Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 15 Apr 1909, p. 4

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|F ,i ' f' ' • ":r.- .1 - . J* * y. fSStHM *% i» r/ft'-rf' C ' rf: - * w • y -jr" A&-' Ct-H 'HV- -, #' " 1|' "-j\ • . PATRONIZE YOUR HOME INDUSTRY AND ASK FOR ABLY RISER THAT'S THE NAI*1E ASKVOUR QROCER POR l i l:?:Sr-Why'be without-^ "• + »• . * < * the best family flour ?«&,;•* T*VS wm «*.v - .! w.'v j, SS"""" ..... „. • * : H. ^ OF A PERSONAL NATURE imen rEAST SIDE IPHWY HI SER FANCY FAMILY nM »/ J.SPENCERV A ^ M*H£NfiV ILLS FOR SALE--Hard Spring Wheat for seed. Our fresh ground Whole Wheat Flour makes excellent pancakes. Qralum Flour- Breakfast Food Corn rieal Buckwheat Flow Rye Flour Pumpernickel Floitr WEST McttENKV, ILLIN JOHN SPENCER, Prop. Horses For Sale! At C*L F. J. Berry'* Mountain Meadow Stock Farm i 1-2 miles north of Wanconda, Lake Co., III., can be seen a stock of first-class farm and genera purpose horses and mares suitable for the road and ill i farm work, weighing 1100 to 1500 lbs. Also several gentle broken single drivers. Prices *s."> to $200. No plugs. All the best ages and a servlceably sound lot. All horses guaranteed as represented at time of delivery. Come and see them, and Joseph Peter- M.n, superintendent, will take pleasure ID showing stock and sell everything at lowest market price. Fresh consignment from Iowa and Minnesota re­ ceived and sold weekly at the farm. COL.. F". U. BERRY ' ;'V:' TV s Have you seen that CRAWFORD ROADSTER? It's a daisy and only $1250. It can't be equaled for less than $1500.,, If you are interested in the purchase of ,a car kindly call McHenry 611 and ask for a demonstration.. Also come and see that Gray engine, 4 H. P., complete outfit for $86. Look over your boat and auto and see if you need any sup­ plies, as we have thorn here. RIVER BRIDGE GARAGE HOWELL BROS. McHenry, 111. The McHenry Plaindealer PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY F. Q. SCHREINER. OSes la Bank Building. Telephone, No. SB. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: One ye**.... CUtt Its auBftaa. 75 eta. Thfee months. 46 eta. TJuuvdajr, April 15, 1909. FACTS FOR VOTKE8 City election, April 30, 1809. School election, April 17, 1906 Judicial election, Jane 7, 1909. CAKDIDATE BY KETITION. I hereby announce myself a candi­ date, by petition, for president of the board of the village of McHenry, Mc­ Henry ooonty, Illinois, and respectfully auk the support of ray friends. «-4T* F. H. WATTLW. CAM>1 DATES BY PETITION We hereby annonnee ourselves as candidate for the Tillage board of the village of McHenry by petition, as fol­ lows For President, SIMON 8TOFFKL. 5 - For Trustees, 1®. B. G. CHAMBERUN, JOS. W. FkEI ND, FEED N1CHOIA li TILLAGE ELECTfOK. Notice is hereby given thatonTnes- ^y> the 20th day of April, at the city ball in the village of McHenry, in the «mnty of McHenry and state of/Illi­ nois, an election will be held for the following village offices, viz: One vil­ lage president, three village trustees and one police magistrate. Polls will be open at 7 o'clock in the morning and will continue open until 5 o'clock of the same day. Given under my h*nd at McHenry, Illinois, this 17th day of March, A. D. H. E. PRICE, Village Clerk. SM5C1A £ ELECTION CAUCUS. Notice is hereby given that a caucus -|riU be held at 2 o'clock p. m. on Fri- iP< Jay, April 10th, 1909, at the village •«J ftan McHenry. 111., for the purpose of nominating a candidate for President I «f the Board of Education, and two ibembers of said Board. *** PER ORDER. CANDIDATES FOR MEMBERS OF THE BOARD OF EUV'CATION, The undersigned, hereby announce themselves as candidates for members of the board of education, subject to the decision of the special election caucus to be held at the village hall in the vil­ lage of McHenry tomorrowi (Friday) April 14 JOHN H. MILLER, PATRICK J. CLEARY. Place Your Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- office in the country circular let ter to the public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his en velopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner. Up Before the Bar. 1#. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts- field, Vt., writes: "We have nsed Dr. King's New Life Pills for years and find them each a good family medicine we wouldn't be without them." For Chills, Constipation, Biliousness or Sick Headache they work wonders. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masquelet's and others. Jos. J. Mertes, the popular proprietor of the Oak Park summer resort at Pis- takee Bay, has decided to put in a first- class stoek of groceries and fruits at his place and has secured the services of Geo. R. Gilbert to conduct tbe business for him. Mr. Mertes has an eye for business and his new venture will no doubt be a paying one In securing the services of Mr. Gilbert he has a thoro grocery man, a good worker and gener­ al good fellow. Success to you, Joe. If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, bad a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to thiB office for publication. All items will be thankfully received. Nothing like knowing what's going on. We keep you posted locally, but The Weekly Inter-Ocean gives the news of all the world. By our special ar­ rangement von can secure both papers for one full year for the very low rate 11.75. .P#!̂ not Color the Hair it * : " *•»«•'• H-1' v,«or m - : • w W m m m r . D e s t r o y s « e r m s : •""Tr* " ««r Visor ""pnr IJWtroyS germs tlial cause dandruff -- * cTMMhesand ^ " A^^l8' ! ing' Food to the hair-butt*. Wrimn. A strong tonic, antiseptic, stimulant Indium Otlond. Cleansing, quiets irritation of CupsK um. Increases activity of glands, •age- Stimulant, tonic. Domestic remedy of hldh m m fctohol- Stimulant, antiseptic. Wate,! - -- " • rcniNlie, Show this formula to your doctor. Ask him if iiuwo. . Ask him if he thinks AVer's Hair Mtlaa vou could use for Callino .t > , lOnnufa. is ftie best prcpa' you could use for faUms, hair, ^uff. Ut him decide. He knows, WW?* WE ENTERT/UN WHERE WE GO. He lien ry Kn ter tains • Ltrfc Company of Visitors During the Week-Whom W« KntertalB. 1 Mrs. E. W.. Howe spent Wednesday in Chicago. Simon Stoffel transacted business in Chicago Tnesday. Josef Rogers of Elgin spent Sunday With friends hers. N. A. Hnemann attended to business In Chicago Tuesday. John P. Smith was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. G. vV. Besley was a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday, f F. J. Barbian boarded tin Chicago train Tuesday morning. Warren Howell was a Chicago passen­ ger Wednesday morning. F. A. Bohlander attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. Lewis Bishop was tbe gtiest of North Crystal Lake friends Sunday. James McLaughlin of Chicago spent Sunday with his mother here. Arthur Bickler of Elgin spent Satur­ day and Sunday with relatives here. Dr. C. H.'Fegers, Sr., was a profes­ sional visitor in Chicago Wednesday. Jack McLaughlin and wife* of. Ring- wood spent Sunday with home folks. O. C. Murray and family of Johns- burgh spent Sunday with relatives here. Mrs. T. H. Bethke and children spent Saturday and Sunday with Dundee rel­ atives. James Field of Chicago was th^ guest of R. Sherburne and family one day last week. Miss Edna Loveland of Rockford spent Saturday and Sunday at the Laughlin home. Mrs. C. Sabel and Mrs. S. J. Wagner , of Volo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Winkel. Miss Hellen Adams of Johnsburgh and Mrs. John E. Freund were Chicago visitors Wednesday. Theo. H. Bethke returned home Sun­ day from Alinena, Wis., whence he had gone with his father. Mrs. C. D. Ross of Chicago is now making her home with Dr. and Mrs. F. C. Roes at Orchard Beach. Walter Freund returned last week from Almena, Wis., where he had been receiving treatment for his eyes. Mrs. L. F. Block and children were guests of Mrs. Block's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Albright, at Algonquin 'last week. * Mesdames Julia and E. G. Price and daughter, Edyth, of Genoa Junction spent last Saturday at tbe home of H. E. Price here. Mr. and Mrs. John B. Young were called to Spring Grove Sunday thru the serious illness of Mrs. Young's mother, Mrs. Wm. Hay, who is suffering from a stroke of paralysis. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bohlander and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gilbert enjoyed an auto ride to Elgin on Sunday last where they spent a pleasant day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Eaton. Mrs. F. E. Wad hams came oat from Chicago Wednesday morning to open up their snmmer home, Sunnyside cot tage, on Fox river. She will entertain a party of friends next Sunday. Martin J. Stoflfel of Elgin visited his parents here Sunday. Martin speaks very encouragingly concerning his fu­ ture in Elgin and our people are glad to know that he is doing So well. We have just received a fine line of fine gasoline and kerosene stoves. Call and get our prices. J. J. VycitaL Spring Opening Dance. A spring opening dance will be held at Stephen H. Smith's hall, Johnsburgh, on Wednesday evening, April 21, to which a cordial invitation is extended to all. Floor committee: Johnsburgh, Fred and Anton Smith; Pistakee Bay, John Pitzen; Dighton, Henry Stilling; Yolo, Henry Stadfield; McHenry, Will Heimer and John P. Weber; Ringwood, John Freund; Solon, Ben Tonyan; Spring Grove, Nick Klein; Woodstock, Besnisley; Crystal Lake, R. A. Spangler. Music by Wood's orchestra of Ringwood. Tickets, 50 cents. GIRL , WANTED--To learn art of tailoring. Must be 'handy with needle. Apply at once. J. D Lodtz, McHenry, Low Colonist Rates To Pacific Cout Dally Throughout April. These special low rate tickets are available on our daily and personally conducted tours in tourist sleep ing cars through to the coast, via the Chicago, Onion Pacific & North Western Line. For full particulars write S. A. Hutch­ ison, Manager, Tourist Dept., 212 Clark St., Chicago, 111., or address nearest ticket agent. April 22 Notltfe «« Hanters. Owning to the fact that I have on my premises a number of tame decoy ducks, I hereby give notice that after this date no hunting or trespassing will be al­ lowed upon said premises without per­ mission from me. The law will posi­ tively be strictly applied on all persons- not heeding this warning. Maktin J. WAQNKR, Dated April 1, 1909, Notice I Notloet Notice is hereby given that dumping rubbish of any sort on the Borden prop­ erty just below the mill dam is from this date strictly prohibited. Any per­ son or persons not complyiug with this notice are placing themselves suhiect to a heavy fine. April 8, 1909. ~ BORDEN CONDENSED MILK CO. Nntieo to Farmer*. " Hanly Bros., having leased th« cat! ning factory formerly owned by the Mo Henry Canning company, will operate same this season, and are now ready to contract for corn and will pay fn per ton for same. 1 HANLV BROS. For Village of McHenry, lll| Election, Tuesday, April *o, 1909 BY PETITION BY PETTTIOlf For Village Preside**, Q SIMON STOFFEL. [rtif¥fi1 liAaurfikfii! ft# Village President F. H. WATTLES ? "V » Mj ' " For Village Trustees, • R. G. CHAMBERUN, CD vm»ge Tnuitew, • FRED J, NICKELS' W.fREDND • • £ \T& "J* • • • I' to.'; t •A: For Police S|agistrate, • •• .* "I • "/v',-V;-' >"•>- i I hereby Certify that the above is a tree specimen of the official ballot to be voted at the annual Village'Elec­ tion, in the Village of McHenry, McHenry Q^^^i^is, on Tuesday, the 20th day of April, 1909. J ^ < ' H. E. PRICE, Village Clerk. C E N T R A L g g g S l . ...QNE NIGHT... | Sunday, •/ * . 'V ,:~I '• ' # THB HOME OF I'FRESH, PURE MBATS, SAUSA­ GES, ETC. OUR PRICKS WILL PLKASK YOU. ' 1 J. BU(H, Prop. Tel. 841 The Musical Comedy The Typewriter Girt WITH Miss Elsie Tray nor v IN THE TITLE ROLE ... H Supported by a strong company, introducing the latest song lilts and high-class specialties throughout the performance. PRICES At 35C, 35C, 50C petesch's. Chi-Namel vl« a liquid finish for floors, ( - interior woodwork and met­ al that's really far superior Jo any other made. % , Chi-Namel wears wonder­ fully well. It is elastic, tough and durable. Thump­ ing, scraping, walking and • jirashihg won't mar its high .! gloss surface. A blow from a hammer indenting the Wood will not mar the var- / nisii. Linoleum orOil Cloth given ..arfjoat of Chi-Namel regains iti original brightness and a new lease of life. Boiling Water will not af- .^liiet Chi-Namel. Nothing e<jual to Chi-Namel for fin­ ishing new floors, old floors, window «a«ings, bathrooms etc, ' - - 3. W. Ringwood, BROWN : : Illinois G a r d e n S e e d s ! . .. 1: W - K Flower Seeds, Onion Sets, Peas, Bean^ SOMETHING NEW| Fancy Gold. Decorat­ ed Water Sets.| ̂ ls® Table and Berry Sets to match. I can save you money on assort! merits of can goods* J O H N S T O F F E L , r-W- ' West Mcllesiry. Telephone 301 NORTHWESTERN -- t 'TELEPHONE NO. 368 c o n <**•!• i . ' fc- . L. F. MARTIN'S •« i" Is your gasoline stove in bad order? If HO. bring it to Vynit^l he T?ijj fls CENTRAL *-?'<!• y? April 44 and Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 50 per day. mco. stmtssit. pth. WEST McHENRY. Renting Paint That's what it means to paint an pmpty house with Sherwio Williams Paint (S. W. P. Prepared) The house wont stay empty long. S.. W. 'P. makes old houses look new and makes new houses stay new. It wears longer and is the most economical paint to use. Call on us for color cards. ^ IM. H. Petescli, McHenry, : ; Illinois Professional, Socity ^ and B\»siaesss Cards OAVID G. WELLS, M. D. OHYSIOIAN,SDBGEON AND OCULIM j; Offlce and residence corner Elul u McHeorv. Teleobone Na 8* FEOEKS & PEGEES SURGEONS, McHen^V 'HT UFISCU fit RNBTI^AnpA iinvnaa ^Iaii m#. aasA' Eh Offl Residence, comer CourtMI< i. ^i«3puGijc ijiia. ». T. SMILEY ^TTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, Illinois BrOD^ V ftnr n^i^1611 hls car® be l»roperiy aaa promptly attended to. CHAMBERLIN I>R. R. Q. DENTIST omcc and Residence over fl. J. WiMi'i Hours: Swo to 5:30. Www? MOHSNHT, Itt, TKtpbwwN*. 6^ DK. ARNOLD MUELLER, | Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. TtbplNm No. 2,) S«MON Insurance Agent foi all classssof property in the best Companies. West McHenry, UllaolS The Riverside Liver^ R. I. OVBJRTON, PROP; M 'Buses Htotel; . Fox Lake. xmet all trains for Riverside Hotel and points on Pistakee Buy and Teaming of all kinds done promptly. Special attention eiven to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. McHENRY, - - ILLINOIS!? - • ' H O. MEAD . JUSTICE OF THE PEACE --• AND INSURANCE AGENT. : / f. ana now prepared to insure all klnds<tf prop­ erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etft " - Also have x special line of Insurance on Liv» "• Stock Insuring against death from any caiise,'" - Ill-West McHenry, RETURNS OP Base Ball AND OTHER Sporting. Events By Spedii Wire at tho Limbert 0. Sent BUFFET 9> Filth Ave. CHICAGO Photo Studio McHenry, PORTRAITS, ' . OUTDOOR WORK, , ENLARGEMENTS, FRAMES, PORTALS. 'Phone 493. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else foils. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. Watch tbe label opnn your paper, as your nnuie may hnWsttobetaken from oar li*fc We positively cannot forward papers anletw they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from onr Hutu place the new poetoffice rnling went into effect WHEN that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you the good points in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on a first-class job. We guar- ; :: R. Putzke & (o. West McHenry. I'?' * Sfe- EXQUISITE Faster MILLINERY What yon should pay for your Easter hat is not so grtMit a problem as where yon should bny it. After nil, i* litii) that uOC8 not bfCOQiS J'Oli, that does not possess chic and grace, and is not in perfect style will not please you a* any price. The more yon consider this the more yon ap preciate the advantage of chooning yonr spring hat here, where not only do yon find style, grace, character and becouiingness but absolutely the lowest mUlim ry prices AS well Bv making skillful copies of the rirl<f>s< niodels obtainable and nsing 1P»F> expen«ive materisls we are f>r>al.leri to offer ron «np«»rl>ly hosntifnl head wear at the most o-d;narv prices mniinortv pnrVr* are now in fnll E»«*er arr«y and yon are enrdi ally invited to in«|v»ct awl criticise the new spring styl«a. :: • :: The LOTUS niLLSNERY - | Spauldlng BMK., Wcat McHenry | $* I ' \ T # J I > - ;; J&-M, h ^ V V A -R * r 'S£-St

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