RUGS % AND « LINOLEUM * * At no limn have we offered jagft'1 thing like the assortment of beau tiful Floor Coverings which com prises our "present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we have placed thereon. Call and see* * * Jacob McliENRY, ILLINOIS. |^H| -OUli STOCK OF- SUMMER DRESS COODS is very complete, in plain and fancy weaves, stripes and figures, ranging in price from 8c to 50c per yard, in Lawns, Dimities, Lintex, Flaxons, Linen Finish Suitings, Silks, Etc. We have the finest line of Shoes and Oxfords in town, new lasts and all the popular colors. Call and see them. Hats, Hats, the popular Green shades, Tan, Smoke Gray, Nutria and Pearl, from $1.50 to $3.00 for the drcs&y sorts. Blacks also. % Shirts in plain and fancy colors, negligee and semi-dress, from 50c to $3.00 each. A new line of Collars and Ties, proper shapes and colors. Call and leave your measure. for a new Suit, Coat, Vest or Trousers, made by the Interna tional Tailoring company. We guarantee a perfect fit and will positively save you several dollars on jour outfit. Our line of Working Shoes and Working Cloth ing is best for the money. Have you seen our new Rubber Boot?--leather sole, heel and inner sole,, hob nailed, fully war ranted. Groceries, Teas, Coiftes, Canned Goods, Flour, Graham, Meal,. Etc, Your# truly, M. J. WALSH GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. * PHONE No. #3 This If you want the finest bread, from the best of Flour it's up to you to patronise home industry and ask for EARLY RISER The Flour that has made good with the most exacting house wife* If you have not given ft a fair trial, do so at your earliest opportunity. Nothing sold in McHenry that will eqt"u u's a honie product West MtHenry Flour dud Feed Mills M'-HfMV RISEf i FANQY FAMILY FLOUR WEST McttSNKY, ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prmp NEIGHBORING NE WS AS CHRONICLED B Y j OUR ABLE CORPS OE CORRESPONDENT^ | KHEK4LU PARK. . John Bolger spent the Fourth at Woodstock. Thos. Frisby of Elgin Is speeding his vacation at home. T. J. Cleary of Elgin was a visitor in this vicinity Wednesday. Miss Mary Gibbs spent Sunday with the Misses Frisby in McHenry. Miss Alice Smith of North Crystal Lake spent the Foarth at home. Buckwheat seed for sale at the West McIJenry Flour and Feed Mill. E. J. Cohan of Chicago spent a few days recently with his son, Chas. A. Mr. and Mrs. Donald of Chicago are spending a few weeks at J. R. Smith's. Mr. and Mrs. E Knox and Mrs. M Cobb visited at R. .T. Sutton's Thursday evening. R. M. Flaming of North Crystal Lake was calling in this vicinity Sunday and Monday, Ed. Larkin returned to Elgin Monday after spending a few days with his fam ily here. Miss Ellen Cleary of SioUx Falls, S. D , is visiting relatives in this vicinity this week . Mrs. M. Cobb of Woodstock was a gnest of Mrs.. E Knox several days the past week. John Aylward returned to Elgin Mon day after spending a few days with rel atives here. Mr. and Mrs. Christianson and dangh ter of Chicago spent the Fourth at J R. Smith's. * M. Kelter came out from the city Wednesday to spend several days at. Lake Defiance. Miss Sfellie .Conway and brother, George, of Chicago are visiting relatives here this week. Misses Margaret Conway and Grace Tennant of Elgir. visited at M. Conway's over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Robinson of Chi cago spent a few days recently at the Berkircher home. Messrs. r.nd M«sdames J. Gibbs, J and W. Bolger called at R J. Sutton's Thursday evening. J. Huck and son, Lawrence, of Chi cago came out to spend the Fourth at L. Buck's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Heaney of Chica go were guests at the h.ouie of E. Knox Sunday and Monday. Miss Margaret Sutton of Elgin and R. E Suttgn of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with home folks. Geo. Fraser and family returned to Chicago Sunday after spending a few weeks at the Haxton cottage. Mrs. J. Paul is entertaining her sis ter, Mrs. Comisky, and children and Mrs. Arnst of Chicago this week. , Miss Hattie Welch of Woodstock and W. Dewey of Beloit, Wis , visited at Wm. Welch's Sunday and Monday. Mr. ind Mrs. John Armstrong and family of River Forest opened their cottage on Wednesday for the season. Misses Delia and Minnie Conway of Elgin were guests Sunday and Monday at the home of their brother, M. Con way. Misses Mary and Carrie ..Romano and brother, Salyitor, came out from Chica go Sunday and spent the Foarth at Oak Villa. Mrs. W. K. Barns and daughter, Mae, and son, Kenneth, drove from Chicago Friday and opened their cottage for the summer. Mesars. Wm. Schmidt, Geo. Allen, Walter Larsen and Harold Blessing of Chicago were camping on the park over the Fourth. Mrs. T. Cooney and daughter, Mary, and son, Leo, and J. B. Kelter of Chica go were at their Lake Defiance resort from Saturday to Tuesday. VOUh Mrs. Jennie Cossman of Round Lake spent Thursday in Volo. Nick Frost has returned to Kenosha after a several weeks' st$y here. Messrs. George Kuebler and Arthur Frost were in Solon Mills Friday. MiBS Maude Walton of Waukegan was an over Sunday guest in Volo. Joe Rosing of Chicago visited his par ents here the latter part of the week. Sidney J. RuBsell was called to Wau kegan last week by the serious illness of his father. Mrs. Hanson and daughter, Jessie, of Iowa are visiting at the Kirwan home this week. Mrs. Carl Atterbury and son, Corless, of Waukegan are guests at the Charles Raught home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dillon came out from Waukegan to spend a few days with their son here. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Huson and daugh ter, Marion, of Libertyville were calling on friends here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Richardson enter tained Mr. and Mrs, George Kuebler of Dee Plainos over the Fourth Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nicholls and Mrs. Thompson of Chicago celebrated at the Harry Nicholls home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hironimus and son and George Hironimus attended the celebration in Waukegan the Fourth. One dollar a year for The Weekly In ter-Ocean; fl.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, $1.75 for fifty-two weeks uf genuine news from far and near. HINOWOOI). Mr. and Mrs. John Carey Chicagoed Wednesday. Chas. D. Baoon was a recent Hebron business caller. Jos. Lawrence 8|ient Sunday wi£h friends in Richmond. . 9 Eld. Carey of Spring Grove was on our streets a recent day. Mrs. W. Wood has been entertaining her father the past week. Mesdames Julia and Matte Bishop were Chicago passengers Tuesday morn ing. Mrs. Geo. Harrison and Mrs. Lena Peet were Richmond callers Wednes day. Word from W. M. Forn and family states they are enjoying their Eastern trip. Frank Bawley and gentleman friend of Elgin spent the Fourth with his par ents here. John Carey has pnrchased a Buick auto, and in a few days we expect to see John taking life "aisy." f~~l Mrs. May me Overton and Miss Ada Carey of McHenry visited at the home of John Carey and family Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Bacon and little daughter pf Antioch Visited with their parents in Ringwood the past week, Mr. and Mrs. Abe L Lawrence vis ited with their daughter, Mrs. Joe Wagner, and family at Lily Lake Sun day. Miss Anna Carey returned home from Sinsinowa, Wis., where she has been attending St. Clara's college the past year. The biggest mn of automobiles that Ringwood has ever seen was that which passed thru the burg on Saturday and Sunday, being on their way to the lakes. A large nnmber of Ringwoodites at tended the celebration at Greenwood last Saturday. The Ringwood band furnished the music, which was much appreciated. On Monday several at tended the celebrations at Woodstock and Johnsburgh. jrofTNSniTROH. Michael Pitzen of Volo was seen here Sunday. J. C. Dahl of Richmond was a busi ness caller Mfere Tuesday. Joe Miller and family spent Sunday with Mrs. Anton Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. William Klein of Ingle- side were seen here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Otis Murray were Me Henry callers one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Diethorn were Libertyville callers last Sunday. Miss Lizzie Miller and gentleman friend were oallers here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Meyers called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe. May of Ring#ood were visitors here Saturday evening. Miss Martha Mertes of McHenry called on home folks Monday evening, Frauk Barbian of McHenry drove thru here with his new auto Saturday. The picnic at Columbia park was very well attended. 173 dance tickets were sold. Martin Thelen of Round Lake visited his mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Thelen, here Monday.. John Wegner and son of Chicago were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Michels recently. William Hergott, who is working in Chicago, was visiting with relatives and friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Math. Worts of Lily Lake and Mrs. McCormiok of Chicago drove thru here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Skifano and Miss Susie Thiel of Chicago visited with Mrs. Michael Thiel Sunday and Monday. Messrs. and Mesdames Frank Miller, William Blake, Mrs. Joseph Justen, Mrs. Philip Schaefer, Misses Lizzie Jus- ten and Maggie and Katie Blake were callers at Mrs. Jacob A. Miller's Sun day. HOLCOMBVILLB. W. B. Harrison called at Fred Davoll's Sunday. James Doherty and Harold GlUes spent Monday at Wm. Doherty's. Miss Eleanor Phalin of Terra Cotta visited at Fred Powers' last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Powers and daugh ter called at David Powers' Sunday. Miss Nellie Doherty spent a few days last week with her aunt in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Gilbert spent Sunday with M. H. Conley and family. Misses Nellie Biggy and Clara Mc- Kinney of Chicago spent Saturday at Jay Doberty's. Jauies Doherty and Misses Anna and Irene Frisby visited at Wm. Doberty's Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hutson and Mrs. Frank Martin went to Dundee in the former's auto Friday. Misses Nellie Biggy and Clara Mc- Kinney returned to their homee in Chi cago Tuesday after spending a week's vacation here. A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night riders are calomel, croton oil or aloes pills. They raid your bed to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They never dis tress or inconvenience, but always cleanse the system, curirif^Colds, Head ache, Constipation, Malaria, 35c at N, H. Petesch's, F. Masquelet's and others. Ayer's Hair Vigor STOPS FAIifNG HAIR DESTROYS DANDRUFT AN ELEGANT DRESSING MAKES HAIR GROW V ,\!- \Vk.i (flfirfedfents I Sulptiar. Oytcrbi. Qidiiin. Sodkmi CWorM. --5.--, Capsicum Sac* Alcohol Water Perfume. Ask your doctor If there is anything injurious hqi®. Ask him also if there is not genuine merit here. not dolor the Hair •)• A»l> I >MTA*T, i: TOIIR ATTENTION r. ' * V t Ladies, is called to the beautiful display of millinery goods that continually adorns this store. Our hats are the talk of the town and must be seen and worn to be appreciated. Many wonderful bargains are also obtainable at this time here and if you are among . the number who have not as j;et purchased a summer hat now la the time to invest. When purchasing a hat here yon have the satisfaction of knowing that the hat is high class and strictly up to date in every respect The LOTUS niLLINERY Spaulding Bldg., West McHenry Harriet It Howe ...HEIMER BLOCK... MILLINERY - DRESSMAKING Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi dery. Orders "taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS. tiooKiiiLa Milton Jaynes celebrated the Fourth at Wanconda. Mr. and Mrs. H. Nelson were in Crys tal Lake Monday. The Ladies' Aid society met last Thursday with Mrs. R. Reed. W. E. Dike entertained company from the city over the Fourth. Sirs. Davidson was a pleasant caller in Woodstock Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Simmons entertained relatives from the oity last week. Jackson and Josiah Whyte and sister, Lois, are visiting relatives in Uenoa. Mrs. Gilbert Hunt of Crystal Lake visited with Mrs. E. B. Smith recently. Mrs. C. Bullock and children, Dorothy and Milton, were Crystal Lake callers Thursday, Mr. Castle and family are visiting at the home of A. F. Davis and daughter. Miss Lura. Charles Keeler of Elgin visited «his mother, Mrs. Sarah Wakefield, Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Flossie Waterman of Woodstock spent Friday with her parents, Mr. and Mis. H. Reed. Mrs. Long and sister, Mrs. Zerke, of Crystal Lake spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Whyte. Lans Wautill and Miss Elsie Ander son of Chicago spent Saturday and Sun day at H. Nelson's. Jacob Bartz and sons, John and Oscar, of Chicago spent the Fonrth with Mr. and Mrs. Lockwood. Mrs. Nymann and danghter, Anna, of Woodstock spent Sunday with Mr. Madsens and family. Mr. and Mrs. S. Reed and daughter, Virginia, and Mrs. Rose Goddard spent Saturday at Greenwood. Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, Jamea, of Woodstock called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynch, Thursday. Lewis Goddard and sister, Genevieve, and Miss Jessie Whyte were Crystal Lake visitors Friday evening. Mr8. Hobart and daughter, Clara, of Richmond visited the former's brother, Mr. Jaoobs, and family recently. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Skinner and son, Wesley, spent Sunday with Mrs. Skin ner's sister, Mrs. Paul Kreper, at Bur ton's Bridge. « Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Dufield enter tained Mrs. Currens of Milton Junction and sister, Mrs. Lincoln, of Oshkosh, Wis., Thursday. Mrs. E. B. Smith entertained her cousin, Mrs. Carrie Johnson, of Byron, 111., and sister, Mrs, Lllas Olmstead. of Woodstock Thursday, Supt. Whyte, of the Borden factory, gave $1.00 to the man who arrived at the factory first the morning of the fifth. George Peterson won the dollar. Mrs. D. L. Gibson, Mrs. D. O. Kline and daughters, Ruth and Mabel, and Mrs. J. B. Lynch aad dangbter, Mada- lene, were Lincoln park visitors Wed nesday. Mrs. James Whyte and children, Ruth and George, were Elgin visitors last week. Mr. Whyte spent Sunday in El gin, his wife and children returning home with him. Life 100,000 Years Ago. Scientists have found in a cave in Switaerland bones of men, who lived 100,000 years ago, when life waa in con stant danger from wild beasts. Today the danger, as shown by A. W. Brown of Alexander, Me., is largely from dead ly disease. "If it had not mwu fur Dr. King's New;Discovery, which enr^d the, I could not have lived," lie writes,' 'suf fering as I did from a severe Inng trouble and stubborn cough." To cure Sore Lungs, Colds, obstinate Coughs and prevent Pneumonia, it's the best- medi cine on earth. 60c and ft.00. .Guaran teed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelet and otbara. > Each season brings special demands in fhe drug line and whatever the demand is we meet it. We have remedies for all summer ills, cures for all summer hurts, killers for all summer insects* and pro tection for all summer com plexions. jr- :: :: N. H. PETESCH, DRUGGIST, - Telephone 274 CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. (F r" CHAS. G. FRETT, McHENRY, -PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. ̂if, • --W How do these prices look to you? .IFF"' M • • - --I-I W '""4! ' * I '«• M ; Endless Apron Manure Spreaders*. «*.. $100 New 5-foot^Mowers, no better made. •... •$40 10-foot Self Dump Rakes, none better.... $23 Plymouth Twine, no better made, only... 8^+Q All other Farm Machinery, Wagons and Bug* gies at correspondingly® low prices te close outi We sell 4 4ATLAS" Portland Cement. GRAIN and FEED of all kinds at lowest mar* ket prices. During the summer we grind feed every TUES* DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY aft«- dOOd. WM. BONSLETT •v;y AM S - Our Hardware Our line of summer hardware was never more complete than at the: present time. We handle nothing but the reliable kind and when you make your purchase here you know what you buy is right, both in qual ity and price* Cai* you afford the time to investigate this assertion?; We believe it will pay you tg 4o • . > " r _ . - a . ' • " : F. L. flcOmbe THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE. se