Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 May 1909, p. 7

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RUGS « AND « LINOLEUM « « At no time have we offered any* tiling like the assortment of beau­ tiful Floor Coverings which com­ prises our present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we have placed thereon. Call and see. m * MCHENRY; ILLINOIS. I 2̂* After Inventory Clearing Sale! We have too many goods on our shelves and in order to turn them into cash quickly will make tremendous sacrifice to do so until June 1. Look at these: 10 yards Best Calico, 8c quality -55c 10 yards good Dress Gingham, 10c quality 75c 10 yards Amoskeag Gingham, -9c quality.......70c 10 yards Challis, 7c-quality 50c Plain Dress Goods, all colors, 60c quality .. . . . - 4 8 c Novelty Dress Goods, all colors, 60c quality 48c Fancy Dress Silks, dainty colors, 50c quality.42^C Suesine Dress Silks, all colors, 47%c quality.. .40c Lawns, Batistes, Mulls and Fancy Dress Goods at extremely low prices for this sale. :: :: :: SHOES AND OXFORDS We have to© many hii'^.atfd will make low prices on many of them to reduce stock. :: :: :: Hats and Caps in all colors and shapes. :: :: Neckwear, an attractive line at popular prices. Men's and Youth's Shirts in the new cloths and popular colors. :: :: :: :: Our line of Groceries is always complete, pure and fresh. Try our 50c Tea and 25c Coffee--none better. Yours truly, M. J. WALSH OOOOS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. New 'Phone No. 483 PATRONIZE YOUR HOME INDUSTRY AND ASK FOR EARLY RISER THAT'S THE NAflE W1 HE/YSV 1 ASK YOUR GROCER FOR IT RO^WILLS FANCY FA Ml LV FLOUR >6 M»HCNWV IlU. --Why be without-- the best family flour Qranulated Corn Meal for Chickens and Family Use. Our fresh ground Whole Wheat Flour makes excellent pancakes. Orahan Flow Breakfast Food Cora Ileal Buckwheat Flour Rye Flour Pumpernickel Flour West Nclfenry FhHir and Feed Mills XE WEST McHBNRV. ILLINOIS. JOHN SPENCER, Prop. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS lah was a Fox Sunday. N. N. Weber Chicago Monday. Joe Meredith WAS a Chicago Monday. Mrs. Fred Hatch spent Friday and Saturday in Chicago. Bert Bell of Ringwood was calling on relatives here Sunday. Jas. Neieh of Fox Lake was a Monday evening caller in town. J. B. Richardson transacted business in Woodstock Monday. Mr. Bar wood of Greenwood was a pleasant caller in town Snnday. Mrs. J. B. Richardfton and daughter, Ena, were Wilmot visitors Monday. Miss Bea Daffy of Wilmot was call­ ing on friends here the first of the week. Jas. Pierce and family of Solon ti&lled on Mr. and Mrs. Harold Colby Sunday. John Lawson of Park Ridge attended to business here Thursday and Friday. Mrs. J. F. Bly and daughter. Mrs. Bert Bly, were Greenwood visitors Mon­ day. Mr. and Mrs Joe Wagner are spend­ ing a few days visiting relatives in Chi­ cago. Miss Grace Hopper spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents iu Green­ wood . Quite a nnuiber of our young people attended the dance at Solon Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cha". Cole were Sunday guests at the home of Warren Pierce and fauiily. Earl Westlake of Chicago spent Sun­ day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Westlake. Mrs. Etten is improving the appear­ ance of her resideuce by the addition of a back porch. £* Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowers and chil­ dren were calling on relatives in Mc­ Henry Sunday. John Merrill of Solon in spending a few days at the home of his daugbler, Mrs. Berne Bell. Mrs. Fannie Carr is in ' Ringwood spending a few days with her oousin, Mrs. James Carr. Mrs. Sarah Wilson and sister, Mias Hunter, are visiting with relatives in Richmond this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Baker of Chicago spent Snnday and Monday at the home of F. L. Hatch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hunter of Rich­ mond spent Sunday at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. Sara Wilson. Miss Rosa Wieland of Chicago spent Snnday at the home of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wieland. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Sweet of Rich­ mond spent Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, J. B. Richardson and wife. Henry Sweet has rented his farm east of this village to Chas. Norton, who took possession of the place yesterday. Mr. Sweet is yet undecided as to his future plans. Mrs. W. A. Dodge and daughter, Elynor, of Riugwood and Miss Ada Westlake spent Thursday and Friday with the former's daughter, Mrs. Geo. Bacon, in Antiocb. JOHNSBIIRGS. Mr. Knittle of Chicago was a business caller here Friday. WiUard Colby of Spring Grove was seen here Monday. John Krumpen of Richmond was a caller here Sunday. Stephen Smith was a Chicago passen­ ger one day last week. Nick Adams and Michael Thiol were McHenry callers Friday. Henry Degen and son, Michael, at­ tended church here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Huff of Spring Grove were visitors here Saturday. Joseph Hnemann, James Conway and Anton Thelen drove to Crystal Lake Monday. The ball game which was played at Spring Grove was 9 to 10 in favor of Johnsburgh Mrs. Castor Adams, Mrs. Emma Mill- C and Miss Mary Ann Crumpen were Yolo callers Monday. Messrs. and Mesdames John Huff and John Schmitt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Schaefer. Michael Thief left for Chicago Wed nesday, where he will build a house for his daughter, Mrs.Skifano Quite a few from here attended the funeral of Joe Miller, who died at Volo and was buried at McHenry Tuesday. Decoration ball at the Lily Lake danc ing pavilion Saturday evening. May 39 Music by Metzger's Woodstock orches tra. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jnsten have moved to Pistakee Bay where they are occupy ing the house owned by Mis. Emma Steffes. Messrs and Mesdames Frank Miller, Jake Rothermel, Fred A Diethorn and Mrs. Mary Ann Thelen visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jake Miller Sunday, Those $3.00 fountain pens are beat • ties. Pay your subscription to Tht Plaindealer and get one absolutely FREE. The Riverside Livery R. I. OVERTON, PROP. 'Buses meet all trains for Riverside Hotel and points on Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake. Teaming of all kinds done promptly. Special attention given to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. TTJ.Twma • F. 8. Morse went to Elgin Friday^ W. Cobb went to the city Thursday. H. Wille was a Cary caller Monday. D. O. Kline was a city caller Wedaes- day. J. Kania and wife went to the city Monday. F. W. Hartman was a Woodstock vis­ itor Saturday. Mrs. it. Uoddard was a Crystal Lake visitor Thursday. F. Wille visited relatives in McHenry last week Monday. D. O. Kline and daughters were Chi- oago visitors Friday.^ Floyd Reed was a Crystal Lake busi­ ness caller Saturday. Mrs. F. W. Hartman was a Wood­ stock caller Monday. Mrs. Floyd Reed and son were Wood­ stock callers recently. Mrs. Andrew Peterson ^ras a Wood­ stock visitor Thursday. Mrs. Lars Nelson and son were Chi­ cago visitors Wednesday. Mrs. R. Waterman entertained vis­ itors from Elgin recently. Miss Jennie Hesselgrave visited rela­ tives in Richmond last week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Bullock and baby were in Woodstock Wednesday. Mrs. L Johnson was a Crystal Lake shopper Wednesday of last week. Miss Pearl Zenk visited with Miss Cora Lock wood one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Gibson of Milwac kee were Ridgefield visitors recently. Mrs. Dora Cooper and bfeby of Mr Henry were Ridgefield visitors recently Mrs. J. B Lynch and mother, Mre. H. Fanning, are Portage, Wis., visitors. Mrs Emmons of Chicago will spend some time with her sen, Charles, and family. Mrs. C. N. Dufield and daughter, Agnes, were Woodstock business callers Saturday. Miss Katie Risley of Beloit spent the first part of last week with Ridgefield relatives. Mr. Olinstead and Miss Mabel Skin­ ner were Woodstock business callers Thursday. Mrs. P. Benson and firs. John Carl­ son were business callers at Woodstock Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kimball spent Saturday and Sunday with the former's parents in McHenry. Mrs. Henise and daughters, Erma and May, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Jacobs recently. Mrs. Stratton entertained four lady friends of Woodstock from 2 o'clock un­ til 8:80 Thursday of last week. Mrs. Mabel Merchant and children of Crystal Lake visited with her parents here from Saturday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kimball and daughter, Frances, of McHenry visited at E. L Kimball's Saturday and Sun­ day. Miss Nettie Shelt returned to her home in Michigan Sunday. Miss Shelt held the position of teacher in tfce Gorharn district school. Milton Jaynes entertained about sev­ enteen of his friends at a party last Fri­ day evening. Ice cream and cake were served and a general good time report­ ed. SCHOOL NOTES. Four wore weeks of school. List of winners in spelling contest next week, Township exercises will be held at Ridgefleld June 11. Mrs. Abram Levey and Miss Etta Levey visited school Thursday. Our stencil border for the blackboard for the week was made by Milton Jaynes. Mr. and Mre.G. W. Conn, Jr., and Mr. Booth of Woodstock visited school recently. HOLGOMSVILLB Wm. Zenk was a Chicago visitor Monday. Henry Pomrening spent Sunday with his folks here. Mrs. Jay Doherty was a Crystal Lake shopper Tuesday, W ill French of Ridgefield ealled on friends here Sunday • Curtis Knoblauch spent Snnday after­ noon at Jay Doherty's. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Hunt were Crys­ tal Lake callers Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert called at M. H. Conley's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harrison were Crystal Lake callers Monday. Miss Minnie Pomrening called on Miss Grace Doherty Tuesday evening. Mrs. J. E. Tyrrell of Chicago was a business caller at Wm, Zeuk's Monday, Miss Ella Knoblauch Bpent Sunday afternoon with Miss Letah pomrening. Misses Grace and Vera Doherty spent Sunday evening with the Missee Pom­ rening. Mrs. T, L. Flauders and daughter, Mildred, spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. M. H, Conley. Mrs. B. F. Peck returned to her home here after spending several weeks with relatives at Terra Cotta. Miss Etta Powers closed another suc­ cessful school term Friday. Several visitors enjoyed the program given by the little folks. •. y..-- McHenry This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting pnblie pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. * REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on us. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCES in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Perry & Owen Notary Public. - Bankers ! » • --THE BEST-- Harness at the lowest pri­ ces. Harness oiled here at 75c per double set. :: :: M. A. Thelen McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. 22llAH THE WRONG WAY to select harness is the way it is usually done. Price is generally the first coBsid- eration. If that Is very low the goods seem attractive, regardless of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Examine into the quality of this harness first. Then it will be seen that it Is worth almost any price. But our prices are uot Value considered they are remark­ing abl; y low. G. A. Barker Bonslett Block - ilctfenry, III. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY.LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever over a druggist's cc'inter. sold Renting Paint That's what it means to paint an empty house with Siierwii-Williiis Paint W. P. PfWMMTMll The house won't stay empty long, S. W, P. makes old houses look new and makes new houses stay new. It wears longer and is the most economical paint to use. Call ^n us for -color cards. N. H. Retesch, McHenry, : : Illinois Chicago & North-Western. Leave Chicago. Effective May 8, 1906. vm DAT TRAINS. hokthbocnd *7.00 am Via Elgin *8.45am Via Des I'laines..., *9.00 a m Via Des Plaines ... *12.80 am Via Elgin +1.00p m Via l>os Plaines... *3.45 pm Via Des Plaines.... *3.25 pm Via Elgin... . .. *5.12 p m Via Des Plaines... •QIDIT TRAINS. 8.00 am Via l>es Plulnes-- 7.55 am. Via Elgin 9.00am Via Des Plaines 2.00 pm Via Elgin VIH DAT TRAINS. If,**® SOUTHBOUND. •i;%i am'-. .. .VIS. Des l'laines. ,. ; m a Via Des Plaines.... <•7 10am Via Elgin 32am . Via Des Plaines.... M.17 P m Via Des Plaines.. . 4 l7pm Jvia Elgin *ti.27 pm. Via Des Plaines.. gQlTOAT TRAINS. 7.10 am Via Elgin 7 08 u m Via Des Plaines 7*4# pmtT: Via I>es Plaines... • Via Ei*la. * Daily except 8unday> ^Saturday only. If You Need a Hair Brush When a hair brush is wanted there are two reasons why yon should come here for it. First, because we have the kind of an assortment that makes selection a pleasure. We carry scores of varieties, ranging in price from 25c to |3.00 and each price is the mosjt reasonable one for quality. The second reason for coming here is that inspection of our assortment of a single line like hair brashes will show how com­ plete oar stock is thrnont, and it will be well worth while to come ,to as for anything you may require in drug store goods. N. H. Petesch Druggist Tel, 374 McHenry ^M[ -CENTER VILLE- Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :* :: - Y'i CHAS. Q. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- M c H E N R Y , . . . . I L L I N O I S . How do tee prices look to you? In order to reduce stock we will sell for a New Deere 14 in. Gang Plows.... $53 Deere No. 9 Corn Planter $33 Five Shovel Cultivators, complete $4.50 Kingman Sulky Plow, sweepstakes winner ^30 Eight Foot Steel Land Rollers $22 Good Farm Harness, with Collars,$28 50 bu. Endless Apron Manure Spreader {j>105 •p. We have on hand a full stock of all kinds of Farm Machinery, Wagons, Buggies, Etc. Also of Grain and all kinds of Feed. WM. BONSLETT •:.;v ; /: •

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