Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Apr 1909, p. 8

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:;w "l-"v' ,W£ '* * v" --&/•". -IfS-v w ' - •' »- r .*< ^ 'f, New styles, new co ors, Ready made or made to order at ^ ^ ^ ^ wv¥fe><> \ "'"'* •' ̂ '": ** •• V. I'f <i / K ^ %'. •'? W: )%. ; t '* i * visa^"--" • ' Come, inspect trie line, see why we CAN SAVE YOU I Portsmouth "f^H' $5 «<i* 4 K M if *ts ON A SUIT AND GIVE YOU BET­ TER. THAN TAI LOR. MADE. SINCERITY CLGTIiEb Copyright FRESH FISH Dollar much Butitfs worth saving! One dollar will start your saving account at Our Savings Department and may be the starting of a for­ tune. r If it is a choioe with you this minute between spending it- bank it here by all means, where it will, with all the other dollars you deposit, earn 3 per cent interest. WEST MtHEfikV STATE BANK *> PLOWS-PLOWS This market will on all Fridays and Past Days be in a position to fur­ nish to the public the finest line of Fresh Pish ever brought into the town. Send or telephone your orders and let us fill them for you in a manner that will please, :: :: E. F. Matthews, West McHenry, III. TELEPHONE - . »oa QUARTER OF A CENTURY. I tains Clipped from The Plaindeatcr of April 83, 1884. - f MJW t oot Lift Gang N MANUFACTUHWG CO. Farm Implement Builders S.».ce 18^2 ROC ^OV|U£K£U^Oi S See that little girl lift her father with one foot? He weighs 196 lb*., and she Is only 6 years old--yet she can lift kim. with only one foot. WHY--and what does Jhe "WHY" mean to you? Simply this--it means that the Emerson Foot Lift Plows are the easi- ^est handled in the field of any plow made,--FOOT-CONTROL AL­ WAYS--in or out of the .hardest soil. Manage the Flow with yout feet--your Horses with your Hands. The name EMF.KSON means easiest to kamdle--lightest draft--and most durable. Every E.ME.RSONGang Piowisequip- ped with 2000-mile magazine box and axle. When you buy an KMERSON yon buy for a lifetime, not for a few years, becatue an EMEKSON will last as long b live. IN PLOWS THIS IS IT. YOUR MOST CRITICAL INSPEC­ TION SOLICITED. Sales Agent, Centerville, McHenry, Illinois P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT ; SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF lib reused Beef, riutton, Hogs, V^al, Poultry, Hides, Etc.. Butter and Eggi '**!• is the eldttit htm* on the street Tags-and prtoe Mifc furniabed on ADDliCfttiOB .^V t;,;. / ,|JOLD STORAGE FRED - . , • •// •tall i * j, Pulton St. What carta Markat, - - fajfov- j£:au.WS& ¥•&• CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. W.RV;-;-R-- ' WI . TO fXPEDJTE DELIVER^, V J'o*»»e«i Uepartinaut AifctB«nil flfllriBi to litind Astiitent*. The following letter, which is of more than ordinary importance to those get­ ting their mail delivered by rural car­ riers, fully explains itself and should be r;i?en attention immediately. The letter cornea from the fourth assistant post­ master general at Washington and reads a* follows: g ^ April 15. 1008. The Pa&tmaalefr In order to expedite the delivery, collection and dispatch of rural mail, enable rnral carriers to cover tneir routes with celerity, and give the earliest possible service to patrous resid- iugon the' far ends of routes, the de­ partment will insist that all rural mail be so located as to be served with the greatest expedition. Yon are, therefore, directed to require ench rural carrier at your office to snb init io yon without delay, for tr.insmis siun to the department, the names of all patrons whose boxes can hot be nerved without leaving the road, dismounting, driving in deep ditches or on steep in (•lines, or on or across railway tracks in volving danger, or the approaches to whose boxes are obstructed. It is not required that boxes shall be erected be­ side the wheel tracks, nor on any par tu nlar corner of the crossroads, but t hey miiat be erected within the confinee of the road, and accessible, -on any (•' »mer. ' > It is not desirable that boxes be at­ tached to telegraph, telephone or elec­ tric light poles, or to fences or bnild- iners, but boxes should be securely fas­ tened to neat and strong posts firmly at the sideof the roads, at a sufficient height to be Berved by carriers without l ining from their seats or reaching thru wheel spokes. After boxes have been properly relo­ cated, and it is practicable to curtail carriers' schedules, postmasters will ad­ vise this office, Bo that changes in sched­ ules may be considered. When roads are in bad condition, postmasters are directed to make report thereof to the department, and to the proper local road officials and co-operate with them and patrons to the fullest ex­ tent, consistent with position and duty, to secure the improvement of the roads. The manifestation of interest and prop­ erly directed efforts by postmasters in the good-roads qnestion will in many instances be productive of excellent re­ sults. Respectfully, P. V. DEGRAW, ' Fourth Assistant Postmaster General. Swept Over Niagara. This terrible calamity often happens because a careless boatman ignores the river's warnings--growing ripples and faster current--Nature's warnings are kind. That dull pain or ache in the back warns you the Kidneys need at­ tention if you would escape fatal mala­ dies--Dropsy, Diabetes or Bright's dis­ ease. Take Electric Bitters at once and see Backache fly and all your best feelings return. "After long suffering from weak kidqeys and lame back, one $1.00 bottle wholly cured me," writes J. Ft. Blankenship, of Belk, Tenn. Only 50c at N. H. Peteach's, F. Masquelet's and others. B. Gilbert has the frame up for one of bis new stores near the depot. James B Perry, Esq., was elected school director on Saturday last in place of A. H. Hanly, whose term of office had expired, A violent snow storm visited this sec­ tion on Sunday morning, the ground being covered to the depth of full three i niches. This is a Httle rough for the Jlth of April. The work of putting in the new front to Perry & Oven's store has been commenced. When completed it will present a very handsome appearance. R Waite is doing the work. •W. E. Colby, who lives half a mile northwest of this village, is putting np a new barn, which when completed will be as Qne*a J^arn as can be found in this section. Peter Rothermel 1» the bows carpenter. J This is the season of the year when the average girl comes down town wear­ ing a veil so thick that you couldn't shoot a bullet thru it, and tbeu gets mad.because every gentleman friend she meets doe* not recognize her. Fun iH fnn, but when yon meet a man on a very dark night aud all in bin de maod his mouey, it is not so mnch fhn to you if he takes the thing in earnest and knocks yon down. So thought certain funny individual in this village on Saturday night. J. Pekovsky, who has purchased the brick store next door to the post office, has opened np with one of the finest stocks of cigars, tobaccos, pipes and smoking goods generally to be fennd in the county He also has a fine new pool table iq the room in the rear of bis store. Words to Freeze the Sottl. ' 'Your son has Consumption. Ilia case is hopeless." These appalling words were spoken to Geo. E. Siemens, a lead­ ing merchant of Springfield, N. C., by two expert doctors- one a lung special­ ist. Then was shown the wonderful lK>wer of Dr. King's New Discovery. "After three weeks' ujje," writes Mr. Hlevens, "be was as well as ever, would not take all the money in the world for what it did for my boy." In Fallible for Roughs and Colds, it's the safewt, surest cure'of desperate Lung diseases on earth. 50c aud $1.00. N. H. Peteecb, F. M&squelet and others guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free. Tto * tow Colonist Rate* To Pacific Goaat Dally Thruughout April. These special low rate tickets are available on our daily and personally conducted tours in tourist sleeping cars through to the coast, via the Chicago, Union Pacific & North Western Line. For fnll particulars write S. A. Hutch­ ison, Manager, Tourist Dept., 212 Clark St., Chicago, III., or address nearest ticket agent. April 22 Up Before the Bar. N. H. Brown, an attorney, of Pitts- field, Vt., writes: "We have used Dr. King's New Life Pills for years and find them such a good family medioine we wouldn't be without them," For Chills, Constipation, Biliousness or Sick Headache they work wonders. 25c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masquelet's aud others. We have arranged wjth The WeeWy Inter-Ocean BO that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together - with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken advant­ age of. ftan« fill is lea m MtlMlt tr mm* Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerful­ ness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order-xtr dis­ eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent _ that it is not uncom- man for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinate"*, too often, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should l)e able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet­ ting, depend upon it, thecaus€ of the diffi­ culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys aud bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser­ able with kidney* and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon rcali-.xul It by druggists, in fifty- cent and one-dollar sue bottles You may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands oi testi­ monial letters received from sufferers who found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address/ Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. PROBA TE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry <!ounfcy Attract Company, W.oodHtock, Illinois. OtHct> iu Ar­ nold Block, east side'public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing- Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time aud payments to suit borrower. Phones IW4, WIJ and idl.l REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. John D. Lodtz & w to J. E. Jacobs, It -r>4 Orchard Beach In sees 22,2s> McHenry, r 8 $XKM MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frank Ehrke, 27. •.. .Crystal Lake Ida E. Tessendorf, 21.. N. " " Gilbert Harris,>34 .1..McHenry Josephine Adams, 18., ... ... - " Milan W. Hopson, 48v.'/.tifeeJtstpr, Wis Hattie Peeper, 38. Valparinc, Jnd Wm. Stagaard, 28.. ... Madison, Wis Anna Johnson, 24. " " Wra. Tagnns, 28.,.. Hampshire Emma M. Martens, 21,.f' i.1. .Marengo ••I'd Rather Pie, Doctor, than bave my feet cut off, " said M. L Bingham, of Princeville, 111. "But you'll die from gangrene (which had eaten away eight toes) if yon don't," said all doctors. Instead, he nsed Buck leu's Arnica Salve till wholly cured. Its cures of Eczema, Fever Sores, Boils, Burns and Piles astound the world. 2.r>c at N. H. Petesch's, p.' Masquelet's and others. " , - One dollar a year for The Weekly In- ter-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from> far and near. Want Column. All aUvertiaemeiitu inattrted under thin head at the followlng rate.: Five lines or lent*, cunte for Urat loiertlon; 16 vents tor e&cii »ubt<tM)uent insertion. More than Ave lines, 5 cents a line for ilrst Insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions., rood work horse. Address or apply to H. Zimmbkmamn, West Mc­ Henry. 44-11 pOR 9ALE-A WANTED--A flrst-class cook in large fam­ily. Address William Lokimkk, INKS Dounlas Blvd., ChlcaKO, IU. 44 tf pOR SALE--A, tttixllB choice bin Id hit? lot E lying on east side bauksof Fox river near brldKe. Albert Kkacsk, Mc-Henry. 111. TpOR SALE:--Ten acres laud with bouse and barn at Johnsburtfh, III., at very low Srlce. Call on Pkkky A Owbn, at Bank of IcHenry. 37-tf Ti*OR RENT--A small cottage suitable for sntall family, located west side of rail­ road tracks. For Information apply at this office. ijS-tf Ti^OR SALE--North and South Dakota land: ilfi to$25per acre. Also farrus In Minne­ sota. For further Information apply or write E. W. Howe, McHenry, III. 40-tf Tj>OR SALE: -Four summer cottages on the -F river front, at very low price. Also farm lands, residences, village property and lots on the river front. FbBRY & OWKN, at Bank ofMcHeury. 84-tf CMRL WANTED--For geueral housework. 1 Must be reliable and able to do anythfrig lo the way of housework. Will pay &">.W npr week to the girl who can Mil the position. 'In quire or write Joskhh Haas. RohetnaCOTTAGE. Plstakee Bajj^ near King-sley's htrt^l. 43-t,f rvvOR SALE:-A seven-room cottage, lopetli- er wilb a frontage of divided in- to live separate lotS. Hood cistern', cess-pool and out-door buildings on premises, (iood reasons for selling. Will lie sold at very low Hgureti If taktiu at ouce. Inglitre at this office :w-tf is larger man ever before; Oalt and look over our line ^ fat fS* . 4;^ ^ - J "i %• x' • "*' *' "*•' SILKS, WAISTINGS, DRESS GOODS, GINC5HAMS, PERCALES. ^WAISTS, ALL STYLES, FROM.. -75c to $4.00 i.. ^v:4 WALL PAPER! We are closing ofti alt our odds and ends from last year^ stock at 50 per cent off. We alio: * shaye a large line of new Wall Paper •' - :FRIC3B^^; F. AiiiBOH LANDER, WKST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. (r "*'/ •'4 3v' t Vs.-*-1 •? -A;> -V-./ C. •> ' BUY your next winter's Goal at SUMMER PRICES. We are making contracts for any quantity HARD GOAL for April Delivery. Special low prices on any kind of SOFT COAL in car-load lots. SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES. N u WE^ai mctikmm ILLINOIS JTHt • IPACKAGCV iftAut v ,* l"'"\ *•< V it would he loob#dtod»co« rate -yosir home in the ortll» nary way. simply because r.f'not knowinif you could do it better for lo#s.muney with Aloba^iinc. Better find out all sboct Alttbastlife# first, anyway. Call at onr store and Alabiuitiiitt Portlolia ' 4 of 1Jesi#in8 I - ft »<j vcrtH V.ol(i;in at ill. ^":^MLSaTdiBle ; t*.-n Ot WWiin'p' , q ^fOW1« t tmt * to thinb^ about spring painting and decorating. We car­ ry a full line of Sun Proof paints and v a r n i s h e s * ' A l s o brushes in all sizes and prices; 'Our stock is larger than ever 'before. Call and look over our line before buying. We Hiiarantee - to you money. J. J. CENTERVILLE HARDWARE McHENRY, ILLINOIS. TELEPHONE NO. S4»- We are offering in all departments some exceptionally good fords, Hosiery, Underwear, Waists, Wrappers and Groceries, ed. Look while the stock is complete- :: things--Dress Materials, Shoes and Ox- In factp every department is over-crowd- . - :: :: t " DRESSING SACQUES Madeof fine figured lawn, neatly trimmed and well made. An exceptionally good value, all sizes, choice.... . . . .69c --- -- *j '• f --- WRAPPERS ^ 5 Another shipment of those good 84 percale shirt waist style wrappers, the kind that fit and wear, sizes 32 to 44, choice ; $1-39 SPRING COATS -- A nice clean line of. Misses' and Children'ja Coats for spring wear at from 1-- fto $4.00 # PETTICOATS : ; Ladies' Underskirts made of good quality sateen, black lace effect flounce, fine values at. .$1.00, $1.39. 5<> 00» Sa»-7S HOSIERY AND UNDERWEAR per pair Kte, or'3 " ^ He Ladies' fast UUuk^ Ilose,.4 3 pairs for..*'*..*» Men's Socks, the kind that wear. See them at, per pair, . , ^ . it. . 4 ,... wc, 15c (2 for 25c), aoc, asc Men s black gusikmifeied sflidli guaranteed to wear three months......... *iiv';»i• • • • 3 pairs for 75c Men's Summer Underwear, fine value at.. .. ..«sc ««MI S©C A fine line of Ladies' and Misses' Undergarments in both knit and muslin at money savin# prices. Come and See. it V ^

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