Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Nov 1909, p. 5

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W&.T;. 1 **v ••' ?*"* v. F* vAS^v^iji *h*. ...;. ,t «. , "* ,r$;» f:vV* C '. * "A" ,fi ^ ! > ' ;# 1 ^ ^ | oi --w For Men and Women ^ ^<;;-We are showing the finest licte of All Wool Sample for Men's"""'."? v*' C/ ' liaits and Overcoats in the latest weaves, in domestic and itu • V ~~ .'« ^)orted fabrics, made to yonr individual measure by the Inter^r* ( . national Tailoring Co. of Chicago, 111. A perfect fit gaararK- " ^ <?"ilejBd, Call and look them oyer. •• -. **«& • ••'«i#m*% t*r> 'i v p ^ ; ; • • • • " . ; ' • . V ' ' ' Tidies' Tailoring Department t! •. ..'We have secured the American Ladies* Tailoring Co's Sam- ' Jj 1 l^lee, showing all the new fall effects in plain and fa&cy Alt'., ;. v *Wool Dress GWods, froui the plain staple colors to the daintiest?^ fj »jtloths, suitable for Baits, Skirts, Cloaks and Jackets, to bee' ' << «r •juade to your individual measure,. insuring a perfect' fit. Ooij^ ^ jpricee are lower than the ready-to wear goods, which give you y,'" . $rouble in altering to make them lit. Call and inspect onr.i>;-> ; ^jines. - We will save you money'and time We .require at»wt,̂ §| ,W days to fill orders. >V ?r* J; lv"l GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY. 'PHONE No. S If you want the finest bread, from the best of Flour it's up to you to patronize home industry and ask for RISER ftoL Lmin$ The Pfour that lias riiade good with the most exacting hotise- wife. Jf you have not given it a fair trial, do so at your earliest opportunity. Nothing sold in McHenry that will iU 't'faftome product ' "" " *»••• " w ,*• " t.,; A West M( enry hour and Feed Mills BISEB F A N Q Y F A M I L Y F L O t l f i WEST McHEN Y. ILLNOS JOHN 5PENCER, Prop d/ \ * \.V * * *.\ 1 ... . >. . i Offer PP% *% ̂ rh:h- VV\ ^ ^ ITO NEW SUBSCRIBERS k\* ' VJ >: »H. •* • ).«&! • • The Plaindeale^ < •noMT^-'until Jan-fe i- •- . • M-- »ef ' •<?» "F.•, way . |f iqh '" T'r - • ;frr- il'*" *-H •'• / v V* - < * Ivili be sent from; 'Ti V-*-" *!? * -T * >*v v V"*r y, $ '-^1 4&' , r \~t 'alii $1.50 f: Ins#" . ^ if -r" *>•" * -'V'» /" 1 iii nTi^r Don't Miss It , • • * • I^ '%<v; ' vvs NEIGHBORING NEIVS AS CHROMICLilD By OUR j%B£B coMits ON ACCOUNf OF THANKSGIVING THE PLAIN- DEALER KINDLY ASKS ITS CORRESPONDENTS TO SEND IN THEIR LETTfcRS ONE DAY EARLIER NEXT WHIiK. FAVOR WILL BE ̂ APPRECIATED. , <OHKKR|l|U.B. Math L'\ «» Hfi*ioKQrovedrove thru her« r. '•» C. M. A Vi»ns trnu^acted hiiHin^s in Ghiraao Wflm-silav. C M A<1HIU< ?! ud Dr. Nye wm Wood ntO"ke*i;tr* Monday. .1 :tcob May vim led with Arab Hergott at WanbeKan Wndnt-»dAy. •lop AdaniH and Ni«-k KMt» of BjMini; drove w«c in tnwu S11 inlay Mr. hihI Mr« S^plwn Hnff «»f Spring Qrt>ve wen* «rallera n«r»» Sunday. y Mr. ami Mni. Hmiry UBCKII of Mc Henry w«re viiitor* h«r« Tae»<lay. M r a n d M r u . M l f e e A a i i ^ n o f R p H n R • iwv« wer«i;allerH here last Snndtty. Mrs John NIKSMI auil Minn iViartha NiwH^n w«rn McjUfnry viniiorsSaturday. Mrs. Fml Jaftten of Piwtahee Bay A{)fnt Sunday with her mother. Mrs. Kate May. f Mrs. JoeephJfreii^ of Brattle, Waeh., ia YtHitiiiK this week with relatives and friend" ht<re. Mies Jotwphine Lay and Mre Joe^ph Frt^nnd were Piatakeo Bay viaitors Fri day afternoon. Mrs. Nick Suhaefttr and children vis­ ited h«r parent*, Mr. and Mn. John May, 't'uAmlay afternoon. John Lay of Chicago ppent Satnrday evening and Snuday at the home of hia parent*. Mr. and Mrw Tharnan Lay. Mr. and Mr*. Joe Kluin of Spring drove spent Snixtay with the latterV pareote, Mr. and Mre. Math. Frenud. Mr«. Anna Buguer and Mrs. Joht( King went to Raciue, Win , Tnetulay to attend, the following morning, the funeral of their brother. John Hnff. Mr. and Mrs. John Nieaenentertained last Snnday Hubert Michela and family, John S. Prennd and family, Joe Mich- eln, Jr., and family, Meaare. and Mes- damea John Miller, Joe. J. Michele, Siiuon MicbelHand Jake Miller. Foley"*Kidney Remedy will care any caee of kiduey or bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach o^ medicine. C'urea backache and irregnlaritie* that if neglected ini^ht reatirt in Bright ^ disease or diabetea. Frank Maeqnelet. T£UKA COST A. Mrs. S. Knox of Elgin is visiting rela­ tives here. Mrs. M. J. ttodgera of Chicago vhdted relatives here last week. Mi88 Emma Conway of Elgin epeut Sunday at her home heie. Mrs. J. Bass and Mrs. i. Riley were Crystal Lake callers last week Mr. and Mrs. Hall of Missouri visited relatives aud friends here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McMillan vis ited friends at Griswold Lake Suuday Miss Mary Fleming of Rarreville spent part of last week at P. H. Con way's; * • *" Mrs. F. Bergman and eon, Carl, of Chicago were recent guests at S B. Loisner'a. Mrs. Thoa. Phalin and daughter, Katherine, ot Mc Henry visited at M. A. Conway's last Sunday. Mrs. Helen Fox aud ton, Charles, of Iowa~are visiting at the home of the former's sister, Mrs. A. T. McMillan Misses Alina Roggeveen of Blue Island and Mary Burke of McHenry spent Thursday evening last with Miss Flor­ ence Hnox. J. Carey and family of Ringwood, Misses Minnie Conway, Mayme Aylward and Agnes Roche of Elgin called on rp 1- ativee and friends here Snnda^^ ^ No CUM on Keoord. There is no case on record of a cough or cold resulting in pneumonia or con­ sumption after'Foley's Honey and Tar has been taken, aa it will stop yonr cough and break np yonr cold quickly. Refnse any bnt the genuine Foley's Honey aud Tar in a yellow package. Contains no opiates and is safe «M»t} etire. Frank Masqnelet. ~ ' 1 > if • ' i ' t- '-J KMERRAtf) PARK. ^ C. D Whiting of Woodstock called in this vicinity Saturday. Thou. Frisby of Elgin is spending ibis week with his mother here. * Messrs Jas. H ax ton, Br , and George Fraser spent Sunday at the Park. Miss Nettie Whiting of Ringwood spent Sunday with the Misses Knox. Misses Mayme and Katie Knox spent Friday evening with friends in Wood stock. Mrs. H. Felmeten returned home last Thursday after spending several weeks in Chicago. J. B Kelter and two friends came oat from Chicago and spent Sunday at Lake Defiance. Messrs. Ed. Sutton of McHenry and Arvil Yager of Chicago visited tit E. Knox's Sunday. Messrs. B. J. Frisby. H. L. Baoon and sons. Weston and Harold, visited at R. J. Sutton's Sunday. Mr aud Mrs. J. Paul and son, Arthur, returned home Saturday after spending a ̂ ew days in Chicago. George Walmsley, Sr., went to Chi­ cago Wednesday, where be will make his home for the present. Miss Genevieve Monahan and Robert Spangler of North Crystal Lake visited with Mr. and Mrs. Henise Sunday. Young Girls Are Victims »f headache, as well as older women, bat all get quick relief and prompt cure from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best remedy for sick and ner vona headache^ They make pare blood and strong nerves ana build np yonr health. Try them. 25c. at N. H. Petesch's, F. Masqnelet'f and otbtn. Petesch's for drug OF A PERSONAL NATURE •WHOM WE ENTERTAIN WHERE WE GO. AND HrHwtj Knl*rt*l»» • Larg* Cmpuy of llttrlug thtfc Wc«k-Whoin We J. .1. Vy^itnl waaa hnsinees jailer in Chicago Tuesday. . «. W. Besley -was a bnsiness visitor in Cbicaiio today. * F. C>. GJTIS t ransacted boainees in the windy city today- James Safer and Goa Hansen of Elgin spent Sunday hare. Mrs. D. G. Wells spent, Wednesday in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. F. C, Felt* spent San- day with relatives in Cary. Miss Lela Kennedy of Wilmot, Wis., called on friends here last week. M rs. Frank N. Torrance of Hebron calleil on friends here last Sunday. Joe Gans of Woodstock visited at the home of his parents here Sunday. E G. Haldenian of Spring .Grove was a McHenry visitor'one day last week. Miss Myrtilla Stewart spent today (Thursday) with friends in Crystal Lake. Mr and Mrs. C, E Lamphere were guests of Elgin ridativea one day last week. ; * "Miss Maude Schreiner passed a few days this week as the guest of Chicago friends. Paul Meyer* of fiatavia and Victor Meyers of Eyanston passed the Sabbath with their parents here Miss (Barbara Weber went to Chicago Wednesday morning for a few days' vis­ it with her sister, Mrs. Lewis Wolf. Mathias Laures was a conuty seat visitor Monday. Math, is looking for a job in the Oliver typewriter factory. Edward and Misses Lizzie aud Mary Wagner of Lily Lake boarded the Chi cago train at thia station Tuesday morn iug. Walter Geeke of Woodstock called on friends here Saturday evening, and also took in the Eagle dance at Stoffel's ball. Dr. C. H. Fegers and Mies Eleanor Mc- Gee returned last' Tuesday evening from tbe<r vi-it among relatives and friends at Keokuk. Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Walter*, recently from New York City, and Mrs. Dwelly of Ringwood called on Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Merriuian last Sanday. Robt. McNally of Chicago, Lester Grilling. Lou Hammond and Geo, Voda of Woodstock passed Sunday at the home of the Misses Heiuier here. George Rothermel and daughter, Mrs. M M. Niesen, went to Chicago Tuesday morning to call on their son and brother, Frank Rothermel, who had undergone an operation in a Chicago hospital on Monday morning. James Lincoln of North Cryslal Lake, who during the past few months has been employed by Hanly Bros, here, went to Woodstock the first of the week, where lie has secured employment in the Oliver typewriter factory. A Scalded Boy's Shrieks horrified his graudmotber, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes that, when all thought he would die, Back- len's Arnica Salve wholly cured him. Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cats, rns, Wounds, Braises. Cares Fever Sores* Boils, Skia Eruptions, Chil blains, Chapped Hands. Soon routs Piles. 35c. at N'. H. Petesch's, F. Mas- quelet's and others. PROBA TE NEWS lFurnished by McHenry County Abstract Company, Woodstock, Illinois. Offlon In Ar­ nold BUx-k. east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and t'onveyuiiciuK. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payment* to suit borrower. I'bo ties ti34, 903 and *11.1 PROBATE PROCKKDINGS. Estate of William Powers. Inventory and ap­ praisement bill Med «ind approved Waiver of an award filed and approved. Heirship proyeu and established. Peti­ tion for public sale of personal property filed and approyed. Leave given to sell. McHenry Electric Service company. P e t i t i o n t o p a y c e r t a i n c l a i m s i n f u l l filed and approved, and leave given. MARRIAGE LICENSES. Frederick T. Ferris, 88. ..Hnntley Frieda Bartelt. 25... .... " John Fuchs, 86.v.. ...... Dorr Twp Babetta Klingler, SC..*,...,... " Myron A. Skogsberg, SO Waukegan AnuaBergstrom, 28. .Menominee, Mich Artie L Shearer, 25. . Isabelle McKee, 31 Brush Aatomahllc. T^ . Having secured the agency for the famous Brush automobile, I am now taking orders for spring delivery. This wonderful car is the simplest, speediest, cheapest and most reliable aato on the market, and there is every indication that it will become one of the most popular cars in the county. Order early for prompt delivery in the spring of P. E. BERTRAM, Crystal Lake, III. 22 2t Basket Social at Volo J9cbo»t« the teacher and pnpils of tb« Vote school will give a basket social at the, school house Friday evening, Nov. 19. A program wiU be given, after which the baskets will be sold. Everybody cordially invited. Ladies please bring baskets with Innch for two. Miss MARGARET WARD, Teacher, > Have yon seen oar five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save woney. J. J. Vycital mm*™ Central Opera HOuse -- One Night Only SUN A NIOHT WITH IBSEN The three act sensational drama of married life--Ibsen's SSSm: FEATOBING THE FOREIGN WONDER ..Miss Inijoboril Rdsmussen... --THE GREAT DANISH ACTRESS-- In her original character of "Nora," supported by a strong and capable company. \ .*. Prices, as* as* 50 Tickets oa sale m% Petesch's T .Don't* pho-, tographed Immediately after this interesting oc­ casion. And don't forget to have the picture taken at the ..PHOTO STUDIO.. liHt McHenry, Illinois. Phone 331 mmm THE WRONO WAY to select harness is t he way tt is usually (loue. Frloe^s generally the first cousio- eratlon. If that Is very low the nooils seeui attractive, regarcfless of quality. JndRe our KI.XKIS the other way alM)ut. Exatuiue 1nU> t he quality of this harness first. Theu it will l>e seeu that it Is worth almost any priee. Hut our prices are not hiftb. Value considered they are reniark- ably low *: :: :: :: :: Q. A. Barker Bonslett Block - flcHenry, III. Met II. Iwe ...HEIMER BLOCK... /-y •r-\ <r\ MILLINERY, - DRESSMAKING Shirt Waists, Blouses and Dresses trimmed with the new soutache braiding ot embroi­ dery. Orders taken for Ijadies' Supplies of all kinds. ' McHENRV, ILLINOIS Petesch's Pink ..Cold Tablets.. Cure a Cold in 34 flours The old idea that a cold must run its course is a dangerous idea to entertain. Golds should be cured as quickly as possible--- that will be in 24 hours if our ̂| PINK COLD TABLETS are taken as soon as a cold mani­ fests itself. Even if you neglect treatment until later these tab­ lets will cure quicker than any­ thing yet discovered. :: Pink Qold Tablets stop the progress of a starting cold al­ most instantly and in a few hours will banish every vestige of it., Keep the remedy handy during the next few months and be tree from colds. Price, 25 cents. \ « I M . H . McHenry, III. * Telephone *74 - ^ n i : $ - * *1 ^ If -CENTERVILLE- and flarket Always a fresh and_oom* plete line of the choicest of Groceries ^uid Phone, S4'. ' »fe' . SK A'^ ^ .* x t iCf... ; b' J J -*f '•>i -iW - ' - I CHAS. Q. FRETT, ' -^PROPRIETOR-- M c H E N R V ; . . . i I L L I N O I S . ^•1 il r" Don't be deceived by extravagant claims of far away, unknown makers who claim to sell godfP stoves at a price that dofes not even pay for the cost of good material alone. A little use quickly shows their "built to sell" character, the light cast­ ings will firecracfc, warp or burn out. The seams will open, oven will fail to bake, grates cannot be operated, doors fail to close and the hundred and oi|« other features of cheaply made and cam* lessly constructed stoves will show them­ selves in their proper light. Our stoves are of the reliable make and sold under a positive guarantee. Call and see tbem; and get our prices.; „ :: ' v:: h :: ?r . L. WESt SIDE . HARDWARE, c . ^ V*1 :¥f The Mutual Benefit Life Insurdnce (0. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY. . >£« V The Leading Annual Dividend Company •M Han during the past aixty-foar years paid to policyholdan, .95 Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,261),086.89 : Surplus, $5,628,151.17 No company ha* accomplished better results tor Jts policyh«>Mers CARL W. STENGER, Agent. W M iADS BRINQ RESULTS ^ : ,, jv

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