Nt" jlf® > ai .ffPf* * .tf ;•; t, ; v <• *'Jx > •. vs •'« «1 ""Xt* < Wf-3 1 •":;, *•"r' "fiiC " A"y;:*&$ *W:Tis- ^'W'% Ir&jM m-$£ £ * * ?» Vs. -Jfv '£» - - #^;3s> i»e^ , i •< ': £„-k^ 4, *i~ . * 's1' ' •*. n.^> i f- •»* f 4 fi."; • % .- .,-. \': ?.V.; •••'• ' * " "V'* 3e5r $ +* ? ,f -\l*t ' ,. . / „ v -* *- »•,,* ,. vt ->V 'fi, /*?? .f' * jT » w ~ " >\ f. ,, > i C\ S f ^ - '• i >*, ..> i ,%y Vv * •>*.> ' i. •• - - .-^ V** "fv <$* « *'i. i* v*N -«•?.*,•* i. V •*>•'-*»• > 1 - U ' v , ^"1«*>•-'•^•.">*fc-N u . Mr' 'M'«' • • ' > • *> - - . *'*w ' ./ & rv ?^*vT- fc. .^3kit x~ ii ^.:;v m : __ p' "V/t •H V* \ J*'. -ar 'M "Hi " x- v \ ." s, - ViL- -..> . _ .t, IS THE TIME TO PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR EARLY DELIVERY OF .•;% .* A*.c? « • * * . . »*>•-* .<s ;• y * * &'KvX^v4 15 'J 30 '•>•4: -^ , a: .7:..v • fc- * • ••fi >v, -""'. S ." A'-ssi/ -fSifra ) & i '#•*> .-.•^SKI • Wis iS-fe- •W'- as we have closed an agency contract for these models. Now if you intend buy ing a car, place your order early, get early delivery and enjoy the use of your car before the season is half over. After having looked the situation over for months, it is our judgment that the E-M-F 30 and Studebaker Flanders 20 offer more value for the money than any other car on the market. But if you desire one of these exceptional values order early or you may be too late. Call at our office or phone us and we will call on you. - - ;'• w :"M H" •HSfefS &»Y*~ ; %'/%v M , ••> AGENT. iVlcHENRY, ILLINOIS. ^tr-- X. 'r*/ '; mm vti ?KsM • ^ f -1 i: ::40 NiH Winter Our stock of Winter Merchandise is too large and must be sold. We will make special low prices on all warm goods until fife Peb.i, io percent discount FOR CASH, on Sweater Cqats, Under wear, Heavy Mittens, Caps, Hats, Heavy Lined Coats, Heavy Wool Pants, Felt Boot Combinations, Cravenette Coats, Blankets, Knit Goods, Outing Flannels, Dress Goods, Etc. Shoes, Shoes! Do not fail to lay in your supply and save the 10 per cent. :: :: Complete stock of fresh, pure Grocerie» at lowest prices for good quality. lYy 9Ur Tea m& Coffee. :: - • a*-" '**&'• •' f'•-"*• « . J. WALS NEIGHBORING Nil IVS AS CHRONICLED B Y OUR ABLE CORPS OF CORRESPONDENTS The Mutual Benefit Life taiKe(o. •\UWAkk, NEW JERSUV. | • r#it jr«-' i ... ^. The Leading Annual Dividend ^ Company the past dxty-foar j ear» pai/l to policyholdera, $888,29(1,848.05 k*sm~3iik. 1, 1909, $121,260,086.89 ! $5,6^,151.17 No company hu accomplished better results for its policyholders CARL. W. STENGER, Agent. F,^'. #1'. I"' 0 T -i \-S.A P H I L I P J A E G E R .GENERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT 'inqLUb' AT^KNTIOWf GIV*W TO THE BMhm.<O0.. ^ J* m..... Dressed Beef, flutton, Hogs, Ve*l, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs This Is the oldest honae on the street Tags and price list* furnished MI application. GQU> STOHAOe FREE - Stall i * a. PnMoa St. > WkabMk NUHtot. •••.' - ClilCAQO, ILLINOIS. RIUUKtlKW MiM A|(n«8 Datield aad Mr. Dough- ton of Nebrasha were Elgin visitors recently. The Royal Neiifhbora of Fern wood oamp met at the Woodman hall Tues day, Feb. 2. Station Agent Lynch has an attack of the grip. Almost every home has one or more oases. Miss Mildred Why to has lost several school days this and last week, bat is slowly recovering. Mrs. A. Hanson and two sons, Thom- ma and Earl, were business callers at Belvtdere recently. Mm. Roy Skinner and son, Weslev, of Crystal Lake spent * Friday with Mr. and Mrs. R. L Dnfield. Mrs. E. C. Wooley visited with her nncle. Frank Darby, and family at Crys tal Lake from Friday nutii Sunday evening. W. E Dike sustained a very serious accident to one of his ears last week, requiriug the immediate presence of a> physician. Mr and Mrs. Henise of McHenry and Mr. aud Mrs. Hicks of Belvidere visited Mr. and Mrs. A, Jacobs and family Tuesday of last week. Rev. Hanna of Chicago supplied for the Presbyterian church here, Rev. Sillars receiving a second caH at War ren, 111., Sunday. Mr. Sillars returned Monday. Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Mason, who be lieve in keeping early hours "some times," retired Tuesday evening of last week in the good old fashioned way. It was a complete surprise when forty- ttight of tbeir neighbors cauie iu, loaded with good things to eat, including oys ters. A part of the evening's enjoy- tuent was progressive cinch. All had a right royal good time, and the guests, as the host remarked, ataid until the chickens got uueasy. Mr. and Mrs. Baker were given a com plete surprise and reception at. their home last Saturday evening, it being their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. Several sleigh loads, including relatives, friends and neighbors from Woodstock, Ridgefield and vicinity, to the nnuuber of ninety, were in attendance. Mr. and Mrs. Baker were presented with several beautiful pieces of silver ware Re freshnients of sandwiches, cake, pickles and coffee were served. The guests de parted before the midnight hour, wish ing Mr. and Mrs. Baker many more anniversaries. SCHOOL NOTES. Several pupils ere enjoying the mumps. The upper room went coasting Mon- dsy evening. The rhetoric class trfll next atady King Arthur. < The ninth grade has completed physi ology and will soon begin physical geog raphy. . Air cooled, ^double exhaust--eone thing new--our pump engine. Better see it at Wn. gtoffeTs. - / • ' h i, ^ 1 '••'j .'v.. I. !• r'-^r rri& zaw*&, . > ' v v 1 . ^ L . r , . A . > v r . V . " , . . »' : y - ? \ -" -s. r "Sr nl" V. „*v„ .v.'-; TU1A Mrs. W. M. Hnson was a recent Orayslake visitor. Mrs. Wm. Dillon is visiting relatives in Waukegan this week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller, Friday, January 28, a son. C. G. Hnson of Liberty ville transacted business here one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholls were Libertyville callers last Tuesday. Miss Edna Sloan of Chicago was the guest of friends here part of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Wagner called on relatives at Fremont Center Satur day. Miss Maude Walton of Waukegan was the guest of herv parents here from Friday until Monday. Mrs- Wiu. Hironimue and son, Ches ter, pf Round Lake spent Friday night end Saturday iu Volo. Miss Elsie Walton entertained her cousin. Miss Catherine Dowell, of West Fremont Friday of last week. Mr and Mrs. L. V. Lusk and sons and Mrs. George Ben well of West Fremont were in town Saturday afternoon. Mr. E. A. Kelley, Belvidere, III., writes us: "I am an ex-engineer with 22 years active service to my credit. About three years ago my kidneys were affect ert so that I had to give up my engine. First I was troubled with severe aching pain over the hips. Then followed in (lamination of the tJladder, and specks appeared before my eyes. A sample of Foley's Kiduey Pills that I tried, so ben efited me that I bought more. I contin ued to take them until now I can safely testify tbey have made me a sound fukd well man." Frank Masquelet. TEKKA COTTA. Dr. Hull was a professional oaller here Thursday. \ T. R. Anderson wes a Crystal Lake caller Saturday. I. Mason and son, Harold, were busi ness callers here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. McMillan were Crys tal Lake callers Thursday. Mrs: M. Knox spent Saturday and Sunday with her sisters at McHenry. Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives here. Florence Knox was unable to attend school the first of the week on account of sickness. Ed and Ray Conway attended a card party at J. Carey's at Ringwood Satur day evening. A basket social will be held at the Terra Cotta school bouse Saturday evening, Feb. 5. Miss Nellie Newman extends a cordial invitation to all to attend. More people are taking Foley's Kid- iy Remedy every year. It is consid- ed the most effective remedy for all kidney and bladder troubles that medi cal science can deyise. Foley's Kidney Remedy corrects irregularities, builds up the system, and restores lost Vitality. Frank Masquelet.. ... -- '< -r. Petesoh'i for drags. JOnNSBtliOU. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Miller are the parents of a baby boy. v Wm. Althoff and J. C. Debrecht are attending to business matters in Chicago today. Mrs. Barbara Smith is confined to her home and suffering much pain from a fractured arm. Mrs. Skiffano of Chicago spent several days last week as the guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Meyers, here. M*> AI»o Wanted * Steady. Another story is going the rounds on a young fellow who is looking for a "steady." This one comes from Johns- burgh snd the boys are now having plenty of fun with the young man im plicated. It appears that the fellow in question passed a recent day in Mc Henry, where he collected a small ac count that was due him. Fearful that he would be robbed or otherwise lose his coin he exchanged a portion of the currency at local thirst parlors for what later in the day proved to be an "over stock" of merchaodise usually sold at such establishments. As it happened, there was a dance on at Johnsburgh that very same evening and it was W for the dance. Before going to the dance hall, however, Mr. Happy- boy had occasion to visit one of Johns burgh 'b stores. On entering the busi ness bouse he spied two young ladies at one of the counters and approaching them made his wants known. His ex elusive attention was first given the young lady who looked the best to him, bnt upon being handed a "lemon" from her he lost no time in turning his "spooning tale" to the other. When she, too, gave him the cold shoulder the fellow became most insistent, his urg ency in soliciting the one or other's con sent to become his "steady" at last forcing the girls to make a hasty exit from the store, bnt they did not get away until a merry game of tag had been played aronnd the counters and show cases of the store. After leaving the store, the girls went to tb» dance hall, where they passed a most delight ful evening with other fellows who looked far better to tbem than the look ing-for a Bteady young man. While imbibing more of the "mineral water," the young fellow, who received all the "kidding" and a little bit more than he had coming his way, was telling his. friends that he would land the girls yet and so confident was he in his ability to accomplish the feat that he repeatedly declared himself the lucky boy to see them home. While thus "soaking em up the young ladies were safely escorted to their homes, while B went home all alone. And now he thinks those girls are awfully, awfully inconsiderate: If yon have entertained company from a distance, gone on a visit yourself, met with an accident, have sickness or death in the family, entertained at a party, had a marriage in the family or any other bit of news that may be of general interest, hand or mail it to this office for publication. All items .will be thankfully received. This paper and The Weekly Inter Ocean--$1.75 for one year *s snfascriptioo to both. one one-hundredth of fin !ncii%-4eegi, often cause more ^ctusi distress t%p,^ serious disease. This is because the minute fibres Qf the nerves of the skin are exposed and •'-M Ms keep up a constant protest. 'if- V •' -A ill Til Walters' Antiseptic Cream t *• ̂ m- & s * v ^ ^ helps first by fiUfhg the ^iaps witK a lieal- ing and soothing coating that stops the irritation, and, second, by promoting quick repair of the in jury ̂ rfou need it ne«rly e^ery day this tint of year, tlet i^loday. Price, as cents. •' gr , . *••%•... Si • i € ' ' ' :&:n . H. Pet DRUGGIST. MctlENRY, ILL. HIIMM L PROBATE NEWS [Furnished by McHenry County Abstract Oompitny, Woodstock. Illinois. Office in Ar nold Block, east side public M|ii:tr»». Ab stracts of title and conveyancing. Money to loan on real estate in sums of five hundred to ten thousand dollars. Time and payments to suit borrower. 1'bones 034, SKM auU U11.1 REAL. ESTATE TRANSFERS. Isabelle Neish to James Netsb.pt It 8 on Main st & pt It 7. Spring Grove... » 1.00 Maud E. Ellis & h to Wni. J. Overton, Its I. 2. 3, 4, f>, «, K. R. Turner. Snd adn £olon 3600.00 MARRIAG£ LICENSES. Adolpb Shulz, 28 Harvard Jessie Kelley. 30 Harvard Frank W. Harter, 33 Marengo Anna Winkelman, 19 Union Michael J. MoCanley, 22 ..Harvard Nellie M. Stevens, 20 Harvard Edward J. McKeown, 24....Riley Twp. Minnie Daak, 24 Seneca Twp. Saved From Awful Peril. "1 never feltao near iny grave," writes Lewis Ghamblin, of Manchester, Ohio. R. R. No. 3, "as when a frightful cough and lung trouble pulled nie down to 115 pounds in spite of many remedies and' the best doctors. And that I aui alive today is dii^polely to Dr. King's New Discovery, which completely cured me. Now I weigh 160 pounds and can work hard, it also cured my four chil dren of croup." Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it's the uioet certain remedy for LaGrippe, Asthma, desperate lung trouble and all bronchial affections. 50c and 11.00. A trial bottle free. Guaran teed by N. H. Petesch and Frank Mae- quelet. , The Clover Leaf manure spreaders go j**ke hot c»ka|K]:-<-Ol^# : i ' '..A 1A~ * _ J ,'M- 'J.- . Vv ;s:<f -v.1' . Of Intertill to Book f.uvers. This is an age of books, and every in* < j telligeut reader feels the need|pf keepii^| v informed on the best among -the thoa?' sands of new volumes that cokne froai the press every year. The best way to dj$ this is to subscribe for a good raetropoh itan newspaper that prints daily review^ * of the most Important books as feat «§ they appear. The Chicago Records Herald is generally conceded to be tha leading literary daily west of New YorJ^ 4 It gives more attention to books t.hny -.:' any other Chicago paper, treating thea|s?| as a legitimate theme of everyday newa and covering the whole range of current literature as if it believed books were actually as interesting to its readers a% say, the pork market or the latest mn«s|J der. Its literary department, under editorship of Edwin L. Shnman, is un^,: u doubtedly the most complete and thfi most ably conducted in the West. 1 Shuman'a literary judgments are eagei^ ; ly sought by authors themselves and an| : 'v ; quoted all over the country, and so are those of hits able corpe of skilled assie*\ tauts. Wal ter Littleiieid a weekly newn ! letter from New York keepa The Record- Herald's readers informed on all th» forthcoming books of importance, aud cable diapatt-h from London every Sun|fc day givee the latest book news of the • * Euglish capital. Naturally persons of;, literary tastes prefer The Record HeraKl i to all other Chicago morning h:: Hoarn Cowcha, StuW> CuM*. «:y' pain in cheat and sore lungs, are syinpip toma that quickly develop into a danger^ ou« illness if the ci>M is not cured.^^ Foley's Honey and Tar stops the eonghi^ heals and eases the cuujgeeted pajrtet andf - hriaga qeiek relief. Fhmk liaeqnelais ii,"1 .i