Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 2 Dec 1909, p. 5

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. xt - v v ,* .>••*$*«FYS' Yv^p'ff ^ W* '< V ;•• %*np.f >•"*, /v- /f' T ^ A* *7? * * > f« %i * ' - • : , . r t - . / \'r ' ... ?JH •Mil ¥ % ..v* v/ " j*S" . - K ^ -,v* £ ^ i * , *» ** *vv' .1^^ MM "' 'k "• Z Z ,t QJ '."r** *,'<* "i™1 •••^ •*. -• - - \ - . Ei ^ U Zf | ̂ L - i# * iL *'. ... '^wri1 \\ i v ' -*i a - . > < •"•. Si% " f H!V;'? * For Men and Women We are showing the finest line of All Wool Samples for Men% ~ Suits and Overcoats in the latest weaves, in domestic and ii»* -X ported fabrics, made to yonr individual measure l>y the Inter*- national Tailoring Co. of Chicago, III. A perfect fit guaran- *'J% teed. Call and look them oyer. * •'. •.* ,, fcvy - Ladies' Tailoring Department ;% J fc?& m,-< We have seefflred the American Ladies' Tailoring Co. 'a Sam* pies, showing all the new fall effects in plain aud fancy All Wool Dress Goods, from the plain staple colors to the rtaintieft cloths, suitable for Snits, Skirts, Cloaks aud Jackets, to h* made to your individual measure, insuring a perfect fit. Our prices are lower than the ready to \#ear goods, which'give yo^ trouble in altering to make them fit. Call and inspect oinr. lines. We will save you money and time We require aboill tea days tofill ordewi. QOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY 'PHONE No. 483 Ifs Simply This If you want the finest bread, from tfr^best of Flour it's up to you to patronize home industry and ask for EARLY RISER The Flour that has made good with the most exacting house­ wife. If you have not given it a fair trial, do so at your earliest opportunity. Nothing sold in McHenry that will 1 1 • . I . -- . 1 equal it. It'g a heme product M'HC/VKY flOlLERMU^ RISE/? F A N C Y FAM /tV FLOUR J . - S P E W C E R * MCHENRY ILLS. 3; West NcHenry Floor and feed Mills WEST (VkwHHN Y , IIXNU5 JOHN 5PF.NCER, Prop Wilbur Lumber Co. ' - * • Lumber. Co&l, Feed La^tK. Shingles V. W ' ash* Doors. Movildirvgs y:| Lifne* Cement Etc. ' !'T\ « . Telephone 651 West McHenry* HI- it ; *-' 1 *1 «." ' J NElGMBORiNG NEWS AS CHRONICLE,& gY OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS il • f - K l » u t i r i K l . U Mr Kline was A Harvard .caller MOD day. 4 Wilbur Levey was a tHtHinamcaller in JanesviMe Monday, Mr. Kline went to ^Ttwwitaw moraiaie on bnsiness Mrs. Charles Dntiftd was a Woodslock shopper one day last week. Mrs. A. Jacobs aud Mrs Lynch drove to Woodstock Monday afternoon Mrs. E. B. Suiith ami Mr* A. Annei> drove ta Woodntoitk Twnday on biwi nes«. Mr and Mrs M. Wat«*ruian of Wood stock Hund*yed with RidK« field rela tivea. Johfi F. Wliito •«<! fwinily apenl TtiankHgiviiiii day teiih relativt-H a» Genoa Mrs R. Goddard aud son, Lewie, were pl«nMant callttra iu WondHtoik Monday. Mra W, Wieland and tworhitdreo. Ethiaa aud Willie, n|M)dt Thnnxiay and Friday in th« city Mit»i Genevieve Goddard triait*>d her sister. Mrs S Raed, aad family in Woodstock Friday. Mr. and Mra Fred Wille visited with their danghter, Mrs E. Senn«. and faiu ily in Woodstock Tuewlsy Mrs. Held aud daughter of Crystal L%ke were prnests o> Mr aud Mrs Chas Bollock rhauksRiving day. Mr. aud Mrs. F. Martuian apeat ThanksgivinK day with Mr and Mrs Whituian at the Bridewell Mr and Mrs. Kauia were made hap­ py by the birth of a son, arrivinK *t II o'elock p. in.. Thanksgiving day. S. RHWI, wife and daughter, Virginia, of Woodstock visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. liee.i aud Mra. R Goddari, Suudjy. Mrs. B. Klnlana, sons, Robert and Donald, and danghter, Mrs. W Orinaby, speut ThanksgiViug day with Dflavan relatives. Mr. and Mrs. French entertained at Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mra. Ben Hntaoii Hud children, Lyl« tad Alma, of McHeury. Mr. and Mrs. SilasOJinstead of Wood­ stock drove to Ridgetield for an after noon call on the former's father and sister, Mrs. E B Smith. Mr. and Mrs P. B Haaghawont had the pleasure of a call from their ancle. W. Mettler, and son, Charles, of Tis kilwa one day last week Mr. and Mrs, George Gorhatn are re joicing over the arrival of an eight ponnd daughter, which arrived at 2 o'clock a. m , Thanksgiving day. Mrs A Jscolta entertained at Thanks" giving dinner Mt\ and Mrs. D Magoon and daughter and Mrs. M. D. Henice aud two danghtera, Erma and Mae, of McHenry. Mr. aud Mrs. R. L. Dufield, son, Arthur, and grandson, Fred Green, ate Thanksgiving goodies with Mr*. Do field's son, Leroy Skinner, and wife in Crystal Lake. CHURCH SERVICES. Preaching at 10:3U a. in. Mid 7:90 p. in. Sabbath school at 11:45 a. ui. "The Severe Aspe<^t of Christ's Teacb ings" will be the subject of the morn ing sermon "Why Oar Prayers Are Not Answered" will be the sabjeot of the eveuing sermon. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper D»c. W. Services every eveuing except Saturday the week pre vious. Dr. Scott of Marengo will preach the 7th aud 8th. The Wotnens' Mis sionary society will uieet with Mrs A. Anners on Tuesday afternoon, Dec. 7.. roun Mrs. James Kir wan was a recent Mc- Ueury caller. George Losk of Qakota called on rela­ tives here one day last week. Wm. Dillon transacted business in Chicago the last of the week. Joe Rosing of Chicago ate Thanks­ giving dinner with his parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner enter­ tained a party of frieuda Thanksgiving day. Miss Lida Bnssell of Wankegan vis­ ited her parents here a few days this week. Mesdames John Walton and Wm Dillon were in McHenry Wednesday of last week. Miss Kena Decker of Evanston is vis­ iting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Charles Parker. Mrs, Richard Compton had as her guest this week a sister, Misa Clara Mc- Connity, of Elgin. Misses Catherine Do well of West Fre­ mont and Heilen Raymond were Chica­ go visitors Friday. Miss Mary Ranght of Libertyville was a visitor here from Wednesday un­ til Sunday of last week. Mr. aud Mrs. Paul Avery of Lake Villa spent Thursday at the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Lola Avery. M rs. Bennie Cossman and daughter, Muriel, of Roand Lake were guests at the Kirwan home Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs« ^mbrose Raught of Libertyville are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ranght and Mrs. Charity Raught. Word was received here last week of the birth of a danghter to Mr. and Mrs Chancey Jepson of North Adams, Mass. MrH. Jepson was formerly Miss Rose Huson of this place. Thanksgiving day guests at the fifty* rnoud home were Mr. and Mra. L. V. Lusk and sons of West Fremont, Miss Catherine Dowell and Messrs. Lusk and Kapple of Grayslake. This la Worth Kemrmbortag. Whenever you have a cough or cold, just remember that Foley 'a Honey and Tar will cure it. Reiuember the name, Foley's Honey and Tar, and refoae sub­ stitutes. Frank Maoquelet. Read Tl» **laliytaa)er. Mr - ~ A ^ J* U 'L ̂ rL4 . . HBKALnPARK. Robt. Sohns of Chicago spent Sunday at his cottage. R. E. Sutton of Chicago its Thanks­ giving dinner at home. Misa Mary Gibbs of Chicago was the guest of home folks Thursday, Miss Alice Smith of North Crystal Lake was at home Thursday last. Misses May me aud Katie Kuoz spent a day recently at the county seat. * Charles Berkircher is home from a three weeks' visit with Iowa relatives. Mr. aud Mrs, J. R. Smith spent Thanksgiving day with relatives in Volo. Tboe. Mummery of Rogers Park spent several days recently with Lawrence tiuck. . . Mrs. E Knox and daughter, Kath- ryn, went to Chicago Friday to spend a few days. H. Bending and some friends came oat from Chicago and spent Sunday at the Park. Mr. aud Mra. GeorgeFrisby and chil dreu called on the former's mother last Thursday. Messrs R. H. Corr and C. D. Whiting <»f Woodstock were visitors at E. Knox's Thursday. Miss Margaret McLaughlin of Chica­ go spent a few days recently with Mrs. E. Couitsky. Mr. and Mrs F. O'Flaherty of Elgin were guests at the home of Mrs. E. Frisby Thursday. Miss Margaret Satton returned to El­ gin Sunday after spending a few days at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. J. Walsh and children^ of West McHenry ate Thanksgiving •liuner with Grandma Walsh. Jos. Haxton caine out from Chicago Wednesday evening and returned home Snuday, accompanied by his son in-law, H Kirk. Mrs. L. E. Walmsley and little aon returned home Saturday, after having spent several weeks with the former's sister at that place. Mrs. R L, Havely and daughter. Mrs Powers, and her little granddaughter of Kellerton, Iowa, are visiting at the home of the former's brother, E. Knox. Foley's Honey and Tar is the beet and safest cough remedy for children. At the first symptoms of a cold give aa di. rected, and ward off danger of croup, bronchitis, sore throat, cold in the bead, and stuffy breathtag. It brings comfort and ease to the little ones. Contains no opUtes or other harmful drugs. Keep always on hand, and refuse substitutes Frank Masqnelet. Want Column. All adrertlfieiuenta inserted tinder thin at the following rate*: Five linen or lens, n cent* for ttrat Insertion; 16 centg (or etcli subsequent tnnertion. More thui five linen, & cents a list for first insertion, nil a cent* t line for addition 1 iniwiMona. tpOk SALE--A Round Oak coal and wood burner In good condition. Will make a good store stove. For furl hur iu formation call on .T. W. FREUND, the clothier. West Mc­ Henry. Tj*OR SALE--North and South Dakota land; -1- 115 to |S5 per acre. Also farms ID Minne­ sota. For further information apply or write K. W. HOWE, McHenry. 111. 80-tf SALS?', A 240 acre fai-iti, with fair im- proven.ents, Including about 13,000 worth of personal property. |T5 per acre. Easy Inquire of E. W. llows, McHenry terms in. 21 \XTANTJ5D -A married man with family be- *» ginning March 1, 1810, for the Robema Stock farm at Pi&takee Bay. This will be a fine positiou for right nan. Call any time. Jos. F. HAAS. Plstakee Bay. III., near Kings- ley House. 24-tf IjVJU SALE-Heater, cook stove, child's f white enamel bed, grapbaphone and child's leather go-cart, inquire of MRS. M A. THKI.CN, McHeury, III. 84-tf -1 OSTKND NOVKMBEK 35. C. E. .Tecks was a Woodstock visitor last Thursday. Mrs Lou Francisco was ahopping in Chicago last Saturday. C E Gay lord went to Chicago Mon day with a carload of cattle. Miss Hazel Thomas visited at Genoa Juuction from Friday until Snnday. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith spent Wed- uesday with Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Martin. C. W. Thompson and C. W. Davis re­ turned Saturday evening from St Louis, where they went to attend a sale of Hereford cattle. Mrs. Wm. Richardson entertained a few of her friends at a qnilting last Fri­ day afternoon at the home of her son, H H. Richardson. Miss Merle Hollarbush returned to her home in Woodstock Thnrsday even­ ing after spending a week with her sis­ ter, Mrs. Warren Thomas. Mrs. S. Joyce, Claremont, N. H., writes: "About a year ago I bought two bottlea of Foley's Kidney Remedy. It cured me of a severe case of kidney trouble of several years' standiug. It certainly ia a grand, good medicine, and I heartily reoommend it" Frank Mas. qnelet. DECEMBER 3. Ray HobartN»f Elgin visited his par* ents from Wednesday until Monday. Earl Mann of Woodstock was calling on friends in this vicinity last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hobart and daughter ate Thanksgiving dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sherman. Misses Hettie and Flossie Randall and Eb Gay lord spent Sunday evening with their friend, Miss Haul Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. Ray L. Thomas were quests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Sayler in Woodstock last Sunday. Mrs. Alma Thomas entertained Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Smith and danghter, Clara, and W. Collins of Wankegan Thanksgiving day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Martin and little daughter of Woodstock visited Mrs. Martin's parents Mr. and Mrs. B. Har­ rison, last Thursday. Alone In a Sawmill at Midnight unmindful of dampness, drafts, storms, or cold, W. J. Atkins worked as Night Watchman, at Banner Springs, Tenn. duch exposure gave him a severe cold that settled on his lungs. At last he had to give op work. He tried many reme­ dies bat all failed till be used Dr. King's New Disovery. "After using one bottle" be writes, "1 went back to work as well as ever. "Severe Colds, stubborn Coughs, inflamed throat and sore lungs, Hem­ orrhages Croup and Wooping Cough get quick relief and prompt cure from this glorious medicine. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free, guaranteed by N. H. Petesch, F. Masqpelet and others. No Uuetlloa of Finane*. Ton reach others, others reach you-- and the telephone proves indispensable. It bandies your work promptly and ef­ fectively. No purse too lean to bear the slight expeaaa. Chicago Telephone Company. • The Plaiudealer will be sent to any address on trial three months for t wenty- fiye cents, and will be discontinued at j|he expiration of that time unleae other Iris* ordered, Tryll, CHJR RENT--Farm of 254 acres, the old Walmsley farm. Three dollars, cash, ptsr acre Da. H. H. VAUPKLI,, 2T24 W. Lake St., Chicago, 111. »-tt CVJR SALE--A two-cylinder, 90-horse power, 5-passenger Reo automobile in first-class running condition. A barg t in at |8&0. For further Information apply to or address F. A. BOHLANDEK, West McHenry, III. 8-tt WANTED--Factories U> locale in McHeury. Business men and property owners will­ ing to listen and encourage any and all rea­ sonable demands from pat-ties wishing to lo­ cate enterprise here. Address. The Plain- dealer. McHenry, III. WANTED-One hundred prospective sum­mer resorters to look up the bargains to be had iu river froutage aloug Fox river near McHeury. Inquire of auy business mau in McHenry. III. L IMIIIH PROBATE NEWS LI (.Furnished by McHeury County Abstract Oompauy, Woodstock. Illinois. .Office iu Ar­ nold Block, east side public square. Ab­ stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in suius of nve hundred to ten thousaud dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. Fhoues 634, M03 auu $11.} REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Frederick A. Beller to Marguerite Walk­ er, It 15 Orchard Beach, McHeury. 11.90 Same to same. It S, blk >, McHenry, west side of Fox river 1.00 Same u> same, Its 13 aud 14Orchard Beach, McHenry,/ -- 1.00 MARRIAGE LICENSES. Albert Jeschke, 26 N. Crystal Lake Mary Guuiprecht, 30... " " " James L. McCaunon, 91..... .Ringwood Hattie M. Westlake, 2A . ... Solon Mills Ralph H. Steele, 32 Duncauville Zelma D. Reed, 19 " Albert Behnke, 89 Marengo Hazel Dimon, 30 " Frederick Heller, 89 Riley Twp Matilda Schossov, S3 " ' Lucius Lauiz, 90 Huntley Bertha A. Miller, 18 " Peter W. Jacobson, 26 Htrotley Anna Hasselquist, 18 " Wm. Thurow, 2Si Seneca Tp Emma Dunker, 20 Marengo Andrew C. Smith, 27 Seneca, 111 Neva J. Wilcox, 17 Woodstock Henry F. Gerber, 85 Worthing, S. D Mary K, Claecy, 38......«-« . .Hebron Fred Noyes, 21 .Chemung Isabelle Krevel, 19, Harvard Bwaldt Bockhaa, 87 Walworth, Wis Marie Pohsiu, 24. Whittlesey, Wis Clark W. Ro£b, 84 Algonquin Eniuia Steffler, 87 " Nathan Boone, 86 Delavan, Wia Maude Smith, 19 Beloit, Wia, Fred Clay, 28 N. Cryatal Lake Blanche De Viar, 94„.. " John Huff, 22... Harvard Carrie Siebel, 18 George H. Lusk 86,. Libertyville Mary L Crumb, 81 Walworth. Wis Walter Gaul. 28 .Coral Tp Frances Heise, 17 " Gus Behm, 24. Marengo Martha Zimmerman, 81 Union George M. Jeffrey, 57.. .. .Dgpteou. Tex AnnaE Wilson Alden Tp Homer P. Clark, 27 Richmond Mabel E. Cairns, 81 " Stung For Fifteen Years by Indigestion's pangs--trying many doctors and $200 00 worth of medicine in vain, B. F. Ayscue, of Ingleside, N. C., at last used Dr. King's New Life Pills, and writes they wholly cared him. They cure Constipation, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Stomach, Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. 25c at N. H. Pet eech's, F. Masqoelet s and others. TKBKA COITA. W. H. Ames was a McHenry caller Saturday. Eugene Leisnerof Chicago is visiting relatives here. W. Cowlin of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Friday. F. Wattles and son ofc McHenry were business visitors here Monday. Tom Church of West Chicago spent Wednesday at T. R. Anderson's. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Gracy spent Thanksgiving day in Spring Grove. Mr. and Mrs. R. Robieon entertained several relatives Thanksgiving day. Miss Emma Conway of Elgin spent Thanksgiving day at her home here. Mrs. Marion Havens has retnrned from a week's visit in Crystal Lake. Mesdames Henry and Frank McMil­ lan were callers in McHenry Monday. Philip Hoffman of Spring Grove yis ited his nieces here the tirst of the week. Mrs. Henry McMillan called on her aunt, Mrs. A. P. Peck, at Holcombville Friday. Charles-Fos haa returned to his home in Iowa after a week's visit with rela­ tives here. A. T. McMillan is quite sick with grippe at this writing and ia under the doctor's care. Mr and Mrs. J. M. Pbalin left Toes day evening for a two weeks visit with relatives in Ohio and Alabama. Thomas and George Phalin are spend­ ing a few weeks at the home of their aunt, Mrs. W. J. Welch, at Griswold Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson and son, Arthur, of Richmond spent Thanks giving day with T. R. Anderson and family. After exposure, and when yon feel a cold coming on, take Foley's Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. It stops the cough, relieves the congestion, and expels the cold from your system. Is mildly laxative. Frank Masquelet Nothing over ten oents at the Center- ville Novelty store. You cannot afford topMtby- sw Petesch's Pink ..Cold Tablets.. MM Cure a Cold in 24 Hours - The old idea that a cold mast run its course is a dangerous idea to entertain. Colds should be cured as quickly as possible-- that will be in 24 hours if ctar PINK COLD TABLETS are taken as soon as a cold mani­ fests itself. Even if you neglect treatment until later these tab­ lets will cure quicker than any­ thing yet discovered. :: Pink Cold Tablets stop the progress of a starting cold al­ most instantly and in a few hours will banish every vestige of it. Keep the remedy handy during the next few months and be free from colds. Price, 25 cents, :: N. H. PETESCH McHenry, III. - Telephone 974 > 1 s/: -CENTERVILLB- Grocery and flarket Always a fre^i %nd com­ plete line of the choicest of Groceries and Meats. Phone, 552. :: :: :,»3 • * CHAS. G. FRETT, McHENRY, --PROPRIETOR ILLINOIS. our to Don't be deceived by extravagant claims of far away, unknown, makers who claim to sell good stoves .at" a price that does not even pay for the cost of good material alone. A little use quickly shows their "built to sell" character, the light cast­ ings will firecrack, warp or burn out- The seams will open, oven will fail to bake, grates cannot be operated, doors fail, to close and the hundred and one other features of cheaply made and care­ lessly constructed stoves will show them­ selves in their proper light. . Our stoves are of the reliable make and s<*>ld under a positive guarantee. Call and see them and get our prices. :: :: :: :: r \ / PJSI v'- /•T* > F. L. ricOm ber THE WEST SIDE liARilWARE, V^. & The MuM Benefit Life Insnce Co. NEWARK, NEW JERSHY, The Leading Annual Company Has during the past sixty-four years paid to policyholders, $3C8>9M,<4H US Assets Jan. 1, 1909, $121,260,066.89 : Surplus, $5,628,151.17 No company haa accomplished better reantta far §ta policyhofclera CARL W. STENGER, Agent PLAINDEALER ADS BRING RESULTS "... -• • ^ 1 V. JM. .4 -i, . .1. A ..-VK • , V ^ " f h - *

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