Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 22 Jul 1909, p. 4

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- " mimmm w> • ' . , 11 1 "S Keeping in Pace with a rapidly - increasing business canndt t*e done without some inconveniences, d|f\i lays, etc,, but we are doing the best we caau Sinire embarking in the grocery business we have added and added to our stock until wjs.; now have our shelves loaded down {with oiff§ of the finest lines of groceries to be found in McHenry. We now respectfully ask yon for your grocery orders and promise you in exchange for same the best quality of goods that money will buy at prices that you will appreciate. Our deliveries are always prompt, the goods reaching you just when you want them. A trial order will con* vince you that we are right. :: :: M. M. NIESEN THE CENTERVILLE GROCER Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHENSLYi V ILLINOIS. For the sick and those seeking rest and /ecreation. ..>IATURAI_ METHODS... Write for free illustrated booklet. Dr. Carl Strueh, Chicago 100 State Street, » Room 1409. 1>HILIP JAEGER OBNERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT s r ' I ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF J. y„ r * : v , & Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, & Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house an the street Tags and price list* furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE Stall i a 2, PaMoa St Wholesale Market. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. SeeWm.Stoffel abont those PATENT KANT COME OFF COW COVEB8. They will more than pay for them­ selves two or three times over be­ sides being humane. He also sella Hay Stack and Hay Cock Cover*. You cannot enre Alfalfa Hay without them. :: :: :: Ml a lit Aw** at Tnt 0. ! EAST SIDE... HOME or i. F R E S H , P U R E ?vI?MEATS, SAUSA- <iES( ETC. OUR P R I C E S W I L L PLEASE YOU. j. Biiai, Prop. Tel. 841 + ' y ||| Bank of McHen ry ESTABLISHED 1888 This Bank receiver deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos­ its, extends all courtesies consist­ ent with good business principles and does a (SURAL BANKIM BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat* ronage. rioney to Loan on real estate And other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil­ lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on us. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First daw Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. rhe McHenry PtaMuier ftJBLISHEP EVERY THURSDAY-#* ' V F. G. SCHREINER. Otto* In Bank Bulldlac. Tslspboas, 80.M TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION i Oneyear SUB •is.months. 76cts. Tbrss month*. Mots. Thursday, July as, 19*9* DONT READ THE8E ITEMS UaltH Toa Rwllr Want to mM Think Von Can Sm the Jolm. Now, if Fred A- shonld come to Place Your Order Now. The government postal authorities .have caused to be posted in every poai- pffloe in the country circular letter to ; *fche public, urging everyone to use en­ velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmeir ' or person of any occupation should have bis name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to the sender if aiiv mintakp ie made in the address. Call at The Plaindealer office and leave orders for this stationery and It will be put up in first-class manner. Notice i To insure publication in The Plain- dealer copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to take particular notice to this effect. This tktmu-a paper and The Weekly Inter 1--f 1.75 for one year's subscription OSTE5D. Miss Maud Abbott was shopping in Woodstock Tuesday. E. H. Thompson was a caller in vicinity last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Tbomas sprat Sunday at Chas. Mann's. T. P. Jecksof Woodstock spent Sat* nrriay with relatives in this vicinity. Mrs. Martha Gaylord is visiting friends and relatives at Williams Bay* Hazel Thomas spent Saturday and Sunday with her friend, Flossie Ran­ dall. Mrs. James Rainey and sister, Ella Thomas, went to St. Joe, Mich., last week. Miss Susie Thompson went to Dun­ dee Wednesday to visit her cousin, Miss Erma Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas. Jr. and two children spent Sunday with M*, Mrs. Thomas. % £ j the conclusion to bny out the McHenry Electric Service ,company there surely would be a wedding in town soon. A reader asks ns how much longer onr citizens will have to wait for that new electric road. The only answer we are able to give at this writing is, "Forget it, brother, forget it." Another question that has thus far been minus a satisfactory answer is, "How long will the train sheds be at the new depot?" Now, Benny Boss, won't you kindly enlighten we suffering ones? I • Automobiles are all right if a man is ' used to walking and a Christian. Un­ less he is blessed with these accom plishments, however, he is apt to swear and walk, too, At least, this has been the experience of more than one local auto owner. If a certain man living on Elm street doesn't "cut out" shooting at pedestrians that very same man is liable to be taken into custody some of these nights. Better take our advice, old pal, and "cut it out" before the citizens of the town take the law into their own hands. That's a dangerous joke, don't yon know? "Did yon hear abont it, Schreiner?" Well, "I should say I did hear abont it," and for the benefit of those who did not we will venture to say that one of the Borden's employes, who sometimes answers to the name of "Moees," met with a painful accident one day last week when with his left eye he stopped a stiff uppercut from the closed hand of a fellow workman. Bad thing for the eyes we reckon, at any rate this particular one tfas. A wise piker, who claims Chicago as his home, blew into town last Tuesday evening and after soaking up enough "Cocola" (whatever that may have been) to float a small sized battle ship proceeded to do the wild and woolly West stunt on the business section of Green street. After endangering the lives of pedestrians on the street for a few minutes he was overtaken by offi­ cers Walsh and Justen, who landed him in the village bastile to undergo the "cooling off process." At abou| 8:30 o'clock, before Police Magistrate J. W. Kimball, he pleaded guilty to the charge of reckless driving and was fined $3.00 and costs for the offense. J. S. Brown, all the world lying around Ring wood knows, is a brave man. Just how many battles he has won we are unable to state, but there is one encounter that he lost and lost without the least sign of resistance. This encounter took place near, the Brown residence in Ringwood and his opponent was a woman, who used as her weapon a hoe. J. S. clearly admits that he was defeated, and, furthermore, the funny behind him was saved from a sound beating by making a hasty exit from the scene of war. Now if there is anything further that the more inquis­ itive reader wishes to know regarding this "battle" we refer them to J. 8., as he was on the grounds. TERRA COTTAJ Mrs. B. f. Peck is now gaining slow- ly. ^ Mrs. T. R. Anderson was an Elgin visitor Wednesday. L. Lockwood of Barreville called on friends here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin were Mo- Henry callers Friday. Rev. J. Lehane of McHenry called on friends here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. A. |P. LaudgrenJ and children called at M. Knox's Sunday. Mrs, M. J. Walsh and children called on relatives here Friday and Monday. Mrs. Frank Peck and daughter, Rnby, of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives here. Miss Mary Fleming of Barreville is spending a few days at the home of M. Knox. Miss Mary Walsh of McHenry spent the latter part of last week with her cousins here. Miss Mary Burke of McHenry called on the Misses Florence and Frances Knox Friday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Hatohwell of Crys­ tal Lake visited at the home of Chas. Buck Sunday. Mrs. J. J. McCarthy and Miss EUen Doherty of McHenry called on Mrs. M. Knox Monday. Mrs. ,Ed. Knox of Emerald Park and Miss Mamie Deede of Chieago called on relatives here Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan are re­ joicing over the arrival of a baby girl, born Saturday, July 17. All kinds of fancy mending done by. Miss Hiller, Simes Mock, West Mc­ Henry. OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHdit W1 ENTERTAI# WHERE WE GO. AND McHenry Entertain* • Urgt Company of Visitor* During the Week--Whom We •entertain. . '-v". Mike Schaffer was a Chicago visitor Monday. Roy Bohlander spent Monday In the windy city. M. J. Walsh wis a business visitor in Chicago Wednesday. R. I. Overton was a business visitor at the county seat Tuesday. Paul Brown of Glencoe was a recent guest of Mrs. H. T. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Freund were Kenosha, Wis., visitors Monday. Martin Stoffel of Elgin visited at the home of his parents bere Sunday. L. F. Block attended to business mat ters in the windy city Wednesday. Miss Bessie Knight of Chicago was a recent guest of her grandmother, Mrs. H. T. Brown. * Johi Brotvn of Texas Is spending the week with relatives and friends in Mc Henry and vicinity. „ ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Merriman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mason last Saturday afternoon and Sunday. Mrs. W. T. Carpenter and daughter, Sue, of Chicago are ga-»ts at the home of Mrs. F. K, Granger. Mrs. Julius Eggert and Mrs H. Ver beek and little son of Chicago are guests at the home of J. J. Hille, C. H. John left Saturday for a two weeks' vacation with relatives in Evans- ville, Ind., and Bloomington, 111. Raymond Pattianniand Pope Dodge of Rogers Park are spending the week at the home of Mrs. F. K. Granger. Miss Alice Waite, was the guest of Elgin relatives several days last week, visiting Camp Deneen on Thursday. Mrs. Edward Dalton, son and daugh­ ter of Hampshire are guests at the home of Postmaster and Mrs. EL C. Mead. Miss Julia A. Story of Plain ville, Kan., is in McHenry this week, the guest of R. H. Sherburne and family. O. C. Colby of North Crystal Lake and son, Carl, of Abbotsford, Wis., were recent gnesis of R. Sherburne and fam­ ily. Miss Mayme Heimer left Tuesday afternoon for a two weeks' visit among relatives and friends in Kenosha and Milwaukee, Wis. John, "Tug," Frank and Miss May Goldwaite, Frank and Miss Mamie Grady of Chicago are guests at the home of Samuel McDonald this week. Miss Lizzie Meyers, who has been in Belvidere the past four years, left for Saginaw, Mich., last Friday morning, after spending six weeks with her par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers, here. Miss Sylvia Hille returned Saturday evening from a month's tour thru the East, visiting relatives and sight seeing. Among places of note visited were New York, Philadelphia, Washington, At­ lantic City and Paterson, the last named city, in New Jersey, having been the former home of the Hille family. IMBRALD PARK. A, Nardi and daughter visited at F. Romano's Sunday. John Kelter of ChicMgp is spending this week at Lake Defiance. Wm. Wall of Chicago spent Wednes­ day with relatiyes in this vicinity. % Wm. Blum and daughters, Gertrude and Janette, spent Sunday at the Park. W. K. Burns and son, William, are spending a week's vacation at the Park, Mrs. N. Biggy of Chicago is spending this week with Mrs. E. Walsh and fam­ ily. Mary Pender Walsh of West McHenry spent Tuesday with Miss Eleanor JLar- kin. Miss Mamie Deede of Chicago is vis­ iting with her cousins, the Misses Knox, this week. Misses Mayme Mid Katie Knox went to Chicago Friday to visit relatives for a few days. Mrs D. Whitingof Ringwood and Mrs. Flaz of Chicago visited at J. Gibbs' Wednesday. Mrs. E. Walsh and Mrs. N. Biggy visited at J. Fleming's in North Crystal Lake Tuesday. Mrs, D. McManamaas of Chicago is visiting at R.J. Sutton's and other rel­ atives this week. Misses Ellen Cleary of Sioux Falls, S. D., and Mary Gibb« visited the Misses Sutton Thursday. Chas. Berkircher returned home Sat­ urday after spending several weeks with relatives in Ohio. Frank O'Flahrity and Clair Nobles of Elgin were guests at the home of Mrs. E. Frisby Sunday. Mrs. John Knox and daughter, Mary, of West McHenry visited at R. J. Sut­ ton's one day recently. Misses Ellen and Anna Cleary went to Elgin Wednesday for a few days' visit with relatives at that place. Mrs. W. E. Heaney of Chicago and Miss Elva Enix of Albia, la., are guests at the h.ome of E. Knox this week. Miss Ellen Cleary of Sioux Falls, S. D., and Misses Anna and Irene Frisby visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday even­ ing. Have you seen our five and ten cent counter! If not, better call in and save money. J. J. Yycital. F. Romano returned to the city Mon­ day, He was accompanied by his wife and daughter, Carrie, who will spend a few days there. Ayer's Hair Vigors Anything injurious here? Anything of merit here? Will it stop falling hair? ^ Will it destroy dandruff? Gfeoerte. QMt SmNmm CMoriA , Save. Alceliel. Water. PcHmmw. Ask your doctor. Ask your doctor. Ask your doctor. Ask yotuf doctor. Does not dolor the Hair for 17 Cents j Day! 0lease read the heading over again. Then its tremendous significance will dawn upon you. An Oliver Typewriter--the standard visible writer--the 1100 machine--the most highly perfected typewriter on the market--yours for 17 cents per day! The typewriter whose conquest of the com­ mercial world is a matter of business history - yours for 17 cents a day! The typewriter that is equipped with scores of such conveniences as "The Balance Shift" ---The Ruling Device"--"Tbte Double Ke- lease"--"The Locomotive Base"--"The Auto­ matic Sjjmcer"- "The Automatic Tabulator" •--"The Disappearing Indicator"--"The Ad­ justable Paper Fin- gere"-"The Scientific Condensed Keyboard --all Yours for 17 cents a day! We announced this new sales plan re­ cently, just to feel the pulse of the peo­ ple. Simply a small cash payment--then 17 cents a day. This Is the plan in a nutshell. The result has been 3uch a deluge of appli­ cations for machines that we are simply as- ounded. _ ~" The demand comes from peopleptall class­ es, all ages, all occupations. " * ' The majority of inquiries has come from people of known financial standing who were attracted by the novelty of the proposition. An Impressive demonstration of the Immense popularity of the Ollvef Typewrlter. A startling confirmation of our belief tluit the Era of Universal Typewriting Is at hand. A Quarter of f Million of People am Making Money with OLIVER • Typewriter The Standard Visible Writer The Oliver Typewriter 1» a moneyr-maker right from the word "go!" So easy to run that beginners soon get in the "expert" clans. Earn as you learn. Let the machine pay the 17 cents a day--and all above that is yours. Wherever you are, there's work to be done and money to be made by using the Oliver. The business world Is calling for Oliver oper­ ators. There are not enough to supply the demand. Their salaries are considerably above those of many classes of workers. An Oliver Typewriter in Every Home That is our!e cry today. We have made the Oliver supreme tn usefulness and abso­ lutely indispensable in business. Now comes the conquest of the home. The simplicity and strength of the Oliver fit it for family use. It is becoming an Im­ portant factor In the home training of young people. An educator as well as a money mak­ er. Our new selling plan puts the Oliver on the thresboldof every home in America. Will you close the door of your home or office on this remarkable Oliver opportunity? Write for further details of our easy offer and a free copy of the new Oliver catalog. Address The Oliver Typewriter Company The Oliver Typewriter Building, Chicago, Illinois. '"The Navigator ..Excursion Boat.. is again in commission and will make daily trips along Fox Rixer, Pistakee Bay, and chain of lakes. Boat may be chartered at any time. Larger and better than ever. For farther information apply or write to TOone 824 Sept. I Frederick BeHer. NcHeiry. Want Column. All Advertisements inserted under this head at the following raten: Fire lines or lew, £5 cents for first insertion; IS cents for eacb subsequent insertion. More than five lines, fi cento a line for flrat insertion, aad 3 cents a line for additional insertion!. Tj^OR SALE- " also i A baby's crib with mattress, o-cart. In good condition. Inquire at this office. TpOR HALE--Anyone wanting cows for the dairy clkll or phone J. O. * Ladd, King- wood, III. Phones, McHenry, 454; Richmond, 884. Heptl* l^OKSALE--North, and South Dakota laud: x $15 to $2f> per acre. Also farms In Minne­ sota. For further Information apply or write E. W. liOWK, Mclieury, 111. 40-tf l^OB SALE--A Deering mower and rake, al- x most new; also lumber wagon with hay rack. Inquire at this office. 4-St* T OST--Somewhere on streets of McHenry a gent's gold cuff lluk with Ave brilliant settings. Finder will please return to this office hini receive reward. tXT ANTED--A man to cut 40 acres of slough *» on the south side of McOollum's lake (Geo. Colby land). To cut on shares or cash per ton lu stack. Address, A. Jarrbtt, Gen­ oa Junction, Wis.; or call on O. O. Colby, McHenry, 111. 4-tf l^OUND--A small leather case containing a pair of gold-rimmed spectacles. Owner may have same by proving property and pay­ ing for this notice. Call at this office. FOR SALE--Three-burner gasoline stove, a Quick Meal,.in splendid condition. Also IK gallon ice cream freezer. In good condi­ tion. Will be sold cheap. For further In­ formation write or apply to E. Lawlcss. PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock. Illinois. Office iu Ar­ nold Hlock. east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money-lo loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634, U03 and 91JLJ PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. " Estate of ,* John Mueller. Leave to totit over note. Edmnnd Noonaa. Final report ap­ proved and extrx discharged. Isaac Barsh. Inventory and appraise* ment bill approved. John Cleary. Final receipts exhibited and extr discharged. MARRIAGE ItlOBNSBS. George Back, 21 . .... .Chicago Emma Mueller, 18.....,, " E. W. Kleber,,..,.Chicago Ida Eogrnan, 28 . ** . The Willing Workers will meet in the church parlors next Thursday after noon. A good attendance is hoped for, as there is plenty of work on hand. BaaA fki Flaiadealer * waafaia. --\ THE WRONd WAY to select harness is llie way it is usually done. Price is generally the first consid­ eration. If that is very low the goods seem attractive, regardless of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Examine into the quality of this harness- first. Then it will be seen that it is worth almost any price. But our prices are not high. Value considered they are remark­ ably low, :: :: :: :: :: G. A Barker Bonslett Block - flcHenry, 111. WHEN you get ready for that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you the good points in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on a first-class job. Wfe guar­ antee all ©four work. / R. Patzke &(o. J West McHenry. Professional, Society and Business Cards DAVID G, WELLS M. D. p ' V I PHJIICIANi8URGEON AND OCULIST'," ~ .Cui-ucr Elm ante Urow streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 811 . v'- PEGERS ft FEG BBS ^ pn^CIANB and SURGEONS, McHenry" HU mm ^{dei5ce, corner Court - r Elm streets Telephone 333, „v.....^ J W. .At- D. T. SMILEY A *?D!!isi ^ LAW, Woodstock, IUlnoi , busi.ness intrusted to his care will b< properly and promptly attended to. DR. I?. G. CHTAMBERLI3ST DENTIST •ifaf ww Besley'a Drug t ttooM: 8:00 to f*r, y.-y moHikw, iz.i» Telephone N* 6 ONice in SpuMtac Dr. Arnold • Physician and Surgeon WEST McHENRY, ILLINO&. Telephone No. 291 . SIMON STO*TE& Insurance Agent for all classes®! property in the best Companies. West McHenry, lllaola MEATS are rresb, juicy tender are what we sell here. Also a fine line of Canned Cioods, Bakery Goods and Vegetables in sea- We knoAT ^e just what' yoti ^ i'i, #ant. ' v . F. C. ROSS. D. D. S. Office second floor Yager Block. ALb WOBK PBRTAINIHG TO MODXBH DENTISTRY Nitrons Oxid Gas for Extracting. Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:0Q p. m* Telephone No. 542. H , C . M E A D , w JUSTICE OP THE PEACE ^ *ND INSURANCE AGENT. 1 am now prepared to insure all kinds of prop- erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, Etc Also haye a special line of Insurance on Live Stock insuring against death from any cause. West McHenry, III. RETURNS OP Base Ball: AND OTHER Sporting Events By Speciil Wire •t the Lambert Q. Seng BUFFET 93 Fifth Ave CHCAOO m B. P. Mali West Mchenry, TELEPHONE ews HI. 30a Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's counter. NORTHWESTERN -- t TELEPHONE NO. 36g Steam Heat, Hot &nd Cold Water, Electric Lights. Com­ mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking. Rates $1 50 per day. TliEO. SCIilESSLE, Prop. WEST McHENRY. Photo Studio Mchenry, PORTRAIT^, OUTDOOR WORK, ENLARGEMENTS, FRAMES; v POSTALS. 'Phone 322. The Riverside Livery R. I. OVERTON, PROP. 'Buses meet, all train* for Kiveiside Hotel and points Pistakee Bay and Fox Lake. Teaming of all Kinds done promptly. Special attention iriveu to traveling men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. McHENRY, - ILLINOIS* Save the traveling salesman's com tin sion by purchasing yonr Air Motor Pump right here at hone. Pnmp com plete for -- • -S37»50 Wm. Bacon, - McHenry Try 1 is for drags and stay with as only us long as we meet every require­ ment as to quality and pride. N. H. Petesch. Buckwheat seed for sale at the West McHenry Floor and Feed Mill. Chicago & North-western. # Effective June SO, 190!!, • /- ,,, „ W1U DAT TRAINS. , . , OwSffi;-' •OBTHBODHD « aTm...: Via Eight 10.17a ni «8.50a m Vlft DesPlalnes....... 10.17a in M2.;s0 P m . . . . .......Via Elgin .8.45 p m +1.00 p .Tla nes Plalnes 8.15 p iu *3.4opm ..¥ls l>es Plaines 4.45 p m *3.25 p m . .... Via Elgin p m *5.12 p m VI* l)es Plalnes 6.46 p m SURD AT TRAINS. H.00 am Via l>cs l'lalnes.. 7.55 ... Via Elgin . .. 8.46 a m . . . V i a l ) e s Plalnes., 8.00 pm ....Via Elgin..... wan DAT TRAINS, McHenry. southboonb. m Via Des Plalnes. *7.10 am Via Oes Plaines. *7.10 am Via South Elgin. *7.10 a m--..Via West Chicago *8.32 am Vis Pes Plaines. *4..17 ess ....Vtn 1 >5*^ . .,..137 h m .-...WJlfla m 18^0 a m ..... 4.55pid Arrive Chicago a m S.0H a ni a m ... . 11,05 a 111 .ft.35 a m -- . SX5 p m *4.17pm Via Elgin T.lOp in *6.27 pin. .. ... Via lies Plalnes 7.63pm •WHAT TRAINS. 7.10a* ir'. V* f1*111 f£08p•.* ViaI>»«s Plaines ...JiKpu 7.5S pm... .... Via 1 >es_Pl slnss... . . .MS p m .58 p a. Via Klglou.. * Daily except Sunday. ipm • r':* 1: 11

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