Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jul 1909, p. 4

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PROPERTY. Sf ATE OF ILLINOIS,). McHbnrt Countt t bm, sec 31, tp 45, r 8,118a. ,».. 106000 W E whiting, wH sex, sec®, tp45, r 8, 80 a E M Owen est, ex pt it 3, Co Clerks plat. It 3, neX, sec 35, tp 45, r 8, 50.73 a A McCoy, pt It H, Co Clerk's plat, neH 116000 Public notice is hereby given, that the fol- )1 640 00 wm sec 35, tp 45, r 8, 3.18 a Emma A Hinge, pt It a, Co Clerk's plat. 285 00 320 00 with a rapidly increasing business caon "be done without some inconveniences, lays, etc., but we are doing* the best we caa» Since embarking in the grocery business W6 lave added and added to our stock until we now have our shelves loaded down with one of the finest lines of groceries to be found in McHenry. We now respectfully ask you for your grocery orders and promise you in exchange for same the best quality of goods that money vviH buy at prices that you will appreciate. Our deliveries are always prompt, the goods reaching you just When you want them. A trial order will con­ vince you that we are right. :: :: GROCER CENTERVILLE Orchard Beach Sanatorium ;:cnENR.Y, V ILLINOIS. For the sick and those seeking rest and recreation. NATURAL METHODS... Write for free illustrated booklet. Dr. Ca.rl Strueh, Chicago 100 SJale Street, R_oom 1409. & P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SMCIAL ATTENTION QIVBN TO THX SAUC OF Dressed Beef, Hutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, . Hides, Etc., Butter f^d Gfgs This is the oldest house on the steeefc Tags and price lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. See Wm. Stoffel about those PATENT KANT COME OFF COW COVERS. They will more than pay for them­ selves two or three times over be- Hidw being huuiauc. He also sells Hay Stack and Hay Cock Covers. Yon cannot cnre Alfalfa Hay without them. :: :: fntf * Uc Awrig Teit (A. : EAST SIDE ... fr'V THE HOMBJ Of FRESH, PUR 10 HEATS, SAUSA­ GES, ETC. OUR P R I C E S W I L L PLEASE YOU. J. J. BUCK, Prop. ,V^\: i«l- «4I x Bank of McHenry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles. and does a GENERAL BANKIM BUSINESS respectfully soliciting public p»K' ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class . security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If yon want to buy or sell, call on us. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Ntary Public. - Bankers. Place lour Order Now. The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every post- office in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every businesn man, farmer or person of any occupation shonld have his name and address. printed on his envelopes, thus injuring their return to the sender if anv mistake in made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office »tkI leave orders for this stationery and it will be pnt up in first-class manner. Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. This paper and The Weekly Inter for on© year's subscription Want Column. lowing is a full and complete list of the as­ sessment. of lands In township McHenry, county of Mo Henry, state of Illinois, for the year A. P., 1B08, its appears from the assess­ ment books of said year. , W. S. MoOonnri.u Supervisor of Assmta. J J ^tilling, wH nwM,.sec£, tp 45, r 8 8 0 a . . . . $ 1 8 8 0 0 0 Mrs E F Chase, swM swH.^ec 8, tp 45, r ^^ ^ t t ^ 440 00 Peter Hlake^ 60 "cierk's plat. It 8, seM, sec 23, tp 45, r 8, 103.38 :i 149800 Fred Schnorr. Orchard Beach plat. It 18, sec 24. tp 45, r 8. .35 a-- , John II Miller, Orchard Beach plat, Its 18-1W, sec 34, tp 45, r 8, .SO a , .... Dr Julius Otto, Orchard Beach plat, Its 38, 33, M. 35, sec 84, tp 45, r 8, 1 a. Wm Mat?.. Orchard B I see 25, tp 45. r H, ieac h pint, It 41, a sci. tp *0. r ft, v W111 A Koeppe. Orchard Beach plat. It ffl, sec 85, tp 45. r 8, .25 a . .. J K Jacobs, Orchard Beach plat, It54, sec 25, tp 45, r 8. .25 a Ohas Beaiuer, Orchard Beach plat, It 58, sec 25, tp 45, r 8, .25 a John Molzer, Orchard Beach plat, It 59, sec 35, tp 45, r 8, .35 a .... ES Wheeler, pt Co Clerk's plat. It 8, .sec 35, tp 45, r 8, 46.37 a Addle Out!lu. River Park, It 7, sec 85, tp 45, r 8, .25 a . .. Geo Harding. River Park* It 8, sec 25, tp 45, r 8, .25 a •••••••• Peter J Freund, Corp Co Clerk s plat, It 27, sH, see SB, tp 45. r 8, .40 a G W Colby, ex \V H R nH (ex R R) neX, sec 27, tp 45, r 8. 31.20 a 85 00 Garrett & Schiller, w pt (ex B R) ne*. sec 37, tp 45. r 8, 58.80 a. .............. 47S W Merriette R Gardiner, (ex s 10 a) S188 a, ' STATE OF ILLINOIS. («• 100 00 70 00 18000 MO 00 80 00 0000 ISO 00 AO 00 900 00 880110 MOO 7100 00 neH, sec 35, tp 45, r 8.'8.10a "... Champion, pt Co Clerk's plat, It 6, sec 8, tp 45, r a. 2.75 a 880 00 M I) Stephens, Duck island, sH. sec 8, tp45. r9, .50 a 90 00 J & W !'otter, pt OoClerk's plat. It A. sec 8, tp 45, r 9, .75 * 15000 STATE OF ILLINOIS, I MCHknky CODNTV, i '88. Pubiic notice is hereby Htven. th»t tbe fol­ lowing I# a full arid complete list of the as­ sessment ol lots and blocks in the village of McHenry, county of McHenry, state of Illi­ nois, for the year A. I)., 1909, as appears from the assessment books of said year. W. S. McOonnki.i., Supervisor of Assmts. Wm Bishop, w side Fox river, it 5. blk 8 100 00 Anton Etigeln, do, Its S, 0 aud sub It 2 of It 12, blk 19 280 00 M Wort,/., do, s 10 ft off Its 5-8, blk 28... 390 00 John Smith, e side Fox river, It 1. blk 8 42 00 Peter .1 Nordstrom, do, It 4, blk 4 144 00 Eber E Bassett, inside corp. etf and sw bi. It 8. blk 2 500 00 Simon S to (Tel, Inside corp, It 10, blk 8... 1100 00 Sarah Dermont, inside corp, aX, It 11, blk 2 800 00 N J J usten. Inside corp, sub It 1 of It 4-1 of It 16, blk 3 040 00 J W Freund, inside corp, sub It 1 of It 3, blk 4 480 00 Henry Block, Inside corp, Its 6-7, blk 8. 280 00 li J Adams, out Its to W McHenry, nw ^ sec 35, aWK secW, nw cor It IS. 140 00 McHenhy County, Public notice is hereby given, that the following is a full and complete list of the assessed value of personal property in the town of McHenry, county of McHenry and state of Illinois, for the year A. D., 1909, as taken from the assessment books of said year All under thin iKMkd At the following;rate* Five or Ichh, 26 tvalm for lint Insertion, i& cent* for each Bubaequwnt insertion. More than five lines, 5 cent* a Une for tint in(M»rtl<m. and centH a lino for additional Uutertluu*. "GV>R SALE--A Dee ring mower and rake, al- most new; also lumber wagon with hay rack. Inquire at this office. , 2-2t. "C^OR SALE--Anyone wanting cows for the -1- dairy call or phone J. OT L^dd, Rlng- Phones, McHenry, 454; Richmond, Septl11 wood. 111. C84. pOR SALE!--North and South Dakota land: $15 to #25 per acre. Also farms in Minne­ sota. For further information apply or write E. W. Howb, McHenry. 111. 40-tf OEARCH1NU FOR A WIFE Am mining ^ man, thirty-four years old, never mar­ ried, good health, character, and some ac­ complishments. Have accumulated over 435,(XXi iu Nevada mlniug and will settle down In l>«-autifui California with the woman of my choice. Desire to know lady eighteen to thirty years old, fair looking, possessing good common sense aud who would appreciate good home. No objections to widow ' All correspondence confidentially received. i-3t Johm W. Grant, Truckee, California. Abbott, T A. S 888 Arens. Joseph 155 Allen, HW 75 Anderson, Alic.,.. 141 Adams. Jacob. ... 455 Adams, Peter.. ^... 106 Adams, C M.. 1157 Adams. Caster 815 Althoff, Wm.... 238 Adams, J H.. .. • 107 Ad ftins, Math B. 15 Adams, B J. Anderson, OA Anderson, John.,... Aylward, P J Brefeld. Ben Brefeld, B J Blrk, Jacob Brents, John R Blake, Chris Blrk, Frank Beckwith>Geo Brefeld, Henry Bishop, J J... • • Bishop. Mrs Jacob. Buch, J J Besley, G W Blake, Mat bias.... Blake, Wm Bassett, W F Barbian, N E Barbiau Bros 1393 Buss, JB « Bonslett, J W ... Jj® Britz, Wm Bower, Mlcheal.... Bassett , E E Boyle. John Buss, Elizabeth Bohlander, FA... Block, Louis F. ... Block & Bethke 1200 230 254 67 148 98 1231 26 Bethke. Theo H Bonslett, Wm Brown, A M Beatty. SH... .. Biggers & Beatty Blggers, J B Blake, Peter Bucklaud, J V 27 513 33 81 242 155 205 1031 Bacon, CD . 1® Bishop, AG 195 Borden Cond Milk Oo.. 1^43 Beck, Will 225 Blake, John 346 Block, Fred 16 Bradley, W E 24 Bradley & Foss 1600 Bell, Bert 57 Bell. MrsMary 366 Brown, S W 342 Brown, J H 31 Brltz, Peter 68 Banks, Edward 55 Blake, John M 497 Bohr, Nick J5 Bolir, Magdalena 858 Barker, G A 60 Bonslett, Jacob, eap...'.. 18 Bonslett, Margaret 400 Brownln Brink, Mrs E B... Bacon, W 82 Bygren, P J 16 Beck, A R.. 80 Barnard, LA 00 Blomgren, J A 18 Blomgren, R 16 Brand .J 200 Block. Henry 16 Beamer, Chas . 00 Babcock, Kollln 18 Boley, Mrs GP 215 Boley, GO 19 Colby, Mrs N F--. .... 288 Chuberoff, Mrs HM. .. 35 Champion, C .. 80 Carson, Anna H... 1C Cornell, Anna M 85 Claxton, John F.. . ... 571 Chase. F 1574 Chamberiiii, u (1 80 Cleary. PJ 2740 Crook, E B 86 Carey, John.. 2412 Conway, J L 58 Coates. W C 1149 Carr, Thomas, 3c Son.... 458 Coates, J M 181 Coquelett, J W 34 Carr, Mrs Jane 1615 Churchill, C F. 20 Colby, CO 256 Colby, G W 154 Carlson, C... 183 Davis, Wm 64 Derniont, Mrs 8 54 Died rich, Joseph....... 1817 Dledrlch, Jacob........ 289 Diedrich, Fred........ 176 Dledrich, Peter.......... 293 Degen, Henry 208 Harrison, Clayton... .. 888 llalstrom, Martin 242 Hueimuiu, .lacobi. ... 186 Hall, EE |6 Ha-wley, E O .. . 178 lletteimann, H 3 35 H« Hermann, H W. 55 Hess, Nicholas...c 108 Howell, Martin A, 100 Hanly Brg& « Howe, E'W .. 48 Howell Bros 60 Harnisen & Co. 50 Harmsen. Chas B 34 IlutsoK, Wm, est. Hutson, Mark Ilutsoii, Ben llobai t, H C. Hcimer, John Hehiier, Matt Heimer Bros Heimer, Henry. Haverin., J A Holtz, W F.. Iluemann, J IIiinter-Weekler Co.. Hunter, Everett Iluemann, Fred Huff, John.. .. Hepburn, Wm.. ..... Hopper, E J... p. . lionensteln, Geo 174 Harsh, Isaac.. 1611 Hall, CD 365 Huemann, J B Haas, Joseph Hedges, James. Hood, Dr C Hermann Bros Hillebrand, Miss F Ibsh, Adolph Immekus, A Jaeobson, Jacob. Jensen, Jens. Johusburgh Creamery.. J usten. John Justen, N J J Listen, Jacob Justen, Michael Justen, John H, est Justen, Jacob F Justen, Joseph f usten, Ben Justen, Jacob R Jung, John B Jecks, C E Johonnott W B Jung, Martin Jacks, DT. .. ... Jungen, Mathias Jacobs, Leon l>; Jaeger. Philip Knox, John R Knox, John Kenuebeck, J H Keunebeck, J H Kattner, Wm King. John Karls, Mathias Kane, Thomas Kamholz, Herman Kennebeck, Henry Kenuebeck, MarjrO.... Kluiball, Frank Koch, Adam , . ... Kaiser, Frank Kamholz, Fred Klapperlcb, Henry J... 86 94 40 40 30 10 .288 45 90 81 180 235 283 505 648 31 267 664 188 848 858 367 48 841 17 140 137 84 870 558 79 1208 230 843 88 27 83 578 600 80 80 347 18 218 Klapperich, Maria O... 1000 l>od!*e. W A. Dodge, Mrs Mary A..... Dahlstrom. C A Debrcaht, JO Duffy,John Doherty, Peter Dates, C L Dowe, H B ' Deutsciimann, Fred.... Diethorn, Fred Doherty. .James.......... Delzeno, Nick Dowe, Mrs C B Engeln. Anton Engelu. Matt j Eppel, Fred R Eldredge, C F. Kngstrom, N P Ktteu, Wm.. Kichlen, GO Etten, Albert... Evanson, Ella L, Eichler, God fried Elzner, .John Edwards. C W Kegers, (! H. Jr Fegers. C H, 8r .... Frett. C G Frlsby, G B Flanders, E P Frisby, J B Francisco, Warren Fisher. W A Foss. W M..: Freeman, Mrs John.. Frett. John M Fay, F E Feltz, F O Freund, Joseph W Freund, Mrs ntenb J.... Freund, Steph II. Freund, John F Freund,John F Freund, Mike Freund, Martin H....'... Freund, Math N......... Freund, Susan. Freund. Peter. Jr.- Freund, Nick F Freund, Anna. .. Freund. John H Freund, M J Freund. Peter B Freund, i'eter M Freund, Math.. Freund, Jacob :... Freund. Mathias 8 Freund,John S Freund, John J Freund, Michael Freund, Peter J Frett, Joseph Foss, Fred 2 Flodlne, C Fales, C B Gunther, Edel 4 Will... Grasser, Frank granger, F K ranger, Darwin G ay lord, O E Gregory, Mrs H 8 Gull alter, W F Green, James German Insurance Go. Grand, CH Glehter, GO Goodman, F M Goodman, G M Gould, W D Giossou, Johu Gates, L O, est ........ Gruud, G H Howard, C S .- Herbes, John ... Howard, R A Hueiuaiin, N A..;.. .... Hi lie. J J , Botehklss, Chas.»»-...• Harrison, k...7\.. ,*I Barrlson, Guy O.,, Harrison, C W. *»"-- iiiiju, WH... ..... 380 197 40 879 80 16 88 95 16 181 140 15 60 84 157 211 50 119 167 38 170 143 50 48 531 377 1066 124 374 233 81 84 80 95 186 73 611 002 292 102 439 229 166 282 172 199 229 312 220 146 119 214 188 149 1419 323 209 224 48 15 16 17 80 40 1M 40 74 888 80 40 343 300 17 17 332 75 89 411 060 47 40 15 17 600 61 807 471 309 1124 228 Klapperich, Hubert Klngsley, AH ' .... Koeppe, W A lvrenz. Matilda. Klein, J H lira use. Wm Leickcm, Peter Larsen, August, Loomis, Mrs M K Lay, Martin Lay, John P Lawrence, A L Ladd,J C Leiu, S Laughlln, R Laughlln, Mary Lodtz, J D Lawless, E Lasch, Emll.. Llud, H J Leickem, Jacob Lorlmer, W Mueller, Johu McLaughlin, J F McCarthy, MrS M McDonald, S McOmber, F L Matthews, E F, Jr. Merriman, M W Masquelet, Frank. .. . McLaln. C C Miller, Frank McDonald, T Mueser, B Miller, John H Miller, Peter J Miller. J F Miller, Fred H Miller, Henry Miller, Gertrude L. .. Miller, Gertrude L Alilier, Jacob A Miller, Johu M Miller. Mathias J.... Miller, PF . Miller, Peter. Martin, F E Mead. HO Matthews, Fred Michels, Josoph Murray, Otis..: McCannon, L B McCannon, Will Merchant, Ellsa J, John .'... . Mertes, J J Meyers, Theo Mire, Fred Mire, Anna M Michels, Hubert Mack ay, J H .. Mellin." 8 J.... Mann, C H Michels, Joseph Meyers. Eva. ..... McAnsn, Andrew Meyers, Geo Meyers, W J McHenry L, IIAP Co.. May, Katharine May, Joseph May, .lacob.I May, John M May. Jacob May, Nick Marshall, CM Miller, J N •.. Miller, Andrew...-. .... Matzer, John Moritz, Peter Millar. OAR MfHenry Creamery Co, Moody, A J McHenry Elec Serv Co. 1800 811 80 30 145 83 44 16 50 48 148 652 20 979 128 16 17 06 85 86 80 46 800 1800 138 88 14 660 86 788 188 17 107 420 178 879 36 381 860 334 16 338 845 17 43 98 488 318 185 86 116 88 76 8181 80 80 88 80S 88 812 80 155 as 400 80 & 180 830 188 17 141 17 as oo 85 80 45 .J McHenry Pleas Club... Melander, Silas Matthews, AC y.cRoberts, Minnie.. .. McHenry Canning Oo.. Nye, N J North Shore M Box Co.. Noonan, Mary. .. Nell, Mrs Geo. Nett, John. Nett, Math .... Niesen, M M %........... Niesen, Peter. Nelson, Petep.^. Nordquest, li...., Nelss, John.... ......... Nordstrom, 1<S..,,..... Niesen, Johu -- Newman, Mabel. N ational Pic k le-Oan Oo Overton. R 1 Oswald, F A.. Ottawa Brg Assn, Olson, Chas....-., Oeftllng, Job#.,. Oeflliug, Win,... ....... Olson, Ferd..,.. Otto, Dr Jul IMS...... ... Owen, O N--......... ,, Owen, K M efffc.'.T...,... Owen, Lydla..,. Olson, John (>A....... .. Perkins, E B,..„ Perkins, Edwin... Peteseb. NIL, Price. H E ;... Perry, James B Perry, Agnes A Page, CL Pitzeu. John J Pusey, ChasH.......... Pest, Ed.. Pspplnf, Alh«rt», .t.i, f Vi*' 40 80 150 30 380 97 180 113 43 80 860 117 103 483 77 43 S4 17 31 60 152 16 ^ 3 489 800 893 80 17 m & 15 SI 110 178 19 1864 800 487 817 569 Parks. C H... 19 Peet, Chas 138 Powers, Dav)d 257 Powers, Tiios 759 Pfannenstili, J W. 98 Peters, Nathan 143 Pint, John 385 Peterson, Hulda A... ... 80 Pitzeu, Mat J 157 Pike, Nil,. 24 Patrick, Mary E; 20 Peters, C VV 20 Peterson, O W ;..... 16 Plstakee Yacht Club.... 340 Peterson, Emll.. 22 Peterson, R A 15 Perry & Owen 1561 Rice, W F 42 Richardson, R H 440 Ralney, James 180 Ruenz, Peter 28 Ring wood Butter Co... 140 Rotliermel, Peter P * 35 Rothermei, Geo 20 Rothermel, Peter 280 Rosenberg. Geo 17 Reed, Chas E 160 Russell, J M... 80 Ram age, J 8 15 Rosen, CP 20 Rumsfeld, J H 17 Robery, Oscar B 17 Ross, PC 05 Schmltt, Joseph F 37 Schmitt, Martin F 133 Schniitt, Barbara 940 Schmitt, Steph M 313 Schmitt, John J 226 Schmitt, John 276 Schniitt, John M 365 Schmitt, Jacob 249 Schmitt, Mat N 137 Sclurtitt, Steph F •Hflth, Mrs CO.... 341^ 220 661 60 240 169 316 Smith Bros Smith, J P Smith, Alsena. Smith, John A.... Smith, E A Smith, Catherine 57 Smith, Peter 242 Smith, Frank 91 Smith, Joseph 400 Smith. AW 362 Smith. S W 395 Schaefer, John P 235 Schaefer, Mrs John 36 Schaefer, Henry E 31 Schaefer, Margaret 48 Schaefer, Joseph P 118 Schaefer, Mat J Schaefer, Peter Schaefer, Michael.. Schaefer, John E... Schaefer, Joseph... Schaefer, J W Schaefer, Math B Schaefer, Lottie E Schoewer, PJ Schaefer Bros, M A J... Bchaefer, Henry J., , Schaefer, Joseph 111 Schaefer, Matnlas, est . Stevens, Mrs H A Stevens, N D Schaefer, Joseph P. 2nd Schaefer, Mary K Stock, Jacob 260 Schoel, G E 78 Stilling, Henry 458 Spaulaing, J H 369 Schiessle, Theo 71 Stilling, Joseph 254 Stilling, John H 213 Schreiner, Barbara. . .. 418 Schiessle, Robt 33 Schlessle, Robt. 17 Spencer, Johu .. 224 Spencer, W 19 314 49 389 190 1216 45 29 25 59 81 58 192 263. 200 45 212 17 Surges, Kate.. Sattem, Gust Schneider, Anton.'. Sherman. C E Stoffel, John Spurting, A C Schreiner, FG Strueh, Dr Carl Schreiner, Wm Stoffel, Wm Schoeu liof en Brg Go.... Stretz, Eva ! Schumacher, Chas Steuger, Carl W Schneider, Mrs Martr.... Sayler, J K Stephenson, Henry Stephenson, C H Sanborn, W H 198 Stand a rd Oi I Co 330 Spaulding, Mrs J F 1536 ' ~ 203 212 164 137 371 252 63 268 28 17 125 190 91 76 20 50 185 Schumacher, Jacob B.. Schumacher, Jacob Schneider, Jacob Sherburne, R H Stoffel, Simon Saycr, George J.... Scliumacber, Nick Stilling, Ben Stilling, John J Steffes, Mat...., Simes, Molly Simes, W Schreiner, W G Stupe, Minnie Sullivan. T J Solomon, Mary Scliillo, Adam Schneider, J as Schneider, Fred Sherman, John Stock, Theo Sherman, Mrs Nina. .. Tonyon, W B Toenian, Henry Toenlan, Bernard Thiel, Michael Thelen, Joseph Thelen, Henry, Jr Thompson, Ed Tabor, Oscar Tuttle, Chas E H....V. 7 Tuttie & Walkiugton... Thomas Bros Thelen, Mary A Thompson, FB Thomas, Kay L Thelen, M A Turner, Elizabeth Taylor, lleuiw E 4 Torstensou, J A Valvoline Oil Co Voltz, Fred Vycital, J J Vlnnedge, Fanny Volt/., Wm Voltz. Aug. Van Nattit, ML... Whiting, DA Wllk, Fred waish, T j ;;;; Winkle. Theo W Whiting, Freeman Weber, Nick Webster. .12 Walte, Kollln weiis. dg Worts, John A.. Walsh, John | Wright, it,est Wolkos & Justen !. . Wolkos, OO... Wentworth, W 1 Wirfs, Casper... waish. M JT Weber, Maria A Weber, Mathlas. . . . . , , ^ Wilbur Lumber <jb.. Worts, Math Wegener, Bernard.!*!,! Wegener, Gerhard Wagner. M J Walkiugton, T.....",!!.'! Walkiugton, T Weber, Peter. ..!!!!,.,, arrlson. / ' • • Wattles, F H Wattles, I? H Whiting, E E. . " Walker, W E. Whiting, L C Wheeler. Orrln Wirfs, Geo Woodburu, D P, Wrede, L Walters, Mattle A.. .!!> Whiting. W E« Weckler, Adam .... Wheeler, ES Wegener, Henrlck Williams, Mart in, est.. . Worts, M L \\o-1 n A Boley..... ... Yager, Geo E.. ... . Zimmerman. Zlmmermann,Ms«v.,w » ObtctimTelepboM Co.. aM AmsrTels A Telsf Oo., 1740 : *•? 178 100 17 96 397 104 288 328 69 16 29 42 15 16 80 26 17 17 17 961 38 194 870 399 116 329 200 80 160 80 300 392 44 319 842 J09 17 J 80 346 . 17 17 17 85 488 50 846 286 31 138 09 83 75 80 29 28 265 104 38 552 844 476 63 4765 58 308 477 151 107 159 163 231 64 147 306 107 895 71 15 33 104 186 JS 1327 36 340 . 19 190 7V 51 Please read the heading over again. Then 'ts tremendous significance will dawn upon you. An Oliver Typewriter--the standard visible writer--the 1100 machine--the most highly perfected typewriter on the market--yours for 17 cents per day! The typewriter whose conquest of the com­ mercial world Is a matter of business history -- yours for 17 cents a day! The typewriter that Is equipped with scores of such conveniences as "The Balance Shift" --•'The Ruling Device"--"The Double Re­ lease"--"The Locomotive Base"--"The Auto­ matic Spacer"--"The Automatic Tabulator" --"The Disappearing Indicator"--"The Ad- a justable Pappr Fin- gers"-"The Scientific Condensed Keyboard --all* Yours for 17 cents a day! We announced this new sales plan re­ cently, just to feel the pulse of tbe peo­ ple. Simply a small cash payment--then 17 cents a day. This is the plan In a nutshell. The result has been such f deluge of appli­ cations for machines that we are simply as- ounded. The demand comes from people of all class­ es, all ages, all occupations. ( The majority of inquiries has come from people of knovyn financial standing who were attracted by the novelty of the proposition. An ImpressiveHemoustrntlon of the Immense popularity of the Oliver Typewriter. A startling confirmation of our belief that the Era of Universal Typewriting Is at hand. A Quarter of a Million of People are Making Money with OLIVER TypcWri-ter The Standard Visible Writer The Oliver Typewriter is a money-maker right from the word "go!" So easy to run that beginners soon get in tbe "expert" class. Earn as you learn. Let the machine pay the 17 cents a day--and all above that Is yours. Wherever you are, there's work to be done and money to be made by using the Oliver. The business world is calling for Oliver oper­ ators. There are not enough to supply the demand. Their salaries are considerably above those of many classes of workers. An Oliver Typewriter in Bvery Home That Is our battle cry today. We have made tbe Oliver supreme in usefulness and abso­ lutely Indispensable in business. Now comes the conquest of tbe home. The simplicity and strength of the Oliver fit It for family use. It is becoming an im­ portant factor in tbe home training of young people. An-educator as well as a money mak­ er. Our new selling plan puts the Oliver on the thresholdof every home in America. Will you close the door of your home or office on this remarkable Oliver opportunity? Write for further details of our easy offer and a free copy of the new Oliver catalog. Address The Oliver Typewriter Company The Oliver Typewriter Building, Chicago, Illinois. Farmers' New Era Tel.. West.n Union Teleg Oo S. ' " -- • 455 184 78 140 Spring Grove Tel Co...,.,.,. /liicago& NW Ry Co...-- •...,. ' ' Did it ever occur to yott that yon can bny envelopes with yonr return address printed on them just as cheap as you can bny the blank envelopes at tbe store? TERRA COTTA. Petesnh's for drags. Mrs. B. Casick is entertaining her nephew from Elgin. A. P. Peck of Holcombville oalled at Henry McMillan's Tuesday. John Aly ward of Elgin visited rela­ tives here Saturday evening. Mark Hoffman of Spring Grove spent Saturday with his daughter here. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and children visited McHenry relatives Sunday. Mrs. H. McMillan and children called on Holcombville relatives Tuesday. Misses Minnie and Alice Knox of Mc­ Henry spent Sunday with relatives here. Robert Anderson of Richmond visited at the home of his son, Thomas, Sun­ day. J. H. Gracy left last Friday on a sev­ eral days' visit with relatives in New York. Miss Marie Earleof Wisconsin spent last week with her aont, Mrs. J. H. Gracy. . Mrs. C. E Martin and son and Miss Edua Phalin were Holcombville callers Tuesday. Misses Elsie and Elizabeth Marshall of Crystal Lake spent Wednesday and Thursday at J. H. Gracy's. Ross Bartlett of West Chicago and Raymond Harding of Oak Park spent Saturday at T. R. Anderson's. Mrs. Ed. Knox of Emerald Park and Mrs. Mary Cobb of Woodstock spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. M. Knox. Misses Delia, Minnie and Margaret Conway and two lady friends of Elgin were guests at the home of M. A. Con­ way Sunday. Tbe Weekly Inter-Ooean and this paper delivered for one year at uur "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty fiye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time nnless other* wise ordered, Try it. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that onr patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and shonld be taken advant­ age of. • Tortured on a Horse. "For ten years I couldn't ride* horse without being in tortnre from piles," writes L. S. Napier, of Rngless, Ky., "when all doctors and other remedies failed, Buckleu's Arnica Salve cured me." Infallible for Piles, Bums, Scalde, Cuts, Boils, Fever Sores, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Corns, 35c. Guaranteed by N. Bt Pvteseh, ¥• Masquelet and otfeerep'. \ u 22mhH THE WRONG WAY to select harness is the way it is usually Frlce Is generally tbe first consld-done. „ eration. If that is very low the goods seem attractive, regardless of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Examine into the quality of this harness iirst. Then it will be seen that It is worth al most any price. But our prices are not high. Value considered they are remark­ ably low. :: :: :: :: :: G. A Barker Bonslett Block - flcHenry, 111. IProfessional, Society and Business Cards DAVID G. WELLS M. D. PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OOULIS#^' *• Office and residence corner Elui ana W.feen.streets, McHenry. Telephone No.311 . WHEN you get ready, for that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you the good points in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on a first-class job. . We guar­ antee all of our work. :: R. Patzke & (o. West McHenry. MCGEE8 ft PEGERg ^ plijrgfOlANB AND SDRGiJOHg, UeBei 5" 111. Office at Kesideuce, corner Court Elm streets Telephone 833. D. T. S11ILEY '"W (j'-t" . I !}i [' A lni i? i ^ LAW, Woodstock, Illinois All business intrusted to his care will W properly and promptly attended to. •' BR. R. G. CHAMBERLIN DENTIST over BMtoy'a Drag St«r«% Hours: 8:oo to 5:30. MCHIKKT. IIA. MEATS That are Treshv juicy and tender are what we sell here. Also a fine line of Canned Goods, Bakery Goods and Vegetables in sea­ son. We know we have just; what you want. E. F. Matthews Wj»t McHenry, III. TELEPHONE - - ju NORTHWESTERN TELEPHONE Np. 3$2 Steam Heat, Hot and Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 50 per day, THEO. SCHIESSLE, Prop. WEST McHENRY. Photo Studio McHenry, lllliuil*. PORTRAITS, i OUTDOOR WORK, " 'ENLARGEMENTS., FRAMES, . POSTALS. *F1ione 322. Try ns for dra«8 and etey with ue only as long •• we meet every require­ ment as to qoality and price. N. H. Peteach. Buck wheat seed for sale at the Weet McHenry Flonr and Feed Mill. 3 Titapto-- Nt 6 Office la DR» ARNOtt) MUELLER, Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Telephone No. 393 SIMON STOFFEL Insurance Agent for all claaseeof property in the best Companies. West McHenry, litnol« F. C. ROSS. D. D. S. Office second floor Yager Block. AIX WOBK PIBfAIRim TO MODISH DKNTlgTBY Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. Honrs 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m.. Telephone No. 542. H . C . M E A D JUSTICE OP THE PEACE ' AND INSURANCE AGENT. I am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop- erty against Fire, X<ightnlng, Tornados, Etc Also have a special line of Insurance on Live Block Insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, - III. RETURNS OF Base Ball AND OTHER Sporting Events By Special Wire at the Limbert Q. Sent BUFFET 93 Fifth Ave. CHCAOO Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEYA.IVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it ii the best medicine ever sold . over a druggist's counter. The Riverside Livery R. I. OVERTON, PROP. 'Buses meet till trains for Riverside Hotel and points 011 Pistakee Hay and Fox Lake. Teaminst of all kinds done promptly. Special attention srlven to traveling men. First-ciass rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. ILLINOIS. McHENRY, Guaranteed to operate soy pnmp. Bf st of satisfaction always, We sell on trial. Why pay ft«5 when yon oan boy pnmp complete for,,,,... • $37»$0 Wm. Bacon, > flcHenry Chicago & North-Western. Effect!ve May HO, 1900, WSKK DAT VKAINS. WOBTKBOOND 4 Via Elgin. Leaf* OMeaffo. *7.00 am .......W - -- . •8.50a 111 ...... Wla IHss lMaltit'.s. • K. W }> in • +1.00 put. •3.4S p m.. *;i25 p m-. *3.18 pm. Via Elgin ,....rfVla I>esPluln<an ...Via l>e# Plaint®.. Via 101 k!h. ....Via DesPlalneS. enm>AT TBAINS. ..Via I>es PlaliiHS.,,, Via EIkIm . ... ..Via Des Plalnes,.., VU Elgin....,,; maK DAT TKAIH3, , SOUTHBOUND. ...Via Plalnes,., ... Via Plalnes... ... ViaSoutli El'jfin..,. • Via West < 'lili'ago.. »»f« «»es Pialuesi:*, ....Via Des Plalnea.. v, Vla Etyt'n ... Via lies Plainest., SOSDAT TaAINS. ...». Vl» Elgin •••Via Des Plaines.. ..Via I)es PUiaee... Via EUrta!^:: •Daily except Sunday. •S&turdsy naly. Wlnaiiaroajy. 8 M a m . . r.ximm. • HA'trnm... 2.00pm.. l«ave McHenry UiM & ni. *7J0 a m. *7 10 a m *T.Maa» m Hu. *4.17 pm *4.17 pin. *6 27 p iu. 7.10 am... 7.06 pm.. 7 . 8 8 p m . . . 7.58 pm Agrfve11 McHenry. 10.17 a m . ....40.17 a m 2.4.r> |> 11) JJ.15 p ni ...,.^45pm .... .-<>.4,r> p m ... v#.lS p m ,^».itU7 a m 10.30 a m .....10.30 a® .. 4.55 p m Arrive Y Ohicago' ..... K%HD) .<».08 a m M.35 a in . II <k"> a m .TTi a m" .....6.25 p m V.10 ji in • i p m .»M a mi* ji] .* . *>.M p wi, ' RMM pi^isdislif.

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