Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Sep 1909, p. 5

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£. ' r % i V|? } -j- V-; RUGS * AND * LINOLEUM At no tiitoe hare we offered any­ thing like the assortt&ent of beau­ tiful Floor Coverings whicli com­ prises our present display*; We handle the Richardson Carpets and Rugs* which are conceded to be equal to the best manufactured Every piece is worth more than the special marking we have placed thereon. Call and see. * * Jacob Just en McHENRY, f ILLINOIS. iimMmnumiiniimMwwwMwinHMMiMiminmnmiMMWiMmmirt'n NEIGHBORING NEWS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS CORRESPONDENTS & International Tailoring Co. New York Chicago when it comes to Jthe question of Clothes. We ouraetves are sa­ tisfied as to their high merit in pro­ ducing die finest clothes for Men, and more than satisfied at the popularity of their prices. f»H here he satisfied too. See the latest style models and hundreds of the latest All Wool Fabrics. Yours truly, M. J WALSH GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. 'PHONE No. 483 if It's Simply This If you want the finest bread," from the best of Flour it's up to you to patronize home industry and ask for EARLY RISER The Flour that has made good With the most exacting house­ wife. If you have not given it a fair trial, do so at your earliest opportunity. Nothing sold in McHenry that will 'J.TpencTR I equal it. It's a home product A Y IIL3 3* -- West Ncllenry Floar and Feed Mills u ' H C f R Y HISEfl F A N C Y FAMILY FLOUR WliST McHENRY, ILUN015 JOHN SPENCER, Prop fcllM»KFIKUJk Miss Etta Levey is visiting relatives in Batavia. Mrs. S. Merchant fa visiting In the city this week. , Mrs. P. HouRhawout and atm am vis­ iting in Batavia. Mrs. F. W. Hartman was a Wood­ stock caller Tuesday. A. Levey takes Mr. Monroe's plack in the church as sexton.; Rodger Sillars came home from Poy- nette, Wis..Thursday. Mrs. A. Josephenson was a Woodstock caller Satarday afternoon. E. Cadwallader visited his mother, Mrs. Almira Cadwallader, Sunday. Uncle Doc Dnfield visited with Cary relatives and friends Monday afternoon. Mrs. E. B. Smith, Mrs. A. Cadwalla­ der and Miss Lnra Davis are on the sick list. Mrs. F.. Wille visited her daughter, Mm. Cooper, in McHenry the first of the «eek. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Risley entertained a lady friend from Shopiere, Wis., re­ cently. „ James Whyte is improving his store property, which will add greatly to its appearance. Mr. and Mrs A.Jacobs spent a few days last week with Mr. tienise and family in McHenry. Mrs. Sarah Wakefield started last week for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Jewett, in Mif-sonri Rev. Angus Siliars went to Elizabeth Monday to attend the meeting of the Freeport presbytery. Mrs Peterson of Chicago and Mrs. Lhne of Mnskegon, Mich., visited with Mrs. Lars Nelson last week Thursday. Mrs. Christad and little daughter of Chicago attended the fair at Woodstock with Mr. and Mrs. Lars Nelson last Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. F. Thayer entertained W. Bode, wife and daughter, Margaret, and a lady frieud of Elgin Friday and Saturday. Ralph Thayer and Howard Jacobs re turned last Friday morning troiu Mo nnngn. N. D.. where the yonng men were employed in harvesting the two months they were gone Misses Jeanett i and Marian Marshall of Elgin, who have been visiting their niece, Mrs. James Whyte, for a few days, returned* home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Monroe will leave next week for California, where they expect to remain a year with their daughter, Mrs. Hubbard, and family Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Jaynes enter tained Henry Ennon of Milwaukee and MissG-rtie Turner of Wanconda last week. Miss Turner also visited Miss Glenya Jacobs. f Morning sermon. Sabbath school at the elose of morning services. Evening sermon on "One Thing Thou Lackest Prayer meeting and Bible study Wed nesday evening at 7:80. Mr. and Mrs. R. L Dnfield enter tained at dinner Sunday Charles Keltz of Chicago, Mrs. Delrner Dnfield and two children of Waltham, Mass , and Roy Skinner, wife and son, Wesley. SCHOOL NOTES. Helen Carlson entered school Monday When did yon say yon wonld visit us Our Latin class is uttering peculiar sounds. The eighth grade are memoriiing Evangeline. Mr. Whitson made ns a visit and fixed our furnace. Miss Johnson visited the Crystal Lake school Friday. E. L. Kimball visited the McHenry school Tuesday of last week. We appreciate very much the beauti­ ful bouquets which many have brought. SPRING GROVK. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Qracy visited at Solon Monday. Miss Lillie Hiller was a Chicago pas­ senger Monday. Mrs. H. Hirsch and danghter. Rath, went to the city Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Debrecht of Johns- burgh spent Sunday at N. N. Weber's. The stork left a baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Waspi last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rauen and daugh­ ter, Madalyn, were McHenry callers Monday. Mrs. Jos. Etten, who was taken seri­ ously ill last Sunday evening, is recov­ ering nicely. Richard Esh, Richard Richardson and Hazel Turner are attending high school* at Richmond. Mrs. Edward Carey and children re­ turned home Sunday evening after spending a week with her parents at Ridgefield. Miss Lillie Hiller moved here from McHenry into the James Neish tenant building. She intends to open a milli nery store and dressmaking parlor and is now getting ready for the opening. Orchard Beach Sanatorium McHENRY. V ILLINOIS. For the sick and thou seeking rest and recreation," ...NATURAL METHODS... Write for free illustrated booklet. , Dr.- Carl Strueh, 100 State Street, Chicago R.oom 1409. PROS A TE NE WS { [Furnished by McHenry Couuty Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Office in Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money U> loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower, l'liones 034, 903 auu all.] REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Wm. Bonslett to Albert Etten, Its it. 429uuuYside adn, McHenry •2300.00 Hubert. I's-t-uiid & w to same, nei* sec a, McHenry, r 8, & eH se* sec 34 j ^ Richmond. .. Emma Anderson to Ernest Ayers, It in Sic Hear Nicholas E. Harbian & w to Fred Spring Lake club grounds. KM KHALI) PARK. John PHbbs, Jr.. spent Saturday last at Chicago. James GHbbe of Cary spent Thursday last at his home.' ^ ** Chas. Berkirr.her spent several days the past, week in Chicago. F. O'Flaherty of El«in was. the gnest of his wife here over Sunday.^ .» Paul Armstrong and son of River Forest spent Sunday at the Park. Miss Minnie Martin of Wanconda is spending the %veek at L E. Walmsley's. Mr, aud.Mrs. «M. McCloud of Chicago were guest* of Mrs. D. W. Hill the past week. v J B Kelter returned to Chicago Mon­ day after fishing a few days at Lake Defiance. Miss Katie Nichols of Wanconda was a guest at the hotue of L. E Walmsley last week, ~ ' Mrs. J. Kane,of Ringwood visited relatives and friends in this vicinity the 1 past week. Mrs. John Gibhs and Mrs. E. Walsh spent a recent with Mrs. James McDonald. M isses Ada Carey of McHenry and Mary Moore of Chicago visited at E. Knox's Satmday. Mrs. John Walsh and daughter, Katbryn, of West McHenry visited at R. J. Sutton's Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kelter drove to Chicago Tuesday, having closed their cottage at Lake Defiance. W. K. Burns came out from Chicago Saturday, and was accompanied home Sunday evening by his wife. Miss May Bnrus and brother, Ken­ neth, drove to Chicago Monday, having closed their summer home here. James Armstrong and wife and Mrs. Devine closed their cottage Friday and returned to their May wood home. Miss Amelia Brenek of Buffalo, N. Y., aud R. M. Fleming of North Crystal Lake were callers in this vicinity Sun­ day. Mrs. E LiMftt of Chicago has re­ turned from a two month's trip to Cali fornia and is spending the week at J. R. Smith's. Mrs M. Downs and Mrs. N. Scully of Chicago retnrned home Sunday even­ ing after spending several days at the home of Mrs. E Comisky. Miss Margaret Sutton spent. Saturday and Sunday at her home. She was ac companied hotue Sunday eveniug by her nephew, Robert Larkin, who has been spending the summer here. jnHKSIllIBGH. J. C Dehrecht and family spent last Suuday in Spring drove. Mr and Mrs. Robert Schaefer are the happy parents of a baby girl. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob M. Frennd of McHenry were callers here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Klein of Iugleside spent Suuday with Miss Maggie Freund. Miss Helen Adams and Mrs. John Freund were Chicago passengers Fri­ day. Mrs. John S. Frennd and danghter, Susie, visited Monday with Mn>. Michrls. Airs. John Niesen and Mrs. Joseph Michels were McHenry callers last week Thursday. Mike Frennd and family spent Wed­ nesday witli the fortner'B mother, Mrs. Peter Freund. Miss Lena Schmitt returned home Monday evening after a few days' visit with frieuds in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Adams and son, Arthur, visited at the home of John E. Freund in McHenry Sunday. Mrs. Jos. Huemann and danghter, Maggie, visited last week Tuesday with Math. Niesen and family in McHenry. Mrs. Wm. Tonyan and daughter, Maggie, of Spring Grove sperit Monday afternoon at the home of S. H. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. George Rothermelof McHenry visited with the former's brother, Peter Rothermel, here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Meyers and daughter. Lacy, are spending the week with relatives and friends in Racine, Wis. M'HENRY REDS NEXT SUNDAY. On Sunday, Sept. 19, the McHenry Reds will be the opponents for Johns- burgh at the baseball park in Johns- burgh, and a fast contest may* be ex­ pected. The McHenry team will be on hand with its full strength and that means a worthy foe for the German boys, who have during the past few weeks been playing a fast, snappy game. Miller will pitch for Johnsburgh, which means that the opposing batsmen will have a real twirier to face in this game. Everybody turn out and witness this contest. Game called promptly at 2:45 p. m. General admission, 36 cents. OSTKND. C E. Gaylord started Sunday for Minnesota after a car load of cows. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Thomas visited at Thomas brothers' last Wednesday. Mrs. F. C. Going and daughter spent a part of last week with Mrs. Abbie Martin. ' Fred Thompson is visiting in Nebras­ ka. He expects to move his family there this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Thomas and children visited with the former's broth­ er, Edgar Thomas, last Sunday. Mrs. Dora Graham of Lamoille and Mrs. Charles Shales of Richmond Bpent last Monday with Mrs. F. E. Martin. . .CENTRAL. . Opera Hous# Sun., Sept. 19 Lincoln J. Carter's New York Success "Just a Woman's Way" thief! So that's where the money goes.' A play full of sensational, startling features, a strong element of com­ edy, bright, catchy specialties. A cast of "Tried and True" Actors. Reserved Seats at PETESCH'S MO.OO w 14* V . * f > '• jj; Heller, It 6. btk 7. village of McHenry, w side of Fox river ^ •. .. •• Henry Sinies & w to Edwin E. Vail 4s w. It 5, blk 5, original village West McHenry, except 30 ft 8000.00 Albert Etten & w to Wm. Bonslett, ne it ceH sec 3, McHenry, & eH seM sec 84, Richmond, ISO acres ;.. 10000.00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Merton L. Gracy Terra Cotta Ina James Spring Grove Theodore Guhrke, 80. Union Laura Dobbritz, 2f,.... .LaCrosse, Wis Geo. A. Smith, f>9.» Harvard T*nm Hln»all. , . . .BttJtiDKtQD 6 ^ s . • v:Vrv^ ' i . ; K KINO WOOD. Jacob Adams has purchased the B. A. Smith farm near Ringwood. Wm. Johonnott, principal of the Ringwood school, is on the sick list. Miss Florence Carey commenced teaching in the 8herman Hill school Monday. Miss Anna Carey has returned to her school duties at St. Clara's college in Wisconsin. School books, pencils and tablets at Peteecfe'4, _/ ^ ti .,j, ; . NORTHWESTERN t TELEPHONE NO. 362 Worthy Rubber We carry a very extensive stock of the Rtfbber Goods, Syringes, Etc. Quality is very important in these goods--far more impor­ tant than the price. The goods we handle are, we think, as fine as are produced, while the prices are very reasonable--as low as anyone can desire who wants good goods. Hot Water Bottles* Bulb and Fountain Syringes, Nipples, Breast Shields, Bottle Fittings and Miscellaneous Nursery Supplies. N. H. Petesch McHenry Tel. 274 . "i s •V" (F Steam lleat, lioL and (Juid Water, Electric Lights. Com mercial and family trade soli­ cited. All homecooking^Rates $1 50 per day* THEO. SGIIESSLE, Prop. WEST McHENRY. MEATS That are Tresh, juicy and tender are what we sell here. Also a fine line of Canned Goods, Bakery Goods and Vegetables in sea­ son. We know we have just what you want. E. F. Matthews West Mclicnry, HI. TELEPHONE - - 302 Harriet It Howe ...HEIMER BLOCK... Q /"J* ». MILLINERY - DRESSMAKING Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi- / dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kinds. :: McHENRY, ILLINOIS. Go With a Rush. The demand for that wonderful Stom­ ach, Liver and Kidney cure, Dr. King's New Life Pills --is astounding. N. H Petesch, F. Masquelet and others say they never saw the like. It's because they never fail to core Sour Stomach, Constipation, Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Sick Headache, Chills and Malaria. Only 25c- Notice! To insure publication in The Plain- rt copy must be in the office no than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to particular notice to this, effect -CENTER VILLE- Grocery and flarket Always a fresh and com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: t-0 ••If CHAS. G. FRETT, --PROPRIETOR-- M c H E N R Y , . . . . L L I N 0 1 S . How do tliese prices look to you? T • v ' " I ? • , I Vvi ' Endless Apron Manure Spreaders. New 5-foot Mowers, no better made..... ̂ $40 1 0 - f o o t S e l f D u m p R a k e s , n o n e b e t t e r . . . •$23 Plymouth Twine, no better made, only..,;8^(j All other Farm Machinery, Wagons and Bug­ gies at correspondingly low prices to close '©aft We sell "ATLAS" Portland Cement. % GRAIN and FEED of all kinds at lowest mar­ ket prices. During the summer we grind feed every TUES* DAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY after- noon. WM. BONSLETT Our Hardware OUT line of summer hardware was " J never more complete than at the present time. We handle nothing but the reliable kind andlwhen you make your purchase here you know what you buy is right, both in qual- ^ f: ity and price. Can you afford the ^ time to investigate this assertion? We believe it will pay you to do so.J - ft^ M F. L. HcOmber WEST SIDE HARDWARE. v 'WI &JL *?., a-

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