« kr'. New Jtty les. i*f>w colors. Ready made or made to order ©4 ^ ^ iipa? iifc^ assess Portsmouth 1^1 4 > ^ •'.4. sp;-|p 81HCBRITY CLOTH8S Copyright Come, Inspect iie line, see why we CAN SAVE YOU ON A SUIT AND GIVE YOU BET TER. THAN TAI LOR MADlH ?^ JOSEPH W. FREUND. isn't much But it's worth saving! One dollar will start your saving account at Our 3avings Department and may be the starting of a for tune . . . . . ' • r . . v > - ' If it is rtlbice Wtth you this minute between spending it- bank it here by all means, where it will, with all the other dollars you deposit, earn 3 per cent interest. !Y STATE BANK LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY A8 SEEN BY THE PLAINDEALER REPORTERS. supmvmm yr^tewtENT Amrf™ b* *«*# *i ' . BteHenry, STATE OF ILLI NOIS, ) M * - ' ? *„ Oounty of McHenry f*« V'Q5'? following Is a statement by James C. LtMld, supervisor of the Town of McBenry lo the County and State aforesaid, of the amount of public funds received and expended by him during the fiscal year just closed, ending on the ;«Hh day of March, 1909, showing the amount of public (nndson hand at. the com- rueucement of said fiscal year, the amount of public funds received and from what sources received, the amount. of public fundsexpend-r»<i 1 _ J * •%'* ** uam pui-puntr rA|/cu«i*u, uunii^ *aul tisesuyuap, Kiiding as aforesaid. ' lie said James O, Ladd, being duly sworn, doth depose and say, that the following state ment l>y him subscribed is a cornet state ment of the amount, of public fuudson hand at the commencement of the fiscal year almvo stated, the amount of public funds received and the sources.from which received, and t he amount expended, aud purchases for which expended, as set forth In said statement. Subscribed aud sworn to before me, t.lils 1st, day of April, 1909. H. c. Mead, Justice of the Peace. FUNUS BECl) AND FROM WHAT 8OURCK8 RKCO. Amt of public funds on hand at the commencement of the fiscal year commencing the3tst day of March, 1H08... . #2440.24 Kecd from county treas Aug. 18, 1908, bai of delinquent tax of 1907 ... ... 282.74 Heed from town collector March 30, I'.KMt, tax of 1908, including dog tax.. lWW.Xj liecd from J. J. Stafford on account of county paying far casket of Llenry J. „ , 17.00 Total amt reed from aitsonrces... .12208.2" Total receipts with amton band. UPbealthj Kidneys Make Impure Blood, Weak and unhealthy kidneys are liaeis larger than ever before, look over our before baying. 51 FONM BZrBKDRO AND FOR WHAT PCTRrOHK > EXPKNDKD. April 15, 1'B08, pd co treas poor farm bills from March 21, 1007, up to March SI. IU08, ltoclas£vo ...$ 34fi36 June8.100S, pd McHenry Plaindoaler for pub supervisor's report #.00 Sept 8, WW. pd co tresis poor farm bill from March 21, i90K, to Sept 1,14WS ... 1335.18 fept 8, 1908, pd clerks and judges of ' spring; election 36.00 Sept 8,1908, pd for auditing town bills.. «.<«; Sept 8,1908, pd for canvassing election returns of spring election. Sept 8,1908, pel J. V. Buck I and bail rent spring election, 1st precinct .. . Sept 8, liW8, pd John Kimball, 88 days assessing Sept H, 1908, pd John Kimball, 27 days thistle comr Sept s, 1908, pd Perry & Owen, bridge bonds Nos. 11 and 18 and int Dec 31,1908, pd Mrs. II. C. Smith, house rent for Mrs. Rossman March 30. 1909, pd poor bills for the De- Young family to the amt of March 30, 1909, pd poor bills for the Palm family to the amt of.. •... March 30,1909, pd poor bills for Henry Atkins March 30,1909, pd J. C. Ladd, overseer poor March 30.1909, pd N. B. Petesch, town clerk in full March 30,1909, pd John Boyle, services highway commissioner 21 days March 30,1909, pd J. R. Justen, services highway commissioner 21 days .. March 30.1909, Jas. L. Conway, services highway commissioner 17 days. March 30,1909, pd auditing board RECAPITULATION. Amton hand at beginning of fiscal year.. 8(440.31f I- 'V'-'i 2208.87 4.50 5.00 884.00 64.00 197K.00 18.00 07.61 35.97 85.22 50.00 58.40 42.00 48.00 84.00 4.50 Amt of funds reed during fis cal year (terns of Interest Picked Up Aboat Oar Busy Little Bars That May Concern Ton or Your Frienda. White Swan flour at M. U. Niesen's. Get yonr alabastine color card at Vy- cital's hardware. Easter dance at Stoffel 's hali next Monday-evening. F. O. Gane the auctioneer, anteee satisfaction. He gnar- Por everything in farm machinery see ns. Wm. Stoffel, PLOWS-PLOWS wtoiMg at handled ia the i"tx: es Agent, See that little girl lift her father with one foot? He weighs 196 lbs., and she is only O.years old--yet she caa li£t. him with otily one foot. 4 WHY--and what does the "WHY" mean to yon? -: r\ Simply this--it tnm.rt*. 'hat the Emerson Foot Lift Plows are the easi- f any plow made,--FOOT-CONTROL AL WAYS--in or out of the hardest soil. Manage the Plow with your Feet--your Horses with your Hands. The name EMERSON means easiest to katudle--lightest draft--and most durable. Every EMERSON (iang Piow is equip ped with 2000-mile magazine box and srle. When you buy an EMERSON»you buy for a lifetime, not for a few years, because an EMERSON will last as long as you Uv%.%. IN PLOWS THIS IS IT. YOUR MOST CRITICAL INSPEC- TlON . SOLICITKD. Emerson Foot Lift Gang EMERSON MANUFACTURING CO. Implement Builders Since 1852 ROCKTORD, ILLINOIS STOFFEL, Centerville, McHenry, Illinois fte.,: PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COrtMISSION MERCHANT ATOICNTION oivkn TO THK SAUS 0|F^ '; r . . . L;: > Dressed Beef, rlutton, Hogs, Veel, PouH^y, ^ ' Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This ia the oldest honae on the street application. COLO STURAUB FKEE Tags and (wioe listi fnmisliad on Easter hats, the very latest, at Hellen Adams1, Johnsbnrgh. Critically perfect for critical' buyers-- onr buggies. Wm. Stoffel. The Sherwin-Williams paint for all kinds of good painting at Petesch's. Onr ten ceqt goods are still the center of attraction. J. J. Vycital, hardware. The flour that always makes good bread, White Swan, at M. M. Nieeen'B. Is yonr gasoline stove in bad order? If so, bring it to Vycital and he will fix it. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--f l.75 for one year'B sabacription to both. One of the grandest displays of milli nery ever exhibited may be found at Hellen Adams'store, Johnsburgh. Have you seen our five and ten oent counter ? If sot, better call in and save money. 3 . 3 . Vycital. • The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two " Did It ever occur to you that yon can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as yon o<tn buy the ' blaQk envelopes at the store? One dollar a year for The Weekly In ter-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. Watch the label upon your paper, as your name may be next to be taken from onr list. We positively cannot forward piipers unleHH they are paid for within oue year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from our lists since the new postoffice ruling went into effect April 1. If you' have entertained company from assistance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of generaL interest, hand or mall it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. Wlii|ney Ih 8aft». - : ••The claims of Winnebago aatf L*ke counties to representation on the bench are similar. These two counties have the big legal business and each should always have a judge. This combine idea is only the tricky idea of the poli ticians in the two smaller counties to prevent one of the bigger counties from getting its just representation. The only thing for voters of Winnebago and Lake counties to do is to stand hand-in- hand for Judge Frost and Mr. Whitney and leave the smaller counties settle their own troubles.Roekford Re public. #*, Koticel To insure publication in The "'Plain- d«sl«r copy innst be in the offloe no t&ercforfe, if ki trouble is permitted to continue, serious re mits are most, likely to follow. Your other organs may need at tention, bnt your kid neys most, becawse they do most atfd Should have attention first. Therefore, when your kidneys are weak or out of order, yon can understand how quickly your en tire body is affected and how every organ seems to fail to do its duty. If you are sick or " feel badly," begin taking the great kidney remedy, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. A trial will con- vines you of its great merit.- Tho mild and immediate effect of Swamp* Root, the great kidney and bladrljr remedy, is soon realized. It st3ncb the highest because its remarkable health restoring properties have been proven in thousands of the most distress ing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in iifty-cent and one-dol lar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pai plilet telling yOU Home ofSwunp. how to find out if you have kidney or hjadder trouble. Mention this paper when v/riting to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. Don't make any mis take, but remember the name, Swamp- Root, and don't let a dealer sell you something in place of Swamp-Root--if you do you will be disappointed. Ant^kSS%Kii'i Balance on band...... ...$2317.87 . Jam tea O. Ladd. A Lawyer's Trick. "Such attempts as have been made to repndiate Mr. Whitney as the repre sentative candidate of his county have come from unworthy sources. That Lake county is fofr Judge Frost is now so tboroly understood that the AT TEMPT TO DRAG JUDGE FROST INTO A COMBINE TO HELP HIS WEAKER COLLEAGUES HAS FLAT TENED OUT DISMALLY. Prom the beginning it was a lawyer's trick, and it is not the lawyers who are to elect the judges. A mere bandfnl of men cannot dictate to the people, and their opposition to Mr. Whitney has only tended to strengthen him .wltb ple,Boekford Republic,, ^ Swept Over Niagara. This terrible ealamity often happens because a careless boatman ignores the river's warnings--growing ripples and faster current--Nature's warnings are kind. That dulj pain or ache in the back warns you the Kidneys need at tention if you wonld escape fatal mala dies--Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's dis ease. Take Electric Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all your best feelings return. "After long suffering from weak kidneys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me," writes J R. Blankenship, of Belk, Tenn. Only 50c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Maaquelet and others. Uniform T«xtbook«. Representative Carl S Bnrgett of the 34th district, Chicago, has introduced in the Illinois house alMll for an act to establish, maintain and regnlateasys tern of uniform public school text books, the passage of which by tbe legislature would save to the people of Illinois who need school books, and these are mostly people of ordinary means, the sum of more than $2,000,000. It would break up the most heartless monopoly in ex istence in the state of Illinois today, would make all schoolbooks alike in all parts of the state and thus save the people great expense and inconvenience. The Plaindealer hopes that Senator Ol son and Representatives Shurtleff, Stearns and Burns will give this bfll their heartiest support. Vote For Whitney. The Voter can vote one vote for Whit ney; or Whitney and Donnelly, or Whit ney and Frost; or Whitoey and Wright; or Whitney, Frost and Whight; or Whit ney, Frost'and Donnelly; or Whitney, Donnelly and Wright; or any other old way, bnt whatever way yon do vote, vote one vote for Whitney. . #** Want Column. All tMlvertisemeutu ingeffteil under tins li«ad at the following rates: Five lines or leit*, 3B centg Cor flnt Insertion; IB cents for neb subsequent liuertlon. More than flv* lines, fi cento a, line for tint Insertion, and S cents a line for additional Insertions. Senator Olson a Good GuMMr-li Strong; For Whitney. When in the city of Rockford March 4, a reporter of the Rookford Republic interviewed Senator Olson, and caused tbe interview to be published in the Rockford Republic. Mr. Olaon summed up the judicial situation, and added: "IT IS MY OPINION THAT JUDGE FROST AND MR. WHITNEY'ARE CERTAIN WINNERS AND THAT THE CONTEST IS BETWEKH EHE OTHER TWO CANDIDATES^ >** Read The Plaindealer. "CV3R SALE--Timothy seed, free from all -1- foul seed. Inquire of H. DrgeK, McHen ry. III. * 1IWR SALE:--Ten acres land with bouse and ^ barn at Johnsburgh, 111., at very low arice. Call on PcaRY & Owkn, at Bank of Icileury. :j7-tf XjV>R BENT--A small cottage suitable for J? small family, located west side of rail road tracks. For Information apply at this office. 38-tf SILKS, WAISTINGS," DRlbss GOODS, GINGHAMS, PERCALES. WAISTS, ALL STYLUS, FROM.. .76c to $4.00 «^§VALL PAPER! We are closing out %11 our odds and ends from last year's* itock at 50 per cent off. We also ,, jiave a jftrge line of new just in, ALL PRICES. . rJ ;; F. A. BOH LANDER, f l » W E S T M c M E N R Y , I L L I N O I S . xinm • . " ' * Do It Now! "'1 '} If"-'-f< 'a' -c * v , BUY your next -winter's Goal S# at SUMMER PRICES, WelJ- are making contracts for any ̂ quantity HARD COAL forji* l^pril Delivery. Special low-^ f prices on any kind of-SOFT feOAL in car-load lots. SEND J, v \ f- V ft*,.-'*- •'< i rnmt WEST, MciHBNRVc..^-^' i ILLINOIS ITHC. ^ 'ACKAGB XT^OR KAIjB--North and South Dakota land; -1- 115 to $25 per acre. Also farms in Minne sota. For further information apply or write E. W. Howe, McHenry, 111. 40-tf FOIi SALE--Quantity of timothy and clover seed, free from all foul seed. For further particulars inquire of W. E. Whiting, .West McHenry. 41-2t "GROUND-On public highway, between depot and Sherman's hill, a large folding key. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this notice. Call at West Side post office. pM3R SALE:-Four summer cottages on the river front, at very Sow price. Also farm lands, residences, village property and lots on the river front. Fkeby & Owjcrs, at Bunk of McHenry. 34-tf T^OR SALE OH BAP--A top buggy, together " with two sets of wheels, both 'Stoc! and rubber tired, latter tires nearly new. For further information inquire of John Stketz, one mile north of McHenry, on the Johns burgh r<iad. * It would be too bad to • rate your home in the ordli . nary way. simply because of not knowing you could il«» tt better for less money with Alaba*ttne. Better iln«l out oil about Alab^sllea first, any way. Call at our store and .Me tha, Alabiistine PorlfoBo of Pri*e Desijas It. i.-. vror'li lookirg-nt ev^n It vou have bo tiMau- tion at decotalinff. the .J 1 *\ * >1- v" Now is the time to think about spring painting and decorating. We car ry a full line of Sun Proof paints and V a r n i s h e s . A l s o tM*uslit»8 in all sizes and prices. Our stock is larger than ever before. Call and look over our line before buying. We guarantee to live you money. - j, * £ x-i r v.i.k - : np>, 13 per Black Langshau eggs, J1 per i5. 42-2t MRS. L. V. L08K, (irayslake. III, Phone, Round Lake, 125. "tv? U*OK SALE:--a seven-mroo cottage, togeth- " er with a frontage of 320 feet, divided in to five separate lots. Good cistern, cess-pool and out-door buildings on premises. Oood reasons for selling. Will be sold at, very low figures If taken at once. Inquire at this office 33-tf ARDWARE CENTERVILLE McHENRY, ILLINOIS* TELEPHONE NO. 541. We are offering in all departments some exceptionally good things--Dress Materials. Shoes and Ox fords, Hosiery, Underwear, Waists, Wr^prs and Groceries. In fact, every department is over-crowd ed, Look while the stock is complete. ^ m • n v . , DRESSINQ SACQUES Made of fine figured lawn, neatly trimmed and well made. An exceptionally good value, all sizes, choice.. • . ... •"--• 69c WRAPPERS Another shipment of those good 84 percale shirt wfciafc style wrappers, the kind that fit and wear, sizes 32 to 44, choice. 51.39 - ^ f SPRING COATS A nice clean line of Misses' and Children's Coats for spring ..Few at lrom *° H*®® --'•iiW'.n ifri-ij iiW' tiV .. I,Iiii.it .ijyr ,'vy"" . PETTICOAJS. ;V.. *. J Ladies' Underskirts made of good quality sateen, black lace effect flounce, fine values at..fi.oo, $1.39, $a.oo, $3.75 mtm HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Ladies' faaUilack Cotton Hose, a snap, per pair 10c, or 8 pairs for..... ... .. ...»«•• •••••• •• •• .-lie .. > ' 'r ! the kind that wear. Seethem at, per pair, i.".. r.I.. ...>•,>.. Ktf* «SC (2 for 25c), aoc, 39c Men's black guaranteed sock, three pairs guaranteed to wear three months 3 P«ira tor 75c V. l",'1'*#'1, ."'U I . Men's Summer Underwear, fine value &t.... . .35c and soc 0 ' - ' ' , A fine line of Ladies' and Misses' Undergarments in both knit and muslin"at money saving prices. Come and Stall I CHICAGO, «rk<-t. KSIFf 1 ',. '\ . -J'-ii; • 4;