Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Jun 1909, p. 4

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> W k W W ik- rgains in Grocery Needs iftere »ri a few prices that Will reduce your living expenses, i Setting few cash enables ate to sell on a small margin. OTSf for five pounds ttv Thompson*8 gen nine Seedless Raising. ICV for six 10c 1 Jl packages of Hallowi Dates. tflf f°r a 35c sack of 1 * W y a n d o t t e Cleaner and Cleanser (or three jars Wl Pomona Orange Marmalade, CA/ Tor 5 pounds JW- extra fancy Mnir Peaches. JO/ for three No. 8 * 0 * - c a n s Y e l l o w Bigg Plums. OP/ for one ponnd canetrictly pure Pepper. ATf for six pound 4Jt box S n 0 w Flake Gloss Starch nr, for five pounds ™ JC selected Santos Coffee. POj- tor 10 lba. new fancy pearl Japan Rice. {J for 8 lbs. 4^1.1111 0f genuine Mocha Java Coffee ri/ for 6 No. 2 die •J*' cans F a n*c„y Maine Corn. for six No. 3 'W. cans of Core Oystora. for3pkge ex quaity Dotuea Macaroni. . for two 25c 45C bottles Co­ lombia Salad Dreeeng for 6 No. t size cans fancy qual­ ify Mustard Sardine*. Ifl/ for oue ™ pound select large Nutmegs. N O T I C E . - P r i c e s quoted &ro net cash. Compare with any­ body's. JOHN STOHFEL WEST SIDE GROCER. f Keeping in Pace w- #S3 ¥e- ss with a rapidly increasing business cannot be done without some inconveniences, de­ lays, etc., but we are doing fhe best we can. Since embarking in the grocery business we %ave added and added to our stock until we now have our shelves loaded down with one of t!he finest lines of groceries to be found In McHenry. We now, respectfully ask you for your grocery orders and promise you in exchange for same the best quality of goods that money will buy at prices that you will Appreciate. Our, deliveries are always • prompt, the goods reaching you just when jou want them. A trial order will con­ vince yon that we are right. :: ]% M. N1ESEN TUB CENTERVILLE GROCER & Tailored Suits! your own self respect, trading with us. r j. D. McHENRY, You can see for yourself that the clothes we make have a distinc­ tion in style and tailoring, which is quite unusual. There is an­ other fact about our goods which gives them a unique position among clothes. We use'none but all wool fabrics, and that means in these days when cotton adul­ terations are the common, al­ most universal, rule in clothes makes a quality distinction which is very significant. You want all wool for the sake of the wear, the better tailoring, the better shape keeping, for the sake of You may be sure of getting it by LODTZ ILLINOIS [lie Ndjwy PbMultr PUBLISHED EVERY TBDRSDAy BY F. Q. SCHREINER. OBce la Bank Building. Telephone, No.*». TKfeMtt Of •OBSORtPTIONl Oneyear..... ,....«.bo Six mont|»v nets. Three month*. Mote. Thuraday, June 10, 1999. GRADUATION EXERCISES (Continued from first page.) OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM ? WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND KaJka^mo Cold Wetter Calcimine KALKOMO WALL flNISH FOR ALL Plain and Decorative Work on lnteri# Walls and Ceilings. f,,-' Absolutely Reliable (' y"SIXTEEN SHADES ICftlkomo, thehygienie, ble wall finish, excels all data- other compounds for plain, tinting, a&1 decorative work on interi­ or walls or ceilings. It cover# wall, one coat, spreads well, wiS is ready for immediate use when mixed with cold water. One pound of Kalkomo will cover from 60 to 100 »q ft., ac­ cording to the kind of surface £* to be covered. S. W. BROWN Ring wood, : : : Illinois; Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully soiicting pnblic pat­ ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and lage property for sale. If yon want to bay or seU, call on as. Abstracts ordered. w INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. "!*o lire that when thy summona comes to join Tne lnuumerable caravan, which moves To that mysterious realm, where each shall take II Is chamber In the sileut halls of death, Thou go not, like the quarry slave at night, St'ourKwl to his dungeon, but, sustained ana soothed By an unfaltering trust, approach thy grave Like out* who wraps the drapery of his couch A bout him, and lies down to pleasant dreams." This quotation has certainly a beanti fill charm. Jnst as beautiful thoughts may be gleamed from the writings of Bryant, so may they be gleamed from the writings of our other great Aineri can poets as Longfellow, Lowell and Holmes. Who but may consider this a jewel to adorn a thoughtful mind: '•"Not what we give but what we share, For the gift without the giver Is bare, Who gives himself with his alms feeds three Himself, bis hungering neighbor and me." also: "Tell me not, in mournful numbers Life is but an empty dream! . For the soul is dead that slumbers And things are not what they seem. Life Is real! Life is earnest! And the grave is not its goal Dust thou art, to dust returnest, Was not spoken of the soul." We learn from Franklin to be in­ dustrious and to be self-supporting, and not to be dependent upon others, but to always be ready to help others. There are also very, very good jewels that can be gleaned from American literature because they have to do with every day life. They are expressed in many of Franklin's proverbs as: "God helps them that help them selves." "What we call time enough always proves little enough." "Never leave that till tomorrow which you can do today." "One today is worth tvfo tomorrow." The beet treasures of all are gathered from the Bible. The Bible, also known as the Word of God, tells us about the life and teachings of Christ, and to know about the life and teachings of Christ is the greatest treasure one can glean from any kind of literature. A treasure reaped from the Bible may be compared with a diamond, the most precious gem of all. For as the beauty of a diamond is seen in its sparkling, so may the beauty of a treasure, gathered from the Bible, be seen in the beautiful thoughts gleaming from it. "Yea, tho I walk thru the valley of the shadow of death, I will fe4r no evil, for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me," "Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again." "Lay np for yourselves treasure* in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break thru nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be al­ so." "Blessed are the pnre in heart, for they shall see God." "Blessed are the peace makers, for they shall be called the children of God." "Blessed are they which are persecut­ ed for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." The best treasure is, as I have tried to express, the meaning one obtains from the quotation. It is not the committing of extracts, but it is the understanding of the thoughts which the}' contain. Thus when one gathers such stores from the great fields of literature, he will have something that will always be with him and something that he will never regret. Place Tour Order Mow, The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every poei- office in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and it will be put up in first-class manner. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken advant­ age of. Watch the label upon your paper, as your name may be next to be taken from our list. We positively cannot forward papers unless they are paid for within one year. Nearly one hundred names have been taken from our lists since the new postoffice ruling went into effect April 1. Those $3.00 fountain pens are beau­ ties- Pay your subscription to The Flaiudealer and get one absolutely FREE. Mtalienry Kntortaln* a L«r(« Oompany ftf Vlaltors purlag the Weelt--Whom "We Kntertala. Miss Alice Waite spent Tuesday in Chicago. Simon Stoffel was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. 1 ^ / Richard Wray of' Richmond WM a Sunday evening caller in town. Fred Adams was a recent gueft; of relatives and friends in Chicago. », Miss Cassie Eldredge boarded the Chi­ cago train Wednesday morning. - L. F. Block was a business transactor in Chicago Wednesday. John Updike of Batavia spent Sunday* with McHenry relatives. Mrs. Geo. Bothermel Is the guest qf. Chicago relatives this week. Mrs. F. A. Bohlander transacted busi­ ness in Chicago Wednesday. John B. Frisby was a Chicago visitor Monday. E. W. Howe was a business visitor io the metropolitan city Wednesday. E. Hunter and son, Arthur, Were windy city visitors Wednesday. Geo. H. Hauly was a busing, visitor at the county seat several day* last week..' y _ Mrs. Ella Lamphere of Elgin is visit­ ing at the home of her son, C. E. Lam­ phere. Miss Pearl Claxton was the guest of Woodstock friends Saturday and Sun­ day last. ' Miss Marie Block has been the guest of Elgin and 'Dundee relatives and friends this week. Mrs. C. A. Kutght of Chicago «pent a few days this week with her mother, Mrs. H. T. Brown, v M. N. Winkel of Deerfield spent Sat­ urday and Sunday at the ho vie of Mr. and Mrs. T. Winkel. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Evanson and Miss Lonise Evanson were Wanconda visitors last Sunday. Miss Etta Kittle of May wood was the guest of Miss Kate Howe at her • home here a few days recently. Fred Schnorr of Council Bluffs, la., was a recent guest at the borne of his father, Fred Schnorr, here. Miss Pearl Hutson of Woodstock spent Thursday and Friday of last week at the home of John Claxton. Mrs. W. C. Evanson and Miss Louise Evanson spent one day last week with relatives and friends at Palatine. Mr. and Mrs. A. Wiswall of Chicagp recently spent a few days at the home of the latter's mother, Mrs. B. Buss. Geo. Rothermel is attending a con­ vention of Catholic Foresters that is convening at Quincy, 111., this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Sabel and son, William, of Chicago spent last week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Win­ kel. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Mead spent Sun­ day with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Davis at Elgin. The latter remained for a .few days to care for her daughter, who is ill. John H. Miller. N E. Barbian, John P, Weber, .Edward Conway, Peter Neiss, Will Weber, Will Stoffel, Jr., Lewis Bishop and Frank Smith were among those from the McHenry council to attend the Knights of Columbus ini tiatiou and banquet at Elgin last Sun­ day. All report a splendid time at the hands of the Elginites. Captain Howard R. Perry of the Twenty-ninth U. S. infantry, with hiH wife and family, arrived in McHenry last Friday for a several weeks' visit at the home of the captain's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Perry. Capt. Perry, duriug the past three years, has been stationed at Logan, Utah, where he has been teaching military service and tactics in the U tah State Agricul tural college. The captain will rejoin his regiment at Buffalo, N. Y., this fall. | I PROBA TE NEWS I lor 17 Cents a Day! Please read tft$ heading over again. - Then <tf» tremendous significance will dawn upon you, . An OMver Typewriter--the standard visible writer'--the f 100 machine--the most highly perfected typewriter on the market--yours for IT cents per day! : , The typewriter whose conquest of tho com­ mercial world is a matter of business history yours for 17 cents a day! ' The typewriter that Is equipped with scores of such conveniences as "The Balance Shift" The Ruling Device"--"The Double Ke­ lp ve"--"The Locomotive Base"--"The Auto­ matic Spacer"--"The Automatic Tabulator" 'The DIsapjH-arlng'Indlciitjr"--"The Ad­ justable Paper Fln- gers"-"The Scientific Condensed Keyboard --all • , . Yours for 17 cents a day! We announced this new sales plan re­ cently, just to feel of the peo­ ple1. Simply a small cash payment--then-17 cents a day. This Is the planln a nutshell. The result has been such a deluge of appli­ cations for machines that wo are simply as- ounded. The demand comes from people of all class­ es, all ages, all occupations. The majority of Inquiries has come from people of known financial standing who were attracted,by the novelty of thetproposition". An impressive demonstration of the immense popularity of the Oliver Typewriter. A startling confirmation of ourbelief that tho Era of Universal Typewriting is at band. A Quarter of a Million of People are Making Money with A)* •. OLIVET} "ypeifcrifer The Standard Visible Writer The Oliver Typewriter is a money-maker right from the word "go!" 80 easy to run that beginners soon get In the "expert" class. Earn as you learn. Let the machine pay the 17 cents a day--and all above that Is yours. Wherever you are, there's work to be done and rrfoney to be made by using the Oliver. The business world is calling for Oliver oper­ ators. There are not enough to supply the demand. Their salaries are considerably above those of many classes of workers. An Oliver Typewriter in Every Home That. Is our battle cry today. We have made the Oli ver supreme In usefulness and abso­ lutely indispensable In business. Now comes the conquest of the home. The simplicity and strength r>f the Oliver fit it for family use. It is becoming an im­ portant factor In the home training of young people. An educator as well as a money mak~ r. Our new selling plan puts the Oliver on the thresholdof every home In America. Will 9ou close the door of yoiu* home or office on this remarkable Oliver opportunity? Write for further details of our easy) offer and a free copy ot the new Oliver catalog. Address ' The Oliver Typewriter Company The Oliver Typewriter Building, Chicago, Illinois. NORTHWESTERN 11*1 AA 1U1 TELEPHONE NO. 362 (.Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title ami conveyaucing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634, 903 aud M.1.1 MARRIAGE LICENSES. LeRoy Brown, 21 Woodstock Janet Thompson, 22 Woodstock John LeR. Brown, 3®. ....Moline, III L a c i n d a K . L e w i s , 8 0 . . W o o d s t o c k Edward W, Peterson, 85. .El Paso, Tex. Effercine B. Johnson, 37,. .Crystal Lake Wilham C. Naslnnd, 38 Crystal Lake Edith Kosell,"34 .Chicago Frank J. Sherry, 28 /. Wankegan Winnie M. Hastings; 18.. . .. ,-4. . Hebron Jos. Zellhofer, 31, Rutland twp, Kane Co Elizabeth Kreutzer, 18.. . .Grafton Twp. Lyle Smith, 21 Harvard Lottie HolHster, 19 Fontana, Wis. Going Fishing! Some of the beet fishing in the world can be enjoyed in the summer resort region of Wisconsin, Northern Michigan and Minnesota, most conveniently reached by the direct and snperior train service of the North Western Line. Fast thru trains daily. Numetous good hotels, boarding houses amf catnps afford excellent accommodations. For descriptive booklets and full particulars, apply to any ticket agent of the North Western Line or address W. B. Knis- kern, P, T. M., Chicago. June 24 Alabastine, all colors, at Masquelet's drug store, East Side. Steam Hoat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 50 per day. THf 0. SCHIESSIE, Prop. WEST McHENRY. For Coughs--Xake This Do you know a remedy for coughs and colds nearly seventy years old? There is one--AyeSPs Cherry Pectoral. Once in the family, it stays. It is not \ doctor, does not take the place of a doctor It is a doctor's aid. Made for the treatment of all throat and Tung troubles. Ask your own doctor his opinion of it. Follow his advice, No alcohol in this cough medicine. JxTAyerO,. , Louie fl, Mass.. You cannot recover promptly ii your bowels are constipated. Ayer's Piito are gently Ux- atlvc;actdkectlyontbeUvcr. Sold for ncariyfixtyyeare. Ask your doctor *U about them. VOLOb Mrs. John Brown of Wanconda was in town Friday. M iss Lucy Dunnlll of Long Lake was in town last Thnrsd&y. Mrs. Mat Linden of Kansas was call­ ing on old friends here last week.. Miss Reba Huson was a McHenry and Oris wold Lake caller Saturday. Irwin Wheelock and Miss Fanny Sex­ ton of Wanconda were in town Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Raught ie spending a few days this week with relatives at Wan- kegan. Miss Inez Bacon of McHenry spent Saturday and Sunday with Mies Jennie Potter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Nicholls aud chil­ dren of Roseville called on relatives here Sunday. Mesdames John Walton, A. J. Ray- uiond aud Miss Hellen Raymond spent Thursday in Chicago. Joe Rosing, who is employed, in Chi­ cago, is spending a two weeltfe' Taoation with his parents here. Mrs. Charity Raught was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Raught at Libej;tyville last week. Mrs. Jennie Cotwman and daughter, Muriel, of Round Lake visited at the Kirw#n home Tnesday. Mesdames Gertrude and Lawrence Miller were guests of relatives near Johusburgh Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hendee and chil­ dren of Hainesville spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Parker. Bnrt Johnson and Mrs. Ada Smith of Grayslafae were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lusk Sunday afternoon. Mrs. John Hironimns and daughter and Miss Maude Walton of Waukegan spent Sunday with the latter * parents, Mr. Mid Mrs. John Walton. -THE BEST-- i at the lowest pri­ ces. Harness oiled here at 75c per double set.' :: :: flt&.'.Tfrelen McHENRY, ILLINOIS.! 223M51AH rlfht-- .THE WRONG WAY to select harness is tlie way It is usually done. Price is generally the first consid­ eration. If that is very low the tfoods seem attractive, regardless of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Examine into the.quality of this harness first. Then it will be seen that it is worth almost auv price. But our prices are not high. Value considered they are remark­ ably low. :: :: :: :: :: G. A Barker Bonslett Block - flcHenry, 111. • ' • fr HMSS! WHEN yon get ready lor that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you the good points in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on a first-class job. We guar­ antee all of our work. R; I>atzke& (0. West McHenry. r MEATS V That are Iresh, .and tender are juicy w.hat we sell here. Also a fine line of Canned Goods, Bakery Goods and Vegetables in sea­ son. We know we have j#st what you E. F. Matthews III. - : joi West Mc Henry TELEPHONE Photo Studio McHenry, Illinois. PORTRAITS, OUTDOOR WORK, ENLARGEMENTS, FRAMES. POSTllfis. •Phone 322, Professional. Socity V* tvnd Bustrvesss Cards v DAVID G. WELLS M. D. ' pHY8iClAft, SUKGEON AND uCUL *• Office and residence corner Elm. ureen streets, McHenry. Telephone No, fegers & fegees ,r • pHYBIOIANH AND SURGEONS, He Bear? ^ D*T. SMILEY ATTORN E V AT LAW, Woodstock, I Hi note *1' business Intrusted to his care wlll be ,. properly and promptly attended to. - j " R. G. CHAMBE|iii DENTIST Office over Besley'a Drag Hours: 8:00 to 5:30. ii Www MOHSNKT. Telephone N« 4 * Office In SpauMing Mg. • ARNOLD MUELLER*,V Physician Mid Surgeon /•/ T McHENEY, ILLINOIS. Telephone Ne. »t£ SIMON STOFFEL ^Insurance Agent for all classeeof . , (property in the best Companies. " West McHenry, lllnaij F. O. ROSS. D. I J. S. Office second floor Yager Block. lli WOHK FEKTAINiMti TO MODBRN DJCNT18*B* Nitrous Oxld Gas for Extractlag. Hours 8:00 a, m. to 5:00 p. m. Telephone No. 542. .O , MEAD JUSTICE OF THfi PEACE AND INSURANCE AUENT. I am now prepared to Insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Btc Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III. RETURNS OP Base Ball AND OTHER Sporting Events By SpecUl Wire at the Um&ert Q. Stag BUFFET 9* Fifth Ave. CHCAGO Electric Bitters Succeed; when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy,, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's cc inter. The Riverside Livery R. I. OVERTON, PROP. IH '-N - 'V. a l l t i ' i i i n s f i t uii • *ISi ..L • .• 1 Teamlns of all Kinds done promptly. Special attention trlven to truvclliiK men. First-class rij?s with or without driver at reasonable prices. McHENRY, ILLINOIS. AIR MOTOR PUMP Goai aotedd to operate an? pump. JBe^t of HHtirtfact ion always. We Bell on trial. Why pay $135 when yon can bny pump complete for...... $37»50 Wid. Bacon, Chicago & North-Western. Olitoag©. •7.00 11 m.... *«.4r> it *.... a ta a n»... •1.00 v> m *3.4.r> p m.... *3.2& p m.... *s.iep£..;> Effective May 2, MO#. Win DAT TKAIH8. NORTHBOUND Via Eluin ..... .. ...Via Dos !'!:sU**.... . ..-Via D»'s IM:tines .. Via RIkio... McHenry. ....10.17 am --10.17 am --10.17 a m 2.4S p 01 ...Via Mf.s Plalnes 2.15 i> m .. Via Des Plaines 1.45 p m .Via El)?in. .Via l>es Plalne . ,.8.45p m «.45p® imm. 4:i'Xi,M kis ' '1.A •>" •-i'K Hi. - . ^....1-^ * ... J.. . .. j •«. • r SUNDAT TRAINS. „ S.OOa . .r.Via Des Plaiuesc. . . .. 7.56 a nt* > Via FJnin . 9.00a n».JT.....Via Des Plaines..*.... 1.00 p n)..-. ••• -- Vlu Elgin. \ WBEK DAY TRAIHS. t6.5»a m. Via Des Plaines...... *7.10 a a.. .... Via Des Plaines *7.10 11 a..- Via Elgin. ... *s.x! a a.. Via Des Plaines *4.17 pa Via Des P! aloes.. *4.17 p a Via Elgin •6.27 p a. ...... Via Des Plaines.. _ SUNDAY TKAIMS. .. 7.10 Via Elgin 7.08 p ralf. Via Des Plaines 7 4!*pia...- Via Des Plaices... 7.46 p m-- Via GIkIu........ •Daily except Sunday. tSatiuday r«ly. ',tyt •. tWnmOMf aai§. -.i-i $\i" ' •• . tr» .933 is . 10.20 a m .10.20 am . 4.65 pm Arrive Otolcsffo . 8.28 a m . tt.oH a m . 9 . W a m .. 0.35 am ...6.35pm -- 7.10 pm ... 7.53pm

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