Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Dec 1909, p. 8

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Copyright Sincerity Clothes you'll wonder Why the price isn't higher. Built to retain the snap and ginger they're made with-- they never lose their shape, be­ cause both cloth and canvas are reshunkby the London process --can't sag or stretch. Sincer­ ity Clothes are labeled by , the makers, the label is their signed responsibility; the label is a sign of clothes satisfaction. Snappy clothes for young men, sedate styles for older opes in our new showing. :: JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHElSRY, ILLINOIS. China Salad dishes 35c and up TELEPHONE 301 WEST MCHENRY Fancy Plates & Piacques, 35c and up HAND PAINTED CHINA Splendid variety, beautiful decorations in tiandsome full blown roses, lilies, etc. A ^ large assortment to select from and, priced •r Extremely low, 90c and up, :: :: in PORTED DECORATED CH1NA A. large and well selected assortment of { ilancy China Plates, Piacques, Salad Dishes, i ^ugar and Cream Sets, EJtc.^ at very low (^ } fgures, 25c and up. :: :: - '• 12-Piece Decorated Chamber Set T ; " ^ , . . • • • f j . l • -- . . - ^ S = = • • "i===!aaa^^=^8 r Best grade white ware, newest shapes, gold "band and spray decorations, per set....... - . • * » . . . . . . . . . . $ 4 * 7 5 * $ 5 * ^ 5 ( " ' f , Look us over--there are values behind low prices. - • «e mm 1, | •, .Where can you find more useful, ̂ ore durable, more beautiful t-ha-n in a well assorted hardware stock? Look ove% our list of suggestions. You will find something" there for everyone, and it's always something worth iphile: " • " • . . ̂ Heating Stoves* Ranges, Cooking C < Utensils, Silver Knives and Fork#, ; I Tinware of all kinds. Pocket Knives, Scissors, Skates, Rifles, Revolvers, Carving Sets* Teaspoons^ • Fancy Tea and Coffee Pots, :: :: *-«eN '.M. r-'#. >£V: ; 'J k';: . i' 1 * V -i Every article new, bright and up-to-date and the beetle to be had in its line» and the prices as low as good; , merchandise can be sold for. Whether it be a Christ ,̂ ;, mas or an everoday^jpurchase, yon aevi&r .goC$ wrong by calling upon :j :: M- JOHN J. \L J0* f* When in need of w- ons, Buggies, Sleighs, Gasoline Engines, |Batterif|^^ ^Feed Mills, . pelting, rianure Spreaders, Shoveling Boards, Bolster Springs w. &&• "U- " Tank Heaters, T" .*•; Wheelbarrows, ' Lightning Rod^. - Cup & Wagon Grease Fire and Tornado Insurance i » S * 0 s- >#•**? 1 *'• % -,4 , j»f>~ -iv ;f 1^ W ) SV, •' U • :Vf -SEE 0J1OFFEL, - McHENRY Phonev OFFICER- V rilUIICft. KESIOENCe-791. > A Grist of Personal Newa Ottkend Up by th« Wayside by The l'l»lnde«Ier Repre- •entativca ' y ^ .0 Toys at Peteech's. - •'* Tank heaters at Wffi. Stoltfera. v ' John F. Miller Chicagoed Monday. Get one of onr calendars. Win. Stof­ fel. Henry E. Boch was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. • Toy blocks fOT^he Uttle foSks at G. W. Besley'e. Miss Elizabeth Thelen was a Chicago visitor Tuesday. * Edward Martin of Woodstock was a caller here Sunday. Toys and games and dolls for the tit­ tle folks at Peteach's. Mrs. R. G. Chain berlin was a Crystal Lake visitor Saturday. G. W. Besley transacted bnsinefcs in the big town Tuesday. Cigars, pipes and tobacco for holiday presents at Barbian Bros. O. N. Owen and daughter, JSthel, spent Friday last in Chicago. Charles Heimer speut Sunday even­ ing last with friends in Elgin. F. O. Gans was a business visitor in the metropolitan city Monday. Edward Crook was among the Chica­ go visitors from here Monday. v George Johnson spent Sunday with relatives in North Crystal Lake.^ Children's linen and rag books of every description at G. W, Besley's. L. F. Block attended to Christmas baying in the windy city last Friday. Mrs. J. B. Buss and daughter, Mamie, were Chicago visitors last Saturday. The largest assortment of hand paint» ed and fancy china at John Stoffel's. Mrs. Stacia Knox of Elgin passed Sunday as the gaest of relatives here. Mathias Lauree of Woodstock visited at the home of his mother here Sunday. Allen Walsh of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of his brother, T. J. Walsh. C. S. Howard and son, Raymond, were Chicago passengers Monday morn­ ing. Arthnr Hunter and nephew, Everett, were Chicago visitors Friday and Satur­ day. John D. Lodtz was among the Chica­ go visitors from this place last Satur­ day. Joseph W. Frennd transacted business matters in the metropolitan city Tues­ day. Everett Hunter attended to matters of a business nature in Chicago Tues- day. Frank Block of Elgin spent Sunday at the home of his father, Fred Block, here. Edward Sutton was a Chicago visitor Monday. Be did not buy the Masonic temple. ') Miss Elfreida Berner of Chicago vis­ ited at the home of her parents here Sunday. James Perkins of Woodstock was the guest of his wife and daughter here Sunday. W. F. Holtz was among the Chioago passengers from this station Tuesday morning. Mrs. Frank Masqnelet and daughter were Chicago passengers last Saturday morning. Miss Alice Simes returned the latter part of last week from her visit to Cleve­ land, Ohio. Petesch's Pink Cold tablets will fix you up in twenty-foor hours or your money back. WardBigelow of Sun Prairie, Wis., has been a recent guest of relatives in this vicinity. Theo. Bickler of Woodstock spent Snnday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Theo. Bickler. Mrs. F. Q. Spurling and brother, Wal­ ter Krause, were Chicago passengers Friday morning. Richard B. Walsh was aSnnday guest at th$ home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mrs. M. Preston was among the Mc- Henryites to board the Chioago train Wednesday morning. Rev. S. Wolfgarten of Johnsburgh boarded the Chicago train at /this sta­ tion Monday morning. Birthday books of all kinds by the best authors, just the thing for Christ mas, at G. W. Besley's. Wm. Alfchoff of Johnsburgh was among the Chicago passengers from this station Monday morning. (Jigars, 25 in a box, one-half and one pound boxes of smoking tobacco, neatly put up, at Barbian Bros.'. Charles Stoffel of Woodstock spent Sunday here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stoffel. Dr. N. J; Nye of Johnsburgh Was among the Chicago passengers from this station Tuesday morning. Alford Pouse of Chicago was enter tained at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Pouse, Sunday. Miss Anna Schoewer of Chicago was a guest at the home of her parent#, Mr and Mrs. Peter Schoewer, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Mansfield and daugh ter. Flora, of Greenwood were guests Sunday at the home of E E. Bassett. Ben Hutson, who is now employed in the Oliver Typewriter factory in Wood stock, passed Sunday with his wife and family here. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Stoffel of Elgin were gneste at the home of the former parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Stoffel, last Sunday. Miss Mabelle Wheeler returned to Rockford last Sunday evening, after spending the week at the home of her mother here.,/ Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Marshall and children of Morton Grove, IH., are spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Irving Overton was a guest of rela­ tives at Solon Mills one day last week. He was accompanied home by his mother who remained a guest of relatives and friends here for a few days. have endeavored-:|S; make Xmas Shopping easy as well as pleasant this |rear at our store. We have put forth oar best efforts in the selection of every article and believe that we have arranged them in a very pleasing manner. Give us an early lookvand keep on coming until the last day. :: :: :: :: * * & i X" L ^ y J " > ^ ^ i yj .. . FOR. THE MT. J *4. "MEN Ek.r\d BOYS •%!:&* - __ :,m ir> * * J,.. - % i - S - -- " T f f E T " ' , r " ' * * ' LADIES & GiRLS ' ' * L. * 1 v • ^ " t V \ ^lN"eckwear^&loves, Stispenders^V r, C-SNTight Robes, Dress Shirts, Underi ^ : j'^wear, Sweater Coats, Hats andV >- |0aps, Plain and Fancy Handker- ;; >|3hiefs, Mufflers, Fancy Hosiery^; ^ ^Warm Shoes and Slippers, Rubbe# ; Dress broods, Handkerohiefs, ' ^Furs, Shoes ana Slippers, Q-loves, Mittens, Ribbons, Linens, Towels, Hand Bags, Fancy Hosiery, Un- ^ derw^tre, Crockery and G-lass- wear, Qomforters, Petticoats, X V TOYLAND FOR THE LITTLE FOLKS! ftv /Tpyland is surely bet^^^Bring the childFed to revel1 in a display not equaled m vicinity. There's everything to delight them--dollies of all sizes and kinds for the little-girls, toys, games, and a£ endless list of amusing and instructive gifts for boys and girls. , prices will please parents and ^Others who seek to extend their juvenile gift! $o their fullest scopeL . Come where en tertainmeut and l^onomy go haad in han3%c . r, ^ t- - -• i iiii » ^ • v; V Toyland Toyland Petesoh'B for drugs- William Stoffel is faauOhicago today ( T h u r s d a y ) . , v . . , Lamps and chimneys of all kinds at G. W. Besley's. E. W. Howe was a business visitor in the windy city Wednesday. The Christy Girl," read it. To be found only at Gr. W. Besley's. Dr. C. H. FegerB, Sr., was among the Chioago passengers Wednesday morn­ ing. J. C. Debreoht of Johnsburgh boarded the Chicago train at this station Wed­ nesday morning. C. M. Adams of Johnsburgh was among the Chioago passengers from this station Wednesday morning. Mrs. Peter Schoewer and son, Hubert, are visiting her son, Joseph, and family at Shopiere, Wis., this week. O. H. Howe of Minneapolis, Minn., speut a few days this week at the feome of his brother, E. W. Howe, here. Mrs. D. G. Wells and son, Glenn, left last week Friday for Montreal, Can., where they will be the guests of rela­ tives during the next three weeks. Robert Frisby arrived in McHenry last Friday from Havana, N. D., and will spend the holidays with his par­ ents, Mr. and Mrs, John Frisby, here. R. H. Sherburne arrived in McHenry from Loretta, Neb., too late to be pres­ ent at the funeral of his father, the late R. H. Sherburne. Bis late arrival was caused thru the delayed delivery of the telegram that was sent him. Mrs. H. Chubaroff was a Chicago vis­ itor last Saturday. F. W. Watties boarded tljp Chicago train this (Thursday) morning. Fine poems from the very best ani- thors, on G. W. Besley's. W. F. Rice was among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. Isador Pfeffer of Woodstock was a McHenry visitor Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McLain were among the Chicago passengers this (Thursday) morning. * ^Patrick J. Payton and Thos.* Good of Chicago passed a recent day in Mc "Henry. Both of these gentlemen are members of the Honey Dew Gun club, which owns a cottage on Fox river near this place. The purpose of their visit to this village at this time was to place an order with the local manufactory for an elegant new launch. , The following from out of town at­ tended the funeral of MissLucile Went- wortji on Sunday last: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gefrke, Mr. and Mrs. Fra$k Mail­ er and Mrs. DuBois of Chicago; Mrs. Dora Hahn of Racine, Wis.; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wentworth/ of BelWdere; Mrs. John Carlson of Rockford; Frank Holly, son and danghter of Lake Ge­ neva, Miss Mayme Hench of Dundee; Mr.and Mrs. Jay Cook, Mr. and Mrs. Matt. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Thad. Sey­ mour, Mrs Hetty Fuller and Mm Wm- Clark of Wauconda. < Choice selection of Christmas cards and booklets at G. W. Besley's. f? Shrewd - Do Not Always invest their sur­ plus cash in stocks --many, indeed, have a Savings account with Our Savings •Dei&artment, believing rightly that a part of their surplus, which they term "An Emergency Fund," is better to be earning 3 percent interest in & Savings Bank, where the principal is safe, than to be risked in -terest. ,r . •' y„ • You, too. are invited to have your Emergency Fund with this WIST He /jr & Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. Block & Bethke One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with 10c cash purchase BARC iAINS IN HOtilDAY GOODS ft V'."t " -fee -, ;; The remainder of our large stock of Toys, Dolls. ̂ Games-m fact, every item in our holiday line, ̂ will be sold at LESS THAN COST PRICE. See what Lot 1 offers at 5o, Lot 2 at 10c, Lot 3 at 15o. ' ^ v-.i "% f *•//* ;'lA *-» f - ̂ ' <•" H ' ' > ' ' ' l ' * > v ^ i 1 """j >* WM" "fF- «.%• ' .< j*. - „ J • We Wish you one and all . A MER.RY CHRISTMAS # •> it • S? ,-fV >! Sr T)' n ' « . , J, * s, " >>. < "< .¥ ^ •r f i".-.,% V - ' i -vy -1

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