Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1909, p. 8

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mm* : i. Straw Hats Light Hosiery Summer Suits Summer Underwear i" mAT PRICES TO DEFY COMPETITION... FREUND ILLINOIS. w. WEST McHENRY, Si: si !$- Y- ^.Twenty Per Cent Discount, on all items in our Glassware and Crockery Department during July. We need the money more than the Goods. The line comprises Water Pitchers, Berry Sets, Table Sets, Nappies, Glass Lamps, Decorated Table * Lamps, Gold Decorated Glassware, Tea Sets, Gold Deco­ rated Chinaware, Tumblers, Etc. It will pay you to look the line over. Crystal Coffee Hill, best mill in America 75c n West Side Grocer UP-TO-DATE is the proper word to apply when speaking about Onr Hardware Store. Being thoroly familiar witli every detail connected with, our line of business and keeping ever in touch with the new* things that spring up almost daily T* enables us to give a satisfactory accounf of ourselves whenever a business proposition in Otir line confronts. Not only does this state­ ment apply to our large and complete stock of Hardware but to our Repair Department, which is in the hands of competent help, as well. A visit to this store will verify this. J. J. VYCITAL/S Centerville Hardware. V McH«»ry, 111. „.SO ARE with a full Cultivators; ers in 5, 6 * ¥ line of New Tiger McCormick Mow- and 7 foot; McCor­ mick G-rain Binder; McCormick Hay Rakes in 26, 28 and 32 ' teeth; McCormick Binder Twine in Standard and Sisal; Ignition ^Batteries; Hay Loaders, Hay •Carriers and Track; Truck Wag­ ons and Milk Wagons. Janes- ~le Buggies in steel and rubber •es. Engine, Mower and Bin- ter repairing a specialty. We LOW how. Make your wants to us. :: :: :: WM. STOFFEL, - McHENRY DOINGS AT OUR RESORTS NIGHT A GRAND SUC- AT PISTAKE6. for the Wtz The flag parade from Pistakee Bay to Fox Lake last Sunday afternoon w pretty sight sad witnessed by au Mayor Basse of Chicago is joying his summer home at Fox The mayor has been at his home ever eince his convalescence from his recent operation. The ladies' club, which meets at the Pistakee Bay pavilion every Wednesday afternoon, is this year in a more flourish­ ing condition than for some time past. The meetings are being well attended and a grand time is always enjoyed. The Pistakee-Fox Lake regatta is be­ ing held this week at Pistakee Bay and Fo; Lake. In honor of the visiting yachtsmen from Fox Lake, a smoker was held at the Pistakee clab house last night, which was highly enjoyed by all present. Mr. and Mrs. Gerhard Wegener enter­ tained several relatives and friends at their Lily Lake home last Sunday. The gnests were: Mr. and Mrs. John Her- bes, Mr, and Mrs. Ben Herbes and son, Leo, Rose and Francis Herbes, Hubert Nenmann and daughter, Carrie, all of McHenry; Casper Herbes of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Behm and daughter, Alvira, of Fremont Center. The commodore's reception and ball will be held at the Pistakee Yacht club pavilion at 6:30 next Saturday evening. This annual event is always looked for­ ward to with a longing desire, as it never f&ls to bring forth a pleasant time for all in attendance. Every effort is being put forth to make this year's c vcut the u6ot ever nuu liO p&i US 518 bs isg spared by thosa the svsnisg's entertainment in charge to make it such. Venetian night was properly celebrat­ ed at Pistakee Bay last Saturday even­ ing and if we are not badly mistaken the illumination and boat paradethis year surpasses all previous efforts. An immense crowd turned out to witness the beautiful spectacle and, judging' from the comment heard on all sides, the efforts of the resorters were greatly appreciated by the hundreds that had gathered around the lake for this novel event One of the most enjoyable camps along Fox river at the present time Is the one located just south of the Orchard Beach sanatorium, known as the "Ori­ ole" camp. It is occupied by a jolly lot of Chicagoans, who know how to enjoy country life and do it properly. Those who are now occupying the camp are as follows: Mrs. Charles Johnson and daughters, Agnes, Carolyn and Isabelle, and son, Charles, Mrs. Hans Johnson, Mrs. M. McClish, Miss Elizabeth Zink and Harry Kerig. The over Sunday guests at the caiftp were: Mr. and Mrs. W. Travis, Miss May Johnson, Messrs. John Lehm, John Hudson, T. M. Wol- ler, George and Charles Johnson, tfhe entire party hails from Chicago. Tracy C. Drake of Chicago is confined to his bed at his. summer home at Lake Geneva with his face cut and nose lacerated as the result- of an automobile accident last Sunday evening. Mr. Drake, in company with Chas. E. Fox of Chicago, was on his way to Lake Geneva. At a sharp turn of the road, between McHenry and Wauconda, the machine they were riding in became un­ manageable and was overturned. The owner of the auto wa* thrown forward violently, lighting about twenty feet on the roadside. Mr. Fox was pinioned under the car and not until the chauf­ feur, who escaped injury, got four men to assist him was he able to release Mr. Fox. The litter's >sjuriss vrsrs to his face. Surprising as it may seem, the party was able to continue its trip to the northern resort after the machine had been righted. The machine was undamaged. The Honey Dew Gun club's cottage, located on the east banks of Fox river, across from Orchard Beach, was opened for the season last week and from now on until the close of the season there will be something doing every minute around this particular place. The Chi­ cagoans who arrived last week are as follows: Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Peyton and children, Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cunningham and daughter, Ella, Mrs. Thomas Martin Burke, Mrs. Mangan, Miss Margaret Cunningham and Tony Ray. Mrs. Mangan is acting as chap­ eron and bearing the burden bravely. She is being ably assisted by "Cop" Ray, one of the bravest n^en the Chicago po­ lice force has ever known. Altho a frail little fellow, "the copper" is per­ forming his duties in a manner that would do credit to a whole army. The club is composed of as nice a crowd as any one would wish to meet, its hos­ pitality being far superior to that usual­ ly found among resorters. The cottage will be occupied by new crowds from week to week and before the season comes to a close it is expected that over a hundred souls will have been enter­ tained here. The "hall room boys" will undoubtedly be on the job next. One of the most sensational rescues ever reported rit Fox Lake was that of Sunday afternoon when Robert Rien- deau of Chicago saved the lives of his wife and ohild when the boat over­ turned. The party was out Ashing when, in changing positions, the boat tcrned over and the mother and child, helpless m the water and far from shore, felt sute their time had come. The father, however, grasping the situ­ ation, saw that if he could get hold of both and cling to the boat he could hold Out uulit help arrived. Accordingly, he got hold of his wife's dress and then of his child. He explained matters to his wife and she in turn got hold of the child's i both just as they were sinking for the third time and they were almost ex­ hausted by tile time he got to the up­ turned boat. By following his cool headed advice the woman and child clung Op while Riendeau called for helo. It arrived within fifteen minutes and the family was taken ashore, where they soon recovered themselves, but the is still retaining some effects > experience, which was indeed moat sensational, the first of the kind to occur at the lake in a long time. There are no other members of the family in question and if the father had not been so cool headed the whole family would be at the bottom of Vox HOLOOIHBVILLE. Miss Irene Davoll is improving stow- ly. Mrs John Miller called in this vicin­ ity Monday. Irwin Miller of Park Ridge is visiting at John Miller's. Miss Letah Pomrening spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Vera Doherty visited at Sher­ man's Hill Wednesday. ' Raymond and Wm. Powers visited at Wm. Doherty's Sunday. Jay Doherty and son, Paul, were Crys­ tal Lake callers Saturday. Mr* and Mrs. David Powers and son spent Sunday with Wm. Powers. Mr, and Mrs. M. H. Conley and chil­ dren called at Wm. B. Gilbert's Friday. Miss T. Pomrening of Woodstock is spending a few days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs Jay Doherty and family spent Sunday with relatives in McHen ry. Mrs; Mason and daughter, Lura, of Richmond are visiting with relatives here. Misses Emma and Clara Jesse of Crystal Lake are visiting with F. Gabes. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Flanders and chil­ dren visited with C. Colby at Barreville Sunday. Mrs. P. H. Hunt and Miss Minnie Pomrening called at F. Gabes' Tuesday evening. Mrs/ Bigelow and daughter, Agnes, and Mrs. James Ladd visited it 0. W. Harrison's Thursday. PROBA TE NEWS Tbtistttfs few Kidnoj snd Uteitr Snp6t i» To Find Pjll a bottle or common glass with your "itCT snd let it stssad twenty-fo«ur hoaro; a brick dust sedi­ ment, or settling, ) Stringy or milky .is airaosi every wisn m correcting matism, pain in the back, kidneys, , bladder and every part of the urinary passage. Corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing il effects following use of liquor, healthy condi­ tion of the kid­ neys ; too fre­ quent desire to pass it or pain in the back are also symptoms that tell you the kidneys and bladder are out of order and need attention. What To Do, There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy, fulfills almost every wish in correcting theumatism liver to hold water it, or bad wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant ne­ cessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and immediate effect of Swamp-Roof is soon realized. It stands the highest be­ cause of its remarkable health restoring prop­ erties. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes »om* oTSSSnp-KSot. You may have a sample bottle sent free by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing­ ham ton, N. Y. Mention this paper and remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and the address, Binghuatou, N. Y., on every bottle. [Furbished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phones 634,903 ana »11.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Chas. E. Reasner to P. E. Wadhams, Its 49, 50, Orchard Beach, McHenry, r 8 f 750.00 Ottilie Schoel & Gustav 8choe I to Geo. E. Yager, 2 a iu neJ4 nej* & 32 a in se M ne*<, sre 38, MeKenry. r 9 3400.00 Hillside club of Elgin to Ed. H. Knud- son, undivided % of It 4 in Grand View, being Matt. Pitzen's sub div, McHenry, r 9 1500.00 PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Benson G. Sherman. Final report approved and distribution ordered. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Henry J. Stilling, 25 McHenry Christine J us ten, 20..... ... .Ring wood Warren H. S pa it Id in g, 81.... Wankegan Irene Alwardt, 18. " Did it ever occur to you that you can buy envelopes with your return address printed on them just as cheap as you can buy the blank envelopes at the OUGTGT ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. Lambo'rn & Guernsey, Attorneys, 184 LaSaile Street. Chicago. Estate of the McHenry Klectrlq Bervlc# Company, a oorporation, debtor County Court of McHenry County, Wood­ stock, III. • The undersigned hereby gives notice that The McHenry Electric Service company, a corporation of the Village of McHenry, State of Illinois, did on the 2Ctli day of June, A. D. lltCD, voluntarily transfer to the undersigned, as asKiirnpe. si. II its pronfrty. rfuil and ner- sonal, for the beneflt'of its creditors, accord- «in ia) iuc jjiu v i.-»iwijo c>« tuQ aiutiiuiurjr auv con­ cerning assignments. All persons having claims against said The McHenry Electric Service company, are here­ by notified to present said claims, under oath or affirmation, to me at the electric plant of The McHenry Electric Service company, in the said Village of McHenry, County of Mc­ Henry State of Illinois, within three montlis from this date. McHenry, III., July 13, A. D. 1909 CLARENCE C. MCLAIN, Asstenee. LJUCBORN & GUERNSEY, Attorneys. Aug. £9 To Whom It May Concern. V. S. Lumley, Attorney. To whom it may concern: Take notice that I have filed my final re­ port as executrix of the estate of Joseph H. Justen, deceased, in the County Court and shall on the first Monday In August ask to have the same approve! and I, as such ex­ ecutrix, be discharged, at which time and place any that may desire ft)ay appear and resist the same if they see fit so to do. ANNIKJCBTEN, Executrix of the Estate of Joseph H. Justen, deceased. 4-3t EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Joseph A. Miller, Deceased. The uuderslgn«d having been appointed Executor of the last Will and Testament of Joseph A. Miller, deceased, late of the Ooun- ofMc " ' no Courthouse in Woodstock," at the September cHenry und State of Illinois, hereby re the it the y _ gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, >use in Woodstock, at the Sej Term, on the first Monday in September next, at which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 28th day of July, A. D. 1909. 6-4t JOSEPH W. FBEUND, Executor. The Plaindealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for twenty- Aye cents, and will be discontinued at the expiration of that time unless other wise ordered, Try it. Read The Piainritaier "want" a is. Wm wl/l mmmtmi Lmwfm IM VMM1* to furnlmh thmlr hommm Get the Lewis Catalogue "Nww to Make Your Homo Beautiful" TEA y/ Lewis offer* yon a selection of the highest quality of boose f ur- JjTk nleblnga and turolture for every room in your home. The Lewie ISIS is an sssy ons for you. The seven Kinds or L«wls' Tea are pat np In separate air, dust iiul molstnre-proof pnekaces. They are our finest quality and giacked where they STOW. One kind will sorely salt your taste. The seven Lewis' Teas are: We have put Into force tlrely new plan for enabling the purchaser of Lewis' Tea furnish their homes with prac­ tical, useful and beautiful faroifthlUKH at wholesale, factory price wliich should prove a sav­ ing of about 50% on anything you want. With the Lewis plan you are not limited to a few tawdry, cheap und Impractical premiums. Jamtsm rormoam (talMf imperial Gunpotrtfar KngHmh Braaktmmt Imdla ana Cmytom iWJtMf Craan and a Ha* VMsif Mymon All are fumed for (lelloloug flavor, and cup value. Every pound of Lewis' Tea will make exactly the same number of cups. If the bind wis flmt select does not entirely please you, remem­ ber there still remain six other kluclN. all packed by Lewis, one of nitlch will «t»«sUy Mill your tattle. See that tlnjMadoiLtiiiou want Is marked on the frout of the package. Try Thmm -For Smlm By Anton Schneider, McHenry, III* **S>nd for catalog "Mow to Jffaku the Home BeautifU." AID. LEWIS- & OQMPAMf, tno. cMtcjimo SbauR-bii Yokohama ( / f /(•' 1 I i V, V BOHLANDERi WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. H$k to See Friday: Bargains! WEST McHENRY, SPHONE MAKE A START TOWARDS SAVING MONEY by taking out a Bank Book here today. A hundred resolutions to save if not carried out, will never earn accent of interest, while money deposited at Our Saving3 De- pa rtment regularly will increase with interest at 3' per cent, com­ pounded, on every dollar. Thousands of people all over the country who have never saved money before are doing so now. Follow their good example, make a start today if only with one dollar. WEST McHENRY STATE BANK Where your Dollar buys the most. Block & Bethk McHENRY, - - TELEPHONE 541. Qm Price to Are you satisfied with the coffee you have been get­ ting? Have you been getting your money's •worth? If not, call and let us give you a sample j'Of coffee that will please •Jpou. We carry in stock fSeal Brand Teas at per • fib. package........ 25c. Other good grades of un- colored Japan Tea at per pound. ...39c; 3 lbs. $1.00 Chase and Sanborn Cof- 80, 40c. Koto© anywhere as fees at per pound lfi, 20, 25, good. k , Dundee Brand Evaporated Milk, unsweetened, per can... 10c; H for 25c 31b. can Hominy •. A .#-»% £ 'or 31b. can Lima Beans.» « » » ^ 2 o c ..lo" 15, 25c Waists for the Present Season! That's what we mean. Ladies' waists thaly&re cool and stylish. Just out. Ladies' Waist made of W. sheer white lawn, handsomely trimmed with lace insertion, lace trim- med Dutch c o l l ar , r egu lar pr i ce $1 .50 , no w . . . . . . . . . $ 1 .0 0 Another shipment of those $2.50 all over embroidery waists. We are showing the most extensive line of Ladies' Dutch collar waists to be found anywhere at..$1.50, 2.00, 2.25, 2.50 Other waists at; ,50c, 89c, $1.00, 1.39, 1.50, 2.00 Lace net waists at.. ;,$2.69 and 5.00 Good Salmon, per can.."........... K. C. and Calumet Baking Powder. Ladies' black and colored petticoats that you will have t9 see in order to appreciate their value. See them at. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 , 75 , $1 .00 , 1 . 89 , 1 . 98 , 2 . 50 , 2 . 75 .,-.r „• i;;-; • ^^••^rrrrrJrr~~-,v. : T """"""" Another lot of thoSfe ladies' hose to sell,at. .40, 15, 25 • ' .:*'i ' :vS „ * JLi. ££»

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