Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Jan 1910, p. 8

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'WIWR>. .. * xV.. ^ * .. «. *5. , .*'.' - X-.^c |-(«,<*> „> T * ', " -/v 'i >1" F&L (1 ; 'H^Vnrfr • •T MOST MERE. AFTER YOU Sincerity Clothe* you'll wonder why the price isn't higher. Built to retain the snap and ginger they're made With-- they never lose their shape, be­ cause both cloth and canvas are reshunfc by the London process --can't sag or strefcch. Sincer- i : - ity Clothes are labeled by the makers, the label is their signed responsibility; the label is a sign of clothes satisfaction. Snappy clothes for young men, sedate £/"*: styled for older ones til Wr itew showing. v "• :: :: icdttyCtoOM 0>j»yri«irt w WEST McHENRY, ILLINOIS. vT' :4., .V ; K TELEPHONE 3»« west Mchenry. Cumber Sets, Slop JifS January Clearance Sale! In order to reduce stock before taking inventory and to dispose of the few remaining pieces of Hand Painted l^ancy China, I offer a discount of 50 Per Cent Off tf>£ reall^low prices the wares are markedt witch makes every item in this line a bargain. Should you still be in need of anything in this line, it will pay you to take advantage of this more than liberal discount. Call and look ov^r my . : \ f ^ Ten Cent Couhf^ y ; aid be convinced that not everything has advanted in price--at least not at this store. On this counter are pure food products of standard quality, canned goods, cereals, preserves, etc,; chinaware, glass­ ware and other useful articles. :: :: :: dominate. Ifyou know t yon will vut » Burner next winter Mid yon have the place to store one NOW 18 THE TIME TO Don't let tbis opportuni­ ty slip past. :: JOHN Jt VYCITAL •fffSff!T \\~A .u II. QUARTER OF A CENTURV. in, i.iiinii X '1 f IUrmft€li»p»4 Irta tin of : ' ' Jfcaunry 7,1S85. oinb ill Want Column. - * Sfri'F" :j & if ' \ V f ^ .V' . 4 We have apon our floors • number of real bar guriuB in Base Burners. Owing to the fact that haven't the room to •tore these stoves we are going to offer them to the public at a great We- rifioe--COST PRICE; TFMM ' To increase the feeding capaci­ ty of your farm 50 per cent and the flow of milk the Same, in­ still an INDI­ ANA SILO. WM. 5T0FFEL, - AGENT Phones: WtSgSZt,,,. The MoEJenry Dramatic bring oat a'jplay soon. Paul Brown 8 pent, ̂ holidays with his parents in this The managers of the ftiverslde skat- iug rink are advertising lots of sport for the coKsiEg week. « ,. Our, public school, which has twin close?! lor the past two weeks, opened again on Monday. * C. A. Knight, city attorney of Chica* go, spent Christmas with Dr. and Mrs. Brpwn in this village. L. A. Parker, while cutting ice on the pogiditod&y (Wednesday), had the mis- fc^ttf0 to fall, cutting his hea^severeiy. Thomas Walsh is the hagpi®B| man in fourteen conn ties. It is a boy and weighs eight pound®. In the words of Bip Tan Winkle, "May he live long and brosper.5* Mrs H,3 H, Nichols has fitted up the rooming second story of her block and now has the handsomest and best arranged millinery and dree*(making parlors to be found in the county. 1)welly-Thornas At the residence of the brido's parents, Andrew Thomas, Esg,, Jan. t, 1885, by the Rev. B. K. Todd, Mr. John Dwelly of Raymond, Clark county, Da., and Miss Emma L. Thomas of McHenry, 111. There will be a novelty and clay pigeon shoot at the McHenry driving park on Saturday next, Jan 18, at which time liberal cash prizes will fee offered and "dead loads of fntt." Shoot iug to commence at 10 o'clock. The prizes for. the best lady skater, offered by the Riverside skating rink during holiday week, were awarded as follows: First prise to Miss Maggie Clark; second to Miss Mamie Lam* phere. The potato race was won by Howard Perry. The ice crop is being rapidly harvested on the pond this week, and by Satnrday night nearly if not all the ice houses in the village will be filled. The build­ ings of Shedd & Co., we believe, are full of old ice, consequently they will not pot np any here this winter. The ice now being cut is of very fine quality. The wife of Joseph Freund, who for­ merly kept the meat market near the bridge in this village, but lately resided in Chicago, died quite suddenly at the residence of her father, Wrn. Frett, near Johns burgh last week. She was sick with typhoid fever, but was cot consid­ ered dangerous until a few hours before her death. There are some people who go to Chi­ cago for photographic work, but it is safe to say that none ever have after once giving L. EL Bennett, of this vil­ la®,, a chance to show what he can do. His gallery is over Perry & Owen's store, and we do not exaggerate when we say he has uo superiors in that line in the Northwest. The excellence of his work commends itself to all. The lovers of the play will be glad to learn that J. F. Breyer's Comedy com pany will open for a season of "three nights at Grand halt, Parker House, on Monday evening next, Jan. 12, at which time the talented and charming actress, Maggie Breyer, will appear in her beau­ tiful rendition of the play of "Dora, or the Farmer's Iron Will." This com­ pany need? no recommendation from us as they have before appeared before a McHenry audience and are well and favorably known here, and we predict for them full houses. During their stay they will bring out some of the most popular dramas and farces of the day, and no lover of the play should fail to visit Grand hall every evening. The Riverside Bkating rink often the following attractions for the next two weeks; Saturday evening, Jan. 10, for the best lady and gent skaters in couples, a $1.00 ticket. Thursday even­ ing, Jan, IS, to the most awkward gen- _ _1--4. 4.~ \ A~„SA~A L.t blCUtnil BftllliOI} vg KTO UPVIUCFU WJ vuv ladies, a silk handkerchief. Saturday evening, Jan, 17, barrel TMSQ for gentle­ men. Prize, a skating cap. Thursday evening, Jan. 22, to the beet lady skat­ ers, in couples, a season ticket to each of six admissions. Saturday evening, Jan. 24, a grand masquerade. Skating to commence at 7 o'clock. No skating without masks until after 9 o'clock. The managers will furnish masks at 10 cents each. Admission to rink, 15 cento. Season tickets not good on this evening. Don't forget to come ont and see the fun. New EuflltM a Failure. The new class Z engines, recently, purchased in large numbers by the Northwestern company, have failed to stand the test of actnal use on the road. Their failure is not admitted by the officials of the company, but it is a mat­ ter of common knowledge among rail­ road men. The chief difficulty lie* in the failure to provide sufficient steam capacity in the new engines. The crown sheets are too high and there is not sufficient space for steam above the water. This causes the machines to fail when carrying a load, and to use too much water in maintaining steam. This fact has been proven a hundred times by the experi«Doe of enginemen with them on the road. It is also stated that the actual capacity of the water tenders of these engines is about 6,800 gallons, instead of the specified 7,600, A Wild Blizzard Raging brings danger, suffering--often deattb-» to thousands, who take colds, cooghs and lagrippe--that terror of Winter and Spring. Its danger signals are "stuffed up" nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chills and fever, pain in back of head, and a throat-gripping cough- When Grip attacks, as you value your life, don't delay getting Dr. King's New Dis­ covery. "Onebottle cured me," writes A L. Dunn, of Pine Vallay, Was., "aft- er being 'laid up' three weeks with Grip." For sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Ckmgbs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron­ chitis, Asthma, it's supreme. 50c, $1.00. ••W.S'r" '• f ' M line addition* matrthm#. Wth and South Dakota land: I.,. • R ;'••«•" Also farms in Mlnne- » further Information apply or writ® fit, McHenry, ill. - JHMt »»,E--A stack of slough hay. For -- Information address or apply to Wa|**B Boi-Ukb, West McHenry, ill. 27-tf WA5S» irrSed wltb famUy be-idtilting Man'h l. liio. for the Bqnema. Stock "farm at Plstakee Bay. This will he a fine position for right man. Call any time. Jos. F. Haas, Plstakee Bay, III., near Kings- ley House. 24-tt TWENTY BOYS WANTED to work for a A Shetland pony, cart and harness. Lib­ eral pay to bright boys, besides the chance to earn a pony. Successful boys will be given permanent position which will not interfere with school duties. Choice eighty acre farm with ;pod improvements, good fences, one ITMAK SALE * good lm.. „ mile from good town and lake, only 65.00 per acre. Easy terms. Several good farms for rent. The very test large farm in northern Illinois for sale on easy terms. 35-tf 8ihon STOFFGii, West McHenry, 111. Taught School In County Forty Year*. Richmond Gazette: Forty years a school teacher in McHenry county is the distinction enjoyed by Rev. William Nickle of Chicago, a former resident of this community. Mr. Nickle came out from the city last week to attend the dedication of the Methodist church at (Greenwood, having a prominent place on the program at the dedication ser­ vices, and during his stay enjoyed a visit of a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barnard at Barnard's Mills. In reciting incidents connected wit^i bis residence in this county Mr. Nickle said: "For forty years I fol­ lowed the vocation of school teaching in McHenry county, twenty-eight years of that time at Ringwood and seven years at McHenry. In addition to this I served fonr years as county superin­ tendent of schools and for fifteen years was pastor of the old Methodist church at Greenwood." The record made by Mr. Nickle is one that will be hard to equal, for in point of continuous service he ranks as the oldest of McHenry county's school teachers, a distinction of which he is justly proud. Mr. Nickle, who noaw makes his home with his son in Chicago, is getting well along in. years, having celebrated his eighty- third birthday anniversary on Deo. 24 A Traveling; Salesman H. F. Beers, 617 7th Ave., Peoria, 111., writes: ' 'I have been troubled for some time with kidney trouble, so severely at times I could scarcely carry my grips. After using one bottle of Foley's Kidney Pills I have been entirely relieved, and cheerfully recommend them to all." Foley's Kidney1 Pills are healing and antiseptic and will restore health and strength. Frank Masquelet. y 1feo ate proud of your, ••wife and children. Wh||v "don't you bring them, to us to be photography v. ed? We will give yo$%-" % picture that wi$lf'" make you prouder4f. still. Telephone to^i , "*<(*, > PHOTO - STUDIO W«*t McHenry, Illinois Phone 333 * :»'ie . Do Yoa G«t W H b a L a m e : Kidney TnwWe Makes You Miserable. Almost everyone knows of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, be­ cause of its remark­ able health restoring properties. Swamp- Root fulfills almost every wish in over­ coming rheumatism, pain inthe back, kid­ neys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get np many timei daring the night. Swamp-Root is not recommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble, it will be found just the remedy you need. It has been thor­ oughly tested in private practice, and has proved so successful that a special ar­ rangement has been made by which all readers of this paper, who have not al­ ready tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book telling more about Swamp-Root, end how to find out, if you have kid­ ney or bladder trouble. When writingmention reading this generous offer in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Hem* ci Sv> rtmp-KooU Biughamton, N. Y. The regular iiftv-cent and one-dollar size bottles are sold by all druggists. Don't make any mistake but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the* ad­ dress, Bingham ton, N. Y., on every bottle. Qood Dramatic Ci lticlnm. , The late Richard M ansfield always felt that he pwed more to the wise discern­ ment and stanch support of the Chicago Record-Herald than to any other agency, outside himself, that contributed to bin ultimate trinmph as an actor. Ask any disinterested observer of theatrical matters today who is the best dramatic critic in Chicago, and ten to one he will say James O'Donnell Bennett of the Chicago Record-Herald. Mr. Bennett is unquestionably the leading critic in the West. He writes with a fearless and a keen appreciation of real merit that makes his articles a genuine force for the betterment of the stage His knowledge of the history and principles of dramatic art is sufficient to lend depth to bis utterances, yet he has the news­ paper man's knack of making his work breezy and interesting for the average man and woman. His columns are al­ ways newsy as well as reliable in their judgments. Anyone who will follow the dramatic, musical, literary and art de­ partments of The Chicago Record-Her­ ald from season to season need have no fear about keeping abreast of all that is latest and fines! in tW movement of modern culture. " ^ B«v. I. W, Williams Tentfften. Bay. I. W. Williams, Huntington^ S^. Va., writes us as follows: "This is to certify that I UBed Foley's Kidney Rem­ edy for nervous exhaustion and kidney trouble and am free to say that Foley's Kidney Remedy will do all that you olaim for it." Frank M^quelet. v , Petesch's Pink Cold tablets wih fi* you up in twenty-four honrs or your money back. 23M3AH THE VVKUfNU WAY to select harness is the way it is usually done. Price is generally the first consid­ eration. If that is very low the Roods seem attractive, regardless of quality. Judge our goods the other way about. Examine into th£ quality of this harness fir§t. Then it will be seen that it is worth alitiost any price. But our prices are not, hii ; a l ily liiiost, any price. Hut our prices are not, igh. Vftiy!Qonsldered they are rem ark- tfly loW » *: : :: :: Q. A. Barker flcHenry, 111. we have on •155^- ibi looking over our stock we find tha OUr shelves and counters hundred.s| oi odds and in winter goods which we want f move they must. We aren't going quote prices on these goods, for if we* fliis paper would' be far too small fe- date us. We wish to merely state th looking for real bargains this is the t|f ^ get them. Then, too, there, arc^ i^ieces of winter goods that we do i ^j ?*^,rry over if easy prices will take.* „ ^ dome and let us show you what yo|«|3an buy at 1 tjhis store at this time for very little ej>uey. Re­ member, we are sincere when we sa*>| that THE j|0GDS MUST GO. Come eari# â 4 gsA, first ; lOice at BARGAIN PRICES.' move, and jO begin to did we fe&r accommo- t if you are and place undreds of intend to iiem away. W: WEST MchENRY,, ILLINOIS vi' v.X' Where is S,V • M O N E Y that you depend upon for future n€^Q€£^itiesrif tirt* _ ,,, you spend all your earnings today? Wouldn't it be well to have a savings account to your credit at Our Savings Department in case your Income, suddenly Stopped? ^ v Three per oent interest on. your deposits guaranteed here. ^ . 4 * ; .V1. STATE BANK | Wilbur Lur^iber Co [,.* .*« 1*'% - I* i's-i. ij ,i' i Lumber, Coa.1, Feed i &-• • , •* v - V «> 4 L-X\\ -Ht t S 4 isl , Cement . ) ' '1 - J -- - : '-.ST-: 'iW'4""-'.. A *. •' '• ' 5 $L\ I ^ S •: • A (r Save B. 6t B. Blue Stam ps and profit by same. Block & Bethke / 1 r One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with ioc cash purchase 'Jfll Mi, YN ^ 1ft' liR-flML We still have a large enough stock, after the great holiday rash, t,o fill the wants of every one of the family. You can do no better than to give us a chance to fill that want* be it what it may. If we don't have it in stock we get it, and only On satisfactory terms ta,yo%so if vou don't find what you are looking for, come see us. We are here to please everyone. - :: - m / :: :: i; " Items Worth Your While! Items You've CSiOt to Hav^! " " • : ' 1 *----rt* All heavy Leather Mitts, wool lined, sold at Si and up, now per pair... - .. 75c All wool lined lather MUsts »cdd at 50c and 75c now...... ..... • • *f •. .38c and 50c Remember one thing--when you buy this line of goods you get the best there is, such as Water­ proof, Horsehide, Calf and Hog skins, made to stand the wear,-^and we know they do. & A good assortment boys' fleece lined Underwear.. .25c , All ladies' ribbed lleeced vests and pants, each..'25, 50c Men's Jeece lined shirts and drawers, good ones... .50c Men's all wool underwear, fair assortment of the only |r0od Wool and good size underwear made, at.... .y ; >; v . v-. $1.00, 1.25* 1*50 Felt Boots, Socks and Overs, Overshoes and Rubbers, Warm lined Shoes, Caps for Men, Boys and Girls. Y-- :•? - I ^ w I'..,

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