Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jan 1910, p. 8

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sold his on the ~, ----^- - ---- . --». of MoHtnry and If mites wrath of |&iiig<- wood, OKI Sincerity Clothes ity Cloth# Copyright £••• •vg •*••?>. WEST McHENRY, + % ^ f \ [ you'll wonder why the price lsii*i higher. Built to retain the snap and ginger they're made with-- they never lose their shape, be­ cause both cloth and canvas ire reshunk by the London process | ~-can*t sag or stretch. Sincer­ ity Clothes are labeled by the makers, the label is their signed responsibility; the label is a sign of clothes satisfaction. Snappy clothes for young men, sedate styles for older ones to our new 8 h o w l o * v , ? s > . : i ILLINOIS. *"i TELEPHONE )«L WEST McHENRY January Clearance Sale! In order to reduce stock before taking inventory and to dispose of the few remaining pieces of Hand Painted and J^iicy Chiaa, I offer a discount of 50 ^er ̂ -Off* % Uie really low prices the wares are marlicd, Wflicti makes every item in this line a bargain. Should you still be in need of anything in this line, it will pay you to advantage of this more tban liberal discount. Call andrlook over my Ten . Cent Counter jv aiid be convinced that not everything lai iivaStetf in price--at least not at this store. On this counter are pure food products* of standard quality, canned goods, cereals, preserves, etc.; cjinaware, glass­ ware and other useful articles. , ,• :: :: . . . .DON'T MISS THIS . score-a STEEL RANGE low prices quoted below. Taking into consid- ation, however,, that these prices are exceedingly low, we must demand CASH on each and every Steel Range sold during this sale. Look at these prices: 1; '•<»' t',v ,*»;• ' *$*<<, *t' _ " i._ L_. ... J * J4l 1\'„. iirifc ... jst Stee^JRan^ej^JPormerl^^^T^OOj^ow^j^^jJ^jj^j^® Steel Range, formerly $35.00, now $32.00 Steel fenge, formerly $32.50,now .... $39»p Steel Range, formerly$30̂ 00, npw..... .$al.OO . JOHN J; VYCITAL, THE CENTER VILLG HARDWARE MAN. >k » ' J ; To increase the feeding capaci­ ty of your farm 50 per cent and the flow of milk the same, in­ stall an INDI­ ANA SI LOI 5T0FFEL, - AGENT Phones: rg^^.7»i. Titesddyf Feb'y. 1 comsnenciaiE at 11:00 o'clock a. m., sb»rp, the following described property, to-wit: 6 HEAD OF HORSES Span of gray mares, wt. 2800 lbs., one of them in foal to the Stephenson Clydes­ dale horse; span of colts (mares) coming three years old, sired by Jeph. These young mares have been driven and are qaiet. Standard bred driving mare, dark bay, five years old, a good worker as well as a fine roader; 1 weanling colt, ont of this driving mare, sired by Robt. Wilkes, record, 2:0ft; 8 black Spanish roosters, 100 yearling Buff Rock hens and pallets. HAY, nOAlNf AND MACHINERY A boat 800 bn. of sonnd corn in crib, abont 40 bn. Oderbrncker barley, 8 ba. clover seed, 30 bn- good potatoes (Mr. Dooley variety); a quantity of ghrfcdded corn fodder in barn, SO shocks Ever­ green nweet corn, abont 3 tons tame hay, about 9l»ns clover hay, stack tame hay, and a stack of slough hay on the i. R. Sayler farm. Stacks will be measured and samples of each shown on day of sale. Sixteen inch Gale enlky plow nearly hew, 14 inch stubble walk- ing plow, set of drags, pulverizer, corn cultivator, 6-ft. Standard mower, 10-ft. Osborne hay rake nearly new, Deere No. 9 corn planter, with 80 rods of wire, nearly new;, truck wagon, milk wagon, hay rack, set hog racks made of hard wood, nearly new; fanning mill, 5- shovel cultivator, tank heater, set bob sleds, grind stone, a large pile of stove wood, large fnr robe, a number of arti­ cles of household furniture, including bedsteads, chairs, tables, etc.; and other numerous articles. . _ r information apply or write . HOWB. 3B<',He»ry. III. 30-tf TTOR SALE--Combination bookcase and E desk, as goddas new. Call J. J. Biu k West Mc Henry, 111. Tj^OR SAi«i£--jEight tw,rm good, sound com " i ii • > . r * i *r*i„i *i iuj i>*43-3i«iS \ ' i i J ' ' i1 £* *. i Apply to 1). A. Pow»H8, Sherman Hill. 31-21* "C^OR SALE --A stack of slough hay. For further informutlou address or apply to Walter Boixskr, West Mc Henry. 111. S7-t1 TXT A NTED--A married man ,¥ Rtnuiox Ml Stock farm at PLI flue position for Jos. K. Haas, Pis ley House. 1th family be- 1, 1910, for the itonema Bay. This wilt be a lit man. (.'all any time, ee Bay, 111., near Kings- 24-tf \xrANTElt A crib of good, sound yellow vv corn. West McHenry Mills, Johh Smh- Cbr, Prop. ao-tf pM)R SALE--Very choice Kinglet Barred Rock cockerels and pullets. Large, fine­ ly marked birds that will improve the color and size of your stock. Call and see them. Prfces right. W. B. Johonnott, Rlngwood i»-tf •» TJ^OR BALE--A model ten Buick roadster J- automnhll*. mmntrt#. with tamo* and top and driven by a four-cylinder, 26-horse power engine. Machine may be seen and terms KlvfcO by applying at W. C. EVANeov 's, USUAL FREE LUNCH AT NOON --TERMS OF SALE:-- All sums of $10 and under, cash: over that amount a credit of one year's time will be given on good bankable notes at 7 per cent interest per annum. No property to be moved from the premises ttntil settled for. " w.f. Brtfcy, Owl* Biskp. QUARTER OF A CEgTURY. ItMa^ Clipped from The FUlqdMUr of ^anawry Sl, IMS. Rev. Father Mehring, late of Kanka­ kee, has been installed as pastor of the (Jerman Catholic church at Johnsbnrgh. We inadvertently omitted to notice last week that the prize offered at the Riverside Bkating rink on the evening of the 10th, for the beet lady and gen­ tlemen skaters, was awarded to Frank L. McOmber and Miss Effie Gilbert. Also on Thursday evening last, the prize for the most awkward gentleman skater was awarded to Willie Hill. We learn that a first-class bakery will be opened in Gilles" block soon. C. A. Knight, city attorney of Chica­ go, visited Buffalo, N. Y., last week, and informs us he had the honor of an interview with President-elect Cleve­ land. A. H. Hanly of this village started last week for the great exposition at New Orleans. We understand he ex­ pects to be absent abont a month and will visit other places of interest in the South. The fellow who slipped and fell on the walk below th% poetoffice last Sunday night was lame all over when be got up except his tongue; that made the sur­ rounding atmosphere blue with profani­ ty for a short time. v Contrary to empdotetidDs. Suedd & Co. have closed the ice bnainess here for the present. The sudden and severe cold weather made ice nearer Chicago, and consequently they transferred their field of operation to that place. ' A severe snotv stotm prevailed in this section all the fore part of last week and cleared off the latter part of the Week with the coldest weather we have experienced here this season. On Sun­ day and Monday mornings the ther­ mometer marked from 24 to 34 degrees below zero. There was a large attendepce at the Riverside skating rink on Saturday evening, last, and the barrel race creat­ ed an immense amount of fnh. The condition of the race was four times around the ball and go thru ft barrel suspended from the ceiling each time around, the one . making the quickest time to recieve a prize of a skating cap. The prize was won by George McOmber in one minute and two seconds. Rlngwood correspondent: Earl Mead is painting scenery for the Dramatic club. For an amatuer painter the work is Bpiendid. We understand that the dramatic society will appear before the public next week in the thrilling drama, "The Little Detective." West McHenry, 1GH)R SALE--Choice eighty acre farm with A good improvements, good fences, one mile frota good town and lake, only #5.06 per acre. Easy ter«is. Several good farms for rent. The very best large farm in northern Illinois for sale on easy i.errus, 25-tf Simon ^toffkl. West McHenry, 111. HOLD FOR TWO YEAR8. CoIUoWw ICWed Will H»r« Loaytr Tcrui, White few people know it, as the new law governing the matter has not been given much publicity, it is nevertheless a fact that the terms of the town clerk, assessor and tax collector elected next spring will be for two years instead of one, as under the old law. The new law governing the matter is *s follows: "An act to provide for the election of town clerks, township assessors and township collectors in counties under township organization and to fix the term of offloe." Section 1. Be it enacted by f.'he peo­ ple of the state of Illinois, represented in the general assembly: That the town clerk, township assessors and township collectors elected at the annual town meetings in their respective towns in the counties now nnder township organ­ ization, on the first Tuesday of April, 1910, and «every two years thereafter, and in counties which may hereafter adopt township organization, shall hold their office for two years, and until their successors are elected and qualified, and that the term of said office is fixed at two years. Section 2. All acts or parts of acts inconsistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Approved June 14, 1908. While it is a question whether or not the increase in the length of the term will create much more of a desire to fill the offices of clerk and assessor, it is cer­ tain that there will be some tall bus­ tling for the nomination for collector, for with the term doubled the office will be a plum well worth landing. Petesch's Pink Cold tablets will fix yon np in twenty-four honrs or your money back. x A Wild Blizzard Raging brings danger, suffering--often death-- to thousands, who take colds, coughs and lagrippe--that terror of Winter and Spring. Its danger signals are "stnffed up" nostrils, lower part of nose sore, chills and fever, pain in back of head, and a throat-gripping cough. When Grip attacks, as yon value yonr life, don't delay getting Dr. King's New Dis­ covery. "Onebottle cured me," writes A, L. Dunn, of Pine Valley, Miss,, "aft­ er being 'laid up* three weeks with Grip." For sore lungs, Hemorrhages, Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, Bron­ chitis, Asthma, it's supreme. 50c. $1.00. Guaranteed by N. H, Petesch and F. Maeqaelet. K. O. DCkker p<md. K. G. Dekker, who about tea jfeirs ago conducted a seed, flower and shrub­ bery store in the Simes block on the West Side, passed away of pneumonia at his home in Chicago on January 4. The Dekker family since leaving Mc­ Henry have made Chicago and the im­ mediate vicinity their home. The Mc­ Henry friends extend their most sincere sympathy to the sorrowing family. Have you seen our five and ten cent counter? If not, better call in and save money. J. 3. VycitaL Saved at Heath's Door. The door of death seemed ready to open for Murray W. Ayere, of Transit Bridge N. Y., when his life was wonder­ fully saved. "I was in a dreadful con­ dition," he writes, "my skin mm almost yellow: eyes sunken; tongne coated; em aciated from losing 40 ponnds, growing weaker daily. Virulent liver trouble pulling me down to death in spite of doctors. Then that mftidtlesfl medi cine--Electric Bitters--cured me. I re­ gained the 40 pounds lost and now am well and strong." For all Btomach, liv­ er and kidney troubles they're supreme. 60c at N. H. Petesch's and #, Masque- let's. . . Sae the farm phrnp engine for general eofteii . 4»UH- tioi of ilse ' feid- Sfcyt; to® fre- qaent desire to tha kidneys aad bladder are Oat of order and need attention. There is comfcrt i» the often expressed, that Dr. rheaaattan, pal* in tfce back, kidney*, liver,bladder andevery part ©ftWnriMT} passage. Corrects inabiUty to hold water and scalding pain in pasting it, or bad effects following nse of liquor, wine or beer, and overcome* that nnpkausant ne­ cessity of being compelled to go through the day, and to titiies during the ztt ImmMtfia#*. nf is soon realized. It standa the be- causeof its remarkable ~ health restoring prop* erties. If you need a medicine yon should have the best. Sold by druggists in fifty-cent anil one-dollar sixes. You may have a sample by mail. Address Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bing- hamton, N. Y. Mention this papier and reinehiber the name, Dt. Kilmer's Swamp- Root, and the address, Biagluastoa, H. Y., cm every bottle. go often Dl( Snow and Be Healthy. ' 'Snow serves to clean the air better than anything else," stated a Wisconsin physician in commenting on the heayy fall. "Air dnring and after a snow­ storm ia good to breathe. Why not try it? To get ont in a snowstorm and ex ercise actively--the snow striking you in the face--is invigorating and stimn lating. It makes the cheeks gl6#; it is fine for the complexion; it stimulate* the heart and causes the body fluids to clean ont the body waste places. It makes the nerves tingle. It is the poor man'ei Turkish bath. Why not get out and clean off the snow, and while yon are at it clean off somebody else's snow V Get ont in the snow and let some of it get in yonr window* at night. You can melt more of it than it can freeze you, be a molly coddle." : f A Wretched Mistake , to'efidnre the itching, painful SlStfehs of Piles. There's no need to. Listen: "I suffered much from Piles," writes Will A. Marsh, ofSiler City, N. C., "till I got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and was soon cured," Burns, Boils, Ulcere, Fever Sores, Eczema, Cats, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, van­ ish before it. 35c at N. H. Petesch's and F. Masqnelet's. Undergoes Operation. John M. Smith, son of Stephen H. Smith of Johnsbnrgh, underwent a suc­ cessful operation at Mercy hospital in Chicago on Tuesday of last week, his ailment being hernia. Mr. Smith was taken to the hospital by Dr. C. H. Fag- ers, Sr., and at this writing ii improv­ ing rapidly. riinr-^ THE WRONO WAY to select harness is the way It is usually done. Price is generally tbe 8rat consid­ eration. If that la very low the goods seen attractive, regaraleea of quality. Judge out* goods the other way about. Examine into the Quality of this harass* « rat. Then. St will oe seen that it ii worth almost any iteice. But oar price* are oot high. Value considered they are remark­ ably low •: :: :: G. A. Barker flcHenry, 111. In looking over our stock we find that we have on our shelves and counters hundreds of odds an# ends in winter goods which we i^aat to move, and move they must. We aren't going to begin to quote prices on these goods, for if we did we fear this paper would be far too small to accommd- . j date us. We wish to merely state that if you ai& looking for real bargains this is the time arid piac# * to get them. Then, too, there are hundreds of * pieces of winter goods that we do not intend to carry over if easy prices will take them away. Come and let us show you what yoti can buy at. this store at this time for very little money. Re­ member, we are sincere when we say that THE " GOODS MUST GO. Come earl^ *1mI get AiM ,!•„< choice at BARGAIN PRICES. :: :: :: fp*#; "** ?r ; WEST McHENRV, % : : : ILLINOIS I Where is MONEY tha£^^ jroii depend upon for future mmMet m if you spend alT your earnings today? ^Wouldn't it be well to have a savings account to your credit at Our Savirigd Oeparrtme^n.t in case your Inconrie suddenly S t o p p e a r ; ; , ^ ^ ^ - > ^ ; \ > , Three per cent interest on all yom; deposite guaxaatee^ here. WEST McHf NRr STATE BAl r* eiafe Wilbur Lumber Co, umber. Coal. Feed ath» Shingles Wnt MeHenry. Il). •if (r Save B. & B. Blue Stamps and profit by same. Block & Bethke One B. & B. Blue Trading Stamp with IOC cash purchase Jm Ms, rw m We tlive M. We still have a large enough stock, after the great holiday rush, to fill the wants of every one of the family. You can do no better than to give us a chance to fill that want, be it what it ttiay. If we don't have it in stock we get it, and only on satisfactory terms to you, so if you don't find what you are looking for, come see us. We are here to please everyone. :: :: :: :: ' Items Worth Vour While! Items You've Oot to Have! All heavy Leather Mitts, wool lined, sold at $1 and up, now per pair. 75c All wool lined Leather Mitts sold at 50c and 75c now .38c and 50c Remember one thing--when you buy this line of goods you get the best there is, such as Water­ proof, Horaehide, Calf and Hog skins, made to stand the wear,--and we know they do. A godd assortment boys' fleece lined Underwear.. .25c All ladies' ribbed fleeced vests and pants, each..25, 50c Men's fleece lined shirts and drawers, good ones.., .50c J^gfl's all wool underwear, fair assortment of the only wool and good size underwear made, at . - v... $1.00, 1.2S;i.50 Felt Boots, Socks and Overs, Overshoes and Rubbers, Warm lined Shoes, Caps for Men, Boys and Girls. U •> .;.c- Pr (?;• Kltr %5:-. ' is W':"

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