Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Jul 1909, p. 5

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W AND % LINOLEUM m * Atno-tiqie have We offered any­ thing like the assortment of beau­ tiful Floor Coverings which com­ prises our present display! We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special . marking we have placed thereof., Call and see. * * McHENRY, ILLINOIS. --OUR STOCK OF- SUMMER DRESS GOODS is very complete, in plain and fancy weaves, stripes and figures, ranging in price from 8c •*• to 50c per yard, in Lawns, Dimities, Lintex, Flaxons, Linen Finish Suitings, Silks, Etc. We have the finest lin£ of Shoes and Oxfords in town, new lasts and ali the popular colors. Call and see them, Hats, Hats, inthe popularGreen shades, Tail, Smoke Gray, Nutria and Pearl, from $1.50 ; $3.00 for the dressy sorts. BJacks also. . . . . . . . ' Shirts in plain and fancy colors, negligee and semi-dress, from 50c to $.3.00 each. A new lipe of Collars and Ties, proper shapes and colors. Call and leave your measure for a new- Suit* Coat, Vest or Trousers, made by the Intern^ tional Tailoring company. We guarantee $ „ perfect fit and will positively save you several . dollars on your outfit. Our line of Working Shoes and Working Cloth­ ing is best for the money. Have you seen our new Rubber Boot?--leather sole, heel and inner sole, hob nailed, fully war­ ranted. _ ^ , Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Canned Goods, Flour, Graham, Meal, Etc. Yours truly, M. J. WALSH QOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY* 'PHONE No. 483 If PATRONIZE YOUR HOME INDUSTRY AND ASK FOR EARLY RISER THAT'S THE NAHE ASK YOUR OROCER FOR IT --Why be without-- \> - the best jS family flour WHEAfRV Web FANCY FAMILY FLOUR , J SP£NC£R U -A IY ILL t^s Our fresh groud Whole WhMt Ptow •xcsltoat paocalcM. graham Flour Breakfast -Food .Corn flea "f? Buckwheat Flow Rye Four Pumpernickel Flour : 5EED BUCKWHEAT FOR SALE|J|., ̂ A r ' 1i *>'i West Ndlenry flour and Feed Mills WEST McHENRY. ILLINOIS - • JOHN SPENCER, Prep ! CENTRAL OPERA HOUSE! Sunday Evening, July 4. , # THE PLAY THAT 4i A TIP Y A Q PUCASCS ALLm. ** A L/AAO • , i T H E G R E A T E S T O F A L L C O W B O Y P L A Y S j iiWattch for the Cow Boy Band., j I NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY | OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS SPRING GROVK. Dr. Darbey of Wilinot was la town Monday. > Mrs. Math. Lay ia nnmbered with the sick this week.- t P. F. Seitfer was in Libertyvtlte Set nrdsy evening. Dr. R rem ken of Richmond was a caller in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Lay entertained tbe formers mother Snnday Miss Grace Ssyles of Pox Lake was a caller in town Satnrda? evening. Miss Genevrie Parr of Kenosha is vis the home of Hobert Ranen. Joe Raaen of Racine was visiting with relatives and friends here Sunday, Ward Baker of Chicago spent several days visiting with relative* and friends here. Miss Anna Jting has improved her village residence by having it newly painted. Mrs. Geo. Wieland has been enter­ taining her mother from Chicago the past week. Mrs, William Hoffman has been enter­ taining a lady friend from Milwaukee the past week. James Jackson and Eerie Monear of Solon were pleasant callers in town Monday evening. J. M. Westlake spent Saturday and Sunday with bis son, Robert, and fam ily at Silver Lake. Miss Sara Reed of Lnna Center, Wis., is visiting at the home of her friend. Miss Ada Westlake. Mrs. Jaines Harness and Miss 8arah Hodge of Solon were calling on friends here Monday evening. Misses Emma, Lizzie and Lena Frennd of Johnahurgh Spent Monday with their sister, Mrs. Math. Ranen. Earl Westlake of Chicago spent Satur day and Snnday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Westlake. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hnff and little daughter spent Sunday and Monday visiting with relatives in Elgin Heury Sweet and family moved Tues­ day last from their farm east of town to the Geo. Elfers tenant honse north of Solon. Mrs. Math. Ranen and son, Arnold, spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mta. J. H. Frennd, near Johns- burgh. TUIA Miss Helton Raymond spent Friday of last week at Grayslake Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nioholls Wf» in Libertyville last Friday. Mrs. Chas. Ranght spent Saturday and Snnday in Waukeg«n. Mr. and Mrs. John Brown of Wen conda were thrn Volo Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Miller are guests of relatives in Milwaukee at pres­ ent. Mrs. Robert Paddock entertained her son, Robert, of Charlevoix. Mich., laat week. Miss Maude Eatinger entertained rel atives and friends from Chicago oyer Sunday. Mrs. Chas. Parker attended the wed­ ding of her brother at Highland Park last week. Mrs. Simeon Russell of Chicago vis­ ited her mother, Mrs. Laura Httson, last week, Robert Walton of Wankegan visited at the home of his brother here Satur­ day and Sunday. Mrs. Frank Zuslsdorf and son of Mc­ Henry are staying at Harry Nicholls* home for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Lusk and daugh­ ter of I van hoe spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lusk. Miss Delia Kir wan of Waucouda spent several days duriug last week with her annt, Mrs. Jim Kir wan. HOM-OStBVl ILK. Miss Letah Pomreuing spent Sundsy at home. Miss Mary Doherty spent Wednesday in this vicinity. Miss Vera Ekftaerty spent Wednesday evening in McHenry. Jay Doherty and son, Paul, were Woodstock visitors Wednesday. Wtti. Doherty and daughter, Grace, called at David Powers' Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harrison spent Sunday with relatives in Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Conley and chil <lren spent Monday at W. B. Gilbert s. Several from here attended the dance given in tbe Wullenberg barn Friday evening. Mrs. Fred Harrison and daughter of Michigan visited at C. W. Harrison's last week. Mrs. Ed. Gilbert of Chicago is spend iag a few days with her sister, Mrs. W. B. Gilbert. Mr. and Mrs T. L. Flanders and chil itren and Mrs. B. Flanders were Mc­ Henry callers Saturday. Mrs. Wiu. Zeuk and sons, Willie and Paul, returned Wednesday from a visit with relatives and friends in Indiana. Misses Nellie Biggy and Clara Mc Kinney of Chicago spent a few days last week with relatives and friends here. "A Texas Ranger" is a melodrama of Western life near a military post and is full of thrilling climaxes, startling situ *tions and laughable comedy. At tbe sv BlllUKFISLU IX Q Kline . was a city shopper Mon­ day. Mrs. W. M. Madsen was a Woodstock caller Tuesday. Mrs. W. H . Monroe was a business caller in Sharon Tuesday. Willie Smith of Elgin visited his aunt, Mrs. E. Smith Tuesday. Mr. Josephenson was called to Wood­ stock Tuesday by the illness of hit son, Myron Wilson. Mrs. Bullock and children visited friends in Woodstock a part of Satur­ day and Sunday. Mrs. Rose Goddard and daughter, Genevieve, visited with Mrs. E. Mer­ chant in Crystal Lake Monday. Pearl Hanghawout, Mildred Whyte, Genevieve Goddard and Cora Lock wood were Crystal Lake visitors Tuesday Mrs. L McLaughlin and children of JanesviUe are spending a few days with hsr brother, S. A. Merchant, Mid wife. Chas. Bollock was called to Aurora Saturday afternoon by the illness of his father. He returned Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. F. Thayer and visitors, Mrs. J. Pngh and two daughters of Woodstock and Mr. and Mrs. Laudon of Rockford, spent Saturday in Lincoln park. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufleld, Mr. and Mrs, Roy Skinner and son -and Arthur Skinner attended the funeral of Mrs. Skinner, who was Mrs. Dufield's mother- in-law. Mrs. Sarah Wakefield, who has spent a year with her son, Charles Keeler, in Elgin, has returned to her home here. Her friends and old-time neighbors are glad to see her among them once more. SCHOOL NOTES. Ray Lynch had perfect attendance for tbe year. School will open again Aug. 80. We will be glad to reoeive tuition pupils. The following pupils ranked first the last month; Grade 5, Lucy Benson; grade 6, Donald Knilands and Helen Whyte;' grade 7, Olive iiesselgrav®; grade 8, Harold Lucas. The following pnpils have been nei­ ther absent nor tardy from school during the last month: Donald Knilands, Rachel French, Helen Whyte, Olive Hesselgrave, Jessie Whyte, Madalsne Lynch, Ray Lynch, Harold Lucas. SCHOOL REPORT 1906-1909, ROOM 3. No. enrolled 81 Average daily attendance... .90 per oent No. of visitors .... .70 No of graduates.. . ..f. S Cases of tardiusm .95 E. L. KIMBALL, Principal. KSUCRALD PARK. Pstesoh's for drugs, Buy your fire crackers at Vycital's. W. J. Walsh spent Thursday in Woodstock. R. E. Sutton of Chicago spent Wed­ nesday at home. Ed. Larkin of EUgin spent Wednes­ day at R. J. Sutton. Miss Mary Sutton went to Elgin Fri­ day to spend a few days. Rev. Father Lahane was visiting la this vicinity Wednesday. R. J. Sutton spent Friday and Satur­ day In Chicago and Elgin. J. J. Paul came out from Chicago to spend Sunday with his family. Mrs. E. Walsh spent the past week with relatives and friends in Elgin. Chas. Berkireber is spending a few weeks with relatives in Crestaline, O M iss Margaret Aylward of Elgin spent Friday and Saturday at R. J. Sutton's. P. Armstrong and Bons of River For­ est opened their cottage for the season Monday. Mrs. E. Larkin and children of Elgin are eujoying a week's vacation with Grandpa Sutton. G. A. Cohan and family came out from Cnicago Friday to spend a two months' vacation. H. Bendidg, J. Frey, E. Armet and D. W. Hill spent Sunday at their re spective cottages. F. Romano and family came out from Chicago Wednesday and opened up their cottage for tbe season., Misses Margaret Aylward and Alice Sutton and Ed. Sutton were Crystal Lake callers Wednesday. Miss E. LaMitt, who has been spend­ ing several weeks at. J. R. Smith's, left Sunday for a trip to California. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoelscher, Sr., daughter, Helen, and son, Paul, of El­ gin, Misses May Bruneineyer of Aurora and Winifred O'Connor of Harvard spent Wednesday at R. J. Sutton'a Mr. and Mrs. F. Hoelscher, Misses Margaret Sutton and Mildred Hoelscher and Meesrs. George and Ed. Hoelscher came np from Elgin Tuesday evening to attend the Hoelscher-Sutton wedding on Wednesday. A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night riders are calomel, oroton oil or aloes pills. They raid your bed to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They never dis­ tress or inconvenience, but always cleanse tbe system, curing Colds, Head­ ache, Constipation, Malaria, 26c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Mssqoelet's and others. Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you SSVSlCpvS £1 YOUR ATTENTION Ladies, is called to the beautiful display of millinery goods that continually adorns this store. Our hats are the folk of the town and must be seen and worn to be appreciated. Many wonderful bargains are also obtainable at this time here and if yon are among tbe tmmbar who have not as yet ptu-chaaed a summer hat now is the time to invest When purchasing a hat here you have the satisfaction of knowing that the hat is high class and strictly np to date in every respect. The LOTUS T1ILLINERY Spaaldfng Bldg,t West Mchenry Harriet 'Wf - .HBtMBR BLOCKS- * t *V • # DRESSMAlClNa MILLINERY Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache * braiding or embroi­ dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. McHENRY, Si ILLINOIS. Want Column. All adrvrttMaiMit* tDMrted under this be«d «t tfc« followtogrMM: nrtllMi or I«m, M e*nt« for Bnt ImertloB; it CUU fur «Mk nlMWtiMiil insertion. HON tbaa liAM, 6 ctnU • Un* (or Brat insertion, Md Scent* i Itae for addition* 1 lna«rttoe». TjVJB BALK--Two horses, weight 1060 each. •E 51-tf DRAYMAN, F. c. FEIV». "CVJR SA LE--A. DeeriuK mower and rake, al- " most uew; also lumber wagon with hay rack, luquire at this office. 8-ft. 17U)& SALE--Anyone wanting cows for the 1 dairy call or phone J. O. LAUD, Uiug- wood. III. Phones, Me Henry, 454; Kichmonu, 084. Beptl* T 08T-- Between Mc Henry and Lake, Win., a brown suit case. Delevan Finder please leave at this office and receive |5,00 reward. 5 TTMJK HALK--North and South Dakota land; -1- $15 to fgl per acre. Also farms In Minne­ sota. For further Information apply or write E. W. Hows, Mc Henry. III. 40-tf OICYOLE FOB SALE 17.00 takes a gent's -*-* bicycle. Wheel Is lrt Kood coudltlon and may be seen by calling at Gilberts' confec­ tionery store in .Lawless block, opposite Riv­ erside House, Mcilenry, 111. "CV)R SALK:- r nn An Is fooi cat boat. Used but one sfttujnn. In tlrut-class condition. For further information apply or write ABTHUR SALOMON, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. 1-lt* T OST--Somewhere between Pistakee Bay and McHenry. automobile number £1091. Finder please return to Plalndealer office. WANTED--A sober, reliable man to do work at the Rosed ale hotel and green­ houses. Steady work foe tbe right man. For further Information apply or write JOHN F. MII.LKH, McHenry, Illinois. 1-lt* A OENT8 n roved WANTED--For Minnesota im- Kesponsible German prospective buyer pre­ ferred. Large income guaranteed, exclusive territory given. TBADS BdOTHMtS, Minne­ apolis, Minn. v^Oli SAL-IS:--A >«y»>>-">iiiii itt:tir» furnth- er with a frontage of ai!0 feet, 3ivide"d In­ to five separate lots. Good cistern, cess-pool and out-door buildings ou premises. Good reasons for selling. Will be sold at very low flgnrns If taken at once. Inquire at this ortlce 33-tf rled, WIFE-Ara mining r mar ood health, character, and some ac SEARCHING FOR A *3 man. thirtv-fonr . g' combTishments. Have accumulated over man, thirty-four years old, never mar ill' &.VOOO In Nevada mining aud will settle down in )H autlful California with the woman of my I'itolce. I>esire to know lady eighteen to thirty years old, fair looking, possessing giwd common .-.ease and who would appreciate j?ood home. No objections to widow. All correspondence confidentially received, l-tft JOHM W. GBANT, Truckee, California. * > . UUJ mifimiL •••••&.;'itsys-j W i TERRA COTTA* W. Boiger and daughter, Anna, of Emerald Park called at M. Knox's Fri- dsy. Mrs. Marian Havens spent the latter part of last week with Marengo rela­ tives. Mr. Mid Mrs. Henry McMillan and son were Bolcombriiie callers Tuesday evening. L. Lockwood, dsngbter, Basel, and son, Lewis, of Bsrreville were oallers in this vicinity Tnesday. Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Anderson and daughters oallsd on Genoa Junction relatives Snnday evening. Mrs. B. F. Peck of Boloombville spent s few days last week with her grand­ daughter, Mrs. H. McMillan. Carl Bergman came ont from Chicago Tuesday, auu will apeim sue summer at the home of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner. The Plaindeaier will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- Aye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other­ wise ordered*. Xtfii. ?"»<f P r 4 About Our Methods \ Our way of selling means moiiey for you as well as for us. « t -̂5 >%' Our way is-̂ -jrotir money baelf if you are the least bit dissatisfied. ^ That means money for you because you can't lose. It means money for us be­ cause it means satisfied customers--and holds them. : Hero's Satisfaction All Around- for you and for us~-it protects you and it pays us. We want you to be one of our sal customers. We'll make you one if given the qhance. N. H DRUGGIST, Telephone 274. CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :• :: CHAS. G. FRliTT. McHENRY^ -PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. How ai) fee pn(es look to you? Endless Apron Manure Spreaders. . . $100 New 5-foot Mowers, no better made.. • •» $40 10-foot Self Dump Rakes, none better.... $23 Plymouth Twine, no better made, only... g All other Farm Machinery, Wagons and Bug­ gies at correspondingly low prices to close out. We sell 4'ATLAS" Portland Cement. - GRAIN and FEKD of all kinds at lowest * mar­ ket prices. During the summer we grind feed every TUES­ DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY a%rf noon. i. v WM. BONSLETT Our Hardware Otir line of summer hardware never more complete than at the present time. We handle nothing but the reliable kind and when you make your purchase here you know what you buy is right, both in qual­ ity and price. Can you afford the time to investigate this assertion? We believe it will pay youto; do so. •m* 'A F.L. ricUinbe THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE. MS: * " V i-v!

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