Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Oct 1909, p. 8

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Hey M More it M factory BUT NOT MOST HERE. AFTER YOU WEAR itv Clot Copyright Sincerity Clothes you'll wonder why the price isn't higher. Built to retain the snap and ginger they're made with-- they never lose their shape, be­ cause both cloth and canvas are reshunk by the London process --can't sag or stretch. Sincer­ ity Clothes aie labeled by the makers, the label is their signed responsibility: the label is a sign of clothes satisfaction. Snappy clothes for young men, sedate styles for older ones in our new showing. :: :: JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. if QUALITY is the first consideration in purchasing food products. The None Such Brand repre­ sents the best. :: :: :: :: "None Such" Self Rising Buckwheat and Pancake Flour, "Nonq Such" Oats, "None Such" Maple Sugar, "None Such" Strained Honey. :: :: :: :: Crockery, Glassware, Jar­ dinieres, Stoneware, Cham­ ber Sets, Flower Pots, Etc. John Stoffel, West McHenry. Phone 301. KEEP WARM By Using Universdl Heaters & (00k Stoves They are the best and most economical. Ask others- who have them. A full line of sundries--Stove Pipe, Elbows, Mica, Stove Polish, Nickel Polish, Oil Cloths, Zincs, Coal Hods, and a full line of all kinds of supplies can always be found at J. J. VYCITAL'S Centerville Hardware. V McHenry. HI. DO VOU NEED f Of course you do. Would you like a Manure Spreader? Sure you do. Then why not call and see us or phone us? We have them in stock all the time. You do not have to wait till we send for one. They are here waiting for you, and it's an endless apron Cloverleaf, at that. A spreader that is built right with the trouble left out. And, be­ sides, we stand between you and trouble for one year. That ought to help some. :: :: WM. STOFFEL, - McHENRY PHAIIPC* OFF ICE-77 A. F NONES, RESIDCNCE^!. CONCERNING COUNTY 8CHOOL8. I tMM of General IntsrMt M Furnished by Coaaty SHptrlatndMt N*Ji(? of tbe country dirotor* ba*» heeded tbe tinggestion from tbe office of the county superintendent of schools in the matter of providing fences for the school premises. Among those that have made this noticeable improvement is the Schuyler school in the town of Grafton. They have reoentiy bnilt a sabstantial fence in front of the school yard and it makes a decided change fur the better in the matter of appearances, to say nothing of the protection it af­ fords. The meeting of the school directors and teachers of the connty has been scbednled for Woodstock ou Saturday, Nov. 30. Snpt. Farr of Chicago will be one of the speakers. He will give hit; address--Corn, Cows and Character on that occasion. The lectnre will be illustrated with the stereopticon. Every school director and teacher in the conn ty should make it a point to be present at this meeting. The Illinois Congress of Mothers will probably hold a meeting ofvthat associa tion in tbe city of Woodstock at some date in the near future. Mrs. Bradt of DeKalb and Mrs. Gilison of Wilmette were in tbe county on last Saturday con­ sulting with some of tbe ladies of the county regarding plans for such a meet ing. This is an unusually strong organ­ ization and is composed of .some of tbe ablest women of the state. The meet­ ing, when it is held, should be largely attended. The Woodstock public schools were recently the "beneficiaries of a handsome gift from the disbanded Universalist church society of Woodstock. It is rumored that tbe schools received about $700 from this source. E. C. Jewett was the treasurer of tbe society. A committee of the teachers will probably be appointed to secure the books for the libraiy in conformity with the aim of the gift. Miss Reesman, who has charge of the ncbool at JohnsDurgh, is enthusiastic in her work and making every move count in tbe way of placing the school and its work on a more rational basis. She is a <reat sympathizer with the new educa­ tion as applied to indnstrial affairs and the arts She is being loyally supported by her board. The closing meeting of the series of sectional meetings that were recently held in tbe county was as highly satis­ factory as tbe previous ones were. Tbe series was closed with tbe meeting at Harvard on Saturday, Oct. 16. Mrs. Whittleton, teacher of the primary grades in Harvard, gave a very helpful talk on mannal arts in tbe primary grades. Mr. Booth gave a talk on tbe reading circle work and Supt. Pilcher closed the meeting with a round-table, he acting as deader of the same. The musical numbers of the program were thoroly enjoyed. Miss Florence Ooock, who teaches in the school at Harmony, was obliged to close her school on Tnesday of last week on acconnt of illness. Miss Ocock is deeply interested in her work and has made commendable progress since enter­ ing the profession. Miss Hannah Martin, who is teaching in the Kishwaukee school west of Hunt ley, is greatly interested in her work and is teaching a very successful school. She has a very good enrollment and the attendance is regular. Miss Agnes Conley is teaching in the Butler district in the town of Coral. This is her first school. Her work is progressing satisfactorily amid pleasant surroundings. The directors in this dis­ trict have seen that all the buildings have been painted and put in proper condition before the beginning of tbe school work pf the year. Miss Conley is planning to hold a corn contest. It's a Top Notch Doer. Great deeds compel regard. The world crowns its doers. That's why the American people have crowned Dr. King's New Discovery the King of Throat and Lung remedies. Every atom is a health force. It kills germs, and colds and la grippe vanish. It heals cough racked membranes and coughing stops. Sore, inflamed bronchial tubes and lungs are cured and hemorrhages cease. Dr. Geo. More, Black Jack, N. C., writes "It cured me of Inng trouble, pronounced hopeless by all doctors." 50c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaran­ teed by N. H. Peteucb, F. Masquelet and others. QUARTER OF A CENTURY.7 Clipped from Tho PlaliiriffaVr ot . October IS, 1884. ** W. M. Yager is packing np prepara­ tory to moving out of the Riverside House next week. A new lady boarder took up her reei- denoe «it John Heitner's on Monday last. She weighed twelye pounds and will call John pa, H. N. Holmes had the misfortune to iiiakea mistep and fell down stairs on Wednesday evening last, which resulted in breaking his collar bone and a com­ pounded fracture of tbe shoulder blade. „ Our merchants have decided to close their places of business from November 5 to March 1 at 8 o'clock in the evening, except Saturday evenings, when they will remain open until nine. ^,This is a move in the right direction. Persons confined in stores from week to week should at least have a small part of these long evenings to themselves. The Republican rally at Nnnda on Monday evening was a grand success in every particular. Marching clubs were present from Genoa, Richmond, Solon, McHenry, Algonqnin and Woodstock, and it was estimated that 450 torches were in line, while the town was full of enthusiastic Republican men and women. A novel and pleasing feature of the procession was seventy-five ladies, all with new brooms, and it is good evidence that when the ladies take bold of a cause a "clean sweep" is snre to he the result. After the fireworks, which were magnificent, the visiting clubs were invited to a magnificent supper, gotten up by the ladies of Nundn, that was an honor both to the ladies and the cause for which we are to work. The speeches by Hon. Chas. E Fuller, Hon. W. D. Gates and Theo. Geslefelcht of Chicago all had the true ring and were closely listened to by all. Unveiling; of Monument. Woodstock will unveil a soldier's monument next week Wednesday, Nov. 8„ at 2 o'clock p. in. This monument has been erected by the Woman's Re lief Corps, aided by the loyal citizens of the community. It is an imposing structure of granite, and beautifully located in the center of tbe city park. Tbe monument costs approximately $3000 00. The unveiling event will attract a large number of people, in­ cluding, various members of tbe Woman's Relief Corps and friends from out of town in the city.- The schools will be closed and the city generally given up to this celebration. Com- mander-in Cnief Van Saut.' of S.-iint Paul, has l>een invited mid is expected to be present; also the department cominauder, Philip C. Hayes, of Joliet, and other officers of both the G. A. R. and W. R. t}. Other notable guests are expected to participate in the un­ veiling. The ceremonies will begin promptly at 2 o'clock in tbe afternoon, and visitors and friends from out of town are most cordially invited to be present. McHenry post G. A. R. has received a special invitation to be pres­ ent. and also all old soldiers, whether members of the post or not. Do It Some More. Do you know that abont the nicest man we know iB the one whom we asked for some news the other dayV That man sat down and wrote out in detail the information that we wanted and in a good deal better way than we could have done it ourselves, as he knew all abont it. We wish that we bad a few more people who would get into the habit of writing up some news that they know and hand it it. Then we would have a better paper and yon would have more news. When you help your home paper to get out with more news, you are helping tbe town and yourself. Frightful Fate Averted. "I would have been a cripple for life, from a«terrible cut on my knee cap," writes crank Disberry, Kellihur, Minn., "without Bucklen's Arnica Salve, which soon cured me." Infallible for wounds, cuts and bruises, it soon cures Burns, Scalds, Old Sores, Boils, Skin Eruptions. World's best for Piles. 25c. at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masqnelet's and others. We have arranged with The Weekly Inter-Ocean so that our patrons can se­ cure that sterling paper, together with our own, at the exceedingly low rate of $1.75 for one year. This is a rare op­ portunity and should be taken advant­ age of. Notice to Hunters. Notice is hereby given that hunting and trespassing is strictly prohibited on the premises of Niek Bohr, bordering on McCollum's lake and occupied by Chas, Carlson, after this dat*. The full extent of the law will be applied upon persons not complying with this notice. Dated Oct. 28. CHARI.ES OABLSON NICK BOHR. Notice to Uuotera. Notice is hereby given that hunting and trespassing upon my premises is strictly prohibited after this date Tbe law will be used on persons not heeding this warning. Dated Oct. 28, 1909. JAMRS R. SAYLER final Notice. Fprms for tbe new Chicago Telephone directory will close on Nov. 1. No names will be listed after that date. Order now and get your name in tbe book. Another will not be issued for months. CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY No Hooting Allowed. Notice is hereby given that hunting and trespassing on our premises after this date is strictly prohibited under penalty of the law. 8t Dated Oct. 21, 1909. FREEMAN WHITING. F. E MARTIN. A. G BISHOP, 6. HARRISON. ; f - swig Do You Get Up Witk a Lame Kidney Trouble Makes Tou Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer 's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and n ,, bladder remedy, !>e- «- ' li cause of its rcniark- || able health restoring [L properties. Swciiiij:- j. Root fulfills almost •y= every wish in ovcr- coming rheumatism, It pain in the back, kid- nevs, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleacant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor­ oughly tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar­ rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al­ ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, and bow to find out if you have kid­ ney or bladder trouble. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad­ dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. ,i gSfcHiippfor- Home oi bwrunip-Koi Why Women Prefer It. When the newsboy comes thru the train with the Chicago papers, >vntch the married couple across the aisle. If the man is a well regulated husband he will ask his wife whicbr|njit*SKr she pre fers, and then yon maylay odds r.hat the one chosen will be The Record Herald. There is no mystery about it. The man knows that he will fityl all the news in The Record-Herald, to be sure, but the woman knows it is the only paper that also gives adeqnate atten tion to the things in which women are specially interested. In every daily issue she can find a bill of fare for the day's three meals, reliable society news good book reviews, Mme. Qni Vive's pungent comments on beanty question*, bright verses and jokes without vulgar ity, a cartoon that anybody can enjoy and a fair share of tbe news of the day relating to women. Every Monday there is "Martha's Management," a very helpful column of cnlinary topics. In tbe Sunday edition a whole section is devoted to women, including Marion Harland's famous page, Mme. Qui Vive's vivacious columns, Jennette Hope's fashions direct from Paris, Dame Curtsey's •"Novelties in Entertainment' and many special articles of timely in terest. Then there is the Sunday Mag azine of The Record Herald, a real mag­ azine, fnll of good 1 >ve stories and beautiful pictures. Do you wonder that women prefer The Record Herald ? MASTERS SALE OF REM. ESTATE. J. F. Casey, Solicitor. STATE OF ILLINOIS, i County of McHenry ( Samuel H. t lanly and 1 George II. Harily | vs. < f Alice J. Phalen, Admin- | Istratrlx, et at. I I 'ultllc notice Is hereby given, that in pur­ suance of a decree made and entered l>y said court, in the ultovt* entitled cause, on the 22nd day of October, A. I). IHUit. 1. < alvIn.l . Hendricks, Master in Chancery of said * ircuit Court of McHenry County,-will on Saturday, the 120th day of November, A. I). ISKHI, at the hour of eleven o'cl(x;k in the forenoon, at the front door of the U. S. I 'ost Office, in the VII- lajte of West McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, ,sell at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, for cash, all and singular the following described premises and renl estate in said decree mentioned, or so much thereof as shall he sufficient to satisfy said decree, to-wit: » Lots number Twenty-one (21). ' Twenty-two (22) and Twenty-three (Zi) in l lanly's Second Addition to West McHenry, situated in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Hated this2«th day of October, A. 1>. 19(W. C.AI.V1N .1. II KNDHK 'KS, Master in Chancery of the Circuit 19-3t Court of McHenry County, Illinois In Chancery, General Num­ ber lfii '&i. No IIuntIng Allowed. Notice is hereby given that hunting, fishing and trespassing on tuy premises in town of Grant, Lake county, after this date, is strictly prohibited under penalty of the law Dated Oct. 7, 1909. 4t PETER MILLER. Notice! To insure publication in The Plain dealer copy must be in tbe office no later than Wednesday noon of each week. Advertisers, especially, are asked to tak* particular notice to thin effect, ,\ii)M | for 1m Never ^before in the history of our business career in McHenry have we stocked up in the fall of the year as is the case ai the present time. Winter Goods of every description are over taxing our coun­ ters, show cases and shelves. Never before has suth an assortment teen displayed in McHenry. Particularly do we wish to call your attention to the swell line of Winter Dress Goods, Un­ derwear, Sweaters of the very latest styles for men, women and children. Our line of Shoes was never excelled in the county. Come in and convince yourself of the truth of our statements. F. A. Bohlander WEST rtcHENRY, ILLINOIS. (?• Wilbur Lumber Co. Lumber, CoaJ, Feed Lath, Shingles Sa^sh, Doors, Mouldings Lime, Cement £tc« Telephone 651 West McHenry, 111. MANY H Contribute to a man's success, namely, integrity, hard work, brains, earnestness of pur­ pose and resolution to succeed, but without money as a stepping stone he cannot go far! Get ready for the business oppor­ tunity that is to come by saving all you can each week and depositing it at Our Savings Depart­ ment, where three per cent in­ terest will prove a working partner for you. :: :: :: WEST McHENRY STATE BANK (F Hosiery Talk! For fast color, fit and wnar we have never offered a hose eqnal to the Armor Plate Hose. Put them on the school children, creeping baby, man or woman, makes no difference, tbe best wearing hose in ail cases. Children's fleece lined hose, all sizes 15c and 25c Ladies' fleece lined wool and cotton hose 15c, 20c, 25c Men's wool, plsin and fancy, per pair 25c Mttu's cotton bose... 10, 15, 25 Sweater Cost Values! Men's and Boys' Sweater Coats, gray with red and blue borders, only 50c Plain gray, brown, tan, gray with border to match, for men at prices that Will surprise you. Come in and look over the line. :: :: :: Underwear For All! Stephenson Bros.' Underwear for Men. Made of all pure wool and made in sizes to tit. Nothing better made. We have them in all sizes, Shirts and Drawers, at per garment $1.25 and $1.50 Cotton, extra heavy fleeced, ribbed and flat, Shirts and Drawers for men.... 50c Ladies' ribbed cotton Shirts and Draw­ ers, per garment .. .25c and 50c Children's cotton and wool Shirts and Pants at prices to fnake them sell. Pull line of Ladies' and Children's Sweater Coats for your inspection. :: • • Cotton Bed Blankets in gray and tan at 59, 75, $1.00, 1.29, 1.50, 1.75, 2.00 All extra good sizes. Bed Blankets are priced by weight, not by size. This line has both-- every one a value. :: CHILDREN'S CAPS! Bethke Parisiana Reducing Corset STYLE No. 555 * JjpHE best Corset made for stout figures; adjustable side straps, perfectly smooth bucklc, no possibility of tfH-'g the cloth. Will rcduc? a figure two to th^.-e Inches across the ab­ domen. Made of a good quality Coutil, double side steels, 6 hose porters attached. Every pair warranted to give satisfaction. See the lot of Children's Caps we have Absolutely tne best Corset ever of- placed on sale at a price that is less fered for $1.00 than one-half manufacturer's price. Bear Skin Caps, Tam O'Shantas with visors at »....• 25c Fine Broadcloth Tam O'Shanta Cap with emblem at 50c Boys' Winter Caps, fur Tined, pull down, at 25c and 50c Mittens for Children, knitted, black only, per pair ..12c Boys' Golf Gloves and Leather Mittens at 25c and 50c A*

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