Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Jun 1909, p. 5

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(F RUGS * AND « LINOLEUM At no time have we offered ait|r-... thing like the assortment of beaif-; tiful Floor Coverings which com­ prises our present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we have placed thereon. Call and see. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. After Inventory ClearinE Sale! We have too many goods on our shelves and in order to turn them into cash * quickly will make tremendous sacrifice to do so until June 1. Look? at these: 10 yards Best Calico, 8c quality 55c 10 yards good Dress Gingham, 10c quality 75c 10 yards Amoskeag Gingham, 9c quality . . -70c 10 yards Challis, 7c quality -50c Plain Dress Goods, all colors, 60c quality ..... 48c Novelty Dress Goods, a\l colors, 60c quality .48c Fancy Dress Silks, dainty colors, 50c quality.42>^C Suesine Dress Silks, all colors, A7%c quality.. .40c Lawns, Batistes, Mulls and Fancy Dress Goods at extremely low prices for this sale. :: :: :: OES AND OXFORDS We have too many lines and will make low prices on many of them to reduce stock* :: :: :: Hats and Caps in all colors and shapes. :: :: Neckwear, an attractive line at popular prices. Men's and Youth's Shirts in the new cloths and popular colors. :: :: :: :: Our line of Groceries is always complete, pure and fresh. Try our 50c Tea and 25c Qoffee--none better. Yours truly, M. J. WALSH GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. New 'Phone No. 483 r PATRONIZE YOUR HOME INDUSTRY AND ASK FOR EARLY RISER THAT'$ THE NAHE ASK YOUR OROCER FOR IT --Why be without-- the best family flour s' M'-HENftV Roller FANCV FAMILY FLOUR 'J.SPENCER. a yfr IILV3^ Oar fresh ground Whole Wheat Flour make* excellent pancake*. Graham Flour Breakfast Food Corn ilea Buckwheat Flour Rye Four Pumpernickel Flour SEEP BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE. est McHenry Flour and feed Nil WEST McHENRY, LLNOI5 JOHN SPENCER, Pra P & NEIGHBORING NE WS 4S CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS 8PH1NQ QROTK. Mrs. Fred Batch was in the city Toes- day. Scott Haldeman of Solon waa in town Monday. J. W. Bell ia having hie house painted this week. John Bowers is haying his hoose painted this week. Wttl Overton of SoIonN waa calling on friends here Monday. Mr. Martin of Chicago transacted business here Saturday. Earl Westlake of Chicago spent Mon­ day with his parents, here. James Jackson of Solon was a busi­ ness caller in town Monday. Geo. Westlake of Solon was a pleias- ant caller in town Tuesday. Frank Huff and Miss Rath Lindsey were Wilmot callers Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Wieland has been enter­ taining cqmpany the past week. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Craine of SoloiF were Sunday evening callers here. Miss Dorothy Hopper of Greenwood was .a Spring Grove shopper Monday. Harry Hirsch of Chicago was at home with his parents a few days this week. Misses Ena Richardson and Adah Westlake were Richmond callers Thurs­ day. Geo. Bly and family of Chicago spent Snnday and Monday with his father here. *. John Lawson of Park Ridge attended to business here the latter part of the week. Oliver Cabbins of Antioclf was a Snn­ day visitor in the home of J. B. Rich ardson. (juite a number of oar yonng people attended the ball game at Johnsbnrgh Sunday. Mies Sara Price of Bristol. Wis, was calling on relatives here Snnday and Monday. Miss Lucy Stevens of Chicago visited at the home of ber aunt, Mrs. Robert Esh, Monday. Mr and Mrs. Lewis Sweet from near Richmond were calling on relatives in town Sunday. Mr and Mrs. Ed. Turner and daugh­ ter, Hazel, were Richmond callers Thnrsday evening. Mrs. H. Reading and Mrs. Alice Cole and little daughter, Emily, are spending a few weeks visiting relatives at Brook lyn, Mich. The graduating exercises of Burton township schools will be held in the M. E. chnrch in this village Friday even­ ing, June 4; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Westlake and little daughter of Chicago spent Satur day and Sunday with the former's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Westlake. HOL.COM. BV1L.L.K. George Zenk was a caller at Wm Zen It's recently. Frank Block was seen on onr streets one day last week. Fine sundaes and buffaloes at Mas qnelet's, East Side. Mr. and Mrs. CHaude Hutson spent Snnday in McHenry. Frank Wattles was a business caller iu this vicinity Friday. Charles Ormsby and friend spent Snn day at W. Pomrening's. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Harrison called at Will Whiting's Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Powers visited at Wm Powers' Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert called at Chas. Harrison's Saturday evening. Misses Mary Gibbs and Irene Frisby were calling in this vicinity Monday. Miss Etta Powers and brother, Ed­ ward, visited at Sherman Hill Sunday. Mr. Clow and niece of Crystal Lake called in this vicinity one evening la«t week. Mr. and lira. T. L. Flanders and daughters were Sunday visitors at Geo. W histon's. Frank and Letah Pomrening spent Friday at Miss Mamie Knox's school in Cherry Valley. Mrs. Wm: Zenk and son, Raymond, and Miss Esther Zenk called at Fred Davoll's Sunday evening. Meadanies W. B Gilbert and P. H. Hunt attended a meeting of the Cherry Valley Aid'society Friday. Misses Grace Doherty and Minnie Pomrening attended a picnic at the Clemens school Friday, school dosing that day. _____ _ Henry Stadtfietd spent a day in Chi * cago recently. Mrs. Math. Baur spent a day in Chi­ cago recently. Nick Frost of Kenosha was here Sun­ day and Monday. Miss Elida Russell of Waukegan is visiting her parents here for % few days. Mrs. Jas. Kirwan is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Martha Simmons, of Elgin A complete stock of patent and family melicines at Maaquelet's drug store, East Side. Miss Evelyn Rotchford of Chicago spent Decoration day with Mr. and Mrs. John Rosing. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Townsend of Round Lake were Sunday guests at the Hanson home. Lee A. Huson and Miss Delia Croker of Liberty vills were calling on friends here Saturday. Mrs. Edward Lnsk and Miss Gene­ vieve Effinger transacted business in Chicago recently. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Frost and children of Chicago were entertained by relatives here Sunday and Monday. Miss Kate Rosing and Messrs. Joe Rosing and Sam Tarrant were at the John Rosing home over Sunday. Mrs. Fred Dnnnill visited her brother, Joe Unaworth, and her daughter. Miss Bessie Dunnill, in Chicago Snnday and Mouday. Sunday guests at the Raymond home were Mr and Mrs. Arthur Powers and children of Waucondaand-Mr. and Mrs. U V. Lnak o* WsH Freaaout. JOHNSHDRGB. Miss Margaret LaFountain left Tues­ day for Ohio. Mrs. John M. Sdbmitt was a McHenry caller Saturday. Mrs. Tbeo. Winkelsof McHenry was seen here Saturday. Peter Miller and family visited with Joe Michels Suuday. J. C. Dahl of Richmond waa a busi­ ness caller here Friday. Albert and Clara Nye of Ohio are vis­ iting with Dr. and Mrs. Nye. Mr. and Mrs. John Niesen moved in the Klapperich house Tuesday. Miss Ella Martin of Chicago -is the guest of Mrs. Geo. Nell at present. The infant child of Christ Blake died Saturday night and was bnried here Monday morning. Mr. Aud Mrs. Peter Frennd and Mr. Mid Mrs. Fred Hnemann attended church here Snnday. Messrs. and Mesdames William Hay of Spring Grove, Robert Vogfc of Volo and Henry Thelen spent Sunday with Fred A. Diethorn. Messrs. and Mesdames Henry Degen, William Blake of McHenry, Joseph Bartz of Chicago, Mrs Math. Baur of Volo, Misses Eva and Lixtie Miller and gentlemen friends called at Jacob A. Miller's Sunday. School closed here last Friday, so the children bad a picnic at Columbia Park Monday. Games were played, songs were sung, speeches were given and they also had races. Lewis KiQg aud Elea- nora Schinitt, of the first room, won first prizes, the prizes being a nice month organ and a checker board and two handkerchiefs. Of the second room, the prizes were won by Leo Stilling, a base ball, and Barbara Schmitt, a nice china dish. JOHNSBITROH AGAIN VICTORIOUS. The Spring Grove team proved to be easy picking for the home boys last Sunday afternoon at the local ball yard when that team was taken into camp by the overwhelming score of 16 to 4. The exhibition was too one-sided to make it an interesting affair, but the* fans were afforded plenty of fun in watching the humorous demonstration on the part of the visitors of how not to play ball. Miller, of last year's fame, was on tto mound for our boys and the way be had the Grove boys swinging at the pill was a shame. This makes two victories this season for Johnsbnrgh against this team and it ia donbtrul if they will meet again very soon as it is now an absolutely known fact that the Johnsbnrgh team is far too fast for that sort of company. The boys are now getting into trim for next Sunday's contest, when they will have for their opponents the McHenry Blues, their most bitter enemies. The home team is fully aware of the fact that in 6rder to win Sunday's contest it will be neces­ sary to extend themselves to the limit. The boys declare that they are game and will fight to the finish. The game will be called at 2:80 p. m., sharp. Come out and witness the exhibition. General admission, 35 cents; ladies and children, 10 cents. KM KRAI.I> PARK. Miss Katie Knox spent Thursday evening at J. Fleming's. R. M. Fleming of North Crystal Lake visited in this vicinity Sunday. Use only the best cement, "The At las," for sale at Wm. Bonslett's. Misses Mary Gibbs and Irene Frisby were callers in Holcombville Monday. I Messrs. Harold Gilles and James Doherty visited at John Gibbs' Snnday. John Gibbs, Jr., leftTnesday for Kan sas City, where be has secured employ' ment. Rev. Father Bonrke and Father Le- hane were making calls in this vicinity Snnday. Mrs. F. O'Flarity came pnt from El­ gin Saturday to spend a few weeks with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, . Robinson of Chi* cago spent- Snnday and Monday at Berkircber's. Miss Margaret Sutton returned to Elgin Monday after spending a few days at ber home. Miss Mary Sutton of Cbioago and G. E. Hoelscher of Elgin visited at R? J. Sutton 's Snnday. * < Messrs. C. D. Whiting of Ringwood and R. H. Corr of Woodstock spent Sunday at Ed. Knox's. Robert Larkin came up from Elgin Saturday to spend a few weeks with his grandpa, R. J. Sutton. Messrs. John, Paul and Hugh Arm­ strong drove from River Forest in their auto and spent Monday at the Park. Mrs. H. Bacon and children, Weston and Harold, of Chicago and Misses Anna and Irene Frisby visited at J. Gibbs' Sunday. CMr. and Mrs. W. K. Burns, daughters, May and Grace, and son, Kenneth, came out from Chicago Friday to enjoy a few days at their cottaga Messrs. and Mesdames Wm. Haxton, Geo. Fraser and Hugh Kirk came ont from Chicago Saturday and opened their cottag$%>r the summer. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill and daugh­ ter, Laura, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Coban and children and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. spent Sunday and Memorial day at their respective cottages. School closed Tuesday, June 1. those receiving diplomas for six months' per­ fect attendance at the township exer­ cises were: Cora Felmeten and Mamie and Josie Smith. Trouble Makers Ousted. When a sufferer from stomach trouble takes Dr. King's New Life Pills he's mighty glad to see his Dyspepsia and Indigestion fly, but more--he's tickled over his new, fine appetite, strong nerves healthy vigor, all because stomach, liver and kidneys now work right. 26c at N. ft Petsaek's, F. Maaqoelet's and others. . . . .EAST SIDE THE HOME Or F R E S H , P U R E MEATS, SAUSA­ GES, ETC. OUR P R I C E S W I L L YOU. Tel. 841 Ladies, is called to the beautiful display of millinery goods that continually adorns this store. Our hats are the tnlk of the town and mast be seen and worn to be appreciated. Many wonderful bargains are also obtainable at this time here and if yon are among the nnmber who have not as yet purchased a summer hat now is the time to invest When purcbasching a hat here you have the satisfaction of kuoveiiig that the hat is high class and strictly np to date in every respect. The LOTUS niLLINERY Spauldlng Bldg., West McHenry Met H. Howe tHEIMER BLOCK. MILLINERY - DRBSSMAKINO Shirt Waists, Blouses __ and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi­ dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. :: :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Want Column. Alt undt*r thU Lead at the following Klvellnmt or lend, *6 cent* for first Insertion; 15 eeutt* for e*<*ti nutM»e<iuent insertion More than live lloee, 6 cento a line for tint Innertion, and S cent* A line for additional InMrMoM. SEED CORN for sale at 8AM MCDONALD'S, West McHenry, 111. \XT ANTED--A first class cook In large fam- ** ily. Address WILLIAM LOKIMBK, 903 Douglas Blvd., Chicago, III. 44 tf TIHJK SALE:--Ten aeres laud with house and bam at Johnsburgh, III., at very low price. Call on PBKKY & OWSN, at Bank of McHenry. , 37-tf TjVJK SALE--North and South Dakota land: $15 to SK per acre. Also farms In Minne­ sota. For further luforuiatlob apply or write E. W. HOWK, McHenry, III. 40-tf XPOR SALE-- Black mare with Qolt by side. " \Vni ilrivu single or double. Would make au Idtial family horse as any woman can drive lier. I'or further Information apply or write E. J. HANI.Y, West McHenry. 50-St. "CK)lt SALE at a bargain and must he sold quick. Crystal Lake, THcHenry county, III,, £40 acre farm within two miles of town, together with buildings, etc. Price, 175 per acre. H. O. STOMB & Co., MB Monroe St., Onl- ro. 48-4t IRL W A N T E D -- For general housework. -- Must be reliable and able to do anything In the way of housework. Will pay $.r>.00 per week to the girl who can All the position. In quire or write JOSEPH HAAS, Rohemacottage. Pistakee Bay, near Klngsley's hotel. 43-tf FOK SALE:--A seven-room cottage, togeth­er with a frontage of 330 feet, divided iu» to five separate lots. Good cistern, cess-pool and out-door buildings on premises. Good reasons for selling. Will be sold at very low figures if taken at once. Inquire at this ic« dd-tf Unlvarsallat Church Rer. Arthur Roberts, pastor. The regular services next Snnday. Preach­ ing at 10:30 a. in. Subject: "Religion of The Beautiful." Sunday sohool st 11:45 a. to. Everybody cordially in­ vited. _____ Is your gasoline stove in bad order? If so, bring it to Vyoitol and he will fix it. ' Alabaatine--a full list at Pe teach'a. If you bare entertained company from distance, gone on a Visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, . entertained at a party, bad a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will be thankfully received.« » Pctseeh's Cor droas. f "K 'Y'V £ vVT "M Y.** * 5* < V •.. Y o up ? Recipes... When you have a favorite prescription or recipe to be filled^or a new one which you should like to try, it will ^>ay to bring it to us. We will fill it as it should be tilled. Our prices will be low and will always in­ clude the use of fresh and pure ingredients and careful and skillful compounding. .When you need a preparation for some special pur­ pose for which you haye no recipe, let us help you. We can supply reliable recipes for almost any purpose and we shall be glad to be of service to you in this respect. We fill all sorts of toilet recipes. N. PF,TF SfH DRUGGIST, Telephone 274. -CENTERVILLE- Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and. com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :: CHAS. Q. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- McHENRY, i ILLINOIS. How do these prices look to youi In order to reduce stook we will seil for a limited time: a ' V.S New Deere 14 in. Gang Plows $53 Deere No. 9 Corn Planter $38 Five Shovel Cultivators, complete 50 Kingman Sulky Plow, sweepstakes winner'$38 Eight Foot Steel Land Rollers $213 Good Farm Harness, with Collars. 50 bu. Endless Aprcm Manure Spreader $jQS We have on hand a full stock of all kinds of Farm Machinery, Wagons, Buggies, Etc. Also of Grain and all kinds of Feed. •3 1 ONSLETT %^.v' w, V1 0 tit •^5 -M-

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