Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1909, p. 8

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V", S" New slvMa. new co ora. Ready made made to order KL * S(* ^ : Come, inspect trie line, see why we CAN SAVE YOU Portsmouth ON A SUIT AND GIVE YOU BET­ TER. THAN TAI LOR MADE. ^ 1 SINCERITY CI .OTHES Copyright ^ '7^ Vf] m QUARTER OF ACfeNTUflY. It*ia® Clipped from Ttaa PJatanlaaler t April !•, 188*. • Those persons who have began mak­ ing garden are of the "sooner" kind. The scarcity of local news about town is evidence of the fact that people are ail it home attending to their own bnat- nesa. * Miss Effie Tilton went to Savanna, III,, on Monday morning, being called there by the edridus illaess .ojE her sistor, Mrs. Win. Pox. k The team of Pat Clary made a lively rnoaway on Saturday last, starting from near the depot. Clary was thrown oat, bat miraculously escaped uninjnred. Cows have rarely been higher siuce the cow jumped over the moon than they are this season. From fifty to sixty dollars is about the figure for an average "scrub" dairy bovine. JOSEPH W. FREUND. Dollar isn't much But it's worth saving! One dollar will start your saving account at Our Savings Department and may be JJie starting of a for­ tune. * If it is a cioice with you this minute between spending it- bank it here by ail means, where, it will, with all the other dollars you 4eposit, earnSjjer cent interest. WEST MCHENRY STAIE BANK PLOWS-PLOWS See that little girl lift her lather with one foot? H" weighs 19tf lbs., aadshe is oaly 6 years otd--'yet uhir nm Wft fciw.. with only one foot. t ' WHY--and what does the "WHY" mean to yon? Simply this--it means that the Emerson Foot Lift Plows are the easi­ est handled in the field of any plow made,--FOOT-CONTROL AL­ WAYS--in or out of the hardest soil. Manage the Plow with your Feet--your 1 lorses with your Hands. The name EME RSON means easiest to handle---lightest draft--and most durable. Every EMERSON Gang Plow is equip­ ped with 2000-mile magazine box and axle. When you buy an EMERSON you buy for a lifetime, not for a few years, because an EMERSON" will last as long as you live. IN PLQWS THIS IS IT. YOUR MOST CRITICAL INSPEC- 50LICITHD. FRESH FISH This market will on all Fridays and Past Days be in a position to fur­ nish #to the public the finest line of Fresh Fish ever' brought into the town. Send or telephone your orders and let us fill them for you in a manner that will please. :: :: E. F. Matthews, West McHenry, 111. TELEPHONE - - 30a wiiiimHUMMnmnmnmimmH PROBATE NEWS I IiiMiiimiHwiiiiimmmMrtuwWMMwiMtH [Furnished by McHenry (Jounty Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones (84, 903 and 911.1 RE A L ESTATE TRA NSFERS. * Kami. W. Hmit.ii & w to Almira M. Brown, It 8 blk 16, McHenry, w side river. 9 1X10 Chas. F. Smith it w to Almira M. Brown, It 8 blk 16, McHenry, w side river. 1.00 Georgia M. Smith to Almira M. Brown, It M blk Hi. McHenry, w side river 1.0 Elizabeth H. Owen to same, It 7 blk 16, same 1.00 John May & w to Henry J. Hettermanu, n pt of sub It 1 of It 40, Johasburgh 36.00 Ella L. Wliitlug & bus to Michael Welch, Its 7, 8, it, H an ley's out Its, McHenry... VV|llard E. Smith & w to Julius f). Smith, nHsetsf \ s'4sw!i sec 111, McHenry, r H.. Julius I). Smith & w to vVillard E, Smith, & ntfswX sec 10, McHenry. r Same to same, :t.or> a in nwHst-V seclttft 5 4-_'a seH'sw* sec 1«, McHenry, r8 WUiard IS. Smith & w to Julius D. Smith, ain sw'<seH soc lfi, McHenry, r 8.. . EMERSON FOOT LIN- GANG EMERSON MANUFACTURING CO. Implement Builders Since 1852 XOCKTORD, ILLINOIS WM. Sales Agent, STOFFEL, Centerville, McHenry, Illinois 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Rinfjwood factory $1.61, Carlisle, at the Thorn peon factory, paid $1.60 for the same month. Johu I, Story ia making some new and excellent improvements in his residence and when completed will have one of the most coxy and convenient housesin the village. The Luke Geneva p&>p!e are Iroiqg in­ to spasms becnwse the Northwestern railroad company Wish to extend their track to the lake shore. It would take away the occupation Of haekmen, hence the kick. At the election on Saturday last for two township school trustees, Isaac Jecks was elected for the fall term and Dr. H. T. Brown to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of E. Grtewold from the district. Yes, March came in and went oat also like a lion--head up and tail fop. Winter still lingers in the lap of spring and yet the robins and bine birds have made their appearance. We are afraid the early bird will catoh a severe cold.' J, Oattnan paid for January milk at the McHenry factory $1.69, and at the^ beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne • at Oct. Fill a bottle or conunoa gtaas with your iter and tofrit wt»wi IwtuiT-jcmr boors; • brick dttttsedi- meat, or settling, •tringy or milky appearance often indicates an un­ healthy condi­ tion of the kid­ neys ; too fre­ quent desire to pass it or pain in the back are also symptoms that tell you the kidneys and bladder are out of order and need attention. ~ What To Do. There ia comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting rheumatism, pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or Annul Statement of School funds. Annual statement of school funds by the school treasurer of TownShfp No. 45, u, r 8 e, McHenry county. 111., for the year banning April 1,1906, and ending April 5,1909: Account with school trustees. RECEIPTS. v Township fund on band April 1,1908....$ 519.54 Notes paid ,... 150.00 Reed from county superintendent.. ... 883.86 Interest paid on notes ,...... U7.90 Total 3471^0 KXPKMDITnBBS. Distributed to districts.. $ 390.06 Expenses ;..... 10H.70 Publishing annual report....... : 5.00 Township funds ou hand......... ..969.54 Total ..$1471.30 Account with districts. •< RECEIPTS. .$1901.13 .. 390.06 ..•478.21 Telegraph and fMstrfetsbalance April J, IMS... Distributed by trustees Special district taxes Railroad, Telephone, back taxes.. From other treasurers... Tuition Special fund, district 15.. Total...... l Paid out for District No, ,** .s KXPENDITUTTM* M. cv 1 - •• » ' «• M , •. <4 • - Balance on hand April 5,1 15. 17. M. 41.. p935.84 ^324.20 '271.32 77.50 .. . .$14768.20 .. ..$ 1059.50 ,#590.21 ...... 36.55 •1.,.^ 4289.78 '247.77 lawdaBi.flo >,.;;;^39i 75 '325.65 h7&.2- 22.50 . ./ 114.00 . ... 6329.55 cessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night--The mild and immediate effect of Swaunp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest be­ cause of its remarkable health restoring prop­ erties. If you need a medicine yoa should have the best.. Sold hy druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar gizx-s. You may have a sample bottie sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing­ ham ton, N. Y. Mention this paper and remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-, Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Ofti line is Jarger than ever before* Call ; * ' and look over our litie ;i " > > before buying, - SILKS, WAISTINGS, 0RESS GOODS, GINGHAMS, PERCALES. WAISTS, ALL STYLES, FROM.. .75c to $4.00 WALL PAPERI We are closing out all our odds and ends from last year*f£ stock at 50 per oant off. We also] have a large line of new just ill, ALL PRICES. •pm WEST McKENKY, ILLINOIS. /FRANKLIN PAGE. 8k»l«h of His Life u Taken PM)I| gltj. Ion, Minn., Paper. .......$14768.26 P H I L I P J A E G E R '^QEISERAL COriMISSION MERCHANT « y • % ^ £<3 ECL4I» ATTENTION GIVEN TO THIB BALE OF ssed Becf, riutton, Hogs, Ve«l, Poultry, tc., Butter and Eggs 'Mi >n the street Tags and price list* fnrnlshad on g ^ QOLO STOR AQB FREE MAKRIAGE LICENSES. T^ouiH Turner, 34. Solon Mills Jennie Linden, 19 Aurora Edward (I. Ulven, 25 , Beloit Lacy Baldwin, 18 Lake Geneva Henry W. Knopp, 28 Harvard Nora M. Teeple, 17i .'. .Alden Fred Klicko, 31 .Harvard Bertha Baars, SRI. " Arthur Lee, 21.. .Elgin Ethel Peaae, 17 .Algonquin Lily itkft itfmi. Tillie and Agnes Wagner called on Mrs. P. W. Stoltzke Sunday afternoon. Misses Mae Wegener, Madge Pfan- nenstill and Tillie and Agnes Wagner attended church in Volo Snnday. . Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Stadfield and eon, Stanley, of Volo called at the P. Pfan- neuHtill home at Lake De&a&ca Snnday afternoon. Who knows a good time when they see one? Missus Tillie and Agnes Wag­ ner, Lauretta Fetter, Franlt Pfannen- still, Isadore Fetter of Lily Lake and James Walmsley of Chicago called on one of their neighbors here Sunday evening, and all reported a pleasant time, especially those who stood in the gate last. The Y. M. Q. A. clnbmet at the home of Miss Anna Steinsdoarfer near Lily Lake last Sunday afternoon and a fine time was enjoyed. The members of the clnb who were present are as follows: Misses Tillie and Frances Wagner, Annie Hteinsdoerfer, Madge Pfannen- Htill, Freda Holtz, Isabella MoClintock, Mary aud Lena Steinsdoerfer. A de­ licious supper was served by the jolly hostess, which was relished by all who partook of same. The next meeting of the clnb will take place with Miss Tillie Wagner next Snnday afternoon. Total I hereby certify the above statement to be correct to the best of my knowledge aud be­ lief. OLIVEB N. OWEN, Treasurer. Sworn and subscribed to before me tiiis 8th day of April, A. D. 1009. JAMES B. PERRY, Notary Public. How KuMr Day Is fixed. The determination of Easter is the most important of the chnrch year, as from this all other movable feasts are computed and this forms the corner­ stone of the entire year. The date of Easter has been computed for many years ahead and a list of these dates can be fonnd in various encyclopedias and year books. Webster's dictionary gives the following explanation of the method of calculating the day: "Easter day, on which the rest of the movable feasts depend, is always the first Snnday after the fourteenth day of the calendar moon which fell on, or next after, the 21st of March, according to the rules laid down for the construction of the calendar, so that if the 14th day happen? on a Snnday Easter day is the Snnday after. This year the calendar moon happened the week preceding March 38, and fourteen days from March 28 was April 11. One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter-Ocean; $1.60 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. Mnrray County Herald, Slay ton, Minn., Friday, March 19; Franklin Page died at his home east of town last Saturday afternoon after an illness of several yean. The cause of his death was hardening of the artei ies. The disease grew gradually, and for a num­ ber of months he has been entirely help­ less. The best medical skill wassdnght, but no human aid conld stay the rav­ ages of the disease. At times his suf­ ferings were intense, but all that loving hands oould do to relieve him was dona. The deceased was born at Oriskany, N. on November 9, 1850. At the age of five years his patents moved to McHenry, IU., where he grew to man­ hood. In 1887 he came to this county and located on the farm east of town, which has ever since been his home. On February 6, 1896, he was married to Miss Mary Watson in Chicago. She and two adopted children, three sisters and one brother survive him, He was a well to-do farmer and leaves valuable property. The fnneral was held from the Epis­ copal church at 2 o'clock yesterday afternoon and was conducted by Rev. R. E. TenBroeck of Windom. There was a large attendance of neighbors and friends present to pay their last respects. The interment was in the Slayton cem­ etery, r-' Want Column. Al l advertisements inserted under this head at the following: raten: Klve linen or leas, 26 centa tor first insertion; 15 cents tor each subsequent insertion. Mult: tli&u five lines, 5 cents a line for tli at insertion, and 3 cent* a line (or additional insertions. Xi^OR SALE--A 66x132 choice hutldlng lot -1- lying on east side banks of Fox river near bridge. ALBERT KBADSE, McHenry. 111. - "EpOUND-- An 18-k solid gold band ring. " Owner can have same by proving prop­ erty and paying for. ibis notice. HKNRI MILLER. KNRY 43-lt TJVOR SALE:--Ten acres land with house and -1- barn at Johnsburgh, 111., at very low price. Call on PBRBY & Ows», at Bank of UcHenry. 37-tf XJNOR RENT--A small cottage suitable tor ^ small family, located west side of rail­ road tracks. For Information apply at this office. dH-tf "E^OR SALE--North and South Dakota land: |15 to $25 per acre. Also farms in Minne­ sota. For further information apply or write E. W. HOWE. McHenry, III. 40*tf TJ\OR SALE:--Four summer cottages on the river front, at very low price. Also farm lands, residences, village property and lots on the river front. FERRY & OWEN, at Bank of McHenry. 34-tf OEKIN and Indian Runner duck egss, 10 ^ cts. each; White Holland turkey etfgs. 25 cts. each; S. V. Black Minorca esgs (North- up>, fl per 15: Black Langsliau eggs. Si uer 15, MRS. L. V. LUSK, Orayslake, 111. Phone, Round Lake, 15J5. OIRL WANTED-- For «eneral housework vJ Must be reliable and abl« to do anything in the way of housework. Will pay 15.00 week to the girl who can fill the position. Do It'Now! • .. I ' rt- ' J 'V JA*"'"' - -- Z * r , t J " ' * BUY your next winter's CoaP at SUMMER PRICES. We are making contracts for anf quantity HARD COAL fb| April Delivery. Special .4o^ prices on any kind of SOF'E COAL in car-load lots. SENljg iM ILLINOIS WEST McHENRV, quire or write JOBKPH MA AS, iMstakee Bay, near Kingsley's hotel. ¥n uire or write JOSEPH HAAS, Rqluimafott^ge^ -X^OR SALE:--A seven-room cottage, togeth- ^ er with a frontage of 330 feet, divided in­ to five separate lots. Good cistern, cess-pool and out-door buildings on premises. Good reasons for selling. Will be sold at very low figures i£-tabes at Oace. JLn^uSre at this office Ai-tf •THE. IPACKASE mr It woiild be too bad to deoo* rate your home In the ordt* nary way. simply because of not knowing yon could do It belter for leas money wllh Alahastine. Better ft*4 out all about Alabasltee first, anyway. store and Me^||K, ' Alabustine Portfolio ol 1'riie Designs ' It ia worf.t lookinuat wnif yon have no immediate intaa* tion «*' decora Una- NJOW is the time 1 to think about spring painting and decorating. We car- .,,.„ry a full line of Sun I^Proof paints and L~ varnishes ^AI s o brushes in all sizes and prices. Our stock is larger than ever before. ; Call and look over our ^line before buying. We guarantee to Sive yeu money. Vycital CENTERVILLE HARDWARE V % -If McHENRY, ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE NO. 54". We are offering in all departments some exceptionally good things--Dress Materials. Shoes and Ox­ fords, Hosiery, Underwear, Waists, Wrappers apd Qtofap*. to%et, dej^rtnj^t is over-crowd- ed. Look while the stock is complete. " 'I, •, '• 'i!? . ' v" DRESSINO SACQUES Made of fine figured lawn, neatly trimmed and well made. An exceptionally gpod value, all sizes, tz*9* WRAPPERS # Another shipment of those good 84 percale shirt waist style wrappers, the kind that fit and wear, sizes 32 to 44, choice............. SPRING COATS A nice clean line of Misses' and Children's Coats for spring wear at from, Sa.p8 to I4 00 ~ PETTICOATS Ladies' Underskirts made of good quality sateen, black lace effect flounce, fine values at. .$1.00, $1.39. $»•««, Sa.75 HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR Ladies' fast black Cotton Hose* a snap, p^r pair 10c, or B pairs for.... * ,.a5c Men's Socks, the Jfind tiiat wear. tSee them at, per pair, IOC, 15c (2 for 25c), aoc, 35c Men's black guaranteed sock, three pairs guaranteed to wear three months......"3 N" lor 75c Men's Summer Underwear, fine value a t . . » . a s c a n d 50c A fine line of Ladies' and Misses' Undergarments in both knit and muslin at money saving prices. Come and see.

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