Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1909, p. 8

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(ost More i the factory BUT NOT MOST HERE. AFTER YOU WEAR Sincerity Clothes r^W"m • A; ISM, .>•(' . W£i&- *U?i> V' ; m as aiiis m THAT WEST McHENRY, jrtw'll wonder why the price isn't higher. Built to retain the snap and ginger they're made with-- they never lose their shape, be­ cause both cloth and canvas are reshunk by the London process --can't sag or stretch. Sincer­ ity Clothes are labeled by the makers, the label is their signed responsibility; the label is a sign Of clothes satisfaction. Snappy clothes for young men, sedate styles for older ones in our new shewing. :: EREUND * - ILLINOIS. , . 1 S { • ' • ; - ; v i . :; - % , f * t-; 5A 'U .V?2 China Salad Dishes 35c and up WEST McHgSRV TELEPHONE 301 Fancy Plates & Placques, 35c and up HAND PAINTED CHINA Splendid variety, beautiful decorations in • Jbandsome full blown roses, lilies, etc, A • large assortment to select fr(^ a^,^p€4 , J^tremely low, 90c and MP* i-*", ,, IKPORTED DECORAf febCH lNA 'fiA 'ilk..-large and well selected assortment of ^ fancy China Plates, Placques, Salad Dishes, Sugar and Cream Sets, Etc!, at very low ; >Igures, 35c and up. :: :: *: fj-Piece, Decorated Chamber Set Best grade white ware, newest shapes, geld . v a„ band and spray decorat ions, per se t . . . . . . ._ m $4-75. $5-25 •'«»ir&lises behind low prices. Where can you find more useful, *' ' • more durable, more beautiful than in a well assorted hardware stock? Look oye%- our list of suggestions. You will find something: there for everyoae, and it's always i^metfeiag wof ,̂ whi l e : : \ ' v . v -"Cf - ̂ • -'M te'f". YL w. Heating Stoves, Ranges, Cooking Utensils, Silver Knives and Forks, Tinware of all kinds, Pocket Knives, Scissors, Skates, Rifles, Revolvers, Carving Sets, Teaspoons, «Tea and Coffee Potp. & Every article new, bright and up-tordate and the bes£ - to be had jn its line, and the prices as low as good ̂ merchandise can be sold for. Whether it be a Christ* ̂j v mas or an everoday purc)aa^e, ^QiJ can never g# wrong by calling upcih .1;: :: JOHN J. VYCITAL r "'•K When in need of •?w .Wagons, fluggies, Sleighs, Casoline Engines, Belting, rianure Spreaders, Shoveling Boards* Bolster Springs, Tank Heater^, - Wheelbarrows,? Lightning Rodsp "•* Cup & Wagon Grease Jptff;-and Tprnado lnsurance - ! * , < ' * 1 SEE- £M! §!& tx.- WM. STOFFEL* » iVIcHENRY Phones: Dl mm KNOW ..AND WHERE THEY GO. , A«ri*t of PenoBtl ir««i Up by the Way Hid© by The PlMlndealer Repre- ientativ«« f Miss Florence Howe spent Saturday last in the metropolitan city. Miss Lizzie Kennebeek was a county seat visitor Friday of last week. Bay Oorr of Woodstock visited at the home of Edward Kuoi Sunday. Emil Lasch of Chicago spent Sunday at hie farm cottage on Fox river. J. M. Preston of Chicago visited his wife and other relatives here Sunday. Edward Loomis was an Ingleside vis­ itor Sunday. E. J. Hanly was a Chicago visitor one day last week. Henry SchafFer was a Waaconda caller one day last week. Mathias Lauree was home from Wood­ stock last Sunday. Joe Comisky boarded the Chicago train Sunday evening. ' ^ < E. Hunter and son, Arthxat, Wj&re Chicago visitors Monday. Gilbert and Raymond Howard were Chicago visitors Friday last. Miss Kate Kennebeek of Elgin visited at the home of her parents here Sunday. Wm. Koeppe of Chicago was out last Sunday looking after bis interests here. Frank Block of Elgin was a guest at the home of his father, Fred Block, Son- Y Perkins of Woodstock visited wife and daughter here Sun­ day. James with his day. Mrs. Eli Brink of Woodstock spent Sunday with her son, Starr, and wife here. "Bud" Murray of Chicago spent Sun­ day as the guest of Miss Casaie Eldredge here. John R. Hunter of Chicago spent Sun­ day as the guest pt the Misses McGtee here. George Jones and Floyd Thompson were Chicago visitors the first of the week. Michael Mayer of Stacy ville, la., was the guest of relatives in this vicinity last week. Mrs. Charles E. Lamphere and chil­ dren spent Saturday with relatives in Elgin. John P. Smith was a business trans­ actor in the metropolitan city last week Friday. Mrs. J. S. Randall of Genoa Junction spent a few days last week with rela­ tives here. Miss Mabel Granger spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives in Chicago and Elgin. Mesdames W. F. Holts and Peter Eugeln were Chicago visitors one day last week. Lewis McDonald of Woodstock spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. i Misses Anna and Martha Wolff of El­ gin visited at the home of their mother here Sunday. W. T Weils of Chicago was a guest at the home of his brother, Dr. D. G. Wells, Snnday. Edward Simon of North Crystal Lake visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Simon, Sunday. f Theo. Bickler of Woodstock visited at the home of his mother, Mrs. Theo. Bickler, Sunday. Arthnr Freund of Chicago spent Sun­ day as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Frennd. H. C. Pennock, foreman of the Wood­ stock Republican, was a caller in town last Saturday eyening. Alford Pouseof Chicago spent Sun­ day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse, heto. C. L. Page, son, Lester, and daughter, Leta, went to Chicago last Saturday morning to see Santa Claus. Miss Dora Stoffel of Chicago visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mre. Simon Stoffel, Sunday. Miss Kate F. Howe of River Forest passed the Sabbath at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Howe. Mrs. W. D. Wentworth and daugh­ ter, Alta, were guests of relatives in Chicago the latter part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Davis of Elgin were guests of the latter's parents, Postmaster and Mrs. H. C. Mead, Sun- day. . ^ ' \ \ Richard 6. Walsh of Chicago was a guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh, Saturday and Sunday. Miss Mabelle Wheeler of Roekford was called home Friday night thru the serious illness of her father, S. Wheeler. George Wagner, who is empfoylif at the Northwestern depot in Chicago, spent Sunday with relatives and friends in this vicinity. Mrs. C. P. John woul Wesley, left Saturday last for an extended visit with relatives and friends at Batavia and Bloomington. Misses Mayme Heimer and Clara Jos- ten have given up their positions in the Elgin watch factory and returned to their homes here. V Miss Elfreida Berner came home from Chicago Saturday evening to spend the Sabbath as the gueetjot her parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. G. Berner. Mrs. C. G. Frett and sons, Leonard and Charles, were in Chicago last Sat­ urday looking over the pretty things that Santa Claus left in that city. Mrs. W. iG. Schreiner spent Friday last at the tiome of her brother, Frank, in Chicago. Mrs. Schreiner reports her brother, who has just recently under­ gone an operation for appendicitis, on the road to recovery. O. C. Colby and family of North Crys­ tal Lake, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Churchill and Dr. Fred Churchill of Libertyville, Rolla Churchill of Grayslake, Mrs. Wil­ son, Will Wilson and Miss Nellie Wil­ son, Mrs. James Field, Mrs. Wm. Mc- Cuaig and Bert Gale of Chicago at­ tended the fnneral of Robert Sherburne 1 *'•' i i i - - , » • * f Kf V ' * ̂ , We have endeavored to make Xmas Shopping easy as well as pleasant this year at our store. We have put forth our best efforts in the selection of every article and believe that we have arranged them in a very pleasing mannerf Give us an early look and keep on coming until the last day. :: £ ) : ; • * * o r - T H E -- • -- * ' I MEN aind BOYS: ~ - •' ^ rr -- .»<> } , 4 "m! FOR. TwEsc--^ L ADIES & GIRLS ^ Neckwear, G-loves, Suspenders; 5 | |Night Robes, Dress Shirts, Under%^ lllwear! Sweater Coats, Hats'andlS ! 4lOaps, Plain and Fancy Handker-t:|; P^chiefs, Mufflers, Fancy- Hosiery|i|l Shoes and Slippers, Rubber ! Q-oods,^Suit Cases, Umbrellas^ftjpi Dress Goods, Handkerchief^, Furs, Shoes and Slippers, G-loves, Mittens, Ribbons, Linens, Towels, Hand Bags, Fancy Hosiery, TJ&~ •# derware, Crockery and - Glass- wear, Comforters^ Petticoats, Sweater Coats, Stationery. ? ^ TOYLAND FOR THE Toy land is surely here. Bring the children to revel in a display not equaled in this vicinity. There's everything to delight them--dollies of all sizes and kinds for the little girls, toys* games, and jfo endless list of amusing and instructive gifts for boys and girls^, prices will please parents^atid others who seek to extend tllm^llV^'le^'gifts~|^^heir;|!^^|'sco{»er;>J(k>me^'k^.^ter1^illment anil economy go hand in hand. . ' /> " t - Toyland BOH LAN PER Toyland v. 1 s k J Mrs. Simon Stoffel was a Chicago vis itor Tuesday. G. W. Besley transacted business in Chicago Tuesday. Mrs. Ben Stilling boarded the Chica­ go train this morning. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkjel are in Chicago today (Thusday). Mrs. Theo. Schiessle spent Tuesday with relatives in Chicago. E. C. Fisher of Dundee was a Sunday guest at the Wheeler home. Dr. W. C. Besley of Woodstock was a visitor in town last evening. key. A. Roberts returned from bis visit in Ohio Tuesday evening. , N. A. Huemann boarded the Chicago train this (Thursday) morning. Miss Nellie Newman was the guest of Chicago relatives last Saturday. J. W. Smith was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Wednesday. J. J. Mertes boarded the Chicago train at this station Tuesday morhing. F. C. Going of Chicago attended the funeral of E. S. Wheeler here yesterday, Peter Rothermel was among the Chi­ cago passengers this (Thursday) morn- ing. G. W. Besley te transacting business in the metropolitan, city today (Thurs­ day)- John B. Colby of Clifton, 111.^ visited at the Sherburne home the flnt Of the week. Theo. Bethke attended to matters of a business natare in the windy city Tuesday. < ^ Mrs. F. C. Going of Chicago was a guest at tto Wheeler home the first of the'week. • /'• Mrs. F. A/ Bohlander is attending to business matters in the windy city Jo- day (Thursday). H. S. Gardinier of Volo was a guest at the home of his sister, Mrs. Alice Simpson, recently, August Nordquist of Fond du Lac, Wis., attended the funeral of E. S. Wheeler here yesterday. Miss Lulu Simpson returned to Chi­ cago Tuesday morning after spending a few days at her home here. Miss Lanetta Covalt of Crystal Lake spent Sunday here at the home of her brother, Floyd E. Covalt, and wife. Mrs. W. F. Gallaher and son, Harry, of Milwaukee were guests of friends here the first of the week. E. Mansfield, daughter, Flora, and son, Robert, of Greenwood attended the funeral of R. H. Sherburne here Mon­ day. Charlee Stoffel has left the employ of J. J. Vycitai and gone to the county seat where he is now listed on the Oliv­ er factory pay roll. Miss Lizzie Thelen is in Chicago to day purchasing new goods for the big special sale at the Lotus millinery to­ morrow and Saturday. One dollar a year for The Weekly In­ ter-Ocean; $1.50 a year for The Plain- dealer. Or both by our recent special arrangement, fl.75 for fifty-two weeks of genuine news from far and near. Shrewd * Business r:0 r'tH® Do Not Always invest their sur­ plus 6ash in stocks --many, i n d e e d, have a Savings account with Our Savings Department, believing rightly that a part of their surplus, which they term "An Emergency Fund," is better to be earning 3 per ceht interest in a Savings Bank, whe?fe the principal is safe, than to be risked in stocks paying larger in­ terest. You, tooi'^ alfb Mvited to have font Emergency Fund with this banj WEST McHENRY STATE BA Save B. & B. Blue Stamp* and profit- by same. One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with ioc cash purchase CHRISTHAS GIFTS FOR ALLi! The - Right * Place ̂ To - Do - Your - Shopping TOYS! TOYS! Two wheeled wagon, 7x16. tdf Building Blocks •. ^<. Iff, 25 and 50c Games, all kinds. .10 and 16c Dominoes, fancy btat. .. . ^10 and 16c Folding Toy Bedst....... .^5 and 60c Toy Washtnb, Wringer 50c Cash Register, toy 50c Nickel Banks, will register. 98c Dime Banks, will register. -76c Toy Tool Boxes ... ...26, 60 and $1.00 Rubber and Fancy Balls .. ̂^ 1ft, 18 and 35 Toy Trunks for dolls' clothes 25c The Chicago Printing Preea....^... ... v50c Iron Animal Banks.j^ 10c Wool Sheep lOo Unbreakable Iron Toyt.> .«.<.;. * •.-*.12 and 25 Table Croquet Sets..... 15 and 25 Paints in fancy box...... V . . . . ' . . i 15 and 86 DOLLS! DOLLS! Full Kid Body Doll, closing eyes and station­ ery eyes. ..25, 40, 50, 75, $1.00 Dressed Dolls 10, 25, $1.00 • China and metal heads to fit all bodies. Dolls' Slippers, Stockings, Gloves, Far* Shirts and Sweaters. TOY DISHES! 18 piece Child's Dinner Set. 86c 6 piece Metal Dinner Set, with tray, highly colored set. 25c Bottle Perfume in fancy , *v-,........ 10c Fancy Hat Pin Holder li.* ••........25c Fancy extra large Vases.. • • •• • .®0» 78c Fancy Plates, each vV,,»*«;,50, 25c Fancy Shaving Sets in box,V. . .$1.00 Wine, Champagne and Water Sets...... .$1.00 Large Post Card Album, holds 400 cards, a bargain $1.00 USEFUL GIFTS! Fancv Striped Silk Waist Pattern in holiday box <1.00, $1.50 Children's Fur Sets. ...... $1.00, $1.29, $1.50 Fancy Hand-made Drawn Work in all sizes and prices. Men's, Ladies' and Children's Phoenix Muff' lew . 50c All Silk H« ad Scarfs, 2 yds. long, heinmed.79c Handkerchiefs for all, from . 5c to 50c Fancy Handkerchief Box. . 25c Gloves--kid, tan--for men .......$1 00, $1.50 Golf Gloves, Ladies'. ............ .^5 and 50c Yarn mittens ... 10, 15, 25, 50 Sweater Coats to fit and snit the entire family at low prices, Holiday Combe for the ladies, Pretty Neckties for the men, Christmas trees and ornaments. Make this store your head­ quarters while doing your Christmas shop­ ping, whether you buy here or elsewhere. k- ' 'J* f hmmmtk mivii & m .h'jtr b •* aawtt mm* i * < <' < r -> r ' (f.l1

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