller Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Esse Fisher spent last Thursday in Milwaukee. - Mrs. lien Rosing sptot several days last week iu .fohnsbnrgh. C. Dillon of Waukegan. visited Us son here Saturdry and Sunday. Mr. aud Mrs. Ed. Snyder of Fox Lake visited relatives here Sunday. Miss Anna Compton was a Liberty- ville caller Monday of last week. Mrs. John Brown of Wancdnda was the guest of friends here Wednesday. Harry Lnsk of Liberal, Kan , spent a few days Isst week with relatives here. Lew Geary of Lake Zurich and Geo. Kuebler of Palatine were here Friday, Mrs. Aunie Etten of Spring Grcve was the guest, of relatiyes here Sunday. Mrs Fredericks of Fremont Center spent Friday with Mrs. Sylvester Wag ner. Misses Lydia and Lovina Nicholls were McHenry callers Sunday after­ noon, Burt Compton, son and daughter of Woodstock called on relatives here Sat­ urday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Wheelock and chil­ dren of Wanconda spont Snnday at the Snell home. Mr. and Mrs. Snell entertained Mr <MM1 Mrs. I. Lyons and son of Wauke­ gan over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and children of West Fremont spent Sunday with relatives in Volo. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lttsk and Miss Genevieve Effinger were guests • of friends at West Fremont Sunday. We have arranged with The WeeMy Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of |1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken advant­ age of. • Arbor and Bird Days. A proclamation has been issued by Governor Deneen designating Friday, April 23, and Friday, Oct 22, as arbor and bird days, the two days being designated in order^to meet tbe^requjre- ments of the season in Ulitiois He asks that the days be appropriately observed with exercises and the planting of trees, shrubs and flowers around schoolhouses and homes. MntlM! To insure publication In Tlie Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect BAST SIDE ' T H E H O M E O P AFRESH, PURE MEATS, SAUSA­ GES, ETC. ALSO • ,;,F'AN . ELEGANT -LINE OYSTERS.! J. J. BITCH, PROP. Tel. 841 Riverside Livery First class rigs furn i shed on shor t not i ce . Buses meet all trains for all* nearby points. R.. I. Overton McHENRY, ILL. PHONE; 522 m A STABLE BUSINESS is our business. Made it so at the start by sellingouly worthy goods. Never han­ dled the trasny things. Never want to. Right, ttiroHgh our stock of Harness, Horse U001U and Stable Nece»sltles runs that good <|iiality which would make them tie- su able even if tlie prices were a half more than they are. The leather is excellent, mi is the workmanship. Less than these prices will not buy anything that you ought to buy. G. A. Barker Bonslett Block - McHenry, III. IW H. Howe ...MHIMER BLOCK... I : MILLINERY - DRESSMAKING Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi­ dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies , of all kinds. :: :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Chicago & Nortb-Western. iwwsaimm. X . '"<* V «- *, /:J Si. .?i*- ? if J: 1 / ^ y * * ^ * K J* N % ^ ^ Effective Nov. 15, I90«. - .. K)CKK DAT TBAI1IS. OK. NORTHBOUND Mc Henry. 7.00 a m ..Via Klgiu -- 10.17 a m 9.00 a ni.........Via Des Plaint* .10.17 a m p m , V i a D e s P l a i n s s 5 . 0 0 p m 3.45 p m...... - ..Via EIRIQ . ......6.40 p m 9.18 pm. Via Des Plaints 6.40pm IUNDAT TRAINS. Via Elgin. . .......11.14AM ..Via Des Plaines........11.14 am .... Via Elgin --...... 4.66 pm 'WCK DAT TRAINS. SOUTHBOUND. Ohfci^O. 715 a m iVi* Des i'lalnss I. a m 7.15a m.-Via Elgin ... #.55am . g;nm .Via Des inaiuss 9-V. a & This paper end The. Weekly Inter • 433 pm.r. .^Via Des Piainai ..•.jtftpn! Ocean--$1.75 for one year's subscription j4.J»pm Via Elgin............7.10p u. to U»th. \ ! P. O. Osn* the Mfctloatplsi" «e '{Jop Dss TOlnsiCU*V.V.4i|»9» ante*satisfactio* 4.00p» ................ r.a»pj 8.45am. ... #.10am.... J.OOp m .... Leave McHenr^. ymm When sf;S hi Is., Li' i.*" *4 Or anythng tut draggiaia sail is wanted, please remember <• Th«tH It's t* be knilt i* bere. - mm. That H K U bora It la tl»i IMH* to b* M That wbttevw tte prlca la it Is That It it il not right la •vary way we mkt 11 right. Oar assortment, quality and service is of highest character. We hare practically every lead­ ing patent medicine, no matter whether advertised as here or not Druggist. Telephone Mchenry. 374 MSirK 4;ENTERVILLE Grocery and fiarket Always a. fresh and com- ^ . <* - vti plete line of the choicest ; ;v of Groceries and Meats. v Phone, 542. :: :: ;rJfI •• • •- ; •-a* - • f 4 rt'j CHAS. G. FRETT, McHENRY, -PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. WE GUARANTEE OUR- $16.50 Suits ; WV-- ;;; . . . . . » s Men who pay attention to what is g<Mng1 on in ^he world of fashion and "who wear appropriate and becoming attire on all occasions are no longer disposed to argue the ques­ tion as to whether ready-made garments can be had that will fit as well, look as well and hold their shape as long as garments that are cut and made to individual measure. The simple fact that nearly all of them now depend" up6n a Custom Tailor of their own choosing, usually one in their home town, is sufficient evidence to prove that they know from experience how to buy clothes to best advan­ tage. The best advice that can be given to those who doubt their own ability to choose wisely, is this; Patron­ ize the best Custom Tailor you know and order iToxn him the best grade of cloth and workmanship thai vou^n afford, leaving all details to hint, J k I' J. D. LODTZ McHENRY, ILLINOIS T E f T P E R B U S H E L f o r v a t n t s / ^ PICKLES, ONEOJTO- FOUR INCHES, delivered to our FACTORIES^ AT McHENRY AND CRXS NATIONAL: v I 1 v it. i" \ : % ^4'./ ' V- " ' t" - ^ & § &',-h :~v ? * ; \ ~ W; * - «" -v ^ v k'i

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