Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Jul 1909, p. 5

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«*• •̂1 RUGS » AND « LINOLEUM * * i At no time have we offered any­ thing like the assortment of beau­ tiful Floor Coverings which com­ prises our present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we have "placed thereon. Call and see. • * Jacob .Justen, McHENRY, ILLINOIS, •SSL dr OUfi STOCK OF Slie DRESS GOODS is Very complete, in plain and fancy weaves, stripes and figures, ranging in price from 8c to 50c per yard, in Lawns, Dimities, Lintex, Flaxons, Linen Finish Suitings, Silks, Etc. Wehave the finest line of Shoes and'Oxfords in town, new lasts and al} the popular colors. Call and see the#. Hats, Hats, in the popular Green shades, Tan, Smoke Gray, Nutria and Pearl, from $1.50 to $3.00 for the clressy sorts. . Blacks also. Shirts in plain and fancy colors, negligee and semi-dress, from 50c to $3.00 each. A new line of Collars and Ties, proper shapes and colors. Call and leave your measure for a new Suit, Coat, Vest or Trousers, made by the Interna­ tional Tailoring company. We guarantee a perfect fit and will positively save you several dollars on your outfit. Our line of Working Shoes and Working Cloth­ ing is best for the money. Have you seen our new Rubber Boot?--leather sole, heel and inner sole, hob nailed, fijlly war­ ranted. Groceries, Teas, Coffees, Canned Goods,Flour, Graham, Meal, Etc. Yours truly , M. J. WALSH GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. 'PHONE No. 483 It's Simply This If you want the finest bread, from the best of Flour it's up to you to patronise home industry and ask for EARLY RISER TflSEfl FANCY Fa m i l y f l o u r , 3. S P E N C E R , , M*K£tVRV ILLS.3» a 1 "mi_ n The Flour that has made good "With the most exacting house­ wife. If you have not given it a fair trial, do so at your earliest opportunity. Nothing sold in McHenry that will equal it. It's a home product West NcHenry Rov aittl feed Mills WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN 5PENCEK, Prop 'W'l' NEIGHBORING NE WS AS: CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS € 7 Mrs. James Whyte was * Crystal Lake caller Tuesday. Ray Lynch and Mora Sillars are re­ covering from, the rnnmps. Mr. and Mrs. L. Nelson entertained company from the city Sunday. Mr and Mrs. A. Josephenson and rel ativee spent Sunday in Greenwood. Mr. Madson, wife and son, Rudolph, Sundayed with Woodstock friends. Misses Jessie and Helen Whyte were Elgin visitors from Friday until Mon­ day. Mrs. Lolo Bennett and son, James, of Woodstock were Riugefield callers Snn­ day. Miss Pearl Hanghawont entertained Rainard Christenson of Chicago over Sunday. Miss Agnes Throop of Crystal Lake called on Ridgefield relatives Tuesday afternoon. Mrs Salisbury and Mm Black of Nebraska were callers at Mrs. E. B. Smith's Monday. The Woman's Missionary society will meet with Mrs. A, Annere Tuesday afternoon, Aug. 3^ J. Qninn and wife of Woodstock called on the latter's sister, Mrs F. W. Hartman, Sunday. ^ Mrs. Eva Lynch called at the home of ber daughter, Mrs. E. Merchant, in Crystal Lake Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. F. E Fay of Ringwood spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. P. Hanghawont, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Castle and children of Chicago, who spent several weeks here with Mrs. Castle's father, A. F. Davis, are now visiting relatives in Michigan Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Hartman enter tained Mr. and Mrs. Gregory of Wood­ stock for a few days last week. Mrs Gregory and Mrs. Hartman are sisters Mrs. Skinner and son, Wesley, visited Elgin relatives and friends several days last week. Mr. Skinner went to Elgin Saturday, his wife and son returning with him Sunday evening. JameB Farm and Rister, Martha, of Roseland are visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs Josephenson. As it is their first visit in the country, they are enjoying it immensely. Misses Jessie Whyte, Madalene Lynch, Genevieve Goddard and brother, Lewie, drove to Greenwood, returning by the way of Woodstock. Miss Goddard re mained for a few days' visit with W W. Wilcox and family. Mm Eva Wagner passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Herman Wille, Sunday evening, July 25, 1909. The deceased has been a patient sufferer from dropsy for about nine months The funeral was held at the honse at one o'clock Tuesday afternoon and after ward at two o'clock at the German church in Crystal Lake. Life 100,000 Years Ago. Scientists have found in a cave in Switzerland bones of men, who lived 100, 000 years ago, when life was in con­ stant danger from wild beasts. Today the danger, as show n by A. W. Brown of Alexander, Me., is largely from dead­ ly disease. "If it had not been for Dr. King's New Discovery, which cured me, I could not have lived," he writes, "suf­ fering as I did from a severe lung trouble and stubborn oough." To cure Sore Lungs, Colds, obstinate Conghs and prevent Pneumonia, it's the best medi­ cine on earth. 50c and£$1.00. Guaran teed by N. H. Petesch, F, Masquelet and others. ENKRALD PARK. Don't forget the ice cream social at R. J. Sutton's. Mrs. Gursted of Chicago visited at E. Knox's Sunday. Mrs. Ed Dalton of Hampshire visited at E. Knox's Friday. R. E. Sutton of Chicago is spending his vacation at home. Miss Garnet Dalton of Hampshire, 111., visited the Misses Knox Wednes­ day. Miss Katie Corr and brother, Ray, of Woodstock spent Snnday with relatives here. Mrs. E. Walsh and Mrs. J. Gibbs vis ited with Mrs. E. Conmky at her home Sunday. W. E. Heaney of Chicago and John Aylward of Elgin visited at E. Knox's Snnday. E. Comisky returned home from Chi cago Monday after spending a week at that place. Mr. and Mrs C. A. Cohan are enter­ taining the former's sister, Mrs. Day, this week. Misses Annie and Ellen Cleary, Mary Gibbs and Irene Frisby visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. Mrs W. E. Heaney of Chicago and Miss Mamie Knox visited Mrs. Geo. Frisby Saturday. Misses Mary Gibbs and Ellen Cleary went to Chicago Wednesday to spend a few days sight seeing. Mrs. Thoa. Fitspatrick of Chicago and Mm. E. Knox went to Bingwood Monday to visit relatives. Mim Margaret McLaughlin of Chica^ go is spending a couple of weeks vaca­ tion with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Misa Alice Sutton returned to her home Tuesday evening after spending a few days with relatives and friends in Elgin and Rochelie. Miss Alice McManaman of Chicago spent Sunday at R. J. Sntton's. She was accompanied home by her mother, who has been spending a week with rel atiyes here. Mrs. W. EL Heaney, Misses Elva Euix, Mamie and Katie Knox, 'Anna Cleary, Messrs. P. J. Aylward, Martin Knox and Floydi Thompson attended the Oliver picnic at Cary Saturday. Have you seen our five and ten cent counter* If not, better call in and save money. JC J. Vycital. visitor Joe Hnemann Monday. Rev, John Schmitt is visiting with his mother. J. C. Debrecht is the proud possessor of a new surrey. Mrs. Martin Williams is now occupy­ ing her residence here. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Schmitt were Racine visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner of Volo drove thru here Snnday. Rev. Father Mehring visited in this vicinity a few days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. May of Ringwood called on relatives here Sunday. Buckwheat seed for sale at the West McHenry Flour and Feed Mill. Miss Mary Difthorn of Crystal Lake visited with F. A. Diethorn recently. Mr. and Milt Jacob May are the happy parents of a baby boy, born July 21. • Mr. and Mrs. Thso. Winkel and Mr. and Mrs. Nick • Bohr were seen here Tuesday. Miss Martha Mertae and gentleman friend called at John Mertee' Sunday evening. Jos. Skifano of Chicago is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs Theo. Meyer® this week. Nick Wagner and two sisters, Kath- ryn and Anna, of Chicago are visiting with Joe Michels. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jnsten, Nick and Rose Justen called on Mr. and Mrs. Jacob May Sunday. The dance at Nell's pavilion last Wednesday evening was well attended, 105 tickets being sold. Mesdames Margaret Freond, John Niesen and John Schaefer spent Mon­ day with Mrs. Jos. Michels. Misses Lizzie and Kathryn Kenne- beck, Rena Niesen and Eva Degen of McHenry were seen here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mathieu are vis­ iting at the home of the latter's par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Meyers. They have just come in from a five months' tour of the South and expect to return in September for the winter. Jacob A. Miller was pleasantly sur­ prised Sunday evening by relatives and friends, it being his namesday. Those present were: Messrs. and Mesdames Peter Miller, Joseph Miller, John My­ ers, Jos. Michels, John W. Schmitt, Fred A. Diethorn. Henry Thelen, Otis Murray, Joe. Hnemann, John Mertes, John Thelen, Hubert Michels, John Schmitt, Math. Schaefer, Peter Britz, Hubert Klapperich, Math. Blake, John Degen, Michael Pitzen, Anton Miller; Misses Susie Justen, Susie Freund, Eva and Lizzie Miller; Mrs. Mary Ann The­ len, Mrs. Joseph H. Justen; Anton The­ len. Refreshments were served and^ll departed at a late hour. Next Sunday is the day set aside for the third and decisive battle between the McHenry Bines and Johnsburgh team at the local baseball ^grounds, each team having one gtime to its credit thus f$F this season. The teams could not be more evenly matched and a red- hot contest may be expected. The first game of the present series between these two teams went to McHenry by the score of 12 to 9 while Johnsburgh took the second, administering a clean- cut shut-out to the McHenryites, the score being 7 to 0. With the Germans going at top speed and Bending in the prime of condition, the exhibition should develop into an interesting and exciting struggle. The game will be called at promptly 2:45 p. m. General admission, 35 cents; ladies and children, 15 cents. CHICAGO IMPERIALS ARE DEFEATED. The Chicago Imperials were the at­ traction at the baseball park here last Sunday and left this little burg a very much disappointed lot. The Chica- goans, after the game, sprung that old, old "noise" that they had left their best players at home, or something to that effect. Of course, if the manager of the Cbicagoans had been thoughtful enough to bring "their best players" along there would have been nothing to it but Im­ perials. Miller, who was on the mound for the Germane, had the windy city bunch well in hand during the entire contest and at no stage of the game were the metropolitan boys considered dangerous opponents. The game was far from the best that the Johnsburgh boys are capable of putting up. In fact, their fielding was anything but up to the team's standard. However, the Germans, as usual, were there with the stiok and connected with the pigskin sufficiently to entitle them to six rune, while the enemy had all they could pos­ sibly do to send one runner across the counting station. In spots, the game was played true to the big league ideas, but, kind fan, remember, this was in spots only. Niesen covered the initial sack for Johnsburgh in a pleasing man­ ner and easily played the best game of bis baseball career at this station. George Nell, at third, played his usual snappy game, while the balance of the team supported Niesen fairly well, al- tho it could have been better. The Im­ perials are booked for another game here and we are informed by the man­ ager that on their next appearance here they will have the pleasure of introduc­ ing to our natives one of the greatest baseball combinations that ever left Chicago. , A Night Rider's Raid. The worst night riders are calomel, croton oil or aloes pills. They raid your bed to rob you of rest. Not so with Dr. King's New Life Pills. They never dis­ tress or inconvenience, but always cleanse the system, curing Colds, Head­ ache, Constipation, Malaria, 35c at N. H. Peteech's, F. Masquelet's and others. , A i JSb you know.that the finest and best line of Mourning Bonnets and Veils are obtainable here? The LOTUS rtlLLINERY Spauldlng West McHenry For everything in fee us. Wm. StoffeL farm raanhineij IMet H. Howe ...HBIMER BLOCK... /a . v\ rv MILLINERY - DRESSMAKINO Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi­ dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of alFkinds. McHENRf, ILLINOIS. TERRA COTTA. Petesch's for drags. Miss Annie Buss visited McHenry rel­ atives Saturday. Miss Freya Foerester of Highland Park is visiting friends here. Thoe. Thompson of Barreville was a caller in this vicinity Saturday. Geo. P. Bay, Jr., of Chicago visited relative and friends here last week. Miss Florence Knox spent a few days recently with relatives in McHenry, Miss Frances Knox was the guest of McHenry relatives part of last week, Frank Blish of Chicago is spending this week at the Brantingbam cottage. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson and daughters spent Sunday in Richmond. Mrs. M. J. Walsh and children of Mc Henry called on relatives here Satur­ day. Misses Katie and Theresa Buss of Mc­ Henry spent last Snnday at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brantingbam of Chicago are visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. Earl Wilson of Woodstock is visiting hfr parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Riley. Miss Mrtrie Dolan of Chicago visited at the home of her uncle, John Riley, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chi­ cago are spending this week at S. B. Leisner's. Mrs. L. Lock wood and little daugh­ ter of Barreville called on friends here Thursday. Mrs. F. L. Colby of Crystal Lake and Miss Johnson ef Chicago spent Monday at A. T. McMillan's. The Weekly Inter-Ocean and this paper delivered for one year at our "special deal" price of $1.75 for the two Mr. and Mrs. Martin Conway and children of McHenry visited at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Buss, last Sunday. voui. John Schrelner of McHenry spent Tuesday in Volo. Miss Lucy Dunnill of Long Lake was in Volo Thursday. Miss Vinnie Bacon of Roseville was a recent Volo visitor. Miss Alice Renehan of Round Lake was in town Thursday. Miss Jessie Gale of Elgin called on friends here Wednesday. MesdameB Sabei and Stadtfield spent one day last week in Waukegan. Mesdames Edward Lusk and William Dunnill were in Chicago Wednesday. Mr. Arena of Elgin is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Nick Bowers, this week. Get yonr Paris green at Petesch's. New fresh stock, i&, 10c; i!b, 30c; 1 lb, 85c. Mrs. W. M. Hnson was the guest of friends" at Grayslake a few days last week. Miss Rosie Zuelsdorf of Barrington is the guest of Miss Lovina Nicholls this week. Mr. and Mrs. Snell are entertaining Mrs. I. Lyons and son of Waukegan this week. Miss Anna Compton of Round Lake was a visitor at the Kirwan home last Wednesday. Miss Bessie Dunnill of Chicago was a visitor here Wednesday and Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hironimns and chil­ dren of Fremont were Sunday guests at the Henkle home. Mrs. Pete Stadtfield and Miss Gene­ vieve Effinger were Wanconda callers Friday afternoon. Snnday guests at the John Rosing home were Miss Kate Rosing and Messrs. Tarrant and Boeing of Chicago, Each season brings special demands in the drug line and whatever the demand is we meet it. We have remedies for all summer ills, cures for all summer hurts, killers for all summer insects, and prp- tection for all summer com­ plexions. r: :: :: :: N. H. DRUGGIST. PETESCH. - Telephone 274 fp -CENTER VILLE- Grocery and Flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. : : :• :: CHAS. O. FRETT, McHENRY, PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. Endless Apron Manure Spreaders..... New 5-foot Mowers, no better made... -'$40 10-foot Self Dump Rakes, none better.... $23 Plymouth Twine, no better made, only... g/4C All other Farm Machinery, Wagons and gies at correspondingly low prices to close out. We sell "ATLAS" Portland Cement. ^ GRAIN and FEED of all kinds at lowest mar* ket prices. . During the summer we grind feed every TXJESN DAY, THURSDAV and SATURDAY after-' noon. WM. BONSLETT Our Hardware Our line of summer hardware was never more complete than at the present time. We handle nothing but the reliable kind and'when you make your purchase here you know what you buy is right, both in qual­ ity and price. Can you afford the time to investigate this assertion? We believe it will pay you to do so. 7% ~ t.i '*;••• .A.~ F. L. ricOmber THE WEST totiiE HAkUWAKb.

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