Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 17 Jun 1909, p. 4

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{BZZ Once each week we this space for the priTileg© only of inviting you once again to become a customer of this store.. The person who reads about us fifty-two times a yea£ ought to know us at least fifty* two times better than if he hatl read of us but once. The bet­ ter he knows us the more likely he is to like us and our busi­ ness methods. Your patron*- age is urgently solicited and respectfully invited. : : : r: HN S WEST McHENRY, 11*1*. Keeping in Pace THE with a rapidly increasing business cannot be done without some inconveniences, de- lavs, etc., but we are doing the best we can. Since embarking in the grocery business w^ have added and added to our stock until we now have our shelves loaded down with one of the finest lines of groceries to be found in McHenry. We now respectfully ask you for your grocery orders and promise you in exchange for same the best quality of goods that money will buy at prices that you will appreciate. Our deliveries are always prompt, the goods reaching you just when you want them. A trial order will con­ vince you that we are right. :: :: M. NIESEN CENTERVILLE GROCER & McHENRY. >. ILLINOIS. the sick and those seeking rest and recreation. ...NATURAL. METHODS... "• "Write for free illustrated booklet. Carl StrueK, Chicago 100 State Street, . " Room 1409. J) Chi-Namel Is a liquid finish for floors, interior woodwork and met­ al that's really far superior to any other made. Chi-Namel wears wonder­ fully well. It is elastic, tough and durable. Thump­ ing, scraping, walking and washing won't mar its high gloss surface. A blow from a hammer indenting the wood will not mar the var­ nish. JUiooleum or Oil Cloth gi ven a coat of Chi-Namel regains its .original brightness and a new lease of life. Boiling Water will not af­ fect Chi-Namel. Nothing equal to Chi-Namel for fin­ ishing new floors, old floors, window casings, bathrooms, etc. S. W. OROWM Ringwood, : : Illinois W- Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully eolicting public pat­ ronage. Honey io Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on us. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates. Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. ^ Low Ratci Ewt ' J4'*' Vii the KuHli-WMUtrn Line. 1 Bound trip excursion tickets on sale '> * fruiy during June and July to various I ;• J eastern Seaside and Mountain Resorts, i,{* to New York City, Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, Niagara Falls, At- rj; lantic City and numerous other points.. t« New England and along the 8t. JUawrence River. Liberal return limitM ifcnd favorable stop over privileges. Fast,, modern equipped trains leav«» convenient hours, making diree* connections in Chicago with the trains Of all lines east. The best of everything. Plan yowr trip now. For full particulars, appty ff^o any Ticket Agent, The North We»- itaraUm. n. U/IUaw MiiiJniliif II! nrnwj I'MflKIKi PUBLISHED EVBAY THURSDAY " F. Q. SCHRElNjER, OflMteiaak Bulldlnc.. ^ete»hOM. TIRMS OP SUBSOmPTIONt One yea* '.. au OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WE ENTERTAINS WHERE WE GO. M*D the guests of relatives here during the past week, Wednesday morning. Will Thoiua* spent Sunday in Rich Going Seattle f Special low reduced rates from all points daily via The Chicago A North. Western By. to the Exposition at Seattle, the Yellowstone Park, Yosem- ifce, < Colorado and the Pacific Coast. Choice of routes and splendid service 1 of electric-lighted, luxuriously -equipped trains daily between Chicago and all j gmncipal points west and northwest. 1 HUHtrated folder descriptive of the Exposition, booklets, maps and itine­ raries of personally-conducted tours to all points of interest, free on application to any Ticket Agent, The North Wes tern Line. 52 8t For everything in farm machinery «#«* 'Wm.tdt6ffeL • ' • - .< . . Js.-** KoHenrjr Entertain* • Urje Company of Walton During the Week--Whom We Kutertain. H. E. Price was in Chicago Tuesday Mrs. E. Hunter spent Monday in Chi. cago. C. D. Boss is the guest of relatives at Des Moines, la. ^ Miss Florence Howe was ^ Chicago TisffSr Tuesday. Gus Carlson of Woodstock was a re­ cent McHenry visitor. Jr John B. Knox was thejgneBt of Wan- conda friends Sunday. Jchn R. Brents was a recent gtiest of Kenosha, Wis., friends. B. Mueser attended to business mat­ ters in Chicago Tuesday. Capt. S. M. Walker of Chicago was a visitor in town Sunday. Q. C. Boley transacted business in the metropolitan city Tuesday. F. Masquelet was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. G. W. Besley attended to business in the windy city Wednesday. Miss F. Hillebrand was a business vis­ itor in the windy city Monday. Theo. Schiessle was a business trans­ actor in the windy city Tuesday. Mrs. Paul Wooster returned Monday from a week's visit at Milwakee. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bacon spent Mon­ day with relatives in Wanbeeran. Fred Wilmington of North Crystal Lake was a recent McHenry caller. ^ Joe Wheeler was a Chicago passenger from this station Tuesday morning. Miss Cassie Eldiedge was the guest of Richmond relatives and friends Sunday. Dr. C. H. Fegers, Jr., was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Tues­ day. Stephen H. Frennd attended to mat­ ters of a business nature in Elgin Mon­ day. Mrs. Henry Heimer and daughters boarded the Chicago train Tuesday morning. Mr. apd Mrs. Robert Sherburne were North Crystal I^ake visitors one day this week. Mrs. Walter J. Keyes of Chicago is a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. William Fisher, here. Joseph Gans of Woodstock spent Sun­ day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Gans, here. Mrs. Martin Bickler and children spent Tuesday and Wednesday as the guests of Elgin relatives. Miss Flora Churchill of Libertyviilp was the guest of Robert Sherburne and family one day this week. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, Clara, were Chicago passen­ gers Wednesday morning. Mrs. H. T. Brown went to Hebron Tuesday evening for a vist with Mrs. Torrance, a former McHenry resident. John E. Wightman, who has been spending some time at Pistakee. Bay, has returned to his home at Chenoa, III. Mrs. Elmer Francisco and little son and Miss Lettie Stevebs, from near Richmond, were McHenry visitors Tnee day. W. F. Gallaher and family leave next Tuesday for their new home in Milwau­ kee, Wis. The family will be greatly missed here. John Engeln, who during the past few months has been a salesman for a large soap company, has returned to his home here. Hon. William Lorimer and family came,out from Chicago last Saturday evening to take up their summer rest deuce at Pistakee Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Cobb and children left last Friday for Milnor, N. D., where the former has secured em ployment With F. A. Parker. Miss Carrie Price, who has been mak­ ing her home with Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Price here for some time past, returned to her in Genoa Junction, Wis Saturday. Mrs. Robert Judy and three children left last Saturday for their home at Lyons, Kan., after a pleasant visit at the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. G. W. Colby. Messrs. Chancey Harrison and James Sayler, Misses Myrtle Wattles and Lillian Wheeler drove to Chicago in the former's auto last Saturday morning spending the day in that city. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Howard of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of the latter' brother, E. F. Matthews. Mr. Howard returned home in the evening, while his wife remained for a few days' longer stay. Harry Bacon of Chicago visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frisby Tuesday. He was accompanied home by his wife and family, who have been Miss Florence Howe was a Richmond Visitor Sunday, ^ ^ Wesley and ' Pet&;#teterso% l^ere Rich mo nil visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. (i. Sparling *ete Richmond visitors Sunday. Al ta Went worth returned home last Sunday from a week's visit among Chi­ cago relatives. Mrs. H. H. fianly and children of Havana, III., are spending the week as the guests of relatives and friends here Mrs. Anna Byrd and daughter, Lu- cile, left Tuesday evening for Plymouth, Mich., for a week's visit with friends. They also attended the graduation exer­ cises of the Plymouth high school, Miss Lulu Byrd being one of the graduates. Sidney Stone of Chicago, now at the Orchard Beach sanatorium is regaining; bis health in good- shape. He intends spending the greater part of the summer months at this point. He was formerly engaged as advertising* agent for the Chicago Examiner. Mr . Stone extends welcome invitation to his friends in Chicago. . / #** Professloristl, Soattr 1** a.nd Buslnesss A DAVID G, WfilrLS P?Sb£ian- SUSftEON AND B AND BURGEONS, at Itesideuce, 833. D.T. HMILKY What Would Ton T>«? Fonr young people from McHenry, two boys and two girls, had an exper­ ience last Sunday evening that would make a big hit in the eopaie suppliment the Chicago American. The four young people in question, it seems, had passed a few hours at Johnsbnrgh and on their way home, via gasoline launch, one of the two fellows, who was "doing the engineer act," suddenly became Violently sea sick. In .spite of all the sympathy that his "shipmates" extend­ ed, the poor fellow found it a hard task to withstand the fierce attack of that dizzy feeling and soon after was occupy­ ing the lower deck of the boat. Just about the time that the engineer had retired for the night the1 engine refused to work and, altho the combined efforts of the three mates were used to the very best of their knowledge, the engine proved itself true to the captain, (who was at this time dreaming of the angels) refusing to perform its duties. As the hours were getting far past the regular bed time, the crew set out to frame up ways and means Of getting to shore. After many minutes were spent in their attempt to solve the mystery, the bright thought of carrying the girls to shore strnck the young man and the next minute §aw him performing the heroic deed. The water at the point where the rescue took place is not only quite deep, but, according to the brave hero's own story, was also just a trifle oool on this pariicular night. However, the girls were thankful to get to shore and so was the fellow who did the wading. Another boat picked up the party a little later on and brought them to town. The engineer and the ship that were apparently in sad distress did not report in dock until the following fore­ noon. RINGWOOD. 3. C. Ladd Chicagoed Monday. L. Tonyan was a Spring Grove caller Sunday. J, V. Buckland was a pleasant caller at Pistakee Bay Saturday. Frank Hawley of Elgin visited With his parents in Ringwood Sunday. Martin H. Hall boarded the early train for Chicago Monday morning. Miss Ida Adams retnrned to Hartland Saturday after a week's visit with homo folks. Karl Bradley of Elgin visited with his parents in Ringwood Saturday and Sunday. Miss Flora Churchill of Libertyvil visiting with Mr. and Mrs. C. t!. Harrison and family at this writing. The Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. church will meet at the home of Mrs. Clayton Harrison on Thursday, Jptie 24. Tea will be served. Todd of Dundee nnfchsssd & c&r* load of Holbein cattle in this vicinity the past week, shipping them to Dun­ dee last Saturday evening. , > Children's day exercises will take place at the M. E. church on Sunday afternoon, June 20, at two o'clock. A cordial invitation is extended to all. Scho9f closed Thursday, June 11, with a fine program in the M. W. A. hall in the evening, which was well attended. The school picnic was given at Pistakee Bay Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Hepburn and fam­ ily left Wednesday last for a two weeks' vacation with relatives and old time friends in Columbus, Ohio, that place being their native home. read the heading bW again, its thiinondnus sinnl^cancer will dam you; An Oliver Typewriter--the standard visible writar--the $M©< machine*- the most highly pcrfVeti'd typewriter ou the market--yours for 17 conts inn-3fl.y!" V Th<!lypewritor whose conquest of the com- merrt&l world Is a matter of business {lister? r-yours for I? cents a. day The typcwrltor that is equipped with scores of such conveoieuces as "Tlie Balauef Shift" --"'The Ruling Device"--"The Double Re­ lease"--"The Locomotive Base"--"The Auto- •majtio Spacer"--"The, .Automatic Tabulator" --"The Disappearing Indicator"--"The Ad- ; * > instable Papor Fin- $ers"-"The Scientific Condensed Keyboard -all . Yours for 17 cents a day! We announced this new sales plan re­ cently, Just to feel ' -Jf- ; the pulse of the peo­ ple. '8hn?ly a small CWh pay ioent--then IT cents a day. "this is the plan in a nutshell. The result has been such a deluge of appli­ cations for machines that we are simply as- oursded. The demand oomes from people Of airolasS" es, all ages, all occupations. The majority of inquiries has COtnB from people of known financial standing, who were attracted by the novelty of the proposition, An impressive demonstration of the imttiense popularity of the Oliver Typewriter. A stiirtlhig confirmation of our belief that the Era of Universal Typewriting Is at hand. A Quarter of a Million of People are Making Money TF)e OLIVER Typewriter The Standard Visible Writer /•The Oliver Typewriter U a money-maker right from the word "go!" 80 easy to run that beginners soon get in the "expert" class. Earn as you learn. Let the machine pay the 17 cents a day -and all above that is yours. Wherever you are, there's work to be done and moneV to be made by using the Oliver. The business world is calling for Oliver oper­ ators. There are not enough to supply the demand. Their salaries are considerably above those of many classes of workers. An Oliver Typewriter in Every Home That is our battle cry today. We have made the Oliver supreme in usefulness and abso­ lutely indispensable in business. Now comes the conquest of the home. The simplicity and strength of the Oliver fit it for family use. It is becoming an Im­ portant factor in the home trahiing of young people. An educator as well as a money mak- er. , f Our new selling plan puts the Oliver on the thresholdof every home in America. Will yort"close the door of your home or office 011 this remarkable Oliver opportunity?' Write for further details of our easy" offer and a free copy of the new Oliver catalog. Address , The Oliver Typewriter Company The Oliver Typewriter Building, Chicago, Illinois. -- NORTH WESTERN -- Hotel & Buffet NO. 362 ; at the lowest pri­ ces. Harness oiled here at 75c per double set, M. A. Thelen McHENRY, - ILLINOIS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Woodstock, IUIAOM V business intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. 1>R. R. O. OH AMBER LIN '4«'„ „ ' UENTIST , Office over Besley's Drag Sltti#. "Hours: K;nn tn Hours: 8u»o to 5:3^ WIST MoHaNmr. Tslsnhsas M-Vijjfe-1 ncpiiraw THE WRONG WAY to select harness IS the way it is usually done. Price is generally the first consid­ eration. If that, is very low the goods seem attractive, regardless of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Examine Into the quality of this harness iirst. Then it will be seen that it is worth almost any price. But our prices are not high. Value considered they are remark­ ably low. :: :: :: :: O. A Barker Bonslett Block - flcHenry, 111. OffSc* 1« SsMiittHag . AiSbLD MUEIXER,;.;4 - $' Physician and Surgeon _ * ^ WIST McHENRY, ILLINOIS, r-~-- . . • ; --; • , • - v j Ttfeplione No. 393 . • , £$ SIMON 1STOFJTEL a ' ' '• *> Insurance Agent for all classesoff"-^ property i& the best Companies. West McHenry, 11 loots F. C. ROSS. D. I). Office second flow Yager Block. iU WORK PERTAIIftHG TO MODliRH DmgTlWjlf v Nitrous Oxid Clas for Extracting. * I*, , * Hours ^:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. jja. •. Telephone No. 542. ; H. (C. MEAD R JUSTICE OP THE PEACB" -5 AffD INSURANCE AQENT, ; I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop­ erty against Fire, Lightning? Tornados, fitoc Also liaye a special line of Insurance on Live StoJk Insuring against death from any cause. Stoik V|est McHenry, III RETURNS OF Base Ball ' AND OTHER Sporting Events By Special Wire at the Lfflbert Q. BUFFET 9a Fifth Ave. GHCAQO WHEN you get ready for that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you the good ppirits in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on a first-class job. W© guar­ antee all of our work ;: R. MM & (0. West McHenry. Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best, medicine ever sold over a druggist's winter. The Riverside Livery R. I. OVERTON, PROP. Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 50 per day. TlitO.SCHlESSlf, PTip. WEST McHENRY. LOCAL NEWS OF M'HENRY AS SEEN BY THE PLA1NDEALER REPORTERS. PROBATE NEWS l>'urnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of Uve hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones B34, 903 and 911.1 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Ferdinand Pfannenstill, Margaret ha EfaimenstiU appointed executrix; bond #5,000. Benson G. Sherman, report filed. Jacob Bollarbnsh, final report filed. MARIUAGE LICENSES. Geo. H. Firkins, 29, .Harvard Jessie 8. Landon, 36. " Fred Smith, 22. ........... Johnsbnrgh Elizabeth Weber, 22. . . . .^ .McHenry Lonis D. Wilson, 24. Urbana Hazel N. Westermae, 21,. . iCIreenwood Why Take Alcohol? Are you thin, pale, easily tired, lack your usual vigor and strength? Then your digestion must be poor, your blood thin, your nerves weak. You need a tonic and alterative. You need Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the only Sarsaparilla entirely free from alcohol. We believe your doctor would endorse these statements, or we would not make them. Ask him and find out Follow his advice. J.C.AyerCo:.U,w<>lt,M«ss.' Items of Interest Picked Up A boot Our ItUBjr Little Burj; Thmt Mny Concern You or Your Friend*. Alabastine, all colors* at Masqnalsfc's drag store. East Side. Hughston Gallaher WM tendered a farewell party by a number of his young friends at his home Tnesday evening. Singing, dancing and music made np an evening of pleasure for those in attend­ ance. Light refreshments were served. Mr*. Kiley Dead. The remains of Mrs. Riley, lister to Mrs Dei Whiting of this place, were brought to McHenry from Chicago this (Thursday) morning for burial, the fnneral services being held at St< Pat­ rick's Catholic church. Mrs. Riley died in Chicago on Tuesday evening of this week. • Notice! "The Alumni association will bold a meeting Friday evening, June 18, at Mabel Granger's, for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year. Every member is urgently requested to be present. The class of 0# will please attend this meeting also. mt A 18 That are Xreilh^jtvky and tender are what we sell here. Also a fiae line of Canned Goods, Bakery Gopds and Vegetables in sea­ son. We know we to Justwhal^'jbtt . ' ' ' f<3r. 'Buses meet, all trains for Kiversi<to Hotel and points on l'lstakee Bay aim : Fox Lake. Teamlnir of all kinds donst promptly. Spccial attention sivin to traveling men. Flrst-ehiss rips with or without driver at reasonable prices. McHENRY, - • ILLINOIS. AIR MOTOR PUMP •j* E.F.Mattliews Guaranteed to opf rate sny puiup. Best nf satisfaction always. We sell on trial. _ Why pay |125' whf« yon 01^ bnv pump West McHenry, III. TELEPHONE 30a The endorsement of your doctor will certainly greatly incrc.tsc your confidence in Ayer's Ftt»MafaMOy luattve. liver pMle. H A* your doctor ajbMit Ottm. Tenihera Are The board of education has engaged nil the teachers for the coming year, the list being as follows: Prof W. P. Rice, Misses Agnes A. Perry. Alice Knox, Myrtle Wattles, Mrs. Mayme Overton, Misses Clare 8toffel and Pearl a*xton. : .• v • .V... t, TJ, * Photo Studio McHenry, IMMfc; ' PCM^TRAITS. • - OUTDOOR WORK, * ENLARGEMENTS, ^..yjRAMES, ":,-r "pps^Ls. •'P,hbne-322. '< •• *A> Jtoed Tl> PisiindseiTu . 1 complete for....... Wm. Bacon S97.S0 % McHenry Chicago & North-WesternV •Effective May HO, IDWt, WKBK DAT TRAINS. OhiC^O. HOBTHBOCND *T.oo am •s.ftOam ... , *12.HO a n> *1.15 0. «n • • '•V!* IVS +!.(*! p 111 *3.+"> p m ..Via Elgin--. . .. Via IH>s I'laineS. Arrlre HcBcari. ...,10.17 a ui ....10.17 a » . .?.4.r> p HI . .. ,2.4s p m 2.15 P ill *3.25 p m... *5.12 pp» • 8.00 am.. . 7.65 a». , . 8.4A am 1.00PBS.... Leave McHenry. *©.M am.. *7.10 am.. . *7.10 a m... *s.32am... *4.17 p m. *4.17 *0.27 I'lalnes. IVs ]>lalues . Vl4 l^es Dallies 4.45 p m Via F.IKIII S.45 p M Via Des 1*1 at nee 8.45 pro StTHDAT TK AIHS. ..Via I>es I'lalnes .D.37 am Via Elgin . .. .....VMOam ..ViaPes I'lalnes MLSO am Via Elgin 4£5pm WMK DAT TRAINS. > SOUTHBOUND. OT"SO ...Via Hes I'lalnes. a ut Via TVs I'laintts (9.0s a m • Vlii Elgin '-».45 a m ... Via Des I'lalnes 9.515 a m ...Via Des i'lalnes IfM-t •V p tn Via Elpin p tn Via Des I'laiues.. SDNHAY TRAINS. 7.10a»..*...~ Via Elgin 7.08 PTTF.. '.....Via Des I'hiines 7.5S p tit::. .. Via L>es I'L 7.58 pm Via Elgla*. •Hail* except Sunday. +Saturday only. 7.10 p M 7.S:t p ni a m * *• ^ " -r f ^ •» >:l- - - ,1 : 'i. •Xt',-. r-;. .. -,vv \ * 4 <<"• • V • ' "IK"? W % '.'3 ' i

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