Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jan 1910, p. 9

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>*5" - if ;::^:v W •>-• w\ , vt *'; S#SK». * /.ar llfJiSPr^Sy 1ft Supplement To THE MCHENRY PLAINDEALER McHenry, 111., Jan. 20,1910. THB BOARD OP SUPERVISORS OttMal hmdlin of RpceM Dseemt* •Mtlnc. 1»®9 Tha honorable board of supervisors et McHsnry county. HL. met in. ree- dl| aaMton roursuant to a reauest aimed to Btoro than one-thtrd of the mem- ben of said board at the court house on Thursday. ttie 6th day of December ISM. at 10 o'clock a. m. Mssttnr called to order by the chair­ man. Wm. Desmond. At roll call the followfnjr named suo- et v lsors answered: N. Bretanaa. D. M. Wrlsftt. H. E. WhlpOle. W. H. Ward; John Baldock. Wm. Desmond P. D. Perklna. J. ®. Williams. H. P. Helne- wimii E. C. Jewett. C. W. Thomp­ son. H. M. Turner. L. B. jCovell. Jesse B. Richardson. S. H. Preund. Ben •Throoo and L. E. Mentch. The reports of the county and circuit derk. sheriff and county treasurer were presented to the board by the clerk, and troon motion were referred to their vrooer committees. A Haft «* claims against the county for te'bor fees supplies was presented fcy the -clerk ssid referred to the com­ mittee on claims for labor fees sup- Biles. On motion of Sup. Turner all bill* presented to board for the county poor -were referred to the committee on coun­ ty no or. The board of W. S. McConnell as county collector In the oeoal sum of *110.000 was referred to the committee on finance. A communication from W. M. Robert- son was read to the board and uoon of Bud. Mentch was placed en «e. The report of the special committee en Seneca bridge was read to the board and upon motion of Sud. Mentch was approved ft? follow# tO-Wit; iff. Chairman and Gentlemen of thS Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the petitions of the highway commissioners of the town of Seneca, for county aid in building two bridges over the Kishwaukee. near F.anklinvllle would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the mat­ ters before them: That they- met at the point where said bridges were to be built on the Kishwaukee and July considered the needs for bridges as set forth In said petitions, and upon inves­ tigation found that the petitioners had complied with the law in all respects, and were entitled to county aid. They would further report that in conjunc­ tion with said highway commissioners they advertised for bids for the con­ struction of two lion bridges with ce­ ment floors 1(5x34 feet, with proper np- 0-jaches thereto, and that ftn' eth •day Of Jy.L thPV let the contract for 'the building of saT3 torJdffSs • RS above -.stated to the Continental Bridge Co.. for the *11111 of $2440. one-half of which Is to be «aid bv the county. They would further report that they :<met In company with said highway com- missioners on Sept. 18. 1909. examined and duly acc-^ted said bridges and we "her€)by recommejyj that thQ county clerk 0xa*' "avor Sf s^ Cotttl- ^.ridge Company for the sum of be'ng the one-half of the eontract price of said bridges for which the county of McHenrv is liable. We would further recommend that an order be drawn by the said coun­ ty clerk for the sum of $17 in favor of Charles Secor. which said amount is one-half of the cost of his services for superintending the construction of said bridges. All of which Is respectfully submitted. N. Brotztnan. Chm. r E. C. Jewett. A petition of Alden highway commis­ sioners asking for aid in building bridge Was read to the board amd the special committee of C. W. Thompson, H. E. Whipple and F. D. Perkins appointed to vacation to investigate the application and report to the board were re-appoint­ ed by the chairman and authorized to loin the commissioners in erecting the bridge and grant the aid to the town­ ship. to-wit: To the Board of Supervisors of the county of McHenry. state of Illinois: The undersigned. commissioners of highways of the township of Alden. In said county, would respectfully rep­ resent that the ScaJilan Bridge needs to be rebuilt over the Kishwaukee creek where the same is crossed by the high­ way leading from Harvard to Maplewood Creamery in said township for which said work the township of Alden Is held responsible: that the total cost of said work will be about $900 which sum will be more than twenty cents en the one hundred dollars on the la­ test assessment roll of said township, and that the levy of the road and bridge tax for the two preceding vears In said township was in each year for the full amount of 60 cents on sach one hundred dollars allowed by law for tlie commissioners to raise, the malar part of wli'ch Is needed for the ordi­ nary repairs of roads and bridges. Wherefore, the said commissioners of highways hereby petition you for aid. and for an appropriation from the coun­ ty treasury of a sum sufficient to meet one-half the expenses of the said work. Dated at Alden. 111., this 23rd daV of September. A. D. 1909. J. H. Carbrev. Thos. M. Pink. , Thomas O'HoIleran. Commissioners of Highways. THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. McHotirv County, ss. Board of Commissioners of Highways. W- the undersigned, commissioners of highways of the township of Alden here by state that we have made a careful estimate of the probable cost of the November, and found said bridge com­ pleted according to contract and ac­ cented the same. . That they have as­ certained that the cost of building the approaches etc.. Is the sum of $314.63. They therefore recommend that the clerk of this board draw an order in favor of the Joltet Iron and Bridge Co. for the sum of $1322.50. and also an or­ der in favor of the treasurer of the commissioners of highways of the town of Marengo tor the sum of $157.32. All of which is respectfully submitted. F. D. Perkins. Chm. , J. E. Williams. 1„. E. Mentch. The committee on" county naor made the foliowimg report on Marengo diph­ theria epidemic cases which was ap­ proved as follows to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the bills of Doc­ tors W. S. Eshbaugh. R. M. Curtiss. and James I Wernham would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Tour committee would recommend that Dr. Eshbaugh be paid as follows for services as a phvsician in treating and att^ndlr- the following named people while afflicted with small-pox luring tho months of Mav and June. 1909: Family of D. E. Peck $ 35 00 Family of G. A. Crossman 32 69 Forrest Betts 80 00 J. M. Eby IP 00 Family of Ernest Goodwin.* .... 10 00 I. A. Hungerford 12 50 10 00 ... 10 00 ... 5 80 ... 6 00 ... 10W same. same.. 2 60 2» 2 SO t W 110 110 SS) in 4 75 Total. $ 140 80 Tour committee would further recom­ mend that said Dr. Eshbaugh"s bills for attending the following named peo­ ple do not be allowed: Grant' Wilson and family.. C. D. Anderson.... .. .. Fred Janke V. J.y Lowe.... E. E. Goodrich... Tour committee would further report that uoon investigating the bills Doc­ tors Curtiss and Wernham from state men-ts made by said doctors it devel­ oped that the charges In their bills were for services rendered as physi­ cians and as members of the local board of health of the city of Maren­ go. whereupon your committee informed said doctors that they could not in­ sider bills for services rendered the cltv ind reauested both of sa^d doc­ tors to render an itemized b^l for ser­ vices rendered as physicians. which thev and each of them refused to do. and later notified yqur committee tha» thev intewlefl would With&ftW \heir bills. All of which Is respectfully submitted. H. C. Jewett. Chm. L. E. Mentch. H, F. Heipeipann, W. H. Ward. J, B. Richardson. On motion Of Sup. Mentch board ad- lourned until 1:30 n. m. Committee work, 1:30 p. m. Board met pursuant to adlournroent at roll call. All supervisors present. Rebort of the special committee on Greenwood bridge was read and ap­ proved as follows, to-wlt: Greenwood. McHenry County. III.. Oc­ tober. 1909. We the undersigned, committee of the McHenry County Board of Supervisors appointed to act "with the town board of Greenwood township in the bulld- insr of a bridge for the township and Countv contract for which was let to H. S, Wetherell of Chicago, 111., have examined the bridge and foundations and find them eoual in every, respect to the contract requirements. and here­ by accept the work, and certify that there is now due the said H. S. Weth- erell the sutn of eight hundred thirty- five ($S35) dollars from McHenry coun­ ty as' its one-halt of the cost ot ths work. • _ , * _ "7' Ben Throop. . * J R. Richardson, k. B. CovelL Bridge Committed lining for McHenry county, til. The committee om finance made the following report which was adopted to- wlt: . c ' Mr. Chairman And Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on finance to whom was referred the bond of William S. McConnell as coun­ ty collector would beg leave to sub­ mit the following report on the mat­ ters before them: We have carefully examined said bond and find that the same is duly executej in the sum 6f $110,000 signed by William S. McConnell as principal and Henry A. Stone. Charles H. Doo- nellv. Emilus C. Jewett. Erastus E. Richards. Fred A. Walters. John M. Hoy. George^ H. Hov. Fremont Hoy. and Ames K. Bunker as sureties, and we would recommend that said bond be approved, the sureties being good and sufficient and not disaualified from signing said bond under the law. AH of which is respectfully submitted. John Baldock. Chm. J. E, Williams. c. W. Thompson. D. M. Wright. K, fj. Whipple, The committee on rules offered the following resolution and moved Its ad­ option and upon motion of Suo. Throop it was unanimously adopted to-wlt: Resolved. That clause number four Joe Smith. Rawleigh.... .... . James Burke, same. Sarah. Jones, same.. Joe Jones, same.. Clara Plankey. same.... .... .. .. Rav Carpenter, same.... .. ........ Dan Ryan, same .... .. Thorne & Son. mdse for sheriff James Burke, witness, trial of Prank Delegaai-- 2 80 D. R. Joslyn. expenditures state's attorney 180 #0 E. G. Grlebel. work for co 85 G. W. Conn, expenditures co sunt of schools 129 56 A B. Dick Co. supplies for co sunt of schools .. .. 3315 W. M. Welch Mfe. Co. same 53 #0 C. M. Parker, same 24 ®0 E. C. Jewett serv and mileage.... 23 SO H. P. Ileinemann. same D. M. Wright, same L. E. Mentch. same J. B. Richardson, same Stephen H. Freund. same F. D. Perkins, same.... 1 W. H. Ward, same Woodstock Republican, orlnthur and_ stationery - - 25 85 M. N. Gardner, serv people vs. VI*- tor Bertensky 11 75 M. N. Gardner, same. Henry Jor- don IS 46 H. E Whipple, committee work.. 32 !0 C. W.. Thompson, do 16 50 John Baldock. do J. E. William* do L. B. Covell. do H. M. Turner, do Ben Throoo do O". W. Lemmers. wood.. Hov's ri.armacv, merchandise- • AH of which is respectfully submitted. N. Brotiman. » Ben Throoo, L. B. Covell / H. B; WhiPOle. FiD. F^rki^a. The committee ot^ county poor made the fojjowlng report, w^hjh was adopted to-wlt: 12 60 -12 60 40 80 23 SO 4 80 22 10 20 20 13. 76 i£oo IK 00 S a? Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of §Mi>ervtsor8: Your committee on county poor claims Would bee leave to report^ that they hare examined all claims^ presented to them, and recom­ mend, the payment of the following. an<^ that the clerk be directed to Is­ sue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the several amounts allowed, as follows, to-wlt 1 III. Eastern Hospital* exp co pa­ tients $ s t> Lincoln Stat® School, do 58 <5 Seneca. Mrs. C. H. Nlckerspn. sery ,cr> oaupers - 3 so Alden C. M. Johnson, same 75 00 Hebron. Edward L. Herrlck. do.. 96 00 Hebron. Jeanne Venoe. do 102 60 Hebron. E. O. Rowe & Son. do.. Hebron. M. W. Merry, do Nundn Rosenthal & Rehberg. do Nunda. Be«u Throop. do Nun da. W. M. Sherman, SJ, P. d$ Nunda Roy J. Warner, do i\unda. H. B. Wilcox, do Marengo. Marv Matthles. do 12 00 MaroncO. D. M. Wright, do 2 00 Marengo. G. H. Dike. do. 5-disc pulveriser... Com Planter.... 3 plows 3-section drag.... 10 wrenches Pair tin shears 4 sprinklers 2 cable chains 2 pruning knives tirimning kniooers.. Prunning saw ...„ .. Key hole saw 2-in. auger Trv-snuare .. ; Pair compasses.... Pair pipe tongs/... ripe wrenches; Grind stone.... .... .. .. .. *» Trowel .... Cultivator Hog wrings 2 funnels . ". 300 ft fire hose and fixtures.. 011 stone.,.. .... 3 ladders Swill cart Hay rack 3 wheelbarrows* Hush •--'he.... - 7 hoes . 2 potato forks .. Pick 4 garden rakes Set scales 2 hand saws Soruare t?ev<>1 souare..«. ? monkey wrenches .. . 2 nlf>-as .. .. . Brace and 6 bits * H a v k n i f e . . . . . . W|2 mauls 2 Oilist^ls.... •••• •• «• •• step ladders '.. Draw-shave..,. ,, 3 wedges,., ....... 3 cross-cut saws. .. ... 2 Pair wire pinchers 1 pair pinchers........ .. Ouldxon kettle ....... Gasoline engine.... .. ........... Pumping lack and com.......t Scythe grinder.... Spring tooth harrow.... ..... ; 2 set fly nets ......... Gasoline tank .. .......... Hand cart .T Hay rake * Potato sprinkler...... rr .. .. Hack saw 200 ft. 3-4 In. irarden hose ion ft 1-2 in. garden hose.... Sorav pump Free spray puibd I'Otatd planter.... Potato digger i Emery grinder S 25 17 50 16 48 63 82 15 W 60 30 15 00 .. 12 57 Marengo. Otto Kutzner. do 12 00 Marengo. Thompson Bean Co. do Marengo." F. G. Hacklev. do Marengo J. H. Patterson & do ' Marengo. F. C. Janke & Co.. .. Dorr. Dr. J. E. Guv Dorr. A. F. Field, do Dorr Bunker Bros Dorr. S. L. Hart, do Dorr. A. D. & J. A, Kennedy, do McHenry Chas. G. Frett. do.... McHenrv. Wilbur Lumber Co. do 10 68 6 99 Co. , 8 75 ( 25 , 2Eft 0Q 71 40 8 00 5 00 10 00 25 85 6 50 Chemung. Herman J. Kolls milk do 8 50 Chemung. W. I. Richardson, mdse do 9 55 Chemung. Peary & Goodsell. mdse. do 15 64 Chemung. W. D- Hall. coal. do.... 6 38 Chemun*. a, J, MoCarty, mdse. do., Chemung. W. H. county paupers... Chemung. Lake, coal, do 14 92 Sweeney, mdse. 2 25 Harris. Backus. 17 65 Chemung. W. H. Ward. mOUtX vanced. do,... 1'4 55 CUeaiunt Chas. C. Peck, pi.' p.ser CO DauDors _ 'mui Chemynsr. J u, Jarvtn. 'mdse.' iio 12 17 Ohemuti*. Witt. Potter, do 1 S2 Chemung. Megran & Webster, do 73 47 Seneca. Fred Secor. services county paupers... 1000 23 00 15 00 6 00 5 00 100 50 50 aoo 50 1 00 1 00 60 60 15 25 50 4 06 1 00 60 1 00 . 25 30 80 00 10 3 00 50 5 30 5 80 1 00 150 60 40 75 E 00 1 00 M 20, 50, 6ft *80 50 1 M W S 50 160 1 00 % M in 40 10 00 200 00 100 00 . 8 00 1«X* 106 , 1 w to 80 <0 W KO JO 00 5 00 1 00 8 00 86 RQ 50 00 10 0Q no 05 112310 ....$ 2218 00 2082 65 ..... 900 45 .... 1503 80 1123 50 .$ 788S 30 - 1 • 1 • -- Total I Furniture and Fixtures. 960 U ••••It 90 00 2 00 11 00 21 00 1 52 S3 94 9 00 5 10 85 00 25 91 Algonasks. J. D. Kelsey. do Burtoiv J. B. Richardson, do.... McHentfry. D. G. Wells, do.... Richnnflttd. G. W, Eldridge. do.... Richmond. Barker Lumber Co. do Aigonauin. John Buehler. do.... Aleronauin. Ben TfiM>op. do McHenry. S. H. Freund. do Dorr. B. S. Austin, do Dorr. E. C. Jewett Algonquin. L. E. Mentch. do Dunham. C. M. Johnson. M. D. do 112 60 All of which Is respectfully submitted. E. C. Jewett. J, B, Richardson. L. E. Mentch. w. H. Ward. H. F. Helnemann. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committee on alms house and farm would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters before them: Said committee met at said alms hous* on Friday Dec. 8. 1»09. for the purpose Of making an inventory of the personal prorv^rty on and about said farm and transacting such other business as should Diooerly come before Jtald coin- mittee. Members present were: Whip­ ple. MentGh. ~ of rule number five of the regulations JewPtf ' Wi,TiUrner- ThrooD- Cove11 for the support of county paupers be ' ™ - nd Will'ams. amended to read as follows: In case of the burial of a pauper a sum not to exceed thirty-five dollars t$35) will be allowed for burial exoenses H. P. Heinemann. Chm. Com. on Rules E. C. Jewett. John Baldock. L. E. Mentch Ben Throop. The committee on education made the following report and uoon motion of Suo. Mentch. the report was approved and the purchasing committee author­ ized to make the exchange and the clerk authorized to draw an order of $65 on the county treasurer as per bill for same on file, as follows, to-wlt: To the Chairman and the Honorable Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: The committee on education would recom­ mend placing a new tyoewriter Model No. 5. in the countv superintendent's office, at the cost of $100 minus a $35 credit for the old machine, making a cost of $65. Sieroed. J. B. Richardson. C. W. Thompson. H. M. Turner. John BaJdock. J. E. Williams. The committee on labor fees and sup­ plies made the following report to-wlt: Mr. Chairman and Gentlemen of the The inventory is as follsws: Farm Stock. Roan gelding Roan mare Black mare Sorrel gelding 13 shoats at $S... 12 sows at $12...." .... .. . 10 barrows at $10 1 boar .... 21 hogs at $22.50....' .. ' 3 turkeys 10 guinea hens find" R. ! 20 ducks at .80 ........ . 25 geese at $1.40. .. 400 chickens at .50 "!!!!"" 15 milch cows at $35..".." 1 old bull 1 yearling bull bridge above mentioned and we do »s- Board of Supervisors: Your committee tlmate that the probable cost of the !on labor, fees and supplies claims sam» will be nine hudmred dollars I would be* leave to report that they witness ojur hands this 23rd day of h*ve examined all claims presented to ....$ 2218 00 280 00 56 00 1S2 25 262 50 516 00 75-00 75 00 September. A. D. 1909. J. H. Carbrey. E. M. Fink. Thomas O'HoIleran. Commissioners of Highways. Tb« STATE OF ILLINOIS. McHenry Countv. sb. Township of Alden. J. H. Osrt.rey. E. M. Fink, and Thom- ms O'HoIleran. commissioners of high ways of the township of Alden being dulv sworn on oath.' say. that the mentioned in the estimate to Which this affidavit is attached Is nec- •Ksarr, and that the same will not be more expensive than is needed tor ths turpose rf^iuired. J. H. Cajbrey, E. M. Fink. Thomas O'HoIleran. Commissioners of Highways. Subscribed and sworn to before me. «is Ard day of September. A. D. 1909. William W. Fleming. Justice of the Peace. A report of the special committee on Marengo bridge was read to the board •nd upon motion of Suo. Mentch was approved, to-wit; - Chairman an<* Gentlemen of the j"°ar.d. Supervisors: Your committee pointed to represent the courtv In bmidlng of a bridge over the Kish- 1Wrakt». where the same is crossed by me nlsrnway leading from the state £?? *• *1? *1 t*1® Belvidere and Crys-- Laks road to the township of Ma­ rengo would bear leave to submit the following report 00 the matters before .ttem: That In accordance with their report tvsrvtofore made to this board at the Jtane meeting the contract was let to •4he Jollet Iron & Bridge Co. and that •the highway commissioners of the town ,«f Marengo were contracted with tp I Dr. A. Miller. ife«nd the approaches, the county to pay I Frank Whaole. ths oast thereof: that they I Worts.... them, and recommend the payment of the following, and that the clerk be directed to issue orders on the county treasurer to the claimants for the sev­ eral amounts allowed, as follows to- wlt: Pt F. Pettibone & Co. sun. for co off... $ 304 81 Callaghan & Co.. HI. appellate re- ports 2 75 City of Woodstock, water and U*ht 82 15 The New Illinois Stat'y Co. spe­ cial asses, blanks 50 Woodstock Sentinel Co.. printing and stationery J. H. Beam, wood for countv.... Hall A Eckert. coal for county.. 674 45 W. P. Glazier, exchange typewrit­ er Co. elk 65 0Q Same. same. supt. schools 65 00 L. M. Reckhow. serv as countv Judge W. H. Whltson. mdse. for co.. L. Hanaford. oil for co 63 25 12 00 Total Farm Products. 700 bu. oats at .40 100 bu. barley at .56...." ..., 9 tons bran at .20 1-4...J .i 600 bu. corn at $15 per ton..; 43 tons hay at $12 per ton.. 15 tons clover at $6 per ton. 2 stacks corn fodder.... . stack straw "..!!!! 2> 20) head cabbage 50 sauash 3 bu. oaranlps...." bu. turnips 20 bu. carrots 15 bu. beets 6 bbls. apples. 300 bu. potatoes; w> 1338 cans fruit 400 80 Total Farm implements. Koaa wagon Platform soring wagon Too buggy Lumber wagon 3 truck wagons .. I HOP rack ; aet jgjgfrle harness ? s,n#ffLJiarness 4 blankets robes 3 steels.,., ., ,. 8 S ilust pans..., ,,,, ,, ,, vt 2 celling brooms 2 chopping knives .. 2 covered dishes 2 craw bowls 1 barrel oil tank 2 office tables 2 small tables 24 butter oats 20 rocking chairs 18 brooms 70 bedsteads .... 60 comforts 80 blankets 125 sheets 175 pillow cases 80 pillows 20 mirrors 24 stands 5 sugar bowls 24 souo plates 60 cups and saucers 1 sewing machine 3 bells 4 lanterns.... ,. .. 30 bowls .. .'. .. .... 2 butter dishes ...... 6 bed pans. 2 hot water b*ffs.... 1 fountain syrinxe.,,, 1 syringe 3 B-gallon keroten* 8 pair # * ?5 nlates ; 1 coffee boiler,.,. a coffee pots..., 2 tea pots 1 meat saw.. .. , 1 coffee mill 1 spice mill 6 cooking kettles 20 granite basins.... .... . 4 dripping pans 20 mop palls 6 padlocks M ••••••*! 10 wash basins 10 tubs .. 8 wash boards 440 gals, of lard Jars 60 towels 9 butcher knives I Office lamp 5 hanging lamps.... 1 clock 1 cleaver 50 chairs »« ..••• 2 cabbage cutlers..., 1 «•-* laundry fixtures 1 gasoline stove 1 range in supt. house.. .. 1 pair hand cuffs 1 pair clippers 12 c'Ks^idora 35 chambers 8 milk pitchers .... 6 pans 10 tin pans 1 butter bowl „ 2 chopping bowls 2 ranges in county house.... 1 bread knife 2 milk pans 2 milk pails ' IS milk setters 1 chur" • 60 knives and forks 6 di»eD dishes ' 25 table spoons 50 tea spoons t, 5 dining tables .. 5 frving Dans 1 lard strainer 1 lard press 1 svrup pump \ 1 rice boiler 6 coal hods " ,1 invalid chair 1 bread trough 1 stovn.. 2 meat grinders 2 bureaus 1 b"droom f-et 4 sett-es 1 office desk [\'m 1 milk tan* 20 bracket lamps 8 small lamps.. 20 Die tins , , 20 tin cuos 12 mons \\\ 1 nnir scales .1 colander [ 0 ™ 30 arm chairs Vm» rubber cushion 3 00 (j nairs scissors. Its * 60 40 50 1 00 1 00 e 00 2 00 2 00 so « 860 00 90 00 120 00 86 00 17 60 50 00 6 00 4 00 50 1 EO 6 DO 5 00 9 00 4 W 'S « 30 . (0 1 60 8 00 - 1 8 1 60 1 50 1 60 V) 25 8 00 2 00 1 00 6 00 » i w 100 8 00 1 60 44 00 9 00 2 00 60 2 50 1 OQ 50 10 00 2 X 26c e? 10 X) 25 00 Stoas ooal at 87.42.... M Total \»t. Summary. Farm stock Farm products.... .... .... Farm implements .. , Furniture and fixtures Groceries and fuel.... .... , Total Yoiir committee would recommend that the county employ Dr. E. V. An­ derson as county physician for the year 1910. to attend the patients at the poor house at $3 . per visit, he to furnish his own medicine. Tour eoiuiTiittee mould also recom­ mend the appointment of G. K. Mills and wife as superintendent at a salary of $1200 ner annum for running the poor farm and house and for the prop­ er care of all inmates who may be In the house on the first day of Jan- utv 1910. or who may be admitted dur­ ing the vear. The said superintend­ ent to furnish and pay all necessary help with the exception of one hired man. whom we recommend that the board employ at a salary not to ex­ ceed $30 per month, and hired man to work at ajl times under the instruc­ tions and directions of the superin­ tendent. or feig wife. It Is further rec­ ommenced that th© superintendent or some responsible employee of his or of tie county shall at all times be irv personal charge of the inmates. The superintendent shall be employed for such time as his services shall prove satisfactory to the board of supervis­ ors and te its poor farm committee not to exceed one year from Jan. 1, i»ju. It is further understood and agreed that the entering upon the du­ ties of superintendent of said noor farm shall constitute an acceptance of all foregoing provisions and be in part a contract between tlje superin­ tendent and th<? l»oar<l of supervisors. All of whip)* is Respectfully svbmtttedi !?• Phm. E. C. Jewett Ben Throoo, L» tj, Mentch. N. Brotsman. H. m. Turner. ' I*. B. Covell. Ths committee on fees and salaries made the following report WM adopted to-wjt; Mr, Chairman and Gentlemen of the Board of Supervisors: Your committed to whom was referred tho semi-annual reports of the county clerk. circuit clerk and sheriff for the half vear ending Nov. 80. 1909. would beg leave to submit the following report on the mattes before them; Countv tflerk. „ ^ . Earned Hec'd. Probate feoq in COWJty SOUrc..-.. .. i .... $ 1509 66 $45C IS Countv services 907 00 Miscellaneous sery.. Paid for stationery- sKwrs-- and incidentals.... .... . •„ g • Total credits.. Balance .4 137414 8# .. • 10811 n ; y Total f 148226 U Bal. on hand Die. 1 196b S lOSil H Summary of Funds. General fund 4 U25 89 Taxes 'paid after abatement).. 15 89 Township officers' fund.. .. 4811 28 Unknown, non-resident sad mi­ nor heirs' fund 1588 88 Dunilcnte tax 98 54 Deposited by order of court 873 5S Unclaimed witness fees.. ..<• 166 TO Association fund Si 46 Institute fund. 6 87 Total in funds 4 1081196 Cash in hand as follows: ]n banks., S 8078 22 Oo hand 2733 74 60 296 75 Total pArnlnars half rear 8 8715 28 Receipts of earnings pre­ vious I v reported.. .. . $174(101 Total receipts 82491 85 Expenditures. Clerk hire .... 8 1033 89 Miscellaneous 85 84 Clerk's salary, hf. yew WO 00 1968 73 Balance "due co Circuit Clerk 1523 22 Earned ftee'd $928 00 926 25 Record^nsr. Clerk'® fees in suits in court Miscellaneous seifv Ai^it, allowed for sew. in court 85 days at 86.. Total osming* of half Vear ...J? 2090 25 Robots of earnings pre­ viously reported.. .. .. 748 00 204 25 210 00 649 00 204 25 81? 40 Total receipts > Expenditures Clerk hire • • . . T O O H Refund docket fee 84 00 Miscellaneous exp $jt 15 Clerk's salary for half .1 " • *' Vear... Balance due county - '" Sheriff Sheriffs fees in suits in court Pees on executions "..WW" Earnings other than pouft costs 800 00 1696 15 699 75 Earned Re? til 80 88 >7 111 60 16 86 Total earnlmtrs of half year .... 68S St Receipts of earnings prev- vlously reported 185 $5 Total receipts $313 go Expenditures, Deputy hire and livery SCO 00 Miscellaneous ex n .... 67 84 Sheriff's salary jfoif 7W 00 1207 8 Bal due sheriff .... 00404 W« further report that we have »r ammed the laller'n account for dletliur -- rr aLnd1,f'rld the following amount 60 ha nniri # ,,whlch we recommend -- 50 ba'd as follows. * - 200 00 200 00 50 00 60 00 104 00 144 OC 100 00 20 00 472 50 9 00 ' 2 60 ! 16 00 85 30 | 200 00 | 525 SO 60 00 20 00 t »0 15 00 1 50 3 00 1 00 25 bO 126 00 25 8 00 1 00 8 00 1 DO 4 10 t>0 50 1 00 3 60 2 X) 60 8 60 810 2 00 1 00 Ifi 00 prisoners. 136150. to"wlt: D|eting further recom- mend that an order b* drawn on the county treasurer for the amount so shown to be due sheriff and that the circuit clerk atid county clerk turn ov- er to the county treasurer the balances shown to be due the countv All of which is respectfully submitted H. M. Turner, Chm. J. B. Richardson. L. E Mentch. w k wWeil- John Baldock. W. H. Ward c. W. Thompson. T*-a committee to settle with the treasurer made the following report which was adopted to-wit: Mr Chairman and Members of the Hoard of Supervisors: Your committee to settle with the trea.s,:rer would beg leave to submit the following report on the matters be- have examined and checked the books and vouchers in the countv treasurer's office and find them $ 10SU 96 JUI of which ia respectfully submitted. Wm. S. McConnell. County Treasurer. The committee on relief of the blind made the following report which was adopted to-wit: Mr. Chairman Gentlemen of tho Board of Supervisors: Your commutes on relief of blind to whom was re­ ferred the applications of Alary Frickal and Mary J. Hezlep would beg leavs to submit the following report on tho matters before them: That these oar» ties were not included in th© apor#» priation rnade" at the September lug but that the report of the physl- oj»n hs now on ,fils shows parties are entitled tor ^\e oejiefit® asked for aild that twth QWrtles apo badly in need of We WOUW thej^ fore recomrr^Ba wiftt a pension b4 granted to e66h of said parties begin­ ning Oot. 1, 190». and that the clerk of this board be authorised to draw or* tiers payable to said parties for $37.W t^ach ou Jan. i 1910. Apri^ 1 wlO. Mia Julv 1. 1910, We would rec^mnae^ th*4 said amounts b^ apBrepfiate4 out Qfth* general funds of the COUUtV not OttlW* wise appropriated. All of which is respectfully submitted. O. W. Thqjnoson. Chm. D. M. Wr(ght. Stephen H, Freund, H E, Whipple, «, M: :» Sup. Ihrwe ef(fr9a following rM, ' oiutioti moved its adoption, hod after brief discussion, being duy seo- onedd by Sup, Whipple, resolutioo do* dared carried by viva voce vote. 'J* Whereas. The McHenry County AKli- ; cultural society has made extensive lm- provemnts on lands occupied by said society, the title to which land belongs ing in tart to the county of McHenry. and Whereas. The said McHenry County Agricultural society is an association which has for its obiect the progress and welfare of the whole people of McHenry county, and Whereas. Petitions have been bte-' sented to the various supervisors Bigned by numerous persons reanestlng tho board of supervisors to make an ap­ propriation of two thousand (2000) dol­ lars for the purpose of aiding said Ag­ ricultural society In Payment of im­ provements made on county property. Therefore be it Resolved. That the sum of two thousand dollars (20001 be ftM the same is hereby appropriated for the purpose aforesaid, and the coun­ ty clerk Is hereby instructed to draw an order for said sum payable to tho McHenry County Agricultural board. Son. Mentch oresented the matter of the c- irlng Insurance policies on ooua- tv buildings. Jan. 1, 1910. and upon his motion the committee on public proper­ ty was authorized t9 fnsuranco ©a public buildings {^newed ahd reporf foi iamo *t adjourned Tuesday of March. W& The followlngnist of persons were Mk leoted as grand Jurors to serve at tho January. A. D. 1910 term of the slrcoit court of McHenry county Illinois, sad upon motion o^ Sup. Mentch tho list was approved and the clerk of tho !??ard Jas^r«5t^ t9 certify the same to the clerk ot the circuit couH to-wit: H( Ralph Metcalf. Riley. M. Grennon. Marengo. : , Guv Thompson. Marensro. Clint Phillips, Pvnlwm,. H. H. Meirran. Chemunir. ttsnry Ijadd, Chemun*. I 1 Mike Leo. Aldeh. J. C. Hallisev. Hartiand, Gustave . Galubeck. Senses VhfLr,e® A- Thompson. CoraL d ^ ^ell6v- Grafton. §• §• Austin. Porr. rn'. "• f D. J Olmstead. Porr » Qeofte Thomas. Greenwood. Mfthor. «^>roa, i I ^ ^^1*41 .MAS J J 26 pie plates 10 "0 4 auart measures.... 10 00 7 60 20 00 120 00 25 27 6 83 6 00 6 00 M. J. Wandrack. bailiff fees . Same, same Same, same W.. 6 00 Frank Whaple. bailiff fees 12 50 Same, same 45 90 Thomas Lawson. serv as Janitor.. 25 00 Mark Mortenson. same 25 00 Same, same 25 00 Same, same 25 00 E. F. Booth, ass't sunt schools.. 91 66 Same same 91 6b Same, same 91 66 David Rattray, oalnts and labor.. 89 45 ,„ Hotel Woodstock, meals for Juries 15 601 Riding plow...."" lap Mowet potato diggers *. 2 crow bars '. .. ...... 3 snides ' 4 shovels W.WW. 2 corn plows 4 ho" scrapers 6 scoop shovels W. 8 forks 2 sets currsy combs and' brushes 3 scythes 8 barrels Roller . - buck saws.... W' .. ."WW" axes ."* Grub hoe |W. Water tank Scalding tank ..." Seed drill Garden drill Pair Ice tongs.... 6 hammers 5G erain sacks.... J"!"" .$ 2082 65 .8 5 00 so 00 26 00 10 00 ( 80 00 1 00 10 08 10 00 4 90 50 15 00 7 00 1 00 100 100 15 00 40 8 00 1 50 1 10 1 10 2 00 6 00 1 00 1 W 50 1 00 2 auart measures 2 dinners 4 disinfectant guns 6 milk ladles 1 skimmer 2 platters ) 4 trans .... 2 potato smashers 6 flat Irons 2 oil heating stoves I medicine cupboard 12 commodes 6 hand fire extinguishers. 3 bread boxes.... 10 00 2 *) 4 00 15 00 6 00 10 00 2 00 6 00 1 00 60 50 75 2 00 To 30 80 1 00 2 60 2 00 10 20 20 60 25 10 20 75 15 1 00 4 00 10 00 8 00 75 00 3 00 C. E. Richards, same.... Bunker Bros, mdse for co Fred Charles, witness, people Gus Morris Kendall Austin. Ole Olson Frank Whaole. Jackson.. same. aame. people people same, people vs. witness, people vs. i®* fcrtdao on tho 94th day of (Chris Smith, same, sams t 60 15 95lFannfng mill .. 12 7C Potato hitler 1. Pair horse clippers ** 1 60 Corn shelter 1. Hay carrier, fork and rope..!!!. 1 10 Shovel plow 1. Wire stretcher ..WWW 2 20 10 corn knives 2 post augers Work bench and Vioo.... .*... 110 Set wiuron springs Stencil, plate Total Groceries and Fuel! U bbl. sugar. 168 lbs $ 40 lbs coffee, at 16c Breakfast food. 250 casss.. " 26 lbs. crackers at 9c.... W..!I 6 lbs. crackers W. 12 cans fish at 26c !!..!! 1 drum tea !|" 40 lbs. tea at 30c W" 100 lbs. rice at 6c ' . !* 60 lbs salt "..."! 40 lbs. oatmeal \\\\ 8 boxes soap 48 cans soup at 8c " 68 cans salmon at ll%o 12 sacks flour at SL50 ! 6 boxes soap at 12.60 box.. .. (Dust down 15 o-al. bed bug remedy at <2 box disinfectant at tL60.... anient $1\30 .... at 32HC at 40c p at 04^4cw .... ish at 10c.. ! .at 10c 16c... lie.... .$ 1503 80 9 24 6 40 10 00 2 34 1 00 8 00 60 00 12 00 6 00 75 1 60 12 60 8 84 7 25 18 00 Ifi 00 6 00 60 ^'^ct and satisfactory, showing as RocPirts from all sources dur- n!1?* n^e . ye^r $ 128531 74 Bal. on hand as per report Dec 1. 1908 18695 10 ni.K : 14S226 84 Disbursements for year.. .. 137414 8S Bal. on hand Dec. 1. 1909..$ 10811 96 The county treasurer's itemized re­ port hereto attached, which, with the county treasurer's report showing offi­ cial collections and disbursements made during the year, we submit as part of this reoort. We would recommend that the county treasurer be and he Is here­ by authorized to borrow at the lowest rate of interest such sums of money as may be required from time to time to pay the running expenses of the countv until sufficient funds shall have been collected from the current year's taxes and turned over to the treasurer bv the various town collectors, to meet said expenses. All of which Is respectfully submitted. Ben Throop. Chairman. J. E. Williams. Stephen H. Freund. D. M. Wright. H. F. Heinemann. Debits. Amt. on hand Dec. 1. 1908....$ Received from taxes Same. Interest and costs Same, poor bills Same, insane nauner's bills.... Same, master in chancery and bv order of court Same, circuit clerk as per Nov. 1906 renort us 55 Same, for association fund., .. 150 00 18695 10 125709 21 2T 0 60 2S25 80 202 37 195 II J. H. Richardson. Richmond. W. P. Pierce. Burton. . «r Abraham Lawrence. McHenry. " Math Pitzen. McHenry. --r,. G L. Bryant. Nunda. Richard Fleming Nunda. v p Tomlskey Algonauln. ij *. P. Buchaiuian. Algonaulli. ^"^1 A petition was filed with the elerfc and read to the board by G. A. Bl- llnCTo", president of the Illinois Lake. Light ft pOWer Co.. asking for fran­ chise throughout the county. TwiW,thr< B°ard J?' Supervisors of Mo- Countv: The undersigned hereby petitions your honorable body to pass the ordinance presented herewith grant- ? . teIe?hone Privileges to ths ? ^ ' Usrht and Power Com­pany ia McHenry county. Illinois Lakes Light '& Power Co Dec. 6. 1909. bV A E,lta,fson- Pr<«- Uoon motion of Sup. Mentch it was referred to the committee on roads and bridges who Immediately retired and made the following report which was adopted to-wlt: Mr Chairman and Gentlemen of the Boq,rd of Supervisors: Your committee to whom was referred the application of the Illinois Lakes Light & Power Company for a franchise to erect poles etc would beg leave to submit the following reoort on the matters before them: That we have examined the or­ dinance hereto attached and recommend its passage. All of which is respectfully submitted. L. B. Covell. Cbm. N. Brotzman J. E. Williams. 80 00 100 60 40 125 I 100 . 100 ira 50 eal. 30 gal bbl. II bbl 60 ton 20 cords 100 lbs. 80 00 15 00 10 40 13 00 8 20 4 50 9 00 4 00 12 50 18 00 IS 90 T S O 288 210 I 75 484 90 100 80 750 TotaJ[ debits ^ Credits. Paid state treasurer $ Paid township officers Paid county orders Paid bounty orders.... Paid circuit court juror's certi­ ficates Paid county court Juror's certi­ ficates Paid Insane court juror's cer­ tificates Paid coronor's Juror's certifi­ cates Paid coroner's fee« Paid institute orders Paid association orders Paid unclaimed witness fees.. Paid foreign witness fees Paid reports of births and deaths. Paid court reporter Paid for publication of delis- auent list Same, assessment lists.. ...» Paid f rom funds deposi ted by» order of court.. m Paid H. Hartung. rebate tiUK. refunded Paid J. H. Formaft. same.... Paid refund erroheous tax sale Paid treasurer's salary.. .. .. 148226 S4 44925 24 37871 80 4442S 28 2020 K 2603 10 818 00 49 00 273 00 212 60 80 00 107 60 14 20 210 20 204 00 525 00 54 80 242.56 462 86 26 64 14 26 1 89 1250 ft) Stephen H. Freund. John Baldock. An Ordinance Granting Certain Rights and Privileges to the Illinois Lakes Ll~ht & Power Company, its Succes- s~-s and Assigns, in the County of McHenry and state of Illinois Be It ordained by the Board of Su­ pervisors of the county of McHenry* Section 1. That the right cor.sent. Per­ mission and authority be„ and the same are hereby granted to the Illi­ nois Lakes Light & Power Company Its successors and assigns, to erect." construct, maintain and operate the poles, wires, cables, conduits and ap­ paratus necessary Cor the purpose of transmission of sound and signals and communication bv telephone or other improved device by electricity. In. upon, along, over, under and across any of the roads, public highways or other pub­ lic places In the county of McHeary. outside of the territorial limits of any incorporated village or city located ia said county: provided that no charico shall be made for telephone servloo for strictly county business. Section 2. The rights and privileges herein granted shall continue for a pe­ riod of twenty-five (26) years from and after the passage Of this ordinance Section 3. This ordinance shall be la force from and after its passage I'm! the acceptance of the same by the said Illinois Lakes Light and Power Com­ pany. and the filing of a bond In the sum of $1000 to be approved by the clerk of the circuit court for the faithful performance of all of the terms and con­ ditions of this ordinance. On motion of SUP. Mentch board ad» Journed until first Tuesday of Marsh. 1910. WM. DESMOND. ChairmaM. Attest: G. P. RUSHTON. Clerk. The Sun. Sir Robert Ball asserted that ev«j 100 years the sun loses five miles Its diameter. To a liar anxiety, how­ ever, he mentioned that the diametar of the son is 800.000 miles and that 000 years hence the rtfsnwtur •tin be 808.000 mile* •/ , v.* * • ' ....» . 5-. .V&.W . > X .•.• *

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