'TL * •Y.& :.€-\ *4 S&W-. ®" • a rapialy increasing without some inconveniences, business Care •|le done without some inconveniences, de- Jfcays, etc., but we are doing the best we can. ifeince embarking in the grocery business we f^ave added and added to our stock until we ittow have our shelves loaded down'with one of the finest lines of groceries to be found in McHenry. We now respectfully ask you for your grocery orders and promise you in exchange for game the best quality of goods that money will buy at prices that you will appreciate, Our deliveries are always prompt, the goods reaching you just when you want them. A trial order will con* vince you that we are right, :: M M . N I E S E N THE CENTERVILLE GROCER Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHENR-Y. V ILLINOIS. For the sick and those seeking rest and recreation. ...NATURAL METHODS-- Write for free illustrated booklet. Dr. C«.rl Strueh, Chicago 100 State Street, Room 1409. Aw iy Plaindealer [He Mclii PUBLISHED ^VERY THURSDAY BT F. a. SCH REINER. Office In Bank Building. Telephone, No. Wt%. TBRM8 OP SUBSCRIPTION! Oneyear . ..... 11.80 Six months, nets. Three months. iOcts. Thursday, July 29, 1909* OF A PERSONAL NATURE WHOM WE ENTERTAIN • dSlD WHERE WE GO. P H I L I P J A E G E R GENERAL COflMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OP Dressed Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Poultry, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This is the oldest house on the street Tags and prioe lists furnished on application. COLD STORAGE FREE 3S!J£.'i££Z"- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. SeeWm.Stoffei abont those PATENT KANT COME OFF COW COVERS. They will more than pay for them selves two or three times over be- Rideo being humane. He alao sells Hay Stack and Hay Cock Covers. Yon cannot enre Alfalfa Hay without them. :: fom da Lk AwbIhI mi Tent Co. 1 EAST SIDE.. t y \t\/ 1 1 HOME OF F R E S H , P U R E MEATS, SAUSA- \(djj5S, ETC. OUR P R I C E S W I L L • • •^PLEASE YOU. I.*). Blicn, Prop. Tel. 841 1 ¥ Bank of Henry EST ABLISHED 1888 This Bank receives deposits, pays 3 per cent interest on time depos its, extends all courtesies consist-, ent with good business principles and does a OENERAL BANKING BUSINESS respectfully solicting public pat ronage. Honey to Loan on real estate and other first class security. REAL ESTATE Farm lands, residences and vil lage property for sale. If you want to buy or sell, call on u«. Abstracts ordered. INSURANCE in First Class Companies, at the lowest rates Perry & Owen, Notary Public. - Bankers. McHenry Katertalns a Lsrg* Company of Visitor* During the Week--Whom We Entertain. C. C. Colby spent Tuesday in the windy city. Mrs. D. W. Gould was a Chicago vis itor Tuesday. Win. Bonslett attended to business in Chicago Tuesday. E. W. Howe transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Warren Howell was a business visitor in Chicago Tuesday. Arvil Yager took in the sights in the windy city Tuesday. J. P. Smith was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. Charles Heimer called on Bljfin friends last Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Yager were Chicago visitors Wednesday. v Richard Wray of Richmond was a caller in town last Sunday evening. Roy Bohlander is spending the week among Chicago relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Whiting and chil dren were Richmond visitors Sunday. Mrs. John E. Freund and Miss Hellen Adams were Chicago visitors Tuesday. R. A. Howard of Elgin visited among McHenry relatives and friends last Sun day. Miss Ella Moore of Chicago is a guest this week at the home of Mrs. .Mary Carey. Mrs. J. B. Buss and children were guests of Chicago relatives the first of the week. Miss "Clara Jus ten is. the guest of Kenosha, Wis., relatives and friends this week. # T. H. Bethke attended to matters of a business nature in the metropolitan city Wednesday. Frank E. Block of Elgin spent Sun day at the home of his father, Fred Block, here. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Evanson and John Evanson were. Richmond visitors last Sunday. Mrs. Dwelly and Mrs. Merriman spent last Saturday with relatives in Crystal Lake. Chas. G. Buss of Chicago visited at the home of his mother, Mr*. Bernard Buss, Sunday. Miss Cora Dray of Chicago visited at the home of Peter Schreiner several days last week. Mrs. Dwelly and Mrs. Walters visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Merri man last Friday. Miss Anna McGee has returned to Mc Henry after an extended visit among Harvard relatives. Misses Pearl and Ruhy Claxton are spenaing this week with friends in Oak Park and Chicago. Mrs. N. H. Petesch and children passed last week as guests of Chicago relatives and friends. Miss Lillie Hiller passed Friday, Sat urday and Sunday last as the guest of friends at Wayne, III. Miss Carrie Price of Genoa Junction, 52 Wis., is spending the week as the gnest of relatives and friends here. Bey. J. Stackable of Chicaoo is the guest of friends here this week. Mrs. E. B. Perkins and daaghtersVre visiting relatives asd friends in Mfch igan. . Rev. Paul Bourke of Rochelle, 111., Is oailing on friends here today (Thurs day). Capt. S. M. Walter of Chicago at tended to bnsfness relating to his boat, "The Navigator," here Sunday. Miss Ella Mollahan went to Richmond Monday, where she will be the guest of relatives for a week or ten days. Mrs. J. J. Bucli and son, Henry, were among the Chicago passengers from this station Wednesday morning. Mrs. G. Mitchell, two sons And daugh ter of Evanston spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. .Meyers. Arvil Yager has given up his position as baggageman at the depot and hi# place has been filled by Henry Block, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Granger of Chica go visited at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. F. K. Granger, over Sun* day. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schlessle of Altoona, Penn., have been spending a week at the home of.Mr. and Mrs. Theo Schiessle here. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Johnson of North Crystal Lake passed Sunday at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simes, here. Mrs. MaymeOverton is one of a party of young people from Richmond and Solon who are now enjoying life in a cottage at Twin Lakes, Wis. Miss Agnes Dolling of Chicago, who has been a guest at the Claxton farm for the past three weeks, returned to her home on Monday morning. Mrs. Clarence Draper, daughter, Vera, and son, Joseph, and Mr. and Mrs. Mason and son, Marshall, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merriman Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Stubenvauch, Mrs. O. R. Stubenvauch, daughter, Leona, Master Frank Buhr and Wm. Becker, all of Chicago, are gueBts at-the home of Andrew Miller «-.his week. Thomas McDonald, Richard Walsh, E. P. Granger, Fred Kamholz, Henry Kamholz, L. F. Newman, N. F. Colby, John Krause, F. G. Spurling, C. L. Page and "Buff" Feltz witnessed the ball game between Des Plaines and Richmond at Richmond last Sunday. Those from a distance who attended the funeral of Mrs. Barbara Schreiner here Tuesday were: Mrs. Margaret Hammond, Mr, and Mrs, Nick Martin and two sons, Mrs. John Toppen, Mrs. Emil Dither, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schreiner, Mrs. George Schreiner of Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. John Slimpin, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slimpin, Miss Barbara Wiedemann, Mrs. Jos. Gillis, Mrs. R. A. Howard of Elgin; Mrs. Emil Schneider and Mrs. Stephen Kaiser of Woodstock. Sees Mother Grow Young. "It would be hard to overstate the wonderful change in my mother since she began to use Electric Bitters, "writes Mrs. W..L. Gilpatrick of Danforth, Me. "Although past 70 she seems really to be growing young again. She suffered un told misery from dyspesia for 20 years. At last she could neither eat, drink nor sleep. Doctors gave her np and all rem edies failed till Electric Bitters worked such wonders for her health." They in vigorate all vital organs, cure Liver and Kidney troubles, induce sleep, impart strength and appetite. Only 60c at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masquelet's and others. A Get the habit, go to Petesch's. Aycr's Hair Vigor STOPS DESTROYS DANDRUFF Ingredients: Selphur. Capsicum AM ELEGANT DRESSING MAKES HAIR GROW Glycerin. Quinin. Sodium ChlorM. Sage Alcohol. Water Perfume. Ask your doctor if there is anything injurious here. Ask him also if there is not genuine merit here. Does not Clolor the Hal J. Avjcb Company. Lowell. Ma»«. •» •" Place Tour Order Now. -^The government postal authorities have caused to be posted in every posi- Office in the country circular letter to the public, urging everyone to use en velopes with a return card printed thereon. Every business man, farmer or person of any occupation should have ^ his name and address printed on his envelopes, thus insuring their return to X the sender if any mistake is made in the address. Call at Tbe Plaindealer office and leave oraers for this stationery and It will be put up in first-class manner. Notleei To insnre publication in The Plain- <§An.lar copy must be in the office no later than Wednesday noon of each Week. Advertisers, especially, are asked take particular notice to this effect "The Navigator" t This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean-41.75 one year's subscription t» both. ..Excursion Boat.. is again in commission and may be chartered at any time for trips along Fox River, Pistakee Bay, and chain of lakes. Larger and better than ever. For further information apply or write to Frederick Belter, McHenry. 'Phone 824 H'l.t 1 If you have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have siebnesajor death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items will •> ha thankfully received. CENTRALTOUSE One Night, Sunday, Aug. i J. B. ROTNOUR PRESENTS THE FLORA DeVOSS CO. 14- PEOPLE-14 PRICCSF • Seats on sale at Petesch's u:t If,: / ' ^ 'f2 ̂ 1 • " tt'V*'..T- ' • ' x J. -r&ik: The Standard Visible Writer The Oliver Typewriter is a money-maker right from the word "go!" 80 easy to run that beginners soon get in the "expert" class. Earn as you learn. Let the machine pay the 17 cents a day--and all above that is yours. Wherever you are, there's work to be done and money to be made by using the Oliver. The business woWd is calling for Oliver oper ators. There are not enough to supply the demand. Their salaries are considerably above those of many classes of workers. An Oliver Typewriter in Every Home That is our battle cry today. We have made the Oliver supreme in usefulness and abso lutely indispensable in business. Now comes the conquest of the home. The simplicity and strength of the Oliver fit It for family use. Xt Is hecomlng an im portant factor in the home training of young people. An educator as well as a money mak er, "" Our new selling plan puts the Oliver on the thresholdof every home In America. -Will you close the door of your home or office on this remarkable Oliver opportunity? Write for further details of our easy offer and a free copy of the new Oliver catalog. Address ' The Oliver Typewriter Company The Oliver Typewriter Building, Chicago, Illinois. fnr 17 fnntr 2 hurl 1U1 11 VtiiO U i/UJfi Please* read the heading over again. Then Its tremendous significance will dawn upon you. An Oliver Typewriter--the standard visible writer--the flOO machine--the most highly perfected typewriter on the market--yours for 17 cents per day I The typewriter whose conquest of the com mercial world is a matter of business history - yours for 17 cents a day! The typewriter that is eq nipped with scores of such conveniences as "The Balance Shift" --"The Ruling Device"--"The Double Re lease"--"The Locomotive Base"--"The Auto matic Spacer"--"The Automatic Tabulator" --"The Disappearing Indicator"--"The Ad justable Paper Fin- gers"-"The Scientific Condensed Keyboard -all Yours for 17 cents a day! We announced this new sales plan re cently, fust to feel the pulse of the peo ple. Simply a small cash payment--then 17 cents a day. This is the plan in a nutshell. The result has been such a deluge of appli cations for machines that we are simply as- ounded. The demand comes from people of all class es, all ages, all occupations. The majority of inquiries has come from people of known financial standing who were attracted by the novelty of the proposition. An impressive demonstration of the immense popularity of the Oliver Typewriter. A startling confirmation of our belief that the Era of Universal Typewriting is at hand. A Quarter oi 6 Million of People are Making Money with --I THE WRONG WAY to select harness is the way it is usually done. Price Is generally the first consid eration. If that is very low the goods seem attractive, regardless Of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Examine Into the quality of this harness first. Then it will be seen that it is worth almost any price. But our prices are not high. Value considered they are remark ably low. 0 :: :: G. A Barker Bonslett Block - flcHenry, III. IB*. OLIVER peWriiir Want Column. All advertisements inserted under thia bead at tbe following rate*: Five limn or leHH.Ifi cento for flnt Insertion, 15 centH for i'arh mitmenuent insertion. More than Ave lines, 5 centx a line for first insertion, and 3 cents a line for additional insertions. Xi>OIt SALE--A baby's crib with mattress, 1 also go-cart. In good condition. Inquire at this office. "CVJR SALE--Anyone wanting cows for the *• dairy call or phone J. C. Lai>i>, Ring- wood, 111. Phones, McHenry, 454; Richmond, 684. Septl* pM)R SALE--North and South Dakota land: |15 to $25 per acre. Also farms in Minne sota. For further information apply or write E. W. Howe, McHenry. 111. 40-tf "C^OR SALE- Three-burner gasoline stove, a Quick Meal, In splendid condition. Also 154 gallon Ice cream freezer. In good condi tion. Will be sold cheap. For further in formation write or apply to E. Lawless. WANTED--A man to cut 40 acres of slough ou the south side of McOollum's lake (Geo. Colby land). To cut on shares or cash per toil iii stack. Address, A. Gen oa Junction, Wis.; or call On O. U. ColSy, McHenry, 111, 4-tf "EH)R SALE--One of the best small farms for the money in McHenry county. If you wish to buy, investigate. Address box 341, Richmond III. 0-4t LOST--Between Emerald Park an(" the depot, on Monday of this week, black hand bag. Reward will be given If left at this 1JU)R SALE-Black mare formerly owned by Rev. M. W. Barth. Sound and good driver. Price, $200. For lurther information apply or write Geo. J. SAYBR, Pistakee Bay, McHenry, 111. 6-lt *EU)R SALE--Case threshing machine with ^ §400 gasoline engine, good as new. Will sell both for $700 on account of sickness AI-bkht Ettkn. ft* OSTKJSD. Mrs. Belle' Richardson is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Miss Maud Abbott was shopping in Woodstock last Saturday. C. E. Jecks transacted business in Woodstock last Saturday. Miss Sadie Hobart was ealiing at John Claxton's last Sunday. Miss Merle Hollarbusb is visiting her slater, Mrs. Warren Thomas, Jr. C. E. Gaylord and George Thomas of Greenwood were business callers in Piano Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Draper spent Sunday at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thomas. Mrs. Guy Harrison and cousin of Idaho viaited relatives In Marengo from Friday until Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Whiting, Mrs. Abble Martin and son, Loren, returned from their visit in Vermont last Thurs* Tlay. Mra. Edgar Thomas and Mrs. W. Mann of Woodstock were guests at the home of Mrs. Warren Thomas, gSr.,' Friday. Tortured on a Horse. s ^'For ten years I couldn't ride a horse without being in torture from piles," writes L. S. Napier, of Rugless, Ky., "when all doctors and other remedies failed, Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me," Infallible for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Boils, Fever Sores, Eczema, Salt Rhenm, Corns. 25c. Guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masquelajt and others. $ Petesch'* for droits. WHEN yon gel ready for that new SPRING WORK HARNESS call at this shop and let us explain to you the good points in Harness construction and at the same time give you our prices on a first-class job. We guar antee all of our work. :: !. Patzke & (o. West McHenry. ATS That are Tresh, juicy and tender are what we sell here. Also a fine line pf Canned Goods, Bakery Goods and Vegetables in sea son. We know we have just what you want. E. F. Matthews West McHenry, III. TELEPHONE - - 30a NORTHWESTERN ,101'l.lONR NO. .«>: Steam Mt>uL, liol anil Uold Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli cited. All homecooking. Bates $1 50 per day. IHEO.SlimU, WEST McHENRY. Photo Studio McHenry, Minpla. PORTRAITS, OUTDOOR WORK, ENLARGEMENTS, FRAMES, POSTALS. 'Phone 322. Try ns for drugs and stay with us oniy as long as we meet every require ment as to quality and price. N. H. Petesch. Buckwheat'seed for sale at the West McBenry Flour and Feed MilL f ^ Bead The Plaindoaieri Professional, Society V and Business Cards •MP •w% n/kVin o WELLS D. " pBYSICIAN, SURGEON AND OCTJLI8* Office and residence corner Klin Sad Green streets, McHenry. Telephone No. 311 FEGERS & FEG6R8 PSYSIOIANS AND SURGEONS, MCBMUW wi--OBceat Residence, corner flnnrttnl Elm streets Telephone 333. D. T. SMILEY . ATT?.K>!??,Y LAW- Woodstock, Illinois „ 1 bu8ines* intrusted to his care will be properly and promptly attended to. DB^R. 6. CHAMBERLllf y 3MBNT1ST Office over B*slcy'« Drag Statw. Hours: 8:00 to 5:3a, WIS^ MOHKNBT. TT.T., •i "•f Telepboae No 6 Office in SpauMiag Mb Dr. Arnold Mueller, Physician and $urgeoa WEST McHENfiY, ILLINOIS. Tstopheae Ne. *93 - -;^4" i SIMON STOFFEL property in the best Companies. W«*t McHenry, IIImIc F. C. ROSS. D. 1). S. Office second floor Yager Block. |U> WORK FERTAINIHQ TO MODHUT DMWTISTBY ; Nitrous Oxid Gas for Extracting. » - Hours 8:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Telephone No. 5tt. .C. --- -JUSTICE or THE PEAC3' AND INSURANCE AOENT. I am now prepared to insure all kinds'of prop erty against Fire, Lightning, Tornados, KtC Also have a special liae of Insurance on Lire Stock insuring against (teath from any cause. West McHenry, 111. RETURNS OP Base Ball AND OTHER Sporting-, Events By Special Wire •t the Lam&ert Q. Seal BUFFET 9a Fifth Av# CHCAGO Electric Bitters Succeed when everything else fails. In nervous prostration and female weaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE it is the best medicine ever sold over a druggist's co'inter. The Riverside Livery R. I. OVERTON, PROP. ises meet ah trains for Kiverside nutt!i HL1U pumiSc'U r ISttlKCt- Ditjr tlliu Fox t>ake. Teaming of all binds done promptly. Special attention triven to traveling .men. First-class rigs with or without driver at reasonable prices. McHENRY, ILLINOia AIR MOTOR PUMP Save tbe traveling salesman's oommi* sion by purchasing yonr Air Motor Pump right here at home. Pnmp corn* plete for $37.SC Wm. Bacon, - McHeory Gfcicago & North-Western. Effective June 20, IMS WAN DAT TRAIM. CLSO. T - NORTHBOUND •7.00 a Via Elgin *8.50a in:,..Via Des IMairm, ju.iv am *12.;so p Via Elgin 2.45 pin •1.00 p m.. Via I>os Plaines..:.. 2.13 om *2.4.^ it m Via u 1 r.ss ^ ^ ^ p ̂ '..0.45 pa* .8.45 p» Arrive McHentV. ...10.17 a ib .10.17 asa *3.45 p m.» Via Des Plain*™..., •H.25 p ia . --Via Elgin... . . *9.12p Via Des Plaines... Sunday train*. 8.00 a m,. ....Tia Des I'laiui-s ,55am, ... ,i... .Via Elgin . ... 1.45 am...,. ..Via Des Plaines... Via Elgin W X M K DAY TKAJiM, i SODTHBOOND. ...Via Des Plains^,., .. Via Des PlalneaJtt.; ..." •• Via .Sout h Elgin *7.10 a ni......Via West Chicago *H.32a m..: Vial>es Pluinee *4.17 p m........Via Des Plaines.. •••VI* Elgin 7.10pin • ^ Des Plaines... ... 7.5Spjn SUNDAY TRAllia. 7.10 am........... ..VI* Elgin...*... 9.55 am 7 08 p m Via Des Plaiut)B..\... .8.25 p m 7.58 p in,.....Via I>es Plainis*,.. ,... H.35»jdb 7-5» P n. ..Via Elgin.. 10.35 p m * Dai I v except HuadaSV v " :V¥., tHaturday only. T ; »,:'vx: tBlondayonl*. ^ ' V" . »•. uliU'Wiii'iifiiiif( *.00 p m. Leave Mclienny. a nC . *7.10 a nr.. .10 a ni... *4.17 piq. *8.27 p ni. ...#J7 ..to.no am ....10.;*) a |b .... 4.55pm Arri*» Chicago . 8.8(1 a IB . .9.08 am V.35 a in .11.05 a m .S.35 am . .6.25 pan i'&iM ' 'sh, ' * ?*?'