Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Aug 1909, p. 5

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t ^ -,vv f y« . ".r^.-i' -.• -> .. : RUGS * AND % LINOLEUM i f r t f c At no time have we offered aiiy- thing like the assortment of beau­ tiful Floor Coverings whiqh pom- prises our present display. We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we have placed thereon. Call and see. * * McHENRY, ILLINOIS. t • 1 < >--OUR STOCK OP* SIB IlRESS HOODS is very complete, In plain and fancy weaves, stripes and figures, ranging in price from 8c to 50c per yard, in Lawns, Dimities, Lintex, Flaxons, Linen. Finish Suitings, Silks, Etc. We have tlie finest line of Shoes and Oxfords in town, new lasfsand all the popular colors. Call and see them. Hats, Hats, in the popular Green shades, Tan, Smoke Gray, Nutria and Pearl, from $1.50 to ^3.00 for the dressy sprts. Blacks also. Shirts in plain and fancy colors, negligee and semi-dress, from 50c to $3.00 ejich. A new line of Collars and Ties, proper shapes and colors.* C&ll and leave "your measure for a new Suit, Coat, Vest or Trousers, made by the Interna­ tional Tailoring company. We guarantee a perfect fit and will positively save you several dollars on your outfit. Our line of Working Shoes and Working Cloth­ ing is best for the mogey. Have you seen our new Rubber Boot?--leather sole, heel and inner sole, hob nailed, fully war­ ranted. Groceries, Teas, Coffees/ Canned Goods, Flour, Graham, Meal, Etc. % Yours truly, M. J. WALSH GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. •PHONE No. 483 It's Simply This If you want the finest bread, from the best of Flour it's up to you to patronize home industry and ask for EARLY RISER jfylL£RMf((P Tlie Flour thatlias made good with the most exacting house­ wife. If you have not given it* a fair trial, do so at your earliest opportunity. Nothing sold in McHenry that will •ttSltfEU i. I1« . I»m. proaua BISEfl F A M I L Y F L O U R * r I II I ! reeo nm WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS JOHN 5PENCEH. Pntp Hi UUEFIEUk , The Missionary society met with Mrs. A liners Tuesday afternoon. Mim Mildred Whyte and cousin are spending m few days among Elgin friend®. . ^ Mre. G. F. Devore of Waupaca, Wis., i« visiting with her niece, Mrs. Lynch, for a few days. Mr. Stratton took a small load of cncnmbers to the Crystal Lake pickle factory Tuesday. Mrs. Blanch Conerty and children are visiting her pa«mta, Mr. and Mra. J. B. Lynch, this week. Miss Mildred Whyte and consin, Miss Rowena Wilson, called on relatives in Woodstock Monday. Mrs. Jaynes and children and Mrs. S. Thayer and family attended the Bar­ naul & Bailey show in Elgin Saturday. Robert Knilans and sister, Rhoda, started for Vilas, S B., Tuesday morn­ ing. They expect to retnrn sometime in September. Mrs. Albert Jacobs will go to Elgin some time this week to visit relatives and attend the Seven Day Advents1 camp meeting. Nels Peterson has bad his flat painted by Scott Thayer and son. The new coat of paint has made a great improve ment in the appearance of his property here. Mr. and Mrs. James Whyte 6nter tained over Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Brown and family of Davenport and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wilson and family of Hebron, Mesdames Br&wn and Wilson being sisters of Mrs Whyte. The home of W. E. Dike was broken open last Thursday afternoon by tramps and over $30 in money taken, besides two gold watches, a locket and chain and several small articles^ that could be easily pawned or sold. The tramp? were about eighteen or twenty years old and were seen by Mrs. Dike and others on their way to the Ladies' Aid society with the Ormsbys. Mr. Dike was in the field so they easily escaped on the milk train. It is hoped they will ibe captured and punished ss they de serve to be. Mr. Benthusen is on the case. NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED BY { OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS I : •rtF# .W^ J HOIX'OMKVH.LK. Petesch's for drugs. Will Doran of Chicago spent Sunday at W. B. Gilbert's. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Zenk spent Wed­ nesday at Wm. Zenk's. Miss Alice Knox of McHenry visited at Jay Doherty's Thursday. Mrs. D. Powers and son called at Jay Doherty's Friday afternoon. Mrs. Montz and son of Elgin spent Sunday at Win, Pomrening's. Wm. Doherty and son, Willie, took in the circns at Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zanders of Chica­ go visited at P. H. Bunt's recently. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mai man of Waucon- da called at Jay Doherty's Thursday. Jay Doherty and son, Neill, and daughter, Vera, were Elgin visitors Saturday. Miss Susan Doran of St. Paul, Minn., is visiting her uncle, W. B. Gilbert, this week. Mrs. David Powers and little son spirit a few days last week at Wm. Doherty's. Mrs. Mary Mason and danghter of Richmond returned home Sunday, after visiting relatives here. Have you seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J. J. Vycital. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Harrison and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martin of Ringwood visited Bert Whiting of Greenwood Sunday. Richard Langhlin and wife of Mc­ Henry, John Langhlin and wife of Ringwood and James Laughlin and lady friend, Miss Edna Loveland, spent Tuesday at Wm. Doherty's. VOIAX Petesoh's for drugs. For everything in farm machinery see ns. Wm. Stoffel. Miss Reba Hnson is visiting friends in Chicago at present. Miss Genevieve Eflinger visited friends in Wauconda over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Snell and children were in Wankegan Saturday. Mrs. John Rosing entertained rela tivee from Chicago over Snnday. Mrs. Charity Raught is spending this week with relatives in Liberty ville. Mrs Gib. Burnett and daughter, Ger­ trude, of Griswold Lake called at Geo. Hnson's Friday. Miss«s Clara and Annie Rosing were guests of their aunt, Mrs. Etten, at Solon Mills last week. Mrs. Angnst Miller and son, Nick, at­ tended the Stilling-Jnsten wedding at Johnsburgh Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Link Lusk of Liberty ville were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed­ ward Lusk last Tuesday. Miss Maude Walton of Wankegan was the guest of her parents here from Wednesday nntil Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dillon entertained Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Osborne and daugh ter of Chicago over Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sutherland and family were out from Waukegan in their anto Snnday afternoon. •*Th® Colly^e Bojr." This successful comedy is now in its third year and pleasing more than ever. A clever young comedian, who has al­ ready achieved reputation as "Tweedle Punch" in Florodora, "Hans Nix" in The Telephone Girl and was principal comedian in the Belle of New York, is still at the head of this company and his dancing specialties are a tremendous hit Dallas, Ft. Worth, Council Bluffs, Sioux City, Cedar Rapids and other western and southern cities are all loud in praise of this year's "The College Boy Co." J ' Bud Ike rirtfl--Iw "wast" ad*. TERRA COTTA. Mrs Marian Havens spent Snnday at Lake Geneva. Mrs. M. Knox called on Emerald Park relatives Friday. ^ Mrs. S. B Leiacer Js tlie guest of.Chi CAgo relatives this week. Miss Alice Knox of McHenry visited relatives here Wednesday. Thomas Bolger of Woodstock called on relatives here Saturday. Mrs. H H. Bay of Crystal Lake spent Saturday with relatives here. Miss Annie Buss visited McHenry rel­ atives from Friday nntil Sunday. Mrs. G. C. Peck of Algonquin spent Saturday wad Snnday with her nieces here. > Mrs F. L Colby and Miss Johnson of Crystal Lake visited relatives here recently. Mr. hAH Mrs. Fred Powers of Hoi- combville visited at M. Knox's Thurs­ day evening. Mark and Paul .Hoffman of Spring Grove were guests of thA former's daughters Saturday. > Miss Mary Bnrke of McHenry was the guest of the Florence and Fran­ ces Knox last Thursday. Mrs. Addie McDowell of Chanute, Kan., is a gnest at the home of her sis­ ter, Mrs. A. T. McMillan. The many friends of Mrs. B. F. Peck will be pleased to learn that she is now recovering from her recent injpry. Misses Anna Carey, Vera Bolger and Eleanor Phalin spent Wednesday last with the Misses Welch at Griswold Lake. ^ Misses Anna Carey of Ringwood and Vera Bolger of Woodstock spent last week at the home of their uncle, J. M. Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Anderson, daugh­ ters, Glenys and Sylvia, and little Eve lyn Havens were Richmond visitors Sunday. Mrs J. M. Phalin, daughters, Eleanor and Edna, and Misses Anna Carey and Vera Bolger visited friends at Crystal Lake Thursday. M. A. Conway, daughter, Marian, and son, Walter, and the Misses Eleanor and Edna Phalin, Marguerite and Gen evieve Knox spent a recent day in Chi­ cago. Wm. Doherty and son. Willie, Jay Doherty. daughter. Vera, and son, Neill, of Holcotnbville boarded the Elgin train at this station Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin, sons, Thomas and George, Mrs. M. A. Con­ way and daughters. Eleanor and Irene, and Mr and Mrs C E Martin attend­ ed the circus at Elgin Saturday. 'Twas A Qlorious Victory. There's rejoicing in Fedora, Tenn. A man's life has been saved, and now Dr. King's New Discovery is the talk of the town for curing C V. Pepper of deadly lung hemorrhages. "I ooold not work nor get about," he writes, "and the doc­ tors did me no good, but, after using Dr. King'8 New Discovery three weeks, I feel like a new man, and can do good work again." For weak, sore or diseased lungs, Coughs and Colds, Hemorrhages, Hay Fever, LaGrippe, Asthma or any Bronchia] affection it stands unrivaled. Price 50c. and $1.00. Trial Bottle free. Sold and guaranteed by N. H Petesch, F. Masquelet and others. JOHNSRVBGH. Peter Rothermel has gone to Indiana for his health. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Vogt of Volo drove thru here Sunday. Quite a few from here attended the cicrus at Elgin Satnrday. Mrs. A1 Reese of Fox Lake wast a business caller here Friday. Misses Clara and Lizzie Molidor of Volo drove thru here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Kattner of Spring Grove were seen here Friday. Mrs. Nicholas* Schmitt of Spring Grove was seen here Monday. Get the habit, go to Petesch's. Joseph Blake and daughter, Lizzie, of Texas were callers here Sunday. Richard Laughlin and wife are visit­ ing w ith Otis Murray for a few days. Mr. and Mrs, John E. Freund of Mc­ Henry visited with C. M. Adams Sun­ day. Mesdames John Mertes and Joseph Hnemann called on Mrs. Jacob May Friday. John Kretcbmer and Ina Tonyon of Grayslake spent Sunday at Fred A Deithorn's. Messrs, and Mesdames Peter and Math. Freaud spent Sunday with Mrs. Snsan Freund. A headon collision between two autos took place on the corner near Jacob Miller's place of business here last Fri­ day. The corner is an exceptionally dangerous one, especially at this time of the year when there are so umny machines passing thru this place. Both machines were going at a pretty fair rate of speed when they came together and the wonder is that both autos were not wrecked, but, as it happened, all came out of the accident without seri­ ous results altho the occnpants of the car were given a sound shaking up. It is an everyday occurrence that acci­ dents are narrowly averted at this turn in the highway and unless more care is exercised by drivers of automobiles a serious accident is bound to take place at this very point. Would it not be a Brood idea for the road commissioners to place appropriate signs at this corner, thus warning drivers of cars that the tnrn is a dangerous one? Something should b« done, and done at once, he- fore a sad catastrophe takes place. - OSTEND. C. E. Gay lord spent Saturday and Sunday In Williams Hay. Mrs. K117.a Draper is spending the week with relatives and friends in this vicinity. C. E. Jecks and Alice Richardson were callers in Woodstock one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. (Jims. Mann were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas, 8r., Sunday. Mrs. Warren Thomas, Jr., and sister. Merle Hollarhttsh, Hazel Thomas and Charles Jecks spent Friday In CliicajrO. Mr. and Mrs. Chantry and.^chlldjren..of Evansvllle were visiting relatives in this vicinity Sunday and Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Martin of Woodstock vis­ ited with the Tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bern Harrison, last Wednesday. F. E. Martin and two sons, Clinton and Loren. and Clifford Sherman and son, Lester, attended the Baruuni & Bailey circus In El­ gin Saturday, C E N T R A L S S m t Sunday, Aug. 8 • • WlMHIIIII I Till • lllTWll'IWIT T Third Annual Tour of The comedy with music The College " Boy CHARLES RIGOS --and strong cast-- Diisty Dincers - Clever Specfailties 10tcly Misk PRICES^ - - as, 35, 50 SEATS ON SALE AT PETESCH'S THE MOTOR BOAT "ALICE" Will-, on application, make trips to Pistakee Bay, Fox Lake, Lo­ tus Bed,s, along Fox River and to Wilmot, Wis. Call up No. 821, McHenry. :: :: :: WM. KOEPPE, - Capt. (Met II. Howe ...HEIMER BLOCK... A J'7 T"V A MILLINERY - DRESSMAKING Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi­ dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Want Column. All advertisements Inserted under tiiia Head at tlie following rate*: Five linen or le«e, 26 centa for first insertion, 15 cent* for *-a.-h subsequent Insertion. More tUan nve tinea, 6 rent* a line for first insertion, and 3 enittt a line for additional insertion*. 1JV>R SALE--A baby's crib with mattress, *- also no-cart. In good condition. Inquire at tliis ottice. "CV3K SALE--Anyone wanting cows for the dairy call or pbone J. C. Ladd, Ulns- wood. 111. Phones, McHenry, 454; Richmond, 684. Septl* TjVDR SALE--North and South Dakota land: ^ $15 to $85 per acre. Also farms In Minne­ sota. For further information apply or write E. W. Howe, McHenry. III. 40-tf WANTED--A man to cut 40 acres of slough on the south side of MeCollum's lake (Geo. (Jolbjr land). To cut on shares or cash per ton in stack. Address, A, Jabkktt, Gen­ oa Junction, Wis.; or call on C. 0. Colby, McHenry, 111. 4-tf "CV3R SALE--One of the best small farms for the money In McHenqr county. If you wish to buy, Investigate.^Address bo* 241, Richmond 111. 6-4t TjVJR SALE--Case threshing machine with $400 gasoline engine, good new. Will sell both for 1700 on account of sickness. Albert Etten. ft* TpOR SALE--Lake county farm. 380 acres on the DesPlaines river. Rich soil, fair house, two good barnes and well fenced. Price. $60 per acre. Nothing for sale around this place for less tliau $100 per acre. Henrv G. JVells & Co., 115 Dearborn St., Chicago. "Tlie College Boy." To see this clever comedy, it is sure care for bines and incidentally will give yon a very pleasant evening. It will play here. Chas. llig«B and all the old people who pleased amusement goers last season are still retained. Without question, this will be one of the most pleasing entertainments of oor season^ George Fiennd is navigating with the aid of a cane these days, a heavy door that fell upon him Tuesday being re­ sponsible, • fr See our stock of Toilet Supplies Toilet articles are an essential part of a drug store stock. They are com­ monly classed as druggists' sundries and a druggist often has opportunities to secure exceptional qualities or low prices in these goods. We are espe­ cially fortunate in this respect and any advantages .we secure are shared with our customers. Keep in mind our stock of Hair Brushes, Combs. Socips, Perfumes. Cosmetics Etc. when items of this nature are wanted. We have the right qualities, our prices are right and every sale is made under a guarantee of satisfac­ tion or mone5T refunded. N. H. PETESCH. DR.UGGISTY - Telephone 274 -"i CENTERVILLE Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com* plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :* :: CHAS. 0. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- McHENRY, - - - - ILLINOIS. & Endless Apron Manure Spreaders $10Q $8- New 5-foot Mowers, no better made... $ 4 0 1 0 - f o o t S e l f D u m p R a k e s , n o n e b e t t e r . . . . $ 2 3 ~ Plymouth Twine, no better made, only...18^6^ All other Farm Machinery, Wagons and Bug­ gies at correspondingly low prices to close We sell "ATLAS" Portland Cement. - ; GRAIN and FEED of all kinds at lowest mar­ ket prices. - During the summer we grind feed every TUES­ DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY noon. WM. BONSLETT Our Hardware Our line of summer hardware was never more complete than at the present time. We handle nothing but the reliable kind andlwhen you make your purchase here you know what you buy is right, both in qual­ ity and price. Can you afford thm time to investigate this assertion? We believe it will pay you to do so. • M F. L. HcOmber THE WEST SIDE HARDWAI

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