Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Oct 1909, p. 5

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(-* ?S?3£ ; .-* .i-JaH ^-v &fr %• .A ** " ' ' . ' a , - . V - r -»•«,-•«} " & , ;;r -Vt \^IT . - ze&m •«" t For Men and Women "We are showing the finnt tine of All Wool Sample for Men's ; f Suits and Overcoats in the latest weaves, in domestic aud ported fabrics, made to your individual measure b^Jthe Inter-; '-J A - national Tailoring Go. of Chicago; IlL Ji perfect fit guaran- . teed. Call and look them over. > . \ *. , Ladies' Tailoring Department e have aocnrad the A*>«rt«i4i I*#*.'! T.i lorin* Co 'm 8mb$* •vplea, showing all the new fall effects in plain and fancy All* Wool Dress Goods, from the plain staple colors to the daintiest^ < - 1 * Cloths, suitable for Suits, Skirts, Cloaks and Jackets,, to bt*\J* * gbade to yonr individual measure, insuring a perfect, fit. Onr* *;jf" prices are lower than the ready to wear goods, which give you . trouble in altering to make them fit. Call and inspect oui&* Pje. We will save you money and ttme We require day#^^iordei* .. ,,,. ..aSp.-: PHONE No. 483 GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY If yow wittt the finest bread, from %fce%est of Flour \ it's up to you to patronize home industry and ask for RISER The Flour that has made good with the most exacting house­ wife. If you have iiot given it a fair trial, dp so at your earliest opportunity. Nothing sold in McHenry that will equal it. It's a home product r M'-HEMY I j». MNCV FAMILY FLOUR f.SPENC£R„ |.HtMli¥ 111*. A, WEST McHBNRV. ILLINOIS JOHN SPENCER, Prop MEATS v AW*. v f * X'*" IV* V" ^That are fresh, juicy and tender are what we sell here. Also a fine line otr Canned Goods, Bakery Goods and Vegetables in sea- know we you have want. '>*•*> E. F. Matthews West McHenry, HI. TELEPHONE. . - " 3»* This paper and The Weekly Inter Ooean $1.75 for one year's subscription tobotb- m* .-7. f Harriet II. tlowe m . ...HBIMfcR BLOCK, f ' *.• A.l'!'g *r\ Y<1v. Z. . : r1^ . V m JL-Jr Virvs* f- MILLINERY • DRESSMAKING *» Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding or embroi­ dery. Orders taken for Ladies' Supplies of all kfnds. ;; j- McHENRY, ILLINOIS. * w»>»» >»#nwahMi>imji»tOi JfEfGHBORING N£ IVS AS£HRayiCLM® B Y MM JOHNilWUaH Henry Scba< tnr w«h h vi4tur Thursday laet * ; ™ - Mrs. J C Debrecht wealf to Chieago Monday morning. ; I' .5. -^ Richard of Coleago w«< seen in town Snudrtjr • \ ' Mi«« Tillie mri er «*f ToJo atteiuled cbnrcb h»-r«- la«t Sunday , ' C M Adnnm trHn^actAd bsMoMi in CMcPiro t'»dHV <Thnrs«l»»y) Jkv >*nd Arthur A'lam" Were Spring Qrf vt* «-*11«\rs Tiihm1»j' ofternnaji^ Mr- H H Pmiili sml dMUKbt«r, Bar* IwHr* *pe«t W.wlnesday {q McBenry x •Mr. and Mrs S Hnff of Snrinsr Qmve wers witnr« hi*r(> l««t week Tuesday Mrt« John M S<*hinitt visited Monday Hf*»»rn4-v<n wither MutPr. Mrs .lake A. M»H**r ) s Mi>«« M*rth* and Mr*. Th»*le»i drovH to MoHenrf Wedaeeday m«rniiiK Mrn. Win. Tonvan and dfinehter, W*nrar«t, of Htdoa, wt*re <;«11#>rH be re Sitnrday. Mrs Math Banr of WlO visited iaat Snndav with her brother, Peter Brit*, and family hor^. Mr and Mrs John Meyers visited Chit-afro relatives Tnewday and Wed nee day of this week. Mrp. Jos. Di^lrich and Mies 1a#* Hnemann of McHenrv visited relatives hem Friday of last week. Mrs. Wiu. Kattner and danuhters, Dena and Tillie. of Spring Grove were callers hare last week Friday. Mrs. S. H. Smith and Mrs. Petfr Schmitt spent one day last week with Win Tony an and family in Solon. Dr N. J. Nye left Tuesday morning for Sonth Dakota, where he intends to stay for* few w»^ks' viait with his btother, Alttert Nye. A pleasaut snrprise party was given last Snnday evening in honor of Miss Martha Nieseu's nineteenth birthday. Those present were: The Weekly Inter-Ocean and tbif pa par delivered for one year at onr ' special deal" price of $1 76 tor th» Wn " . ?;• JPi^r' - f ' ,-A, * Messrs. -- John Nett . •Tosie Frenftj' Ben Frenn4" : Nick Frenitd Win. SfhiuUit Nick Klein Misses-- Snaie Mit'hels Rena Michels Oelia Nell Maggie Huemann Tracy Frerind Martha Mertes Me'f»ser« and Mesdnmes John Nies^n John Miller ; The Johnebnrgh basehsll tefttn j^mr neyed to Richmond last Snnday after noon, where thev met the speedy Rich­ mond team in one of the warmest bat­ tles that they have been in this season The local team was defeated, hot not disgraced. ** the score of 8 to 3 will plainly, signifyw Bending of McHenry, who has been pitching for Johnsbnrgh dnring the past few weeks, was in rare form and held the Richmondites to very few hits, while Richmond's salaried star, "Stiffy" Smith, was touched np by onr boys in a pretty lively manner The boys feel highly elated over the grand showing they made and feel cer tain that they <-nnld beat the Richmond team on their own battle held if given another opportunity. Well, let ne for tret baseball until the opening of next season, when Johnsbnrgh will be on baud bright and early to meet the best teams that will travel in the tBMIrai ranks. Dane* at Johuabarffti. Yourself and friends are cordially in vited to attend a dance to be held al Smith's hall in Johnsburgh. Ill , on Wednesday eveuing, Oct. 27 The floor committee is as follows: Johnsbnrgh John Miller and Anton Schiuitt; Pis takee Bay, Mike Schaefar; Dighton Heury Ctaemann; Volo, Math Banr McHenry, Joe Rothermel and Nich Kennebeck; Crystal Lake, R A. Spang ler; Woodstock, Ray Beardsley and Percy Barnes; Ring wood, Ben Frennd Solon, Ben Tony an; Spring Grove, Nick Kline. Schaffer's orchestra of McHenry has been engaged to furnish the mnsic for this occasion. It is not a habit ot ours to boast, bnt we cannot refrain from assuring all those who tnrn ont on this occasion one grand time We have yet to turn away an unsatisfied crowd and are exercising our best efforts to re tain the high standard (hat this dancing resort has reached. Join the crowd on this next occasion and get in on the Inn and pleasure Tickets, 30 cents. Money Comes In Bunches to A. A. Ctusholm, of Tread well, N. Y., now. His reason is well worth reading: "For a long time I t-nffered from indi gestion, torpid liver, constipation, ner vousnees, and general debility," be writes "I couldn't asleep, had po ap­ petite, nor ambition, grew weaker every day iu spite of ail medical treatment Then nsed Electric Bitters. Twelve bottles restored all my old-time health and vigor. Now I can attend to busi­ ness every day. It'B a wonderful medi­ cine. " Infallible for Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Blood and Nerves. SOc. at N. H. Peteech's, It Ma*q nelet's and others. ' 08TKM). V. E. Martin transacted business in Woodstock last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. William Thomas visited friends in Woodstock last Snnday. Frank Thompson and Gny Harrison started for Aberdeen, S. D.t Tuesday night. Miss Alice Richardson spent Satnr day and Sunday with her father, R. H Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. D. Vanover are the happy parents of a uine ponnd boy, born last Friday. Mr. snd Mrs. B. Harrison visited their daughter, Mrs fed. Martin, )o Woodstock last Friday; Mrs. Vera Thompson returned home last Friday from lilkborn. Wis , wher* the was called by j^ie death of hei grandfather, Mr. Woodford. ^ TERRA COTTA. •J. H, Pbahn sjeat. Friday te OUn|o. M Knox was a Chicago visitor Wed. needay. . Mrs. Addie McDowell spent Monday in«'iiicagei. Mrs B. IT, P«ek ia visiting relatives in Chicago. £ F. Booth of Woodstock visited at school Monday. Mrs. T. it. Anderson was a Chicago visitor Monday. Eugene Leisair is spending a tew days in Chicago. Miss Emma Conway is the guest of Elgin relatives this week. Mrs. J. M. Phalli) visited with Chica­ go frieuds Thursday aud Friday. Miss Alice Knox of McFieury called on relatives here Snnday evening. John and Ray Conway are now em­ ployed at the Terra Cotta factory. Miss Gitfuys Anderson visited rela­ tives in Richmond the first of the week. Several from here attended the funer­ al of Win ,Pow|»rs at McHenry Monday. Mrs. T. R. Auiferttou aud daughter, Sylvia^ were recent Richmond visitors. Miss Kathryu Kett ayd brother, Ben, of Wilutut called at P. H. Conway's Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. W J. Welch and daugh ter, Mildred, called at J. M. Phalin's Snuday. Miss Florence Knox spent Tuesday eveuing with the Misses C!|«xton, near McHenry! , Mrs. H. Meyers and Mrs. J. Kenne­ beck of McHenry called alt P. H. Ooo- way's last Tuesday. Mrs. W. Bulger and daughters, Anna and Mary, of Emerald Park were recent visitors at M. Kuox's. Miss Emily Watson returned to Chi. cago Tburoday, after a pleasant ten days' visit at the home of J. M. Phalin. It's a Top Notch Doer. Great deeds compel regard. The world rrowns its doers. That's why the American people have crowned Dr. King's New Discovery the King of Throat and Lung remedies. Every atoiu is a health force. It kills gerinB, and colds aud la grippe vanish. It heals cough racked membranes and coughing stops. Sore, inflamed bronchial tubes and lungs are cured and hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo. More, Black Jack, N. C., writes' 'It cured me of lung tronble, pronounced hopeless by all doctors!" SOc, ft 00 Trial bottle free. Guaran- terd by N. H Peteech, F. Maai^ielflt and others. ' i QUARTER OF A CENTOftY. ItMH! Clipped frost The Fl*liide«l»r «t October Hi, IMS. W - &. The r^nlar monthly meeting of th«- Knights of Columbus takes plane a* Stoffel's hall this (Thursday) evening All members are requested to bs pree ent - >W x K . c t , - \ v .*;>• •• KMKRALII FAKK. M. Kelter of Chicago visited at Sntton's Monday. * \ Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Hill of Chicago spent Snnday at their cottage. D. Corr of Woodstock was visiting relatives in this vicinity Snnday. E Larkin of Elgin was a guest at the home of R J. Sutton Sunday. Mit>s Anna Cleary spent Sunday with her uncle, Geo Frisby, and family. Minses Mary Gibbe aud Lucy Sutton spent Sunday with the Misses Knox. Misses Anna and Irene Frisby and B. M. Fleming visited in this vicinity Snn­ day. Messrs. J. B. Kelter and B. J. Frisby of Chicago were at Lake Defiance ovfr Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. James Armstrong of May wood spent Saturday and Snnday at the Park. Me«datues P. Cleary and W. Carey of McHeury visited at the home of E. Knox Thursday last. Mrs. M. McLaughlin returned to the oity Thursday, after spending a few weeks with relatives here. Messrs. W. K. Burns, Jas. Haxton, H. Kirk and H. Beudidg spent Sunday at their respective cottages. Messrs. C. D. Whiting of Woodstock, and brother, Raymond, of Ringwood and P. Aylward of West McHenry vis­ ited at the home of E. Knox Sunday. Frightful Fate Averted. "I would have been a cripple for life, from a terrible out on my knee cap," writes Frank Disberry, Kelliher, Minn., "without Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which soon cured me." Infallible for wonnds, cuts and brnisee, it soon cures Burns, Scalds, Old Sores, Boils, Skin Eruptions. World's best for Piles. 3&c. at N. H. Peteech's, F. Masquelet's and others. John Fare is building a new house in the sonth part of town. F. A. Parker is building da addition to the sonth side of his residence. Casper Wirfs is reported quite sick with bis old complaint, rheumatism. At this writing he is confined to his bed. On Monday evening last the Blaine and Logan club of Nunda were pre sented with a very handsome flag by the ladies of that place. Arrangements are being made for an other grand Republican rally in this village some time next week. Good speakers and a rousing time may be ex­ pected. Capt. Yager has had the steamer "Mamie" hauled out of the river and hae commenced the work of lengthen­ ing her, adding twenty feet, and will otherwise improve her for next season's business. N F. K Granger sold seventeen cows at auction for Wui. Morton, of Algon­ quin, on Monday last, one being badly crippled on the cars, at an average of $52 9? per head. Leaving oat the crip pie the average would be $54 15. This we call a good sale. Mrs. Weaver nee May Edson and Mrs. Ed son nee Libbie Swalls of Cassada, N. Y., visited this place, the home of their yonth, making calls on their numerous acquaintances. And from politeness shown them by Mr. and Mrs. Ralston, all may be assured that the ladies were their guests while here. School NotM. This Week ends onr second ttonth of' school. The boys will be ready to begin bas­ ket ball some time this week. The girls are also expecting to play. Some demotions and possibly one or I two promotions will take place as a result of the first two months' woik. When report cards are returned next week, let the parents all please note them carefully. If yonr boy or girl is ranked four, remember that there is no possibility of promotion at the close of the year on sucb work and strong prob ability of demotion before the close. If the fault iB in deportment, attendance, or industry you shonld be able to help. On Friday eveuing of next week Mr. Rice will give an illustrated lecture on "Water: Its Industrial and Sanitary Uses." The lecture will be given at the high school room and will be illus­ trated with the stereopticon and with chemical and optical analyses of Mc­ Henry drinking waters. An admission of ten ceute wilt be charged, the pro­ ceeds to be divided equally between in­ dustrial work and basket ball. This is the first of a series of different enter­ tainments to he given under the au­ spices of the high school for these causes and with a view to securing larger opportunities for interesting patrons in the work of the school. Some school work from various grades will boon exhibition on each occasion. m. V'2 •• fROB ATE NEW® [Kuiulsheil by McHenry Uouuty Abstract Company, Woodutock, Illinois. Office iu Ar nold Block, east side yubite square. Ab struct,s ot title aud con veyaucing. Money to loan ou real estate iu sums of five hundred to ton tiiousrtud dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Phoues &H, 903 ana BIX.] MAKKIAOE LICENSES. Frank Braute, 26.. .North Crystal Lake L a u r a G r e e n , 2 2 . . " Fred P. Wilmington, 98,. .Crystal Lake Minnie May Kreglow, fll,, " " ' August Dahlka, 28. .Union Ida Krause, 10 ...w.."... fiuntley Robert Simmons, 21.. .. .. Clinton, Wis Pearl Van Velsen, 21 •• " PROBATE PROCEEDINGS. Estate of Mary B Long. Death provea. Pe­ tition for letters of administration filed «nd approved. Fred Gutb appointed idministarator. Bond $2,000. Louisa C. Gates. Heirahip proven and established. In re McHenry fiiectric Service com­ pany insolvent. Report of assignee filed. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS!* Albert Etteu & w to Hubert KreuiWl, : SwH set: 30, also hW4 sec 30, a* 10 a, & pt it 2 sec 31, n of fay Mc­ Heury r 8 110,010 William Bouslttt & w to Sivert Leta, pt neM secJM, McHeury r8... 5400 ElizatH'tii Turner to Mrs. 8aman Button, It 5 ex pc also strip 10 ft of s side it 4 blh 28, McHenry, w ot Fox river ilk aide MM Did it ever occnr to yon that yon can buy envelopes with yonr return addrees printed on them jnst as cheap as yon can buy ths blank snvelopee at (be «torof V r, ^P* Mi;' K Find* Hunting OoodU Chicago, Oct. 17, 1900. F. G. Schreiner, Ed. and Pnb. MoHenry Plaindealer, Dear Sir--My brother, Val. J., and myself came ont to yonr burg last night to spend Snnday. We certainly had a delightful day at McCullom's lake, shooting mud bene in the foreuoon, of which we got the limit in short order. The aftqfnooh we spent it^ the woods shooting rabbits, of which we got quite a few. All iu all, we had a fine time. It seems 1 am better acquainted in Mc­ Henry than I am in Chicago. Every­ body seems to know L. Q of 02. I took advantage of a few idle bonrs calling on friends in East, West snd Middle Town, McHenry, and fonnd all feeling fine and seemingly doing a prosperous business. The hard times are over now. Hartayt Harray! Yonrs traly, i?, A, < .V Lambert §, SLLKK ^ Hare's a Qooii On*. A good joke is being told on two Borden employees these days. It ap­ pears that both of the gentlemen in question are qnite popular among their fellow employees. One day last week one of the two was presented with a mess of mud hens, while the other was given a wild hare by two of their brother workers. Not being familiar with the proper manner of preparing the game for thecwk at their respective homes, the gent who was presented with the aiud hens set ont to dry-pick bis birds, while the recipient of tbe hare *'picked" his game by tbe scalding pro­ cess. What a fine time these two gents had in dressing their game may be easily imagined by those fortunate enongh to know the correct style of per­ forming such tasks. Well, "Experience teaches," the good book tells US. yp, I Peter Meoleln Oea4. Peter Meelein, at one time a resident of McHenry and father of Mrs. Louie Oertel of this place, passed away at his home at 1334 Wolfram street, Chicago, on Tuesday, Oct. 5, after an illness of nearly six months, dropsy being the direct cause of his death. He'was born in Holland Oct. 26. 1831. His parents died when be was bnt a boy of 14, tbe death of his parents leaving him and one brother to care for themselves in this broad world. After the death of his parents the deceased came to Amer ica and settled in Chicago where he made his home for forty years. He re sided in McHenry a period of font years. He was 77 years, 11 mo., 8 daye of age at the time of hie death. Mc Henry friends extend to the sorrowing family their heartfelt sympathy. The Bed-Rock of Success lies in a keen, clear brain, backed by tu douiitable will and resistless energy Such power comes from the splenJic health that Dr. King's New Life Pilb , impart They vitt«lize every organ and j build up brain aS<l body. J. A. Harmon, ILizemore, W. V., writes: "They an I the beat pills I ever used." 25c. at N ! H. Petesch's F. Masquslet's snd others y ~ > r-.'•*;> lace To Get Qood Drugs r'Sb always try to at­ tract and h6ld trade by giving our customers the best possible service, but the prices are always rea­ sonable, also. We want yon to feel that when any item of drugs is required you can come to us for it with confidence that the qual­ ity will be the best, that you will receive compe­ tent and courteous atten­ tion, and the price will be right. :: :: :: N. H. Petesch McHenry. Telephone 374 ^ssxBssssBEssssasa^ •W?: '•*v 1 f : 1 " - CENTERVILLE----- Grocery and flarket •:&! V Always a fresh and com- ;> ^lete line of fthe choicest /, ^f Groceries and Meats. CHAS. O. FRETT, $ 7 McHENRY, PROPRIETOR- ILLINOIS. ) Mir roiB sumtfOR Mwiinmtow We have commenced digging our crop and find that for want of room we will have to sell as fast as we dig about :: :: :: :: :: ONE THOUSAND BUSHELS (HOKE POTATOES Will sell at the following low pricey4/ " 1 One to ten bushel lots, per bushel • 6oc Lots of ten bushels and over, per bushel.... 55C for bushels of sixty pounds and not for sho# measure bushels as are often sold. y Call or telephone your orders now as we will sell at above prices only what we have not room to store. :: :: :: :: :: :: i STOVES Of Description flcOmber -V-i ;:svV ' :,r:> 'i THE WEST SIDE HARDWARE. ; X W

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